OCR Text |
Show A Limit HXLU'nnjf of flcwerin jr planU and shrub will boaold at auction l wnurr.iw at Malleio store. Main itreut l 10 o'clock a. m. 'o resorve: Jt K. Jron9, Auctioneer. tK Other but (jHIRARDILLl'e KAGLK CilOCHLATH. 7 Tub overcast appearance of tho alt -, last evening, iodicited more rain 4nd Git r-jtra g.xxi Horse ho4 by Wtu. Ujwiitiif, at bayJoa A; f'ralick a hoo. ma4 l-LOwa c&eajt rl al'J Taylor & Cutler's. Salt Lake Uosit at Georffo llan-wannx'a, llan-wannx'a, lilckmla street, wwt Kim ball i Lawrence. iuyTitf Mattrasses and Piilowa, all kinds,1 at liarratt s. mj Bibt C'AaaixoEfj, for sale by IL UmwooJey. mar'J Geo. Khowell, scavenger for the City. 02 Socokusco Choi;-jlate is the bast in t lio world. Use (i iiihaedelli's. 8 Scroll Sawinu. All kinds of fancy Brai-kuta on band, and made to ordor, at Latimer, Taylor Jc (Jo's, my 10 For a nico breakfast or an elegant Kronen. Dinnor go to U10 Dolmonicu. nld Mallory's Select Uystors in ovory sty In, or by tho can, at tho Do 1 mo nico. alti Walnut Lumhkr at U. Din-woodoy's. Din-woodoy's. ma4 1 Jubt Arrived at Joelson's, Groos-bnuk'a Groos-bnuk'a block, two car loads of splendid l'arlor aud liodrootn tjoU. uivt Keb Kldrkdgr Uro'b Boar Lake mnil and express notice, in anulhor I col urn u. a2o 1 Bar hx Lures and hotel " warp, at Barratt's. m'Ji Tns ThoruujiUbriHl Stallion "Wao-vpMkh," "Wao-vpMkh," (l'i hands uiirh; I.UXUbs.; - nia-lii'xuiiy nia-lii'xuiiy buy, WltuiiW at Willard A; Jmk-i'ti Jmk-i'ti 'k tabk, 811 LikivCity, until July Int. Terms rcnaonablo. Uinbv & Whito. China, ctwkory and gta$swan at Jtarralt'e. uilSi Ahrival of Utct sptmg stylo of Hat.'. Tios and i?uiu, at m'Jl SxttilL Brop. Kor thi Staff or Life, rIpo cako? buns, cracker, and pure homo mado ca:id vl.!o-!o and retail, go to the (iLOliK UAKKKY- ja'AJ IIotel FOR Keht. Apply at tho n21 Colorado House. Ladies call on Geo. ilanwaring for your Groceries and 1'rovisions, you will bo wollsorved. myJO Gas Notice. L'artiea wishing Ga supplied in thoir building, aro haroby n"title4 that tho undoraijtuod aro pro-pared, pro-pared, wiiti a full stock of 1'iping, C-handelior?, etc., and aro enabled to do work at tho lowest rates. All work warranted and lull Batisluelion Riiaran-teod. Riiaran-teod. ti. Keksb iu Co. ap4J 11 t . f . . A'KVi'VR irr.'cer f.r Ghirardolli't UiiOCOlwVTli and COCOA. do Tub Victor bewui? .Macluno picas N cvorylxxly who mxv it, beim ".df irant, ea.y of "operation, and Iias all the lalost improvements. C. W. pTAVSSRi mJS Aiicnt. I will sell, for one month, Tenle acd Wagon Covers cheaper loan they can be bough: anywhere in tsis city. T. Curtis, 2d South-5L, opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. m3 D. It. Alles's Brand of Flour at Geo. 3Ianwariug a. "Warranted and delivered, de-livered, tf Exoklsior Coal, from Hock Springs Bitter Creek. Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave orders- with J. W. SNiiLL, Idaho Storo. ja!7 I'autlom to tb Traveling Public! Upon your arrival at Ogdon City Utah Torritory, tho junction of tho Union Un-ion i'aeilic and Central 1'acitlc railroads, you should know where a lirat-class noiol can bo found, and whoro tho bustio ad noiao of tho engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comtoriaole house where the danger of lire, which is apt at any time le occur at tho depots, is averted. The town of Ogdon is halt a milo from tho depots, and in the businoas part of the lown and its principal Blroet, travelers will find one of tho most comfortable hoUilsio Utah, tho Ogdxn Housa. It iB wull kuowu throughout Amorica and Kuropo, to bo one of the coxiest and oloaiust hotels in Utah. "Tho Ogdon House koopa carriagos which are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all Lrains, vo convoy passpngors to and from tho depoU, froo of- oharge. It is a two-etory brick building, and ! built expressly tor the accommodation i of guests. The Ogdon House employs no runners, but employs a portor to assist as-sist its patrons and take charge of thoir baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City wilt liud it to thoir advantage on returning re-turning to take the evening train and oome to Ogdun, thus saving the annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in tho morn-mg. morn-mg. i24- Tablb Cutlery and tilTerwsxe, at Baxraii'a. m'-S The New assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Purniture.at H. Linwoodey's, is very cheap, and those wishing to purchase will tind it to thoir interests to give him a call. m8 I Furniture; an immense stock, at Barratt's- m'Jti Prkbu Arrival of M. Keller's celebrated cele-brated Wines and Brandy, at ilorton's Old City Liquor Citore, corner south of Walkor Kro's. my7 A Cab Load of California wine and ale just received cheap at tiangio's. I mi) Examine C. it- Barratt's stock before purchasing. m23 DES MOINES TRADE, DES MOINES Scale Company F. R. WEST, resident JpT B.f. SV0FF0BO. Yioo-P't. a UEO. A- JKWETT.Saol'y. jT Y. RED UEAD, Treasurer fiblrS. S. UITCUCOCK, Su'p't. VM. DiCIvERsON.Ooneral Agent. W ar manufacturing, and ord fill ordors OD short notice, tho LlUuwli: Hay, Coal 'ail Stock Scales I KALUiOAD, Warehouse. & Counter Scales' ' WHEAT OR H01THR SCALES I FLOril ASD Bl'TCn K R5' BKAW! BKffKg and Wiirthnnu Trucks. Etoit article warrntM durable and aoi-urua. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Addren. fc-r Circular. DES MOI.KS St'AI.K CO., no26 DesAluinsit, Iowa. "TTTo'bert s co., M nn facturerB of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE PKSK.-:. CIll'RCU, UAUL, AND aU'RI UOl'sS SEATS. DES MOINES. IOWA-Blatkneli'i IOWA-Blatkneli'i Lijaid f.Aiizs acd Black BoarJ Orderi jrli-itcL-Scr. 1 :r i:iistrat Cat Ji-c asi Price L:rt- if To whom it may concern. "Jt. 'he cri-r-'.tc-t. f'"ra r .1 ( a to iJ1 . i'. ti Tn-.? i. u i ar.i bae e-nrl.M w:z t'i of ice iir I Ail we irr-.-r cit-:- ;! - - -a it ii ' irf. tr tr bi.-er : r s. i c. wr acai 0- H ? SjSTI.I lTBi'-rrr ol tit I.lVINj, ( u;u o: Antbtaj lnai decwei ISBJ-Mu 1YIS3. ' First National Bank OF UTAH, A L 1" I,UK CIXV DK61GN ATKD DEPOSITORY AND PLNA.NC1AL AGKNT OF TUK U N" IT KD STATICS. WARiF H- -it. Prawidont. Atb'j.t (roDita. OwUtr. Aalhnrliol Cxpllxl, - - SUO,0) PMI1 lTf)ll'ITL, - ISO, 000. EAKD I "(;, - Si 30,000. Dividend in 1371, 50 per cent 0'-: i I'lrM'-ig Iv'i'utLm m Utah A. (if r.cral linnlilne latltieaa Trnn RCrL. agrncip-? in colorado and Montana. c7l:e:t'"v ?;vBiLY attinold to. ISTT.T At-U-iw-Kli OS .TIMK u :o - .v. Ary.v, wv t t,n Aa.-MS o. A Co. Pr,rv- (f 'OLD y fl MJi-Eittd i tiif 1 1 1 ' i lit ii c t ' i : t high KHl.ES'LE AGENTS. SA LT tAKE CIY. W. htv n..w in Suvk !.n( rcr; cr. OLD Bourbon Whiskies ;Cvc;islins of OLJO CROW, HER MIT AG E, G. W. TAYLOR, E. C. BEBRY, ASP A FULL LINE OT EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. For sale low and on liberal tcrmi w It costs nothing to iavomjmto. v Pltaar tiimlne our Goodf and Prlcaa befurr purchkilug ellitre. 104 ' HEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co. SOOTS AND SHOES llttml 13B rrt ., N vr York, Jornar C(. jne aasi v( broad way jil , THOS. M. ARbALL 6c Co., Man's, Yoaibi' Bort' and Childran's: OH.OX HING, AT WHOLES A LK, IIS 31 Brodwr, Saw York, B. Oi)l.. JEHIAL READ & Co., Mumlacia.-wr and W ilcalo Dealer in k'l'R ,D WOOL II ATS, Straw GonU Umb ll d'C-.t ch wS8, Broadway, NKW YllUK. Is. Jim Unn.dT. ) L. M. BATES & CO., 1 411 Broadway, mew YOHK, laroatau kb xobbiu in Fancy Dry Goods. HOSIKKlf, WHIl'B SOODS, WOOLEIVS, SHAWLS, xA-NfClLa nuiiuns. ore IS. BDLBKKi 1Q1 NOTICE. TUB ANNUAL SIKKTINO OF STOCK-holdors STOCK-holdors of tho Utah Central Kailr-ad. lur tho purpoto of olociing directors, will lako place on Monday, June 'nd proximo, at 11 o'aloct, OEOROK SVAN. Soe'y. Bait Lake Oily, Alay l-th, 1S71 in IB THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BiULL Young Wastiiiigton, Is on of th finast bred Devon Bulls in the country. l'EDIUKCK: Calved August l. 1ST0; Sired by Yimng Washingimi Tt Aniorican Uord lfcok; 3d by lienor al Grant, 223, Am or ic an Herd Book; 3d by Cavngft. 602. Enclish Herd Book ; ilh " Tooumsoh, otW, " " " - DAM EFKIE; 2d by Don Podro. COO, Amor icon Ilonl Book; 2d" Kflio, tanslish llonl Uook; by luoutn- ich,5W. linclish llorj ltuok; 3d " Imivrtod tvolino. Kngli?!) Herd Book. by Karl of Kit' I or, j, hntlish Herd Book; 4th" lliUy, 1W, English Ilonl Book, by Vavorilo, H, Log Lisa, ilord Bo"k. Half breed Devon Cows arc sr'vudid milkers. Half brood Devon Oxen lor work and speed aro uoburpaMeii. Thooe who wich to improve their Mock can eo thif splendid animal at tba Btabliw t Mr. II. B. ClawsuD, north-w eat op r nor of the lth Ward- Terms, tt in adranoa. Koguiro of Mr. Smith at tbo Stable. apLU GEORGE MAMWAR1NG DAS A FULL LINE Of GROCERIES Af D PROVISIONS, FIRST NOUT11 STREET, Half Blo;k wost of Kimball k Lawrence. 3-nOnDS DELIVERED 1'UEK 01' CliAlWL. uiriu TO THE TRADE, Join Russell Slamifactaring Co., (trat makr, J. RUSSELL A. CO., o-t;:rj rivkh woks. Worka and Warehnaws, TUBNFR'8 FaI.IX, MaS., Manufacture the linen and lariwit variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Tbeir 0"ftd ran p" be foaad upon tho LisUufallA 1 Jobbing Huniei. Ofllee ad Nnmplr Hnomi n C liam-birt liam-birt Mrril.MiH 1IIHK. Jno. hust-II f n Co. janl MASONIC Argent Lodcei Ho. 3, A. K. Y A. M. STATED C-.mmnni-a'i'ifn of thi I"ipe held ILe t dJ liiird 1udlmf ( earh mcLtb. at Mcic lla.t, f:-t J--sle K.-eet- Mrmbpn of tiver Ld.n anil w-iriarcinc w-iriarcinc brn'.hrea ia gvi tLaLiim are rL-r-diaiij isviMd. A. W. SUCKOLS W. M. W.H- BIKD, SWT- L5 lth Chapter) 1, SU A. H. OTA TED PON A TIr,.t 3 -Y TH H CiIIU b'U - Va."-r.i frjr 1-ua- t lo tif Y r'l an i l &ir j ir lar - h Hi..r. i L.:-: ' ' rr. pb Am. ' .rc.r.E r -j.naoa ll t'jjti FiAiJ' 1 1 . i ' , f tjlacy. n r. NOTICE. fi H. SW'KFTM A V WJ I,L VI. i K-i Vy tra-"I"- t'.a. lf''T -, - twf-jty-;i 1 ar.d ; i ty r i hi ,J n, ir-zv ir-zv I - - La t.--t d (,r, K- Lbl. C.i: ::-l I'.'L.-)".. .-.ii Lrfje .' "d 1 m r .- , ."U Le t'.y- J A. WALE. UtMii ;kv jt 1 ta i. i k-LvjIT, AU'y. awBBWfeaMBMieM ST. LOUIS TRADE. til hii SusjIei Ciipy, CiSS AYEXrE.AXD STSEEI. ST. LOCIS. PUIN AND tinned iron. Pressed, Stamped. FlinisbtNi, Japan-Dt Japan-Dt j aad Gxlvamzod TIX "W K K . A'.jv k fiiU asforuaes: of Tinners' Stamped Materials Coosatly on nasi. a mil unf oi oar nmnrtcinrtd (ioed caji tlwiyi b Yotutd t Ike Wtrtroomi of z. c. nvr. i SALT LAKE CfTV, CTAH. SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, VVMLL, LEMOX, ETC.,t For KhTorins lr (nm, Cakes and rasiry. Titli pre;it care, lv a noir process, wocxinu't from iho tnn. si-kvt ?Hi and Armiwtifs, each charaotemtlo flavor, fla-vor, nnd piwhice T.ir ritK:s of mrr rtiv-r",-i.tV. i'f prr.U siiVijlJ rtndjv-riv pjritt. So jvii"j,-r pj.'j. F.y ry rf.rrr w Tpnr,tti. j'trfc.vr--.A h'tfuU mV7.irr. fu&iinc of-hti'f tTKr fl.in oLhe.t purporting to hoid time quant rrv. Use 1 tf.. ii p:uy, .-rf tijtp r,o ot.Wr. m.rt dt'iiCiitt, dt-iit'iflun ftiriT vr made. So suivriitr to ilio cheap oMnu ts. Ask for IV. l'ritv's Sptviai Flavorings, ilauu fueturvU only by STEELE PKICE, IVpotji, CHICAGO and ST. LOl'IS. MdRtyWiii'-r-rs of Tr. ice's Cream MLSSOUEI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Stale Aulhorily and Drawn in Public iu St. Leuis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaaa K, to be Drawn May 81, 1ST3. 5,880 flwj, Jmounhng to $300,000. 1 price of tSO.OOO aOOpHEMoffl 100 1 pnw ol 13,4ol Vprltoiol 1,0(10 I lint of 10, MOO' itir of Atiu 1 pnie of 7.Oi' Opriixof SOO 4 inifi ol 5.000 Vrirof UaO 4 pnuw of I.9UU 3ft priim of UOO 40 i.nr.f il l.OOO 9iTi.or ISO Upri(fcf SOU IHOpniMot 1O0 411 imrof aSO,,UOO pniMof 10 Tlckata, 110. Half 1 Ick.U, Uuartiri, i'A.50. Oar lollvriM are obrirsl bj th Ptt, u Jwny ilrmvn ) tlip lliue uanil. ud nil l rawing Tbe officii dm wing will te pnbtutwid In the St. UiQtii (in. stid e copy o' tlraainc ee j i to pnrch. of ticket-' A- Tr will dmw rnllir ertifme the laat day o( expry month darius the jeer I ST M, Hemlt el onr n.k l-v POST OFTICI HON XT OBPFTIS, B1W1PTXKKI) LKITKB, DRAFT, or KXPHK!8 Pond fur itolronUr. Ad-dr- ITIKHAY. NtlL.I.lCK Co,, I'ostOQica Box a44il. a l LOvUS, MO. uiylT, TKAKK. FVILLKK, JAMKS L8.J1TU Vt. UL KL HAllKKd. TUE I'N PKltSKlX ED A KM rREPAlSRD to liny nnd Soil Roal Kuto un ;Coui mission, mis-sion, and tu noKUtiato Loans. Five doors north of I'oat Offioo. FVLI.KR, SMITH A- HAKliKR-. HAKliKR-. ni.l Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE G HA MP ION Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price $10.00. Ladies Call and c tTicm, ' Chas. W. Stayner. Uencral Aiicnt, 1 KoS Bain Hlreet,XaltI,he CKw H- B- UlSl. HI iH I!-Rh'iS H, R, MANN & GO., General ksurance Agents, FIRE and LI! Ej CAl'ITAL REPRESENT)-;!. l-'i W,X Offiea in ranking Howe of A. w. U hue Co. MAIN tTIlEET. .-ail Lake Ctiy. fel.i 'A1rtitnf i the ''il wi.i'li m man ntneir Laiait M'j;.a" I'mnki. L P. FISHER, ADVE RTISI NG :a -X w T, CiLiroKXIA FTKI.' r. j SAN FRANCIBO, Tot u ' Salt Ijiie Daily and Semi "Wockly Herald liZchl lmn Barcairs liddellTbrox Hanjust reoireJ a ccrxcrt ct GEXTs' CLOTHING, dsy goops blaxkkts nd NOTION'S, Wnioh tier have irtr-.-iicaj to eloM oat ai imjc. REGARDLESS OF COST. They hare alo weired a sploaiiJ lico iSTAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Vhiri ihey are 0Uli CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, P.m t :c tie pie,-, A FET DOORS NoKIU o. tie CFFICX ! N'H M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engineer and U. S. Minrral Surveyor, Will rrei ar the ttwurr rT--r and Di-triiaj. Di-triiaj. i.r 1'aiouir aia t'rvlccts, 0.-e in liuildint vvui'id by Suitctcii ueaexaL jaiil BEAR LAKE '.MIL & EXPRESS LINE j Eldredge Bro's Express IJl'XNlNi) SKMl-WKKKl.Y PKTWKFX lanh.', am iae I . S Mi.. rs-i':ikrs, Li;at Krtiht. etc.; to mul ivm Kmhim, tlne.-.li n,i Sa turifc, wnrewtini eriLh I'. T. lrans; arrive ii: t'.iarie 1 hunsl,vi and SuBila s; loat e lioda aud 1 1 tia- Orris: Booth A Metkmald'i Hoiel. Kvant-toa. Kvant-toa. . I. ajj G. F. CliLMER & CO,, GHOISUUCK HLOOK, GROCERIES AT V ho lesule and Retail. wiovr cii Vss Of all Sues. So chareo for itttiuci to any j , Mtai-e.1 ESOblSIl A.M AMKK1CAH VARNISHES Of all Hindi. Best Unseed 0,1 Putty. Familial suiilivl ih (1U0CERIKS at r-.dacod r-.dacod lYiroe. Red. White, Rliie. Yellow, Orance. Vnrple, VioU-l. liroi'n and iinrnct Mulnrd ;uian cut to nil Kaiiov LloaUnj, fur llhurihnL Ia estimat;ks gi,vkn; in?3 1873. Z. C. M. I. I Our Sloolc of the SoaoniiMo Droaa Good it) iho New Sliaiicfl lias arrived, and is ofl.'rrd for , laspwiiuD and 8alo. Iu Cloth and Oftnhmerf. SUITS, In Linon and A 1 aia. SHAWLS, In all approved Htylcn. S I L TZ S, IJanarpaMcd in Ko'llonoo, Quality and l'rioc. G L 0 Vi E S IN KJJJ. llY.h)XWtVJH AuJ Die CKLKIiKATED KALlLAKEIjrKli HOSIERY LAblKS. M1S-E5. AFL CHILIHE V.'o claim iyohi . .icT'il ...T GjGDS DEPARTP?ESiT. .7 u. u. cuiwu'j:. Situ |