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Show CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA ilegeman'a Genuine Cod .Liver Oil Our Cod Liver Oil ia warranted pure NEW FOUNDLANl OIL. It has stood tho tost of over twenty years' oxporionco, and can bo roliod on in ovary particular. Manufactured by IIiitiEMAn & Co.. Chemists and Drugcrisui, Now York, and sold by oil Druggists. din NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE. SatuL'duy Eve.3 May 17(h. BENEFIT Of tho Favorito CouioJian, MR. PHIL M ARGETTS, Who has socurod tho Tliaatro for tho punoao of iiiosonting, for tho Crt tiuio on any atao, bis oniiroly now Sensational Drama, written oxnro-slv ior him liv a irnntlnman of Ibis eitv. Entitled, OUTWITTED, or , FACTORY" SCENES. Oration," Woman's l,lighti," Mr. W.T.UarriH To conclude with lhe laughable Farce, Entitled, BETSEY BAKER, TOO ATTENTIVE BY HALF. ,W" -A- a- O N s, Manufactured by tko Colobratod STAR WAGON GO., CEDAll HAPID8, IOWA. T1IK COMPANY GUARANTEE It to bo tho BEST WAGON In Every Roipoct. Oti arnntcod and for Sale by N. C. MATTHIESON, ' AtiENT FOB U T AH. Wagon and Lumlmr Yard, Matthiosun Block, Main Struut, aljovo Walker liouso, Salt Lako City. nilii Pioneer Mining & Tunneling fO,, Location of Work?, in Little Cottonwood Mining Ditrict, I'Lah Territory, immediately south of Wellington Mine. . VJOTICE IS UFRKIIY'JrVEV TIT AT AT Pi a meeting of Llio lluard of Trustee of said Cuiu.an. huld mi May !2Lh. 1-7J, ui tho ollico of tho Company, nn as-ic-.-mont of (j"c.) lilty con Li iior tmuru un luo cai-iial stuck of !aid C"iu tinny wu. mado puyoblo immodiatoly in United Mate-t leu'iil currencv, to tho Hultc-Ury Hultc-Ury at the olliuo uf llolcuiub Jc Co., at Salt Lako City. U T. Anv stoi-k upon which eaiil n?esmont shall remain unpaid on tliu .ird day u) June, a.d 17.1. shall lio doomed delinp-nt and n ill bo dulyadvi-rii-e 1 lur r-a!o at iuUi; auction, and, unlos payment shall he made holoro. will ho mid on 6. turd.y, the 1 Uh dny ot June, a. D. ."-7 I, to pay tho doli nijunnt a.ioj-iucnt to-irKhor to-irKhor with cots of advertising and expenses of by order of the Hoard ofTntidcos. (J. L MUMl'J, SoCTolnry. Office: Salt Lako City, Iviui hull's Ulwck, op-1 op-1 poailo 'loTTQiond iluuao, inl'l SPECIAL ADYERT1SEUESTS WASTED. A COMPETENT FEMALE COOK CAN havo ten dollars per week to cook for fourteen boarders. Must bo first clfcss, and apply immediately at this Otlico. ml ) SITUATION AS CLERK, SALESMAN or Solicitor, by a young man ot somo experience. ex-perience. Address "A. B.," this Otlico. A SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL Typo Founder, Electro Metallurgist and Slorootypor. Can give twenty years' (rood character, from England and tho United Stntes. AddroaS JauioA S- McLaren, at this Otlico. mia A GOOD WOMAN COOK. WAGKS, 84.50 por week. Apply to B. M. Duilell. cor. South Temple and jth Eutt Streets. mylo EOlt REST. PLEASANT ROOMS, FURNISHED OR Unfurnished to lot, with Board. Apply atNo. Ill CI i ft Place, WostTomplo street, corner cor-ner South Fourth. raH FINE NEW DWELLING HOUSE ON North Bonch. Contains II rooms. Has perfect viow of Lako, Valley and Mountains. Admirably adaptod for ono largo or two or throo small familios. Kent S75 per month. Apply to Fullor, Smith Jt llarkor, 5 doors north of Poet Oflko. may2 BOARDERS. A FEW DOARDEBS CAN BE ACCOM-modatod ACCOM-modatod wiih Board and Rooms, in a lino location, two blooks oudt of Theatre Inquire at thia Otlico, ml4 ; FOR SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL EAST, A full sot of Household Furniture; also, House to Rent. Call at 7 Clift Kow. ailti r-.v AffnnNT nw uwnvA r. a Ptbrt. ) class Piano (cost JtwO.uu). Prico SjjU.W. Enquire at tho residence of Rev. X. W. lias-kins, lias-kins, at SL Mark's School, or or Tagfjart, Esi., Piano I'unor. F. Wm. Qabiukl. aprJO rpUE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE CITY .L Proporty: Ono corner Lot, ono block oast of Dopot, toil rodssiuaro, with two dwollings, ono containing contain-ing olovon woll-linishod rooms, tho other nvo; a good barn, carriago shod and Other out-nounos, out-nounos, choico fruit, etc One Lot, livo by ten rods, with good brick houso containing fivo rooms. upll) C. II. BASSETT, llordwaro Merchant. A FINE Southoa.it corn or lot, ton rods mm are, situated four blooks East and ono blouk North of Doserot Nows Ollico. High ground, with a perfect viow of Lako and East and West Mountains. Abundant supply of puro water. On tho whole the boat and most dosiroblo sito for a rosidonoo now in market. Apply to FULLER, SMITH & BARKER, Roai Estato Agents, m23 5 doors North of Post Olflce. DK GROVES, (Tp9ijp99 Dontlat, 'ill oflloe, SMond South btreot, 1 'Threa door wt of Great Wb torn Hotel, half a bloekeast of Klephant Store, Salt Lake City. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p-m. mil MISCELLANEOUS. BAZAR LA PAR1SIENNE. JUST RECEIVED Choice Spring Goods ! Finest Stylos of LACE SACKS, FICHUS & BIBS, Largo variety of Most Cliarmtiig Nulla and Walk Lug Cviluuiu. OPERA GLOVES OF EVERY SHADE, ELEGANT UNDER WEAR SUPERIOR HOSIERY, Superb Collars and Cuff's, FINE LINEN, Delicate Embroideries Lo Bon Ton HIGH BACK COMBS ' And ovory fashionable otcotora of tho Wardrobe at MISS CANFIELD'S 107 Kimball Block. Ladies Bazar la Parisienne ' I .res? " E j sErae?. i . as jipj FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, CORRECT TIME KEEPER, , , , OO TO CAUL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Poil-Omcc. Ho will refund tho money tf any should prove i to tho contrary-Call contrary-Call and soo his fine soloction of tho moBt BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, "' A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Confuting oritroocl.es, Ear-rings Finger. rluffi Slmls, Sleeve-Uuttons, Sleeve-Uuttons, Cllalm, Loclccts, Full Nets, etc., etc. i A splondid assortmont of LADIES' AND Gf NTS' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American Watches a Specially. A largo and comploto stock always on hand. CARL C. ABMUSSEN, Oppoatto Post Offioo, Salt Lake City, Kotlce. All Goods loft ovor ono roar will bo sold to defray oxiionsw. dl.l Dissolution of rartucrslilp. 'IUIE CO-PA RTNEUS11IP HERETOFORE 1 existing botiToun Lavid duff and Lieu. Whito, doing business in l'rovo City. Utah County, under tho firm naiuo ofCluBA Whito, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busineaa will bo continued by U our go White, who will soul o all liabilities andcolloct all dub La of tho liria. DAVID CLl FF, UEO. WHITK. Provo, May 12, l7i uil'i F0RSALE. FIFTY YOKE OF OXEN, ONE HUNDKED YOKE Of Four and Fivo Year Old ST E E US, ONE HUNDRED PET OF SECOND I HAND HARNESS, At tho Pioneer Stablos, Second South Street ; pr3Q W. SHOWELL. cm Tho World ia full K3. of Children en in for i Si CANDIED '''':"' Castor Oil, V2r1& JItiB delicious, offec- Vffli t'vfl ttnt harmless. fc JWjpjjALj, "nd s moil" ol lb o Ciu- ovrrenmo. Ita cathartic power aro not itn-paimd. itn-paimd. Prico -" cu. ; HcLuln's Vermifuge Bonbons Aro oloitant and effective. Thy rorablo Cream Uonbona. kout in Confectioners' huio. Children lovo thum and cry fur them, l'rioo l'or sale by Z. C. M. I. and all other Dnr CHICAGO TRADE. Cogswell, Weber &, Co,, JOBDEKS OP Watches Jewelry AND Jewelers' Supplies. Wo givo prompt attention to Orders by Moll. 1 l'rico Lists seat on application. 105 and 107 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. mil HEBBINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIKE aud BURGLAR TROOP, The Best Safes in tte World I HERRING & CO., 46 Stato Btroot, and corner 14th Btreo ! and Indiana Avoduo, O H I C -A. G O . M. D. WELLS & CO., MumfMtoren ofndWIiolM. DmIui in Boots and Shoes, 018 wh.h AM, Chicago. H. D. Wells, H. J. Mnofarlitnd. K. Benadiot. 6. P. Molntjrk 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholes , DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Havoromovod io tbolr New Stores, 9'4 and tti LAKU sTUKitT, corner Dearborn Htreot, (on tne old site) CHICAGO, where, with buildings erected expressly for the buBinesa. Steam Elevators, oto. thoy havo opened np an immense Stoolt, unsurpassed in tho northwest- 8roial attention riven to Territorial basin ess. ir PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealora In LEATHEK AND FINDINGS!, "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Comer of Stato and Lako strootj.; W. W. Paw. BoBton.1 CniCAGO, N. MATSON & CO., Importon and Wbolosale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con MADISON A MONROE STB., CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Palmer's Grand Hotel. i d24 JOHN V. FARWELL SCO WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND I "W OOLENS.'. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. tnyl F. & E. JAEGER, T3 Wabaah Avenu, near Randolph, CHIGAQO, TXjXj., DIB EOT ItiPOETSUa OF Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Cutlory, Britannia and Silver plated Good. Tho laiKost liouso in tho WosL dl ... II. AXMEWS & CO, lfifi, 10S & 170 State Street, Opposite Palmer's Grand Hotel, a h i a a. a- o , ( Manufacturers of SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CTIAIRS of allatjlos. School Outlino Maps, Charts, etc RTorything in tho way of School, College or Church Fixtures at Lowo.it Cash Pricos. Send for illustrated Catalogue aod Prioe List to A. H. ANDREWS & CO. dao NATHAN DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders- All kinds of Casting To order. AUL'XTS FOR GRIFFITH & WEDGE I'ATE.'lI VERTICAL l'OHTAULE ENGINES AND SAW MILLS, HAL L ' S Shingle anil Heading Machines ma COPE k MAXWKI.I, M AN1TFAC1T Rtxn CuMl'ANV'S 1'U.Ml'lNU MACUliNIillY. fc'LRST WEST tiTlltlET, NHAK NORTD ESTABLISHED ltSO. ' ESTABLISHED 1651. WALKER BUG'S. JOBBERS IN (GROCERIES, CANNED i()()JS, HAMS, UACON, CHEESE, TOUACCOES, CANDIES, etc, ttc. We keep the Largest Stock of the abovo Goods io tho Territory. TO THE TRADE. Wo aro prcporod to fill Orders for all kicda of S T PLBS, "A.t Eastern Vriccp, Freight added. 2 Give us a Call audExaminc our Goods and Prices. TO MINERS. Wo kcop a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc., etc. fti6 JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ST001C COMI'IIISINQ EVERY TU1NU IN TUE LINE. ltla.uk Itooks, Law and Commercial . . Stationery OUR 8PBOIALITIE ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST NHW8 PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS & LORD, apr27 Now Brick Building, Viral, Soutk St., Corner Commercial. SiHTHSOimWARD kSf W IMPORTERS tgg V -a. if: 'I OF 14 IBURKE ENGLISH, IRISH AND SCOTCH AND FOREIGN WINES AND JLIQUO RS For Sale in Bond or Duty Paid, at SMITHSON & WARD'S, 500 Sacramento Street, (jan Frnnclico, -H . a i o-3-i " H K PS . I 1 3 S B ? h j! I w H l 3 " 4 P, $ T3 g mS s 5 ' e 3 H a a pm kx 1 2 CHICAGO & ALTON R. R. Tlie Only Flril-Clkai Bowl in Uia Wcat, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. New Short Haute from Kansas City to Chicago Without Change I Via St. Looin, Kansas city and Northern (Uto North Missouri) and Cnioagoand Alton HFillro&ds, orosaing tbo Mississippi at Louisiana, Lou-isiana, Mo., anl paasioK throuRh Jackson Tills, Blooming ton and JolieL The Shortest and Best Koute to the East, via Chicago! ELEGANT LAY OARS ABTD FULLM15FALACK SLEEFIJB& CARS Ran through from Kansas oily and Bt. Loaia to Chiea, without ohaoico 1 nam mm mm m AND SMOKING CARS On all daily trains : the only lint rnnnlnt these oars from Kansas Cltyjand St. Louis to Chtcag No Line makes as Good Time, Or olnaer connection?, ons ceiter aocommo dations, belter track, more oletiani lay can, more luxuriant antf fiorafortablo flcciirs cam. Truins orKarmncl'scilio and all Wtw torn roads connect clnnely with (rains of ihir line, ii t'uion Dmot, Kansas city. JAS. HA.RLTON, Q.noral Passenger nnil Ticket AkobL C. 4 A. K. U. Cbicaso. J. MoMULLTN, 11 n. 8upt-, 0. Jt A. K. R.. Chioairo. FRANK HIGn, WMt.ro Travalinc Acaot.0. k A. H.R. KajuwoltJ. Wo. JU THOROUGHBRED GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballagh! (Clear tub Was), Foaled I860. Thia splendid Stallion was Sired by Light n.Dfr and Lightning by LEXINGTON, ! Honoc lie is the Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on tho Tnrf. FAUGH-A-BALLAGH'SDAMwas the celebrated imported Thoroughbred Mare, OLOKuY JOiJSON; Sired by WKTHBKBir by LIVERPOOL by HAMILTON LAN and so on down to tho wonderful BURTON BARB Mare, nineteen generations. Thoso who wish to improvo thoir homos can soo ttmaulondid Stallion at tho stab I o of II. IS. Cluwaon. Dorthwust oornor of lith ward. lorms roaeoBablo. hoi.uiro of Mr. FKEU. SMITH, trl7 At tho iSubls. M USIC SCHOOL. Ucsdiimes McC'ARTllKB & BROWN nAVrXil oiioncd a Music School, will givo lemons on Piano, Uran, JIarp and (luitar. Purtioular aitontinn will bo j.aid to tho oultivatiun of tho voice, and singing in Italian and Krife-Iish. Kosidcnco at tho hotuo of John W. Young, Kf... oiiosito City liall. t,i'22 Taylor &Tutler! Aio now receiving their Spring iitock of all kinds of LADIES' FANCY DltKSS GOOD, IAWNS, GRENADINES , PIQUES, &o,, &o Also havo received a fine Stock of SPRING SHAWLS, WHICH .WILL BE SOLU CUEAI. i'HOM 8i00 UPWARDS. Thoy keep a full stock of STAPLE DRYCOODS. ALSO Groceries FINK GUNPOWDER AND . JAPAN TEA8, COOKHG STOVES ALL OF WIJICH WII.TDESOLDAS LOW AS CAN HE BOLD. C0UST11Y ORDEKS iiij.Kn wrrii c. it e, and pki.tverkd AT Til K UKViiJ, Hit ANV'MI-:it;4 L lilK C1TV, FltEK Vk' CHAliub. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. OH. |