OCR Text |
Show gST. LOUIS TRADE1 If yon want Ih. bt, bar Buck'. Brilliant It U 1b mo.t Parfact Baker. " m0,t Dorabla. It burni tha taut Wood. It nn 6tUrotion. Mom ofBuok'i Storaa hive boon sold and ira in nio than any stova over inada." Eray Stove is varrantefl. BUCK'S Guarantee, For Cal and Wood, has only boon in as two yean. It is now the leading Coal Cook Stove. Why. it it a Perfect Baker. It ii a Fuel Saver it is made with our PATKNT CHILLED IKON. Sire Linings whioh will last longer than Five Seta of oommoi Lia-lnrt. Lia-lnrt. It will draw in any good flue, and i the only Coal Cooking Stove that giru entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, 1'40 and TA' K. Main Street, Saint Louli, Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKING and HEATING STOVKS. Sample Sam-ple Cards and Price Liitt furnished on , application. my 18 $300,000! ISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. ' Legalized by Slate Authority and ' Drawn in Public in St, Louis Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. OlaiiSI, te bDrawQlle,31, 1873. fi.SSO Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. T prize of $00.0001 OOOpi-iiesof 100 lpm of 13,aO OprlMiaof 1,000 1 prite of 10,000 WpriiMof 500 1 pnie of 7,500 DpriE-oof 300 ' 4priiM0f ft.OOOi 9priof MSO prise of B.5001 38 pm of 00 SOpriiMot 1,000 36 priiesof 150 SOprUcsor 500 ISOpritesoi 100 40 priies of 450 5,000 priteoof 10 Tickets, tlO. Half Tickets, iiuartcra, 4,50. . Our lotteries in chartered by the State, are always drawn ( Ibe lime nAtud, ftnd all drawings re under Uir- suiwnnion &f worn commlu loners. sr- Tbe olHcial drawing will be published Id the Bt- LonU papera, and a copy f drawing mdi to pnrchasent of tickeU. m.i We will draw a similar scheme the isjrt daT of eTery month daring the year 1ST A. Remit at onr nk by POST OFFICE HON KT ORDERS, REGISTKRED LETT BR, DRAFT, or KXPILRSa l-nd for a circular, ad-dross ad-dross MLKKAV, DULLER A Co., Poet Office llax 4w46. bT. LOUIS.Mo. myU. RAILROADS. G. P. R. R. 0 AXD AFTER SEPTEMBER 10th, 181. TRAINS V 1 1L LE.IVE 04KDLX DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS t Overland Pioneer Train for Toano, Carl in, innomucca, Wadiworth, aKeno, Marysvillo, Redding (for ;;Oregon), Sucraniento, iMoekton, Lathrop, Merced (for Tusemite. HTiptun (.fur Los Angeles), Son Jose and Saa t'ranciico, - 5.20 p.m. Overland Fioisht and Accommodation Accommoda-tion 1'riia for San Francisco, - - 5.35 p.m. T. II. GOODMAN. A' X- "uS'Yfip't Gen. l-iu-f. and Tioiot Asent. GEO. M. RICE. AiiEST, Salt Lako Citv, . uco 't" Marshall i Carter, Otar Y. P. Co s Bani. ssl CHICAGO & ALTON Ii. R. irht Only FLrat-CIass Rovd In E l iBSflM the Writ, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI New Short Route fron Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change I Via St. Louis, Kan saa city and Northern (late North ML--ouri; and Chicago and Alton Railroads, crowing the Mijiissippi at Lou-mBVMo" Lou-mBVMo" ni P"3ing through Jackson-Tille,Blooaiingtonand Jackson-Tille,Blooaiingtonand Joliet. The Shortest and Best Koute to the East, via Chicago! -x. ELEGANT DAY CARS FULLMM PALACE SLEEISS CAHS Ron thro ugh from Kansas city and St. Louis to Chicage, without change I Pill PALM mil BOOM AND SMOKING CARS On all daily trains: the only line .running those cars from Kansas City and St.Louls to Ohio a No Line makes as Good Time, Or closer connections, hn better accommo aalions. better track, more elegant day cars more luxuriant and comfortable aleoping cars. Trains ol Kan.-as Pacific and allWedtern Un.,ra-Ct rl0'0lJfww'tQ4.traiO of this line, is Cmon Depot, kan-aj city. JAS. UAULTON, O.noral I'aienar and Tickot Aaeat, . X A. it. K, Chicago- J. McMULLIN, 'n. Supt.. C. A A. R. R.. Uhlca.0. FRANK HIGH, WaMarn Trav.lini! Aironl.C. i A. R.R. ! ritp. Mo. ,q BtFyOl'R OFFICE DESKS Lxp f rom Manufaotarers direct. A. H. ANDREWS & Co." 119 lai West Washington St., CUUAGO, Manufacturer! of SCHOOL., CUUKCfl 11 ALL and FIXE OFFICE FIBXITl'BE Will ibip StUOOL J)I.SKS aso SEATS, KHI CTarch-. tla.l, or Ir.t.l,. p. ? nn-1 Uan;r t iHing, rroin our tnn-. V w"- "'" and Tcr- TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. A ffVwinrf wl On and after Neptemb.r A3d, 18714 MIXED TRAINS WILL RXJIT DAILT. doing South. Leave the Utah Central K.K. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (Dearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. (olng North. Lcavo Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a. mi and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a. m, and 7 p.m. FAKEft : j Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station. 50oti " " Sandy ' 41.00 Draper 1.25 " Point " " 1.75 " " Lehi "2.36 PaMengen will pleas pnxohast tiokeU at the oihoe. BX. H, DAVIS, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. flHAHORX LlTTXiB UPMBIWTMND1NT. GILMER S SALISBURY'S DAIIV STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, oulh - east , IVevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Daily, i nlng Mouth to Tifltio, Amerioan Fork, Moont Nebo, 8evier, St. Georee, Utah ; and Pioohe, Novada ; Passing throw gh Provo, Sprinpville, Spanish Fork.Pay-uon, Fork.Pay-uon, Salt Creek, Cnicken Creek, Bound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Miners-ville, Miners-ville, and AU the principal town and mining camps in southern Utah and touth-tast Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, raaajag north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal to wns and mining min-ing earn pa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building' Jnn4 Salt Lake City Len Wines. H. P. Kimballj SALT LAKE, OPH1R And Tintic Stage and Express RUM N IRQ DAIii T FROM BAL.V LAKI C1TT, via LA KB TOW, TOOsUiJB CITY, STOCKTOM AID OPHIR TO TIMTIO. The route has been re-Btoeked with i pi en-did en-did Conoord Coaches, fine Stoek, eaiefnl and attentive DriTers. and erery attention is paid to the oonrfort an 1 oenrenienoe of paaiea-sen. paaiea-sen. Good accommodation on the road, . THEOUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OSee at WiUi, Fargo Co.', alt Lake City, WINES & KIMBALL, pM Proprietors. UTAH CENTRAL KAI LUOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Honday, July IT, 1IT1 lally Train- Leave Halt Luke City at 5 a.m. and 2:15 p.m Arrive at Oeden 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ogdon at 8 a. m. and ft; JO p. m. Arrive at 8it Lake City 10 a.m. and 7 JO p.a In addition to Ute above Will run DAILY, 8UNDAY8 EXCEPTED Lea vim Bait Lake City at 60 p.m and Ogden at 5a.m. "" will plnao Par base their Tlekata sit tbe Offltu. fifty Cents additional will be charted when the fare is oolieoud on the ua.'n. For all lnforaatloa oonoemlng freight or paaiage, apply to n. II. DAVIH, General Freight and Tloket Ai't JOELS SHAEP, fcraLurriKDiHT BL1M BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEVLG MACHLNES. Calder & Careless, (LATE CALDER & SEARS.) Wo ar Amnts for the ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, CIIICKERINQ & BUNS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectf ully invito our Patrons and the Publio to call and examino our stock of tho above named instruments. Wo aro also General Agents for tho MASON &, HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Whioh wo havo proved beyond-all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this olimate; and have also tho WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. Wo have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musicians. M U S I G A L INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of """! ArrORDEOSS, CONCERTINAS, I)OUHI,E BASSES. OKVVN' I.OK I AA S, YIOI.l X I 1.1 ON, SWItK 1K1 1B, UII.1;, J( I I AKS, FI,4Ji:U.EITS, 1IASS IHH MS, BAA JOS, yiafilAAS, l'lt'OLOS, VIOLAS, Etci, Kto MUSICAL MEECHANDI8E. PlnnoStools, Violin Strings, tiultnr .Strings, Violin Fiirnlshlnge, tin liar InrnlnhluEti, Accortlcou Fur a lull tilths, Drum Fum Uhliies, Tnulue Forke and Pipes, .H utile 1'npcr, Ulnnk Mu.lc Hooka and Carda, KUcet jIuhIc, Instruction Jtooke for all Instruments, Kto,, Etc., Kte. b6oks and stationery. Our Stock consists in part of The Publications of the Amrrlcmi Tract Society, MUrellnneons and Sub-icrhdlon Sub-icrhdlon Uuok, Ulnnk Uookg of All dr rl j.t torn, liikst nude, Writing Inks, StctI Pens, In Rrent variety, l'en lluld-ra, Pnclla, KiKl'h Pocket liiLlvctt and SiUsors, .tlimti Patent Parchment Copying Wookt allaualitios and weigh La of jiBUiVsisiwxjiG :-,m. ma3 Kote, Letter, Cnp, Bill, Lrsral, Flat Cap, Folio Post, French Note, Initial Jiotc, hnvtloms, all slica uud qualities. Card Hoard, all color. Foreign Tljtfiie Pnper, all colors, Drawing Paper, It raw Ins; Books. SCHOOL PlBSIeUIKOS OF EVEKY DSCRllTIOS, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENT S J hAVt --irf0 'i'10"!1 Maorted rtoek of Cards and Rooks from tho largo Publishing ' HouseofT. ftolavn JtSona, which we offar at thoirregular Wholesale and Retail prices. L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. i iolaoJlortholarl,,r, w. aro, ,,,aroil to furnish tho TraJa and School Cum-miltooalrom Cum-miltooalrom ouralook ol oiioico sotecuona at tho Tubliihcrs Wholesale and Kotail rricea. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectful? invite the Public to call and eiamine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. We guarantee every Macliino we etell to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Dackiujr, Ticking, Denims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Laco, &c, and will Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds of work. A Five Years guarantee given with each machine. Instructions free by an expert on the premises. $3 Cold Weather Strips TO SAVE FUEL HAVE YOUR TOD0WS 1D DOORS MADE MEATHER-PROOF BY OUR BLACK WALNUT AND RUBBER STRIPS, A uw Invention, both I'seful and Oruameiua I. Manufactured Especially for us, tho Finest Assortment of WINDOW SHADES Ever Brouslil to tlajis City. THOSE HEMP AND ECONOMICAL COTTAGE CARPETS Have Arrived. Wo shall always havo our order ahead so as not to bo out oftheso dcsirablo good". Connoisseurs in Pictures aro invited to sco our HKAUTIFUL CHROMOS "29 Hi 13. CLAWSON, Superintendent JuliU-S Bauer ? Go., MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED BAUER ORG-AaWS AND nvt LODE o r s. -i-I Every Unstniint FULLY WARRANTED for FIYE YEARS Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATAL0GU1C3 sent FREE 'o.nny address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND PEAJ.ERS IN PIANOS aiifl ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS 15VUI1 Ss CO., 650 BJ2?.'wa7' 390 392- 394 & 396 Wabash Avo. NEW 0K. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES & SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St.. Jyiw two uooiia kabt or codbks dkuo stork z. c. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 09 East Temple Street, SHIN OF THE JglQ j O O T GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SUOES, LADIES' SUOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLirPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For flno weftthor or ylPi-iny weather, for walk- i inn, duncinK, working sra rvijcg, climbing, riding, fishing, mining, otc, oto- A Innro and choice assortment of the nbove, our uwn iniiko and importod, at tba most reasonable rea-sonable MIC OA. We nmke to order any stylo and qnnl Uy de at red and Insure - satisfaction. odd boots a;vd shoes Made u good as n9w almost SELLING OFF OUll OLD STOCK . liELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather ! Imported Call Skins, American Calf Skins, 1 Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AND "KIT" OF ALL KINDS:! HORSE COLLARS t Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Unlet', hy ftl.ll rot-el v. apec LI and roinit Attention. HIDES ANU WOOL BOUGHT. H. 0. CLAWSON, Slip'!, TOYS I TOYS ! The Largest and Best Variety JKvor brotilit to Salt Laito City is to bo found at , WILLIAM SHIRES' Sa TP M II K JfcC East Temple Street, 0a door north of Campboll & Patterson's Book Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. nov9 TAHjyORTHERN On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run BETWTEEN BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R.;R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. i ) Dla- GOING SOUTH r. it. Faro DU. GOING NORTII a. m. ;Farc Leave Hampton's at 12:45 I-oave Brigoam at 6:16 7 " DoweyTille" 1:20 50 il4 " Box El dor - 8:30 ' 35 11 " Heneyville " 1:35 75 ITA " Calls Fort " 9:00 ) 60 WA " Calls Fort " l:5 90 Hj " Honey ville " 9:10 75 20M " Box Elder 2:15 I Ii 18 " Dowoyrille" 9:35 100 25 Arrive at Brigham 2:30 150 25 j Arrive at Hamton'slOrf)0 1 50 j SPECIAL HATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passengers will please purohase their tickets at the Company's Offices, or 50 cents additional wiR be charged when the Fare is collected oivthe train. Arraniremcnts have been made with the Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby passengers can purohase Tickets at the U. C. Offioe in Salt Lake City or 0. P. Offioe at Ogden for Box Elder or Hampton's on the U. f. R. R., and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake City at greatly reduced rafres. Through Connection as follows : j GOING SOUTH P. M. GOING NORTH. A. M. Leave Hampton's at 13:15 Leave Salt Lake City, UCKR., at 5:00 Arrive it Brliham, U. N. R. B 2:90 Arrive at Offdon, ' 7.-O0 Leave Brignam. C. P. R- R, at 3:30 Leave Ogdon, C. P. Tt. 1L. at ) 7:15 Arrive at Offdon, C. P. R. R. 3:50 Arrive at Brigham, " " 8:15 Leave Ogdun, U. 0. R, R, 5:30 Leave BrLgaam, U. N. K. It., at 6:13 Arrive at Salt Lako City 7:30 ArriYe at Hampton's ' ' 10:00 , - THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME, FARES, Hampton's to Oyden, ..$2 50 I Salt Lake City to Box Elder .$3 25 10 Salt Lake City, . i 50 I " " " Hampton's, 4 50 Box Eldor to " " 3 25 I Ogden to Hanpton's . 3 50 to Ogden,...., - 1 25 " Box lilder 1 35 H. G-. Miller k Go's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logan on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-weekly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, returning daily from Logan to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. m JOHN W. Y0UN&, Gen'ISnpt. AHEAD HI THE BLOCKADE! HOLIDAY NOTICE. II. WALLACE, First Boutli Street, Has the best land most complete stock of TOY CANDIK6. ALSO, Plain ami Fancy Candles, Corn Stills, Prlxe Cstntly and Chewing Omm, ever offered to the people of this city. 11. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, SeJt Lake City. Mince Pies Fresh every Day. n.t H. CI. AY SCOTT, T. T. OVI5GT05. W. U. 0TIAUTO5, J OV1SGTOS. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Importers, TVholesalo and Retail Dealers in CRDCKEfiY. CHISA, GLASS, PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED WAKE, LAMl'S, CUTLEliY, N1KKOHS, &c, No. 21! West Madison St.. Chicago. 111. Wedding and Holiday tarts. (Jl ass said China. Mnd to Order. OVINGTON BROTHERS, 2-IR. SO & Fulton Stroot, Brooklyn, S. Y. Ruo Do I'aradis 54, Paris. Stmth Pido Ofllpo with Samples for Wholesale Whole-sale Only 1S3 Mudittiii Slrift, Cornor Fiilh Aveimo ltoouiB H.H. SAVAllE, Manager. nol IMMENSE SACRIFICE! CARL C. ASMUSSEN TILL SIXL 1113 UIIBS STOCK Of VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond AD OT1IER WATO HE 8 , French Sl American Clocks, Etc., Etc., FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. MLJXIST STREET, NEAHLY 01TUSITE TUB l'USI UFPHIB. arfl7 CXIIED STATES OP AMERICA, DISTRICT OF KETAJA, In the Ofllce of the Clerk of (he V, S, District Court, TO TTltt Be it remembered. re-membered. That on the Se venteenth day of October, Octo-ber, Anno Domini, One thousand e i p h t hun-dxod hun-dxod andsii-ty-fivo, Chai, o. Hammer of the said District. hath deposited in this office a label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR GALL OINTMENT," Lho right whereof ho claims as Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Con- S'ess, entitled "An Act to amend tha several cts respecting copyrights." W. P. RODOERS. ss il Clerk of said District, U. 8. District Court, by Geo. R.Ajuio5d, Distriot of Nevada, i Deputy f(coC Zjp) fefeRCALLDlNTjjSSj 0tb,toHtHL'.S.tt-n-ifn'onti.liMiinni Niwta. OINTMENT - For Collar Galls. Vntuf nailed fir the snr,-rw0il rure of Collar O-tJU, Sir Buck?, K litmus he. Cmrkrd Jl.-el, On'iw.iiml oil irnuMiwme Pvn. JAT- This Ointment dow not n-ab oviT, Mil dri up. ml ht:il a mtp rri the bottom. ITewiI flrli cannot forni where It in lle-t. ai-J'jMrnf L.:y ly KING & CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Novada, ftntn lhcrrcipcof ldfti Ens lijli Veterinarian Bcdington& Co., Wholesale Agenta, I rS-tht(Iiwin(-ftf rns.s 1HMMKR J. D. LAMB & CO., CENERAL AGENTS-SALT AGENTS-SALT lake orrr. asa JOHN S. BARNES, FLOl'H, f,ItAL AKI) FEKD, WHOLKSALK ANDUKTAIL, No. 18 KIXOXI, Ndt'TIl NTMKKT. CASU rAID FOR rLOUB, WUKAT, OATi, BAKLEY- TRIUNE BAKERY Cracker Manufactory, Door Itr I inr W nllier 1 1 n , y n n -St I '(, Null l.nkc City."' We have now rtveivod our CRACKER MACHINE Willi till Mio lnt.l Ii.ii-rnv.'nionf. n,l .re GALLACHER 4 SONS. Scud tor l'rico Lint. Addicaa T. 0. llos m. MISCELLANEOUS, BOILER MAKING 1'IIE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to '.do any Itind uf Boiler or Tunk Making ;OU REPAIRING; And will Bl'Y OLD BOTLER5 OR FLUES, or toko thou in pay for work. Jlo will aUo do any kind of MILLWRIGHT WORK On short notice. Orders loft at tho IIcsaLU Oflio . will rocaiT. prompt altontion. o31 JOHN SLOAN. TUIS WELL KNOWN BRAND -OF- JAPAN TEAS -FOR SALE AT K.s iVIa JC Grocery Department. aH 0. B. CLAWSON. Suet SHULIA SUIIUDCS CCRANTCR. HUMPHREY'S uoaitorATUic srtcirit'S. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample osuorionco, an entire succoja: Sim-pi Sim-pi o Proiniit ttliciont and Reliable. They are tho ooly mcdicinoa perfectlj adapted to popular use so simple that mistakes can nut bo mado in usins thorn; so harmless as to bo free from danger, and so efficient as te be always roll a bio. Thoy have raised the highest high-est eo m inundation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nos. Cents. Cures 1, " Fevers, Congestion, Inflammatina25 2, " "Worms, Worm rover, Worm Co lie ...25 8, " Cryiiig-Celicor teething of InfU.25 i," DlarrUa,of Childron or Adults ' 6. " Dyitnttry, Urinina. BiUous Colio.2S 6, " CliolerK-Slorbua, Vomiting -25 7, " Couglii, Colds. Bronchitis J5 8, Neuralgia, Xoothac ho, Faceashe..J5 H, " ilcaiiacitcs, Siok Headache, Vertigo .25 10, " nysprpsia, Billions Stomach S5 U. " Suppreaaed.ir Painful Periods 25 12, " Whitea, too Profuse Periods .25 IS, " Croup, Cough, Uiflkult Breath in g...J25 14, " Salt iLli cum, Jirysipelas, Kruption-2& 15, " Illieumatlom, iUitjumatic Pains 26 lti, " Fever iLiid Ague, CbiB Fever, Agues .50 17, Plies, blind or blooding -50 lb, " OpIiiUlamj-, and sore or weak Byes 50 10, 1 C'Btixrrli, acuteor chroniclnflueniawju at, ' VHoopluK-Cougu, Tiolont coughs...- 50 21, " Astiium, oppressed Breathing Jo 11, " tar llactiarga, impaired hearing 50 23, " Scrofui, enlar&d glands. Swellings Swell-ings .60 i, " Gtncral DobdiU', ptiyaical weak ncsa 50 21, " Dropsy and scanty Secretions 11, " Sca-Jicltueas, sickness from riding-jO S, " K1duey-D1sea.se, Gravel 50 3S, fSicrvous Debility, Seminal lIuiuitaBluuji, involuntary Discharges ..100 rive ti with ono $2 rial of powder, verv uocaauy in serious ser-ious cases. 500 29, " Sore Jloutli, Canker .50 jj, " I'rlnary kue.,, wetting bed50 31, " Palufui lrloa., Wlth S,,aams....50 Sj, " Stiffcrlugft at change of life .1U0 33, " Epllrpsj'j dpaaius, u Vitus' Dance 1QQ 3i, " Dlptlierla, ulcerated sore throat....50 FAMILY CAStS Of 33 to 60 Large vials, . morocco or roue wood case, contalulng a specific for every ordinary disease st family is subject to, and booiu of dlrocUona,.fxom 910 Co 935 Smaller Family and Traveling Travel-ing cases, with 20 to 2b viala, from 93 to 98 Specific for all Private Diseased, Dis-eased, both furCurlug and for Preventive treatment, in vials and Pocket cases $4 to 93 Pond's Extract, Cures Burns, Brutses, Lameness, Korenesi, Sore Throat, Sprains, Tooiliacue, Karache, Xcnxalgla, Khenmatigm, Lumbago, Plies, Bolls, Slings, Sore Lyes, Bleeding of the Lungs, Aose, etomach, or or Pile si Coma, I leers, Old aores. Price, 6 ox., 50 cents) Pints, 91.00 Quarts, 91.55; -J These remedies, except POND'S EX-TKACT, EX-TKACT, by the case oi single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, No. 5u2 Bboaj3w.it, Nkw Yoek. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C AL I. and Godbe's Drug Store. aS INSURANCE. amzon mum co. J. B. BEXXETT - - President. B. D. M1AX - - Secretary. Cinciriiiati, Ohio. ASSETS, JrXE 30, 1873. Cash on hand, in bank, and in course of transmission-. 1111,301$ 57 United States Bonds, market value lJti.169 09 Aloryragos... . .. 3SC.646 67 Collateral Loan li,4;7 05 Accrued Interest....... 20,112 5S Bills Receivable . S617 1 State Bonds and Miscellaneous 56l7 9S Duo from Agecis &,W7 65 $8y06 70 LIAB1LITLES. Outstanding Losses and other Lia bilitioe..-. 177,711 U H. R. MANN i Agent, Ofncei Bank Ins; Home of A. W. WUlteAlo, P, O. Box, 5J. iytt AGEITCY or THE Home Mutual INSl'IMTE C0MP1XY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL .... $650,000. JOBS II. HKm?iUTO?i, Pr.aldent.. 1'UARLKSR.STOKr, Kfcrctarf. ft-ina'lhii Otfice, 433 California Sut saIyfkaxcisco. H.. R. MA?N, Agent, Offiro: liankftt Uoiuo, A. IV. Whltoi Co. TRIUMPH FIRE LSI'R1CB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnltj. We ask Pair Hates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. It. fttAiAW, Agrent, SALT LAKK CITTi OrTlrei Banking House of A. W. White L Co. P O. Bni M, J Fire Brick. Til K1-: car Knd of tliocoletr.ited Ai gillo Works - llllunli Mnuufar-Hu Mnuufar-Hu e, ol vwlv- mill .S.ittre Mtlr, 11m .hut Iwii wolttsl ml olTorod to Sm.'ll.T. Imui-:.-p ItuiU.'is ,,-.. m l.ninjt .mi-l.'ii.i-lo ,.nv .tli-r in thin ui:iikot mid at k'lter r,.i. 1 .rsak m lot to mui. by .tItl)OI ,V ?l I' 11 K .1 V, Solo AgonLs Hall Mook -ouili of It. U. Dflpol, Salt l..ikt Clio, and Sandy ttatiou, uoil JOB PRINTING. The Taried wants of the MINER, ARTIZAN and TRAVELER FOB JOB PRINTING CAN 13 K' FILLED AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous eatisfactioo giveo by the work done at our offioe in the paat has justi6ed us iBvootinuall; im-portiDg im-portiDg all the Newest Attractions with whioh to please oar patroni in Elegance AND Style, uid perform Job Printing to oomptre favorably with any importation importa-tion in this Una from the East or West. Anything in the nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS,- MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE W0RKI RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, - ETC, ETC., done to order in blaoi, colors or gold. We do not profess to work ielow oost, nor work for the sake of working, nor giro baits of any nature, but by a system of calculating priees, make a rule to oompate with outside Quality & Figures I BUILIT si. HTItLB. gAKI. a. JOHM0R STEELE a J0UNS01, , WaotosKle laln t Staple antl Fancy GROCERIES UQUOKS, FLOUR ANO BACON, saiiS. CouncillBluffs.la Sole A rants for the OHantal and Dapenl mrsa Powdar Ooraivavnissi PITTSBURGH TRADE. (KSIABUSI1KO IKV.l Vim. McCuIIy & Co., MaauPactarrs at tha Standard ltrand. or WINDOW CLASS j inn DRUGGISTS? GLASSWARE. Make a iiwlnltr f Isrce slien of Window tilaai. anil aH odd aiiee out toerder. Uflle Wrtrt alrcet. rittibmrglt, Penit. P. S. Having themrt xtni1ra fkctt'He.' In tM o'tintry, mid laaklng a lm nr lino ( goods, dealers will find tt to tketr iatrel la getautvotaltou baiore rorchuuif. It |