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Show J. G. J am e A Co. are receivinjt daily larfje lot of dressed Turkey Band Chick-ens. Chick-ens. Buyer of poultry should give : ihero a call before purchase. 144 I Alain street, opposite Walker House. do Aj-x tour grocer for Ghirwdelli'a Chocolate and Cocoa. do Liddkll fc Brows, north of post office of-fice have received a coneignment of a cur load of fresh BOLL BUTTE I'., CiioiJ and Lard ; also TURKEYS, CHICKENS, wild Geese and Ducks, already drewed and in splendid condition. condi-tion. If you want good liTing (rive them a call. 60 $1,000 Loan wanted for eight weeks; security real estate; 6 per cnt. per month will be paid- Address Uox 001, putt office. d4 B OLLIOK. Lost off Gilmer & Salisbury's Salis-bury's Btage. between Pioche and Lehi, abowt-the 'JfKh of October, Bar of Bullion, No. 2,239. and November 9th. Ifar No. 2,3-19; bth from the Kaymond & Ely mine. $260 reward each will be paid for their recovery. Bring them to Well, Cargo & C'o's olfice. 13 Gilmer & SaLibsuby. Now i the time for the NIGHT "WORK. Soe Georgo Showell. d3 Yon should see the new Furniture at Barratt'i. k n'JJ Geo. Showil, Bcavanger for the I City. oli (J. li. Bare att invites the public to call. n20 A Very Superior Brand of; Flour and Corn Meal, as well as Oats, Corn, Barley, etc., by Gordon A Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Suit Lftko City. o23 Cdkai' Meat. Charles. B. Taylor, stall 1, at the market will soil meat as cheap and good as any. Go and see. 11 28 For Bedroom setts of all styles, call at Joelsoo'i; be do ties competition in prices, n28 Oil la selling at retail at the Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common beands 60c. per gallon. Crown standard 70c. por gallon. Imperial 160 fire test 75c por gallon, no9 Eight hundred Bedsteads, and 6,000 Chairs, at Joel son' s, Groesbeck's building- :.' a2U Endless variety of Goods at Bar- I ratt's. n20 I All kinds of Tables at Bnrratt's. h'20 Arrived Two cars Furniluro and twenty-seven cratos Crockery at Bah-ratt's. Bah-ratt's. ni Just arrivid, one car load of parlor Butts. Lndios, call and examine them, at Joolson's. n2S Ladies' Furs and Drosa Goods Cheap at Taylor A Cutler's. n2U I BUY TBI Imperial Oil 160 Are tost, the purest and scfest oil in tho market. no9 Now is your time to buy cheap Fur-niluro Fur-niluro at H. Dinwoody's. He is just receiving thirteen car loads expressly for Christmas trade. no 10 Something nkw for housekeepers at Rarralt'S' nlW N ewkst Attractions In Job .Printing .Print-ing al the Herald Office. I uavb Keducnd my Prices. nu O. R. Barratt, No. 40. The nf rOBTUHAn who have broken thtir mirrors can got new glasses put in at H. Dinwoody'a, no 10 Wb keep constantly in stock a full assortment of all grades of Waltham Watches in gold and silver cases, both key and Btem winding, and cheerfully recommend them to our customers and the public as thoroughly reliable timepieces. time-pieces. Carl C. Asm u ben. Z. C. M. I. East Temple street, opposite oppo-site the Postoflice. . no9 Iron Bedsteads for sale by H. Din-woodoy. Din-woodoy. Thieves. At Sandy Station and at Lchi, on tho Utah Southern R. 11 , tbero has been an organized gang of thieves silently at work for a long time past, and it is full timo they were broken up. On Saturday last some moo came to load freight at Lehi for Pioche, and points south, and received the proper bills of lading, but instead of going to Pioohe they went about a milo on the road and turned back towards to-wards Biogham canyon. A portion of the party oame back yesterday for more loading, and thoir aotions being suspicious, sus-picious, and the fact that a valuable saddlo bad boon stolen, search was instituted in-stituted and suspicion directed towards tho parties who had loaded freight Thoso parties,fcaring tho consequences, abandoned their last two teams and started for their rendezvous, closely pursued by Mr. Kinoaie, the agent of Gordon & Murray, who, armed with a warrant, saooeoded in arresting one oi the gang ar.d discovering a largo portion por-tion of the goods. One other teams-tor teams-tor has boon arrested, and examine before justioe Woodhouse, of Lehi, facts being elioted whereby othor parties are implicated. It is to bo hoped they will all bo spocdily arrested. Tho railroad company are also sufferers, because these parties had actually opened a saloon sa-loon and grocery store at the mouth of Bingham canon, and were doing a thriving thieving business out of these stolen goods, supposed to have been duly received by the parties to whom they wero shipped, They took everything, every-thing, oven a wagon, and 'tis probable ' a stove, too ! It seems full timo this gang wa9 weeded out, and we call on all hooest citizens to give tho officers of tho law all information and assistance assist-ance within their power not that it may merely bo done, but well done I I Flannels, at Taylor .t Cutler's, dl Try It! If the midnight brawlers and bawlers.iourneving along the easU cm portion of First South street, could bo confined in a six by ten room half a doicn hours each night for a week, and 00m polled to listen to and comment upon tho hideous and unearthly yells and noi?os with which they salute the "woo short hours" during; their street parades, they might become conscience stricken and keep quiet ever alter. 1 Suppose some of them experiment a j little for tho benefit of the community in general ! Use Ghirardelli's Eagle Chocolate. It is the best. do "England under the Georges" Mr. Joros' second freo lecture to-night at the Institute. Everybody wanted. nlT The Problem Solved In the manufacture man-ufacture by steam power of the PREMIUM PRE-MIUM FRUITS AMD JELLIES of P. D. Code & Co., Kan FranciscOi Delicious De-licious and Unique. a!3 Tcyb Cheap, at Taylor & Cutler's. I dl For frksh. Broad, Buns, Cakes, Crackers, etc, wholesale and retail, go to the "Globe." Pure home-made Candies Can-dies a speciality. Goods delivered in all parts of tho city free. Globe Bakery, Bast, Temple street. Brkss Goods In great variety at the California Store. v o24 Great uaroain to Saddlers and Ham oas Makers! Wo aro selling a job lot of splendid Horse Collars at $24 fior dozen; and all our large stock of gather and collars remarkably cheap. "Big Boot" U'J East To mplo St- n26 Magazines, .rampniets. Periodicals Music Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc.! bound in all forms and stylos at the Hxraxd Bindery. , 6j Barratt's Stock is next to Post Office. o2 "Wanted. One hundred coal miners can find steady employment at the Rocky Mountain Coal Mine, Evans ton. Apply for particulars, &c, to J. Y. tfbedden, Agent, at coal bouse, U. C. R. R. Depot. dl IGhtrardelli's Ragle Chocolate has boon awarded the first premium)whtir-ever premium)whtir-ever exhibited. do Notice to our Patrons. As we havo bt'en unavoidably compelled to sell the Eureka Oil, which we learn has not given satis faction to our customer, we will exchange for -nhor oil where tho parties purchased of us. no9 E. Kserr A Co., Pioneer Lamp Stora, Do doers printed cheaplv and tafte-fully tafte-fully at the Herald Job Othce. fo-21 I Tourists and tbb xratei.in'Q Prs-Lie Prs-Lie going at are respectfully aotifipd that the Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is atirtt-claM house, and by coming to Ogdn on the previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, tay avoid ihe aaaovanoe of rising at A o'clock to take the" morning train at Sail Lake Ciir. To pleasure seekers Ogdn premises much to interest in its excellent Shoot- 1 ic and Trout tUhmp, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is wnsu-paid Yj anything of lie kind known in the Un.tod States. The Hole", is provided with Baer Shop and Bath livxms, and runs its coach fre of eiponse to ci:.t. The proprietors, lhar.fei'ui for pst favors, will spare no pains please guests, and w-.H provide euns and aa-mur.ilioTi, aa-mur.ilioTi, with guides ar.d cartiag-ja to I the sht-otir.g or ashing grounds, iy ting tim"ly notice i-hereof. Ecdiy A Willxam., Propr' Ml Kcrrons Debility, With its elvny attendants, low spirits, depression. invoiuatary emmissions, loss of wm'Q, spermatorrhoea. Iocs of power, diczy head, lose of memory, and threatened' threat-ened' impotence and imbecility, find a sovereign cure in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Specific "o. Twenty-EighL Composed of the most valuable, mi.d and potent Curatives, they strike al once at the root of the matter, tone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart im-part vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousand of case. Price, So par package pack-age of five boxes and a large $2 vial, wnich is very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, and sent by mail on receipt re-ceipt oi" price. Address, Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., So 2 Broadway, 2ew York. For Sale at Z. C. M. L and Godbe's Drug Store. & Wliolcsaj Prodne MrkeU 8iii Lau Eiuu Orm December 3, 1S72. FWS ewt -350'3? Wheat, pwbuihel Jr2. Barlay, " ' , Oau. " ' PotatOM fbo. " Onions. ' ' ... ..... . J Corn, ihell'dV cwt- 1 Com Meal, " ? 3a Bran, r Shorts. 1 al Beans, $ lb Butter, " frcah Sj Cbewe, " Hams, " 1S 21 Bacm, " Beet " 12H Pork. 10 Esa. "dot "!."V." Cnickans. each .. 50 Hay.tJwn 1025 00 Coal. " a 0010 1)0 Wood.eord 10 00 Hidoa. each 3 SO Ducks, " , 50-3i"-0 Gewe, " . - A Turkeys,"., 30OijO Wild bucks, per pair -M) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HALT LAKE THEATRE Thursday',"" ""Dec. 5, 1872. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO 'or THl ACCOMPLISHED k POPULAR ARTISTE Mrs. F. M. Bates, - Supported by Mr. F. M. BATES, AND THE FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY. By request will be repated. Georg Lovell's great Play of LOVE'S SACRIFICE. FRIDAT EVENING, DEC, , 18T2, faubwuziIi ewsiriT OP Mrs, F. M. BATES, SiCTHDiT LUCBETIA BOBQIA. In .ctivo preparation, MI Mill AS HS LOOKS. MINERS' MEETING. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING i of the Minora of thoiiniic Dist ict, will be hold on Saturday. December Hth, 1672, at Silver City, in said district, for tho purpose of Electinga Hocorior for tho CD'uing rear, and tno transaction of gonexal dutiict busi- nS' A. G, SUTHERLAND, Recorder. Silver City, Juab County, Utah, December 1,1.07 A. d-5 TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF THE PRINCE ORGAN. Great Exposition, Kansas City. Tbk Prikcb Oboan which took the Premium, met in strong compe tition the ilason & Hamlin and the fi-tey Organs but vanquished thorn easily. When the Prince is placed beside be-side other instruments its Superior Voicing and Powor become so apparent, .that even thoso prejudiced in favor of the others are ooliged to concede the point. Kansas City "Journal," Sept. 27th, 1872. From J. H. llidges, Esq. Salt Lake City, Nov. 20th, 1872. I Metsrs. Daynes y Hon ; I have examined tho Prince Organ, and cheerfully accord it my approbation as a Good Organ, approved alike for its Durability and Sweetness of tono. J. II. RlDClKS, Organ Builder. Salt Lake City, Dec 2, 1872. I have examined the Princo Organ and can recommend it as a first-class iuatrumenU C. J. Thomas, Conductor of Thoatro Orchostra, Doo., 1872. I have inspected the Prince Organ and I can rocommend it as an instrument instru-ment worthy of patrenago, both in tho variety of stops and tho cosy construction construc-tion in taking out tho reeds and in keeping keep-ing dust from the reeds, which, is a desirable requisite Jko. Tullidub, " Prof, of Singing and HarraoDy. The Prince Organ ia tho best 1 have ever played on for variety of effect and sweetness of tone. Jos. J. Datnib, Tabernacle Organist. rea-Org-sna with Six Ftops, in handsome Blaoa Wnlaut Cam, tor 8l3. ttir Organs suitable for Churches. Schools, Halls, etc, with boron Clops, lor S130. J. PAVXKH A SOS, Agents, fa Suit Lftko City, SHOWROOM UP-STAIItS. FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Bead Quarter, St, LonU, Mo. DURANT &CUTTIXG, FORWARDING avo COMMISSION MERCHANTS . AGENTS " SALT LAEKClTV.UTAn, WB are prepared to contract for shipments ship-ments from all putt of the Kut, our Line baris madeipecial arrangements for the safe and ipociy transpr nation of all FreiKht Crotn New York, UoKon. Baltimore, Cbicuo. St, Louis and all Eastern Cities, to Salt Lake City. We are olerlm extra Inducements for the shipment of Ore and Bali 10a to all JUstera points. I Omca i WakiwocbS: Flret block j sooth of Depot, Sa.lt X..k Cltjr. DURA ST A CCTTIRO- lj rmr CRACKER BAKERY, main Street," Near Third South Street. SALT LAKE CITY. COXSTASILY on hand and maaufactar-n maaufactar-n oi: Butler CrurV rr,; Soda CrrkfrJ Picnic Cracker. Bo ton ( rit krn, L( Grand Biscuit, nilk Blornlt. AHrnthy Bltcuit, Clnftrr Snapa, Lemon snaps, Ad Piot Bred, Whi.'h we rjfr tn ibe fra4a tr.ii rblk reneriii r. Wholnt or Rciall, AT LOWER RATES than the tame can te imported- - We alo e-arastee oar Crvkers to be Faii asd the But in tae icarteu MORTON X CO. TELECRAMS. i NIGHT REPORT. CONGRESSIONAL. norsE. "Washington, 4 Among the bills referred re-ferred was one for a ship canal around Kiagara Falls on the American side. Tfle bill to provide for ten war seam-era seam-era was discussed until the expiration of the morning hour. Pratt s&ia the navy department intended to divide the Tes-seli Tes-seli into those from 1,600 to l.foO tons with 12 to 14 guns, 1200 to 1,50 tons with 8 or 9 gum, and 800 to l,tXO tons with 6 or 7 guns. The bouse in committee of whole dif-euised dif-euised and referred the postal telegraph bill and adjourned. FOREIGN. Mleccll&neoiu. London, 4. Steamer "Dalmatian" arrived ar-rived safely at Liverpool. Robert Bowels before the lord mayor and remanded. Two thousand more emigrants from Liverpool in .November than in Octo ber. Gas extinguished in many parts of the city and darkness rules. Subscription for 10,000,000 of Spanish Span-ish loan to be opened here. Kome, 4. Heavy rains in tha north of Italy. Another inundation of the river Po feared. .Madrid, 4. Royal decree fixes new loan for the 12th instant for $260,000,-000. $260,000,-000. Keported from Bayonne that 2-50 Carlisle Carl-isle have entered Spain Irom France. Thiers congratulates Amadeus upon his convalescence. Malaga excited over Carlist demonstrations- families leaving. Troops arriving. Havana, 4. Spanish steamer brought 200 Ferrol revolters. Seven thousand coolies arrived. All sold beforehand. Ten blood hounds arrived at Sancto Spiritu to be used in capturing negroes in the mountains near that city. Purchased Pur-chased by order of the commanding general. . Paris, 4. Powerful speech by Gam-betta, Gam-betta, to the Left party, advocating the dissolution of the assembly. GENERAL. Greeley'a FnncraJ. New York, 4. At the funeral services ser-vices of Greeley to-day Beecher's remarks re-marks were quite brief. Ho Epoke of the deceased as one who for thirty years bad filled the land with controversy as a man of war, yet, dying without civic honors, he was one whose memory shall live forever in the annals of his country. coun-try. To-day all men forget the recent strife and conflict of opinion in sorrow and henor for him. He was a man so good, so noble, that he had few compeers. com-peers. Por thirty years he built for himself no outward monument, no estate, es-tate, but to-day between the oceans there is not a man who has not felt the effects of the labors of Horace Greeley. At the conclusion of Beecher's remarks, the quartette of the fciaint Francis Xavier church sang "Sleep 'the Last Bleep." Chapia then spoke aa follows: One month ago many who are now present met in this place to express sympathy sym-pathy with one who sat, with pallid face and quivering lips, the heart-stricken mourner of his wife, to-day in tbe freshness of his great sorrow, he himself is to lie by her side. The shadow of death through which he was then passing has enveloped envelop-ed him. Such is Providence, that checks all and makes life a continual surprise. 1 cannot attempt here and now to unfold the life or to estimate the worth of Greeley. Such an attempt would be on the one hand premature, on the other unneccesary. Prematuro because the lesson of his great life can not now be reviewed. When the grief and excitement have ceased, this work wiil bo done, and I trust it will be done in some public memorial service which will demand and receive a much wider hearing than I can give it. To speak of Horace Greeley's worth is unnecessary. unneces-sary. It has already been done. There have been but few instances in the history his-tory of our country where tbe expressions express-ions of regret and regard have been so spontaneous, so universal, so similar as these that pour in'so thick and fast from every part of the land. They are not made up, not artificial. They are genuine tears,and are as freely shed to-daj by the country firesides and in the distant cities as beneath tho shadowing shad-owing drapery of this houso, from which ho is so soon to go out forevor. They represent inviiiblo sympathy, but they also represent the people's thought, and are twined about the people's heart bearing witness t a career of honest purpose. And why this reverential rc- fard for the memory of Mr. Greeley ? t is notfor his mere intellectual ability, it is not because he was a high official; for Horace Greeley held no official station. sta-tion. 1 he will of the people expressed through tho electoral college to-day decides de-cides that he should hold no such station. sta-tion. To-day the will of God elects him to a place whore all human honors look small in comparison. The simple goodness ol Mr. Greeley's heart was as large as bis brain. His love for humanity hu-manity was ioherenL He touched all sides of humanity, so to speak. Perhaps Per-haps he erred on the side of mercy against justice, but, if a man must err af ail, that is a good side to err on. Whatever may have been the mistakes of him who lies dead befnro us, tWe wae no luieiako iu the current of tho principle which characterized his life and is tho lesion for us. -The address was f '11 owed by earnest Erayer and the hymn, "Angols over riht and fair." Dr. Chapia pronounced pro-nounced the bencditioa and the choir sung tho beautiful touching hymn, "What is life?" The "Mlnonrl" Invetttgatlon. Washington, 4. The navy department depart-ment has received an official report of the court of inquiry, held at Nassau re- farding the burned steamer, "Missouri." ho court finds that the vessel was hurriedly hur-riedly put to sea, and although fitted with new boilers and newly repaired machinery, had no trial trio. That the felting of tho boilers was found either wanting or defective on the appointed day for sailing, and as there can be iiule doubt the lire originated from the heat-ins; heat-ins; of lb boilers, it can scarcely be questioned that the work on the felting was imperfectly executed. It also finds that the "Missouri" was not provided with a sufficient number of boats, and that such boats ai she had were so se cured that it was difficult to launch Ihem; that on the alarm of fire all was confusion. There was ne discipline and no organisation or combined eflorL Kach man acted indepcndentlyto save his own life. No attempt was made to save the lives of the female passengers, niecella-ncona. Washington, 4. Sumner was Eeud with a sharp attack of heart disease lat night. Hil friends urge his ceation from all labor, but he was in his seat in the senate to-day. ew York, 4. Mrs. Greeley's will make ber husband ani daupnter Ida executors; $HO appropriated for a me-:wento me-:wento of affection for her husband. Mrs. Greeley held a life policy on he-1 he-1 burband of tn to twenty thousand d-ii-j lars. She also owned "Tribune" and ntiier stock. DifpalcheJ from cities throughout the country say flags at half mait, beiis toiled, and appropriate services hed in honor of Greeley's memory. Bui'iio board of trade passed resolutions resolu-tions euiog:suc of Greey- F.ags at ba.f-rnail throughout tbe city. Slat ifgoiaUre adopted eulogistic reni-.:ticr.. Philadelphia, 4. Twr.ty-f ven States "cre represented at tee cecUa-niai cecUa-niai meeting to-iav. K. enteral riik-ge cast its vote for Grant and Wilson. Chicago, 4. Missouri electors sd-journea sd-journea untn to-morrow, owir.g to 0,3-cuf.'ion 0,3-cuf.'ion a to vote. New IUp'r.ire, Arkar.ras. Ir. liana, lii.r.uis N".rg.r,;a,KLode Uiar.il. Massachusetts Massa-chusetts and Cor. r.'vucui, e.-t-r! cat to'." today for Grar,t ar. l W;.Kr.. ler.r.",jee electors voted for HcnJ- U ar.d B-wn. Grar.t's o5i-;ai majority in Arkaas is 3. '... G-x-rpla eci.-r ct six vr.te for Greeley ad Uiree f. r C-anes Jtrikir.s, of tha: State, ve for B.-owa ax,d tve ot C sTl Geo'g.a. First National Bank OiF UTAH, Al, 1' L A K K; CITY. DESIGNATED DKPOSITOBY A'D riSJ-SClAJj AGENT OF THE TjTITED STATES. WiMHrMiT. C.L.Dni.1,. PrMidcsi. Vio. Prt. Axthovt 6oDir. CuU. Anttortiel C.plt&l, - . .500,000 PAID I'P CAPITA!., - .150,000. imiisos, - .130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution m Utah A- General Xsaskina Bosineu Transacted. AOKNCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTllKST ALLOWED ON TIUB DEPOSITS flfl SPECIAL AU EK11S1LUK.MS WASTED. A G OOP K EM ALE COOK; FOUR TO FIVE 1 Dollars pur wook. Apply at 6 Clin, Place. dS i ESTIUY. A MULE CAME IN TO OUR STABLE un tho nisbl of November 37. Tho oivnor will prove property, pay charges, and tak di HEXHAM 4 MVLLOY. FOR SALE. O EVEXTY-KIVE WELL BROKE MULES, i-i Also Harness complete for each Team. At tho jsalt Lake Stable, by Captain Kd. Patrick. dol OK BEXT, A NEWLY-BUILT BRICK Houso, containine ten (rood, woll-fur-nishod Kuolqs, two collars, and convenient Uu (houses. Apply at UiU office; or J. A., Box Vi, r. U. ni'l FOR REXT. A GOOD OFFICE ROO.M.EXCELI.EXTLY sit nut td forollice purposes. For particulars parti-culars onquiro at Uoserct Telegraph Uriice, no.vt door to oils, Fargu A Co. d5 A FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE WITH nino ruouist and 2 collars, and out-houses. Ten minutes' walk IYuuj J'ostultico; boau'i-t'ully boau'i-t'ully located. Kent Lilly dollars per month, W a rehab o toniint- Apply at this office, or J. A., 471 iiox, Fostolfico. da npBREE NEW ROOMS AND A BUT-X BUT-X tery. hull' a block lrotu. Main street. Apply at ilt.K.iLi oiiico, d3 f$Fi DR. GROVES, Offloe. Second South ttreet. Three doors west of .Groat W tstera Hotel, half a block oast of Klepnant bwre. Bait Lake City Cim tram 9 .m. to 1 p.m. mil ' CHICAGO TRADE. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 W aba ill Avenue, near Randolph, CHICAGO, ILL., D1EKCT IVPOHTEBSOV Crockory. China, Gla-ssware, Lamps, Looking G1O550S, Cutlery, Britannia and Silver plated Uoodu. Tho largest llouso in tho West, dl W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing lewelers, An mroRTERS of H'ntcltea and Fmicy Oootli, 9 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, cure AGO. Pricoa always, tho LowoaL octl2 COGSWELL & CO. JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY! And overy thing in the wayjof JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, 306 West Madison SI., CHICAGO. ,010 HAMLIN, HALE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS DM GOODS, NOTIONS, "WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, CO UN Kit OF MADISON k F RAX KLIN STREETS, CHICAGO. IEW TOR It QUOTATIONS AlWATS FOUOWED. el JOHN V. FARWELL & Co.," WHOLESALE, NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND W" OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe 6c Franklin Sta', CHICAGO. mylS EotuWixhod IRVkJ Williams Miller & Olmstcad, (formerly Fitch, niMamt A Co.J Wholesale Dealen In Hals, Caps, FursaiflBDciGoofls, :i25and 127 M ARK ET STREET, nKH (HI(A0, PAGE, BRO. & Co., '.mportcrt and Dealen in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 35 A 37 South Canal trrrf, W. W. l'se, lU.iton, III AiO, 8nL".--s-"-- jttjlfl M. D. WELLS &, CO., ManoftnrOTi of and Wholesale DJtrtJ la Boots and Shoes, BIB Wihuh At, Cklcag. B. D. WH1. H. J. Mafarlan. B Bonedtcu B. P. ificlatyra. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VA2T SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID J WbclMtla DRUGGISTS a&d Paint Dealers, r.-rt 7--T-v-t . -l 'ir T'w ?tftrea, and ' 64 I.AKK TKkfcT, - rr.tr Deart-irB i -r. i t Hl( AW), crB. 1 w .1 ".-...j- -i' p-r--:4 cirre-niT f'-r tea f,-.-,i . r"-. r. tTivr-, eie-. tbey hhr nj.fs'i Of a i.-.a.eue stock, anmrpaued I '"serial atucuoa circa tt lrri tonal ' buieat. tli IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, BUXHAM & CO., DKALKBS IN WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, ASD ALL OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE ALL KIXDS OF riTTlStiS FOB rLRS ACES H1LLV HARD SW HE , BURDEN'S HOKSE i 11 CLE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, -ASD OTUKR BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. A8K5T8 FOR Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, Q. S. Lubricating Oil, j ALL LOW FOB CASH. del MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owns four excellent silver mires within one mil oi each ether. Wood and and water plentiful on nil of them. The minas aro rich. Ores runninc from SltSO up to $W rr tvn, can bo obtained from each of them, in paying quantity. The crevice of the Lirtseory lodo is twenti-seven feet wide;a atroaJ; of four fret will run 3oOJ per ton. Being das irons of sending home a nice present from Utah, I will sell an interest in one or all, or fell all at fair figures. Each lode contains 1,500 feet, and the liregurr lodo is doirn 1lJ feet and looks fino. This lode is directly ut the gulch from the Ontario oner hall mile, and the same distance below tho HowlanJ lode, in Bluo Ledge Mining district, Wasatch County. 1 havo just moTc-d my cam to tho M ild iiill cabin, where 1 shall be i leased to ehuw my mined. They are each new claims and but little known, and the jealousy, 1 regret to say, ex-Utlng ex-Utlng amongst those ownincclaitns here, to a great extent, have kept those seeking such pro pert' from calling on me. I ask capitalists to come and see. I will show you all I promise to do. PAUL GREGORY, M.'D. Fourmils from Snydersvillo THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY It tho PIONEER ROUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four years ago, since which time the Company havo spared neither pains nor expense in por foe ting; its rnd het and track, and equipping it with rolling tock,of the most modern improvetuenU; this, together with the fact of its being ttie Shortest Line, oU'ers to tho Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and sure eonnetiont. PARTICULAR CAUTION Bhould be taken by passengers in solecting their route, and not bo deceived bv faUn advertisements and represent lions by interested parties of competing linos in regard to lime, distances, rates, etc This popular route requires no lse statements, relying on its true merits, it need only to be known by the travel-sg travel-sg public to be appreciated. TIME: San Francisco 4o Omaha, four days and seven hours. Vws Chicago and North Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours. Omaha tc New York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, siity-lbur hours. Pullman' Palace, Hotclt and ljlp-tnf ljlp-tnf Cars Are run on all throngh trains from Omaha to Cnieago. How to Secure Sleeping Berths Bo-fore Bo-fore Reaching: Omaha: Passengers desirous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing Berths, Sections or Stato Rooms in the bleeping Car from Omaha Kast, can do so by telegraphing from any of tho stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, to W. A. Carpenter, General Agent, C & H. W. Railway, Omaha, stating what they want. This is all Ihoy need to do until they roach tho O. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on the east side of tho il is-sour! is-sour! River, then go to tho Sleeping Car Conductor, give him thoir names, as Eor telegram, and they will End that he as their berths reserved for thorn. Passengers going liaet will consult their own interest by Bocuring Through Tickets via CHIAGO & NORTH "WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be precurod at all principal ticket offices in California and the West, and at railroad oHIcob to San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Ogdon, Omaha and Council BiUll'B. JNO. 0. GAULT, Genoral Sup't Chicago. H. P. STAN WOOD, Goner&l Ticket Agent, Chicago. 8 Trees I Flowers Bulbs I Seeds! HKLH.K PLAVrSI NURSERY STOCK I FRUIT AND FLOWER PLATES Atltlreia K. P1IOKSIX, BLOOMINGTON .NURSERY, n.unror . 600 Acre; 21st yeitr; Vi OrenDhoiifes-Applo,l.ftw OrenDhoiifes-Applo,l.ftw l yr.. 8Jt; -'y. y. I-W; 4 Cataloruea, 2i cant. LEGAL JNQTICE. XTOTICR IS HT-RKP.Y GIVES THAT , IN Jamos W. Cunnninr1. N in. M. Jubnt, John Cinumins, It'iburt AndtTsnn and I'lios. 1'. Akoni. do claim twenty-lour hundred (2H10) fnH in lennth, by two hiindnnl fot in width, on tho Ofcoln iind Luchy liny Mining Claim, (being filver-boarifig vijn of rock in place, I and llie Innd and prtnu-ca appertaining ap-pertaining Io said mine, nil fituutod in llm Wet Slounta d mining district, comity o( Salt Lake, lerritury oi I't h L . tho location and extent thereof being more lully dwenbod us follows, to wit: Tbe aboTe mining claim ii FituntcJ on un-nurreyed un-nurreyed lands of the I'nited fttates. 1 ho di'covery ni'inunient of nid claim is distant aboui one-half mile fr"ra tbe juin-ti'in of lila'-k Jack tiulcb and Unlterfield ennyn. from the discovery post eight feot foetb f th" Lucky B'.y discovery finclinPi t.aft, said mining claim rani S. g W, f-et to l"p of spar, bears 8. K ; thwm B.. '.', W., l.ni feet t" the wcflorn boundary of claim; tiH'n'-t .. 2V. . W. l'W leet I" ''"'t No- I. marked U. S- Ko. 1 L-. No. ': thence N..M'4 , K. I.w; feet to post No. 2: thence N. 2s;, , K hi licet to Port No. tbence ,S. -j . i- ! fnet to Post No. ; thence .-. 11 '' " ""' 1,1 I Port So. 5; then'e N". T-1,--, W. Iffl f-t U i I'ct So. B; thene f. 2'', , W. 7V feet tn pr,t So. 7; thnn-eS. o4 . , W. l.t'H 1-t u. Post So. 8; thenre N. i-'4 . W. feot to Port So. 1. the t'lsj-e of h'tginning. com a mint eleven acres and nineteen one-hundredth ol "promPost So. 2, I. B. Mircrfct MonnniiDt So. 6 bears S. T-W , W.2.U- !--t di-taitL Frnni tie dicrfry l-l5t t h" M m moth lun-el lun-el hrs . in . K- alvut 'H frft ili-i-nt. Xbo "'ila'Utone" is tbe adjoining claim on the norlb-eastTly end. as set forth in Urn diagram; dia-gram; and we do b"r-by rive further notice, thai, having occupied and mi proved tb said lode ami ittbism, af-'irdmn to the lo'al riis-Vmf riis-Vmf and rules ol miners in m d mining district, dis-trict, and hating expended in actual laKor and improvniDer.L ;brjn an amount not 1-w-than UN L TII'jL tAN U U'iLLAK.-. ai.ti having at tiii" lime actual peacen'-le i-isi'jd ol ') mining rrinr, "ill K-ply sun) Hid piat of ?.id prrmi";?, ai.rl a pa'.'M f--r : L-,ame L-,ame under ta Act of C-.r.greM cr,:iti-d "An Act gractir.g the ntbt of iy f. aisli and canal owcen ovur Uj puhlic lan-i. and i'-r rihm pur "." approvxd J u ly : U. i r,l the aroendatorr A--t ai proved .J --.is nr.. 1 ar,i an A-1 if Congri n t'r"'-i Miy J". 1772. eci;t.'-d "An A-t m vt .'u'-t di"-l'. rcnt of ibe mineral reeourcte ut tie Idlmi 5 ' onr hands aid seals, tLii iLih day 0fJus'wn,nMM. joiiss,!! j'.hn cry.y,:: .-. r J A.-. W. t' K M J.MjS, TH'S P- A K i.i.-, t-i . l;' l,i.KT A:-.'fc;''v. i Br TbJ- l: Aaern. la a-f-rc? ,l Ail of ka.iiak City. Attl- j JuSk. feIrBK.x5, Veiled states I.ar.d I .-.a. I Lai;' Crtr. Aug.'t 7: 1S72. I cenify that lbs above not ire an'l a diagram day fil in ili! of;.'. iit.'ir w.uj a i t.r e kx :r, net.: of v, dr. a ':,m '.';.t' '.it; :r.e jr .ic la;.i. !'; i Jily Jr. J-"-. h:,d U iB.'i'l"-'! '' A t of L.-.r.rr--. a;. : .--1 . n Art t - v.-of.' ; ;!. od X iy I'1, i -tn II i..-.; s. J n LiCti to be i-7;n'"J intf.-vt:l:.y intf.-vt:l:.y iil.L, a n''mroi ''-t-.ifi-oti aeareet tie itr.ati .r. v. OJ'J. ii. JtAA.L..L, ftZi iet-iUl. Prospbctcs fob 1S73. Sixth Yeae. f - - THEALDIXE, An lUtutrate-d Monthly Journal, mnix-r-aily admtct-d to tbe naviialomeat tr r txllc al in the World, A RrprceentAllT and Champion of American Ameri-can Tit. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALPINE, while issaij with all the r-lantj'. hai cor: of the leiapornry or timely inter cc-n c a ar art er.stic c: i'rojnar rer.cdi.-a.U- lt is an eJe--ar-t mivellaaj of pure. list I, ar.d graceful i::t-.-itur.'; aa a cvl-lecuon cvl-lecuon of pictures, the rarest specimons o:" art l-tic skill, in Ma.-k and white, A.ihoush each s-jcceiv3vs number aird? a frft.-h pleasure pleas-ure U' it- friecis, the rtsal va.ue and i-muw o!" THt ALP IN L will be mst ai-j reciatvd atler it ha. been bond op at Ula rljoe of iae iar. While ether pubii;tions mat claim sup:nr cheapness, aj cv-mt-anrd with rivals o:'a t;i;lar clas. i'tiK ALl'iNK is a un: ;ue ar.d eriuinal concur on alone and ur. appro. LtJ ?o-lutoiy ?o-lutoiy w-.uhou; competition in price or character. charac-ter. The poiw.-;or o:" a coiu; !r'e v'-ccan-not duplicate tie quantiy of line i Hid eJravinx-? in any o-.ner ispfl or nmuW .- o. volume forttntlmf. luroitimu! thru, there arc thKlu-oinot bcatile t ABT DEPARTMENT. Sotwith5txndinjt tb increase in the price of subscription iat tall, wtito 1HL ALl'i.N L' u tiled m present Bvl'loi np.'rtji'a. rep-rwecutive rep-rwecutive character, the edition mr 111 da doubled anna,- tho pajt year; proving prov-ing that the Americaui putijc apprtviate, and will support a sincere ellort in the cause vt Art. ihe pubiuliers, aniiom u. ju.-tiiy the ready cenhuence 'hus dcuionstratc-d, hai e exerted ikenisult oa to tho utmost to develop and improve the work; and the plans tor the co mi a- year, as vinioiJid by the monthly is-ius, is-ius, will iiitonish and uohsht uven the most sunsuino fnonds ot 111 K ALL'IN hi. Ihe publishers are authoriied to announce design; irom nianj of the most oiiiiueni jutiiU oi Aiuerica- In addition, Til E ALP IN E will produce es-Jnples es-Jnples f tho best loreijrn masters, toUvtod itn a view to tho his host artisuc succoss, aim Ereatesi cone ml interest; avoiding ouch as havo become lamiliiii, through photographs or copied oi any kind. The quarterly tinted pities, for 1S7S w ill reproduce re-produce tour oi JoUna- iJavies' inimitable child-sketch, appropriate to thu four seiks.in. itieao platea, appearing in the issuea lor J iin-uary. iin-uary. April, J ub', and i.'ctobor. would bo jUono worth the price oi uyeax'a subscription. The i-ipular leaturos ol a copiously iHurtral-d iHurtral-d "ttinstmu'' number will be continued. To possess uch a valuable epitome oi ttie an wuria. at a cost so triilmK. will command Urn subscriptions oi thousajias in every reotion oi the country; but, as tne useiulmvss and attractions attrac-tions ol llitk ALL'iAh can be cnhani-i-a. in proitTtion to the nuwerlcua mcroase oi its eup-portt-rs, tho puolisiiora proi-oso to mai.o "assurance "as-surance double sure,.' by tho lollon'ini unparalleled un-paralleled oner of FKLJUIM CUKOSVS FOR 1S13. "Every subscriber to THE ALDINK, who pays in advance tor the year 157... will reccn e. without additional charge, a pair oi boautitul oil chromos, ancr J. J. uiil, tho ominuot t.ng-lish t.ng-lish pauiti'rs. Tho pictures, onutiod "itio illao iHl,'' and 'Urossiiig the ilvor." aro H x m inihos are pnutod iromj dirl'eront plates, reyuirins -i improsiun and tints t,. ptritct each picture, iho same chnmos are sold lor Soo ptr pair, in tho art j tores. As it is tho dotorimnauon oi its cohducU'i-i to keep Tilt! ALlUiS C. out of ihc roach oi competition in every dopartinunt. tho chrwmos ili be lound co rre ponding ly ahoad oi any that can booilered by other ponodioals. ivvory sub scriber will receive a curtiaoute, over tlio .-itr uuturo ot the puhlishors, guaranioeiuB Uit tlio oUromos doli vurodnhull be ouai to thu sum plus lux n lined tho aeot, or tho uonoy ill oo ru-lundod- Ihe distrioution oi pictures of tliii grudu, Iroe to tho subscribers to a nvc dollar periodical, will mar& an crocli in tho histor.v ot Art; and, oonsidonug tuo uuprocedoniud cheapness oi tho pruoior lliii AUH.n fc lUolt, thu marvul tails little a Hurt ot a uiraole. i-vun to t huso best aciuainitid with tho achievo-mentsi achievo-mentsi f inventive genius and improved mu- chanical appiiaocos- ir'ur illusUations of thosti chromoa, aoo Novoinbsr losue oi Tliii ALDlSxvJ T1IK LITERARY DEPAHTNK.VT willcuntinuoundorttic caro of Mr. HifHAKD HtAltl dluilUArtU, assisted by .he nest writers and poets ol tho day, who will .-tru e to have the literature of THE ALU1NK ul-wajs ul-wajs inaoeuing witii iu art ia tic attractions. TEUHS, . - 5 per iiinvm, In niTsnct, tvlili Oil Chromoi free. THE ALPINE will, hereafter, bo obtainod only by subscription- There will bo uo reduced re-duced or club rato; cash for subscriptions iuum bo sent to the publishers diruct, or bunded to tbe local aK;nt, liiiout rtitoulblllt)' iu Hie puuiiHhers. e.copt in cases whore the oertiheato in given ,bonnn; the I'nc-sluille signature ol J amks tiL'rro.t j: Co. AGENTS WANTED. , Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local aguDl, will receive lull aad prompt information in-formation by applying to JAJ1K8 SUTTON & Co, Pnbllihrra, as MA1REK LAKE, NEW IUKU. .. nbrli COMPOUND BONE-SET PILL 8 Home-made and purely vegetable. They relieve Janndio, Dripepsla, Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Liver Complaint, Headache. Lou ol Appetite and Foul Stomach, will break up Colda, Fevers. Coughs. Anri Purify the Ulood. i They will Cleanse the Bromaoh. Kenovnte I tbe Hytm. and dispel Piseime. Are good in all oases where Physio is needed. Try a box. I You will like them, and nover want any other tort. They ore Tonia, Cathartic and txpeo-toranU txpeo-toranU Twenty-five centa perboi Twonty-flvtPilU. Warranted to give aaUifeotion. ! J. K. JOHKSUa, IL. Ovogga, Utn And sold atZlon'i Co-operative fitoratr ad by other agent throughout the Temteiy. also sold at wholesale or furnished in oom-mission oom-mission to responsible agent. If these medicines med-icines are not kept at your stores, ask your aarohant It ordv tbn at osea L1DDELL & BROWN AUCTION AND CO.MMl&MuX MERCHANTS Fcr tht of all kiadi c: ' jsjmhovndlr. Household Good. 3 Stock, etc. Also for t;ria. rriti. Bu::. ru. Ac Bonds Tpoalt-d with the Cttr Treasurer to vec nrr Contipnora. CONSItlSMUSTS SOLICITED And Ubcral cash AnvAxers sade. TOKAiiS AMPLE. Countrv Au.-U-t Sales rtnpllv attecded K' rei-vnible rauv. East Temple Street, few-door Eorth of r. os.-p-G. W. GEE, Auctioneer, BOT 1 l-"'1 Ctt'' Tavlor & Cutler, liaejt (: In n.Miier He lc-1 of Charter Oak STOVES; Abo keep a Full Mo.k of DRY GOODS, ! i CROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, j ETC. Under Taylor's Hotel, EAST TEMPLE 8TREET. ! GRAVES & CO,, ; Wholesale and Itetnil ; GROCERY And i Provision Dealers, i CROESBECK BLOCK, Peoond South Stn'ot, ! j( Salt Lake City. i (WHITE LEAD 70 t 172 IMMMILl'll STItlCICT. Offer Riiwiitl Indncomrnlj" Io large httyari and the Jobbini Trade of Uinta Territory. iyia , Damon, Tcniplo & Co., linpurlors, Manufnoturorsand Jobbers of fAud allUuudsfiT ; OKNT'3 NUCK WKAK, UN KM AND TATKR: J I00LLAK8 AHD OUFKO, I 111 ud m Wabuh Ave. jyl ' UHIUAUU, HI.. DUNFORD SONS-ladies' SONS-ladies' AND CIIILDRILWS AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. IjEtarsro Assortment. Now is your (imc! m7 GROCERY DEP'l Z. C. JL. X. , WHOLESALE AND ltETA 11- Groccrics, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery Class ware, Tinware, xMiners' Supplies. We do not throw out Baits by LJvertiiinf; a low LeadiEg Articles at Low PricBS. A T.T. OUK GOODS OMEAPI DKALKKd t TUK KKTTLKMK.N'Tij AM) M1NIN0 TOWNS WILL KIND IT TO TIIKIR INTKKK3I TO CALL AND KNQUJLilK l'HICF.3 BEFORE; PUECllABING. |