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Show DJv TV. U. Telegraph. IO.N DO. J.N DARKNESS. London, 4. 500 striking stokers employod by the Gas companies wero summoned before tho police oourt today, to-day, 00 charge of conspiracy. Tho oompanies aro unyielding. Tho Btokors will hold out until thoir companions, who.se disohargo was tho oau.se of thoir striko, aro taken back. Meanwhile the absonce of gas is scvoroly 10 It. Theatres are com polled to omit performances, per-formances, underground railways aro in darkness, and candles havo advanced advan-ced ten cents, To-duy two thousand printers bad a public parade WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. lE'iS tw inform, (ho resident.- or Snlt Lsko 1 City and vicinity, tbat h n"t only Kiinrmitopj to prwimrly Hopair, Clean and .(ljii!t W atchps and Chronometers, but ha wi mukoiboni or any pari of ihem, to ordor, and wurrnnt tho work. 'uh received anew surply of Eljrtn. Swi.a "at.'hcs, and a fino btock oi" Iir.-L-iln .(nwolri;. Pricci ili lew ns itnyinlown. Tito Door,- La?t oi tbo Desorol Hunk. dl $150 REWARD, Oil KIFTV IXH.i.AKS EACH, IS "fTorvd fr llio Ko-uvcrv ol'lh- lulMtinu d"fril'i'.l .Animal, 1H on thu nik-Iit of tho 'tli uf NiY(iiilcr. frnia niv riut.iro in tho "nth Tt of thoO-ty: One ch".-lnut "nrel M iii-o vearn u'd, tl:ix cli.rcd ninin km! r.iil. o -inn in fuc, hnivy l.iuhl. and uli.mt fi Tf ot-n h:in.ls bkli. t'no Kry .Main, alirnit ii' "Hruo niit as tho al-m-fi d"ii iln-d. l-n-- a littlo uti.lfjr tin) -n.MK In h.-..n kt-kod on l.n.-k p.irt of lilil l-ro W. " a liTtlo mtu yl. A Ni une Inreo tlnrk l.iy -Mi.ro Mulo. al.-.ut itiS hands hth, tail t-haved n..-y hd. llnalmvo roivaH nill le nid lo anyone "h mil return tho a tumuli iu uio in tlii city. THOMAS SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. a, cauumos. walto hoo. b. a. son. 30. CKIELOVIOH db CO-, Importer and wholeaal dealers Id Fill WINKS LUVOR3, sou Aaairrs fob IESSE, MOORE & GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. tlllOI ItOI tODIBTILLB, IT. 601 Front 8u. BAN FRANCISCO. ap4 - EjUbliAhedlnlttl. C. YENARD, Manufacturer of th Original Chartrcs Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jaokion and Pacific SAN FRAP CISCO. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TRADE, H eaver & Taylor, 118 Front Street, San Fxaneiaoo, California. al2 A. J. GKIFFITH, Dealer In tggy&fr k ( SALMON AND HERRINGS, IS! WuhlBStoa8trt. All kind of Dried, Smoked and Plokled Flab eotuUnUy on hand. J4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO (Succwsors to Well Co.,) Importer and n (nnfacturcri of TOBACCO AND CICARS, 221, 223 od 225 Front at., oor. SMrvn.Dto, HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SUOES & LEATHER 104 106 Sanitrm St., Ban -Franoiaco, And 6 k 12 Pe&rl St Bostoo. BUCKINGHAM HECHJ, Maoubotax,. of Ui. t UUTU (OAUTTV CALIFOIMIA MATS All Mill. U Harness Saddlery, leather. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., 10A $ 106 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Brq- by pcrmUirion to Mr. H. B Clatr-yon, Clatr-yon, BupcrinlendeMt of the Z. C. M. X. ol5 STABL1SUED 1S50. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 )id 215 Front Street, Sam Francisco. o26 8. L.Stuilar. C. C. Oh.pmuu John Spru.aa., Spruance, Stanley & Co., 8uooMaor to H. Wobit.r & Oo. aud J. & J. Sprain... ImporUr. ind Dilsn In WINES AND LIQUORS, io 4io rnovf street.- : , E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers and Jobber of Brandies. . Wines aid Lipors, 316 Front St., oor. Commtrclal. D. B. n. i BAN FRANCISCO J. BAUM & CO., Importer and Manufacturer of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. aaa limome it., Ian Franclice. No 18 W airen St.. New York. flf GRAND HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery ud Seoond Streeu, A-TjT TRaJVOXSOO, oa rs ft JOHNSON i Co., PaopairroBa, E. MARTIN & CO. fMesale Lipor Dealers, ftoa rromt Street, Sam ralaa, Proprietor ef I HILLEH'S EITRA OLD BOURBOI Aod sole acenti for . t. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a foil assortment of all the ard Brands of Whlakiee, Pine Brajadla. Foreign and Domes tie Wlnti, mi Bltun, Cordial, L. A. AaDderawB, T. L, Hem. SANDERSON & HORN, (Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AD TOBACCO. (Proprietor i,f La EspaDola 01ar faotorr,) Sole manufacturers oj tht ctUbre.U 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR -1.13 Front Htreet, Between Waihlngtoa and Claj, 8AM FRANCISCO. ap4 MURPHY.GRANT & CO. Importers of American and Buropomn Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, HA.IH IT It TV ISO I WOO, CAL.LFOR9I1A, Call the attenUon of the Trade te their larit and oomplete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Whjeh they are now reoefTtni direct from aoropeaji Manufacturer!, oomprisinc ia part Freneb JBerlnoe, Wool Satlnee, Wool Plaid, trench and German, Irian and French Poplin, JDmpreas Cloths, Tamlae, black and colored. Velveteens, Alpaca, black and colered, IILK8, VEtVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Bnok. Berlin (Ladles'. Misses'. Seats') Gents' Underwear , And all kinds of 6ent8' Furnishing Goods, Uolery,crmrlfle In all Its branahes Wlilt UooUt, Ilanclkerolilr, atilriluK L'lnul (iullti, wblu, bhU eolored, D-maika, brown .H.m end H.whed, Tuw.l, HurJi, I)U,,ri TiirkLb. napkins aud OorlUa, k-'-. hCta., BCta. DIVORCES. A Bsni.lTE ptVORn LEUAM.Y OB- wlior(-Ui--ort1..i,. t-eii''rM in i-ci'ii Jin-I . etc. JOHN J. FULTON, Cuun.pllor at l.air No, 1M) BHOADWAY.StVT V0I1K CITY. THE DESEREP RESTAURANT 18 DECIDEDLY THE PLACE 10 CALL FOR YOUR BREAKFAST, DINNER, SUPPER, or LUNCH. Boo'h'8 Fresh Oysters Bj the Can or any way you wish to hare thorn. EVERY DAINTY thk MARKET AFFORDS Dished uplby skilMl Cook?, on Short Ifotico ia the Basement. DANIEL GRENIG Proprietor. THE "HAND IN HAND" BAKERY AIIO Grocery Store. Is also well filled with ft full Line of Goods usually kept on hand. Kvery-. thiog from a Loaf of Bread to ft Canary Bird The Plaoe aa everybody knows js on EAST SIDE EAST. TEMPLE STREET, Abort Seoond Sooth Street. Daniel Gremg, SNOWlSNOW! SNOW! FALL & WESTBR SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasdel & Co's. Rubbers & Ciolh Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Flannels,Linseys& Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Co's. : BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT Teasdel & Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT Teasdel & Co's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO'S. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENERAL GENE-RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. THE BLEES Sewing Machine AT TEASDEL & CO'S, EAGLE HOUSE, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. 2( Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION IMPORTING MERCHANTS, .50 SOLE AGENTS 0' TIM Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, No., as 30 NAVSIIUE STREET, IAJf F RAR' CISCO, CAL. Blasts, Flannels, Cassimeres, REDUCED PRICE I.1NT. .1Lr.? now T.rrrd to rurni.h lo Ih. Ir.d. 5Vih,Hl""Ml "'lis, ofS.lou,, Otwon. .tlnnnpls. .11 coloni. ri. white, .r.y; Henry V atcn-rools; T ry.1: TiM M1 TW V. S. Pr.m, Jeamsters' beary raid Klann.I Or.r-hirts" l.atu.Hlcrs' heavy arey Flannel Orwhirw.' ' Maimcre Overshira. etc.. etc.. etc '(Si ""V kinds of Qoodj .olieited, COfRaieat Low Hat., by Hos, 2b laid JO baaaome Street, oU Sai! i'BaHCIBCo, Cau r- r. ar.wan. EVANS & STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SIDE OF EAST TE.Ml'LB ST11EHT, llelow Second South, SALT LAKE CITY. i.Bulldinirs and Stored fitted uti with rian . J.rfl1 ''ll't-i en r.aaonahlo tcruii. All n ttBjL UuajLutiasu. .J Pall and Winter Notice! ARRIVAL Pall & Winter Goods. s:. o. its. z. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE AND WELL SELECTET STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English and American Suitings, Coatings and Cassimeres in great variety and latest styles. Men's and Boys suits of the latest fashions, from fhf first Houses In New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, Is WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks. Valises, Rugs Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE.' GRANT, GREELEY, AiYD ALL THE NEWEST styles of HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great Huccesa whioh haa attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Hu ioduced us to make Iarge Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, Bo that gantlemeil may ehooie from the most Taxied mad Extcnsfre Stock we have ever offered. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always oa.hand. 127 H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing1 Machine. yy E re-pectftilly invito the Public to oall and see our exoelleot variety oi Sewing Machines, Plaln.Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVES WITH TUB F -A. IST T O 2ST CASTORS. Tht Total Sata of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 3. 8 G o Aa eridoac that it Lb fast winning supremo faror La tb. household, Tho Sinqkb Company sold ovor the othor Companies, 52,734, H" The Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by the Fire to Mareh is, 1872, S,9-(4; 3.151 Sinner Machines, all other makes, 7SJ. Applicants made their soleouon, with same diseount on ail. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN? OTHER HOUSE IN THS SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wi coartoaaly innt the Ldioa to 8se our Em broidery AttaoLimont, It ttttncU reDertJ ftttutioo and adairaUoo. Wc mIbo dosiro you to boo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINQERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL, KISDS OF SUUm,Ji SKWINU MACHINES. TS OI'AKANTEE EVERY MAClltNB WE SELL TO WIVE ENTIRE FATISFAO .IT. 11 ""a. """5 ona i th. rcuahly a l,u..lrj. Irio.i nil lo-l.d by aip.-ri.oi Mhaoioa Md.n.ar,anlod to o uh aa... ail h ,1, of ,wd... from lha iu,..i 10 ,h. fiMl? t.ace, AIusllu, Cambric, JOuuientic, Dcniuis, XicklDct. Ducking, Beaver, Buckskiu and Leather. :o: tST Inetruotion given I'rco of eharno by oompotcnt attendants, and terms et sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. Wo ostend a cordial inviuiion to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether thfy wish to purvliaxc or not. IT THE SINGER mm MiCilKE DE(MRTMT1 X- C. M. I. General Agents, Two doora wuth of Klo Kaijwriuiu, Salt LAKijOiw, Delinquent Sale Notice. F:MERAI.D Hir.T, MrN'TNO COMPANY, ii Location of Work: StlL Lak county, t'tnh Territory. NoTiri;. Thera are 'rifjlinqoeiit tipfiB tho followini dwcrjbwl Stock, on account of K5.ie.vmoBt loriod wn the 17Lh day of October, fH2, tht BflvoraJ amountt ect or.ixjsne tb names of Uio rsioctirt Sbaxuholdora as follow: I I Xo. of! K Si f " Namos. Cor- Sharoa. AmsiinL tificato OjTlawkinJ lfl lVt I 378 50 And In actordMice with law, and an order of the Hoard uf frustee;, mado on the 17th daj-of daj-of Uctobor, IS72, so many shares of each p reel of ;aid Stok as may bo necos.'ary. will bo txild at nublio anc-tion, by John Middlpton Jc Son, at o. J10. Montroinpry-stroot. .San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on tho 17th day of December, IKfi, at tho hour of one o'clock r.in., or aaid day, lo pay said Uelio'ioeat Asieosment Ibere-in. Ibere-in. toxcther with costs of Adrertising and ox-pansei ox-pansei of sale, . w F. MA DC B, Secretary. Office, ?o 64 Merchaots'K.TCbaQso, Califor-Bia-stroot, San Francisco, California. a30 CFThronrh Can from MiMourt River to Chioaco, IndianaMlia, CinoinoftU, Lfnf mort and Colambaa, ConneoUom i thoie pointf with linei Uadiagto the Bait, North and Senth. This it the 8u Shortit, dVulckaat. tad ChHpat Ronu, Do not badaoeirad. but obuin Tick at tIo, tbo Barliniton A Missouri JtiTox RailnaA. A.S.TOUZALIN. 0. X, PKRKIHSt eDl Paaa:AxasL Oa1 Sop't COMMISSION HOUSE OF D, B. BEEMER & CO. Omaha, Neb. TUB OY5TER TRADE has Wen nrofu-thioniied nrofu-thioniied this season. Omaha hiu now become the distributins point for the Ureal W est- Baltimore 1'ackors now ship directly here, instead of purine thein through handi of Cnieaxo arenu. In this way the mmmi--sion of tio Chicago dealer is sared, and we en t caw price eipreii cnarged added. The Advatoes to buyers are these, they can buy as cheaply as at Chicago-have their oysters repacked, b. id way, and be sure of freeh stock and safo carriage, and be nearer their ba.o of supplies. e get our stock througb by express, ia about simy hours from Baltimore, and ice still remains in the caae. Dealers should be careful to get this eipres stock, rather than oysters that are 'kciuuteii through from Chicago, which takes alx days to. accoiapUh. Age kills the navor of aa oyster, and tarns the lnaor from whito to pisk, in color- Such oysters are as unpalatable unpalat-able as unhealthy. We are sole agents fur LtDiscToa s Co's Fiuova 6e.i-side uvstehs, for all the country wast of Omaha, and aro now fill ins; orders for poinu as far west as Op-den, Salt Lake City, Cori nne, Elko, i'alis-ade, i'alis-ade, and even down into the Whitk I'ise region. Shew Bills furnished andordera filled at short notice. J. L. Go. SeUcts, per CanlO ets. J. L. $ Oo. Standards, ' 00 eU. J. C. he's, 5U ets. And whenerar Baltimore reduces price, a - corresponding redaction will be made here. Customers had better give ordvs for regular Shipments so that there will be so delays. . l'ernu, STKICl'LY Cash- rub FENCING ACADEMY rfiohards' Buildings. 2d South St. Opto for the Winter Season. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, A FRIDAY EVEN LN US. from 7 to 10. Ladies Class for Caliithenica from 4 to 6 p.m. Private Lessons if desired. For terms apply to 8. P. Richards, at Taylor A Cutler's stoT or at the Academy. Ball to Rent- oclt WHY' IS IT? THE MAN WHO GOES AROl'ND Ilt'NT-ini' Ilt'NT-ini' bargains found out yesterday that LETI GARRETT, At his stand, City Meat Market, fell; Meat cheaper than the Utah CatUo Association. -Why la It J no27 wood: wood:: WE keep conrtantly on band :&oned, cord ud store wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QUAK.ENASP, .AND COTTONWOOD, For rale cheaper than tae cheapest. Office and wood yard near U- C R. K. depot, juit wort of sampling works. Special rates to par-ehaer?of par-ehaer?of car lots- Wood deliTered in any part of the city on short notice- We will rent a part of our office on liberal terms. OC14 KKWMAS CO., Box 7 74. I - fl s CD W X O " H g S I 3 ! H g H" .; - I -i ta IS m a (-5 s E? I e 9 !, NOTICE. To the Builders, Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U. T- WB HAVE OPEVED THE FINEST AND best asuorted f tuck cf Window Ul.w A all sjte.". that has evor come to thi Territory, and Invite all to. eluuioe quality and priv-M before fuivhaaiDC elsowbi're, a we have better lVciMle for fillinit orders, both lanra ar.4 small, tbaa any other houo in the TornUTy. Plate Glaas and 1'late tilaM Mirrors, of any siie. framed and retYamod. furnished on the short eat notice and at the lowest rricea. Olau cut to any eue. aod sa thee of aoj shir SHed with glaM, whion we punriantee to sn atisiactieo. No churge for cutting. Orders trom thecoiajUy will rceiv rrvmrt atteoUoo. C. F. CULMER & CO, (Fora1rofPAVi CU1.MKB.) Oo7 H.oad fioalli Slr.at. Fumaccmcn, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM i CO. ah ao ikt roM in OULDVit CITY riltB II till' K, WhleJi arc qat U sot laptrior te the VJt Villsh. tiyaalaJ ratef iltai by Ui mi Ua4. Mill |