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Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. B HIT ID BTATU OJJICKM TOR UTAH : Oortnitir Qeorge L. TTooda, Oregon. ecretary Georje A. Black, Ctata. CbW JntUc J. B. McKma, Sew York. AatocUte JutlCM O. f . Strickland, Miciu, ud a;M. Haw ley. I1L Mtny-M.T. Patrick, SebraAl. 0. 8. Attorney Oeo. 0. Bates, 111. 8nrTeyorlMral-0. C OUtnenW, TiA. Receiver ef Public Mosej'i J. B. Orerten, Pa. EgUtr oT Land Offlw George B. Hunll Mich. 0. a InMnr-J. P. Tangart, of IU. 0. 8. Collector -O. J. HollleUr, Oal. TKBRITOKLAL OTTICIES : CelegaU to Oooarw Wm. H. Hoopr. A ttorMj-OeittraJ Zarabbabel Snow. Manbal-J. D. T. McAllister. Auditor Wru. Clayton. Tmram-Jama Jack. 8tiprlalcnacnt f Oommon ScbooU Robert L, OampbIU SALT L1KK 80UNTT omCjt&S : Probate Judge, Ilia 8ml lb. tolAClmon, SnbtD Miller, laaao M. fltewart, W 0 Hal. Ooroner, II. 0. Beetle. SbarlO, a. T. Barton. Provocating Attornaj, Z. Bnof . AiMuor and Collector, E. J. Qoldlog' f reeaurer, Theodore UcKeea. Coaoty Clerk, D. BoctholdL, Ooanty Recorder, Edwin D. Wool ley. ml BapertateBdant, Robert h. Campbell, cjtt ornoi&B : BiTom. Paolel H. Wells. Alois, mi. let Municipal Ware, Isaac Qroo. tod A. Miner, trd " " K. H. felt, tin " " . J liar Clinton, lb Jehu Van Cott. Oetwoioaa, B. T. Barton, Theodora McKean, Joseph f 0mitfa, Alexander Hajon, Henry G row ,J oho Clark, A. 0. Pyper, John JL Wlader, Lewie 8. HUb Recorder Eabart OaapbelL. Trrararar Pan! A. Schettler. ManhaJ John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Pnbllo Acwul-Robert Oampbell. Assessor and Oo I lac tor John R- Winder. Supervisor of Btrwu laaao Oroo. Bnrrejor Jo W. fox. Board of Bchool Inspectors Professor J. R Park, Robert I Oamplmll, Henry L Doremus. Healer of Weight and Ueaearas Nathaa Paris Captain of polio Andrew Bnrt. Water Master Isaac Qroo. Inspector of BoUdlnga A. H. Raleigh. " Wood and Lumber D. Dlnwoodey " " Liquors Robert Oampbotl. " u ProTlsiooe-Jesee 0. Little Quarantine Phytic lan J tar 0 lint on. Ohlef Jlnglaeer fire Department John D. T McAll iter. Beard of JKian.tnlog Physicians 1oc tors ff, f Anderson, J. 8. Ormtby, Jeter Clinton. Ottj Market Master Albert Dewey. " SeztoB Joaaph R. Taylor. H Stock Inspeclor-H. J. Fault. Superintendent Iiuana Asylum and tloipltal Theodore McKwu. Piiyalolan Inaana Ajylua and Hopltal-f-Jetf Oltnton. mm oa rum IM Mnoictpal Ward Leri RlUr.V tnl " Bamaal Torn bow. Br- - Oldaon H. C. Olbba. 4lb ox. uillan Atwood. lb " ' W. a A. Bmoot. Arrival and Cloiinc; of Mai Lb. ARRITALB. BmI Through mall, dally, 7:40 p.m. Local Ogden, Robo 01 ty, Waaatch and Morgan oonnty, dally, 1:40 " Summit and Waaaub oonntlea, Tneaday, and Ihnraiay, T:0 " tf el Throngh mall, daily, 10:10 a.m Local Wert Jordan and Berrlman, Tbnraday, 7:10 pja. Tooele oo'y, dally, axoept Sanday , 1:00 p.m. QrantaTllle, Saturday, 8:00 pJU Hmr lit Idaho, Montana, OregOB and Waib- Inglon Territory, dally, 10:10 ajn. Looai DaTla and Box Rider oonntiee, dally, 10:10 .r Cacba oonnty, Honda, Thursday and Batcniay, 10.10 a.m. Kloh oo only, Monday and Thursday " " South To plooha, daily T.10 p.m. St. Ooorga and .Ariaona, al terns U daya, T:10 p.m SanpeU oonnty, Tneaday, Thnraday and Saturday, 7:10 p.m f airfield and Cedar Talley, friday, "ilO p.m 0 LOB EN 0. Unit Through mall, dally, t p.m, Looal Ogden, Morgan oonnty, Re ho Otty and Waaatcn, dally, B ' Summit and Waamtoh oountlea, Monday and Wednrday, 9 " - W Ml California and Harada, Throngh mall , and Ogden, daily, 1:30 - Local Wert Jordan and Herrlman Thnraday, ' :80 a.m Tooela, Stockton and GranUTiUe, dally, icept Sunday 8:00 " N orth Idaho, Montana, WMhlnjton and OregoB, dally, 1:30 p.m. Local DarlB and Weber eouBtlea, dally, 90 ' Dos Rider counry, dally, 1:80 Oacb oounty, Sunday, Tneaday And Thnrtday, :80 - Rich eounty, Tneeday and Tbara. 1:90 " Kotltli Pfeche, ote daily, :S0 aua St. Oeorg and Arwona, alternate; daye, 6:80 " Sanpete county, Sunday, Tueeday endThuuilay, 8:80 " f airfield and Oedar T'y.Wedneeday, 6:80 Off 10J HOURS. Oeneral DelWery open from 8 a.ra, to 8 p.m fiauday, 18 le 1 pvm. Money Order and Regiitry Department open rora 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. OutUde door ovn from 0 a,m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOO UK, tVtina..l-r. "Ailrortl'lng Is IbB Oil which viit mea pu In their LnrnM. Mopkr.1 rBoriRit. L P. FISHER, - ADVERTISI NG Rooms 20 (fc 31 Merchant Exchnie CAUFORNIA 5TREKT, ; SAN FRANCISO, Silli-It3 AdrerUjoment and SubjcrivUcni for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald Ant frr p pn pttblihl In CBlifrrnl. Prolan Pro-lan and ft'erada: Wa.'hiertrD, I lab. Idaho. JU'ntnnA. Colorado, Ariicna ud ant lorntorioi: Sandwich Itlandp. tho Jin., h !'oewi"ni'. Mexrean Port, rvicanwua. I'aiia-ma. I'aiia-ma. Valparaiso, Japan an.l China; Nw .calami .ca-lami ami lh Auiiraiiaa cvlOBles, ho AUautic States and urci ADVERTISINQ ils created many bow hu.'tnaj.': t as alargrd many ao eld buflov; lliu t lied maai' a dull bu.'inajs; I la rwruod many a loit busing; ll.v iivotl many a failinjt bufinei; llii. rrerred mJiy a larire bu.inr; And inturei luccew m anj buiinon. tll H A H P'5 SECRKT. ?tfnn (llrsni n!-i loay in hta ol.l ace: "1 hav aiwaj-s oonsi.tcrovi adveriiing liberally and long to bo tho ireat moiimm ol mioccw in buainw, and tho rrrlmio to wealth. Ami 1 haTO muto it a inrnnaMe rule to a.l vertigo in the dullest tttae a, well r tlio buiiwt. lonjt experience bavins laueht mo that money thus spent well laid out. u by continually koeping my bujinwj beioro tho public it hiw "eouri'3 many alw that 1 othor-wiso othor-wiso would havo IoL" AdwertU yonr Bui1nui. Keep year nam ftcforo the Public, .Inillrloua Advertising will Insure a. Fortune. If Hnelncae la DnII, Advertise. 1 Utialncas la Uriah., Advertise. T Tho ran who didn't believ in Adver-liiinc Adver-liiinc bai Pino Into partnenhin with tho Umiff, Aai uai official dot tha kdreruiiiif NOTARIES PUBLIC. ' GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, '-AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArKXOTn.XDar.il t5T& taken for tho ievera States asd Xxxrtoxies. Office honre, 9 i, v., to 9 P. . Roo-u ?f o. ! over t irat Nauonal Rink, bait Laito City, Utah Territory. i5 Jaa. T. Stxinburn. Chax. A. Gould- STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, OOZV-VEl'X'A.ZVOXI - (9 , AID C01QHSSI0NERS OF DEEDS FOR New York. MusachuaetU. PenDylTanla, Ohio, Illinoia, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, Oreeoa. Tcxaa, Colorado. District vfColambia aud other StAtei and Territoriex. f Application! for Patent. Minina Deeds, Agree m en tA and Bondj Ur Deeds, Morttfaess, Powcri of Attorney, Leaaea, ContraetA and other inxtraments of writioi drawn with accuracy and dispatch. nflDlna; and other ConipaUi 1m-orporaud 1m-orporaud lanir Aba Lawi of Uun, Abstracts of Titles to Minim and other progeny made in tho moat complete form. Mining property examined and reported re-ported on. Orrio at REID'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY. U. T- A Notart Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. TranscriptA famished from tho Brit Mlninx Roenrda io tha County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of tho Mountain Lake M ining Diatriot (now Bis and Little Cottonwood D utricle), and from tho: a of tbo Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. my21 CHA8. W. 8TAYNBR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Qovnrnor. Office 1st door south of Savago'i Photograph Gal lory, bait Lnko City. m22 NEW YORK TRADE. L. M. BATES & CO., 41 A Broadway, HEW YORK, tHMATKU AITO JOBBIXI IB Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITB 600D8, WOOLEJV8, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, Sec J. II. BULGES. jnl Cochran, McLean & Co. Importer, and Jobbor, of DKY GOODS, Wlilte Goods, lloalery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Kmbro dories and Laoos, 402, m and 466 BROADWAY, I. IU C WR10HT. JiKW YORK. JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and WholetaleDoalort in FUR AJVD WOOL HATS, Straw Goodt, Umbrdlat, &c, Mo. 408. Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo, Jim Hunvir. J A BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale ( Dealers In I BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., Now York, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broadwa THOS. M. ARGALL &, Co., Mon's, Youths' Boys' and Children'! CLOT H I 1ST Oh, AT WnOLISALU, 313311 Broadway, Now York. j. i. oowlxbj. far RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER A CO., Importon and Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DBY QOODS.l UVA, m and 76X Broadwa NEW YORK: W. U. DA11NEY. ;28 H0WLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Wtllntlvajio. llb.rKlIyon con.lgm-m.nta con.lgm-m.nta of Ore .nil Bullion. Dnlllon pnrchna.d .t lilh.at mnrknt rnt... .27 MORE ARRIVALS. ej k Different Sizes and JLjr Styles of DOORS. JIJT DiJUorent Sizes ot WINDOWS. The most complete Stock ever brongut to UaliJ AT L1TIMER.TAYL0R & CO'S LULIBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of tho Tabernacle. T 1.1TNM, W. H. rM 50M a.iiiu'k . BOHhir. H0TEL8, ETC. SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Fresh, Shell and Keg Oysters received daily, fresh Fish, Game, Fruits and Vegetables trom all parts of the 1 World. - LADIES SUPPER ROOMS Fitted up exprcsily for ladies and jrerrtlemen in a styleunex-celled by any esLttb-luhment esLttb-luhment on the taciic OPEN 1V1GHT AND DAY. " PRIVATE EXTRAS CE FOR LADIES, ONE DOOR. SOUTH OP WELLS, FARUO 6c. CO'S. HESRY WAGXER, Proprietor. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE K00MS NEATLY FURNISHED. null NeiComcraalLolpsEoois, 46, Oommercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAH. Proprietor. OPEN A lTTT NIGHT. Sprlnsr Bade, &, 37U and 50 cto. poi Nig lit f 1.50 to 13,00 par Weak. Slvtjl Room a, AOandTSe.ptr Night) 3.00 to 14.50 per Weak. Donbla Ho o in a, 91.00 to tl.50 per HlgHU 015 GREAT WESTERN KOTEL ON THK KUROPKAK FLAM. Bi mated la business part of the city, with aooemmodatioa for 2U0cuesU. FIRST-CLASS Moommodation forFsuuUio and Travelers, Rooms, B0o.,75c, tl.00 and 91.50 per day. " Dining Hall nd Restaurant under the raan&Kemont of M H. Beardsiey. late of the Uorrison liouse. Omiha. and Tiohnoi House, Lincoln, Neb. Board per week, T Oleala, 50c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL, 8Uioa leave daily for the mines. Laundry aonnooted with the hotel. SMITH BIOAZE, my 17 Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tims-13 90 per dayt '.Weekly Board and lloomi 913,00 to tlS.UUf Table Hoard, S 00. A few First Class families can find . pleasant quarters. SaltLakoCitr, Novombor 23, 1S72. J. C. LIT ILK, no21 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, , SALT LAKE CITY, XT T II a THIS HOUSE IS THE L.ARnEST A'D boat appointed llouso in L tah loiTitor-. and has accummeiiaiiun tor three hundrod and fifty Kuosts, tSuooL oars and carriages eonnect-od eonnect-od witii the WUilo bulphur Bmhs. Heading Rooms, conUininn iiapars from all points. Rath?, 13ar, ToloKrapli, ows and Cigar faUind attached W tholloiiso. ii. a. GREELEY, & CO., - nov21 Vropriolors. TOWNSEND HOUSE, . SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL or UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. ThliHonae Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has aooomaoda-Uoasfor aooomaoda-Uoasfor 10 itaeaU. THK PROPRIETOR U now preparing 0 build lane additions to his Hotel, whith when nnished. will render it the Mott Complete Ettabluhment In the --v BOCRF MOUNTAIN REGION mil IROJN & COAL. BKB ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTTI. Iron and Coal. Capitalists call on mo, I own it I will divide Addreas, 8. HI. BLAIR, sit) 1. O. Box 180, Salt Lake CUy. WANTED, fa.ivn CASH, FOR ONE Year. Will divido the finest mining interest in Utah lor the uso of tho monoy. Addross, S. M. LLA1R, Salt Lako City. P. 0. Boa ltW. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTLUJtliS AND JOBBERS OP RYE WHISKEYS, Warihtnullo.0 Light Btraet, BALTIMORE. tnr31 TO iHIAEKSl -E WTLL ri'RCUASE, OR FVRXPH V Cap.tal tr-devlp ra llj-rxd pro.'cc! or mines, subject to iho ai rroval of cur local appnt- Aii.lrcis, in confidence, giTing coin-plcio coin-plcio deacripiion of property. i- U. GIBBS A CO.. novlo iTSLrofldiraj-. Nk Xohk. RIOKEB'S Little Was her, THt BE T N0 CHEAPEST X THE MAR KET, Only S7.00. J, C. COLTRIN, Agent, Specimens. l.;th Ward Co-oreraliro Store. The hithest rrioeinCi. Mrpr Hides and Pells. J- COLTBlN &. CO., siD At p. Paisley"! Tannery. 1F'J Ward. ASSAY APPARATUS FOlt SALE, EV AU COAIP.I.TK. COST Sl-i- o, IN" I'lllt.APKT.rMA. FOll sICC' JNO. W, S.NELL, MEDICAL. Dr. J. P. P. VAN BENBEEGH, . From Prussia, THE GREAT o n. ivx EXTERMINATOR, Lilt of Sac Francisoo, CoL Remarkable Cure: This is to certify that my wife. Hnlda Park, has been atUict-xi for ihe last eiBht yours with chronic Lij aentery, with pain in her stomach, back, iidtj, and severe headache; in lact eiio waj nvi;r free ":rom pain and miseries, tshe doctored a creat dpa.1 with the bust doctors no could hear ol, and 1 amsony to say witnoui any reliof. We heard of many curea wmch Dr. J. i. P. VonLenberga had i.criormed in and about Sail Late City, which induced n to consult him; nnd tha Debtor at unco told uj that all hex complamU and uberies were caused by worms, so sho couiiuonced taking his inudicine on tho 17th of August, and iince that tun o all pains and excessive Chronic Uysentcry are carod, and in laci she considers hursoll a woll woman ooeo more. TUUMAti U. PARK. Ilia X marl:. Cestreville Wahd, Utah, iseHumber Jd. ISTi Over 1,000 Worm Expelled from Mri, Blslj)'. My gratitude compels me to moko tho fol low in it statement: I had been alllicicd lor many years with a complaint in my stomach. X limiting i was truubiod with pruis. L consulted con-sulted Ir. J. P. P. Von Denberta. lie con-lirnicd con-lirnicd my belief, and, strange to say, he nave me only fivooihia Warm i'owdcrsond in live hours I wad relieved of over 1.1MJ poculiur looking worina, and indeed I feel like another woman once more. MATILDA M. D1SBY. Salt Lako City, Sept. 3d, lo7i. .We, -the undersigned, w.ill testify that wo wero proaent during the tinio tho above worms pasuil. - MARY BOOTH, Mrs. K. L. U LA RDM AN. - il. A.FLRUUbUN. Five Hundred Worma Expelled from a C'nlld only two yearn old by Dr. J, 1. P. Va Denbcrgn'a Worm Syrup. I think it my duty tostato tho following facts: My child, only twenty moo ilia old, hud buun sick lor oO uio time and wasted away to a more skeleton, trying many ro modi us without any relief. Xhiniiinir the child had worms lod mo to buy a botcio of JJr. J. P, P. Van Don burgh's orin ayruD, and attor giving tho Syrup, over ' aoo worms passod away from the child. Sinco then tho Chronic iiarrha'a ana theother complain com-plain id are cured. Xliank ileavon! my duur child is well onco more. Mrs. M. A. O'FARRELL, Second South btroot, hall-a-bloc& irom I tho Court llouse, bolt LaAo City, U. X. Letter lroui W. K. Horner, lie be r City. Wasatch, Utah, September 0, Da. J. P. P. Ta5 Dhsbergh: I think it to bo a public bcnoGt and grati-i grati-i tude toivardd you compels mo lo mako tho lui-lowing lui-lowing statement: 1 havo been sulloring lor many y oars with a constant groiTicg pain and a nuivormg sonsation in my chast and b oar t; my loud would not digest, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and throat. I was bo nervous that with diUi-culty diUi-culty 1 could get around; in lact, trom tho constant con-stant puui anu inisury 1 had wasted a Hay to a moro sKoIcton, 1 bad beon doctoring a groat deal without any bonoiit, and beliuved that floath only euuldrelouso mo irom all iuy sutler ings, toeing tjomo. fxionds who had received groat bunout from Dr. J . I'. P. Van Uenborgb's medical treatment, induced mo to consult tutu, lie itatod that i was troubled with worms, and said I was curable. 1 took his modicino lor a month, and 1 must say nil my pains and miseries have lett me. My bowels are regular, regu-lar, and 1 feel onco mure as it I could live twonty or thirtyears longer in tho otuoyinunt of ttio greatest ol blessings, Which is good health. 1 would iurthor say mj imu is sixty-hvo sixty-hvo years. .. W n. L. UyRNLR. Card from Judge Frier, of Polk C.uiity. Dr. J. P. P. Van Dkhbubub: Draw Sir: I take pleasuro in thanking you nubliuly for Uiorostunmun ol my health alter nineteen years ot groat sulfur nig mentally men-tally and builily. I doctored a groat dual; was alilictod with almost ovory imuginablo pain, and dospaiXtid ol seoiug a well dny again. H'hon 1 came to soo you at oalom, uu said you would remove tho cause ol ninotoon years' s tutoring in Lto hours. 1 could hardly believe it, but after taking the tivo toatolois powders you gave mo, about iw worma possod from mo, and now, loartoen days aitarwards, 1 loel like anotbor man, and am ublu to lollow my business without pain or inconvenience. 1 remain, Yours roipeccfully, A. 11. FRIER. Bothol, Polk county, Ootobur 10, 1&71. . ooUV. . XEW MEDICAL WORK ! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated M crroni Syatem. DR. JORDAN, of tbo Anatomical Mnscnta, 818 Montgomery street, (near California,) HAN FfiANOLiOO, California, haa pntililipl fourofhla nioel important and lnstrnclie Lecluree, In a noat toIuuiu. for Ibose wtio cannot nltad tho LectorM at tho Munoum. K-ery nnnianied and niarriod mun ahoulJ rpiul ami study thoso important Leo-turoa Leo-turoa lur ihi-good of himself and offnpi-lDg. lty .vldrcMiEg tho secretary of tbo Aaalomlcal Muneum, 3n Frauclaco, and enclosing Tweniy-t'lTo Tweniy-t'lTo Cnt in posiage stamps to pay poWg, the Book will be forwarded to any part ot the States or To rri tones. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. j& JOSEPH tiOULINSKI, OIVIL ENQINEERi U. S. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SUR-, SUR-, VElURl'UK UTAH, Offlcoi Firrt South Streot, nearly opposito St. ii ark's Church. t "-' HENRY WACENER, Salt Lake City, - Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAVF.lt 11KER, ALE A.D l'URTUR, WHOL B8ALB AND RKTAH,, SKCOSDSOUTH STREET, three doors east Elephant iiloro ocO IHI. REED, Auctiou & Commission 31crcbant JTXH.SSIT BOUT THEBTr West of Kimball dfc Uwrtnct'i, SALT LIKC CITY. Liberal cash adrancos made on consignments, consign-ments, aol A-SPLENDID CHANCE buy Flour 'IMIKVS'BKK.-IilNEDHAS Fl'K ALE 1,500 Sacks OF CHOICE FLO UK. Various Brands, which ho will soil to FAMILIES and others in Iota to suit at WHOLESALE FIGURES. Now is tho time for Frtmilia and others to CLUB TOGETIIKIt and get their year's supply CHEAP. OTICK.-.lll FLOUR, G n A I X GK0CERIK3 P-'UitHT a: say --t-re d-'.iverd I B KK to aty pa.-t t : je C--y. M HUT. Ac. For Sfilr. GEORGE 11. KXOMLDKX. Grain Dealer, Wert side Main Street, Opposite , Wells, Fargo i Co's oS. FURS WANTED. Kit hast Cash Price Pa'd for Flts. .U.-0 llj A" a C.iTi V. . 'ie,-;0 ar..i At Br it liiJt; iaiL Lake iiiiue. r-T7 Jas, J. Walworth, i?L:crrc??L'r to Walworth. Furse A Go-) Manufacturer and Dealer in Wroaght Iron Pipe and Fillings, Lender asci Rubber BeV.iac. ic-, 313 and J10 i,&k( St., Chicago, 111. noa NcticG cf Assessment. WELLINGTON Mlnlop and 8 melt -liiS Coiuiiany Location oi Wyrks, Little C.-tiw-a Canyon, l';ah. Notice is hereby piven, that at a mectinc of '.he IloaiJ ot' Trustees l said Company, held or tho l-Jih day o:" November. !TJ, an assass-nient assass-nient Xo. 1. oi'teo cents ier share was levied ui.i'ii tho i':i'iia.l stuck oi' s:iid compajiv, jiavt-bio jiavt-bio imtnodmuly ia United Slates gold cvin, to the c-.Ttary. K. Wegener. No. ill California Street, Sun trancif-cn. California, Any itk iii.ua which said a? ossment shal) remain no raid on the 17:a d.iy ei Divomber. 1$.-, shall be dietuLl delinquent, arid will bo duly adieriifod luriaie, at public auction, and unless i-iiyiuont .-hall be made before will he sold (m Tue-day. the Tth day of January. 1ST.;, to pay the dcli.n incut assessment. locothex with co;Li ol advertiiic- and exfuiiias oi sals. By order of the Board of Trustees, Secret arv. OiTice (11 California Street, San Franriiw, Caluurnii. aUf Washington House - Ulrd. JSoutli .Street, SALT LAKU CITY! Board and Lodging, par Wk 10 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 00 Day Board, per week, 4 50 Sluglc French Spring Beds, jier wk, - - a 00 Bds, pr Might. - 50 lie a la ' - ... 25 DES MOINES Scale Company I II- WEST, president. JjjTi . S. F. SPOFFORD, VicvP't. 5 r GEO. A, JEWETT, Socr'y. Ak W. REDUEAD, Treasurer. iSCy S. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't- VM. DICKERSOX, General Agont Wo aro uianufacturine, and can fill orders on shortnoticc, tho following: Hay, Coal an! SM Scales ! RAILROAD, ' Warehousp & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOL'R AND BITtHERS' IllCAMf. Bnggage and Warcliouse Trucks, Evsry article, warranted durabloTand accurato. SCALES OF ALL KINDSREPAIRED. Addross. for Circulars, DKS MOINES SCALE CO., no26 loa Moines, lows- ' S c3 ! w ft zs 0 S LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Hlf-hlnrtk soath ofU C. Doot, IMPERIAL. Ilavinp oonduJcd arrangcnicnta with the larpost Refinery in the cast to man-uiacture man-uiacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our tralc We hereby civc notice that wo now have for sIc the niPEIU.lL CMBOX OIL, Vf'liich is far superior in quality and safely lo any ever offered in this market. It is wncr whit and Btande ht.fi fire tot v"c rccomrrjeDd it to lboK! that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL A D EXAMIXE. E. r.EESE & CO., 67 FIRST SOUTH ST. OYSTKKS! OYSTERS! OBEY &. Co. IV - i .-1TH -Ti.FTT. yl Ki- S ?.. i.ar a'.'T.v ,n t.-, r.trjt 07: -. ..ej & l, l,s.x iJ&i 717. MISCELLANEOUS, W.T.RSTXOLPS A CO., K- R- ZAIiRISKLS, iaa Francisco. Salt Lako Citj. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABR1SKIE & CO. HA VI TOB SiLI A FINK L1KI OFj WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call th9 attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. , BOLE AGENTS FOR) "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. . THE FINEST IB J 3R, IN THK CITY OONNIOTED WITH THK HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doors south of Walls, Fargo A Go's Bank. mjb City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening np be largest and most completo stock and assortment of Gas fixings evor brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deaeret Bank. Qilt, Bronze, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the parchasor. Have now on hand and will continue to koop the largest slock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to oontract for the piping of houses, ofllcos, buildiogB and dwelling! generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. ily Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at the lowest possible rates. I also keep on hand a full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domestic uso. Tho Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections oomplote always on hand. All work connected with Pu-mpB and Plumbingof every description, and with Gas, Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throo Doors North ol Deserot Bank, Office of Salt Lako City Gas Company, jn& To whom it may concern. WE. the ondertimed, claim and own twelve hundred (1J1) f.et, inclndma No, two (2) and three (H, in tbe Titns lode, in Little Cottonwood canyon, and hold the lame by deeds from the original locator; and hare eomrlied with the laws of the district dis-trict in erery respeot- And we hereby caotlon all persons not to trade, bay or barter for said claims, without oar oonseat C-H- BA36KTT.1 .ulDitttoni ol tbe I.IVIN3. J ite otAothony Ivias dfweaaed. 1SRAKL IVINS. Salt La IsLlina 12' HENDRIEBRO'S S3 MA1H ITRKET, SALT LAXK CITY, Mann Tartar C California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contract! takn for the erection of STAMP MJLIjS ANDSMKLT-LNO ANDSMKLT-LNO FUKNACtS COM PLCTK in any of the Mining Ih strict. we tnuafaoture the Varnvy sk. Wbttlrr Pans, Tatcnt Frfiif'l Ntinri and Die, Ptttnt Strm Onlrt, and tti Bacblniry eoospltl lr STAMP MILLS A D- REDUCTION WORKS, ef whi-ih wsmaka a reU.tj and ninnUs latulactien La all out, Hunfaetare BoIthofT's Rail Pulverizer, FOR DRV CBIIHISO, 1 Win do tbe work tf 15 9Um rt. Price. f.W Ma&ufactarert' A ecu for tbe Kale ef (nrlTHn1 A Bo flln-wr, K r I e litnfrnti tram ptimpa, Uolallnsr Portable aad aiallenary KtifCinVa. Wire ttouclnsr Rp, fFlat and Riond.t Tnnnal KU Iron, U. i2 alo ia .1. to the yarl. Iron Pip for (im and Wair. Dnriif aBlik')r ( rnl'ra, Inltif ttnunil Iron Rackcll, Arrllle Kir Brick, and ninlnc nfpllct. B8TIHATKS and DR.WI?raa faraUhed JOa ALL OLft WOKE. aiti MISCELLAMEDUS. MONEY! The best and ohespst a&ortniet ot CONCERTINAS, ACCOEDEOXS ASP OTHFR Musical instruments JUST K K C K t V K D. Which "ill beicld CHEAPER THAN EVER. A fs lino V IOLI IsT S FOR BALL-ROOM l'l.WEKS. HARMONICANS, JEWS HARl'S, KVERYTI11XQ FOR THE BOVS, CHEAP AND GOOD, Wholesale aud Retail. Chas.W. Stayner, SO. 5, MAI.lt STREET, Opposile Z,C.M.L Offioo, 1st South Si SALT LAKE CITY. D12 UMOA PACIFIC RAILROAD jmiE TABLE, DNT1L further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogdon l3aily, ae follows: LKTBU I AltKIVB. Daily Lrres,S-Jo s.ai. Duily Kip's, 1U i.m. Mixed, - b-.Siii.iu. Mixed. - 2 S p m. Freujot, - 10--J.' t-iu. I Freight, - ti lU a.m. Daily connections uindo at OgJon with Utah Central l'seilic Kod from Salt Luke city and all points in Suutb-ern Suutb-ern Utah. At Bryan with fbtgos for Sweetwater minos. . , At Choyonno with Denvei Pacillo Railroad lor Donrer, Central city, Goorotown and all points in Colorado and iNcw Moiioo, At Omaha with Chicago and North Western. Chicago, ltoclt Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Kivor, Kansas city. tit. Joe and Council Blull'n Kail roads and Missouri Kirer Line of dt oh mors for all points Kast and (South Tickots forealo lo all pointa Ktwt at offico of Wells, fargo Jc Co., K&&. Totii-ple Totii-ple street, and at Llie otlioo of U tii.li Oun-tral Oun-tral Kftilrcmd, in tin It Lalto city; also at Union i'acitic Knilrosd ticket ollico in Ogden, at which othco borihe on Bleeping Bleep-ing cars can bo Bocurod. Arrangements have beon made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit .Don v or on their wtty Kat can avail thomBolvos of an excursion rale from Cheyenne to Denvor, and return at greatly reduced rates, 'or partieulars and all information in regard lo passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. l'assengora should be careful lo secure their parage tickets to all Ktutlurn and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advinUgoB uf a through sleeping ea comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THUS. L. kl M B ALL, General Ticket AgenL T. E. Sickjcls, Chf. linginoor aud Suporinlondenl. a h7bassett, NJOW ( - HARDWARE STORE All kind, of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron find Hleel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACK IK IT II TOOLI, AgrleaUlwrsQ Itnplenienta Aad JSlalaf Tools, At Lowtil flat a. OPrOSITM SALT LAUI IIOCBB DlS More Light! 20,000 GALLONS 01 tbe celohruUMl IMPERIAL OIL, Jil) Kirc Tcl. G I-O W ZLST, ll'iBt.Dkrd KiroT:l, F'iR tALIi. MV Tit S IlAMRH, nil i:A-L. IN L"TS TO .CI"1T. PETROLEUM i(in-Kxilslic Fluid, SLXTY Ct.NT3 l'EH GALLON. !lamps and lamp koods FOR TUB MILLION! AT TIT. Pioneer LampStore 'ctr!y opiponitc the Market, E. REESE & CO. it. .3- W.J. HOOPER &. CO. T OOMMIittilAli ituht; ml A. W.WHITE & CO, B A N II E K S K AST TKMI'LK S Tlik-a. 1. Salt Lake I'lij . D eil ors ia 60LD DUST.COIN ANDBULLIOK; ExSA.llf OH l.l I:' i - vjl'U liied S -i r..:y. Particular attention rm-n t l' "(vtio't oi Kioaufe l ia iiU'o;, GSO. K. Will. ", A. .r:iot cx R u h. ts w t. a; r i Rank ol OV.;:brt.aa ... r t ." i." Lm 1 ': . . . , - 1 - ' L iln--t,-:: U.tL.t. Ml- jtolt Bauk of X.-lTA-l - - Oi -l.a WELLS, FARGO w CC EXPRESS FOR M A SDK!i Bankers aud Praters i:i l!cli.inc;e D raits on Karer-e. 1'ur.M'f Cl'.-.v.Mi'CS lromilLy aitenaoi io. Caet Temple Street, Salt Laa City, ml J Twt.v K. l'l.-r. rt. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKH CUY. i9e Sjnval AJwrtitrmeM oh Third SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Walt Italic City, X'tuU Ti-. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BenJ. H, DnHell, I'roaiitei.f . Huph White, Ca.liltr. HiarSTBaD A Kitr ..il.'k, Allomox.. CORK WTi PON0LNT6 I new yoRK - 3.?; l::V':ix, SAN P.tANCICO -a.for:-.! . Tru-I '. LOXDUii Jay Cooke. iivCulloob A '. DESERIT National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorised Capital, Jl.ni.cOU. nuhiiiAM ViTNii. ruvi.i .i u. s. i:i.ii?v:i";i:. ricv- i, w u. H- hwi'l:u, i m. ,1 K S INiiS, ! lLiwior. JOHN aHAlVl', t'KltAMOK. 1,ITT!,K, I L. 6. HlliLs, t'n.ili in -, -I HI. II. i tJOH IM sr. it K 4 II a !:, LA M UIIIUM ".-LLU ".-LLU I. al ltll, ct'. (Jollooilons madn and promptly ri-mitted. ri-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. lNTEKli&T PAID U.N : Saviugs 13 o cnJta. n'l LEGAL. I, snow. r n. iiooi, HNOW S, HCMiK, tloraaya sand Ooanaeiora sat Ltw Bait LafceUHj, Utah. Offloeat Snow's ooreer, !! Kn.1 fli.-eU Jut r. L. WILLIAMS. LI OKMt T I'D R9 WILLIAMS A YOUNG, A T T 0 It N K Y S A T - Ij A W , Office, half a-block south ot Tlicittre. Wn.lt ljivlto lity. iVi C. E. WHITNEY, AT T U U N K V - A T - L A W , Ullico ovor Hunl.-iil A irtuio, MAIN M lii.l.l'. ft A la'l' I.AItl. till J THOMAS FITCH, A T T O It N K Y -AT- Ij A V , UlOW H(rtr1, VnlitiiHon, 1. I'. But'ocial allontioti (tiven in ..ijiniiiiiiir I'nleiiH BATES & OR MS BEE, A1T0RNLYS AND CUUNStl UHS Al lAW, Awi"if l-r Jiirt liaae and Nnlv ol llm V J.nii.l., Ul'M.1', J I I I J " , I II. h. Di-I. A turner. V Unit I." 1. 11 Ml) , CnKI,hj. . UHkhMl.l.J 1 i M II. Warner Karl I. F. M. HikIiIi, I KAULL l SAll l ll, ! A T T O It N K y 8 AT LAW, salt lai a in i r, First BmiIIi KtrP-t. h 11 anj 12, No li... kirai.-UI JJior-k . ; JAMES M t'AITi;, ! ATTORNEY' - A T - LA V, I njTi.-f rr ( 1 1 , i oci LA.L 1 i.M I'LL .J!Hi;i I'. TILFORD Sl MANN, it T T II It N t. V N - A I - I A H , Kn. Jti Hi at VmiiIi U I . f . I . J.U. Koshurouirb, lv A M-inil Rotjborough & Murnlt, A T T O K N R V H A 'J' - LA W , Knit Lake I'll)', !.. (tfTl-. .t 'tri-l. firt L'tiMir.,- I f.f Lopiret I'.imk ci.tii- r. ' 1 WM. Hi. timi. i , , l.il,' uctc (. HAYhON A; (iUA')yV, A T T ) It N : Y Si - A I - 1 1 A V . HALT LA It K. t I I V . oniro ov..r j-i ,(i'.i,ai i;.u,k .. i n,. i; 0. H. lletefMea-l. M 1( -i - r--. HEMPSTEAD &. KIHKPATRILK, A 1 1 or nt j-a- I - La m , Main Street, "iT'tiile Wi-Il. ! A (J-., STM tlllCKEl raCTGHY. J'KFKKKT KTi;. M Cl'.A'.'liKK J ACTOI'.V, i.I'.oj. i j - J : ij."' j: GKAOKEii S SUPERIOR QUALITY, wi,;. ;, v, . f tr.k,no)lt 1'rl-, Y, Ik,. I nil,t It. I-H. M-r-LiinU i- re 1 r-.' nt KirUey L Pitt. V ' ... baJtLakoCity, Svt. 1Kb, l- |