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Show MASONIC. Avirula IiOiBi No. 3. A. F. A. M, oT.Ti:i) C"inranUitons of this l.oUo O held n tho Vim tnd I'lurd Tuwds of e.vli mi'iitli, ftt MiMvnio Mall, Kant lomplo (tri-i'U .MomlH'rt Mstor 1.'Um and to-limrninit to-limrninit luv'.liroa in gvud standing ro cor-dtally cor-dtally iuvitod. AiWiNua;oL;iW.M. W. U. DIUD. Soc v. dJJ I'tnti t'Hnpteri 1, It. A. M. A CtlX VACATIONS OF THIS O Cli-ULT hold ut U'nu- ti all. Kait lotn-t'lo lotn-t'lo MfiM-i, tho r ir-t ntid Ilurd Suturdaj .of wli m.'iitii. t liAh iM.-t nn 011 o'clock t. m.. hiirr, S uroin conn'Auiona in tood Btiind- iuk arfl wrdialb invito 1- 111 F.TKACY. n. r. Ill'tlU W. M.KbUi, boctotaty. fl SPRING OPENING S.VSII, 1I0OKS, m.isns MOL'l.PlNliS l'lCKKTH, 1..VTH, HKliwoon, SUU.Ui 1'IMK, Hil'ClvlOK, AuJ ail kiads of BUILD1NCM ATERAL IN YVl.L STOv-'K AT LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. S M' Mil Kit YAKD AND SASU A N 0 POOR t'A0L.'.iV, Oao 11 -w; of Uopot. HENRY WACENER, Nalt I.aktil-, l"th CALIFORNIA BREWERY, TH0LC81.M XC iKTalL, SKCONl) S0L:lU SIlUiKr, Uir d-1" east JUapuW U3WX. aitu SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS' MORTON HOUSE, f-OS I STrtfc r, A3GV: hi-.U-l, A3 FU1.MI.SCU T.rai, t.OU 10 S.5U p.r Day. W. G. Graham, LICK HOUS E, Cornor M'jctLa-jry aad Suiter dtreot. SAM FRANCISCO, C IFOH 3ST IA. Tha "I.ick" '?era ur.fTin s."-l o n: mo la-ti' la-ti' .1 for lujri'i-, t..:it,- ciu;.; l.-oA;....i aid tn( iior-o curi :r ull iL; ci:v 1 10,' 'J dj.r. lli r-j-jin- ar.d i'-ilej -ua-u-tuailti :"yr C'-:i.;orl. Liilo iu Dm:nt; Hill b ru?r.n :..-J;ul w b..-;L'j -,i o;cj:.t avaj o: ilf i.nl :.n A:ii...-;;a, ct V..a L i,a'..i(ii.l. iLt cji.-iLO ls see'jtiiiuau ir.rt,i.u-.i..ii U lLkiai; ovt-rj luxury i:io iu.'ti jn, 1 ro.arcd by Liiu at:i-t o: cu'r. J btm J.iUj 1 Ik.J uc tu tables, In :a.;t tio "Lk--." trs t-j ILK iyur:;'. J. Lyme. wL'jrj u'il.7 ji'.'jmi'.'D Li iuaruntced :jt tat ojuilurt of iu jj'-it-u ihii Uiu m.jt crcml ju'l-ujent of usi .riuooi men in uitil aoverai GUaS'D IIOTJKL, On Mart st. Hew Montsomerr ud AJS fn. c: fJ , CA.Ij JOHNSON & Co., PaopRinOBJj. n SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. "macondray & CO., Importers of CULM & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING AXD ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS I 2W and 0)6 SANS0ME STKEKT 1 SAN f KACisCO. Wo aro constantly in reccliit of frwh invoice in-voice oi' Clll.N A and J Al'A-N TEAS, und all doce'riptiyna vi tUaT Lidia and Stkaiio Jko-duox. Jko-duox. oB JOHNSON & BEST, ManulOL'turorJ of OFFrCr. DESKS, BOOK CASES, WRITING XAIiLi-S, iiiloW UAaLS, und all kinds of CABIIVfiX WORK. Ordora solicited an! satisfaction guaranteed. guaran-teed. , Wnrrroonii 311 l'ln Sl Jinn it factory facto-ry 1 17 M.irltet St. Suu francUso, a.rl7 DALTOiV & GRAY, Commission Merchants ! And wholcsalo doalorsin GREEN AND DRIED Ff.UHS OF ALL KINDS, Ali Product). Nuts, ota, otc., 40 1- and l0 LnvU t.lrt t-f, Itiwtcu WAhlnK" Bll1 Jnclwuu, Nun I riiucUco. Einstein Bro's &, Co., ilanufacturars and Imiiorters of BOOTS & SHOES, And doalerj in LiEATliElt, flNDINOS, ETC., 40 and 31 BATTEKV STHEET, dli AN i ltA CISCO. CO-01'EliATlVE SIAUBLK WoKKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Successor? (o 0. Oori.) Manufacturers of andloalcrs Ln Monuments, HeatlatonBS, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES. TABLE TOPS,, CUINTKK TPS, l'H-MllEllS -SLAliS, IMI'OSINti SI0iLa,EtC at lowtMti'riuos. Particular nttenti.m paid to paekini; goods for nhipuionL Orduri rosiiecllully doltcilud. lai I'lnr St., hclweni ,n01iipnmory nut I Ucitrmy, S" IraucUco. apt 1( PAPER&STAT10NERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G- HODGE & CO.. luiporlord, Manafacturors, and Wholesale Stationers. Keep a full lino of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, ijCllouL UOMKS, Pit IN ci;ks' SfOCJi, UOviK KIN LOTUS' MATERIAL, WKAl'l'l-NO, LiUUK, andNliWd 1'Al'iUiS, Ac, Ac Aeontfortho Cnrow Company's superior Lettor and Hal Papers. TlioTrudo supplied at lois than Chicago prioos. and 3J1 Sacramento St., I nit Frnnclaco, aprtd liSTAULISUKU IojO. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, ild and 216 on( Street, San Franeiico, o26 A. J. UillFl lTili Dealer In SALMON AND HERRINGS, ima Waihlaxtoa Street. All klndi of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Flab Qonitantlj on hand. ) MURPHY.GRANT&CO. ImporUjrt of Amorioau anil Burypoaa !tnple niul Fancy DRY &Q0DS, WAN jrUAMCLW.'0, CALIaOUMlA, Call tho attention of t is TraJo to theu larai and oomplcie stock FALL AND WINTER DRESS G00DS Whioh they are now rweirins direct from Kuropean Manufacturers, cominsina Freaeh Slerlaoa, Wool B(la, W ool Flattie, French and (lnnas, Irlab aad Knactl Poillwa( KnpMM Clothe, Ttoilia, Mack and wlored, Alpaeaa, black and colored SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS A JO O Xj O "V E S , Gents' Uniierweiir A -i.l all ki aij o( GsruS' :i;niisliing Goods. Iloalerf , o:- "1-i In ll it' t-ra(he - White tJor-.U. Hn. : -I'H'tfi, VhlrtliiK t.mene. 1 1 . w ..(- I .-I-' t-V L'auiaika, ! rvwa o-m nd tl.-kd lowili. U.'V. p..;-'r, Ti.'iwo. pklai ad UoylUa, M Atau, Bt SAN FRANCISCO TRAQE. E. A. farcsoacoTT ImportMi and Jobbri of Ifciiss. Wines asi Lisisrs, 3IO Fromt SU, cor. Commercial, d. a. iti. i25 " SAN FRANCIFCO A. W. WHITE A H., Commission Merchants, AEd dealers in all kindior 'j KEEN ANU bi'.IKD F hi'! Ti. GrTTEK, Ciii:E.E, E'..jS. UAMS, ic-Shipt-iair orders o!icitd. E. Jl ys-k.w, I awi W ,hlncion t , J. ". .M-tss, Mn Iranciico. A. W. Ws;rt j aprl? s." p.""h old e iTiToT- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 23 SANSOME STHEET, SAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM a CO., Importers and Uannlactorert of MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 A 220 Itmomt St., Han Franc lac o. No 18 Warren Su. New York. & L. A. Sanderion. T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Epanola Cigar Factory,) Solo Manufacturers of the Colebratod 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 FRONT STREET, j Between Washington and Clay. 1 Saxx Franoisoo. ap2o j S. A. HtRilllLL. BOBEXT HAIGHT. I MARSHALL A HAIG1IT, I COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS,! And Wholcsalo Dealers in EGG?, BUTTER, i'UKESE, Ele., I 308 and 210 Clay Street, apCO SAN FKANCISCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, hain? boon legally appointed Notary I'libLje by hii Kx-cellency Kx-cellency (iovernor Geo. L. Woods, u nuiT prepared pre-pared to attend to all business connected with tho Oilico. Mining companiei incor(ioratl undor the laws of L'tah. Searchinc of Records, ConveyancuiK and gunoral Noiarial businoss aitendod tu with accuracy and dispatch, Uilico hours trom S a tn. until ti p.m- Office of True, Son & Martin, at No. w Kimball Bloc a. aprjy CMA.S. "W. BTAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. Offico 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gallon, Salt Lake Ciu. in',2 GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAY TO GET A PRINCE PATENT OBGAIV'. Wo will Rent our Organs by the MoDth and when tho prioe U paid in Rent, the Orpao will become the 1 property of tho Renter. This ia not only tho easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will havo the Best Instrument made which J. H. RIDGES, Organ Builder, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Thea-tre Orchestra, And many others will testify. Mr. J.J. DAYNK3 will give threo month's lessons FRKE to any person renting our Organs, as well aa thoso who pay tho full prico down. No distinction. dis-tinction. Send for illustrated circular and price list. 9dT ShowJIooms ur stajrs. J. DAYNES & SON. Tns Only Exclusive Music Stork In tho City. 13 2 doors oast of Godbe's dm stora. NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST FLACK 10 BUY GRAIN, PROVISIONS. AIo GRASS, hikI BIRD SEEDS. ASP AFCli LINE OF GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE AT Geo.H. Knowlden's Orr)i:a Walls. Fu-ffo A C.v. WEST SIDE HALN STREET, HOTELS, ETC. TATLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A first-class rouse I ROOMS NK'.TJ.V FFKN'HiiKIi J eur. Pulaski Hotel. Known as tho Cliiffiiro Il!-taii;urit, Opi-oiile the U. P. a;:d C. I'. IL IL Dei 01. OGDEJT. TJtali. j T)ASSKN";t:;:;-!:.-t.r. aln ovcrafu-r ! ! I d.ivi c;ir. tti;jL:; r.caj-aa: r.'vis ai iir:t da.' acccHiwditi.-.n. Terms Si. 00 aud SJ. rO per da-. A SAJU'LE KUOM attached to thsllouso. Lunches put up'lor paseneers. J. B. C-1ACHERT. apl9 Tri'iTietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms, 53.00 per Day. Weekly and Tnhle Board at Reasonable Reason-able Kau. J. C. LITTLE, no21 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, . EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A XI . ' puis norsE is tite largest and J best appointed House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation I'ur three hundred and fii'ty euesL'. Stn-Dt cars andcarriaeoi connected connect-ed with tho White Sulphur Baths. Reading I Rooms, cuntaininit paj-nrs fruin all points, Baths, Bar, Telegraph, News and Ciar Stand , attached to tho ilouo. . 11. 3. GREELEY. Jt CO., 1 nov2l " Proprietors. TOWNSENDEOUSE, SALT T.AK-R CITY. THE LEADIMi HOTEL OF UTAH. JAM LS TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Honso Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparin to boild large additions to his Hotel, whiuh whoa finished, will ren '-er it the Jtfot I Complete Ettablithment In the ROCKY MOrNTAIN REGION mil O. 8. KBB. C B. SRLLIfl UNION DEPOT HOTEL ASP-RAILROAD ASP-RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Pint form, Junction U. P- and C. P. Railroads, Offiltn, VI ah. marll ERU JtNELLIS, Proprietors Washington House NEW ADDITION. ANOTHER 100 NEW ai'lUNU BEDS, NEW TARLF. 'X'liiril SoiitU .Street, HALT L AKK CITY Board and Lodging, per Week 0 00 to 7 00 Board aud Lodging, per day, 1 00 to 1 95 Day Board, per week, 9 00 Beds, per week, - 150 to 3 50 Bade, per Hlght - to & Meal - - 3 Thirty copies Eastern, Western and Local Daily i'apors, ili GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second South Street, Salt Lake City, With n capacity fw ?l irttert. Firt-class accommodation for families and travelers. Rooms per day from flOc to 11.00. Koomiicr week frnmlJ.UO lull 0,00. Board per weak $7.00, Jttaala, 0o. FREE OMNLBUS TO HOTEL, Barber shop and Laundry connotod with tho Hotel Ice for aale. For particulars apply to the Oilico. 80IITH M, BIQAZU, mT17 Pronrietors. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORR.S & EVANS Dm to inform their n-mcrmi! pttrons that ihoy are prepared o lill all orders for their Celebrated Fire BrieK At their yard in rear of Theatre. Office near Savage's photograph gallery, P. O. Box 1065. MORRIS & EVAS Are also proiarod to ostimato for tho ERKCTION OF SMELTERS Ri'ASTERS, CALCIN EH. Sc., and find all materials, on tho sturtest niaice. Fire f cinent For Tampias always on hind, arris NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS COMPANY HAVlNil rur-h.! the fi..-1c ar.d 'tore S ,;:h ,-treci. .m-t ml .1 Ki:u;':til c-rr-or. hi- :n a ti icodid rsh suk vi Domjeuc I and Fancy 'groc eri es Which they cfer to fsmiiies as AS CHEAP AS l d delivers! :': cha-t tc ai"; nr of w'iTlanThan & m, on;Li:-3 and joBrrs or ilu lUilCalilO, Waranona lo. 0 Llffht Slraat, IAL11IUKK. mill A- World's Fair on Wheels! The Great ew York aud 'ew Orleans ZOCLOGiGE AND EQUESTRIAN EXPOSITIlNlJ I II I I I I I ' v,i I I i iv 'S:v..;: -r 1 j a?5 " ic-. ja&tUgg: a j j J TRAVKL1NG OXLV AXD EXCLUSIVKLt BY KAIL! AXDKE yUUUNG A SPECIAL TRAIN OF CAES TO TRANSPORT IT TO EACH POINT OF EXHIBITION, WILL EXHIBIT AT SStxXt; Iialv.c Oily, AVcdut'-.lai". Tlmrs,I:i'. Fridnv an.l Vm itrda'. ?la.v SSlli. 2!lh, 30tlianl 31-1. 1S7:$. OT THE VRSESTlL GROUNDS. Now on its annual tour, and positively the largest and finest in the West-A West-A mammoth acerceann. oreaoiied and equipped especially for 'ho season of 1ST 3. TWO IMMKNSK VAV1LLIONS, COVKKING AN At KK OF GKOUNP. A K K KF.tiUiKKp TO KXHIB1T ITS MAN VT PFNS OF WILD BEASTS, SAVAGE MONSTERS, bright plumagcd birds, fish eating eat-ing birds, and collossal circus exhibition. p3 few THE MENAGEBIE Contains a Liliputian E'cphant, a Mammoth Afnmn Tapir, a pair of Hoya' Bengal Titers, a drove of Bactrian Camels, a world of snow white Cockatoos. Llamas. Jaguars, Oealot and litter of oubs, African and Asiatic Zebra, tinu, a Myl tiana Montion. Chamois, Icuneumon, Gazelles, Kangaroos, Ibex, Mondrills. Chimpanzee, four larec Lions, a Lioness. Burk's Cassowary, King Vultures, Sacred Cattle, White Peacock, (pair), Gorilla, Foroupine, Monafoe, Zorguous in all over two hundred specimens. THE CIRCUS Embraces over fifty artists for complete list see programme, J. C. Davis' educated troop of dogs and monkeys, a stud of thorough-bred trick and trained Menango horses. A school of educated ponies, a ballet of children, I'i of. Conk-liu Conk-liu and his den of performing Lions. At 10 a.m., there will appear on the streets THE MOST GORGEOUS AND GRAND STREETPAGEANT First tho magnificent swan band ohariot drawn by a norol team of ton dromodarios, followed by a LARGE OPEN DEN OF ANIMALS, INCLUD N'ti LIONS. TltiKRS AMI LF.niMHIlS, TH1:S 1 ,IRt!R AND POV FR1-TL i DKN, Pl'KN i:iMi TUL SlUtS AND KNl'iKKD TO VlliW. Flil-:K T.) ALL. Notk. Not ihc slilHi'.-t danjer need bo apprehondod :w ari-ine from this truly tronderuil u-sit. in llio trainer III them under perfect con trol. Fallowed l f tho navuleade of h.hos und contlo-m.-n .-n hur.-obaok. and idiildr.'n on ponk-s, thun tho I'm rotinuoof aniuixl den-, en.non and I f"ld in color, with ila-i, baanori and paraphernalia ilj inB-, concluding with the vanguard ol Before each Day's Exhibition a Grand SERIAL. ASCENSION on a Single Wire from the Ground to the Top of the Pavilion, over 200 Feet in Mid Air, by MILE CHRISTIANE! Rcnicmlicr the Dnys and Dates, May 3Mh, atlili, 30tli anil 3 1st, 1 8 J Vdiuission: sl.OO: C'liihlicu under lO Years, 50 Is. DOOUS OPEX AT 1 O'CLOCK AND 7 P. M. EiTAlILISlILD 1.3. E.-nI!LlS:lIKD 1SW. WALKER BRO'S. Salt Xi.rLle City. JOBBERS IN GROCERIES, CAUSED GOODS, 1IAM!, HACOJf, CHEESE, TOBACCOEM, CANDIES, etc, etc. Wc keep tbo Largest Stock of tho above Goods io tlio Territory. TO TH E TRADE. We arc prepared to fill Orders for all kicd of 3 "1? J. P 3L. E5 S , At Eastern Prico, Freight added." Give us a all and Examine Wir Goods and Pri ccs. T O MIN E R S . We keep a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc., etc. .if JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LAK.Iti AND WELL KLii'.'TKN STOCK COMl'lilSlNU EVERY TII1XWIN THE LINE. JtlanK ltooli, l.iiw :iiiI C'oiiinioi''i:il Slsi I ionoi'.y OUlt SPECIALITn: ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL, TI1K LATEST NKWS rAl'KUS AND rEIUUMCAL?. PHILIPS & LORD, ;-rJT Now Fr'flt B :njnc."irfi S-i.rb Si . Corrift r .mlnr-ia 1. SnilTHSON&WARD ' r. IMPORTERS . J - -r- "T E N si E N T'S X ' ' J X::."GLIiK. I3.I5H AND SCOTCH ilIBS sk POUTERS AND rOREIGX VIITES ANDILIQTJOR3 r"ur Sa e in 1'rn-i or I'vt l'airl, a; Sr.'.ITHSON & WARD'S, 309 sacramtato Strtttibaa francUce, ' BANKERS. SALT LKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Sait Lke Ciiti L'tali Tci-. jthorized Capital - $500,000 SeuJ. Pu't'H. froidrnt. Jo.rjih n. Kurktit. CtihUr, l-tTi.!s A S'HfirKn. Att.-'cr, :CORE5PO(OiaiTS I '..'Ie'N...N:: l-ask o: N.r.h Aiae-'V.ilCl Aiae-'V.ilCl T! :-J N,:: r' I'anV. i.'M w 'v1;:.;':;Nar.Vi;'Vv!" N ! !: NC.?e.' ...N-Li.i; i'..'.d Eak A'N i' j.Viay e.ok. M.-:.r.o.h A Oa A. W. WHITE &. CO b j isr is: e h s KAS TKaPLK STBak'T, all Ltkt ;CII . Dealer in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. rro-TJpe nn aii 11 VmnruV Lti4 Partirnlar attemion eien tP Collftctioni and pr'.-eois rea.it; ed at Current rate of x;h&ce on day of pajmect, GKO. K. WH1TNKY. Attorner COHHlLl)PO!tUalTg Bank of California - - Su rraticboo Lr k WnJier - - Kr V.tL .'k Couum Natioaal Baak Ctn.-a-v Uwkrll Bank. BL U til Slate B&uk o( Nrbraaka - . Omaha VELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARD ERSi Bankers and Healers ia Exchange Dratuon burore. Kuropeas Collection! proitptlr attendod to. Kat Taiuji: Straat, Sail Laki Olty. tnVi Tkio. P. Tract, Agent. First NatiennI Bank ol Utah "SALT LAK.K CITY. 8peiai jtdrrrHaenmt op Third D RET National Bank o? SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, $200,000. Authomed Capital, $1,000,000. W u. U. HOOPER. Prwidon':, 1 U.S. tLl'lthl'uK.Vicol'ree't. LjUUillAM Yul'Nt), W it. .1 KN N 1 N GS. Dlreotora. JullN S11AK1', J. T. Li f ILK, L S. 11LLLS, Cashier, DIAL IS UOLD niST, (IM.N, kM'llANUb, L.AM) WAItKtMS, LKUK 1111', ete. OollocuoDfl made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON Havings JO o poMits. D't LEGAL. J. X. CAKTKK- C. C. TllOM CARTER & WILSON, ATTORNEYS-A T-LAW, Ofliceover 1ft Nnt. Rank. octS KAit ILMl'LL STREET. C. E. WHITNEY A T T 0 K N K Y - A T - L A W , OQioo ovor D. tirotiiu'i Store, MAIN STREET, SAL! LAliK t ill. BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTQRNtYS AND COUNStlORS AT LAW. AtODLS fur Furcluic aittl Nnle of Mlnca A, I, an ill, Qao.C ItATKa, ) Salt I.nke C ity, Warner Karll. F. M. buntai BAH LL te. Sll l lI, ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, ALT LAI a 01TT. Kirit South Street. Room 11 and U, No EimUll Ltlook. J. D. Rcftbu rough, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Morritt, ATTOK1SEY b A T L A W , Nalt lakaClty, Hull. Office. iPt Stutb Street, tinl buildin east Deeerat Rank ooroor. vcl JUNKl'II UOKI.INNlil, OIVIL KNOINKKlt. TJ. S. MINERAL AND PITUTY SUR-VEiUKiUU SUR-VEiUKiUU LiAil, OITi'-e: Firt Hr-uth 6Ueet. Dearly oriita bt. Mark' Church. u ra Hrioit. c a. oiu hbibt IIAVDON k OlLClllUST, TT0RNKY6 - AT LAW HALT LAKE CITY. Office orer lit National Dank of I'tr.h. al? Q. Q. Hemixlead. M. Kirkpatrick. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorney a-at- Uw, Main Street, oppoiite Weill, Farro k Co. B ALT LAKH C1TT. a)0 Ii. M. THI'lt, W. H. T Rl K, HKHkT KTIR. TRUE, SON &. MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, VW Kimball". Him k, j SALT LAKE C1I V, 1 '1 AH IKKKITOltY. It-nl l-.-Jirhl at,.) p-H, IL.u i a!i'''-..IM to.'lti H ' TRl'K. SON A MARTIN. FOK SALE. t" 1 F T V V O K K O I OXEN (INK 111 NUKED YOKE S T K 11 U H , :-i jj'-.-M . mt ..r -i.c : i lU'.l. HA I ,' I.- - . Anb" l'r.r.-w h.',n'J ..iitb Sir."!. ; , i " . !'.'.V!M. VVOtHi. COAL AND MINING CO'Y. ;l:r. at Ev.-v.:, hi J u " f-yt.'T. The B'-st Coal for Sm'-lt-rs. t bmiths (inci Houf'juo.J I ii..: X.- " : i- itciit t i;i it vn;s. y.. .oi "j -.r i. a. l .v : i . , .'"': MlSCELLAfiEOUS. H. I. ki.Y. A. C. urstta Pacific Assay Office. " A CM! j, Maa Sc. s.u jr. a.:.-...i. i,.,... j.a,a. ! NOTICE. TiN, COfPlKMIRON iiaNiiiiiiiiramiFluiubiug, t-..-.. c; oar Mr. .-.as . ,.i PV. ;-Mvo , fri- u'.'-.-c V'': - '"-t vay'hi -MITCHELL i JAMKS, Xonh Side of Eit S...;:h S:r,vt. between Eia.-; ai i .'i L .j, .-irif-rts, t nil Lkt - . My, 41,j7 2S. O. JXT. I. GRAfPENING or Paris, London and New York FASHIONS. IS Ladies Hals ami Hounds Ia.IB OTUtK, Rccliori'lie .Goods, MRS, COLEBiOOK'S TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE 131S U til' 111 N TFR'3. All Kinds of Liimbrr UOORS, WINDOWS BUNDS, M0ULD1KG8. BHliNQLKS, LATHS, JOKES & F0RIY1AN. HENDSIE BROTHERS, 311 Malu. itttrooti Salt Lake City, Contract for the erection of STAMP MILLS, I.SMELT1NU l'L'R.N ACEa IXiMI'LElTi In any.wl ,tlie miniiia! distriot tof I I ah. AtetiLs for llio lollowmaj Munulacluren: lioot's Kotary Hlant Hiuwor, lilnkc A: KuowIlm' Sicain 1'uiupa, iNuw Voik Wire Hjpo .H 1 g Co. Tunnel Kail Iron, Firo Hriok, and mimiiK MipplmH K't'iicrnlly at luauu-iactury luauu-iactury jinccM, lu'if;lii udded. Sulo AKwni.- lur the COUNCIL HLU1- KS IKON W'OKK.3, ruaiiuliii'luiLTwof all kinds ol Aiuotimory aud CatinuH to order. ATLAS IKON WOKKS, lururs uJ llitt Air HiaM h'ui uaooa aud HuIIiuk Mill MaliioiTj. UTICA S'J'KAM KNOINli CO., ool-cbrated ool-cbrated I'ur la bin l',uiuut aud Hull-ern Hull-ern aud Saw MUlc. 7,i0 uuw in umj. IS took on hand fur imiiiodiaUi delivery. de-livery. T. It, KULL1S & KKO., St Louii, i iliiauulairiurcrh ol Iron l-'rouiH, CapM. c, tor ItuildiuftH, and OruuujuuiT liuti S oik ol ail kiuila. SoloMaimlavturont and l'ririeturi ol the IloltlKiir Hall Pulverizer Eor cru-hiriK Silver ur dry. Will rruih 1ji ;ui.iin,J, ll.'.-j.1' ,i''iy b RANCH . 01 Fll.ES : rnn I'rpiMltrn, nI., Imiral 'Ur. ol..i nilo, mil mi il lilt. 11., loni, AMERICAN ri.MMIlL tuuroiMTiu C.nir Omk l: jt m Krank lin Arcuue, hT. I.Ol IN, "HI. CAPITAL, 8500.000. LIMIT, I I .((') ,". ti i it I'tta i HI VHV C lVTI til-". !', 1, .1. J,-Ill,ll ' v '"' f'-ident. Vim. i , V l.i . .' L, .--r-iar ai'.d 'Jr.'aurer. Itjo A) I i:.vi IM) N'l uy re Mil in I: .r.,. 1 ). -t..ta h.-'ucir l"r 'at., i I -1 f Km' bt-I iher ritte-. i' n n-ecia! Oraf,. b ..f our lpu.ir,..-. 'r...r. f.r II. ...T"k. r,f I" if 'I rt.. In-wfiunii In-wfiunii ... .itii)- ,i all inl "ill rreiT i rr-mcl r.d tar-.'o. tt;utt..n. C-r-TuI attTli .n ri"" to tlit l.-iir.o- ''.,,,,. j:,,,,. rwi.kt-ra. ai.d Ji.tmM all-ls-J -.ii J;xr,k - .BL. ...h-iied. T1 -'' ' MI ' ' ' "ri "n 'i' ..'atjareo tit '': lo.i'- ji.t ii " ed IHitl.f'l '! rt , at.d " '! v ' t : . sv'ir.o '.'I'' ' ' .-, ' -r . -:' " l. ...uil v.-. '. - . v.-r .rn y : . i i - - r ' . l.'.-ii - v. . .1-1 - .a. . rua tli-.U I a, .1 |