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Show RAILROADS. C PR. R. 1 1 On At I A Ji F It h : IT t-JI MRU linn, ih7'4. thai will IMVK I01K IIAILY A-i KIL- 0rl!iHi J'-uLTnuar Train f--r T-mi, i.-'J"' il' ,i r Vv Tl j'.',"'' 'k' i'.'j , ' T 'r ,?r (. ff'V ,nj, .-.i.riiuai:ftf.1, .-, ' '.'.0 , ll.i'L:t., M.-.f-A U-.r Vcn,,, fclu-i !'.r l.'.i Ai..!!,, m Ijy.rl.iM I'f.-ii.r u,..i A'--MU.la- A. N. T'lW.N'K, 'i'. II- '1'i'ihM M, .iup'l "i'.n. I'. i -- .ni'i'li-:Lit AriL UK'. H. HICK, A ... .. i , .-.Jr l,.,k (My, fi.'.. mill M-irahall k Csrlnr, UTAH NORTHERN 11AILROAD. Twins run' between Uriirliani Junction Willi C. I. lt.R., TEEIMINU S , MIX MIL liS i'UUM LUMAN. l.envn 'i.L.uu -i.itir.fi, '-n arrival ..t . I',, . Tram,) uL.... 7:0 a.m Am. i i Mm " I. .-tj-l-.i! Jl UiillE-m In . .. u ji i:t iv a U uanu I-r Un'Um and bull Laku. Sui-m d.nnftrt with Trains to and fr'rn !,..K'nri iMii.v.iuid inth .Wilium Scttleiuonls Id r.Lcliu t'liiuiiy lui-rt i.t.hi,Y.4j Trains Run onSalt Lake iTime. FA It t'.Ht Uotwcon Lako ami Terminus, 8"' O0 " ' IlidvU " " il 00 iloduco-l Katen to Excursion Parties. Patuwiiora will ploatio purchase thoir Tickets at the Oitiecs. Vnr all ImWruatiun concerning Freight or I'm3UKU, IMM'l to t'HAS. NIHI-KY, (itiral fruitful mid Ticket Agent. j no. w. yorso, dlt (Jon'l riup't. UTAH CENTRAL PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Unandarter lcuomuer 0,1114. Dally Trains Leave Halt Lake CUr t fi a.m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Odon 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Umlon at 8 n. Ui. and 5:30 p. m. Arriveat. tjalt Lake City 1U a,m. sad 7:30 p.n In addition to the. above ZVIXZaCZEJI TnAINlB Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and l.'M p.m., and Ogden atSa.m.'and 5.50 p.m. assengers will please. Paretaase their Tickets at the Offltn. t Iftr Cents additional will be ahenred when the fare Is collected on the train. Tor all Information oonoernini freight or puiatfe, ain'1? to JAN. (SHARI. General Vraliht and Ticket Ax't JOHN SHARP, 1ITT laiNTl NDBN I UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. OUZnutl nn.r Urcemb.r :4utli, D A1JLV T IS A INS Leave tho Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m: Arrive at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leavo Lchi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 1 1.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. lu addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS "SU ill run daily, Sunday excepted, Loavinir the Utah Central R.R. depot, fait Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6a.m, Uascn:ers will please purchase, their Tickets at tho Offices. Vilty cencii ad- , ditional will bo charged when thq fre is collected on tho traio. j Vorallint'ormatiori cjnccrQiQg freight ' or paae, apply c J vs. sriAKr jo. Freisat and Ticket AieaL JUH. SUABt', (TFIRISTMP INT. SflN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, '.Leather. J. ('. joffxsox CO.. 10 i S- 106 Front Street, Krr rf r'rmi.i.ri.n ( Mr. tt. B Ctav-uu, Ctav-uu, &ujruutidcni il' Ui4 C H J. 016 Einstein-Bro's &. Co., BOOTS & SHOES, LKATHER. risrsus. Etc., .aajiBAirtvsrr.i:r. J. P. HQLDEN & CO, COMMISSION' MEKCHAXTS, 3 BAKSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. BUS JiD iLL6 fOR t'TJlS IRADS, "OB PRINTING, fhe varied wasta !of the AHT1ZA.V ami TRAVELER JOB PRINTING CAN H Kl !' I I 1. K AT THE ' HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous satisfaction givon by the work dono at our office in the past has justified us in continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with whioh to please our "patrom id Elegance and Style, and perform Job P r i n t i ng to oompare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this lino from the East ot West. Anything in the nature or . PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, unAiF nTT"a MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS. CEBTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CAR'DS, VISITING GARBS, BANK GF.ECKS, C0UNT1NGH0USE WORK! EECEI1TS, BALL TICKETS,? CIKCULAKS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., don to order in black, colors or gold. Wt io n:t profess to work feelow cost, nor work for the sake of working, aor give baits of any nature, but by a system of calculating prices, make a rule to compete with outride Quality & Tigures Salt Lake Iron Co. CUAS. ROOME, President. n.N'Ry J. DAVISON, Secretary. M A ' "Jl--A &7V i 1 E i -S OF ' mlm.vg & julc i; iaciiim:kv. , Engines and Boilei. 'e and Repaired to IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK, Agricultviral Macliinory. Orders i'romitly Eiecute-1 Ln a W.-rkiHisLke .Maci:-r. Old Ca--t Irun B'j'jjtlit at llie L. V. SITUEKLWD, Manager. WOJiKs: JJIockixiutli of Depot 1'. U, box, .A JulIixx Ij aucr tfc Oo., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED ENABE PIAMOS, THE BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVER? INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR ' FIVE3 YEARS. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390 , 392 394 & 396 Wabash Avenue , NEW YORK. CHIC AG 1 yi8 GROCERY DEP'1 Z. O. IjVE. X. WHOLESALE ANT) RET A ! 1 , Groceries, Hardware, Plows, 1 Stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles "at Low Prices. ALL OXJK GOODS .A. IRE CHEAP DEALEH3 IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. msi n. a. CLAwsoa; Lptrli S T O T E si: Z. G. Ma I. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising tho largest assortment to bo found in any stock in Utah; prices very low, call and sec, oct20 H. B. CLAWSON, Snpt Salt XjsEtls. Oity, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGON DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK, Pitt's and other Thrashing Machines, Mood's, Mower and Combined Machine, Excelsior Mower and Reaper, World Mower and Reaper, Champion Mower and Reaper, Sulky Rakes. "Welcome" and "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Enreka" Sniutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! ! ! .Ilark the Place COUNCIL HOUSE YARD SALT LAKE CITY. are es pee ting immediate shipment rf the well-ltnown and justly-celebrated "SGHUTTLEH WAGON," The factory having jut pot frirly ruining since the CRFAT CHICAGO FIRE I H, B. QT YSQN, SuperiqtendenU Z. C. BL I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, S10N OF THE - i a- -j o o t GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For find weather or itoriny weather; for walk- ridinc, fishing, aiining, otc., etc A large and choice assortment of the above, our own maJto and imported, at the most reasonable rea-sonable pricos. We nuke to order luiy style aud quality desired and Insure satisfaction. OLD BOOTS AXB SUOES Made as good aa new almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather 1 Upper Leather! Harness Leather 1 Imported Calfskins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AS I) "KIT" Of ALL KIND8;i HORSE' COLLARS ! Ilorse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALl AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and RetaU! Order, by 21.11 receive .pccl.l .nd prompt KtteDtlon. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. CLAWSON, Swj'fc DUWFORDSSONS-j LADIES' AxD CHILDREN'S AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. 1 c Large Assortment. jXow is your time! ml7 Sowing1 Machine. yy E respectfully invito thb Public to call and seo our oxoellent varloty o Sewing Machines, IN Plaln.lleautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE FAISTTON O -A. STOBS. The Total Salt of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a. 8 j., o o An evidono. that it i. fast winnins Huprome favor in tho household, Tho SlNOEil Company sold over tho othor Companies, 52,734. Uxf The ChicaBO Relief ComnriUeo furnished suflcrors by tho Fire to March 18, 1S72, 8,944; 3,151 SiURer Machines, all other mukos, 793. Applicants mado their sclcotion, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN If OTHER HOUSE IN THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. We coortootuly invite the Ladioa to eoo our JElTn broidery tta,olii33.oxitv It attraota gonoral attontion and acUuiratiun, Wo also doBlrc you to eoo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAO tioo, as eachono ig thoroughly adjusted, tried nnd tostod by osperieeced Moohanio, and ail aro warranted to flow with oaao ail kinds of seeds, from tho coarsest to tho hnost, kace, Bluslin, Cambric, Domestic, Denims, Tickings. Ducking, Bearer, Buckskin and Leather. tfif Instruction given free of charge by compotont attendants, and terms of sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEW1NC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. AT TUB SOGER SEWING M1GULVB DEPARTMENT Z. G. BI. I. General Agents, Two. doors south of Eaele Emporium, Salt Lake Cm. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ME TABLE, DNTIL further notice, Trains will leave anu" arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows : lk a vs. I Arrive. Daily EpreBB,8-30 a.m. Daily Eip's, 5-1U p.m. Mixed. - 6-30 p.m. Mixed, - 2 35 p.m. Froight, - 10-33 a-m. I Freight, - ti-lUa.in Daily connections mado at Ocden with Utah Central Pacific Road Jrom Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Swootwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denver Vacific Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado And New Moxico. At Umaca with Chicago and .North Western, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri River, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council Bluirs Railroads and Mi ssouri River Line of I Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office bortha on sleep-ng sleep-ng cars can be secured. Arrangements have heen made whereby where-by passengers desiring to -visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. for particulars and all information in regard Lo passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, comfortabie accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sicxsls, s Chf. Engineer and Superintendent Herald Bindery. OCR EISDER7 19 PREPARED 10 Repair, Lo a workmanlike m oncer, Album i, Did Books, etc., eld Ar;d HiaJ j HA0AZI32& T IIQIiCAl. INSURANCE. aiiazon mum CO, IV;J:TT - President. B. I. WEST - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JINK 30, 18T3. Cash on hand, in bank, and io course of transmission- 8111,308 57 United faUtos Honda, market valuo 12j,l69 09 MortBaRos... 8tK,(S-lfl 67 CollatoraJ Loans 12S.-1S7 00 Accrued IntorosL 20,i12 58 llillsKoceiviblo 3ij,U17 16 Stato Bonds and Miscellaneous 58,617 9 Duo from Agunia 3,0 65 I ab60,906 70 Outstanding Losses nd othor Lta oiJitioa J77.7U W H. R. Mann a Co,, Agents, 'y28 AGEITCY OF TJIK Home Mutual INSURAAIE COMijf, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. Jon.V II. REDI.VUTO.V, Pr.tld.nt., IHAKI.ES K. STORY, s.cr.t.ry. Principal Office, 433 California St., HAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN X Co., Agents, EaokinK Hooie, A. W. White A Co, THIUMPH FIRE LXSLRAACB t'O.'S, CI5CINHATL AssQtfi - - $739,504.43 Rcll.bl Undervrrltln. Prfct Indemnity. We Fair Rates and Promise to Pay J oat Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. R. MANN & Co., Agents. 4LT LAKE CITY: Ofllcet Banking Hotu t A w 1 1 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, . rUH WHOL.l8AL,l TllAUK, Weaver Sa Taylor, 'JM Market StrovU Sn I'ranoisoo. CkJ. CU E. A. FAR CO & CO., Iinpcrtora and Jobbers of Braniies. Widcs ani Lipors, 810 Front St., oor. Uouiiucrcl!, D. a. MY I. ii5 SAN FRANCISCO J. BAUM & CO., Importer! nail JJnutctnrr nf MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING. Ulti X -1M Bftiiiomc St., Ban Kraiiclaco. No 18 Warren SU. New York. ft I1KCHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOKSAt LEATHER lOilJt 106 Hansoms St., San Francisco And 0 41i Pearl Has ton. Uannfuluron of the "IITIA DUALITY" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOE., oil A. J. GRIFFITH, ell klndiol HlOKIiUD Ob ISIJVCOB.IjlX 8ALMCN m HERRSNGS, 11 WamlBfttOia Straet. All k'n.ls ot DrU), Huiaktd au.t I'lohleU ritb turtUDtlroD hand. J PARKER, WATTSON & CO.' (Suooweore to Weil k Co..) Importers and AIHurolurcri of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, XU, 223 and 225 Front at., oor. Sao rum on to. a5 BAM FKAMC1SCO, CAL, E, oiniLovion. waltii boom, u. b. unir. SU. CHIKLOVICH efc CO., iniifortors aud wLulcaale dealera ln j F I Bf K WINKg . LIQUORS, KU AOKHTB JTOl IESSE, MOORb & CO S FINE OLD BOURBON AND HYE WHISKIES. DltlOI riOH (.OOIBTILLl, IT. 601 Front St., BAN FRAN0I800. ap4 Establiehed in 1851. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of tho Original Cliartrcs Coll'eo, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Btreot, between Jaokaon and Paoifio. BAN UANCIiCU. &6 ESTABLISHED m. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 216 Front Street, San Francisco. o'2(I G'liANl IIOTI5L, On Market, New Montgomery and Beoond Streets, aw phaitoisco, cii.rj. JOHNSON & Co., PRormjcrORa. E. RSARTIIrftS &, CO. Wholesale Lipor Dealers, AOS Vroat Street, Ba FraMttlaeo. Proprietors of HILLBR'S KXTKA OL.D BOUItJJOM And aolo agents for . r, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all the ard Brands of Whlaklea, Fine Brandt. Foreign and Domestic Wlnea, m5 Blttars, Cordials, L. A. Sanderson, T, L. llorn. SANDERSON & HORN llmportors and Jobbors of 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (Proprietors of Ls Kspanolft Olgoj Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj the eelcbrcie 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Htreof, Between Washington and Clay, BAM FUABIC1BCO. a,p4 MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Import-ore of American and .European Staple and Taney DBY GOODS, E.'VIV FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trade to iheii larsc and eomploto stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Whish they are now receiving direct from iuxopoan Manufacturers, oomi-riains; in part French merinos Wool Salines, Wool Plalde, Trench and German, Ir Jab and French Popllaa, Empress Cloths, Tamlse, black and oolored, Velrsteens, Alpacas, black sod colored. XILKS, VELVET8, RIBBONs! ALSO OLO VES, Kid. Back, B.rlln (Ldl'. Ml.iej', s.nuO G8nt8' Underwear And .1 Itisdj of Gents' Furnishing Goods. ElnslcrfcnnipMe In all lu branches-White branches-White Goods, Handkerchiefs, Shirting Llnini, guilts, white and colon-) Xi.maik., brown loom and Macbd, Towals, Uvrk, D.air.InrkJ.o. Kapklas and Doylies, tt., KU., Kit. SPRUANCE, STANLEY&Co. Imj'orten and Dealca ia Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins, Wines, etc., 410 FRONT STREET, dl' SAX FRAXCIiCO. MACONDRAY & CO., I to rotten of CHLA & JJPl TEAS, SKIPPING i COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 and j SAX50.ME STKEET SAi tKA.VCI.SCO. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. UUUX LINK lib'I'WEKN New York, ((ucenstoun, and Liverpool. Cairyins Iho I'nUod Slates Mailt IDAHO. tT- NKVADA, MINNESOTA. i-RMailt,VSU. M A N 1 1 A V I A X VZ. 'IT L UM 1 X U, Wis'CUXoLX, uSfnXBll SA1LIXJKKOM NKWYOHK KVKUY KDXK5ilAV. CAUIN l'ftssucii frm Now York SS) and sold, ytntorooma on tho fume deck u Sulimn. STKIMIAUK: 8W from Now York ; .fr(.m LivoriHiolcr yunnn.ilow n, my ub In m curioncy I'nasiiito from or to Dermanv, Fninco, Nur wnv, Swudun, otc, nt lwi-t IIuLom. lUmniiiiiH'iu to Uroui Unimn, Ireland and tho Continent. Ailyto WILLIAMS ic Ol.rON.a. Broadway; Broad-way; or 11 S. KL.DK KHUK. d-4 Salt Luke City. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is tlio 1MONKKK IIOUTK between OMAUA mid U1L1CAUO. completed four ytwira ho, sinco wliicn time the Ooinpuiiy havo sjmroil neither paina nor axpoitt.onijHirluctii.KiU read boa and truck, und oniippiiig it with rolling toi'k.of tlio most motloni improvements; tiiia, toRijlliur with tlio 1'nct of its boinir iho Short e.-t Line, oilers to tlio Travel, iiift l'ublic a routo uiisurpiisBttd in this country tor Ppmul, comfort. Bnfoty and uro connut'tioiiH. f AHTIUULAK CAUTION should bo Uikon by imssoiiKor in Bolcctinft thoir routo, mid not bo docoivod by lalae alvortieoiiionta and roproontiiliona by intoroatud pnrtiaa of eouipolitiK linos in regard to tiino, distancoa, ralorj, olc. This popular routo requires no Iso atfttonionU, rulyinj; on iU true morita, it needs only to bo known by tho traveling traveli-ng public to be upprociatud, TIMJi: San l'VniiciiiCO to Omaha, four day id seven hours. Via Chicago and North Wonti , tail way, Omnlm to ChicaKo, Iwonly. hreo huurn. Omnhntc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to Jloutou, sixty-four hours, Pullman" "tlnc, Hotel, and SUip. lug Cars Aro run on all tbroufih tralm fronj Omaha to Chicago. How to Suuuro Sleeping Bortha Uo. joro ivEii;iiiiiK wiiiacia; PassonorB dosirouti of sccurinK Sloop, ing BorlriB, tioutionh or Slate Kouiug in tho Slooping Car from Omaha Kaat, csn do bo by toloKrniihiug from any of the stations on the Union Pacific Knilroad, to W. A. Carpontor. Gonoral Apont, 0 & N. W. ltailway, Omaha, stating what thoy wimt. This is all thoy nued to do until tiioy roaoh tho C. ei N. W. HniU way Depot on the east side of tho Mia-Bouri Mia-Bouri ltivor, then go to tho Slooping (Jar Conductor, give him thoir namus, aa nor telegram, and thoy will find that ho has thoir berths reBorved for thorn. Pa53ongors going East will consult thoir own intorobt by securing Through Tickots via CIIIA.GO & NOKTII WJCHTJfiUW KAILWAY, whioh can bo procured at (ill principal tickot offices in California and tho Woet, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, tiall Lako City, Odou, Omaha and Council Bluffs. JNO. 0. OAULT, General Sup't Chicago. H. P. BTAN WOOD, G on oral Ticket Agont, Chicago. 8 GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES (TIIR.OUOI1 Utah, South - cast Jevadia & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, raa ninK Mouth to Tintio, Amencan Fork, Mount Nobo, Sevier, St. Gcorgo, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; Passing through Provo, Sprinevillo, Spanish Fork.Piy-eon, Fork.Piy-eon, Salt Crock, Oniokon Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn , Crock, Bca7er, Wincrs-ville, Wincrs-ville, and AU the jyrincipal tovmi and mining camps in southern Utah and south-tail Nevada, Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bontn, r Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and pawling through all the ' principal towns and min-,ing min-,ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. FlUHCIFAJj OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo I Co. Building Jnn Salt Lk City Len Wlnne. rj. p. KimbaLU SAlT lake, OPHIR : And Tintic Stage and Express i.AKB C1TT, via LAKK TUWVi TUOKl.l CITY, STOCKTO AMD OPIlia TO TINTIO. The root, hu btts TtnlocttA wit. 'f'".' did Concord CoubM, li. Sto.k. cmiM .ttentiro DriTfr,. nd .T.rr.ttenlioB Up.io o the oomfort anl oonvOTU.nc. ol rs. Good accommodation! on 0 road. THROLGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OAs at Wells, Fargo Ca.'s, Bait Lake Cltf i WINES & KIMBALU |