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Show Sew Sn ekt Music and popular bonus, lCALDER & CARKLESS'. (Jenuikk English Gin at Morton'r; old "City Li'nier Store. fl Messages at the Deseret telegraph office for Lou Morgan, Gen. B. J. Sweet anlJ. A. Perry. roLiya. A. splendid stock of Stratum Strat-um Violins, at 2 t'ALDER & CABELESS'. For Sai.k, Eijrht U. S. R. R. Co. yA J. T. LITTLE. Fua y alr. Tnp Union Seed, in laree or fn.ull quantities; apply to Anson Call, Buuntilul. janl3 Am: tour grocer for Ghirardelli'i CHOCOLATE and COCOA. do Avothkr large shipment of the ccl'-b.aled Wilson 8ewing .Machines, al i-1 CALDDK & CltLS'. II. Duswmodit is doing a lively businea iu furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in priced and quality to all that buy of bim. bIO Piaso Stools. A splendid lot of Piano iitools from $1.50 to $14 00, al 1'2 CALDER A CARELEtiti'. Ceuans. Messrs. John Daynes &. Son call attention to the Prince organs, to their cheapness, to the fact that Mr. Djynes. junr., gives leisons 1'ree on organs bought from them, and also to their taking pay in monthly installments, See their advertisement. LIGHT, LiaiiT, Light. Live no lonirorin tho dark. 1U,000 gallons of BEST OIL just received at KEEriE dt C'b. dlo li 4.TEUAS & Bubl are receiving Coal from the celebrated bi'UIGOd MINE, which thoy filer in lou to suit. Ouice over Mrs. Cole brook's, Main street. Lock iiux 4b2. W. F. Belding, City AgonL j8 Eight qdkdkkd Bedsteads, and 5,000 Chairs, at Joulson's, tiroes back 'a building. build-ing. nai Geo. Bhowel, btavanger for tha City. o2 For Bkdroom setts of all styles, call at JoeUon's; he dulled competition in prices. u23 For tdk Staff of Lifj, also cakes, buns, crackers, and pure homo made candy, wholestile and retail, go to the GLOB-E BAKERY. jaJ Oil ib soiling at retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands 00c. per gallon. Crown standard 70c. per gallon. Imperial loO lira test 76c per gallon. noU O' Kkii.lt A Co. keep the celebrated STAR SHIRT. dll Coal, Coal, Coal, by tho Ton or single liundnvl wuiglit, delivered, or at I tho Yard, i'-7 Coruim'rcial Street, and at Iho Kailr.mil Oopot. UOOI'EU, HAWK.INS &. Co. jT O'Ksillt A Co. soli HEAVY. FLAiS EL SHIRTS and underclothing dll m U-tiik 'cpizoof has attacked vour h"T-es. lo;r no tune in calling on Vni. Miowult, l'ionor stables, 2ud South tiroi?t,imd ssvo money. jan-l CoNrn-TiosKBs call for GHIRAR DELLTS COCOA PASTE. Children Crt for McLatn's Candied Castor Oil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbons. Bon-bons. They are delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. Price ' cis. For salo by Z. O. Al. I. and all other Druggists. dl LIGHT for tho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of FLUID arrived at Kkksk & Co's. dlo K.SLLKRB Wines and Brandies, at Morton's; old "City Liquor Store.'' But the Imperial Oil 160 fire test, the purest and scfest oil in tho market. noO Tkx Wkll packed rooms of furnituro for salo, by U. Dinwootley. nlO Sore Curb for the Epizootic. Call on M. Embody, at J. D. Lamb &, Co's Drug Store, from 10 a.m. to 4 o.m. EitrTY Barrklls for sale at Morton's; Mor-ton's; old "City Liquor Store." fl Epizootic.- Din woodey's mules have got it, but his oxen have not ; therefore ho still delivers furniture freo of charge. nlO Wanted, a good girl to do general housework. Apply at this office. jaiM H0 Cords or Wof d, and plenty of GOOD COAL, at .Newman & Co.'s yard, near depot. Delivered by ox teams. nlO Excki.siorCoal, from Rock Springs Bitter Creek. LitLlo waste; strong heat, very emal 1 trace- of sul ph ur. Li'ave orders with J. W. SNELL, Idaho Storo. jal7 Caution to tle Truvcllng FnMlc: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of tho Union Un-ion l'acilio and Central l'neitic railroads, you should know where a tirst-class hotel can bo fc-und, and where tho bustle and noise of the engines may bo avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where tho danger of tiro, which is apt at anytime t occur at the depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is half a mile frem the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will tiud one of tho most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Oiidkx Uousk. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to ba one of iho coiet and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps carriages w hich are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey passenger to and from the depots, free of charge-It charge-It is a two-story brick building, and built expre?fiv for the accommodation ofguo--ts. The Oed.'n House employs r.o runners, but tmp;,vs Parlor to as-it as-it iu patron and Uako chargo of their hd.. All visiting Sail Lake City va'.i Lii.i it to their -advantsiEO on ro turr.ini t- tke tho evening train and evme tn Osrdon, thus saving the annoy-ar.ee annoy-ar.ee rising at 1 o'clock in the ih.t:-ins. ih.t:-ins. J-4- Ghiardklli's California Eaole Chocolate is a most nutritious beverage. bever-age. 3 Public Readinq Room and Free Circulating Library of the Ladies' Library Li-brary Ai-sooituion is open every day from G to 10 p. m., and on Sundys from 1 to 5 p.m., at room No. 9, over First National Bank. d20 Tourists and the traveling Pub- Lie going east are respectfully aotifled i that the Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a tlrst-ciass house, and by coming to Ogden on the previous evening, eithor by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in iu excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout tishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the United Siatos. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Rooms, and runs iu-conch iu-conch free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thanktul for p:ut favors, will spare no pains to pleisO guests, and will provide guns and m-munition, m-munition, with guides and carriages le the shooting or Ashing grounds, by petting pet-ting timely notice thereof. JuDsv & Williams, Propr sol3 " Lemon and Orngt. Dr. Prince's Special Flavorings of Lkmon and Okamjs are uiadu from tho I iruit, and have tbwir grateful, agreeable ; taste without the turpentine odor which is observed in thoio extracts usually sold, mado from poisonous oils, acids, and tasto sharpened by Cayenne Pepper. Pep-per. We advise those who wiish choice pure extracts to buy Ur. Price's. They are like his Cream Baking tower, all ttiat is represented, really genuine, almost alone in the market in these important respects. j2o A Smt Departure in Medicine. It is difficult to induco the medical profession to abandon the old grooves in which it ha traveled for centuries. Pur-galio Pur-galio , venesictioii, opium ization and blisleration aro its team of venerable hobbies, and it does not liko to harness up iho new t'..ur-in-hand of invigoration, regulation, purification aud renuovalton. and take a now departure. Advanced practitioners, however, who are not wedded to old dogmas, admit that in Hostelter s Stomach liitters wo possess, so to speak, a counter-charm to the malign intluoncos that produce various diseased conditions. They do not deny that in cases of general debility, in nervous ner-vous complaints, and in all disturbances of the lirer.the bowls, and tho digestive organs, this powerful and wholesome vegetable remedy etleots extraordinary cure. Tho public rendered this verdict many years ago, and the enlightened members of the prolessioa acquiesce io it. Belter lalo.ihan never. j2y. SALT LAKE THEATRE. Monday, . February !3, 1873. FIRST APPEARANCE SALT LAKE CITY Of ihe original "-crld rerw-od showman and couiejiao "YANKEE" ROBINSON, In V- crrnt ohara.-trr of l!:nNir Errlin.l fiTSH-r.in l-vi-.al a:.l :rr....as Aai- ru-in .ir-:..i. .v i l.v ti by h; a DAYS of '76 "FIRE WATER." DARIl S m TT 'N. "YANKEE" ROBINSON. S VLLV 5- F.rBrTVS. M- IE l.v CUB1 WALIERS. ALI':t0ILB0"-VMI5CARKIECiRIEil. f VIA PRAM. MIC OaiPAM ! First National Bank SALT LAKE CITY DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AXD FIN-AyCTAL AGENT OY THK UNITED STATES. ytm nr.mT. Pmidaat. Aithoxt Sodbi, Cukiar. Anthorlwd Capital, - - $500,060 PAID CP CAPITAL., - SISO.OOO. I EAR. HIS OS, - ai36,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per csnt. Oldett Banking Institution m Utah. A Greneral B anking Baiinoaa Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND I MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TNTKKK3T ALLOWRO ON TIMF; drpostts ne SPECIAL ADYEKTISEJimS WANTED. TO LOOK AFTER CHILDREN. Inquire at Caitcr's Gallery, Main St, FOR SALE. ANEW ROSEWOOD PIANO. 7 OCTAVES: for sale chuap. for cah, or approved r" rer: one of tho be't make True, Bufs A Martin, No. W, Kimball Block. fob 2 CHKAP. ONE THOUSAND SHARES OF Yall-jo Tunnel and Minint Company's ftivk. of Liltlo iottonwood; alio 150 foM in Winona Tunnel, TUg Cottonwood. True, Burns i M rttx. ja30 f9 Kimball Bloc. ONE MASON & n AM LIN ORG AS, SIX Stops; New Sleieh, Kitchen Wang and licht B.-ffgy. Address, 1 Post Office, Salt Lake City. i -9 FOR KENT. FTRT CLASS OFFICES TO RENT OVER 1'irst National Bank. ja30 Rooms' over n. Wallace's, con-fectionery con-fectionery Store, First South Street. Salt Lake City- i FOUND. MONEY FOUND. WHICH THE OWN-er OWN-er can hare bj- proving title, and paying for th advertise menu Apply to Dr-Anderson, loth Ward. jol LODGINGS- CHOI'-E ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A few ledgers and buacders. Enquire at thisUtnce. j'24 g5? UR. GROVES, fWfai XJoaa.riat, " Office, Second 5ooth btreet. Three doors west af Great Wwtera Hotel, half a block east of Klephant btore. Bait Lake'T Office hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p-m. mil Argent Lode, No. 3, A. F. - A. M. STATED Communica'ions of this Lodgo held on tho i"irsi and Third Tuesdays of each month, at Masonic Hall. East Temple street. Members of Sister Lodces and so-iourning so-iourning brethren in good standing, are cordially cor-dially invited. A. W. NL'CKOLS. W. M. W.H. BIRD, Sec y.' L3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS prospectus" TO TEE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THE LATE ELDER FARLEY MM FRATT. I conteuiplato publishing an edition of tho Lite and minga ot the lace lilder Parle? 1'ariior Pratt, written by himself. My father desired to have this work published pub-lished n hiio on his last mission to the eastern Mutes, hut not being able to accomplish his ubjuct, ha placed tho manuscript in caro of bidar Uco. A. Smith, who wu then in the Last, re.iuestiag him to convey tho same safely into miy handi. un bis. Lldor Siuitu'i asrival hume;toe writings wore delivered tome. Previous, huwevor. to too author's going East, ho placed me under solemn promise and , covenant tnat, in case ho did not live to see his Distury in print, in duo umo,l would havo itpubliQod. In oider to carry out the design and request of my uiuca respected and lamented lather 1 am now sending out this prospectus, that the public may be apprised ot the nature and genera ch&iactor oi tho worK, and be prepared pre-pared to cueauriDe lor the same if they icol disposed. a pe. usal of the work will shew that the author ha not beun me recorder i f a certain number oi dull, stale, and uninteresting KVnDia; but in writing his lite, he has uustowr-ud uustowr-ud upun it a great aiaoant oi cre, Uiuught and labor, pa -si g over portions that would be ul no l. tent-i to the general reaUnr, and selecting select-ing the most noted and striking incidents ol, us ho aajs hij.se!., a irub erentl'ul luo, and ' with tho penef a ready writer weaving thorn 1 into nialory with an originality, a iurco and OOiUty ol s ) le , ccohar to bimseli. Inreamng tho went lam strongly reminded remind-ed otlhosajing that truth is stranger than action; and in conversing about it with the i tjeue al iiisto.ian oi the church, Hon. U'orge j a. amith, he reainrfcod to me: "lour father's nictoiy is written in bis best and happiest sU le and lsune ol' the most interesting worgt ' i havo ofoi perused." below i give pontons of tho heading to some , re ouupurs, otc Lu-iiMi-a 1. tionoalogy, etc ' CdAi'TbK thi.dnood Youth Educa-' Educa-' tkn tarly Itupres ions Journey to the est ilaKo a now ia.m in the wilderness of 1 US ogo. ) Uhai'ter i Revisit Canaan, N. Y. Intor-ostiiig Intor-ostiiig tut) tun s .Uarriago Koturn to my 1'or-' 1'or-' cat Home. ' ni-intR?. Interview with Hyrum Smith 6 Visit to tho Lhurcti Miui.-iry among my r ividrodand Baptism ol my brother urson a M ond.nul sigus io the lieavuna r irst Intor-j Intor-j view witn Joseph oirnia -UeJcrjpUvn ol his i'eiaon mid Abilities, uic LuAftt-K iz uosenption of the Inhabitants on tue south side oi tnu Mwsou i tiiver ln-staniaii ln-staniaii ts.ua Healing strange. Manifestations-- I Lmwurai on board a nto am or on iho 410. of i J ul its onct A voice irum tne dad tx-posur tx-posur in crossing the swamps Hospitality of a proacuur, etc Uti.ki'iia io. An army Long march A voice Luleuatiun to the Governor a eo,-emn eo,-emn - alb, lrtn storm and tloud Mob com imttdo suadon disiructiun Lbor wiiu my iiauits c ailing and o. dm anon oi tho UuoruAi oi tne twelve Apostles My ordination, blessing bless-ing nd charge. Ciia1-t.h 17. Romoral to Kirtland A Temple Tem-ple L-nooflnieiits, iTuphooiL'gst Yinens, etc. if it lroui 11. C. Kiuiuail A remara-ahlo remara-ahlo prupuecy ad its lulu Imont Mission to uauada rails ul Niagara collections. Cu.iitkk j-i. lioiraj al and imprisonment of Joae, hauiith and otuera Secret iniiuisitory trial ol tue prisoners aOLtence ol de.ih Uow reversed A J uuas 1'renching in camp oy l'ros Clinch rare ell scones. CUAfTt.it Masf acre at llaun' Mill. tu.ii'1 kk -7. Louduct oi loiouqI i'rice and euards houuke by Joseph cinilh Contrast between kving Herod and Governor Boggs boloialo cAturminuuon oi the Mormons Ciiiri ta :!'. Joh'I'H smith and his lellow rrisuuors KeilocUousin prison Mock trial t.nai escape "i 1'. I'mu Imprisonment AUd i-scupo while io Miss uri." Irom l.e priceoding headings selected at teierably correct idiu of tao cnarac.or ol the In its pages will bo found many of the author's au-thor's best poetical productions, including hil last, entitled "MY FIFTIETH YEAR." The former works of tho author havo been recei ed l- tho puDlic with g:ea: favor. His aulooiographj-, the crowning labor ot his lilo 1 tool con. dent, will pus-ws as srong claims upon Iho la or of tne general reader as any ot it predeces-ors, whiie to tiie Laitor-Lay ?;n'j, it "ill havo an all-biorb:ng intoror. as a record ol the life, labors and ministry ol ono oi the tirst and most prominent elders of iho church. lao org w;ll contain at leait three-fourths as much reading as iho lik of Mormon, it will be putjii.-ncd in ono olomc, by subscription, subscrip-tion, t a ood paper, in good sued, elcar type; I ajjd will bo bound in clwUi, calf, smd m&- V'iao rrice rpr copyt bouzd in cloth t- ci. -a gilt a CJ " ca:, t:.t l f " " morocco, gilt ' -' Iti'eiperted that tho .r w;,i be ready for d:!y:DutKa to j-ibcriber in about twel b aoLiis :r;m the ci'.e oi ttis iroSFectua. 1 df IRQ visiting tho country, soiiciUnt aub- "Lc-uiobifTmrhy which I am about to pub-li'b. pub-li'b. will c c:air. :uil c J ccpl-ie account oi" the auih.r . .i:c. i:jn an bvynp&d to hi; ib art i rdwm. acd i tritt it til bo wtl roccired acil .iuiy aipro-iaied byall lovers ol truth. ar.d bo ins means, wrn tne massing o; i j. ol c omi'i.i-E mucj good, fur it may ..w'be iJ o: te autii-T. it w.i of 4Ml, vu; "He bujag uo J "! i'Cac;n." auuIE, tXOal ctiu.iy, 1'. i'. PRATT- X B. The wcrk will be sent pot (-a;i to an rr: citiioc ucid, on rtceji-t j: the i nce. citaer id L- a- t nzy, or 1'. U. Uraen, lor m- aajojn- All communications mut b anlressea to P. 0. Box .--5a.t LaiO City. Salt Lake City, Jan- .7. leJ 5 to S20S!c?;'-5k!3f!.7j' r.-. of either J &r old. mate m -re misey a: vrs f-.r us iz XLr:z liire mxer.ts, or a.. LC5 time, a: n.y ouo. i'a.-;:c- ars U Aducu ti. a A Co, F'-rt- L I CHICAGO TRADE. ;PACE. BRO. & Co., 3iportn mi Deal en la LEATHER A-D FINDINGS "OLD CITT HOTEL CORXER," Comer of St ft-.e lad Like str3. W. w. P-, Bolton. CHICAGO, C. E. Tut. I C 'The Old Salamander." REM O VAX,. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wbolesale DRUGGISTS and Faint Dealers, Hare removed to their 5ew Store. 9 and 94 LAKg STKKKT, corner Dearborr Street, (on the old lite) CHICAGO, where, with buildings erected expressly for the buii sees. Steam Elevators, etc-, ibey have opened ap an immense cHoek, aasuxpasseJ in the northwest. Srial Attention (It en to Territorial bnilneU. Jt FIELD, LEITER & CO., mrOHTKRS A.TD JOBBKCS OF DRY &0ODS kM CARPETS M.UIS0N ANB MWKET ST;ETS. C XI I c o o . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Giv n to Orders. IdlSJ N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense stock; and low prices. 14T St me Street, CUIcmgo. dlS J. & E. JAEGER, 73 Wftbaah Avenue near Randolph, CHICAGO, rx-x... D1BUCT IVPORTKRSoy Crockery. China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, Cuilorv, Britannia and Silver plated Goods. The largest House in the West, dl M. D. WELLS & CO., Mann factor art of and Wholesale Dealers j In Hoots and Shoes, 618 Wahuh At, Chicago. M. D. Wella, H. J. Muffarland. &. Benedict. laH 8. P. Uolntyre. H. CLAY SCOTT, S. 0VI5UTOS. . H. OTWOTOr!, E. J. OYLSGT05. Scott & Ovington Bro's, Importors, Wbolesalo and Retail Dealers in EMI CSIIi &LASS. PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLERY, MIRRORS, &c, Xo. 21 West Madi;on St., Chicago, I1L Wedding and Holiday Gifts, Olaaa and China Hade to Order. OVINGTON BROTHERS, 248, 28, Z'O k 252 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rue De Paradis ai, l'aris. South Side Office with Samples for Wholesale Whole-sale Only 1SS Madison Street, Corner Filth Avenue Rooms U.U. SAVAGE, Manager. noli N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con MADISON ft. Hon ROB STS., CHICAGO, ILLS., Oiiposiio Piilmer's Grand Hotel. iH HEBRINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE and BCKGLAR PHOOF SAFES ! The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 State street, and oorDcr 14th Btreot and Indiana AveDUO, CHICAGO. docT JOHN V. FARWELL I Co wholesale: NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe Sc Franklin Sta , CHICAGO. i, H. ANDREWS & CO,, 166, 1S 4 170 State Street, Oprosito Palnier'l Grand Hotel, chi c a. o o , '.Manufacturer of SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE. GLOBES, CM A i KS of all Btilei-Schrol Btilei-Schrol Outline Mar?, CharU, ote. IKrerTtb'.nc in the ay -bf--) Collate or C'arrh Fixtiroc at Li wen Cash Pri-e. Send Hoz illuiuated Cat- and Iric Lin to A. H. AM(R7a CO. J 4M CHICAGO TRADE. J. W. BUTLER & CO., Jlanajactoren and Wholesale PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE 1ND WEST PIDB STORK: 99 a amentia Jtffrnon Street, SOCTH 5TTE STORE: 393 A. 3a? Stale Street, CHICAGO. Print. Book. Flat Oar. Felif, Mediuia, Dey' R!d and Coiored. Fr-nimc Tarer. Esre;ciro; every de?r.-Uon. de?r.-Uon. C--d Board. Straw aid l'ar Boards. Wrirriaf Papers, Pa-pers, Iwine asd Taper Ta-per liass. janl HAMIL. HALE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS DRY GOODS, MTMS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, cots ei or MADISON A FRANKLIN STRKKTS. CHICAGO. tW TORL (00TAT10IS AlWATS F0110W, el SoOO.000 DISTRIBUTION Grandest Scheme of the Age. 10.1 CASH J1FTS &Q30! Capital Gift $100,000! !?100,000 for oniy $10 Ay authority ofaSrecial Act of tho Legislature Legis-lature ot March loth, ItCl.iho THIRD tlilD GlFf C3ICERT ! For the benefit of the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTl'CkY, is ho eby aanoueced to coine of in the great hall of the 1'ubiic Library building, at Louisville, Kentucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concert the boft murical talent that can H iitocurod Nn all part oi the oucirj trill bv ouiuloyed, and the eaormoua saiu ot $500,000 IN CURRENCY ! Will be distributed by lot an one the ticket-boljers ticket-boljers io 10,LMJ Gifia, evory one of whi.h will be cub. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Ca.h Gift $100,000 Ono l' rand Cah GiIL W,0lV Ono Grand cash G ft S6,liKi Une Graui Ch Gin 1U,iA. Une Grand Cash Gift ln.iJ0 Une Grand Ca.-h Gilt itw 24 Cash Gilts of SJ.iW eaL-h Q-i.KD 5u Ciu-h j ilia of &.M each t wX &i Cah Gifisf iS each Si',iAf 10U Ca-h Gifts of S.W wh '.iah loJ L'a?h Gilta of SJ each 3l,iKV 5'.J ca?h Gills of UK) each fc'.ot' 9,AiCajhGitt3or 10 each Uu.uOO ToUl, 10,000 GiftJ, all Cash, Soou.iwU Tho object of this Third Gift Concert is the enlargement ana enuunmout oi tho 1'ubiic Library oi Kentucky, wbih by tho special act autboritiQK the nccrl tor iu btueiii, is io be lorcir frou o all tiluwna of overy tto-To tto-To iiiovido means lor hii uiaftBiQctnt and praise n orthy undertaking, uno llundred i qo.j-sand qo.j-sand 1'icKvU. and no more, will ho sold at tke following pikes: PK1CE OF TICKETS. "Whole Tickets (10, llalvo So, anl Quarters S-.30. Eleven Who e lijkols lor 5100; lor 1 SJ.w; o for ioOO; li;i for Sl.vw; 15 lor W.SOj: 57o for S-i.iyO; l.ltiu lor S10.WU: ,i50 for JiV.ooO; and rj.iXU tor ii.tVM No dicountt Oil idts thao SHX) wi.rih oi ticket at h li ue. Ihis Third Uilt Concert win be co- ducte I I i U o ihe tirst aod second horctoieio bit on, and full particulars oi iho uiodo drani c tho giiu and uaying thorn and overj tbiD aa-ce.'sary aa-ce.'sary to a thorough uuderstanduiK ol" ihu scheme, f. om beginnii.p to end, aro now published pub-lished io tho form of a circular, wtiich will -e it. The entire m nacement of this undertaking had boon committed by the Tru-tetw io llu. 1UUS E. bHA.aLhTlE, late Governor id Kentucky, to whom all comuiunicatuns ier-laibinc ier-laibinc to the GiU Concert a.ould bo ad-drecflod. ad-drecflod. R. T. DURUETT, l're-ident 1. L. K. JOHN S. C.ilN, Secretary f. L. K. For further io for ma' ion enquire at Zabris-kio's Zabris-kio's Saloon, Suli Laho Citv, or to R. H. THOMi-sON, j22 Virsioia. Nevada, "UTAU FIRE-BRICK CO." W. II. CMIS1I0LM. I C. W. BENNETT, PrcsidenU I T. eas. A sec y- Wm. T. MATHEWS, ijujierL tondonL Capital Mok, $30,000. Wo manufacture at alt Lake Citr and Lehi. Make Firo-Briek, Fire-Cojont, Front (.hand-pros ed) Building Brick, Stove Brick, Crucibles, Ketorf, io-, Ac. Raw material not surpassed in my part of thoHorld. o uiO Lehi, lUnjbam aud other W. T. Mathowg the Pupoi intendost has had over thirty eur Cii erionco Flaco ot wurKf in suit Ln.,0 Citr. near ,Ichn-son ,Ichn-son anmtlirK otks uili;o No. iv, Main Siroet. .C . Bounett'5 oltico.) Wo vi I f.irnifb Fire-Brick and all fire material ma-terial cheaper loan they c.in bu imi uitod and ol" bolter gi-ality. Wo im iie all luroace muu to cil. Firo-Bricks tuuuo to plan. Urdorc aolicilod fobl mm uayis &'sojT IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OrEKATION, AU kind, of Caatin g- Done to order od the ehorio&t doiioc. Time (ruarnntcrd. ALSO AGEXT3 FOR THE GRIFFITH & WEDGE VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, AMD a n m m 9 Shingle and Headinq Machines High eft Price 1'nirl Tor OM Brass, Copper, and Cast Iron. FIRST WEST hTKKET, NKAR NORTH TEMPLE blHEEX. jaJl GrET. Feed yolk Horses WARM Bran Mash, TWICE A 1AY. 40,000 LBS. OF BRAN Jnt received and for sale KNOWLDEM'S. tzff" (it iniiiply whon you oo Dd all will bo U. K. GEO. II. KN0WLDEN. Grain Dealer, ' WEST BIDE MAIN BIBEET. '" SSS MISCELL8NE0US, Bipis! frjimil BariaiEs! liddellTbroo Btrejcst receir,d ccwisiHiftCt of QENTi' CLOTHING, DKY GOOns. BLiNtLETS nd NOTIONS, Which they hre tsnrci-oa to oat REGARDLEsT'bF COST- Ther hare also recti vfd a splendid line ol STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Whi-h ther are tellies CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. Pcto't t'wet h- rla.-e. A FEW POORS NOK1 H ofthe Pw T OFFICE orU A I1LXT TO TIIE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. Wi.l you pay $175 lor an Organ when you can got one as good in every particular for 8125, and three months' lessons free, by Jos. J.Datses, Tabernacle Organist, which is alone worth '20.00. Buy a Prince, and save ST0. We also sell a 7 -Stop Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bass for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., for $150. Call and see and hear them and yon will be convinced that what we say is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired. Bemember that Prince & Co. aro the oldest and largest Organ Builders in America. J. DAYNES & SON, L2 2 doors eastofGodbo'a Dru Store, ('llll'U'O ,V ALTON II, R. flie Only lk Ilor-i Iu the Weal, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. New Short Home from' Kansas City to Chicago, mihonl Change I Via Pt. Lnuin, K r.a" our nd Northern UneNonh li-'uri) and hif-(r"od Uon Railroad", cr.siiia the M U-ifsippt at Loo-lei Loo-lei una. Ma., Rt. i pH.-ine tun'usb Jackeon-rille. Jackeon-rille. Bliouiit.ttnn doliol. Thr S'.ioritsl ami Got Uoulf to th East, via Chicagol ELEGANT LAY CARS AND PHLiaO FALACESLEiISS CARS Rao through from Knn'iw nly and Bu Louis to Chicago, villi nut change I piis mu mm mi AND SMOKING CARS 0d II daily tnHi : Hi unly line runnini tbete can from tCaaetiaOtty ami H.L-tnl. to C It ten No Line makes as Good Time, Or oloper connect!' n, nit notler accom"ie latum, hrlter lr-ck, inro ruanl iinj ce-t, uore luxuriant nod o.miortaMr rleepinc jar,.. TrainK "t 1Uiikhp1' - cifiontid allU'elern rnnd rnnni'fl r. .p y W'th irRin ol tbil dne, .l L mod UcpuU Kannat ouj. JA.. I1A1U.TOS, Q nerHl PnixriiirT and Tiokol AlOll. C. ji A. H. K. CliiOJKo. 'Mn. Supt.. C. A A-R. R.. Chtoa. FRANK 11113 U, Wert em Trnv"tin ABent.O. A A. R R. Fresh Mince Pies CTKItn DAT at WALLMCli'iS. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANC8 Every day at Wailace'e. FRESH 1'OUiM) CAKES Kvery da' al WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every dy, at Wallaee'e. LICORICE LOIENCE8, The Mrat Tttluff f .r f'onghe and told', (ur tale only al WALLACE'S FiHST SUUIH ITB1H. 5HTUKUI1. CHEAP BOOTS GO TO Taylor & Cutler's AS THEY ARC CL0SISU Oil IIIEIH WINTER j-IOCK VERS LOW, CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CnEAI'ERIIIAS ANY OTHER I10VIB K TOWN. A FULL 8TOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH THEY ARE OI EE RING bPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries AS LOW IN TRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2J It. CDfrP'h I'EAllSand PLUM3 35 ocnifl. TAYLOR &, CUTLER, Ei ST TEWIPLE STREET) Under Taylor's Hotel. tun |