OCR Text |
Show DEERE & Co., "IV-' Manufactuicn of tho Konuino MOLINE PLOW7. Thff'o riow hvp for Ihc ra' innrterof a -miturv mntaUiuod the rcruialK-n ol Iho lip-l Plow In ue. .Ml xmiuino M"hno Views bear the brand hrn in ilio abovo cut. dlS WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. 1 K I S to inform thp ridints of Lake fiiv and Ticiritv, lint ho, not only maraiiw iv' rrorrlv Itor-tir. Clr.tn an, I Ad urt Wntclip-i CtironiMiicters. but he wi ma ";c thfTii or any iart of thetu. to order, and Jr.t rouanod tncr mrrlvof Elcin. Swiw Waioh and a lino seek of lir3Wias lewolry. Fricea is 1 as any in town. Twe. lMM.iHlie.DtlBs4iX. i di HOTAKiES PUBLIC. IK. M. CILLUriE. W. 1TOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ' CONVEYANCERS, A-VD SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcxxowLcocrvivTS taken for the seTeral States sd Tebeitobiks. Office honr, 9 . to 9 p. M. Roo-n Ne. 5 erer Fint National Bank, ta.lt Lake City, Utah Territory. 95 CHAS.W. 8TAY.NEK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor-Office Governor-Office 1st door south of Savafo's Photopraph Gallery. Salt Lake City. mJ2 CONFECTIONARY. Tho andcrsifrned wishes to inform his nnmerous Friends and the PuhJic generally, that he has everything every-thing in the above lino, COXSIsTI-V: OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, APIES, MACARONIES, LADY FLXGEKS. tlC, STC, ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND TUE BEST HOME ifADE In tho maxkot, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as Cheap as any House in Towd. Damel Gremg, BAST SIDE EAST: TEMPLE STREET. -Above. Socond Snnth StrooL tUSli Salt Lake City. I WM. LANAHAN & SON, . DISTILLihS AND JOB HERS 0? RYE WHISKEYS, W .rehouse Wo. 30 Lltjlit Street, 1 BAL-TIMOKK. mvSl AT THE New Auction House, West of Kimball & Lawrenca's, all kinds of BUDDING and LOL'XOES Mado teorder. Carpets MaJo, Clo.uioa and liut dwn. Cornier made. Furniture relished, varnished and repaired, Furnituro and 1'ianos moved, ilouso l'uporing and Calsutuniinc-jal5 Calsutuniinc-jal5 0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STOEE AH kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE' Brou nud Nteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS. AsrrlewltwrsU ImjileineHts Awd fllnlef Tooli, At LowNt Rsvtes. UFPOS1TSB SAoT LAKI IIOCSB nil More Li glit 20,000 GALLONS Uf tho colcbrited IMPERIAL OIL, 100 Fire Test. ADD O O W 3ST , 110 Standard Fire Tost, FOR SALE, BY THE BARREL OR CASE. LOTS 10 Sl lT. PETROLEUM Nou-Exploslvc Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON. LIMPS AND LAMP GOODS FOK THE MILLION!: : PioneerLamoStore Nearly opt'Otitc ibo Market. ; . & CO, HOTELS, ETC. Washington House l'hlrd Koixth. Street, 8ALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodglnc par Week 7 00 Board ud Lodglnsr, per day, 1 3 Day Board, per week, 5 06 Single Wreocta Spring Beds, per week, - 2 30 Beds, per Might 50 tl eats - 23 AMRICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terms S3. 50 per day; Wekly Board and Kooiu;li,uO (o Sl.Ouj Table Hoard, S UO. A few Firat CLaa familios can find pleasant quarter;. Salt Lake City, November. 1S72. J. C. LITTLE. ao24 Prorrietor. TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEAD.ISG HOTEL v OS UTAH JAMES TO WW 36 N D PROPRIETOR. Thl! House Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, weL furnlsaed, and haa aooommodft-tiottJ aooommodft-tiottJ for 10 gueu. THE PROPRIETOA ia now proparina o build large additions to his Hotel, whiah when finuhod, will renJ-ej it the Mott Ccmpkte Establishment ! In the ROCKY JiOFNTMN REGION mil WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A XX . THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND best api-ointed Ilouso in Utah Territory, and has accommsdation lor threo hundred and Buy euoit.. EtToet cars and carriages connected connect-ed with the Whilo sulphur Baths. Reading Rooms, containing paiiars from all uoinu, liatha, Rax, Telecrarh, Sows and Cigar Stand attached to tho House, H. S. GREELEY. CO... nortl Proprietors. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Situated in business part of the city, with tcoommodfttion for 200 guests. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for F&aulioa and Travelers. Hoomi, 50c, 75c, SI. 00 and 1.50 per day. Dininn Hall and Restanrant under the BannRoment of M. H- Ueardaley, late of the Morrison House, Omha, and Tichnor Lionso, Lincoln, Nob. Board per week, tT Meals, 90c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leave daily for the mines-Laundry mines-Laundry connected with the hotel-SMI hotel-SMI Til A. B1GAZE, mV17 Profriotfr. I -- t S i o s t o i H 1 g B w' s1 bog S I 3 s: mi" W.T.REYNOLDS A CO., E. B- ZAI1RISKIE, San Francisco. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ' ZABRISKIE & CO. BATI IOR SAT.K A FINS LINI OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To whieh they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. bOLL' AUfcSISFOR! "IIOUSEIVS" STRAIGHT AVniSKIES. T 11 K FINEST IB Jl. IR- UN THE C I T V CONNECTED WITH THE HOCsK. 64 MAin STREET' Two doers south of Wells Farg -A.TJ COST! CIIItlSTMAS m mi PRESENTS THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY! OP-PORTUNITY! CARL r'.A$MEN TTILL Si:LI. And wUboa to ea!l special attcntioa to bis beautiful asjcniuezit of Cue Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a sreat variety of tho bust selected GOLD XECLACES, BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RIXGS AND FULL SETS A compldlo assortment of tbo best grades of AMERICAN WATCHES tho mpft suitable for Railroad Travelers, Farmers and Minors. For PLreneth and cood froing thiy aro un?urra.;ed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AND WARRANTED. The public aro cordially invited to inspect. CARL C. ASJIUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. rdusl ST. LOUIS TRADE. Kf 'TS? J'tf'l-iK-" tr?-. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by State Authority and Drawn in Public in St. Louis, Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class N, to be Drawn Jan. 31, 1873. 5,SS0Viz, Amounting to $300,000. f prize of30.000 500 prises of S 100 priEO Of 13,450 OpniMof 1,000 lprie ot lO.tiOO S trues of 600 1 prize of 7,500 Bpriz-sof 300 4 prizes of 5,000 Oprizesof 3S0 4prizaof 9.5001 36 prizes of SiOO 90 pnjM ot 1.000 inifsof 150 aOprizescf 500' lSOprizot JOO , 40priesof 350 .5,000 prizesof 10 Tickets, SIO. Half Tickets, 95. Uuartcra, Si. 5 0. Dnr Inllpri aro rhnrlprivl br ttm llalf. rK ' always drown at lite lime uamed, and oil drawings The offiriiU Jrowing will Uo pnbliahod in tlie St. llp r-"!"- 'nA a. tt-fty f iliunuu- la .1 io pnrchiiwrs of tickets.; We trill Omw a similar wht-ms tba lui day of every month ilnriue the year 1?T2. ttn. Remit at our n.k hy POT OFFTCK MONKY 0RDKR3, REUIPTKRKn LKTTKB, DRAFT, or KXPUK.'S Fom! for circnlr. Address Ad-dress 01 1'KHA V, BI1LI.KH &- t o.. Poi Offlce Box 4446. ST. LOI" IS. Mo. Hmvl7 DIt9 TRICE'S SPECIALJLAVORINGS, VAMLLA, LE3l0, ETC.. For Flavoriiis-Icc Cream, Cukes and Pastry. With preat care, hy a new proces?!. vreextnift from Uie trnrt select Fruits and Arvinatics, cadi cliamctcrisilc flavor, fla-vor, and produce Fiiiroriit$x of rare czcdlencc. Of gnat strcnyth and prrf cl purity. Xo WiA')ioiis Oi't. Eccn .mf as rtprcsenUd. JS'o fa-n! eaft fottk frill fitvt.i urc holding onc-hiif more than others purportiiig to hold same qininttfi. I'tc tli-n once, vM ute no other. The vu-rt delicate, deliei'His favors cr--r made. So superior to the cheap extracis. A1; for Dr. Price's Special Flavuric. JI;uiU' facturcd ou'ly by STEELE & PBICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Br. I'riec's Oxam JSaking foiedcr. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER who wants a ruri'T family. EVERY HOTEL KEEPER Who AIwav? Wants a FrM House EVERY STQVE DEALER WHO MEANS El'SINE--. evehy Mififliim rani Why de.Mre.- Health by iioid Living. iu'Li iiCT fx:: or tas CELEBRATED ASK YOUS TINNER FOR THEM If he does cot have an assortment, F.ND YOU R ORDER TO pie mmum ca Si?;t louis, Wiolcali Poalcr- in all air.d uf TINNERS' STOCK AaJ all j LIVE STOVE DEALERS 1 lOTli MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE CHANDLER Bogs to inferm his friends and patrons that ho ha opuned a Meat MetitiieMfaii Ono block south of Cedar Post janJJ PltOSPECTDS FOR 1S73. SiXTHYeAB. THE 'ALDINE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admitted to bo the handsomest Periodical In the World. A Keprcsent&tlve and Champion of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDIXE, while issued with all the regularity, has none of tho temporary or periodicals, it is an oW-ant miscollany of puro, light, and graceful literature; and a collection col-lection of pictures, tho rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black, and white, Although urno 'iT'lrt' niL" 1 fforaMalifo'anu ' 0 1LS" Tilt; ALLi-S E will be most appreciate (Tall or it has been bound up at tbo close of tho year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with riralsof a similar cities, XllrJ ALlliX E is a uniquo and original conception alone and unapproached absolutely abso-lutely without competition in price or character charac-ter Tho possessor ol a complete volume cannot can-not duplicato tho quantity of fino paper and engravings in any other shapo or number of volumes to rieuti m cnltitcost;niid then, there arc the carouioi beside t ART DEPARTMEXT. Notwithstanding tho incroaso in tho prieo of subscription last tall, when THE ALU1NE assumed its present nob Io proportions and representative rep-resentative character, tho edition was more than doubted during tho past year; proving prov-ing that the American public appreciate and will 5upHirt, asincero effort in tho cause of Art. i'ho publishers, anxious to justify the ready conbdenco 'hus demonstrated, have eiertcd thomselvos to tho utmost to aovolop and improve lqo worn; ana uio piana for ilio coming year, as uuiolded by tho monthly issues, is-sues, "'ill astonish and delight oven tho most . sank-uino frienosof lilt; ALDLNE. Tho publishers aro authorized to announco i designs Ironi many of the most emiuent artisU : ol America. In addition, THE ALDIXE will produce ox-! ox-! nmolos of the best loioiga masters, selected l with a viow to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as navo-becomc lamiiiar, Lhxoufih photographs or copies 01 any kind. The quarterly tinted plates, for 1673 will reproduce re-produce tour ol Johnri. Davios' inimitablo chi I J-skotches, appropriate to tho four seasons. Those I'lntes, appearing in the issues for January, Jan-uary, April, J uly, and Uctober, would be alone worth tho price ol ay oar's subscription. The popular leaturos of a copiously illuitrat-ed illuitrat-ed "Christmas'' number will bo continued. To possess such a valuable opitomo of tho art world, at a cost so irirling, will command tho subacrip lions of thousands in every section of the country; but, as tno usefulness and attractions attrac-tions oi Til hi ALIH.N E can bo enhanced, in proiHjrtion to the numorical incroaso of its sup-purtors, sup-purtors, the publisnors propose to mako "assurance "as-surance doublo suro,.' Dy the following unparalleled un-paralleled oiler of I'KEMIl'M Oli HOMOS FOR 1S73. Every subscriber to THE ALDIXE. who pays in advance lor tho year ISTj, will receive, w lib nt additional charge, a pair ot beautiful oil chromes, alter J. J. liill, the ominunt Lng-liih Lng-liih painters. Tho pictures, entitled "The Village lieU," and "Crossing tho .ioor." aro 11 x JJ inihes aro printed from:.) different plates, requiring impressions and tints to period each picture, Tho same cbromos are sold lor S-xj per pair, in tho art stores. As it is the determination of its conductors to koop THE ALJJIXt; out of the reach oi competition in every department, tho chremos will bo found eorrosi'ondiiiL-ly ahead ol any that ean be o tiered by other periodicals. Every subscriber sub-scriber ill receive a eoruacato, uvor tho signature sig-nature of th.- pubii-hors. guaranteeing that tho chromes delivered .-hall bo e iual to tho samples I or nistiod tbo agent, or the money will bo refunded- The distribution oi pic lures of this grade, freo to tho subscribers to a livo dollar '. periodical, will mar an epoch in tho hi.-lury ol Art; and. considering tho unprecedented cheapness ol the i-nco lur THE ALUI.N E iL-ell". the marvel lalla liltlo short of a miraclo. oven to those besi acquainted with the achievements achieve-ments i f inventive gout us and improved mechanical me-chanical appliances, (for illu.-irations of iboao chremos, sou Xo vein bar isouo ol IHE ALJJiXKj THE LITERARY DEPARTMENTS will continue under the care of Mr. RICHARD UEMiV bTuUUArtU, assisted by tho best writers and poets of the d.iv, who will strive to havo the literature of THE Al.UiNE always al-ways in keeping with iu artistic attractions. TERMS. f3 per annum, lu anvauce, with Oil thro in os free, THE ALDIXE will, hereafter, be obtained only by sub-cnr tun- There will bo no reduced re-duced orclub rate: ca.h for subscriptions must bo soul to tbo publi-hcrs direct, or handed to the local s-rec:, without rtponil blllt y to I lie publishers, except in cftes wbtre the certificate is nvon. bearing the facsimile signature ol Jxntfi ouiioa Co- AGENTS WASTED. Any r-cr.-'jn. wishing io act permanently is a local arent. will receive fall aad prompt la-fijrmaiiwn la-fijrmaiiwn by applj mg to JAMES SLTTON & Co., Publishers, 38 maiden lane, new tork. W. H. Harrington, Atrent, Herald Office. a 15 LUIvIBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber ; D00113, WINDOWS R1L.VBS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, ; T. R. JONES SiU-UeckioitkofUiO D.tou MISCELLANEOUS. WOOD and COAL,. WE keep constantly oa band seasoned, core , and store wood, RED PINE, MAPLE. QUAE. EX ASP, f AXD COTTONWOOD. ' For sale cheaper than the cheapest. OfSee 1 1 and wod yard near V. C R. K. depot, jas: . west of sampline works. Sr-ecia! rate? m pur-. pur-. chasers of ear lots. Wood and Coal delivered in any pan ef the city on short notice. 1 We will rent a part of our oce on liberal terms. ocJl SKWXAX CO.. Box 7T. IRON & COAL,. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and CoaL Capitalists call on me, I own it. X will divide Address, S. M. BLAIR, Bl9 P. O. Box 1 S6, Salt Lake City. "1 IT A N'T ED. CASII, FOR ONE M Year. Will divide the finest dining interest in Utah for the uso of the money. Address, S. M. BLAIK. Salt Lake Citr,P. 0. Box 1S&. Administrator's Notice. THE rSPEKSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed by the Probate Court of Davis Connti Administrator of tho estate of Joshua P. Williams, of Bountiful, deceased, this is to notify all persons knowing them-elves indebted in-debted to said estate to conio forward and make immediate payment of tho same: and those having claims against tho estate to present pre-sent them at once for setileiuent- JOUX FISHEK, Administrator. Bountiful, Davis County, t'.T., Jan. 7, lNi jaT FOR SALE. A 15 HORSE-POWER "LTTTLE 01 ANT" Engino and Boiler complete, in full working work-ing condition, sale by GORDON & MURRAY, naif block south R. R. Depot. Fall Lake City. jJl THIS WELL KXOWX BRAND OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT 5 im. m Grocery Department. Hi - E.B. CLAWSON.SnpL HOW Oil CIS GET AN ORGAN. -A "I -r-jaS' .r i$ ' Can now bo obtained on Monthly or tjuar- . terly installments. I hao made arrangements with tho manufacturers, manu-facturers, which will enablo mo to offer the most liberal terms of any in tho organ busi- DWn' TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Thomas. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dec. 11, ISTi C. W. STAYjfRR, Esq., Sir Tho Estey Organ I consider an oxcel-ZZl oxcel-ZZl iZllT'Z.-?. bolu Wr sweutacss of tone and quickness of toucu. C. J. THOMAS, IConductor of Theatre Orchestra. TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Archer. Salt Lako City . Dec- H, 1672. Sir I tm happy to bo onabled to assort that for purity of tono and dolicacy of touch 1 have, in thocourso of so mo years experience, seon but few Organs which can enal, none which can excel, the E-toy Organ, lor which you are agent in this city. Respectfully yours. H. Tt. AKCIIER. Professor of Music CHi.5- W. Stayxer, Esq- Tho VOX JUBILAXTE ts-on no other Organ. CHAS. W. STAYNEll, GENERAL AGENT, No 5 Main Street, Next to Savage's (iallery, i(t Salt Lake City DESMOIDS TRIPE. DES MOINES Scale Company ! gt- - ' F. R. WEST, President. FpT S. F. SPOFFOHD, Vice-P't Qj 0E0. A. JEWETT.Socr'y. s52 REDHEAD, Treasurer. KfcS. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't- WM."DICKERS0X. General Agent. We are manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notico, tho following: Hay, Coal anil Stock Scales! RAILROAD, Warehouse. & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR AND BUTCHERS BKAttS! Bag a; age -and Warehonse Trucks. Every article warranted durable and aoc urate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS BEPAIREI'. ' Address, for Cirrnlar. DKS BOI.IES SCALE CO., do30 Dee M Dices, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS i CO., ' Maoufactamt of SCHOOL FUF?NITURE, OFFICE DF.?KP. ClIl'KCH. 11 ALL. AND COLT.I 1I01.-E SEATS . HE5 MOIXK. 10WA. Bikwoll-. Lnuid SUling and El.ck Ko.rd. Ctuler.t ud Fl.c Lin. MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE TRADE. ' Join tell aannfictflrini Co.. 1 J. RUSSELL & CO., KEEN KIVEK. WOEKS, orta and VV arenases. Turner's Falijs. Mass., Manufacture the unest and larcast variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their Oc-od can now be found upon the Lists of all A 1 Jtbbins Houses. ' Office ami Simplf Rcomi SC Cham btr. Street, XKH 1UKK. Jno-KusseUairi! Co. janl9 CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FL01"K,C0RN-MEAU, P.l'CKWHEAT- "FLOl'R AXD PRIMS Bl'TTER. For sale cheaper than any other house in the city, by VORPOM Jk MURRAY, Half block soiith of R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City. Call and see! jlU HENRY WACENER, Salt LakeClty, rtab, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAGER BEEK, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESiLI AUD KVTArL, SECOND SOITH STREET, three doors east Klei'hani Store. octW M. T. BURGESS, Civil Enginnpr and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will prepare the necessary Papers and Diagrams Dia-grams lor Patanls and Protests. Office in Building occupied by Survever Li en oral. ianl "$100,000 WANTED. A Loan of $i'm"0 on Good Real Ertat security, First Montage at 2 per cent per month. To Business Men with Capital, An opportunity is oPorednow to loan Si (WOO on t irst Mortsaces on first class Keal Estate at from to 2' pur cenL. per month. TR1-E, BURNS A MARTIN, Real Estato and Minine Acents. jal'i fct Kimball Block. CRACKERS! IUURERS! Crackers ! SaltLale Stem Crate Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MAXl'FACTirurXG thobest QUAL-l QUAL-l 1TY and Li 11EATE f VAK1ETV of ( RU IiKltS over produced in the Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer to tho Trade and Publio generally, at tho lowest possible prices. Merchants and friends aro requested to call and ei amino my goods and prices, before purchasing. R. Y. ANDEHSOX, Salt Lake City. Jan. 1, I57;l. Utah Territory. EPIZOOTIC EPIZOOTICI! EPIZOOTIC Ml Great Discovery in Veterinary Medicine FOUND AT LAST! A. Specific for tho HOUSE EPIDEMIC. Cure effected in from threo to four doses. Price El per bottle. Wholesale 51" per dozen. Ask for HIPPOCHASTUS ! Wholosule and KoUil by, C. F. CULMER & CO, C"C;u2CS -BLOCK, Nnlt Lake City. Order? frmn a distance by letter or telorrnph ivill ro.-eivo imiii'vliato a tention. Me.licino forivarded by oxitcs. no7 READ Tlii Advertisement AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE ii buyinc and piantingyour tteoj, 50 PER GENT. Price lOconts-wurtbiS-i to anyl.troo-idiintre I'INKl'.Y A. CO., il Mtirgton liny, t Is. Hi2 mm TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND S0UTHEA6T, no. 3. STATIONS. sIras.Hr MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE fcta.m. lp.. " OMAHA 6:Tip.nL &;30a.ia. Arrive BURLIifGIQN i 5;O0a.m. i.0.p.in, " 0aleebarr(C.B.4Q.) 7:00a.m. 10-.60p.ib. Men a ot " : 11:15 a.m. 3u2 a.m ChiOMO " 4:15 p.m. 7)a,m " Peoria ' &:C0a.B. liWa.m " Ind'plUILB.AW. fcl6o.ia. fcr.a.a, " Cincinnati - - UrOp.mJ 4:15p.a " LotaoFport bVpm-i &-.Stla,m T. P.1W.I 1 " Ce'nirbas 'lt,-'n ",f " tT-ThroDBb Cars from Minfnorl Rlrer V Chiraxo, -. iia-.r"lis, Cincinnati, Lot an port and CclnmbunJ Cnr.aotir,n. at tnose pnln with llnei lead.offto lee Kaat North and Sfnth. Tt.ii ! the 'irtast, U.olckasl a aid Ctieapex Home. DO jnt Kp -i -I. but -V-tain Tl-V, the Bar lint tn k UiMOttri EjveJ lUUread. A.1.T01"ZALIS. 0. iPRRKIHf-: OtnlPa-jiAa-nU eKJ"'i A. W. WHITE & CO. B A N K E R 9 EAST TKSPLK STIlttT, Bait Lake .City. Dealers ia SOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION; Eii'Miye on nff t'.e Principal (t44 qj' lu United Nm;m and i'ropr; Partienlar attention eivro to Llleotion and proceeus remittei a; Current rate .of fcxciiiiaie "r of patnsnu GKO. K. WUltAaV, Atuirnejfl CORRKSl'O.V DkCNTStn BaaaefC!i(ortiia - - . Sun r ran n see -re Wl1 .N V. rk Vvk Cocntv National Bauk . (.icx.-o aatkell Itxuk fl slate Bank ol Netnuka . . Omaha ay.t WELLS, FARGO &, CO., Bankers and Di alers iu Exchang Draruon h'uro.-e. ruropean Collectloai promptly atiendc d to. Kaet Temple etrest, Sa.lt L.akeOttjB ml3 Tho. P Trot. Ant. First National Bank ot Utah ISALI LAKE CITY. 5 Special JLdrrrti.nemrnt on Thtrd SALT LAO Cm' NATIONAL BANK Walt Lake City, L'tak Ter Authorized Capital - $500,OOU BeuJ. Sl. DuRall, Fret idea I. i lutb White, Casliler. J liMriTUD A EiatPATaioK. At torn sy. :CORRK8PON DINTS U SBWYORF-J National Park Ban I Unnnr .. Lnwson Jt Oo, HN PAANCISCO-Ca.iforaia Tru.l to, jONDON Jar C U .NWulloeb 4 Ce. DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE Ci T Y J UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authoria.'l Capital, $1,000,000. BRIGHAM VOrXO. I'resident. 11. S. ELt ItElKiE, Vice I'rei t, H- HUkU'EUpi J. T. LITl'LE, L, S. MiUj, Cashier, j DEAL lit UOLD DIST, 'iusr, KXriliKHR LA.M UAKiUM'N, 1 CI-LKlit CI-LKlit .H llll', etc. OolleotioDs mtifi promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EX JH bE FOR SALE. INTEREST PAID ON aaxriiags JL oposlta. LEGAL. D. 8. DANA, A TTO RN K -A r I, A H", I'r.v., 1 Inh. James m. wkuk, ATIOILXEV- AT -LAW. Office ever M Nat. llntik, octS t.V&T TEMPLE SntliKT. C. E. WHITNEY A T T (J It N E Y - A T - L A W . OtTico over Iiunfurd A Sons' btoro, MAIN STitEET, fi.lLi I. ARK H Y, THOMAS FITCH, A X X O K N E Y - A T - L A W , I11UU Slrttt, Washlitgluu, D. C. Especial utlenliou Kien io obtain. ag Patents lu Mines. nov 15 BATES & ORMSBEE, A f TU.iNr.YS ANJ COuNS:Ll)tiS AT LAW, , A genu liT PurclinHC nml Nntc oT .Uliics A. Lands, . rVBlt Lake Cltr, Omnt.Ks W. ItRViu .K.J I ti.li. Warner KarlL, P. M. Umitht KAHLL At SMITH, ATXORNKYS AX LAW, ALT L4-K I OITT, First Bouth Btrost. Uom 11 and 12. No li6. kimliali 11 och. TlLFoan. o. a. mxr, itiTILFORDIA. MANN. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW Ko. 30 First Ho tub tfirect. q$ J. B. KotborouMh, 6. A. Memtt Rosburuugti & Murritt, A. X T O R N K Y 8 A T L A W , Halt Lake Clt , I tall. OfTirr, liit South Street, first bull dim Deteict Bank corner. oct)( wm. haypok. c. k. oiLaaisi' HAY DON k GLLCHltlSX, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, SALT LAKE CITV. Ofiiee over 1st National Hank of Utah. els 0. n Hr-t)p-tead, M.Kirkpatriok. HEMPb TEAO & K1RKPATRICK, Allornryi-sl-lw,) Halo Street, oppoite Well, FartO A Oo. TRIUNE BAKERY aJD Cracicr MantiMory, Door trlniv Willifr llnnse, ftfalss btreel, Rait Lake City. We hare now received our CRACKER MACHINE With all th" lat"t l-nrrv omenta, sr1 are va'ir.f PiriY WnLJti.NT iUMS W CKACKCllS. GALLACHER & SONS. r Send for Price Lhrt. .ail Address p. 0. BoiHI. fO.lL! COIL!! COAL!!! TliKPrBI.IC AW IlrTr.tDY NOTIFIED I iha I im tt." -1 Aefntforthe OraM Taavon Oal in SK Lake C-mnty. DnTMi can oMsio tbis .j-lsD-lid Coal by the ton Or car load br iprlvins m. t the oJLet Of J&S . A- Young, ail La City. J, 6H-Mi:rDrJi,Saliasn , V-CR S-Dsp&l H. CTARK. P. O.Bii,. jafiZ |