OCR Text |
Show SAN FRANCISCOTRADEL IMPORTANT WORKS UN MINES AND MINING LITIll-. .. Mlnli.S Vlm,"-'w l".i,rBIBM.. Uy U"-"J;- "...... for U..l ' f'uo! "ii " ""'"""siS,". Wuj. It ir-ow. HetnUtirfty ol 'Slld'iaa Mlv- liy J.Ar,1.arPhil- Ua.llv.rlaall.ii, and AB5.J-S.W Pr.cUcal A...J: c?'f.h.: SaUt Tr.....V. .Li.... '',"-,!,r,,;l,;'.r"' ' A,.j;;.1".'..Aiii'ro d jlM :??io'.. o,X, .ot br mail on "'wT.T.'o hav. Id JJiioo t" lb. ahov. a i,;.ltaou. Book.. UI....H Book. nd jutiuii.ry. CiClouoo. larauhoj on ai.pli-c"ll0- A. lto'jiTs CO., Publl.lier.. Uuuk.Hlc.1, Importer. ml hinLloiior.. No 11 MonlKomcrJ .St.. Lick House Block, t-uu rr-indtco, Calilornta. at) MUBPHY.GRAHT & GO. Importers of A.morican and European Staple nd Faucy DRY &OODS, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trado to thoir large an-1 complote etos ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they ere now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, oomnsinx In part French Merlaoa, Wool Smtlnea, Wool Ple-lde, fonch ud tonnes, lrtah amd Frenou Popllas, Kmprtu ClotHa, VimlMi bleak ud oolored. Velveteene, Alptcti) black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. AXBO QLO "V" E S , Kid, Book, Borlin (Ladies', Misses', ftenUO Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hoi t cry, complete in all Its brwnobM White Uouili, tlaittlkcrchleffli Ublrtlug L.ti.nl, pallia, wiiica and colored,' Uaintvalts, brown loom and blMclied, Xoifili, Unci, Diaper, Tiirfeiiti. a.iit Oofllea. kLia., Km., Eta. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, VOll WIIOLlCSALli TltADU, Weaver & Taylor, Hi Front Street, San Franciaoo, California. a!2 I. 0I11XJ.OVICU. WALT i a uogi. it. b. host. 3S. OHCBTjOVIOH cfc oo.p importers and wholesale dealers Id viaK xv is k. a & lihuoks, UOLi AOKNTS FOB lESSE, MOORE & CD'S Fi.Nc OLD BOUrlBDN ; AND liYt WNISKlES. I BlllOT FROM LOUIUV1LLK, I X. 601 Front Sc. SAN FKANCISCO. ap4 j L. A. Sonde nton, X. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND T0B1CC0, (Proprietors t-f La Eapanola Cij?ar Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 front Street, Between Washington suid Clay. SAN FRANCISCO. apt THE IMPflOVSD FRENCH RANGE. Th Aost complete Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by an; other Portable Kant- Guaranteed to give entire satlefae-tlou. Locke & Montague, 113 m Battery BL. alO Sam l-'EAfrciBoa. ROSEN BAUM & FRIEDMAN A . 4 Battery Bt., San Fran. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in French English, German and Atnencan DRY AND FANCY GOODS, .Hosiery, Cornets, iiibbons, And fa) line of I'mallwares. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. iEPUl 0 TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OHK SOU LEATHER. Mo. 418 Battery street, SAN FHANCISCO. Keen Joju. i SiJicit 0. Out, afro GRAND HOTEL On Market, New Montcomery and beoonU BueeLs, svssr rRajfoiooo, ciat., JOHNSON & Co., Feopeietobs, A. P. HOTAXTWG &, CO. BO LB AQKMS V OR TUB J. H. CUTTER CLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OF FINK WISE AND LliCUORS. 4J1 Jack on fet.t San Francisco. al9 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOVRBOX U'HlSKy. C- P. MOORMAN & CO., Lwrsville, Kentucky, .Distillers. Tho Trade antlConinmers are notiQed tau tao above w iho only genuine brand oi Cutter whi,ky. an 1 that the nnderiuned re the sole Aseau f-r the tame. All o'her b.-jndi ckilmtr :.r.e '-Cutter" whwky are v5. '"lln'"-. In order to pre- bur,;,,?'1' lbo V1"." of th re e"Tl, m.Wb'r"1' ad Wown in lure f."1"' 'th a facsimile aina-oiltr aina-oiltr (?oll,r!n"vwlni thocorxs. Nono Salt L.o and tii: C-' "'Jo' XO Tllll TBADE. For Sal, la store ana W.renou.e., 1 "'.', ;"1S M"-lail .1,1, Uj. Al.o la glo , 5" ,c'.".r,i br.VJ' Fwnch brand, j,1'1. Uo.l'and (Jin. fJCfi? P" y'" brand. A. P ,iIi,'a" """!. TRAVEL. CILWER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South - east ievsil & Moji in na, Lea-rtng Salt Lake City Dally, Killing Ki-lling aouth to Tintio, Amerioan Fork. Mount Ncdo, 8cvicr, St. Georpe, Utah ; and Pioohe. iS'cvatia : Pausing throtagb Provo, Sprinirville, Spanish Fork,Pay-son, Fork,Pay-son, Salt Creek, Cliickcn Creek, Bound Valley, FilLmoro.Cora Creek, Beaver, Miners-vilio, Miners-vilio, and AH the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Viri(inia City, Helena, Fort Benton, l)eer Lodgo, Cedar Crock mines, and passing through all tie principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OPFFCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building? ian Salt Lake City Lea Wines. fl. P. ElmbaU. SALT LAKE, j&nd " JPintic Stage and Express KlINMNO DAIL.IT FROM SAL.V LaK C1TV, via L.A11E. TOWH, TOOELB CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TIHTIC. Tho ronte has been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, caieful and ltective Drivers, and overy attention Is paid to the comfort ani convenience of passen- era. Good accommodations on the road THROUGH BY DAYUGHX. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OCSee at Wells, Fargo A. Co.'s, Seat Lake City. WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after September S3d, 1873 MIXED TRAINS E. XJ 1ST DAILY. Going South. Leave the Utah Central K.K. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a,m. and 4.30 p.m. Going "orlh. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a, in. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 &.m. and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. FAKE.S : Bait Lake to Cottonwood Station, &0cti - " bandy " tl.UO " " Dranor " l.i1 1 " " Point " " 1.75 Lehi " " 2 IVcngers will please purchase ItickeU'ot Lho ott.ee. 91. H. DAVIS, Qon. Freisht acd Ticket Agent. FKHAMOHI LITTLJO 8Ur 1 a ENTINDSMT. UTAH CENTRAL HAiiLROAD. ?mm LINE CF UTfiH, On and ftir Uonday, JnJy 1 T, HT1 Daily Traius Leave Ba.lt Lake City a. 5 a- m. and 2:15 p m Arrive at Oedoo 7 a. m. and p. m. Leave Ogdeu at 8 a. m. and 5:.iU p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 twin, and 7:30 p.a In addition to the abo TVTTTg TTID TRAIKTa Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavln Kalt Tko City at 6.30 p.m., and Ojden at 5a.m. Mili will please Pare baa their Tl.kiti ,t the OOleea. Flf7 Cid'j additional will be charted whec the fare is collected on the train. For all Information coticrrnini- freight or poja, aply to Pt. II. DAVIS, 9 en oral Frelcht ud Ticket Ai't J0HK SHAEP, UTAH NORTHERN Trains are now Running Daily, 11 T W"E "V BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 'for MONTANA. Pis-1 GOING SOUTH ; a. m. ' r. M. V'aro Disj G0IXG NOKTIt a.m. 7. . I Fare. 1 iLcavo lIauiiton's at j 4:00 12;4o j j Leave Brighatn at 6:15 7:15 7 " Dowoyvillo" . 4:35 j 1:20 ' 50 " Box Eldor " 8:30 7:30 25 11, " Honey-villa " 1 4:50 I 1:35 75 H)i' " Calls fort " 9:00 8:00 60 c " Calls Fort 5:00 1:15 j 90 n " Honoyville " 9:10 8:10 75 SM: " Box Elder ' j 5:30 2:15 j l25 lSj " Dowoyvillo" 0:25 8:25 1 00; ' 25 Arrivo at Brigham I 5:45 2:G0 , ! 1 -50 25 Arrive at Hampton's 10:00 9:00 1 50 1 - . . J I 1 . , i SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION" PARTIES. Passoncers will please purchaso their tickets at the Company's Offices, or 50 oents additional will be ohargod when the Fare is coll- oted on the train. Arraneements ha7c been made with the Central Paoifio and Utah Central Railroad Companies whoreby passengers oan purchase Tickets at the U- C. Office in Salt Lake City or O. P. Offico at Ogden for Boi Elder or Hampton's on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake Ci'y at groatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows: GOIXQ SOUTH A. M. P. M. - GOING NORTH. A. M.lp. M. Leavo Hampton's at 4:00 12:45 Loavo Salt Lake City, UCHR-, at 5:00 .2:43 Arrivo at Brigham, U. If. It. R, 5:45 2:30 Arrive at Ogden, 7:00 4:45 Leavo Brighani. C- P.R-B.at 6:10 . 2:30 Loavo Ogdon, C. P. R. R., at 7:15 6:00 Arrivo at Ogdon, C. P. R. It. 7:00 3:50 Arrivo it Brigham, " " 8:15 7:00 Leave Ogdon, U. C. R. R, 8:00 5:30 Leave Brigham, U. N. R. R at 8:15 7:15 Arrivo at Suit Lako City 10:00 7:30 Arrive it Hampton's " " . 10:00 9:00 THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Ogden, . $J 50 l' Salt Lako City to Box Eldor, m.W 25 to Salt Lake City, 4 50 . " " Hampton's 4 50 Box Eldor to " " 3 25 I Ogdon to Hampton's -.. 2 50 to Ogden 125 " . " Box Jldor 125 H. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's overy morning for Logan on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-weckly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, returnicg daily from Logan to connect with the 12:-lo p.m. train, and Howe's Eipress every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. jis JOHN Vf. YOUNG, Gen'l Supt RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTFilENT, October 2nd, 1872. Grand Pall and Winter ' O IP 3ES lT X 2ST GS- . Seasonable and Fasnionable Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and other desirable WRAPS. i FULL LINE OF COLLARS. GUFFS & LACE GOODS. . SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL BE FULLY STOCKED. For more complete enumeration t$ee our description circulars to be issued in a few days. 4 m29 ,JI, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent, DUNFORQSbSONS.- MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town ami Country, and promptly aud citrcfnlly fllled at the very finaHest possible miirgiii over cost. m!7 iJTxli-u.s Bauer c&? Oo., 5LVXUFACT UBERS OF THE IMl'ROVED BAITER ORGANS AND JXL EIjODEO TXT JSS . Every MraMt FOLLY fARRiliTED for FIVE YEAES. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES stnt FREE to . ony address upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS ami ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JTJLTTJS lYITEIl & CO., 650 Broadwav, 390f 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave, NEW YOHK. 1 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNESiS SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jyl9 TU'O DOOUa EAST OF QODBK'S DRUG STORE. JUST RECEIVED Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c &c. A iD!E STOCK OF CIGARS TO BE CLOSED OCT AT "WH OLE SALE orbyiiiebox:at cost. TEA.SUGAR, COFFEE, SPICES & GROCERS SUNDRIES KEPT C0NSTAUTLT ON HAND. BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED 0NTJ1E PREMISES EVEHIY DAT AUD SOLD SEASONABLY BY Daniel Grenig, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET, Above Second South Stroot iur-14 SEEDS & PLANTS. A LA HUE AND VINE GENERAL assortment assort-ment of SEEDS; puro ALFALFA, fine (JltASS SEEDS, Ac., tirccnhoiiso PLANTS. SHRUBS nnd JIVE RU KEENS. Jinwrtod DUTCH BULBS, LILIES, ULADIULl S, AC. Catalogues on amplication. E. E. -MouitE, li'a Wash ind on Street, so.2-5 Sun Francisco. Cat. , ICE CREAM. ICECREAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. Thi Hot lv Town ai II. WALLACE'S. BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLEka AND JODUBOa OT RYE WHISKEYS, Wrbeuii lo.ua Light Straat, BALTIMORE. bdt2 RAILROADS. G. P. R. R, OX AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 16th, 1B7, TRAINS WILL LEAVE OGDEN DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS I Overland Passenger Train Tor ToanO, Carlin, W innemucca, Wadswonb, Keno, Mar.Tsnlle, Rodding (for Orctxn), Sacramento, Stockton, Lathrop, Merced U'ur Yusciaito), Tirton lior Los Angolas), San Job and San Francisco, - 5.20 r.u- Orerland Freight and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train fax San Francisco, - - 5.35 A.N. TWNK, T. II. GOODMAN. Oon'l Sup't Gen. I'asn. and Tiokot AgonU GEO. II. K1CE, Ack'.it, Salt Lake Citr, Utfice with Marshall & Cartor, Otox W. F. Co's Lank. sA) UNIO-N PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNTIL further notice, Traina will leare and arrivo at Ogdon Daily, as follows: ;lbiti. I Ariit. Dallr Krrwt.8-30a.ni. Daily Ezp'l.fVJO p.m. Mintd. - tK p.tn. I Mixed. - 2 36 p.m. Freight. - 10-3J twin. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m. Daily connections made at Ojrden with Ltah Central Pacific Road from alt Lako city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah, At Bryan with stages for Sweetwator mines. At Choyenne with Denver Pacific Kailroad lor Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Wostern. Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific, Jiurlington and Missouri Kivor, Kansas city, tiL Joe and Council Bluffs Railroads and Missouri Kiver Line of S tea mors for all points East and ttouth Ticket for sale to all points East at offico of Wells, Kargo A Co., East Tetn-plo Tetn-plo street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Kailroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacitic Kailroad ticket offico in Ogdon, at which office bertha on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements hayo been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. J?'or particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers 6hould be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car. comiortabla accommodations ac-commodations and quick time, THUS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sickixb, Chf. KngineeV and Superintendent Cf Throufh Cart from Missouri River to Chicago. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logans-port Logans-port and Columboj. Cooneotions at those points with lines leadiagto the East, North aad South. This is the Deat, dtiorteet, dalokeat and Cl.ea.peai Route. Do not he deceiTed, eat obtain Tiokets via the Bur Una ton A Missoari &iver Kailread. A. H. TOUZALIN. a X. PERKINS: Gen1 Pais: AceaU . GeaT 8opX ISO Celebrated XX & XXX FAMILY FLOUR. Wholesale and Retail, AT GEO. II. KNOWLDEX'S Agent, A Large Supply always on hand; also FRESH CHURIVED 33 utter, A.ND NEW LAID ESSS OS VIAND FRO THIS DATE. Highest prices paid in Gash for Batter, Eggs and Grain. GEORGE II. RNOWLDEN, West Bide Main 8twt, SALT LAKE OITY. .IE cd J-s M II Z. C. M. I. Ta. largest, La. oheaput Dd the bMt IHIOBTXEST or Watches, Clocks AND nNE JEWELRY to be found Un the West, by CARL C. A8MU88EN, East Temple Street. Oair-e-block north of the lagle Emporium. -A large Flm : 2 solid Mehorany Doori, and a Bne iiilvor Bhow Case, plate gU. lor sale. ausli SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Miohail KiHi. T.N Wakd WAND, KANE & CO., (Sneceesora to Hunter, W and . Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers Id WLES AND LIQUORS. Proprietor! of H ontor's Callforn ia Wneat VtTlilsis.ey. Also Agents for Joseph S. Pinob's oolobrated Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY oOT and 09 ProntBt., near Jkck.oa, AM FRANCISCO' my a ESTABLISHED I 8 60. Co.We "Syouy, Importers of Teas, East India , goods and general groceries, 218 and 216 Front Street, San Francisco, vi PARKER, WATTSOW & CO. (Snooessors to Weil A Co..) Importer and Hannfaotnnn ol TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 321, 223 and 225 Front st., oor. Sacramento, a BAN FH.AM CISCO, CAL, E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Brakes, Wines and Liprs, 3IS Front St., oor. Commercial. D. a. Ta. i25 SAN PRANOISCO JACOB USDERH1LL Sc CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agenta far Bandersoa Bro'i aOo'a OA.8T STEEL PUs. Uouie Bole Anvlla, ColllnatfcCo'a C. 8. Sledges, Picks, Axes, tc. 118 Jt ISO Battery Street, San Francis ce. all JAUES A. TOLQEI. 0. tCHOIMAIl. J. A. FOLCERotCO'8 PIONKKH BTBAM COFFEE AND SPICE M 1 L. L, S, No. SaO Front Street) . Between Oalhornia and Saoramen to, ale SAN FHANOISOO, J. BAUH, 1 Rati TrHCiK)o If. IH a 111. J. BAUM & CO., Importer and UuiDtacttirera of ,- j MEN S & BOYS' CLOTHING. aaa Banaome at., Sail Pranci.co. Nol8 Wrea St.. New York. fit Harness Saddlery, LeatJier. j. a JOsTrsbisr & co., 104 $ 106 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Itofcr by permission to Mr. H. B Clour -uOn, Superintendent of Uie Z. C. M. J. al3 A. B. ELFELT & CO., IHrOSTIEB XX D JOBBEEB OT Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 105 ik, HO Sansome (Street, SAW FRANCISCO. IT.FKLT, LEVI k OO. 132 Church St- N. y. aU LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAS FRANCISCO, CAL. Careful ud prompt attention pale t 1 order, enu-iuted to our care. el 2 Established in 1851. C. VENARD, M annfaotnrer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, . 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Pacific SAN FRAiS CISCO. a5 HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER 104 C 106 Sanaome SU,San iYanciscv, And UU Pearl 8 1 root, Boater, B UCILIX 0 11 A Jf A HJECST, M?tifctiireri of the "urn qoLm" califoula boots axo shois. all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. IIARSESS, SADDLES AND XB'ATH'E -R . Thebeat stock and lowest price on tile Paolflc Coaat.; Special attention liven to orders from Utah. aI3 A. C. DIETZ & CO. iKToaTias or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, B.L Haer.rn.nto. OaUramia, la. fraacli. A. J. GKIFFIT1I, Dealer In jjtffJa dl kinds of FIOKLHD dSj SASOB.X1X3 SALMON AND HERRINGS, IBS Washington Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled fish eoMtanUj on hand. J4 LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and So mestio Fanor and Staple I DRY GOODS. Depot of Ooods Manufactured at the Missum and Pacific Mills, Consolidated, 40 A 697 market St., Ban Fra ojll Paris: aSHneDeL'Kohian E. rARTirj&co. Wholesale lipr Healers, OS Front Street, San Franc lie. Proprietors of UxIiBR'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON And sole agents for , r. CUTTER'S EXTPA OLD 80UnSCrJ WHISKIES Conslantlr on hand, a fall assortment of all the ard Brande ofWblaklee, Fine Brandle Foreign and Dome tic Wlnee, B5 BHtera, Cordtale. Al RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of MALT L1UUOKS OILMAN STORES, 31 et 310 Battery St., San Francisco Agents for Orosse & BlaekwcU's English Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'8 MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading BUcuitf J, S. FRY & SUN'S CHOCQ.ATE & COCOA, ARDBKG ISLAT BCOTCQ wniSKET. JUt'LE'l TRADE Et" nARH.J MALT LIQUORS, JOULE'S STONE ALE. Xennent's Sooloh Ale, Blood's Ind'a Pls Ale, Bass A Co'i Barton Ale, Urass' Cbatniune Ale. BUn.l'cXXX Dub linStiiu'. Gninnee Dublin Mot." JJyMii' Lnnd.in Porter, Ten-ocDt'p Ten-ocDt'p XXX Stnut.lt ridge's London Porter. Foreign Lilqmors In Oasea. afi GROCERY DEP'l z. a. JUL. i. ' r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Jstoves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS ARE OHBAf DKALEIld IN THK KKTTLE.VIENT8 AND MINING TOWSS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND KNQTIUIE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. mSl R. B. CAW ON, .Hliarta...... " SSKTGIEaK Sewing MacKine. "yTE respectfully invite the Public to oall aodjseo oar excelleot variety (u Sewing machines, Plain.Iieautiful aud Elaborate Styles or Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE ' FANTON CA3TOBS. The Total Sales of the SINGER MACHINE are nom j THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 2. 81,260 An evidence tbat it Is fast winning supremo faror in the household, The Singer Company sold over tho other Companies, 52,734. The Chicago Relief ConimiUee furnished sufferers by the Firo to March 18, 1872, 3,944; 3.151 Silver Machines, all other makes, 733. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN if OTHER HOUSE IN THE HEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE Off CHICAGO. Wo courteously inrite the Ladies to soo our Em tor oid.ory jLttaolimeut, It attracts coneral attention and admiration. We also desire you to see our ' TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, EVER UROf GHT TO UTAH. HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN. STAT& where I ecicotod with creat rare nd a tnowledKe ol ,be,re1'Iir..uSli this region, immense Stock of Furniture, I am now prepared to otrar u induoemonts to purchasers in tho following articles ; , BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, PARLOR . SETS. Lin PATENT RED-LOUNGES, TURKISH Sl'RlNGBACh, CHAIRS, SIDEHOARPS, BUREAUS. HAIR. PULU and SPRING MATTRESSES PATENT. BED-SP1UNGS. . . . Th. baft Stool a.u iotraiooi to tail maik.t I am alio preparal " SHADES, VALANCES, DEAPEEIES. LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER YARD. I hare a oonitdele line of GIMPS ASSXLS,REl& TERRY-CLOTHS d-BROCATE-lS Which I will sell In quantities to suit puMheseit. ;t Call and examine my Slock before purchaslM elsovhere. J. 31. JOELSON. Groosbook'sBuildin. Mai.6lwJ3 |