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Show ' Super ErTt J a pan Tea, to ( i 'ii hall & LawrencM n3l j Who iirona Hattir ? DiinfoH & F -a Chkap Furniture go Lo Jiar-'U Jiar-'U rail s. jlti K'tn r r Sale, at wholesale, at Du- ; rant . Cutting's warehouse, south of I Ifiih Central Depot. 27 t Good mixers arc warned at the 1 Ivnma mine, an will bo seen by adver- limcai in the Herald thia morning. Wiin ih yocr Glotcb ? Duuford A ' Sih. 627 . (jRKtT vAnrnr of Fancy Bracket ind fAnnk Shelves, at H. Uinwoodoy'a Hull AL'cnos! Accriow ! Kiah Grant t the A'ew Auction House of Reef & Hum, on First tiouth btreet, west o kimbu 1 & Lawrence's, on Saturday mriL. at 11 o'clock. Furnituro of even (J(;scnption, Lace and Damask Curtain? Spring ill i Ureases, Feather lieds and J'tlUiwi, Ac. Clothing, Dry Gooda Orucones, Crockery ware, Stc, &c . 'iZj WANTED. Sir Apprentices; also tw.j young Lidies capablo of attending in store. Mrs. Colobrook, Palace of fashion. Wno is yodb Boot Fitter? Dun-ford Dun-ford & Sons. ,27 it' For Mirrors, Large and Small, go tc Unrratt'8. j16 Whc is rour Forriix? DunTori & Sonj. 62y i nUpL0 Mkat. 'n canyasp, at Kim-jj Kim-jj bull cc Lawrence's. a31 Mo.vet to Lo(r. $1000 to loan for no your on unencumbered real estato pocunlY. Apply to J. M. Smith, Keal Asuito Agent, over Firit National Bank. B0.il Freight Forwarders. Messrs. Qjrdon & Murray, general freight forwarders for-warders to Camp Floyd, Tintio, Star d strict, and all points in south eastern t. Nevada and Arizona, announce that thoy havo opened an offico and warehouse ware-house at Lohi, present terminus of the Utah Southern railroad, whero thoy ' will give prompt attention and dispatch to all goods marked to their oaro. See' advertisement. i Fink Chamber and Parlor Kotts at B;1rrutt'9. jyiQ LUskmsnt to Rknt under Tatlor & Cutler's. pnR com pletk mining outili, go tc Kimball iSo Lawrence's. a3I To outfit Your Houso, go to Bar-ratt's. Bar-ratt's. jltj Latkut Stvlks, fall goods, received every aunur.d wook, at No. 3 Commer-! Commer-! uml slronL Jw. A. Stroraborg, Alor- i cliHiit Tailor. Call and oxaraine. s'M For Hale, 40 bv ll fot of a city lot, Hth Ward. G. W. Crochoron at Tosa-del Tosa-del & C. b17 Knivxs, Forks and Spoona t Bar-ratl'- jyl6 II a mrs and UarneM trimming?, at i i Kimball & Lawrence's. H31 i Bsst Brd 'Oct .The wenderfull WOVEN Wilts MATTKEs S at Hjnry Dinwo,dy't, 81 East Temple and .o iirstsomb itreots. al4 i Vl Naw- ORLBAxa, China and Crockery at Barratt's. jyl6 Call and ske H. Dinwoodey'a new Bly.e i of Bedroom Furniture before you purcW elsewhere. 1 Kast Temple ana to irst South streets. auH .Ti0? family Groceries go to iiimball B Lawrence's. a31 Officb Chairs aad Desks at Bar-ratt Bar-ratt s. j 16 But tuk celebrated KOCKT MOUNTAIN COaL $7.60 PEB TON at thk Depot or $8 PER TOX DB-LIVEKKD DB-LIVEKKD in mnin part of the city Leave orders at Wells, Fargo & Co 's office, or at "ur coal house on the D O 11 K block. Bel6 ??rrK- epRrNQ Co-. The BEST j x ia tho marltt- "Wyoming Coal and Mining Co. Arthur Staynor, agnt. J6.M Brer Muos, Bar Tumblers, arrived at Barratt's. j 16 ' For Matrassos and Curtains go to Barratt'e. jig i TaKQfEKwtruitjar,allgla53,atKim-ball TaKQfEKwtruitjar,allgla53,atKim-ball & Lnwronce's. a3i D. It. Allen's famous XX.X and XX FAMILY FLO UK for sale at Z. C.M.I. Produ a Department, first door north of . Bank of DoseroL myi Kobiubon's Best Wedkr Coal sold by J. U. Stalling,, ,a the U. O. Dp pot. Leave your orders on the slate u i'-J' Kn(,w,don's, Main street, or P. O. box 7o2. Delivered in all parts of the city. sg Cdttiko & Cos California Canned; Fruits, Jollios, Jams, etc, aro far supe- I "or .to all other brands. For sal by all arst-classgrocors. my!4 Old Government Java Coffee, at Kin-ball Kin-ball ifc Lawrence's. a31 Clothing. The olothiag department, depart-ment, S5. C. M. I., has received an immense im-mense stock of fall and winter goods to which attention is oalled. There is roadymndc clothing in alldosired styles and fabrics, and oloths of the best makes and quality from which gentlemen gentle-men can havo suits made Jo order in the latest styles, as tho tailoring department de-partment has beoome a groat feature of tho establishment. Then thera aro gentlemen's furnishings in large variety, varie-ty, trunks, wall papers, and a general assortment of goods in that lino ; with Mr. John Need ham in charge, and a lot of gentlemanly elorks to wait on customers. Seo the advertisement. For Cancers, Scrofulous and FOlTID ULCKH, DlSCBASGIS Or ALL Ksu, ic Use one part of 4-oto Chioratum to eight or ton of water on tho adoctvj oarts and in tho room upon cloths or ipongfs to purifv tho air. For salo at Z. C, Al. L Drug Store. Toe best Family Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball dc Lawrence's. R3j Street Cars. The public will please take notice that the street cars are now, running regularly between the railroad I depot and Third South street. Ticket $7.00 per 100. Single fare 10 conU. j2 Try it the Pure CURRANT JELL'S of P. D. Coua & Co., San Francisco manufactured by Steam Power. a5 ' WiKTiD Immediately, a number of Hrst-class tailors. Apply at Z. 0. M. I. Clothing Department. &- Noticb. All persons holding orders or due bills against our firm, must present pre-sent them for payment bofore tho 5th day of October. ael8 DAY & CULMER. Window glass of all sizes at Kim-I ball & Lawrence's. a3i Farmers Attention. I will pay CASH for all kinds of GRAIN at my old stand on Second South street. 25 J. S. BarneB. Barratt's stock is next door! to the Post Office. jji5 An Elegant toilol artice is to be found in Lyon's Tooth Tablets. Perfectly Per-fectly safe and harmless. eo-n Great Summer Tonic. Hegeman'B Cordial Elixir of Calisaya Bark. A pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves tho Digestion, an excellent preventative of Fevers, Fever and Ague, Ac, and a great Ronovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persons Hkoeuah & Co., New York, sola manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. niy29 For Fikm Furniture, go to Barratt'l. J16 Tourists and tub Traveling Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully notified that tho Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a first-olass house, and by coming to (Jgden on tho previous evening, oilhfr by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to Uko tha morning train at Salt Lako City. lo pleasure soekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shoot-l Shoot-l ing and Trom fishing, whjl the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of tho kind known in the United Slates. Tho Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Rooms, and runs iLs coach free of expenso to guests. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favor, will spare no pains to please guests, and will provide guns anil ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages le the shooting or tUtiing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. El'div & Williams, Propr'a. ! aol3 i KERfOl's DEBILITY. j With its gloomy attendant, low epirite, depression, involuntary emissions, emis-sions, loss of eemen, spermatorrhea, I loss of pwer, dizzy head, loss of mem- I ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, find a sovereign cure in Hvm- PHRICT'S UoMKOPATUIC SPECIFIC Is 0 Twenty-Eight. Composed of the most valuable mild and potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they itrike at onoe at the root of the manor tope up the system, arrst tne discharges, and impart vigor ar.d ' energy, life and viUliu- io the entire ! man. Thoy have cured thousands of cases. Price, -5 por package of five 1 boxo and a large via:, which is very 1 important in obstinate or old c&$, or I I per singU box. Sold by all Drug- j gists, and sent by mail on receipt of S rice. Address, Humphreys' Specific .omeop.ithic Medicine Co., ' 5'2 Broadway. Broad-way. jN.'w York. For Saio at . C. M. 1 1. and Codbo's Drug Store, y j First National Bank I of tttah:, SAJL.r LAKK CITV. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL, AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. V" "J"". C. Ii. Dablib, President. Vio. Prest Abthobt Oodbb. GmMt. Autlior!s.4CapltivI, - - 3.100,06') PAID UP CAP1TAI., . (ISO, 000. KARNI.NOS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Qlfal Banking Institution in Utali. A O-eiieral Banliina Business Transacted, 4QKNCIE3 IM COLORADO AND MON'TASA. :0UECTI3NS PROMPTLY ATTtNO 0 TO. INTKKRST ALLOWRD OS TIMB DEPOSITS. fi6 K. A. nr.. j. Ina REED & KING, AUCTION N0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ff. T' SOUTH MIKl i' We.t of Klmb.ll , Lswrcnc,',, SALT LAKE CITY. Libornl cash advances made on consign-mQnu- aol NOTICE ! Dr. T.P. p. VAN DENBERSH r11' lenvo Salt Lako City on Sept loth' , for, ban Irancisco, and will return on or about tho Oth of October noxt, aDd then ho win loeijlo horo permanently. Ho would ro-Bpectfrilh- inioEm tho eitizons of Salt Lako City and Utah lemtory thnt ho will continue to prnctico his .Medical and Surgical Profession in ovory branch ; oa forty-ono yours oitonivo expencneoin his prof oss ion. in Europe and luo L nitodbutos, should bo a euarantco of his ability. Offico, opposite Theatro, Salt Lako Cily. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. James Qallachkh. johs 0allachkb william oallachbb. TRIUME BAKERY MAIN 6TKEET, . : On. door below tie Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Brearl ! Pare Canrly! 10 rrilEESTATE OnARDQOLIallTLT . A be to inform.! e PuOlio. tbt thoy t still oarrr on the business of t Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of R Tla "GLOBH," EAST TEHPLE STHEET, ' Adjoinlnj the Co-or.r.tire Oroeory Dep.rt- StiMl'ft V ts S.uwi mhini in , i7H.?f'lo"',,',i,lJlh'l't'I'.brslriot , S SoSSi.i." " "'" ""heir customers, to r' continue their patronage ana support. I Pnre Home-mn,!. c.tt.Ue. . An Bp.cl.liy. Tc: OKDKRS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. f , SL3 DUTY OFF T El A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND Of GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY, - Oar TIAS for quality are proverbial proverbi-al We make it our special study, bo that the public can always depcod od quality and prioes, C.W.DAVIS. 1 MCBOPfiasAimciLiiiiii. : TA.KB MOTIOB' ( LL pervni emtio s timber on l"nite-d 3 Mjim Ui;d! fur eoI.will bo rroKsruted 4 cna.L2a.ly. tho severer penaIUM or.fc.reed I itie judicial nd ir.iliu.ry f..-co will bo e;o- i ployed to arro,t all Lrwpaaaors oa public J land, who cut Umber f - r c a: pur t BitedMt4SsI9tnct Attorav. t'uh A a gust I. . if.'Z. an. j- ( KICKER'S Little Washer, THfc BE T tW CHEAPEST 1 MARKET, ' Only $7,00. 1 J: C. COLTRIN, Agent, Spociioenj, rih Wrf c-,,i.ar;ivc iiorc. ( The bihwt rrjjc in Ct.T j.r.irt -vr Hides andl'oiu. J. i. CULTKIN t to" : 2S At P Jaolei'i iBjueir. liii Ward. PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30.J Ym. McCully & Co., Manuactorers of tba StuUrd Brudf of WINDOW CLASS Bf0'GGISTS, GLASSWARE. Make a spwlaltr T 1 aire riiw of Window GIiljs, and all cnid sires cut to order. Office IS find 30 Wood afreet. Pittsburgh, Penn. . P-S. Harins tbo nint extensive, faetorion in tbL Pountr-, and making a la;ger lino gf STXjJt. dealers will find it to tbeir imereet to i Knt --,-itRtiin bfl'ii "aihn.'nn i35 ''! ;n?.j.s nn' Sirictlf Pure Eocds! Evrrr trC of our White L-d bexn the fell owl m warraiit. ami we euriniitf,. a degrse e( flnenit ut4 nlutciiL-M unsurpRani : i THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS ! ; Pur While Lcd..., pi parta. ' " Linseed Uil "J g ' lO ' I ' in lhr -r"- -f L. c dJ-or.Bt fron. ihn . i atmro mi! ts:. I AVIU,CH.SIDEBS & CO. SOLD BY DBS ETEEYTflM. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NET AD A, In the Office oT tlio Clerk or the V. N. District Conrt, To wltt --. ; Bo it re- S - ' :0 membersd, ..-Xj-r ' V That on tho -r -A SoTontaenth 1 .--!Vivi' ' - of Octo- ,' B --'--ois . -T ber. Anno t -T 3 Domini, Ono t e ,. 1 thousand fi' . ii-'a.F..-:..iJ eight hun-Vk-- -m I drod and six- W'-." 3 1 tf-fivo, Chin. --ii.'.-- S. Jlaminor deposited in ' ?,U';Ut'0,'? "IfMMKR'S CO L L A R0 A L L OtN r.ML.N IV tho right whereof ho claims aa Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend tho several Acta respecting copyrights." vi. P. RODGERS. tt a T.?-Lin - i. 9QrkofsaidDi5triet, . U. 8. District Conrt, by Uko. H.Aii!oiD, District of .Nevada. Deputy OlfJTrSET For Collar Galls. Utipqiiallet, for tho currtw.fnl rurp of Collnr Dnll., Soro B.-ukn. Kn.-c BleDiiihe Cr.ipkcil U el-.Gre.-ir.e, and nil tronbhom,' Sores. Js-This 0iQlmentiloe.iiiot8cab over, but drie np, nnd ht-nln a POro from (lie bottom. I'romi fler.li ennnot rorm vrhen It (s jfff- I'rejHired only by KING & CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Novada, from tTierwipcof kbmrej l-iicliiaiVclrriniulu, Bedington & Co., Wholesale AeonU. , S-m trnncixc-). Cal. O- Src Jli name or rn AS. S. II AMMKR ( SNs- bj ETaulna. J. D. LAMB & CO., CENERAL ACENTS. 8A.LT LAKE OITF. al i''l,.v',r'i'nB is tho Oil which wise men pa in Uiwr Lumps. ilontax I'kovkrr. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG -fl. Gr m nr, . Rooms 20 & 21 Merchant Exchange, CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISO, j for'lho Advortiaomon and SubKriptiom Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And fur papers published In California. Ore- i eon nnd Nevada; U'ashin8ton, Utah, Idaho, Montana. Colorado, Arizona and adjacent Icmlonos; 6andnch Islands, the lin. h 1 ossossions, aitoxian Porn, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, alimrao. Japan and China; New Zealand Zea-land and tho Australian colonios, he Atlantic bin I os and Luroio. ADVERTISING Has crcntod mnny a now business; IhLs onlarttd many an old biiintu; 1 lis revived tuary a dull bincss; lias roscuod many a lust business; lias saved muiiy a foiling businos; Has prciorvcd many a largo business; And insures success in any business. OIRARD-S SECRET. Stephen nirnrdnsed to say inhisoldaRo: "I havo always considerod advertisine; hberalb'aud long to bo tho ereat medium of success in businoss, and tho prelude to wealth And I have mi.do it an invariable rule to udrcrtiso in tho dullost times as well aj tho busia-l, long oiperionco having Uught me that money thus spont is well laid out. as by continually keeping my business before tho public it has secured many sulos thatl otherwise other-wise would havo loL" Advertise your Buiincn. Keep your name before the Pnbllc. Tiifllclmia Advertlilnfi will JiiKiire a Fortune. iritiulncMli Dull, Advertise. I Bmliieu la BrUk, Advertl.e. ePTheman who didn't belicvo in advertising adver-tising ha. gone into partnership with tie Bhontf, and that ofhcial tiou tho advertising. TUB iEVS CLSLESS. J"evs AgcnU tliroughout the AVest, and all others who oontemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send for one of the Price Lists of the ' WESTERN WES-TERN KEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full mfonnation in relation to the nature oi the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and )thers who have a little spare : -oom in their stores, will find :hat they can add the News ' Business' with eade and profit :o themselves. It will pay )f itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. In-lividuals In-lividuals who wish to procure my Books or Periodicals pub- ' ished in this country, can )btain them free of postacre iy forwarding the retail price s above. We refer to any of :he News-paper Publishers of Chicago. Address m mm mi mmi ' t. W.tor. Randolph Jefferson St., CHI. At-O, ILLS. ga Special Conference Notice ! ARRIVAL I BR.1 Pall & Winter Goods. S3. CS. . CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE KOl'GHT A LARGE AS D WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHIM, AlVD MES'S FVRMM1-lSliiOODSi, FVRMM1-lSliiOODSi, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASOS ASD WHICH is SOW OPES FOR INSPECTION. French, English unil American Suiiins, omiiis and Cassimeres in gveut. VHriety iinrt latest Ij les. Men's and Boys su'ts of hn latest fashions, from the - first Houses in i"e- York, Huston, Chicago and .nn Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE OASSIMKRES AND J BANS, TO ' WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY", ' GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS. 1 Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. s GRAST, GREELEV, AST) ALL THE SEWENT STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT YARIETT. The ereat success which has attends Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induce 1 us to mako Largo Purchases for our Fall and "Winter Trade, So that gantlfimcn may choo.c from (lie mo.t Varied and Kxtemlvo Mtock c have ever olTcrtd. Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the Dest quality always on hand. ANNOUNCEMENT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL CO., E YVC3rXj.Ii: HOUSE, dktoood,, j NOT TOARRIVE, ' OM"" Bnt Eeceived ani in Stock, i SHAW- HARDWAHI, TOE CHOICEST SELECTION UF ! TIOX mw.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE j UTSCAPI, I EVER IIROI-IIUT TO THIS CITV, j GOODS, OOTMlIOKI i WHICH WE ARE .NOW ClnPETI, RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF UESTSABOVS ,.r(i I .IT THE RI,OSl Ci-oTniNo. LOWEST I-IGtJR.ES. Ii cLOt,, '-' THE BLEES SEWING MACHINE ! UXRIVALLED and lUNEXCELLED The Hest Family Maclilnc Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO 4.LL BRANCHES OK WORK FROM TI1F FINEST MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST LEATHER.' CALL AND MX AMINE t Teasdel Oo. IS PURE Mi yd WHITE Si VE GUARANTEE THE AROVE MR D TO BK PFPypmi v ' PlRE. AND IN FLVKSKSS. VUmAKAI) (w : ra2PsTRANpAR" 13 u-NIViALLi' k&oVlkwWWVI FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT 4, SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. PITTSBURGH, PA. pOR SALE BY T p -nrr j j29 AND OTHER DEALERS. A ANTED IiniEDIll ELV. " Mu.e and Ox Teams LOOK-BINDLNO. TO HAI L PRKHiHT TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. Terminus Utah Southern Railroad.) ArTLY To CORDON i MURRAY, I STE,nS,L that line will he ntflrcled lo iptdilionjlj EHI. 2 ud In owL mbitAiiti rtrlr.'t CHICAGO TRADE. ?PACE, BRO. & Co., Imrorten cti Dcln in LEATHER AXD FINDINGS 33 A 37 Soma '-,1I,'V',,,, W . fc rata. Boston. tlI IJAt.O, M . COGSWELL & CO.' JOBBERS OK WATCHES, JEWELRY And vpry thins in iho way of JEWELERS- SLTrLIES, 306 West Madison 'lllfA0. self fwHifriFAnl 170 i 172 RAMIOLPII STREET. Offor Sixvial irnhio'inoriH to Iiirtw biiyeri and iho Jubbms Xradu of I' tab Torritory-iylti Torritory-iylti R-lablUhod M illiiuns. Miller A Ohnstcad, (Foruicrly Filch, Williams .t Co..) "A hoi wale Dealers in Hats, Caps, Furs ami Bock Gooils, t 135 and 127 M.AKKKT ST11KKT, augU (MUAUO. H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, I (Forinerlj ef G. LI. A U Lfli). Wheloxalo PAPER DEALER, SO, 84 W. Randolph B(.f CHICAGO, ILLS rAffont for tho p1o o OWEN" PAl'KK Co's l'Al'KKS. bond Paper, "tho best in tbo world," Print Paper, whito and clorwl. Pint Papers of all descriptions, Envelopes. Card Board. IJill. Lett or and Not Ileadi, Slut om on la, etc A Most Cosi'lktb Primkrs' Stock. SATISFACTION G U A It A N T K E D" A. JI. Meeker !k Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowest Market Kalt, S70 Wabash Avonuo, J27 OHIOAQQ, SEEBERGER & BREAKEY . Whole inle Dttlen In UiRDWiRE & Clj'TLERV, 3S and 40 Lake slrcot, CHICAGO. V.- Orders by mail solioitod aci aaustacuon guaranleed. jy7 Diiinoii, Temple & Co., Iinjortors, Manuracturorsand Jobbers of And all Goods for GENT'S NECK WEAR, LINEN AND PAl'Ell COLLARS AND CUFFS. Ill and 113 Wabasb Ave. '3 C11KJAOU, llli, "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, , STEVENSON & REID, Wholeiale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Sirja. (on . I.. .Id all.) Cul'.H'V" h,','.l.. i1"" !'J "Prasilr Inr Ihi in lbaJn.?n"0!';m'a"' Stook' 'P".i hi:' "","" !' to IVrllorlal uusinoss. Jyi M. D. WELLS &, CO. Hannlaottirari of and Wholaaala Oaalars In Boots aad Shoes. 018 W.xa.i, At., Ci1 M. D. Walls. n , M , -"kirk, wiHATiTcor Manufacturors and dalor ia IR.0 3ST, ' INT AILS, Heavi- Ilarrti..r., .. rrrl.s Wood aioclsp And Western hoad.,uarlors for BURDEN'S HORSE AND MULE SHOES And loriliw..rn lo. Mali., olo. U and M Boutk Canal Straw, "ACiO. PIONEER MANUFACTURING C0. Manurcturors f l'arri,,n.,l Toll.t .rt 11 A V I IV G SO A IN Tn" "''si"",""; K'"'' C,""(I. ' "'"' 1" Jobbor..nJ KIKE ami III RGLAIt FKOOF f J. XT" jt; t Th. B.at .ra. i tll, Wotl,,. HERRING & CO., 40 Huto Btroct, and comer Hlh tr00t and Indiana Avenue, glUOAGO. Ho. 715,717,711, and 721, TNDIANA AVE, CHICAGO. Atlimlic and Puclllc TOBACCO WORKS. ist of a fow ofloar leadbg brands: FINE CUT CHEWING, FINE 'CUT SM0KIN9' Wild Kos Chaidon. Uol)art,;OwellciCo., |