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Show SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE. TWO CAR LOADS CALIFORNIA WORK Hulks, ot WiUard & Orr's stables. For particulars apply to X. K- Jqses, or to tho tnuu in charvo. sc25 BOARDERS WANTED. GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR THREE or Four Oontlomon Boardors, in a small privato family on tho Townsend Block. Apply at tho Fourteenth Ward Store so22 WASTED. BOY WANTED, WASUINGMON HOUSE, 3rd South Street. so2ti A FEW GOOD MINERS CAN FIND steady employment and good wages, at tho Emma mine, riono but s toady mon wanted- Apply at tho mine, to s27 SiLLAS WILLIAMS, SupU 4 A WOOD CHOPPERS, FOR AMERICAN 1 J Fork and Provo Canyons. Tortus mado known on application to tho undersigned- For Amoricon Fork, Mr. Kelly, City Hotel, American Ameri-can Fork. For Provo, F. liough, Provo, or H-Cameron H-Cameron Jt Co., Salt Lako City, two doors north of Walker Uouso, up-stairs. sl7 A FEW GOOD TAILORS. APPLY TO Jonx Taylou A Uko., Merchant Tailors, Commorcial Street. . so2t A SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR, AND i Kittkk. Apply ot tho "iiig Boot," 9 East Tomple atroot. s'2i INFORMATION A3 TO THE WHEREA-X WHEREA-X bouts or address of Robort Lotrin and John Emorjon, who loft England in ISiS lor Australia, nnd who oro now supposed to bo in Caliiornia or Utah Address J. A-, box 474, Post Oltice, Salt Lako City. s20 DK. GROVES, Jg&tjg& 3Dontlt, 11 ' Office, Second South Street, Three doon west of Great Wistera Hotel, half a block east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City - OB (Tom Slum. W S p.m. nil MUSIC. o ELECT INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUNG O Ladiks in Vocal and Instrumental Music bv Mi-s Hklitsa C. Goru.xsxi, (daughter of .Mnj. Jos. (lorlimki or (his city.) Kesidenco First South Street, opposite St- Mark's Church. so27 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE Friday Ev'g, Sept. 27, 1872. Grand Varied Performance! COMIC DRAMA ! ROARING FARCE ! Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AS I.IDUT tARRKJAJf. FULL DRAMATIC COMP'Y! Tho pcrfprnianco will commence with tho laughable comedy, ontitlod FAMILY JARS To conclude with tho irrand spectacular fare entitled The Illustrious Strangei Tuesday Evening, Oct. 1st, I8"2, BENEFIT OF Mr. W. T. HARRIS. j NOTICE. On and after MONDAY, September Septem-ber 30th,1872, tho Doors will open at 7 o'clock, Curtain will mo at7$ o'clock. GORDON & MURRAY OENEBAL Freight Forwarders, TO- CAMP FLOYD, TIXTIC, ST ATI DISTIIIC l'lUt'HE and alt Points in South-Easto NEVADA mid ARIZONA, have opened un OFFICE A"0 WAREHOUSE X. K HI, (Torminus Utuh Southern Hailroad.) And will rivo prompt attention and disp;1 to all goods marked to their care. JOSEPH UOKLIXNUI, OIVIL ENGINE' U. S. MINE-HAT, AND DEPUTY VEVOU i'OH UTAH, Ofiico: First South Struct, noarly St Mark's Church. SHEEP. FULL-BLOOD KENTUCKY CtJP' Brooding Bucks and Ewos.vy XW" greed, recently imported, for fio'u-n rOKD WOODRUFF and LOHI""' Prices roosonablo and terms Of Blij GROUND TO TWO HUNDRED FEE','lP,NJi,IiJ l.nty-lx fort dow. !",'05'''S Martin's homo, oi.nosiu Ui. L"""' "U1 ot tho I'oivniont House Enquiro on tho promisor i vpor-r r sols IWUERZiSllZZZL- CAUT' A Mount ""'""tUibotl Groavos. To" ""IH GREAVES. ASSIGii SflLE- Tin- Miinrv' SALEOF LOT SEVEN U VV ,nP"S,,lL Lako City .survey; l'lwk UU. ffl,,ri, Block 117, Plot i ,', tol'.')rr North Ilalfol L-t 1, iii' Bi ,- ,,'?'iU tako place Saturday, IJloclv 11., 1 nL 2 1M11. Septnmbcr - jn. tiOHDEN, Aifrncc Dissoh4 JL fstnershf D- T aHTNEH.-SIIII' LATELY EX-HE EX-HE ,t!reen Ki'iscl A Uvddard. Ilinir 'SThoj this Uav boon dissolved by hmCaimi ai,-. iudt.ro Morris having mutual u Interest of Fred, J. Keisol in the bo'Jfili',ho nnir firm of Morris A lioddurd lam Iip iahilitipj and pays alldsbu as jjlect" oil outstandings duo tho lale flrm- KEISEL GODDAHP. , , MUIUUS A UQDDA1U). f, 1673. MISCELLANEOUS. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company. LOCATION OF lVOKKSi Utile Cot-toutvood, Cot-toutvood, Utah Territory. Notu'K. There are delinTuent, upon tho following described stock, on account of Assessment As-sessment leried on tho 1 1th day of August, ll'l, tho several amount set opposito tho names of tho respective Shareholders as follows fol-lows : LMi -6 i NAMES. d Am'L S. Z X Bidleman J.B. 67 i 100 10 00 BidlcmanJ.B- ' W 1 WO 10 00 Bidloman J. H. t tW 50 S 00 Uidloman IL J. 63 . 2000 300 00 Hidleman II. J. ' til ' 1000 100 00 Uidloman H. J. i 500 50 00 Hidleman II. J. j 6ti 2V) ST. 00 Coburn S. A. 8 i 50 S 00 Coburn S. A. H 1 W 5 00 Coburn S. A. IS 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. 1 16 1 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. I 17 I 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. IS ' 10 10 00 Coburn S. A. ' 19 ' 100 10 00 Livermoro 11. 0. j 3.-00 a0 00 Kaymond Henry 44 250 It 00 Kavmond Henry I W 2-" 00 Kaymond Henry r ' 250 2 00 ltavmond Honry ! -17 'i0 " 00 llaymond Henry -S r 0 Kavmond Henry I 4H 1 2') ZS 0(1 Kaymond Honry I 50 35 00 Kavmond Henry , 51 2.50 i 00 Tildcn Thomas I -2 i aw 30 on Tildon Thomas 3 I a 3.1 00 Tilden Thomas ! 54 20 00 Tildon Thomas I 55 1 200 20 00 Tilden Thomas : 56 : 200 20 00 Tilden Thomas 57 . 2U0 20 00 Tilden Thomas : "S ! 200 20 00 Tildon Thomas ; 59 I 00 20 00 Tilden Thomas ' BO 1 2W 20 00 Tilden Thomas til I 2Kl 31 00 Wiushburn C. A. 1 A ' WO fiO 00 W uhburn C. A. 21 .W ( 50 00 Washburn C A- ' 22 50 00 Washburn C. A. 23 , 1"0 10 00 Washburn C. A. ; 2.S , 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. : 27 50 G 00 Washburn C. A. : 28 ; 50 6 00 ' Washburn C.'A. ' 29 h 25 2 50 Washburn C. A. oO , 25 2 50 Washburn C. A. Ul ; l'i 2 50 Washburn C. A. I 32 j 15 2 50 Virgin B. J. (unissued) 30-50 457 50 And in accordance with law, and an order of tho Board of Trustoes, mado on tho 14th day of August, 1S72, ao many sharos of each parcel of said Stock as may bo nocossary, will bo sold at public auction at tho office of tho Company, Room 5, No. 302Montgomory Street, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12th day of October, 1872, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay said dolinqnont Assessment thorcon, togolhox with costs of Advertising and expenses of sale. WM. W. TrATSOV, Seeretrx- Offico: Room 5, No. 302 Montgomery Street, San 1'rancisco, California. sot NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE CLAIMS against tho Estate of HEM AN COLT-RIN, COLT-RIN, doooascd, aro roqnired to present tho eanio for adjustment according to law. Pcr-pons Pcr-pons knowing tnomsolvos indobtod to aaid Estato are ronuested to sottlo immediately. SARAH COLTR1N, Solo Excoutriz, Bountiful, Haris Coanty, TJ.T. September Iblh, 1S72. so22 JOB PRINTING! The varied wants of the MINER, ARTIZAN and TRAVF'ER FOR JOB PRINTING OAN BE .'ILLRD HERALDOB OFFICE. The QQaoi0118 satisfaction given by tbi ff0' one a' 0Qr oa ia e past .-stifled us in oontinually importing im-porting tiie Nevest Attractions witl1 aioh to please onr patrons in ILegance - Style, lod perform Job Printing to coirpare favorably with any im porta-tioa porta-tioa i this line from the East or West, ; .nythiog in the nature of, PAMPHLETS, ' POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, r, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, . VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE WORK, RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CHICULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or gold! OUR REPUTATION FOR PUNCTUALITY & DISPATCH is proverbial; and these points of business bus-iness 6ball ever be sustained by us. j We do not profess to work below octet, nor work for the sake of working, or givo baits of any nature, but by a syBtom of calculating prioos, make a rule to compote with ouUide Quality & Figures 1 and offer ovory inducement in Lstter Press Job Prinllne to retain the vork at home. , ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co., . I 3NT T XOTTX. Md u facta r en and AgaoU ACRIWWUL GOODS, WardwT-e Sp3cialt.es. WHITEWATER VAGs Office nn Sa-rlw: 13 SOOTH MAIN BTRKKT, Wavreboni mylR IU, 116. 118 KLM STREET. HAYTJEN, WILSONS & ALLEN MKDqfaatarers and Dealer in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHKE, Etc., No. 519 North SlKln ctreet, mjl9 BT. LOUIS. MO. If 7u want the best, buy Buok's Brilliant It U tho utoat Perfeot Baker. It ii the most Durable. It barns the least Wood. It always (irei Satisfaction. More of Book's Store hare been sold and are in use tban any store erer made. Every Stove is warrantefl. BUCK'S Guarantee, For C and Wood, bos only been in as tvo years. It is now the leadinK Coal Cook Ster. Why, It is a Perfect Baker. It is a Tool Barer; U U made with oar PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings wbioh will lastlonge- than Fire Bets of oommoB Lia-Inn. Lia-Inn. Itwill draw in any rood flue, and Is tbe onlf Coal Cooking Store that gires entire iatisfaotio n. BUCK WRIGHT, 730 Md t' BT. Blmln Street, S-lnt onla, Manafactnrers of all Toriatios of COOKING and HEATING STOVES. Sample Sam-ple Cards antl Price Lists furnished on application. mylS s S Pel 3 W ! 9 I- Ph CZD p, g pl m g 53 r-, S S i5 g M -J S -I . 2 1" si O J g i Q. 2 2 "I g m (3 g a T a a p a O 8 I o E g lUll O 9 -S z o i 2 S ss 2 ' j i 2 s 5 s " o :s rf CO m o i 1 S I 3 T s IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangement? with the largest Refinery in the east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give notice that we now have for sale the DIPERIiL CARBON OIL, Whioh is far superior in quality and safety to any evor offered io this market It ia wator white and stands 150 fire toBt We rccommond it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CAlt AJVD EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, : 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. my IKON - COAL. BKP ROCKS OV NATIONAL WUAI.TH, Iron nnd Ct-nl. L'ni'itnlisLi call un wc, t own It, I will divide Address, H . Si. UIilKt UO 1.0. Box lBO.Bs.lt Lake City. RE-13 TIE-TES ! We, the midersiguctl citizens of Salt Lake City hereby certify that our families are using the COLBY 'WASHER, CHAS. W. STAYNER, that it sdres entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLEAN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the best we have seen, H. K. WHITNEY, President's Office. I V. 0. DUNBAR, Herald Office. WILLIAM FULLER, Herald Office. B. H. YOUNG, 1.1th Ward. J. NICHOLSON, Des. News Office. JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Offico. Chas. "V7". Stayncr, : M au3 a. tea- 3B3 iw IVEXT TO SAVAGE'S GALL E It V, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. J : WALKER BRO'S. CUNXINGTON k CO Walker Bro's & Co., WHOLESALE A.D RETAIL DEALEBS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantity of CASE LIOTTORS A TVH II ITT IM AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we ofler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS' TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and 3. ri Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies; WALKER BRO'S & CO. '21 One door East of Elephant Store. BLANK BOOKS, STATMEM, SEWING MACHINES. HOSE jjSB M CALDER & SEARS. r II O 3, Wear Aeents for the ARION, STEIN WAY & SONS, CHICKERING & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and the Poblio to call and examine our stock of the abovo named instruments. We are also General Agents for tho MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be the best and most suitable organs for this olimate; and have also the WOODS, E8TEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have tho Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Toaohers aud Musicians. MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of PIAXOS, At'CORlf:OVS, CI1VCERTIXVS, 1C m E n (vvFij, fJ.f.W5'' v '". J"lKB kV5E?' iiSZi? I-J-C"1"' ?.V,ffBl MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. PlnttoStooIs, Violin Stringy Juttnr .Strings, Violin FurnUhluir, C.iitr lurn UhiiiKi, Accor.lcou Furiiililncri, Drum Fnrnlnhlug.. Tunlus torka ana Ii,,ea, Mic l'uptr, Blnnk Mnslc Hook, and Cur da, NUcct M'Ulo, Instruction Book for nil luttruiuentt, Etc., Etc., Utc, Wo anvo soourod tho aorricos uf Professor CstcIofs, so Ionjr and favorably knoim in this com-lauaiti-, dial our jatrons niayhnvo tho benoiit of his rrolsional sorv-icoa in making thoir boIocUoq of instruiaonu anJ merchandise. BOOKS STATIONERY. Our Stock consist in part of crioetoo Book., Ill.,k UooU. of all dc.orl ,.l lo,, mkMand,, rlllnB Ijik., Steel I'ciiB, lu ure.i vnrlciy, l'-u lloltUr. Ieiicll. Fl-11.1, Poekct Univ.. U,1 ScU.or., .Mn,?,',..' t",t r.rcbm" tojivlAg liookBi oil qualiuos and wciiblsof oi, ..!., nll.U.-. aud ..i.lilto.,,d Board, all color., tinl.u 1I..UC I'. per, all color., Uran lug 1-ap-r, lra luK ilooki. SCJIOOI. KLIKMSIII.VGS OF EVtRT DISfHin lo J, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. llouso of 1. .Nelson Jl coos, ohicL ..o ollor at their resolar Wholaul. and Kctul fricM. L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. mitten Iroa, our .lock ot cLo.c. solcctions ., tho Toolhe!" H hofc'alV'ai.a K.UoTrrkci"1"' THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING IMCHINeT Wo iroiwotfully invito the Public to call and exarnino our SetviuK Jlachiuos before puro iaHDSclsoBhero, which wo claim 10 be ,ho best, cl,,n, o,t at d mtot durable r, tbe market. V ouaratitco every Machine i, sell t, ' Ki"o cut, satislaoiion. Al ,,o warranted to sew, with perfect oa,, lieavor Ducktng J .oktnR Denttu,, l)o,uet,o. Cambric, Linen. Muslin, La i" .nj k A A Tit ' "J',liid' Oonl Uathor, in fact will do ill kind. T b7.ntheapCirC8'Vea W"h "h h"'a- i-o MISCELLANEOUS. urDLIT .TIII.I. 'l.Jinii..p STKKI.B &.' J0II(, W1ii,:v:p 4cpri In Staple ami Fancy GROCER; IIQU-itS, FtoUn AND BACON, JH.i Council Bluffs, 3. THIS WELL EiOWX bTumT -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT - a tCZm X. Grocery Department, H. B. CLAWSON.S.h W.T. REYNOLDS k CO., K. B. ZABRlttit San Francuoo. Salt Laks Car, WHOLESALE LIQUOR H0US1 ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVX FOR S AULA FINE LIMB OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AGENTS F0& "HOUSER'S" STKAIGHT WHISKIES. .THE FINEST IB Ik. JEl 1 11 i a a u 1 1 i CONNECTED VVl'ra THE HOUSS, 64 MAIN STREET1 Two doara lonth of Well., F.rt, Oo'. Bfc. aji Furnacemeu, Atteiition. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO, TO TH1 GOIiDEM CITY FIRE BlLtClL, Wh)cJ uro aqsal If not sn pari or to k 6pni rata riven by tbe ear load. cxC MUSIGI MUSIC! MUSICAL LSTMMEm Of all kinds, Lncludine the BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNES & SON, First South Street, augU STOCKHOLDER'SMEETING THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETIXO 01' "EMMA HILL Consolidated Ml I g Companj," Location of works, "Little Cottonwood, S Lako County, Territory ol L'tah," lor tbe tor tion of Trustees lor tho onsuiup year, iciai txanacIion of such other faufinoss mic;- before tho meeting, will be held at the oi.-: tho company, is'o. 3WJ Montgomery tire:.;: i'rancisco, California Kooin 11 un ilusifc-Octobw ilusifc-Octobw 7th, IS72, at m2 o'clock p. m- L. C. FOH'LLK, SccrMTf-yan SccrMTf-yan Francisco, Sopt 21, 1-2. s.' HersJiey's Torsion Waoii Spmi 1 ThLa Ea tht bast Wvon Sprinc in u iu awarded th FIMST PBEIIIIX A.D JIEDAI orer tho Elliptio and all other eomptti at th American Institute in tbe oity c:'" York, In NoTeraber, IbTO 1 1 Is now bt-uH plied by the WaH 1KPAKTMBNT ramml tt'&eoni going on tao Plaio-It Plaio-It la Lighter, It occupies lesa Space, It raliai tk WagODlfM than any other Spring, ard it utilii most perfect means of elasticity ia namely the torsion principle, carrying;'1 oi'y from iM, to 3l',W0 lbs. ', a.1 ' &drantaea the Sprint; is fold at a mid i ' er price for the tame carryinx cip;tl 'u any other Sprim in use. ,. For full p-iicnlar9 apply at D. BaUh.r son's wagon shop, 2nd Saoti tff1."" doftr west of Willani On'ihit? 'J Simples can also be ia ti-v" ham - Co', and at Kahn Hv V Kt.MH . HEJtDt-MWt jy 26. SoUMI' LUMBER YAf AU Kinds of Luuibt' DOORS, " WLVDOfi BLINDS, MOULDLWS. SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Half-block-i".th Of fj. 0. Pt. Pure Manilla Rope. WE HAVE bean appointed or T11 afonis lor(o.al oi their n.1! ,j To miners it is particularly tteaf 1 beinsall pure 3tlll and not mU isal or other inferior material, hpoclel price given lo CUe Tr STURTEVANT BLOWERS. e.vw.1 sit on hand. Siiw n't n dored .t lowMtmtc tw th.Mit. KIOTT, nf.1B.4Sl Golden City Fire Brick u |