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Show MEDICAL W. F. ANDERSON. M.0, H. J, RICHARDS, M.D. Burgeons and Physicians, Offi't. for the present, at their respeetiTSJ residences in the 13th and 14th Ward; Ins XEW J1EDICJL WORK! 'The Philosophy of Marriage." Knr I he De bill tated M System. i vr JORDAN, nf the AntjmlcJ M n steam, SIS I M(,mKonn-7ttr!t,(neir CMorni,) 8AH F'-AOI-CO, California. pnlilissbediburof bis m '-' iiaiwrUot and tusiractlte Leeier. In a neat . .tatrif ior tboM who csaiuit UUftd IM Jac tares t tli M'lu'n Xi7 oomrned and mimed mnn ili'mlit rrvl and itndy tame Important Iso-turn Iso-turn t'-r tlir f liitnuelf ud offspring. I'r ivl 'r-nicg Ibeavcretar; of the Aos.tom.eel Mufd-n So rrnrieo, an-i enclosing Twenly-y.. Twenly-y.. Ce-i'u in "IM" tampl to PJ po-Ujl, the Ux-,k will he forwarded to an J part ol the btaUe rn"j'.Hi.n an he coo m I tH by letter. 16 HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL or UTAH. JAMES TOWN8CND PROPRIETOR. This Howe li centrally and pleasantly loaned, lo-aned, well fomlihed. and ha accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 neU. THB PROPRIETOR! bow prparln o bnild large addition to nil Hotel, whleh when nniihed. will r-- It the fo$t Complete - Establishment la the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil " WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, TJtali. Open for the Reception ortiuests Monday, Sept. 2(1,1812. II. S. GREELEY & CO., PROPniETOBS. att TAYLOE'S HOTEL, Vet Hid Main Street. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being mads for tha oemmo-dation oemmo-dation of Oaesli. HOT AND COLD BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietor!. " AMERICAN HOTEL, . A Select and First-Class House. OS HI BLOCK JCAST OF THIATBB, 8M,T LAKE CITY, Trm3.00 per day. Board without with-out romnt 14,00 par weak. Bethi free to gufill. J. O.LITTLK, InnU Proprietor. Washington House Oiircl Houth Wtreet, HALT LAKE CITY Uoard and Lodging, par Week T 00 Uay Hoard " 00 French Spring Beda " a 00 Iladi, ier Might - Alanta - - New Commercial Loflpn Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAFPAH, Proprietor. OFKN-ALL NIQHT. Bprttta Beda, MS, 3T assd BO eta. par MlKt Sl.oO lo S.OU par Week. Single Knnme, lUand Tile, par Might yj.UU to 84.40 per Week. Double Uoomi, 1.00 to tt.50 par MgUt. 015 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, OS TUB EUKOPKAR FLAW. Pltnited tn business part of tha ally, with accommodation for ;W0 guest. "-CLAMS ommadation for familioJ anil Travelon. Uoonte, OUo., TSe , 91.00 mud 01.80 par day. Dinin Halt and RaeUnraat uadar tha iniimu-oiiioiit ff St. H. fiaardaley. Ule of tha Morrison Uouie. Urn tha, and Xiohnor llou'e. Lincoln, Neb. Board ir week, tT Jtleale, SOe 1HLE O.M.NUILS XO HOTEL. HtKos loave daily for tha mine. Lnuudry aonneotod with the hotel. SMITH BIQAEB, I UiylT ProorietOr. 1 ' Right About Facel IK Co-operative Store Keepers ! i AND 0TI1KRH, IWhoI"uh Ko auitatn tho br koaeCIbor 7. UTtl BOY OP THE WOOL! and hTO it nanofaetured at home, and th-rob- iaTa foat-bfthi ot the money joo will have to pay for iround-np hate. rua. etc., in tha iha pe ol Cloth, from tha aaai. r- WTB WILL PAY YOU TUB HIOTJEST X MARKET PRICE FOR WOOL, and ic'lrcu tJooJs for the Low eat Cuk Price, and suarnloo erary ajUola, a rapraaentad Wo will alio EXCHANGE CLOTH roi pnoviioN, I Whpre we oa make then available for ear I hn mis. and raceiTa Umb and Uia Wool at I vour tStorc. ' Wo are raakian ud barwosbud. j READY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 MIXERS SHJRTS, efc; ) FULLKD CLOTTT. of flrt-cla ityla and qunlny; alto dearie, l.titeeye, both plain and f.in-Y; F annele of all colon: Cot-loriRilM, Cot-loriRilM, tVufiou Coven, Tabla Cloitie Toweling, Ducking, Stocking Yarn, nil wool end part onttoo. Vmncy Wool Vnrit, for anitt.nr. Col. ton Batting, 3 and Carpet V aria, etc., etc a 10. You will pleue to obgervo that we Chile curfolvrx on havinr the boot colored .0 cojj fa the Territory and workmen who jf tnnot be excelled. JOSEPH BIRCH, - l ot Z. 0. Rio Virfto MnofoiriM Co.. flu , WvUuua. NOTARIES PUBLIC. IX. U. GILLBPIE. V. W. TOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Ac iifOTrLiDniMisTB taken for the leTeral STxTZi ASO TlHBITOKlEi. Offlt-o hour, 0 i, if., to 9 7. it. Hoon No. 5 aver First National 13ank, fait Lake City, Utah Territory. a5 Jaa. W- Stain Dura. Cbas. A. Gould. STAIXBUEN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, 1ID COUUISSIOXERS OP DEEDS FOB New York, Maachnrjetu. Penn"TlTanla, ' Ohio, lllinoi. Iowa, Nebruka. Wyom- ' ior. Montane, Nevada. Celifornia, I OreeoB. Teias. Colorado, District of Columbia and other Statu and Territories. a Applfcatlona for Patents, Mining Deadi, Agree menu and Bond Ir Deeds, Mortitarea, Powen of Attorney, Leuec, Contracts and other instruments of writini drawn with vnoriw and diBpatoh. niulu and other Compenln I-, torpomud ir tha L,awe of Utah. Abstract) of Titles to Minim and other proneny made in the most nomplete form. Mining property exaulntdnnd re-, ported on. Ofkici a.t BEID"S BUILDINO, EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAJit; CITY, U. T- A Notary Pdbljo always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transerlpts famished f'om thoflrstMInlnc Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake Mining District (now Bib and Lime Cottunwood District), and from there of the Big Cottonwood Mia-i I ing Distrtou my21 CHA8, W. HTAYxNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the OQicolst door souti of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt LskeCitr. m22 HEW YORK TRADE. Cochran, JIcLenn & Co. Importer, and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, - White Gooda, Iloalcry, Notions, Woolens, Linoni, Kinbroidoriea and Locus, 2, iM and dOC BROADWAY. B. B. c. wiuuiiT. KJBW YORK, juya) RICE, QOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers slid Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY IDR-ST GOODS, ,74)4, 178 and ni Broadway NEW YORK. W. 0. BARNEY. j2o L. M. BATES & CO., Ml . 4I Broadwayt NEW YORK, in fob fixe an JOBBXM IH Fancy Dry Goods, H03ISBT, WHITB GOODS, WOOLEPJS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NO 7 IONS, etc. J. H. IULOKR. Jal BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Ores by, one blook out of Broadwa HI! JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and WholoaaJeDoalers in FUH AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrellas, tfcc, Ho. 408, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Banter. J " THOS. HI. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's OX.OT HING, AT WHOLSSAXB, 313 31 Broadway, New York. i. I. oowlib. f27 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. WIllarfYAMxa llborallyon conalga-mente conalga-mente of Ore and Bullion. BnlUon. parchaaed at hlgheat market ratce n37 LEGAL JIOTICE. NOTICK 18 HEHEUY GIVES, that we. (Jeorgo Hfrst. Jacob llc(p. Cyrus U. Uawley and Robert C. Cbamberf. do claim twenty-two hunorcl leet in Iooita.br two hun lted feet in widtb, on tho llomedtaitd Mining Claim (bcine a silver bearing vein of ro'k In place. i and tbo laud end promiei appertaining to sid mine, all riiuated in to Ohio Miniug District, C."'nty if Piute, Territory ot Utah, tbo looatiot rtnd ovtent thereol being more lolly descn bod ai follows, to wit; Commencing at a potnt south seventy lour degree- and thirty minetM ea.t, two thousand thous-and f-ur hundred and oighlj feet from U S. Mineral Monument No. I. Ibenoe north twenty-two hunired (iiu) fcet-T fcet-T hence east to hundred trot. Thence n Oth twenty-two hundred I'iJW11 feet Thonce west tv o hundred I'Ji") feet to the place of beginning, lonteintoc ten and ten hun-JtadthsilO.liXi) hun-JtadthsilO.liXi) acres en et I'jrth la the diagram dia-gram ; and we do hereby give further notice, that, having occupied and im-nrovtd im-nrovtd the sa d lode and premiree. icoordlDg to he local customs and rules of miners in id Mtniag District aud having expended in aoiul labor and im-provemenw im-provemenw iheroon. an amount not Ice than One Thousand D.nlera. and harlng at this time actual peaceable pcseewion ot said mining pro.ertj. we bavo applied for a; patent for the said premieos. un.ier tba Act of Congress enliUfd "An Act granting the R'ght of Wy to Ditch and Canal uwners over the Publla Lands, and for other Pur-PoY' Pur-PoY' approved July it?. 1m. and the amenda'orJ Act. approved Jn y 3, Act of Congtoei. approved iiy 10, le entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of the Mineral resources of iha United Wutj'ii our hands and teal i tail twenty-fouxtA twenty-fouxtA day of AujtuU 16i Geobof Hrsr, Ja.ob Hiss. by B- C. ChamfP1. his tt'y in faet CTSU3 B. il.iWLKT, by R. 0. Chamber', hi" u'y m foot 1L C. Chamukk. . M. K'rVratrick, Attist : M Cleuieni. U.8 Land Office, Salt LaVeCtv. L th, Aur. ;i. 1ST J. I eerlily that thenbvc notice and a Jigiam of the ; n Mining Clmui wes thi d.y tiled in this ctlio. tosether with a notice olinten tion to apply for a pa-cnt therefor from the Government of tho l oited State, as provided pro-vided in an Act f OorgrcJ, entit'ed 'An Aot gmniing the Risht ft W ny to Ditch and Canal I) wo em over th Public L.iods. and lir Other l'urpo'w," approved July ii, ljj, acd as mendd by Art vi Cmgre-s ar,:rove.i July U, In"1', an Act "f Oonerefj. approved May 10, lfiTi. entitled "An Aot to protnolo the ovolormerit of tho Mining rosource of the Cnitea State-." I direct raid notico to bo printed in tho Salt Lake "Herald." a nom paper published naareat tho location of tbo claim. .11(3) GBO. B, MA.YWKLL, Kagiitar. LEGAL. J. B, Roaboroogh. 8. A. Merritt J. M. Carter. Roaborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEY S A T .L A W , Halt Lake City, Utah. Ofliee. 1st South Street, first building east of Deseret Bank corner. " aug 21 WH. IUTD05. - C. C. OILCBHST. HATDOX & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW. SALT LAKE CITY. Office over 1st National Bank of Utah. a!2 TEOS. 1U.BSEULL. J. 0. BOTLK. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. Oflncc over Wella, Fargo dL Co'a Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. ft4 GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. O. HYROEf HAWLEY, Attoraoy-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and leiTiiorial Librarian. J. W. HA8KIHB. Office in Kimball's blook, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU shal's othoe. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offioe Room No. 6. over Pint National Bank, Salt Lake City. my!2 0. H. Hempstead, M.Klrkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-Isaw, Main Street, opposite WoIIe, Fargo k Co., SALT LAKK CITT. alO T, U VtLLLLMB, LK QBANB TOOSO WILLIAMS & YOUNQ, ATTORNEIS-AT-LAW, I Office, half-a-blook south of Theatre, j (Salt Lake City. j!3 7u SNOW. . D. HOOB. SNOW & HOGE, fc-ttorneya and Connaeiora tat Law Salt Lake City, Utah. OtDce at Snow's corner, 1st Bast Street Jo6 TBOB. FITCH. OtO. I. WBITKKT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-L -A. W. 30 First South Street f20 SALT LAKE CITY. . A. M A. 2$ N , - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 Pint South Street, ft Salt Lake City, UUh. Warner aarll, P. M. Smith. EARLL . SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, laliT LAS B OITT, First South Street. Rntm 11 and 12, No 105, Kimball Blook. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-LA W, Salt Lake City, Otak. Office west side of East Temple Street 1 d27 1). COOPER; ATTOKHBY AND COUNSELLOR, Bait Temnle Street, Colebrook'a Now Untitling, ap-atalra, fu2S Bi.LT LAI OTTT. Ayer's Cathartic Pills jxr For the relief '. fy- and cure of all J gjny derangements '. fcjft' pv liver, and bow- cL W-Sfct e'8' They are ' lJw arnild aperient . V' jfrfc-., and an ezcol-Tt;ijLjvV ezcol-Tt;ijLjvV lent purgative. Bi? HW'"' . vegetable, thoy Sp ia contnin no mor- . s&r 4 onry or minora! whatever. Mnoh serions gieknese and suffering suf-fering is prevented by their timely ttaa; and every family should have them on bond for their protection and relief, whon required. Long experience has proved thorn to bo the safest surest, and best of all the i with whioh tho market abounds. oT their ocoa-eicnal ocoa-eicnal use, the blood is purified, tbe corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expollod, obstructions removod, and the whole Biacn'nery of Hie restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which becorao olosKod and sluggish are cloanscd by Ayrr9 Pill, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thug inoieicnt disease is changed Into hoalth. tho value of whion change, when reckoned on the vast mnlti-tndos mnlti-tndos wko enjoy it o.m hardly be oumpuied Thoir sugar-coating makes thorn pleasant to take, and proservos thoir virtuesuuim paired for any length oftieae.so that they are. ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, thoy are mild, and operate with-oat with-oat disturbance to the constitution, oi diot, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to eaoh box, bow to uso them as a Family Physic, and far tho following oomplainU. whioh these -fiij rapidly O'ire: For Dyapepela or lndlgeetlon, Llat-leuncti, Llat-leuncti, Leuguor and Loaa of Appetite, Appe-tite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and Its various symptom. Bllloua lleadacli, Mrk Hcada lie, Jaundice or Green Slck-ntit, Slck-ntit, Blllotta Collo and Utlloui Fc-viri, Fc-viri, they should bo judioioasly taken for each oase, to correct tho diseased action or remove tbe obstructions which cause it Foe D ecntery or Diarrhoea, but one milddose is generally required. For llheninatlam, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart. Pain In tbe bide, Back, and Lolna, they should be continually taken, as required, to change the diseased aotion of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. Foriropey and Dropsical Swelling, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produuo thaoffect of adrailic purge. For Suppression, a large dose should be taken, as it produce the desired effect by "a8PW- Ft, take one or two PKb to promoUdLi&siion, and relieve Ueit?m- An occasional dose stimulates the stotn-ach stotn-ach and bjwels. restores the appetite, and invigorate! tho system. Uenco It it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Ii'Jf makes him foci decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. ap-paratus. PttHPaRBD BY ! Dr. J. C, ATRRa Co., Practical Cheinlata, l.OWELI MASS., XT. S. A. f For tale at Z. C. M. J. Dntij Dept. AND ALL DRimOtST 8VBRY W U KRK. PATENT.. pT1 . lass -WITH POECEL AIM-LIKED CAP. Th. Most R.U.M. FRUIT PRESERVER Knon. for tal. at th. Grocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, 25. O. JSL. X. H. B. CLAWSOM, Sap'u IMO W.J. HOOPER & CO. IICOIIIROI Ali ISKEBV. e INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual IMRAA'CE COMPANY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOFIX H. REDIGTOX, President.. CHARLES R. NTOHY, Secretary, i Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. TRIUMPH FIRE IXSURAXCE. CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. " Perfect Indemnity. I We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay Juat Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah 11. II. MAKN, Aent, , SALT LAKE CITY: Office t Banking Bouie of A. W. While fc Co. P. 0. Hox fS4. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCEO., ColTxnibus, Ohio. M. A. DAUGUERTY, JACOB PEETRV President. Socretarj. Cash Assets - - $S71,452.SL By reason of a heavy caali capital and a large business, well distributed, wo oiler to the publio indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago record is a guarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of lossos. H. R. MANN, Agent. Office) Banking Horn of A, W, Wklt Co. Poet Offiee Box, Nr.. W4. mrIP Fmizon INSURAXciTcO. J. B. HUXXETT - - Preetdent. B. D. WEiT - - (Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. . ASSETS, JUKE 30, 1873.'- ' Cash on hand, in bank, and in " course of transmission. $111,308 57 United d tat os Bonus, niorkot value 12,lti 09 Mortciiros 30,LHti 97 Collatoral Loans - Oil Accrued Intorost - 20,tH2 58 Bills Receivable &i,!U7 15 State Bonds and Miscellaneous &,017 W) Due from AgonLs .Sfi.Ob? 65 $SS0,906 70 L1ABIJLXT1CS. Outatnniling Losses and otbor Lia biliUoa .". - - 877,711 W H. R. ItlANN- Agent, Ofllcet Banking irons e of A. W. Watted lo, P, O. Box, 054. . y2S '- zS o , 1 O 5 I 3. s a ,.; ' 3 -i-i a w H "1 3- h n a a mad S j. s : oS i U u " :. n i - C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY RARDWARh, 8 rou and Hteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BL4CI$S3IITII TOOL, Agrlenltwral Impleiaead Aad Btlalag Tools, At Lewiil Ratea. OPPOSITE SALT LAUI HOCII all RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN. Southeast corner of South Temple and Third West streets, opposite tho Railroad Depot, Early Breakfast for morning traina. Warm Lunoli frem 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Itiuiok Basest for travelers fornishad on a few minutes' notice. ICE CREAM BUMMER rR.i:sIv!S. F. ITAJIERSICS, J 11 Proprietor. WAGENEIi'S BOTTLED BEER. A1,E AND I'ORTER, At the Cheapest Bates and on tha shortest notice. Leave your orders at the Depot of the California. Brewery, Nu M Conunereial ttneL US By W. TJ. Telearaph.) STRAJGBTT-orT COXFTRESrE. New York, 26. A conference was held here yesterday by a number of Democrats dissatisfied with the Louisville Louis-ville movement. James Worrall, of Pennsylvania, preirided; and J. F. Wilson, Wil-son, of Alabama, was made secretary. Worrall made a speech favoring the rapport of Grant and Wilson; subsequently subse-quently a resolution waa adopted arg-ing arg-ing Democrats to vote for Grant, and calling upon members of the national committee to organize in tha several States and unite in behalf of the candidates can-didates approved by this conference. The nomination of general Dix for governor gov-ernor of New York, and others on tbe Kepublioan ticket, was eotu mended, and an address in their interest ordered issued. A national committee of two from each State was appointed, with J. H. Giimore, of Virginia, as chairman-and chairman-and A. C- 1W of yur as rctary. S G. McKee, aod J. W. yarson were appointed members for Ohio, James Worrall and Jas. McCal-mount McCal-mount for Pennsylvania, A State committee for Xew York, and a cam-paicn cam-paicn committee, wcra organised with S, I). Clay, of MicbjgaDj as ciairmac. SAN FRAHC1SC0 TRADE, Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Mission & Pacific Woslea Hills, Depot. Noi. 51T A 510 JHarlcet St., SAN FHAXCISCO, OAL Offer to tbo trade a Lsrge and Well selected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Hills. Consisting of BLANKETS ef eve-y description; HOUSE BLANKETS and BUGGY ROUES; HOH8B and SLUICE Blanketings, various widtbs and qualities; CLOTUS, CASSIilSRBS and TWEEDS of every description; GENTS', LADIES', MISSKS' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in treat variety ; OPERA and : FANCY FLANNELS; SlIIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIMKRE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and : UNDERWEAR, WATERPROOFS and R-PKLLANTS, R-PKLLANTS, various shidos and styles. Ivsit AU-Wool and Merino Uifi)KRWKi. and Host est- for man, woman and children, xs-peciallt xs-peciallt adapted for the Pacific Coast. Woolen Yarn in all shades by tho package. All Goods in our lino manufactured "to oRHEfi" at short notice, and at the lowest market prices. Trice Lists sonton application. MISSION axd PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Soa. 51T V 510 Marltet St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. au27 S. L. Stanley, 0. 0. Chapman, John Spruance. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successors to H. Webator & Oo. aud J. J Spramco, Importers and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, alP 410 FRO XT STREET. HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN BTRKKT,; SALT LAKE OITT, Maoufaotural California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM. PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. wo msnufaotnre the Vsrney Wbealer Pans, Patent Prcmed Shoe and Die, Patent Siciu Uiaiaea, and tlie Meoblncry ejmplel for STAMP MILLS a r d ; REDUCTION WORKS. of which we mako a soeoiatty and Kuarante satisfaction inalloases . . inanuiooiare BollUolT's Ball Pulverizer, FOR, UllY CHDSHIAG, Will do the work of 15 Stamps, Price, 11500' Manafaoturera' Agents foriheSaleof SturtevAnt t Root Dlairen, Krl( tfc Cameron Steam Pmape, lolatlue. Portable aud Staifosaarr KnKluea, Jre Holm intr Rope, (Fiat and Round.) "a"d l' iS 'bl " th J1-! Pi'pa for Osi and Water. 4 Bmke Ore Grnehera, 'ing Car. and Iron UnoktU, Ar.Ue Fir Udell, and "ng uppllea. liTlH STEAiYI ENGINE CO. I. . MAN'Ui'ACIUKERS OF j P0RTA3LE AND STATIONARY ENGINES & BOILERS. 3atent Improved Sawmills, ALI, SUES. UN HAND. I HENDRIEBROS., i Sole Auktjts fob Utah ! Main a tree t, Salt Lake City. TRUSTEE'S SALE. f tJ'CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iCrfl-lh0,lnkinUwai,e of A. W. Wbi(0l Lnko 1 rolH'lo street, in the city of Salt i day urri,lgTof Jf?- on Friday, the 3Jih ! the iot'toml,Qr- " olovon o'clock in! Tliousa-, An undividod intcre-t ofUne in !WeV," H,mm" property located . Muuntai? UuK' lliishnin Canon. Westl L'Uh l'Q?n,njt dincL halt Lako county, orni.ne tJ nlWI tho dilvor Hill lode! in alL "QU18 iwenly-fuur huadrod feet conveyed1!? "Inc? s. tho ame intorat Trust; , cxoA0 ."f hv Deod of p-riy of tl'C t,bnrlo5 H. Tilursan as dy of Docoi f' datc(i fourteenth or certain p-1 ' tu,i,,curo tljo payment from said t D.VlM taor"n out. of trusi. wbicli ttie tb"'d iart d deed urn-aid; said? ,D,'l now overdue and recorded in .Miaee WMf"' day uf!i;e of -rPd ?, ti,a Umnly Racordp,i record rereronciLako county. tw which panictUanti-J. iweby inaae for further ?iid property , bidder fbr civh. bo the birhest dood dclirarod imP('D0r 10 paid and A tely after tie aie. sc: , , . Jth, Jni2. a30 In scrdanco w-.it br ji" tho I"!; ird J udf.rdor of tbe Chanel-lcrntorv, Chanel-lcrntorv, tto abu o-'trict Court of ihe yho -Tthaav of aciacn u Jyt.ned until flyiij &d place. I;--, at LUo &uuo UIIITE. Trail STOVES! irjVESI tub cueapesitovks -or THB GREATEST VAETy W. HARRIS IT!II'I -AND- STOVE STOR oprosnz Bif nop nrxrra'S EAST TEMPLE STREE - Call and Ezamine; you are nra tv suited. ARRIYED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK. OF DRY GOODS, Consisting ofEverjtlilng In tbe Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which we axe offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYONE IN THE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, EA8T TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up he largest and meet complete stock and assortment or Gas fixings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 Main itreet, third door north of Deseret flank. Gilt, Bronte, and all tho latest stylos of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of OTery pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now en hand and will continue to beep the largest Block, of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwollings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 foet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daliy. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tlo lowest possible rates. I alsa keop on bnnd a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celobrated Knowlos Steam Pump with boiler connections comploto always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throe Doors North oi Dosoret Bank, Ollico of Salt Lako City Gaa Oompany. jn6 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE nd RETAIL DEALERS IN - IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'8 PICKS,! IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - WINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE Al.f. KI.N'IMB Or FITTINON FOB Ft'K.Tl(TJt A HILL. qASnwARE, . BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, mox pipe, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS. KUB1SKR PACKING. asihts tob Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. To whom it may concern, rE. the Bndm'.sTiH. cl.'m acd'fini . tw.I.e handrad narjn) indndins No, two (2; and Urc. C' in the Tita, led. in Little Ootlonwocd canjon. and hold iLe ame by dd. from th. original locator.-and locator.-and bar. oemplld with th. laws or tk, dtr trict In .Terr wpMt And wa hrrobj eantkn all p.m., not to trada, oaj o, Dartv lor said claims, without onx aautcv 1 C.H. BA9SETT.1 Administrators ol th. I.IVLNS. icsuu of Anthonr Irios . daceaaod. U IBEAKL IVINS. . ItUkt.ClO, inM Hit. 15?l Ui Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory DEP ARTMDNT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We respectfully invite tho att ntion of the Public to tho DISPLAY OF SOOTS and SHOES, All our own make in our HANDSOME SEW SHOW WINDOW Bavins established a regulation for HXOHXsIsHSiTOH In Style, Quality and Fit, We intend to maintain It by eonlinoing to manufacture foods that ire can G TJ AR IST TEE. BOOT and 81IOE M AKERS, Yon will find here i EVERYTHING Required by the trade, in tho shane or LEATHER, FINDINGS AND.KiT, At tbe lowest ratos, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. I SADDLE ItS A II IRESS;;M AliERS Remember wo mako a epocialtv of Horse Collars. Of which wo aliraya koop a large laasortinont of tho bostjand cheapest; HAitNLSS LEATHElt, and all othor kinds, at Lowest Prices, Iwhole-aalo Iwhole-aalo and retail. lE aro soiling tho above classes of goods Remarkably Cheap, at present, preparatory to renewing our Block for Antuuin and Winter Trade. Ordors by mail recoiro caroful and prompt attention from Mr. CBOMPTOX,: whoso lengthy exiorience in tho trade enables him to soloct roods that will satisfy our patrons. KEI'AIHINU DOSE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. II. 15. CLAWSON, Sup't. Z. C. ML Clothing Department Having eoourod tbe exclusive Rale for Utah Territory, of the CELEBRATED BURLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now odor to tho traJo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for IV1EPJ & BOYS, Of the latest styles and beat mako. The Superiority mid Unrivalled Excellence or these SUIim are Established by the following reasons: Bair Tho materials aro tho beat standard Irish linens, and first clafw, highest cost muslins only New York Mills, W Minolta, WilliatDBvillo, lUttn Ac ft The connt of linen and quality qual-ity of muslin in each respective fhirt are always uniform, and the standard is never deteriorated or varied. Sisir Thcworkmanshipisthe finest cd best, and such as a class of labor better than usually cmjiloycd, and the most careful inspection, can only pro-doot. pro-doot. Matf Tho Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled iD beauty; bodies aoft finiflh, not dcoeptivc, heavy and stiff with starch. Utisf In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled eicclleoce is claimed for these shirts. Cot on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their ooTTCct proportions pro-portions are warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial, Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. 25. o. ovr. i., Sole Agents for Utah, H. B, CLAWSON. Sop't. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. a Sptciat Adyrtivt on THint A. W. WHITE & CO, B A N K E B 3j EAST TEMPLE STRKltT, Salt Lake City. Dealers in GOLD DUST,C0IN AND BULLION. Exchange on nil the Pnnewal Oiie of the United Statu and Europe. Particular attention given to Collections, and proceed remitted at Current rate ol Kichange on day of payment. B GKO. K. "WHITS KY, Attorney tXJBHKSPOSDlbSITSi liank of C-ilifornia - San Fmnrite 1 Waller - - S Yw C.k Conniv Natioaal Bank - Chicx, Ukpll ltnW Bt.Lcals StawBaukotNobriMka - - Omaha yl4 BANKS DESERET Salt Lal(BCity, Utah' Ttti Hank has organiiwl a SAVINGS DEPARTMhN r. I and will reoeiw deposits of one dollar r od j np wards, on whioh interest will be allowed at the rate ef eight per cent, par annum compounded semi-annually, rS9 L. S. HILLS, Oaahtir. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANE Walt Lnlio Citr. Utals Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 DenJ. Bl. Dutttll, President. Hugh White, Oaahler. llauraTiaD A KiEtrATatci.. Attorneys. COnRES PON DENTS I i w i.v viw it r National Park Bank. YORK"lUonnU. Lawson A Co, BAN FHANCIaCU California Trust Co. LONDON Jay Cooke, MoCullooh A Co. tall WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers in Exchange Drattaon Knrope. Turopean Collection promptly attended to. B tat Temple btraei. Hail Lak City, mil Tuao. F. IttAOT, Agent. Bank of Deseret Snoceasor to a HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., OorntT last Tempi and first Bonta fltreeta, SALT LAKB CITY, CTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, aiSSOO. BRIGHAM TOFNO, President,'! H. 3. ELDKRDQ H. Vioe Prts, WM. R. HODPEK. WM. JENNINGS, DlraeUr.. JOHN 8HAKP. FfcUtAMOKZ LTTTLB, L.a Hlli Led, Caahier. Dl n GOLD DKB, COIN, KICIIADUB LAND WAtlltANTH, OUL LHUU HCRIP, A.c. Oollootious made and promptly r& mi tied. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. MORE ARRIVALS. "3 Different Sizes and AU Styles of 27 DiflSorent Sizes of WINDOWS. The most coiiiiilcic Slock ever brought lo lluh, AT LiTIMER.TlVLOK&CO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, 'FAS WEST FREIGHT CO: Head Huartara, RtUnli, Mo, DURAXT &CUTT1.G, FORWARD1KO COMMISSION MERCHim AGENTS BAL.T LAKI OITT, tVTAU. WE ar. rrararwl t contract for ,hjp-menl. ,hjp-menl. tri.m all parts of the Kat. oar Lin. l.rlDi 1. rpoei.l arrans-oaiiu for tr.o .a., and .il.-i, trao't-ortal ion of all Fr.l.n, f,r, K. York. Ilt. JJaTtim. silt Lak.u!0" "d &"M "'" " sbu'mV,0It,'?' V '"''""iiimm for th. poiSS" 10' ""1I1" " all Kasfrr! Offioi i. War,om,:-lr.t block nth or D.pot, s.u c,tJ., DCRAHT CVTT1HQ. |