OCR Text |
Show ' IicT AND FCRWITURK FOR SAL. V five r-)"rn h"Ui, furnished om-ji'..-.- for h u-e kinr. A brjuin. ivi'l lire at Koud Sc Kmg new auction. W ntfd Immedi .tslt, a number of fij-n-cUn inil irn. Apply at Z. J. I. (Jlutaitijr UepartmnU e24 I.atk-t Sitlhh, fall good, received nv'-ry f-nr.ii wt-k, at No. 3 Comrner- ct il .-Ir.t. Jnf. A. StrombTar, -Mr- j eiuat Tailor. Call and examioo. B'24 Hope Fpriko Coal. The BEST COAL in the market. Wyoming Coal u'i'l Mining Co. Arthur tStaynT, For com pi.etb mining outfit, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. &31 Dodoers printed cheaply and tastr-fiilly tastr-fiilly at the LUraLd Job Utilce. f e-21 User Muas, Bar Tumblers, arrived at iiarraU's. j 16 H'mjm and Harnpis trimming?, at Kinibull & Luwronce's. a31 LdikV, Milks', and Children's Sh'-m, in large quantities, at Dun ford fc bon a. eel7 Nkwwt Attractions in Job Printing Print-ing at the Hkhald Otlico. For Fisa Furniture, bo to Barratt's. jlti Olu (4ovKavMNT JavaCoffeo, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lnwronce's. a31 Hills, Cards, and Circulars, in IntiMt etyles, printed at Ike Herald Uiiico. 6cl6 Ok no a Chairh aud Desks at flfir-rnll'a. flfir-rnll'a. jylG I), li. Ai.lkn'h ramous XXX and XX KVMILY FLO UK for ealo at Z.C. M I. 1'nnl'i e Dopnrtinent, first dour north ol bank of Dintirt. wy'Li TiikQitickn trim jar, all glass, al Kim-b.ill Kim-b.ill Lawronco'. 11 Htit Rkd Out. Tho wonderfull WOVEN WIKB M ATTllBSS for eilit til llenrv Dinwoodny's, 81 Ea-t Tuinplo and To First .South atrooU. al'l Via Nkw Ori.kans, China and Cioekery at IiarraU's. .jylti V'T Matrawos and Curtains go to Uarratt's. j 16 Maoakin'Rs PatiphlotA, Periodicals Muio llookn, rrau (l.yoks, Qtc, Ko., l,,ind in all forms and stylo at the lit'.UALU UmdtTT. 6j . I UrrrAio Mrat, in canvas, at Kfm- 3 bull & Lawrence's. aiil C l l a no skis 11. Uinwoodey's new at; li' of U-;dr.iorn r urnilum before, you purchase oU.twhere. -il iiast Temple and 76 First .SuuLti streets. aul4 Fink Chamber and Parlor Setts at BarraU'a. jyl6 Rtrkkt Cars. The public will please take notice that tho -Lroet ears are now runmng rugularly between the railroad di'pol aud Third South strooL Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single faro 10 cents. 2 Jon Printing all sizes and styles lono promptly and cheaply tt the Ukkalu Otlico. aelit B miratt's stock is noxt door to tlio Post Ottieo. jylfl For als, 4') bv lt3 f-'-t of a citv lot, 8th Ward. U. W. Crochuron at Tnaa-del Tnaa-del sW KstVRS, Fqrks and Spoons at Bap-ratt's. Bap-ratt's. jyl Bpt tuk c.-l.'b-Ht.'d ROCKY MOUNTAIN CO L $7.50 PKU TUN at tuk IUpot ok ci I' K ti TON DK-L1VKKKI) DK-L1VKKKI) in m tin pn. of Ui oity L-'avy or.irn at Wwlla. Fargo fc t-'o.'s I'tilee, nr nl"ur coal houso on the U C K It block. selo Window glass of all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawroneo . GRtir variety of Fancy Brackets wrt Clock Shelves, at U. Dmwodoy s. aul4 For Mirrors, Large and Small, go to Barratl's. jlG Cutting & Co' California Canned i Frui'9, Jellies, Jams, etc., aro far suno-1 suno-1 rior to all othor brands. For sale oy ail flrat-claes grocers. myM Theatre. The occasion of trie grand complimentary benefit to Mr. G-D. G-D. Chapiin last night was a complete success. Dcspito tho inclement weather wea-ther the theatre was well filled with an appreciative audience. Beauty graced all parts of the house and wif sparkled in flashing eyes upon every side. The characters in both pieces were finely rendered and the pcali of laughter, echoing again and again, told how often and how well tho hits were given. It is almost invidious to make special mention of any of the performers, but wo feel constrained to compliment MUs Voeller upon the spirit and excellence vith which she gave us B'jlla Marks. Mr. Chaplin, we uudersiand, goes to San Francisco to-day. Ho had b' cu engaged there as leading man for the California theatre, which opens on or about the 30th inst. Want of space prevents our saying all wo could wish upon tho event of Mr. Claplin's departure. de-parture. He has made hosts of friends in our city, and his leave-takiog rill be surrounded with regrots. Many well wishes follow him. To-night will be given tho great sensational sen-sational drama "The stress of New York," whioh is specially-- mentioned elsewhere. For Suprr Er? i. x Japan Tea, goto Kimball & La renew h a31 Foa Cheap Furniture go to Bar-ratfa. Bar-ratfa. jlti . Baskmsnt to Rknt undor s3 Taylor & Cutler's. Not ick. All persons holding order? or due bills against our firm, mu-a present pre-sent tht'ni for payment botoro tho iih day of October. aol6 DAY & CULMER. To outfit Your Houso, go to Bsx-ratt'g, Bsx-ratt'g, j 10 Till PRont-KM SoLVKn In the manufacture man-ufacture bv steam pownr of th PREMIUM PRE-MIUM FRUITS AND JELLIES of P. I) Codk A Co., San Francisco. Delicious De-licious and Unique. al3 Monkt to Loaw. S 1 l1 to loan frr no year on unencumbered real etat" security. Apply to .1. M Smith. Konl Estate Agent, oyer First National Bank. ,e'a . For tour Fa'iniy Groceries go to Kimball Js Liwreneti' j. a U The jt Family .Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball 2 Lawrenee's. al R,tbivon's Ke-t;Veher Coal) sMd by J. H. Stalling?, at the U. O. UfL L-4ve your (trders in Lbe slate hi 1-i, H. Knowldon's, .Main street, or P O. br 702. Delivered in all parts of the ciiy. s6 Axothjer Shipment. Gents Fall Stvle Drers Hau. seii) TJ-cntokd & Sons. Ay E leo ast toilet artico is to be f urd in Lyon's Tooth Tablets. Perfectly Per-fectly safe and harmless. Ee21 Dtakrhka, Dysentery, Cholera Mor-hus, Mor-hus, Cholera, Jcc, certain and immediate immedi-ate cure, liegeman's (formerly Yal-pau'fj Yal-pau'fj Diarrhoa Remedy, used with unfailing un-failing sueeoia cilice the Cholera of 1&12 Sold by druggist generallv. Prepared only by lltUiiMAN Si Co., !New York, m2B Tourists asu tuk 1 raveling Public Pub-lic going ea-t are respectfully notified that the Utah Hotel, t Ugdeu City, is a tirst-cUss hi. use, and by coming to Oydfn on the previous evening, either by -Mail or Freight Train, thoy avoid ho annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take liio morning train ut Salt JLake City. 'la pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout tihing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the United States. The liottd is provided with Barber Shop and UaLh liocins, and runs its coach, freo of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please guests, and will p-ovide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and earriages te Lbe shooting or lUhing grounds, by getting get-ting timely nolice thereof. Eudey & Williams, Propr's. scl3 Tike tourngc, Invalids. Pain and weakness produce despondency, despond-ency, and tho invalid who is laboring under bodily torture, debility and men- 1 ial depression, at the same time, is indeed in-deed in a pitiable condition, liut let all who aro thus situated take heart. A balm is provided both for their physical and mental infiruiitiis in Hostetter'a Stomach. Hitters. Among the common si uree ;' (lain, uneasiness .and melancholy melan-choly are the diseases which affect the Ft.uuaeh, the liver, the alimentary canal, iliu nerves and the muaoles, such as dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, bilious disorders, constipation, headache, hy-teria and rheumatism, all i f which yield rendily to the regulating, invigorating and purifying intlunco ot this pt-eiles vegctitjlo tonic, slimuiant and rerl"i-ative. Tuko courage, sorrowful sorrow-ful invalids; you wdl find tho help you need in UosleUor's Bitters. eqIO ESTABLISHED 1830 J Wm. McLully & Co., ManufacturoH of tho Standard Brands WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mako n spwintty of Inrno fi'fs of Window Ula.is, and ail odd si.os cut ui order. Umce 1 8 nitil 20 Wnl ilrftt. Pit uburKli, Pentl. P. S. TTnvinjc tho in.nt oxtonsivo factorios In thi c.iiniry, and milking a IniRor lino of Kiiodf, J fillers fmil it to thnir intoroat lo (ot oar uiioiutinns bofnro iiurctiainfi. COGSWELL & CO. JOIlBEltS OL' WATCHES, JEWELRY, And ivory thing in iho way of JEWELERS' SLTPLIES, 308 IVcst Madison St., 'iih:g. (.10 ' BUY VOIR OFFICE DESKS Froca Minufacturert direct, A. H. ANDREWS & Co." 119AUI W.( thing ton St., (I1U.1UU, Macnfacturcrs of POH'iOL, CHTKCQ H ALL and FINE OFFICE FURNITURE. SClUMlI, IllvS AVD SEATS, -T"m:::- .- C.-.;: bc., Hltn or Hotels, pes' f -fi I '"nenstr t imnef. from ecr '..I-t.iK -if o-TTC'torTi S-a:Pji ar.J Tcr.-i-:; ..-. u-t k' Ll"tT l.i w. f-fi; his, acd Sc-'-l t..r i!-;r.iio i C .:' nsoe. Snt free. A 1 irr.-s. A H. A S I)K K S i O.. 11" and Ul wwl Waiiiiitoa su-cet, CuICAtiO. Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 Repiir, is a workmanlikr maater. Albums Old Books, tc, etc., And Bind MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS. SCBAP.BLQ&3, etc.. First National Bank SALT LAKE CITV. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. ffujii 5riT. C. L- DiHLlE, Pr--iifu Vi Prut Aktkoxt Godbb. Cuhiei. Authorised Capital, - - 300,00') PAID CP CAPITAL, - tlSO.OOO. KAR. KINGS, - $138,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cant. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah A General Bauliinc Business Transa c te d. AGENCIES IN COIX3RADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEHRST ALLOWED ON ,TIMR DEPOSITS. (16 PITTSBURGH TRADE. AMEKICAN IROIJ WORKS. Jones & Laughlins, i-ttisloxxrglx, Ponnft.i j Manufacturers of Iron and Nail?, T. Kails. Fish Bars and Bolts, Patent Cold Rolled Sbafting, j Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods, Coupliugs, Pulleys, Hangers and Collars. WaroLousos and Office Second-Avenue, Try street and Third Avoauo . Branoh llouso Not. 190 to 100 South Cnl street, Ciilcago, Ills. iii We mske only Strictly Pure Goods! t0 Led' sKx Hilary, f 1 S N ! X S tfJ Potters' Lead, lt4 Olf'J Puttr, V J warrant, iuiiI w Knnmim't' B .ii'griMi rl tmeacss dud THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS Pure AVhitc I.cul PI poru. LiustPit UU 9 " 100 IX OOI.D will l.o paid to anv on flnd-liig flnd-liig lhe roni.'ius ol Uiut ttg different from lLo a bote uiuiljtis. eatis. chambers & co i SOLD BT DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Jo30 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, la the Office of tUe Clerk of th C S. I District Court, j --r To will ,!?rJrTCT Be it re- "VJ-".', memborod. ",-'.''-t-v That on tho , 'Sk-'- -"-r-iS. Povontoenth fe'''''.r-ii day of Octo- '''''-''-'I'-vfll bor- A a 0 0 i - rV,Vc 0n : il : oight hun- i "- '' ' '"'-sv-V: f-S I trel and.'ix- j' y -'. -.'r I -fivo.Choa. X"- "" --ll'''-:-'-iJir of tho said X :- Diitrict.lialh it2SE5 deposited in -" this oflico a label ontitlod "il .IMER'S COLLAR (i ALL OLXTM L-:XT." tlio riijlit whoroof ho claims as l'roprioliir. in conrormity with an Afit of Congress, Con-gress, cntitl-'il "An Act lo atuond tbo aovoral Acta res peeling cojiyriahts." W. P. RODGERS. rem, Clerk of saidDistrict, Tj. R. Di-lriet Court, byGso. KiAiiiioND. District of Nevada. I Doputy E-ir("H n-i-d iici.iAc'.Ti nn.: r-in ihoncrV OrtkriTitiel" T'.i--n iui . V : V: f! OINTMENT For Collar Galls. Hi'-inulk-il fur lhe surriwdfuJ cur" of ColIrr i; ill-, Buofts. Km-.' Illrmi'hon, Crncked II ''Kerens", nil troulU-.mi' 5in-!i. Ar-Tnis Onlitinit doo not Fcal) i!io i in. l'ri'ii'l Hi'-ti mtiin't form where It It frrpirr.l only hj KING A CO., Proprietors, Cr.rsoa City, Nevada, from ".Vms iin'orncclclirfili-l KnalliJiVrtninnrian Ecdicgton & Co., Wholosalo Agonts, J. S. Lapses & co., GENERAL ACENTS. 8A.LT LAKH CITY. 3 TUB A'EWS BUSLXESS. News Agents throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send fur one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be fuinid therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with eas3 and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Rooks or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as aliove. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address ie rami mi mm. X, W.C'or. Randolph & Jefferson ftti.( ANNOUNCEMENT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL & CO., EiVGrljB HOUSE. dbt.ooods, NOT TO ARRIVE, j DRKSS O0ODS- GROC",K" Bnt Mv8l anl in Stoci, ,nAW"' BUDW1M, THE CHOICEST SELECTION' OF OT10S aCEE,5wiBK, GEMRAL MERCHANDISE : FA--cr BiT A CAPS, EVER BKOIV.IIT TO THIS CITY. OOODS. WHICH WE ARE SOW j CAnPKT, BOOT! JtSHOKJ I RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF eilTKBOTI T TnE '! RtGS' cLomno. LOWEST FIGURES- jj "' cloth", THE BLEES SEWING HACHINE ! UNRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED 33 "sr iiia" a?:i3:33 ielxi lslidt. The Best Family Machine Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BRANCHED OF u-OUK FROM THE FINEST MUSLIN TO T1IF. HEAVIEST LEATHER. wr CjLL auSTD EXAMINE " TeaBdel c? Oo- s-., Si. o. iw. n. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October Snd? 187- Grand Fall and Winter O M H CS- . Seasonable and Fashionable S!2o G-oods, Shawls, Oloaks, Sacqnes, and other desirable WRAPS. FULLLINE OF COLLARS. GUFFS & LACE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT WHJ, BE FULLY STOCKED. For more complete eauoieration sec our deEcripdoQ circulnrs to be ispurd in a few days. mti9 Ht B. CLAWSON, Suiicriatcndciii. UTAH NORTHERN Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dl3- GOING SOUTH a. m. p. m. 1 JF nro J Dii. GOIXd NOHTH a. m. j p. m. ! jFnro. Lcavo Hnmi'Lon'a ot . i-M ll.i'j ' j 5 jLoavo UrlKtiuin ot S;l.i 7:I.i 7 " DowervilU" ! Is-li 1:20' jW i " Hx Kldur " 8:30 7:M J r, 11 " UdDOyviHo " 4:50 1:35 7j ll4 " Calla Fort " 1M :W j W 13 " Calls Fort " j 5:W . jCO 14 " Itonoj-vilU " 9:10 8:10 T.i 3)wt " Box Eltlor ' i 5:30 2:15 ' I;2j IS " Dcvroyvillo" ll:2Tt :T , lim) i III ! I ffiArrivo nt BriBham j 5:15 2:30 lj50 25Arriro at Uauiiton'jlO:iU B:00 ijW SPK0I.Ij RATES TO EXCUUSIOX PARTI KS. Pi?sofieora will pleise purohao their ticucta at t he Company's OITiocs, or 50 oODte a'lditional will bo ohargnd when tho Fire is e M ci',d on tli- train. Arrangements ha?d hen tuado with tho (Jcnlml 1'acilio and Utah Ontral Railroad Cotnpanios wlieioNy pa-nmra p'n pumhioo Tnikftt? at ilio U. (. Office in Salt Mlro City nr O. P. i)a :c Oir i"n for H r K'-lr or II imp ton's on tho U. N. R R , and from Hampton's or 13 jx K'-kr to Oifdcn or Sail Lako Ci'y at greatly redwood rates. Tlirongli Connection as follows1 OOIN'Q SOUTH A- M . ' P. M. 001 NOKTII. a. M.'I'. M. LeavoliajQpton'a at t:J U:l" l.cavo .Suit Lako City, UCKIL, at &:W 2 ; 15 Arrivo at Brlgham, C. N. R. B. 5:15 2:i rrivo nl 0'Jon, ' 7:W 4;l" Laaro Brighntn. C. P.R. B. at C:10 2:30 l.oaro OipJod, C. P. II. R., mt 7:15 0:'W Arrive at Ogdoo, C. P. R R, 7:00 3i5i rrivo at Ikiham, " " 6:15 7:W Loavo Ofrdcn.U. C. R- n, 8:00 5:i l-oavo BriKhatn, U. N. R, It., nt 8:15 7:15 Arrive at Salt Lako Citr 10:00 7:30 'irrivo it HhuipUjii's " " I0:'.0 t:W TOE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE Tl.M li. PARES, Hafflpton'B to Orfen 52 Vi I Salt Lnko City U. B--x III It f i :. wSikLako City, I Vi " " " lliiiuiaoii'B, 4 Box Eldor u " " ... S. 1 tigfr-n u- lUmi-ton-s 2 ' ' io Offflen, i z't 1 " ' Li,i hldcr 1 H. G. Miler A Co's Express leaves Hampion's rvery mornintr for Login on arrival of the II) a m train, n.A tri-woi-kly, Monday, Wndnt'sday and Friday, for principal Bcttlcni'tiii in Caihe cnunty, n:turnirK daily from Igan to counect wuh the 2:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Iu,.,. day mominff from Franklio to tioda Springs, returniog thcrclrom every Friday Fri-day morning. JOHN W. YOUNG, Gen'l Sn,.t. NOTICE. O'Ju Salt Lake City Gat Company, 2 Main Strcot, Junf 1, 1ST2- T'HB pn'ie are horcbr notiStdihal the Salt Lake Citr Om Comi'anr will pr-oed pr-oed ferthwiih to btboi their wifes. and will ' be prepared to famish G for fieral iu abonttbeiit cf January Dext. Tnore de-niriiiB de-niriiiB to use 0 in their ptorep, oRicmorj dwelling-, would do wrll io Da'ify the cm- I paur. at the eariet daj (x.Mible, thai r-raMemeoU r-raMemeoU for meirra an'l tervico tray ha made. The price of Uaa will be four dollar per oae ifccu&and oubio foet. DANIEL D. WELLS, President. P. LALOB SHERREl', Sapcnntendcntj jy!2 W3nDCEQFPLSS AID CGALDEAIEI1S LL r.ir".n r-ntimr timhr tm V rrinm,.. ..y. i.t.J r r,e vr,. t.- ,.J loo nidi'iiil r ry f-.rr,, w,;i ), ,.,. , j.lnrci t ,lr;,wt l irouiLi-r. on .uLhc : land.1, huo cal ti;ali r Cc.r c-nl .ur.(..f "I-":', i; v.. i ; a r L. I a.fvl St itos Li.-trtct AlUiroey. t tali. Ac-i-i . ,-. Blie 7 pEIi KOPKSfiF NATIONMT, IVF'U.TJI, Ifo ni.ii t'-.al. Caiuili.'ts call vn w, 1 own iL 1 "ill dr.iJo Aililrem, H. TI. BI.AIH, &13 I'.O. Box 180, 8Ut Lako CD CHICAGO TRACE. PACE, ERO. & Co., tap.n,I!M",i L ATI1 E R AM) FIXDIXGS" 3,3?Son.hC-..-' -i, C. R Pist, J imis JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. -AXD- WOOLBN"S . Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. mr,s WHS1ILEAD 170 k 172 BAXDOLI'U STREKT. Offer Si-wrial ir-ilncenipnts to lariro buy em ar.d tho Jobbing Iradu of I lah Tcrrilorj-. JyW . KstaUMicd 1S-V.. AYilliiims, Miller & Oimslead, (Voruitfrlv Yiu-b, W illi:i:ns Co..) hoK'Jile IVlt i- in Hats, Caps, Fnrs aud EiigGgolIs, I liiaud MA liKKl' tfTiiliEr.J augH CHlt'AWO. H.M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Fortuerlr orQ. II. A U LArLix); TYholei! PAPER DEALER, SO, W. Hsmlnlrli St , riUCAliO, ILLS lAcont for tho sale o OVTEN ?A1'1.K O'V I'Al'l-uS, Bond I'm-iT, "tlio best in tho world." Print Piiilt. whit o and ojKti'J, Kint I'miors ofall do'cri(.liMis, Envulow-s. C:ird IViirJ, liill, Lottar and Kola lieiula, SLuloqiouUs, clc. A Most Cohi'Lltk l'BisitiB3' Stock. SATISFACTION (JUABANTKKl)) juyt A. 1?. Mctker A Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowell Market llntra, 37(1 Wabn-h Avenue, i27 CHIOAOO, SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, WHoleanle Uealera In U1RDW1RB & CUTLERY, 38 aDd 40 Lako street, CHICAGO, t?i- Orders by mini solioitcd ano. Batibl'aotiorj guaraDtccd. jy7 Diiiuoa, Temple & Co., Iuilorlors, ManvifHcturors aul Jobber! of 1ST 33 C Kl -TIES And all Goods for GliNl-S NKUK WEAK, LISKN AND FAl'Xll COLLAHS AND 111 wid 113 Wabiwb Avo. jy3 CIUC.VCIO, III.. "Tho Old Salamander." REMOVAL. YAK SUHAAGX, 3TEVEN30N & RS.ID, Wholcsalo DRUGGISTS and , Paint Dealers, navorftniv;d tothMr cw Stores, O1 m( l4 I.AlvIO 8 1'KKICT, crtii'r UoiiHx.rn ireol. (on ttio old aiic) i. Hlu whore, vrjih buibhtu'd crwiuj exiireHly tur Uio Lniiie.-iB, aioniu Koi-.tnrH, olu., thy Iiuvo-oiaiiod Iiuvo-oiaiiod ui nn iuiuioutt) Dtui k, u Dial iiji.iod in the nrihwci. JilBtiial kiLouiios given to Torri tori hY bUFineoa, )y M. D. WELLS &, CO., Uanufaflturcrs of and Wholesale Dealer! In Boots and Skoes (IIS WdhMh Chrl,, VeUM, Li. J . iJ-icturland. iL UonedleU mil B. t M ol nt j re. KIRK, COLE, & CO1- Manufacturers and dualora in IBO JXT, NAILS, Htmvy Unrdirnre, W.yuti hiiiI Carrlaiia Wood MlOClt, And AVoitern head jaiirtora for BURDEN'S mull AND MULE SHOtS I"! KortliwelKm llor Null,, 81 and 11 5.ulU Canul ."street, m j n i c (K . PIONEER fiUHUFACTUat.-Ja CQ. Mauofiicturern nf t'frrii iiiI Ti.hu mm 8 II A V I A li i () a I' s , 51 nnd -VI South Cn;il !rout, CIiIthko. Tk..,. r. s-,,.j.,...h..,,.. Hi Uli U. W iirfwi.f,.ie(;rutary. FIRE and IH IKil.Alt I'ltuop The HtH flarca In the World. HERRING 4 CO., 46 Slate street, oi.d corner Mti strai atid In JiaDa Avtuuc, (UIIOAGO No. 71", 717, 7l'j imd 7;i. INDIANA AVE, CHICAGO. Allnntic and I'ivcilic TOBACCO WORKS. it of few cfi'.ur lending brand: m CUT CHEWING. FIN? fUT SMOKINB Wild luo. Chmr.'lon. Hobart, Dwclle&Co., 12 rroi'rioler, |