OCR Text |
Show SDIILIA SLUIUBUS CCIUXTUR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an enure success: Sim-plo Sim-plo Hrumpt Eiueieut and uuliuble. 'JLht-y ore tho only uiudieines t'urfectly adapted Lo popular use bo simple that mistakes can net be mado io using tiioiu; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so oihcioul as tw bo always reliable, ihey have raisel the highest high-est couiinoiidution iroui all, and will always render sat isfac lion. Nos. Cents. Cures I, " I'evcrii Congestion, Inflammations..25 " W orm, urm r evor, v orm Co)ie...ii 3, " Cry liig-Cnliu ur teething of Infanta. ..ii 4, " I rniiKu, of Children ur Adults. Jo 5, " Iyetlcry, UripiuK. bilious Colic...26 ii, " lliokra-.Tlnruui, Vomiting Jjj 7, " Cousiu Loids, Broncbius -ii 8, " Acui-iilglu, iwothaeho, b acoucho...'i3 a, " llta mt.it., biCb. lieaduelie, Vurtitf" 25 10, " lj-npt-ii. bilhou Stomach -j II, " Muiirc:d or t'ainful 1'enods 12, " V "lit", loo Profuse l'oriuus 2-'i 13, " Croup, Coagh. DiiUcalt breathing.. .-io U, " halt liieuii, Erysipelas, Era;. tiouS-6 lo, " ltUvutuuiiBiu, hheammic rains..! lb, " evr uuU Ague, LULU Eovor, A guvs 50 17, " PHe. Lilindor bleeding 60 16, " Opliinlniuy. audsure or weak Eyes 50 19, " Catni-ra, aeatoor chronic liJtluouia..oO M, " W liooiiliig-Cougn, viulent coahs jO 21, " Aatii.i..-, o pmssed Liroathiiu; 22, " Olsoliin-ycB, impaired hearing 60 23, " Scrul'iUa, onlared glands, dwell ings 60 2i, " Ocutial Dob lity, pliysicol weak ne.-s 50 i5, " Dro,.Bj- aud scanty aeoretions -oO 'li, " Sea-Mc kn . , sictDusj from riding..jO Zl, " Jiitliiry-O liravel oO Si, " -Ncrvou. li ulilij , stiiilual Kiuiulsolouu, involuntary lJuciiarges 100 Five M x., witu one $2 vial of uowder. vorv necessarv in ser ious eases 500 29, " Sore .Uuuiu, Canker M jU, " Irlaary MtnUutw, wettiug bed...ixJ 31, " I'aiiil'iU Periods, cuasms M S2, " Sullt!-liis at cuange of llto WU 3J, " tpllep"t cspasuis, oi. Vitus' Dance 100 3J, " IlpUe-in, ulcerated soro throat M FAMiLY CAStS Of 33 to GO Large vials, coutululug a Hpeclllc lor every orillunry disease n fnmlly in alijccl I., aud buok. ol airoeilou1t,...trom S10 to $33 Smaller Family and Travcl- iug coses, witb M to 26 vials, from S3 to S8 Specitic for all Privote lis- t-nses, both fur t'arlug and for preventive treatment, in vials and rocket cases $!Z to 55 Pond's Extract, Cures Burns, Bruise i, Lamrnrn, Tuotliacllp, tlnraclie, eurallaj KMumali.m, Lumbugo, Pllc,l(oll, Ming., ftorc tye, llicc-dlug of (lie Luugi, oae, lonadi, or ot Pile si t'oiut, llcerii.Oia - ores. Price, 6 ox., 50 cents Pints, 9)1.50 Quant, o Those remedies, except POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, by thoeao or single boi, aro sent to any part of tho country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of tho iujoo. Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Offico and Depot, No. 502 Broadway, New Youk. i'OR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at Z. C M. I- and Godbo's Drue Store. SPECIAL ADYEltTlSEMEHS LOST. BETWEEN TIIE EAGLE EMPORIUM and tho Kimball Dlock, a Lilo Jnsuraneo Policy, belotiging to lieo. U- Chase. Tho under will obligo by leaving it at tho Bank of Desoret. sli BOARDERS WANTED. GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR TUKEE or l"'our Gentlemen lionrdcrs, in a small private lamily on tho Townseud Block. Apply at tho l-ourlounlh Ward Store. svll FOR REST, A HOUSE, WITH THE FURNITURE for Salo, centrally located. Rent M per month; sown ruoms, new and okvanly fur-niahed fur-niahed throagho.it; will sell at n bargain on account ol dopartaro. Apiily at Wolli, l-nriro H Uo.'a. pc-j WAITED. A SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR, AND a 1'irriiH- Aiplyat tho "liig Root," UU i.:Lt Tcmplo etroot. 2i INFORMATION Ab TO THE WHEREA-J. WHEREA-J. bouo or nddre.-is of Robert Loivin and John Ettier.i-n, who ott Eiitjland in IMS lor Australia, and who a o now eupposcd to bo in Caliiunna or L'tah Address J. A., box 171, l'oat Uilico, ?alt Laao City. ;'2) FOB SALE. rT,V0 CAR LOADS CALIFORNIA WORK X Mlli.s, to arrive at Ucden, Thur.-day, l'Jth. T'or particulars uiily to T. 1L Jo.vts, oi to the man in uhare'e. selS JT-F DK. GROVES, OBI oo, Second Sonth Street, Three don! wot of Great Western Hotel, half a Mock cul of Klephant More, Salt Lake Oily OO (Tom Ba.m. (oft p.B. Dill SHEEP. FULL-BLOOD KENTUCKY COTS WOLD. Breeding Bucks and Ewes, fully nedi- Peed, recently imported, for salo by 1L-UHD 1L-UHD WuUDRUt'K and LURI.N FA H li. l'ricos reasonable and lerms convenient bLo ASSIGNEES SALE. riir AruofiiNni .aleof lot shvfn I i.lock PM . riot A. .-all Lae I iH' .-urv.-y; ,i-al-..ui S .th liiili .. L-t i. i. lot-., 117, I'l.il A; and Iho lb Hal: ol .urtb Hall -! L..( I. I.Iim-h n;, i' I-l .. mil ia..e .luce .Sut..rday, .?0.t"uuer lb, 1?7.', al - ' l-I - p m. ,lu. liUHin.:-., A- inee. GROU-SD TO ROT. two hvxdiifd fi;i;t front DY 1 I.TC1UJ --H fut Jvep, in lots to fiiit, on tliem-nr ir.'ut .,..-t o,.,.t)i.d out to hazard .M nrti:is liutw. iii-i.n-itu Uio south urn mu uf th- 'luwiiund lion.-... Kn.iiin on Uio pn'iulp of eoia ltUliKKT L. CAMPBELL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HAIT LAKE THEATRE Tuesday Ev'g, Sept. 24, '72, GLORIOUS REVIVAL 1 Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AND THU FULL DRAMATIC COMFY, In tho Groat Sensational Drama, in n Prologue Pro-logue and Five Tableaux, entitled tho Streets of NewYork MUST T.l II LEAV, Home of the J'oor. SECOND TAtlLKAl', The Returned Californian. T1IIKD TAHUMll, THE TENEMENT HOUSE. FOIKT1I TAD LEA I", T 89 K F IltG. FIFTH TAIlLEAir, Home ef tlie BIlcli. STOCKHOLDER'SMEETING THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF T1IK "EMMA HILL Consolidated Alining Company," Location of works, "Little Cottonwood, Sal-Lake Sal-Lake County, Territory of Utah," for iho oloo tion of Trustees for tho ensuing year, and tho transaction of such other business as may couio before tho mooting, will bo hold at iho othcoof tho coiujianv, No. ot)2 Montuomery stroot, San Francisco, California Room 11 on Monday, October 7th, lo2, at 2 o'clock p. m. L. C. FOWLER, Secretary. San Francisco, Sopt. 21, 1672. n2-l Victoria and imperial Tunnel and Mining Company. LOCATION OF WORK St tittle Cot-touwood, Cot-touwood, Unit Territory. Notice. There aro delinquent, upon tho following described Stock, on account of Assessment As-sessment levied on tho 1 Ith day of August, 1572, tho sovoral amounts sot opposite Iho names of tho respective Shareholders as follows: NAMES. 'dl SeJ Am'L Ilidleman J. B. i 177 j 100 10 00 liidleiuan J. B. , tW 1 UK) 10 00 Diiiloman J. B. (SI ; 5 00 Itidioinan H.J. . trt 1 200 00 bidleuian 11. J. Hi lmw HHI DO liidloman II. J. ' tio 1 ,tOi) W Otl , liidloman U. J. bt l 2'i0 2.1 00 Cobaru d- A. , S, M H 00 Coburn S. A. ill 5n 5 00 Coburn S. A. I 15 I 100 10 00 Coburn S. A. Hi I 1UO 10 00 Coburn S. A. ! 17 100 10 00 Coburu S. A. ! 18 H0 10 00 Coburn 6. A. in i HKI 10 00 Liverinoro H. G. 11 2.ltJ0 200 00 Kavmond Henry I 41 1 2'i 2-"i tM liavinund Henry 4" ! 2"- 2-" 00 Kasuiund Henry Hi j 2i0 2.". 00 Kavmond Henrv 47 ' 2.0 2" 00 Kavmond Henry ' 4S I 2"iil 2") 00 Kayinund Henry j 4'J 2-"i0 2-"i 00 Hayiiioiid Henry r 60 ; 2X1 2- 00 Kavmond Henry ' ' 51 1 2'JI 2o 00 Tilden Thomas ' t 52 i 'MO 20 HO Tilden Tbumas , J . 2"i 20 00 Tilden Thomii3 , ! , 2"-i 20 Oil Tilden Tbomas ! . ' 2i 20 00 Tilden Thoinaa j oi 2"0 2U 00 Tilden Tbeiuaa o7 , 2W 20 uo Tilden Thomaa 58 ! 2"0 20 00 Tilden Tin-mas a!) 2VN) 20 00 Tilden Thomas 2u0 20 00 Tilden Thomas ! til 20 20 00 Washburn C. A. ' I 20 I ) 50 00 W-isbburn C. A- ! 21 : ft) 51 110 Wiu'hburn C A. 22 ."y'O 50 00 Va.-liborn C. A. I it I J0 10 00 Washburn C. A. 25 i 50 S 00 W:L-hburn C A. 27 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. 1 2S 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. i 2i ' 2 50 Washburn C. A. oO . 25 2 50 W'nshburn C. A. ! 31 2" 2 50 Washburn C. A. I o2 ' 25 2 50 Virgin li. J. lunissnedl : 1 00"O -157 50 And in necordaneo with law, and nn order of tho board ol 1'rusteoi, mado on the t Ith day ofAucust, 72, so many shares of each parcel of mi id Stock as may bo neeosary, will bo sold at public auction at the oilice of the Company, Room 5, No. -M)2 Montgomery Street. San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12lh day of October, 172, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent Assessment thereon, together with costs of Advertising and expenses oi sale. W.ll. II. W.4TSOX, Secretnry. Oltice: Itwm 5. No. Wi Montgomery Street, Sua Francisco, Caliiornia. so22 NOTICE. A LL PERSONS WTIO HAVE CXAIMS aeaint tho Estate of H EM A N COLT-RIN, COLT-RIN, decen'od. aro re uired to present tho fame lor adjustment according to law. Persons Per-sons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are ro nieted to jottlo immediately. SAlUii C0LTK1N, Solo Executrix, Bountiful, Davis County, U.T. September Itith, 1&72. sei) CO LO s o 1 piq ! S 3 E-i i -C Ph m g ,.E3 a 1 S S g Rock Springs C 0AL! Wyoming Coal and Mining Company. ARTHUR STAYNER, AGENT, , One door loulh of Savngc'i GnUery. no 27 1XTED IM MEDIATELY. Mule and Ox Teams TO 1IAVL FRIIHJIIT TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. (TrrmlnitH ftnh Southern Rnllrofttl. AiTLY Tu CORDON & MURRAY, sm, eg ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEMPLE, BIRGE&Co.. SAINT XiOTJXS. Manufacturers and Afente AGRICLLTURAL (iOOI)S, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER VAiOS. Offico n.A Samrlea: 13S00TU MAIN STHEKT. Warehouse: mrlS IU. 116.115 ELM STREET. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEN Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATIIER, Etc., So. 613 Nortli Main .tr(, myl ST.L0UI3. MO. If yon want tho best, buy Buak's Brilliant It in the most Perfeot Bakor. It ii the most Durable. It bams tho least Wood. It always lives Satisfaction. More of Buck's Stoves hare been nold and are io use than any etove ever made. Every Stove is warrants! BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coal and Wood, has only been in use two years. It is now the leading Coal Cook Stove. Why. it is a Perfect Baker. It is a Fuel Saven it is mad with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings whioh will lst longer than Five Sets of cms mo a Lin-in Lin-in ks. It will draw in any good flue, and is the only Coal Cooking Stove that give entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, 730 and 1 X. Main street, Saint Louis, Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKING and HEATING STOVE?, sample sam-ple Cards and Price Lists furnished on application. mylS $300,000! 1SS0UEI STATE LOTTERY, Legalized by Slate Authority aud Drawn ia Public iu St. Louis Grand Single Number Schema. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class I, to toe Drawn Sept. 30, 1873. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 prize of $50,000 SOOprliesofS 100 1 prize of 13,430 9 i hip of 1,UU0 lprre or 10, "UO Wprzoaof SUo 1 prize of 7,50 Olrksof 300 4 prizes or 5,000 Oi.nzesof SiO 4 prizes of ,30U 30 pnr. of UU aOiriztwot l.OOO ;fO,rizaor 130 WO prizes of 500 1SU prizes ot 100 40prizesof 330 5 ,OUO pnr.es of 10 Tlcktta, SiO. Hair t U keis, 85, ttuarteri, 5.30. Onr lotterioi are chart ore-l by tbo State, are alwuys drawn at the time uoitisd, and nil drawings The officiuJ dm wit g will Ui pu Wished iu he St. Louis papers, and a eoj.y cuut to pnrctiasers of tickeu. Mif- We will draw a similar scheme the Uai dnv of every monih during tbe ywir 67 i 3 Itemii ut our risk lv PO-T OFFICE MONEV ORDERS, RKUISTKKED LETXfcK, DRAFT, or KXrKK.13 i-end for nctrenUr. Ad-dri Ad-dri mtR'iAY.UlLI.KH . t o., Post Office Box 2446. bT. LOUIS. Mo. mv!7 TAKEN UP. frW0 HEIFERS CAME INTO MY GAR-1 GAR-1 i'on on odnesd:o nitrht. Une durk biin-dlowith biin-dlowith whito fuco. brandud with circle on rufirt hip. brand on horn nut d stinct- Tho other a brindlo and whito hoifor, branded brand-ed with a circlo on right hip, brand on horn not distinct. Tho owners aro reiuced to call, pay ei-ponsod, ei-ponsod, and take them air ay. H'M. JENNINGS. Sixteenth Ward, Salt Lako City, iiopt. loth, ISTi soU NOTICE ! Dr.T. P. P. VAN DENBERSH WILL leave Salt Lako City on Sept. 15th lor Ban r'ruueisco, and will return on or about the Jth of Uctober uoxt, und tbon ho will iocato here permanently. Uo would ro-spectiully ro-spectiully inlorui the citizens of Salt Lake City and L tah Territory that ho will continue to practice his .Medical and surgical i'rote?sion in overy branch ; us forty-one years extensive experience in his proie.;ion. in tiuropo and the L nited states, shoaid boa guarantco ol his ability. Office, opposito Theatre, Suit Lako CitJ. sl5 Dissolution of Partnership. '"pHE CO-PARTNEKSIIIP LATELY EX-1 EX-1 iSTiso betweon Koisul .t Uwddurd, Urntr humCanyoa, baa this day boon di solt-uii hy mutual consent, Mr. Isidore loriis having buugbtout tho Interest ol t red. J. Keiscl in ttie late lirin. The now iirin of Morris .v Hoddard assiuuiid all liabilities and pays all dubu as wull as collects aliouLsiandluns duo Ululate hrni. KEI3RL A OOTlDARD. MuKKJ.3 Jt UOUDAKD. Sopt. 18, 1S7J. HATS ! HATS ! ! SILK HATS, BEAVER HATS, BOMBAZINE HATS, FELT HATS, GRANT HATS, GREELEY HATS, and HATS of cvory kind for tho mil" lion at Z, C. 3VE. I. CLOTIILXG DEPiRTMM 018 II. B. CLAWSOX. Siipt. TRUSTEE'S SALE, NOTICE IS 1IEIIKUV GIVEN THAT Til E undersign ed will m11, ut public anctiuo, in front of tho Hanking House ot A. W. White 4 Co., on fcast Touinle .-treot, in the city of ilt Lake, Territory of L't .h, on rriduy. tho 'Mth day of September. IhTJ, ni olevuu o'clock in iho torouoon. tho following decribed proi-orty, proi-orty, to-wit: An undivided interejt ot une Thousand feet in tho niinitiK property located in 1'orcupino Gulch, liiugliain Canon, West .Mountain mining district- ait Luko countv, Ltah Territory, known aa tho Silver Hill lude or mine, containing twentj'-fuiir hundred feet ia alL Tho interest offcrsd for sale and to be sold at said tiiuo and place in-tho j.iuio interest convoyed to iho under.'imiud lv Deed of Trust, executed by Unulc.t II. lirc.un as 1'nrlv of thu nnl purl, daii-d the fomtccnth day of Uoeeuibor, I.--7I, to -eeiin- tin. p:lj tu.-m "f certain irouii-ry i.oliw therein ,-et out. from taid Lluirl.-i ll. .Moih-an to ."mLli li. llovbe.lho parlj "Mho third part in Mini dei-d .f truK. whu-h H"l-'i arc rmw w nd unj.ai.l; .-aid truM (-d a.- ..n (hti raiue d.i) r,rcoidcd in .M.-iifingo itecord Hook C, vm-f .171 oTi ami iho County Heooi.ln olhco of ?aid .--It I.ako fu.n.iy. Uo uoh record ri-f'-reoee is hereby made for luiihi-r purl icularity J. .-md rn-porty will bo sold to tho hU-lu-'t biii.HT t'-r ca--li, tiio money to he raid and deed delivered luiuiedi.Uely lifter llui .-uio. A. W. U I11I K, i riiitrr. Salt Lake Citj". Auguita'th, - a.a In r.r.l:ince with an order o!' (he I'liance!-l.rii I'liance!-l.rii tlu. lhiui.ltoiieMl Pi-inct ""rl ol tho T vrril-.r. . the ahoio .-alo l- l-t( n".l until Ihe -jTihibv of epteiuher, 1-TJ, al Iho same A.,v.WUlIE,Inttl. AVp, the nmlersisiied cilizons of Salt Late City hereby certify that our families are using the COLBY WASHER, GHAS. W. STAYNER, that il S'ives entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLTlaN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the bast we have seen, H K. WHITNKY, President's Office. W. C. DUNBAU. Herald Offioo. WILLIAM EIILLKR, Herald OtBco. B. H. YOUNG. 13th Ward. J. KIOHOLSON, Dea. News Offico. JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Offico. Ctias. "7V. Stayner, NEXT TO SAVAGE'S GALL GUV, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. WALKER BRO'S. CUXXIN'QTON i CO Walker Bro's & Go.? WHOLESALE AXD BET AIL DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Uave a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantify of CASE LIQUORS AND BITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TEADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and S. T. Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO'S & CO. ao21 One door Eat of Elephant Store. BUM BOORS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHINES. II f!H? II CALDER Ik, SEARS. TP A. 2?iT O S3, We a A -ents for tho ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, CUICKERING oONS, DECKER & BAKNfcS and other leading makers, and r expect i ul Iy invite our Patrons and the Publio to call and examine our stock of the abovo named instrument?. We aro also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Which we havo proved beyond all doubt to bo the best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTKY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stook consists in part of PI lOS, AO"oniF,NS, COXCKRTIXAS, IOt'ni,E BSSESt 4IIU. IVS, PIKI,IIIA.S, TIOt.KX KLMIS, SAKt) DICl .Tt-, Vl(l.l.. . I I I FL K(rLtri.i M - IIKUIS, BAA JOS, FLll'IAAS, l'ICOLO, VIOLA?, Etc., Ktt. MUSICAL MEEOHANDISE. PlnnoStooIs, Violin StrlnK, flultnr String, Violin Furnishings, Guitar riiiii1liliK, Acconlcuu FurulBHln K". rra rurulttlilnp, luulug lurks mi. I prii, .Untie Paper, Blank Music Uoolt and Carl, NUeel .tluklt, Instruction Book. for all lmirumcnU, Etc., Etc., Kte. Wo aaro noonred iho sorviecs of Professor Careless. w oas and favortbly knoirri in this eom-inuoily, eom-inuoily, thut our iutrs may buro the beneutofliis i.rulowionnl cervices ia making tboir selection of inatiuuieaU and musical morcnaooiso. BOOKS A-lSri STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in part of The pulllcntton of the American Tram .Society, JIlKf Uftimnui and Sub -tcripi Idii llnnki, lllnnk Uooki of nil doc il U Imi, lit ka( niidn, Welling In Us, filer I I'rni, In urent variety. Pen Holder, 1'encils, KukIIsIi 1'ockvl liiiivv aud Si-Uaora, JUun't Patent Pnrchmtut Copyluif Book) all qualities and weights of Vote, Letter, Cap, Ttltl. 1-epnl, Flat Cap, rolls Pott, Trench "ote, Initial Aotc, K 11 v eloped, all olxen aud quail t It-, ( rd Board, all colors, orclyu TImuc Paper, ail color, Urnwlng paprr, Urnwlug Book.. j SCHOOL KUMSllllIXOH OF E V E K Y DESCKll'TIO X . SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENT S . Wo havo a laree and plendid assorted tock of Cards and Books from tho large Publishing llouso uf T. Ncbon i ions, it bich ito offer at ibetr regular Wboiesale and Helail prices. L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. ll.ivim.-li. on iiri'.imh'il Sole Aconts for l'tah. for tho snlo of their nmenifi.-ont Card and H.k f-T .--In-..!- iiinl l.-rilir I'lirL-r. "o are iirtni.ir.vl I . fnniuli the Tra.L mid A Coui-imtU'i-s iruiii oarutocK oicliuico eclecUoiu at the 1'u bli.liera Wlmli-jale uid lieiail iniee. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo rt'f poctfully invito tlio Public to call nod examine our Scwim: Maohinop l(li.ro imrcliaMiij tUcwhcro, vtiich wo clftitu to W ilio best, tluajH'st, und most durftblo in tho niarkt'L We fiiaranteii every Machine we (foil to (jive iMitire atif-liir.iiuD. All are wnrrunted to sew, wiili perfect eaMj, Heaver, I'th kinp, Tii'kinp. llouiiiis Lloiuestie, Cambria, Linen, Muslin, Luce, vVa., nnd will TulIe, I ji'tu, Kell, Braid, Bind, Cord, (jiuher, in fact will do ull kindu ol work. .1 Five Year guarautre given with each uiaehiuo. lostruetious froo by arj export od tho premiss. MISCELLANEOUS. ODDLIT M. BT I ELS- liV'L a. Johss, STKKI.E L JOHNSON, H'holoule dealen in Staple aid Fancy GROCERii;, HQUOriS. FLOUR AND BACON, oKSiSi. I Council Bluffs, la. Solo ArDtJ for th OHotal and Dupom mr28 Pow.litr Coropunif. THIS WELL KNOWN BUAXlT OF JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT - Grocery Department. iiH II. B. CLAWSOX, Sum. W.T.REYNOLPS CO.. E. B. ZAUKISKIE, tiui FrugiMO. tiait Luko Ciu. ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE, ZABR1SKIE & CO. HAVX FOR SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. I Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AOEJJTS POR "HODSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IO A R IU THE CITY 0ONNZ0TED WITH THE HOUSB. 64 MAIN STREET1 Twodoon Boaf.Ii of Willi, Frf 4 Co'i Bank. m5 Furnacemen, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ah agists roi TEI OOLDE.V CITY FIRE BItICK, Whlo ro oqnal if not snporlor to tht hm T.liah. Sfelnl rtM rival) bT th nr limd. nr tlJ music i mm MUSICAL LXSTRIIMXTS, Of all kindi, includlas tbo BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNE3 & SON, First Sonra Strf.et, Two doora east of Godbo's Dms Store. augU B. A. REED. C S. RISC REED Sc KING, AUCTION ANU COMMISSION MthlHWTS, FrH8T SOUTH PT-RBBT, Wat of Kimball - Lawrcuct'l, SALT LARE CITY. Liberal cash advances mado on eon.'ipi' menu. ICE! ICE! ICE! FIFTY TONS OF ICE, of first rate quHiW. at $10 per 1011. R. B. MARGETTS, Uuh Brewerr. 18 Milt Lako Lltr. Hershey's Torsion Wap Sprai This ii the best Wagon Spring io ue. iii ruAKaJ ihs FIB-ST PREMIUM AD MEDAL, aver the Kll ptio and all other ootnpetit1'1-H ootnpetit1'1-H ihe Auiericao Iusiimie ia tbe city 1 " Yor, in Noveuber, 1S70 I'ts no Ooic .liedbyttie W at Ur.r'AHTMriN' C tou;'" eroment M'unn g iag on lae JPiiD-It JPiiD-It U Llg liter, It occupies lcti Space, It ratio l lie Wagou lu than any other Spring, ar d it uniu l!l ji"t perfect m-us of elasli'ii) iu 'I uioly ibe tori n rnueile Cirrji k i't tnm 4U0. to Ai.iXA) itw. Vita ilvADUjiOf tho Siiriug ia old ai a oiji -J or vrice for ttio amo carry in oic-"-1 " my other Sr,irii. in qso. .: For full particulars app'y at D- Hjt 1 , sun wt eboo. ind rio ilh " do t ww of WU ard 4 Orr' tt. Smiilw can alo bo nun A Co'i. and at Kabn Hr ' LUMBER Y All Kliuls of LunilJ" I DOOB3, WISW' I BLINDS, MOULDINC-i I SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Hair-blook onth nfVOJy. Pure Manilla Rope. 1 1 tB HAVE tirrn arroinl"! b' r?a ' " To miner. U l r.rlio.il.rb' rv J '.ul Si.aJ or ythw tuforior uiiMonU. N,,eclJ price Blvi lo IM STURTEVANT BL0WER5. S.Tr.1 riita on h.nd. SitMO"'1' Sw' ' JoroJ.Uonoilr.losb) Ibe W""- ' Golden City Fire Bric AS.ockofAr,-l.u.J Si""1'"" rf. |