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Show MEDICAL. W, F.ANDERSON. M.D. H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons and Physician, Office, for the prwraL at tnelr reapeetiv residences in the L3th andHth Ward. .'cS m MEDICAL WORK! "Tho Philosophy of Marriage." If or Hie Debilitated ScrvowSfitcm. n;t JOKDA.V. of Hi Anatomical Mnwom, 318 M.,U-uwTyrft.(w.r Ohforin,) if AS T :". 1 HCI "(JO, Calllvri.L. W yuLlblw! .ur of In" m inij-rii,t (, trmtrueti- Lctur, ln mi ! the M'vi". Kimj auman-Wd and mrrli n in '1,-kiM "id md ii'l important Loc- t- for Hi" vl "f Uini If n.J uC.fntiit. Hr If i-nr Hi" cr.-try of Iti A tiB'rtTH icI M'i: 'l'i, tfc.ri Fr.ii.riKo. nd nclmi ( Twculy-F.Cri Twculy-F.Cri in is-taita tmu(. to py pi.u!;. tbf -il U- tornloU lo uj iut ol Uio Jir J..nUi. ran I cr-omlt! by tetter. jo H3TEL8, ETC. TOWNSENDHODSE, SALT LAKJE CITY. TiiE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TO WH8IND PROPRIETOR. Thti Hoaje li oentrailj and pleaaantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and hu accomiaoda-ior.for accomiaoda-ior.for 10 meiti. TFJE PROPRIETOR li now preparlnr c build tars addition to his Hotel, whioh when finished, will ren'-er it the Mott Complete Ettahlithment In tha ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION 1 mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utali. Oiien fur the Reception of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1812. II. S. GREELEY & CO., riKtl'KIETOKS. a2) TAYLOE'S-HOTEL, Vl'cat St do Main Street. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being- mado for' tha accommodation accommo-dation Of GaJt- HOT AND COLD BATHS. TAYLOR &, CUTLKR, myll Proprle'tor. AMERICAN IIOTBL, ' A Saioct and First-Class House. OHtC ULOOK EAST OF THBATRB, SALT LAKE OITY, Terms 93.00 per dy. Board wlth-ont wlth-ont riKiim 014. 01) per week. SaLlia free to gtieali. J. C. L1TTLB, la n PronrUtor. Washington House Ulrd Houth Htreot, WALT L A li K CITY Board imil Loilglug, par Week 97 00 Uy Uoiinl 5 00 Kroach tlprlng Be lie " 3 00 Uila, par NlgHt - SO jnenla - - - - MS n New Coaiuiercial lim Rooms, 46, Commercial St., 8ftlt .Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAS, Proprietor. O P 10 N A Ij Tj NIG II T. Spring UeiU, an, 37i and SO ot. par N l((lit ll.lUlolltl irW'k. S Intel It on in , 50 and Tflo. per Mglit .l.ui) Lnll.BU ier Wnk. Doubt Hooni, Sl.UU to 91.50 par GRE IT WESTERN HOTEL, US TIIK ICC HOP KAN FLAfV. Situ-ted in bimineii pirt ol tha oily, with icuouiiuudation I'ur JOOguoaU. 1,n KPT-CLASS aoooinmjdation for Pamllian ami rra'cloni. Iluoiii, DUo. ,1.1c, 31.00 iid tl.SU )r diy. Dinlnf 1111 and KMtaurant mdor the tnn-ui. uiO' of M. U. Daardalo', Utu o' the Mrnun llimsu, Uui.ba, and Tichaur lliii'. I.inonla. Nab. Uiord k.r 7( iqli, BOo. FHKi: OMNIUUS TO HOTEL. Htaffcwi lonvu tlnily Tor iho nun on. Ltuudr oon lootud with tht hutel. Hail'l tl aV UIUAZK, mrl" Proorlator. Right About Fac8 1 IB Co-opsrative Store Keepers ! AND OrUKRI. Wiiolirlsh to auiutn tho.o 17 ho.CI.bor 7. liT.l BOY OP THE WOOL! anil hTB it manufXetqrcd at ootDe, and taorob- im foui-til'ihi ol the tn,,oeyTon Mill have to rr for tround-uti hitii. rasa. Oto., in the hap Cloth. It obi IQ wi. W'K WILL PAY YOU TUB HIGHEST M V U K K T PRICK FOK WOuL. and I if I r"u Uii d for tho UMi Ca r"ri.-e. i.d ruruuuo rry article, at reireesaioQ We vill aJ,o EXCHANGE CLOTH i roi O -7" X I O TXT S, Whiro w onn make them aratlable for oar it-ui.Lv nd receive ttkera and the Wool at ryur btorcs. Vo are maiilDC, and bare on hand. PKADYOJADE CLOTHING, J MIXERS' SBIRTS, e!c, h FI'LT.KD CLOTTT, of firt -cUm ttle and qtmlnj-; iilno '"')"i 1 linrya, bi'lh pi rt in an-l ft -v: V nnnrli of I . olors: t'ol-unnclrn, t'ol-unnclrn, VVrnjrm Covfn. Tnbla tlolh TDurllifK, Uiioking, tnrklii)i Urn, nil no.l -n4 pur- i-'iiiin fanty Wool Vnrn, fr mm m. ' ol-;) ol-;) (on llattlac, andrrjiri Varit, cti?.. tp., at). Yu will please to "berro tht we V pruio uroU-p on having the bot o-dur- d J jl e "'I in 'bo Ti'rritory and workicea who i cannot tie exoollod. JOSKPII KIRCH, ABantr0ru" - RIBVlr Munnfaotoriai Bja " George and Vaaliuitoa. j3 fsOTSRiES PUBLIC. TIL X. CI!.r.EcFIE- W. T T00D3 GILLESPIE axd WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, A ND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArKowir.r,FrsTS taken for tho lOTeral EtaTKS M 1 KKUlTUKlEi. Offi b u rQ . 9 i, a., tn 9 p. li. Itoo-n No. 5 "ver ' r0 N .tional Uaak. call Late CiLy, I uL Te ri ,.ry. 5 Jas. W. Stainmim. Chaa. A. Gould. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, O O rv V U Y -A. NOB EL S, COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOR New Y"rk. MM'nehaM'ti, PennTiTania, Oni-.. lUinn-s low.. Nebraka Wyom-ina. Wyom-ina. yi "n' a- a, N evud. C.il ifurnia, Oree. n Tex -a. Cu..rado. District of Columbia an-l uttior Statu and Torritoriw- f Ap:lic itinns fur Putenta, Minim Uoeiis, Aroouionts and bond lit Deeds, Mnr'namu. Puer of AttnrDfly. Leases. ContrcLf and other instruuienin if writing if-" u-0-- -tn,! Hspitlrh 1liilK aud otlier ' Diiiiimlo lu- A.-ir-ct- of Title- to Mining and otner pfi-'f ) m d- in h-- mn-i in i et o form, nlntni; property examined and re- P)rnc'lj r-EID'S MH1.DIX9. EAST TEMr-LE 5f.. SALT I. A K r, CI1Y. U. T. A Notary Public always in the - Office i'roiu 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcript! farni-h-d f om the irt M icing Kea rd- in ttie Cnun ' y -if .n L.ke, t'i wt; i b'i"e "I toe jf" untu ti Lj k- to itiii g Di h riot (niw H'K a d Li in- C'ti'iD winid Uiptn.'Ui). ri'i ir'iui ihc of be uiic i-oUuiiwoud Mining Min-ing Li tnot. tiiilil CHAH. W. liTAYNKU, NQTAftY PUBLIC, Duty qua ific i ind oouimihsioaod by the ( . r. ..r Oflico 1st door flout h of Savage's Photograph Gal Jury, suit LAe Cilv. mil KEW YiJHK TftAijE. Cochran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, Will eG'iDilt, irmicry, Notions, Woolona, Linens, Embroidorioa and 4'i2. VA and 46ti BHOADWAY, e. a. c. M-uiotir. MOW )ORK. juyJ' RIG,, GO.DWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILK ADD FA If OY DRY GOODS, 471J4, -I7U and 470 Broadway NhW YORK. W. 0. BAlli'EY. jil L. M. BATES & CO., Ml A 43 Broadway, Uroaia&g ahd jobsiu in Fancy Dry Goods, HOSISBY, WHITS GOODS, WOOLESS, S1IAAVI.S, YANKEE N 01 IONS, tic. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufaoturen and Wholesale Deal on in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Graud St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadwa dH JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AINU WOOL HATS, Utraw Goottg, Umbrclhtt &c. Wo. 408, uranilwiy, NKW YORK. Jo. Jim Hunter. jo TH03. ft. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Iloys'and Childron'a ox-oT h in a3 AT WHULWAL1, I 313 31 UrUwiy, Ntr York. J. . OUWLBB. f2T HOWL&NO & ASP1NWALL, 54 Sou tli Street, NEW YORK. EOIYIUND WILKES, Agent. KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally on couilga-menla couilga-menla of Ore and Uiilllon. lull I on iMircItntied at lilglieet marhrt mlr. aJ7 LEGAL N0TICE. N OTirK IS HEItKnY GIVEN, that we, Ueomo llmmt, Jo,-b Hwj, I'yruj U. U' and ! bcrt C Co im bcr. d olai m iwoty-two ' un roi toot in Ion. in, by two bun "el tfet hi w dtb, on tho Ilmrtitead tli iuti Ulmui t6einB a i.vcr bcHriug vein of r"k iu pliici'.l aud th laud and i r t-tu i ? es ai'i'i-rtiiiirg to t id nil no, all ?it uatoJ in tie Ohio Mining Di.tnot, d nly ..t 1'iute. Trritorj oi L'tth, thu looatin and oitfnt ber'ot being mote imly described as lullons, j : to "it: Coiiiliicnoine at a point couth (evenly four dearee and thirty mm 'lies et, two thmif! an't I" ur hundip-1 anil eignty V2,iSi) feet I from U S. Mineral .Monument No. I. Thence I D.'Tta t-niy-two hunted (1X feet. I Thence el tu humlieJ "I'ni. I'honcoi i"Uihtw- Dty two humirod jj') I'ocU Tncnee weft iw.i ' m drcd i'Ji ) lo, ih pUce of brjiiiMi g Ion .inn ten atid ten h'iO-j-eotUU',-l'1"1-erraaj -n ,.rib in (ho diagram dia-gram : aid n (to herrby giva further n.'iioi, that, having occupied and im-pruv. im-pruv. d toe la d Lbda ai.d pr- mie, kocording to the lo-al i-oitointi and rules ni mil, en in ad Mining I'm not, aud having m ondrd m ao u l labor and im-prcveuienti im-prcveuienti the. eon. an anvunt noi losj than O e Thuui iod Do lrg. and having at f i time actual jKocah'o p- -iji.n it laid mill-li pro ert wu h.vo npplicj f . . r a patent f'r tha ji-d p t enii c. uu oer the Act of to 1. 1; res eutitli'd '.Vn Ac: fr;sl'rj tea K ght .1 w'-r lo "ii-h and C.ical 0neri morll-e Hublo Li d. ar d Tit otner l'ur i O" c." ai'i'T-. cd J u'j :i. l't;, and the a-oftida orv A -t. attr.-v. d Ju j9, li c Act of long?"- aprrovrd Miy 1C, euullej V.n t' pr.'mot- ibe dcTs:,-.p- m- in ot the Minarai reioutvoa of iha United S-t-t." Wi n- ?i ovir ha-,) an-l eea'l liiil twenty-fouith twenty-fouith day of Auguft; Ovoruf II r A EST, J XI OB li. by R. C. Cham r-. n tiv in faat. by R. C. Chau b. r . i i- -u ,d faoL i..,.,. M. K'r atrick. Attcit: M F. Clements, U.S l.nd Offi ?, :.lt T.iVnt.' ty. T , e. J1. 172. rcri!y ihm ;i b ve n.'ti.-e a:d a .i it; am of th- i -1 Mini t -l-nn it.) ttin day liie.i in th . tli i".ettier w 1 1 . n 'ti 'e ot i nten ti li B.r.y or a p.i nr the.-e'i r iry.a the ii" i"- uioni f th-! I' itl ta:s.-, r pro uio t n a A-1 ' 0 t '.-, nt cl "A a Agt nr-ti inn th- Ki.h w ay ro Un, h and fa i H erj ..v-r tMc I'ip u- L,n.i. m i !"-r . olri'-r T'lrrii-o-,'' i proved Juy Jit. I-b.-, an.l .lu'y !' I"i'. un A -t l' Ci'iik-ri'j, appro ve Mv 10, 1S7J mit rd " An Ai't to iTitmti th- r e o.xrent ot tae Mining to.'ourccj uf th I'm ei S-an1!'-" I dif t -n ! noii-o to hi rrin'-fd ii the S 1 1 Lake " II -ra.1 a no spa per publ is hod qai(i.l too xcatii-u of the cauu. i augtt GEO. K. MAXWELL, Resistor, LEGAL. J. B. Rosborottgh, S. A. Merritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEYS AT L A W , Halt Lake City, Ttali. OfTice. 1st South Street, first buildinir cast of Deaeret iiank corner. aug Jl WM. HATDOX. C K. GILCHRIST. HATDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LA EC CITT. Office over lit National Bank of Utah. aI2 thos. Marshall. j, c. eoyle. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATT OR NETS-AT-LA W. Office over Weill, Fargo . Co' Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. at CEORCB C. BATES, ATTORMEY-AT-LAW. C. HVUO.I II A W LEVt Attorney -at-Law Clerk, of the Supreme Court and territorial Librarian. J. W. HAK(.3. Office in Kimball's bloo, naar U.S. Mar-ill Mar-ill thill's otliL-e. CHARLES G. LOEBcR, ATTORN E Y - A T - L A W. Office Room Mo. 6, over FiriC National Bank. Salt Lake City. pyi C. II Hempstead, M.Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-Law, Main Street, opposi:e ell?. Firgo k Co., S.vI.T L IKri CITT, nIO r. L. TI'.UAMS. LB ORAHB YOUXG WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTOBNJSYS-AT-LAW, Office, half a-hlock south of Theatre, trsalt Lake Oity. j 12 Z. SNOW. E. D. HOUX, SNOW At IHHiK, tittorneya and Coaxraenora at law Salt Lake City, Utah. Offlceat Snow'i corner, lm Kant Btroot. Ju6 THOS. FITCH. 010. WHITKKT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 36 First South Street, CO SALT LAKE CITY. a . A . MANN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First Sonth Street, ft Salt Lake City, Utah. JOHN 13. MILNFiR, ATI ORNEY-AT-LAW, Prove GUy, Utah. Celloationa mode in the let and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Diainots. Special attention given to Mining owes. Offiuo at rasidanoa. C autre 6t Provo Ciy. jS W ornor Barl). 7. M. Smith EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAK OITT, First Sfath Street. Riom U and 12, No lw, Kimhall Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lako City, Utah. Office west side of East Temple Street. d27 L) . COOPER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. Edit Temple Street, Co'fbrook'l Now Uulldlng, up-atalra. )U 28 BAI.T LAK I CITT. Ayer's Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hair Its natural nat-ural Vitality and Color, imai, dressiag fv"- which is at 7 onco affroca vv 'L and eLTjctual .v i for preserving StglLi ' )' r 3 ori9 "a' 30'rt with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fallinjif hair chocked, and biildtioss often, though not always, cured hy its use. Nothing can restore the hair where tho follicles aro destroyed, destroy-ed, or the glands Htropbied and docayud; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of loulir.g the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it (-loan and vigorous. Its occasional usq will prevent the hair from turning gray or lalli' g off, and consequently prevent baldneea. The restoration of vitality it givos to tho scalp arrests and, prevent-tho prevent-tho formation of dandrutl, which is often o uncleanly and offensive. Frno from those deleterious substances which make eome pre Durations dangerous, and injurious inju-rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm iu If wanted moroly for a HAlK DRESSING, nothing noth-ing else jan bo found so desirablo. Containing Con-taining neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cambric, and yol lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Praetleal and Analytical Ghemltti LOWELL, St ASS. Fnr S.le ,1 Z. p. SJ. I. Dru Dop't f f" & PATENT-. k j WITH rORCKLAIN-LLNED CAP. The ffloat Rellabla FRUIT PRESERVER Eaow For ,t th. Crocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, 23. O. TaI. I. n. B. CLAWSON', Snp't. IrlO WAGENEIi'3 'BOTTLED BEER. A.LE A D POKTEIl, I At thi Cheapest Rates anion the shorten notioo. Lravo jour orders at the Depot of the lalitornia Brewery. No, 64 Coaimcr,-ial iUtU , INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual iraixrE C0.1IP1Y, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. J()!I II. REDI(iTO, President., CHARLES K. STOIt Y, Secretary. E Principal Offiv. 433 Cnlifomia St., SANFRAXCISCO. II. R. MANN, Agent,- Office: Banking Houso, A. W. Whito Je Co. TRIUMPH FIRE IXSUIUXCE CO.'S, COCINXATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ar.k Fair Rates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taksnthrcuofcaut Utah VI. R. MAINN. Affenf, SALT LAKE CITY. orficci Banldiif Hoi tae or A. W. WJilit &(o. P M U i V. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSUMNCE CO., Cciuiiibiis, Ohio. M. A. D MJUIiEttTY, JACUB PKRTR": . Prajidcui. aecret-arj-. Cash Assets - - $S7 1,152. SI. By roaou t-f a ho-ivy cal capital and a lart;o busincsx, well distribatod. wo utTor to the pablio iodeiuuily that is second to none. Our Chicago reenrd is a Kaarontoe of prompt and equitable adjust in iia t and paj" ment of losses. II. It. MANN, Agent. Office: Kan king Iloxt of A. W. Wbllt A. i n. Patt Offio Bns. NX ' mrlP 1M.1Z0N IXSCttlXCB CO, J. K. IirSSKTT - - President. B.D. WEsl' - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. AKKLTN. Jl NE HQ. lbTZ. Ca-h on hand, in bank, nnd in course of tranMuis.-i.ni 6111 ,!S 57 United States liuudi, tuarkut valuo li'-i.ltia 09 JIortBiieus SiO.tUti 1ST Culluicral Loans 12S.1&7 01 Accruod lnicrcat 3).til2 5a Bills Koccivablo 3o,!l7 15 State liunds and Miscellaneous JW,'il7 W Duo from Akohls , Ivi.iJa't ou Ja60,U0ti 70 LIAtllMTSHK. Out?l finding Losses and other Lia? hilmud - 77,711 0-1 H. R. MANN- Agent, Ofliret Itnnhln House of A. W. WliltcACu. P.O. Box, 354. j ESN ' ft g K t I : w g H j 2 t4 " yS ' 0. E BASSETT, HARDWARE STOSE All aind! rf HEAVY HARDWARE, Srcu tiiitS ieel, Stoves and Tin Ware DLACUS9ITII TOOLS, Ag-Tlanlrural lm;lTnttt A ad malBfTAOlt, At Loweet Hatea OPPOSITE SALT LAKE UOU9K Tilt RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Souths;: e "mer of Sowh Temple and Tliird West streets, oppontfl :!:o Kailffad Ucpot, Early Bronkfaxt for moruinr trains. Warm Lunch from ll-t"i ro 2 o'clock. LnncU Bnakots f"f travelers fumisted on a few aiir;a; js' cj'.t;e. ICE CBE AM A S3 y, jiauehsick, i'l Troprletor. HiEicst rrica paid r Boliici, Of Kvery Grade, by W. T. .RICHMOND CO. jail7 Oact, 16 Jumball's Block SAN FRaC!SC0 TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Slissisn & Pacific Men Mills, Depot. Xoa. SIT A 519 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO. OAL,'. Offr to tho trade a L te and Well selected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Mills, Cons is t id g- of BLANKETS of eve-y description; HORSE BLANKETS and UL'GGY HU3E5; HOUSE and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and qualities: CLOTUS, CASSIAIERES and TWEEDS of every deicriution: GENTS', LADIES', WISSEi' and CllILDHEN'S S1TAWLS in groat variety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS; "SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CAS5IMERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and KE-FELLANTS. KE-FELLANTS. various sh .dea and styles. K.iit All-Wool and .Merino Uxderwkah and Hosikiiw for men, women and children, es-f es-f ec (ally udaiited lor tho 1'aoiiio CoasL Woolen Yarn io all shades by tho package. All Goods in our .ino manufactured "to orhkr" art short notice, and at tho lowest market jiricos. ... 1'rico Liaia sonton application. MISSION and PACIFIC WOOLEN HILLS. Depot, No 9. 517 A 319 .Uarlcct St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. au27 S. L. Stanley, 0. C. Chapman. John Spruaace. . Spruance, Stanley & Co., SnscossorB to H. Webitor k 0o. and J. & J. . Spraonoo, Importors and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, alO 410 FBOSl ST BEET. HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STRKKT,; SALT LAKE CITY, Manufacture California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP-MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM-PLETK COM-PLETK in any of the Mining Districts. - wo manufacture tut Vuniey & Wheeler Pan, Patent f rrs.cil sliue au4 Dloa, ud Hie iUaculnery ' ojmplela for STAliCP AdllL.IS REDUCTION WORKS. of whicu wo make a sneaialty an! Enoxantee B&iiataoiiuu in uUciwui. Manul'acturo BullhOif's Ball Pulverizer, Ktm DRY C 11 US HIS G, Win do tho work. ofl5 Stamps. Prioe, $1500! Manufacturers' A fonts for tho Sale of Stnrtevant. Root Blower, Kirie Oi, Cameron -tcsin Pump, lluUttu. furljibls a. ml tetallounry Wire I tout In Rope, (Flat and Round.) T mi ii I ita.ll iron, ..u, LiandHilba. to the yard. Iron ltp for Gm nnd Water, Dottxe Umkc re Cruuhtm, til,n,iK enr.in.d Iron ItacUels, Arijlllo Flc ItrtcM., a.iia alliiliii; upplleit. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished FUR ALL OUR WORK. alO UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. ' MA.N'CrACTL-REP.3 OF " PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES & BOILERS. Patent Improved Sawmills, ALL SIZES. ON HAND. HENDRIE BROS., SoLK AOf3T3 10E UTAH, So- 33 DlAln atreel, Snlt Lnke City, ell Summer Resort. THE PARK HOUSE. TWVNTT.FIVEMtl.ES EAST OP SALT Lake City, i. now upca fur UuaiU. Mr. Wm. IJ. Kii-all iio. perfeclwl bi. n," BU30 1 tr.e to the PARLEY'S PARK MINES, Bine Le,l(re, Vrnonrr. Ti Titan and Bowlsnd 11 i:tic s; ai;o to Aiij. Gordon's Military Camp, Ac-ti leavo Wei:?. Farpo & Cn'i offi.-e (U-lv. t a. a., rotumenfinc on Wej-60. Wej-60. -a-. J.Ij it h. A H,.CK will connect at himnai I'.irii H 'u.-o, tbe folio winK tcfrr,i,.g, with the la-ly c acb to the minet. I lli ar. 1 l.j i- farnifhpd to oraer. Fiejiag t-d lltiLiir.c ul L 11. K i vn t ll, ill Proprietor. STOVES! STOVES I THE tllEIPEST STOVES -OF TIIL- GREATEST VARIETY -AI- W. HARRISON S 1 t 1 i 1 ivr 1 -ASb STQY3 STORE, OPPOSITE EI5IIOP IU'XTER-3 EAST TEMPLE STREET. cr Call and Examine; you are) sure to b ARHIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Consistlns ofEverytliins in the Staple Line; also LATEST SXTLiEj LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wo are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS SOW FULL; AXD EIT1IER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS AXTOXE IN THE TKADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Undtir Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Citv Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up he largest and most complete stock and assortment of Gas fixings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third doornortb of Desaret Kas.k. Gilt, lirouzo, and all the latest stylos of Chandeliert, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep tho largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for tho piping of houses, oihecs, buildings and dwellings generally at fates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am roceivingit daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixturos will be supplied to tho inhabitants of Salt Lako City at the lowest possible rutos. I a! sa koop on btnd a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Kaowlestituatn l'uinp with boiler connections uomploto always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main S'-roet, Threo Doors North ol Deaeret Bank, Office of Salt Lako Oity Gas Company. jn5 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE nd RETAIL DEALERS IX IRON & STEEL, WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF WINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPEAAU KIXIN OF FITTIXUK FOR FVKSACBS MILLS. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, AXVILS, -AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IKON PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS. BIIASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. A0KNT8 FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. To whom it may concern, B. the nndtTf ',nd. elu'tn and cn tw.ivo aao'lre-a J-'J feet, ineladina Nop. two t. and ihrre (.-.j. in the Tit 1,? h.rjp in LiiUo t-''ntr.ii'.od cu;on. and hold tht ime br deed frr.m the t ricinn." I'.mt-.ri-nd hare c m plif d vriih the Uw of U iir tnct in everr re pact-Arid pact-Arid we Jrnrenr cntioD all per'ons not to tr.ie, tnjy ir bar tor for said claiiae, witnout oar consent. an. BASSETT. I AdratnintTfttnri ol the LIVLSa, Jotate r.f .Anthony Ivini ISRAEL ivrss. EaltLkkt.ffltr. Jaa ait. U71 W Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory i DEP ABTMKISTT, 9'J East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. Be raspoctTully invite the att ntion of the Public to tho DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, AO our own make in our II A S D S O 31 E SEW SHOW WINDOW Ilarine established a reputation for HSOHLIjIsIN'OEI In Style, Quality ana Fit, Wo intend to maintain it by continuing to m.mufneturo goods that wo can Gr TJ AR A X" T E E. BOOT nnd SHOE HIKERS, You will find horo EVERYTHING Hequirod by tho trade, in tho shapo of LEATHER, FINDINGS AN3 KiT, At tho lowoat ratos, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADIJLCIIS Jk II.vnKi:HHCi:HS RoQiombor wo niako a siiecialty of Horse Collars. Of whiah wo always koop a largo Jassortiuent of tho bostand chcniiost; Jl.VItSliSS LEAT1IKK, and all othor kinds, at Lowest Prices, Iivholo-salo Iivholo-salo and retail, yrii aro soiling tho above classes of goods Remarkably Clieap, at prosont, preparatory to renewing our utock for Autumn nml Winter Trado. Orders by mail rocoiro carofal and 'prompt attention from Sir. CROMPTOX,: whoso lengthy experience in tho Lrado onablos him to select goods that will satisfy our patrons. ' KEPAIK1.VU DOSE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. II. U. CLAWSON, Sup't. Z. C. M I. Clothing Department riaving scoured (he cxcluivo Bale for Utah Territory, of tho CELEBRATED BURLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the traJo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for & BOYS, Of tho .Bteet styles an-J best make. The Superior!) and Unrivalled Excellence or these 811 HITS arc Established by (lie following reasons: Tho materials aro tho bc3t standard Irish linens, and first clafw, hiehest cost mucins only New York Mills, Wamautla, WilliatDsville, Jiates, 4c j r- The count of linen and quality qual-ity of mu?lin io each respective i-liirt are always uniform, and the standard ib ncrcr duteriorated or varied. fctf Thcworkmanshipifithe finest and be-;t, and such as a class of labor b tter than n?naily employed, and the , most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. teiT Tho Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft fiui'-h, not dcoeptiro, heavy and stiff with starch, &c& In ibc important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scicotilio principles attained at-tained by experience, their correct proportions pro-portions arc warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. Sole Agents for Utah. H. IS, CLAWSO.N, Eup't. CAHKESS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKS CITY. s,,l A.,.r:,"m, o M A. W. WHITE & CO, B A N 1 S K KASl T K .11 1 L ii STittT, Slt Lkkfl City. ;f)calers in GOLD DUSTjCQIN ANO BULLIO'L jcchnnc 01 a!! t"t Prir.dval (tifi if the United States atU Kuroue. Prtica!ar af.cntivii fircn to Collections, and procmd ttuiiIunI m Current nuo 01" Jiieaaujre " of r-juiii.t. GEO. E- WHITNEY, Attorney CDIlHKsru.N DKSTSi . RSof0.1if.Ti,l - - S.n Ijevit rtJlpr - ie "r CtVui.tf Ssti.-s.! B.i::k - i l- HMWlhiit M &iUl Biiai. oi Suliwk - - v:i)'ibn xyll BANKS DESERET Sal Ls!i8 City, Utah' Tni U tn.-. hu orwaniid a SAVINGS DEPARTiilLNFi &ad will receive depuilu f na dollar t od upwards, 011 which interest will bo allowed -i tho rate of euhl rur cent, pr annum ooiu poundod semi-annually, 12.) L.. S. 111L.L.S. Colitcr. SALT LAKE CUT NATIONAL BAITK talt I.alio City, LTlih Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,0007 UenJ. .TI. L)ult.tl, iTekitUut. lluli Wliltc, Cn.liier. it tv j-ariio A K 1 uk r at kick, A:t-rne. CORRESPONOCNTSl NST YOKK - g"1 K'Vo. SAM yilANCliiJO C.il;Vrni 1 ,.at Co, loS J .ty Cvoko, ljJulitoa Ji Oo. WELLS, FARGO ei, CO,, EXPRESS FQRWAKDKKS, iiaiikers and Dealers iu Kxchaiue DratUon Hur..,e. urouo.in Collocnon pttuuiilly n Uu. iil oil to. U ul Teuipl atreel. Sail Lakt Oil mli Tuao. E . la&aY. Aent. Bank of Deseret, 8oooor te HOOPErt, ELDREDGE & Co., Oornsr Bat Tetniilo and Flrel Bouth BtnU, SALT LA ICS CITV. UTAB. PAID lir CAPITAL, - tl43,0U0j RKMHAM YulTNti, I'rejidoat, "1 H. 8. KLIKKI)()K. Viool'ria. WM. H llt-ul'l-.lt, WM.JEN'.NlSU.s. Dirolra, .Wti N HHAUH, KiiKAMOKZ L1TTLB, L," HILLS, Cuhier, J Dal a OO'.D Il'8t COIN, KKCIUtOUK LAND WMlit,l.Vi', VOU. LUUli BtUlt.', A-u. Col! callous oiddu and pi j ui p iy ro Tllill.ui, FOREISH EXCHAT& FOR SALE-, HORE ARRIVALS. 3 Q Difforcnt Sizea and .W Styles of 'tt O O lEiL Ei . ft DilToront Sizea of WINDOWS. Tlie uio.4 coiii)U-lc Ktock ever Droulil to Itali, AT LmilERJilLOMl'O'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTrr, T. LUIVKI. xr If r'H -,M u. ta vl1 in. -Z ;.V;M FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Ilend (tuarlcra, SI.LduIi, Mo, D CHANT fiiC CTTI.NO, Ft)KWAI!l)I.M( commission mmm A(i KNTH SALT LAKH CITY, LTAIL. W8 " T'rr"r"d tt rt-nlrart f r rhi fill fi-ll it aim from ,11 t,nrtii f iim K.t. tur ' I" "tn Hindi ij.ty-inl nrriiiiKnTi oiitj, j,,f We .rft nfTcTm. fi'fn ir.lnr.niortl fnr tho point, .cdtil.ioa tt. .il liAjilora Ornci in W.i.non..: flr.t block QCUAXT CUTTISQ |