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Show RAILROADS. G. V. R. R. OS ASl At'l'i:iC KtlPTKMIlrlK Hitli, 1H1, I It A I . -H WILL H KAIL If AM tl LOW I Overf.ind .-r:f Train f.,r I-.jiw, tyr-.-.n), .-..-r. i, :(!).., .-J k t .,(, , l.-nnrw. M. r 1 i !.-r V u ir. i, '1 j, ' l-.r I.-.- .ti.:i.:.,Jp .-aii J.,:U and .-,.m 1' r.u,.-i - r,.'JI r.a. Ov-rUnd l-r.nli' arid A.v.mmMU- A. N. TOW T. H. 'J'j'iMUM, lion'l aap't i-n. I'..,. .w.,1 Tl.jUt .UftL Oho. li- kn:i:, A.r, -It .- ! .j-.ii -U.ir.lmll Jt (Wr.rt ulllli RAILROAD. n . 3:..- Trains rim between Urii;Ii;iiii Junction with C. r.U.11., LOGAN. ! (in un-T ult.T l-.hr.i.irv l-t, 1-7-1, ft.iily Train, Ami 'n "Sil1 1 !. I -. A V.V." !".. . :i;JJ " Arnvo ..t l...i:..n !'):'! " l-.ii.v-. U,.u, ::M .l.ra. Amu. -il .M.Ti.lNn ''VI " Arnv.. r l:( I u- li mil 1: I'-in- t.. i-'nM(ji:t iilh iruiu.1 1t 0Kl'in una bait L.tko. Trains Run'onJ5r!t Lake Time. StiirfiH iv.nnnct with Truina tn ami from ' N..rlln.rii iauUluiiH'iiW in Cat ha L'uuntyriu- fa it Kutwnon Lonun and(- nit l-ako 'jj1 Jjjj !! Mund'In ii nl SaM. l.aku I liKiln 2 75 Koducod KatCM to KxouraioD ParticH, 1'a.HHoricrH will plcaso purchase- their Tickets at the OU'icch. Fur all Infi.rnuitii.n cuiiourninie Fruiaht or t'K AS. Nlltl.KY, Uoiibral i'roiijlit nail lickot Atjont. ;jso. w. vnNi, ( Uon'l iS u i ' t. UTAH CENTRAL PIONEER L!N CF UTAH. U Jaftar lleucmbcr .'SO,.I il'J. l?nS!y Trains I leave Suit Lake City at f a.m. and 2:15 p.m Arrivo at Otidun 7 a. m. tuul 1:15 p. tu. LoavoOmloii at H a. m. and i. ui. Arrivo at Salt Lake Citj 1U a, w. and 7:30 P,m In addition to the sbovo 3VII3t3DI TXl-aVXIXT. Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at S a.m. and 6.j0 p.m., and Oden at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p. ui. I'MMARtri will picas Fnritui their Tlakats at tha UIDmi. Ftflf Cents additional will be charged when the fare u collected on the tra.'o. lux all Information oonoorninK frciaht or pajiaas, aiu'ly to J AN. MI A 11 1. Oooeral Vreltht and XLoket Ai't JOHN SHARP, '''TTiaiNTlNDlNT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Uu aud nfttr llcccmlier -JOtti, DAILY T 15 A INS Leave tho Utah Conir.iUi.lv. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.ut. and 2.ii0 p.ui; Arrivo at Loin at 'J a.m. aad 4.30 p.m. Loavo liohi at 9.30 a.tu. aud 5 p.m. Arrivo at iSult Lako City , at 11.30 a.m. aud 7 p.m. ! Ir. addition to tho above MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central U.K. depot, IS.dc Lako City, at 1 p.m. and Lelii at 6 a.iu. Pasencers will plcaso purchase their Tickets at the Othecs. -'it'ty cents additional ad-ditional will bo eiiareec1 when tho tare is collected ou the train. For all information coneeroiog freight or passage, apply to J ASS. SMAItl. Uoa. y-eisit asd Ticioc AgonU JOHN S1IAKP, SAM FRANCISCO TRADE, Harness Saddler, Leather. .r. c.JO'ixsox.t ro., 10-1 .)' 10j Fr-.'nt Street. s.i.v hn.tscisca Rr'rr !...in r-i Jf r. II. K Clotc- Einstein Bros & Co., .Umifa,-tun;rs ar.d Ianortor of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers ia LEATHER. FINDINGS. Etc., di- tA.N fK.V-N CISCO. 3. P. HDLDEN & CO., COMMISSION" .MEi:CUATS, f B3 SANSOME 6THEET. 8AN FRANCISCO. JOB PRINTING. Tlio varied wants loJ the Ml.XElt, Aai lZA. nuil rKAVKI.EH tu JOB PRINTING O A. 1M li Kl FILL 1-'. 1) AT Til : HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous satisfaction given by tho work done at our office in the past him juutifiod us in continually importing im-porting all tho Newest Attractions with which to plcaso our patrons in Elegance Style, and perform ' Job Printing to oompare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this liae from the East or West. Anything in the oature 01 PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESSIBLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, ' BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE WORK1 RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULAKS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors orgold. We do not profess to work below cost, nor work for the sake of working, nor giTe baits of any nature, bat by a system of calculating prices, make a rule to compete with outMde Quality & Figures j Salt Lake Iron Co. CUA3. ROOME, Pa-ailc-nr. C::NR1' J. DAVISON, Secretary. MINING! & MIMil.VU 3iaciiin i:kv. Engines and Eaiiers Made and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK, ilgriciltvtro.l 3VX.cliijQ.oxy. Orders i'rouii.tly Kite utui in a W.jrkmarjTil-.u Mjrin-r. Old Cast Iron Uuujht at tha L. V. Sl'THERLlXI), Manager. JTjLlixxs Saner Go., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED THEIBEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE "T HI A 3Ft 3 . MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE JULIUS BAUEE & CO., 650 BroadwnT. 390 . 3512 394 &. Sflfi "Wabash. Avenue . NEW YORK. CHICAGO. jyis STOVES! Z. C. M. I. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a groat variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising tho largest assortment to bo found in any stock in Utah; prices very low, call and see. oot20 U. B. CLAWSON, Supt. GROCEBY DBP'I Z. C. 3E. X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, fetoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ATiTi OUR GOODS -A.IR.E GkIEA.P DEALERS IN THK SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. nSl fl. I.GUWSOI IkimtIi '! Sctll; Xj,1s.o City, GENERAL MACHINERY wacon"depot. COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Titt's and otlicr Thrnsliing Macliincs, Wood's Mower aud Combined ilachiue, Excelsior Mower and Keaper, World Mover and lteai)er, Champion Mower aud ltcaper, Sulky ltakes. "Welcome" and "Superior " Turbine Wheels, 'Eureka" Smutter. Cane Mills, Machiue Extras ! ! ! U-Uark the Place COUNCIL HOUSE YARD SALT CITY. "e are eipcc:ia aa inixecia;-j shlpn nr nt' the vell-kcown and J justiy-cele orated "SGHTJTTLSR WAGON," The factory hivinsjuii sot f.-irly rnnics :-ce tl" CHiOAGO FIREI H. B. CT ' WSON, Superintendent . 2L C 3'o lo SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 89 East Temple Street, fil'JNOFTUE gIG j ) OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For finu woathor or stormy lvonthor; for wnlk injjj dtuieirif!, working, arAitKiso, climbiflB, riding, lisaifli:, uiinkiL', otc. otc A largo and choice assortment of tho nbovo, our own mako and iuiortod, at tho moat roa-Bonablo roa-Bonablo yricoa. We make to order any style aud quality desired and Insure atlsfaclloii. OLD BOOTS AM) SHOES Mado u good as now almost SELLING OFF OCR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather 1 Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AJTD "KIT" OK ALL KINDS!! HOUSE C0LXA11S! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Orders by 9.U receive .peel! prompt attention. HIDES A7JU "WOOL BOUGHT. H. B, CLAWSON, Sa Sewing Macliine. f ' K ret-pectfully invito thy Public to call and see our cjiot llouL vaiUly o. Sewing B2acMncs? LN Plain,IJeautiful and Elaborate St) les of Workmsashlii AND QHKATLY IMI'KOVED W1TU TUB FANTON G S T O ES. The lolal Sulci of the MAUJUXE are nolo THREE QUA It TE liS OF A MILLION. Til K SALES OF LAST YKAK, An ovidonoo that it Lb fiut winniQB supromo favor iu tho hoiuohotd. The SiNOEtt Comnauy sold over tho other Companies, oii.iiM. t Tho Chicago Relief Committco furnished sutlerers by the Fire to Maroh 18, 1872, 8J-H; 3,151 singer iIacliill!'S, all other makes, 7t)3. Atpiicanta made their selection, vfith stiono disouuut on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCKKD AN CTI1ER HOUSE IN TUL. BEWLNQ MACHINE LliNE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. W eoartoouflly invite tho Ladioa to boo our "FItti broidery .ttaoliruoixt, It attraots nonorai attonlion and uduiiration. Wo olao desire you to bco our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLE23, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMER3, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOtt ALL KLNDS OF SliUTTLU SJiWINQ MAOIllNIiS. WIS OUAUANTEI5 EVERY MACHINE WE SKLL TO QIVE ENTniH BAT1.SFAO and all aro warrantod to sow with ouo all kiuda ofguod.i, from tho uuariioat to tho Ijnoat Lace, Alusliu, Cuiublic, Uoiucslic, JOuuiiud, Tickiugs. Duckiug, BeaTer, Buckskin and Ijcatbcr. ttS-Instruction given free of ohargo by compclcnt altcndanti, and terms of sale to suit all circumstancofi. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERRAS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. IT THE SINGER SEWING M.1C1ME DEPARTMENT - 2s G TU, I. Cleme2?al Agents. Two doora south of Eaglo Emporium. Salt Laitr Ctrir. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For (he Debilitated Nervous Sytm. DB, JORDAN, of tho Anatomical Manonra, 818 Montgomory strool, (uoar Cutiforuia,) bAN FRAN0IS00, CtilirorDin, Una piiblialiod fourof his , most iniportuut and instrnctivo LecLarM, in a neat volume lor thoa wlio cauaot tittouil too Lm lures at tLo MasDiiiu. Every numarriod and married man shonld road and etmly tlioso Important Lectures Lec-tures for tlio good of hlniHoIf and uOdpriug: liy tviUreaaing tho sccrotary of tbo Anatomical Museum, Sun Francisco, aud one losing Twcnty-FivoConlfl Twcnty-FivoConlfl in postaKO stamps to pny pustnyo, the Book will be forwordud to auy part of liio 6lats or TorrltorioB. Dr. Jordan can bjcomiulted 1-tto- d7 UWIOPJ PACIFIC RAILROAD ME TABLE, UNTIL- further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows: lkavi. I Arrive, Daily Epreas.8-J0ft.ru. Daily Esp'e.S-lO p.m. MisoJ, - 6-;HJ p.m. Misod, - 2-35 p.m. Kroieht, - 10-3J a.m. Freight, - G-lU a.m Daily connections madQ at Ogdon with Utah Central Pacirlc Koad from Salt Lako city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific liailroad for Donver, Contral city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Now Moiico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western, Chicago, Koefc Island and I'acitic, Burlington and Missouri liiver, Kansas ciLy. St. Joe and Council lilulls .Railroads and Missouri Kivor Lino of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to all points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at tho ollico of Utah Central Cen-tral Kailroad, in Salt Lako city; also at Union Pacific liailroad ticket ollico in Ogdcn, at which ollico bonks on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements hayo been made whore-by whore-by passengers desiring to visit Denver of an excursion rale from Choycune Lo Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. Jj'or particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to ail Kjntern and Southern points via Oil All A, and thus avail themselves of the advauUgos of a through sleeping car. comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THUS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent, T. E. SlCKELS, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. is Herald Bindery Our bindery is prepafed io Repair, is a woriua&niiia manner, Albomi, Old Books, etc., etc., And Bin! A3AZINE& PZ1U0D1CAL8 MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owns four oxcollont silver niinoi within ono milo ol ouch othor. Wood and nnd wn tor plentiful on nil ofthom. 1'ho mines aro rich. Ores ninninjr from slipup to e7uu porton.can ho obluinod from each of tlium, in paying quantity. Tho croTico o! thoUronory lodo is twonty-sovon foot wido.astroakoflbur fcot will run &m porton. lioiiiK dosiroua o Bonding homo a nico pro3ont from Utah, 1 will soil an intorost in ono or nil, or soll iillat lair Gcuros. ilach ludo contains 1,-iK) foot, and tho Urouory lodo ia down 1W fact and looks lino. This lodo is diroctly up tho Kuloh Irom tho Ontario ono-half milo, and tho fiamo distance bolow thoUowlund lodo. in JJluo Lodpo Mininjt district, AVasutch Countv. 1 I havojust moved my camp to tho Wild ISill cabm.whorolHhall bo ploasod to show my minoa, ' Thoy aro each now claims and but littlo Known, and tho jealousy, I roirrot to Bay, ox-iatlnK ox-iatlnK amuntistthoao owning claims hero, to a Broat oxtont, havo kupt those uookinji such property frym calling on mo. I ask capitalists to como and soo. 1 will show you all I promiao to do. PAUL GREGORY, M.'D.o Kourmilos from Snydonivill IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO,, DEALERS m WRIGHT'S PiCSCSj IRON BARROWS, AXD ALL KINDS OF PIH3?:C TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, virE & ai.1. kinds or rrrrixus FOHITIIKACEK & MILLS. H A. JR, ID "W" .A. K. E , BtlKDKN'S HOUSE & MOLE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AXD OIUEK BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBISH PACKING. AGENTS F0K Hooker Pumo. Tubb3 Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Cafes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, A!X LOW FOR. CASH. Ammonical Preparation For iho Prevontion and Itomuval of Boilor , tca:o. dot FAR WESTFREIGHTlS' Ilcd Uuarter, St. Louli, JMo. D VRXST &iC UTTING , vouw a -id: a co.mmissio. mmm BA1.T LAKt CITY, L'TAIL. are rr-r' to f.r :vip. .h;i-t of Or. at a Jul i;t :o i.l ;.-.,.-a' Orrxi V4E.;ij.Jr Klrit block oalii ol Dejim, i nit Lett City. DLIIAST A CLTTlSfj. j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MACONDRAY & CO., luiporiors of C11LA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING as COMMISSION MERCHANTS 2l and SANSHMK STUEET SA. l HANClSlV. l'o arc tMiiM.imlv in r.v.-ipt f Ir.vh in. VIW..U'II1N. and .l.M'AN TEAS, and ol, lnvaU'Uolli Jl lUil' lnuli Rlld SlUAUB I'ko L'l'K. llt . BOOTS ATJO SHOES, CalUortila Manufacture, KOtl WllOLfclSALk: THAUK, Weaver & Taylor, .MM Market Stroot. Pan rrancisco, Cal. all E.A.FARGO&CO., Importers and Jobhcri of BranriiGS, Wines asfl Lipors, 810 Front St., cor. Commercial, n.B.iivi. i25 SAN FRANCISCO J. GAUM & CO., Importer and Munutucturun of WEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. ilS ,t M Hausoin. St., Hnn Frituclaco. Mo 18 Warron St.. Now York. 11KC1IT, lillO'S tt C. IIO( )TS, S ! IO KS6l ki:th K It J.04 & 100 tiatmatncS't.t Ntn i'Vurf.ro, And li &. V2 1'curl St,, Boston. JJUCKIAOJIA3I ,C 1IEVIIT, Mnunfuctcrcr of tlie "tITRA QUAL1TT" CALIFORNIA BOOT! AND SHOE!. O'l A. J. GllIFfflTH, Dajder 111 tf?Z7?i M tludB of a?IOKX.10 db BIUCOK.SH SALMON AMD HERRINGS, 1B1 Wftantnrrtoa stra.t. All kl'i.is or Dried, Bi-ioksd aud Plctlpd Fish ooaslanLly on iiaad. PAamt, wattson a co; (Suooessora to Woll Ji Co..) lni)Orteri and Rlanufncturer. ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front at., oor. Sao ram onto, a3 SAM 'UAClSCO, CAL, I. OllllLOVlOU. WilTItt !I0O, 11. B. UUIIT. lil. CHIELOVIOH Ob GO-, I mportora ami wliolcniilo dualorii In F I N JC WINKS - LIO.UOR8, BO LB AQKKTB FOE IESSE, MOQKb & CD'S FINE OLD BOUHBQN AND HYE WHISKIES, imior r no u touiaviLii, kt. 601 Front St.. BAN FRANCISCO. ap4 Kntablinhod in 1801. Q. VEfJARD, Manufacturer of tho Original (Jhartrcs Coffee, And alt kinds of Spices and California Mustard, C25 and G27 Front Street, between Jackson and Paoilic. SAN I-'RAClbCO. a5 ESJAULISllIiD 1800. Importers of Teas, East India goods and -general groceries, 2l3oirf215 Front Street, San Francisco- o2G iMANfl HQTJiJJL On Market, Now Monteomory and ti0j01ld HtrooLfl, OABT ayFt A.WCI.300, CJ-3.tj. JOHNSON & Co., l'ROPniETons. E. CJAklTEf J &l CO. Wholesale Lienor Dealers, 408 IT rout Straet, Bxx franciaco, Proprietors of MILL ICR'S ICSTJtA OID BOUIitJOP And eolo aicents for . h, CUTTER'S EXTHA OLD BOURUtiN WHI3KIEJ Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all tbo Slumlord Brands or WHUlUea, Vlnm Urandlas, Fort!ja na.il Qom.tttc WInci, mr BHUrl, Cord 1. la, A. L. A. Boudcrfloo, T. L. norn. SANDERSON a HORN Imp or tors and Jobbers of CIGARS IAD TOBACCO. (ProurlotorB of La JC-jmooln Clx&x Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj the cclcbrcitd 'CHAS. DECKERS7 CIGAR H.tweisn Washington and Clay, SAM FUANCI8CO. ap4 Importera of Amorican and Europo&n 8t;i5Iy nnil Fancy BB GOODS, CAXItTOltniA, Call the attention of t'n b Trade to tbeii Jars and complete -tock of FALL AND WINTER DHESS GOODS; Which tho? a-o now receiving direct from Luroptn Wanufact-jrcr3, conipriaici in purl branch Hlrlo Wool Satlncf, . Wool PI old French and German, Irian and French Poiilina, Kmpr.ia Clothi, Tsralf Llak coloroJ, VelTt.a., Alpacas, blu.k sod colorwl SILKS, VELVETS, RIEB0SS. XLtO Q I., O "V" E S, Kid, Euck. Berlin (Ladiee'. Mb'ace'.Gontj') 6ent3' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Itnrtk-rchlcfi, Ithlrtlnff Llntni, Ciutlt.. ',. r,t rr.jor,.1 i- mask iAjSn B-d L napkins ao.1 Doyitas. r.ta., a;t. S?RUAliCtST7NLEY8C I.-.o.-tcr.- a.id lJ..akn ic Fine Clcl Eourbon Cr3-.(i:c3, Cins Wines, uic, ti u: V Vi-Jv.'.KJT K .'il CSi IS K ' 410 FRONT STREET, J SAX WtANClSCO. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. tilJlUN LINE liKTWKtvN New York, oucenstowi), and Liverpool. Carry i mi ihol'nitod Stalos Mails 1 1 Al 1 1 . r NKVADA MINN KSuTA. .-i "NKIUiASlU .M AN II T I'XN'Sl. TT lWVuMlNii. SAlLlNil l'i;iM NKWVtHtK JiVHUV h liUNiHAY. (UIIN l'-.u-o lrum .Now York Ssi Mk iriild. .Stiitorvoms on tho satuu dcck.ai 1 VniKltAtlK: 8- from Now York: frairron: Li iTi'iH'l ir yui'i-nstoM a, paynblo in currunp I'as-itcu tnnii or tu lionnauy, I'Vanuout wav, iiwodi-n, ito.. ul l.tiitt Hato.L lU'tiiiiniiii'iM to tlroai Britain, lrolandand Apply iiVlLUAM A (HHnN',jy nru(vJ. Win ; or II S. ELDUKlHi K, J-l Salt Luke Cilr. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is fVo VIONKKK KOUTJC botwoon OMIIA. una UU1UAUO, oomplutml fimr yours auo, binco whinh Liiuo tlio (Jiiinpiiiiy hfivo spuroil noittiur ymtnanor oxpunsu in pori'm'tiiiK iu roftil boa and truck, aiul uiui)iiiK it with rolling stock, of tho iiui.st iiiuilorn iniprovoinohU; tliiB, lootlior with tlio fuel ol its boini( Iho Shortest Lint., oil'ors to tlio Traveling Travel-ing l'ublic a route utiturptiabod In lliii country for ejhsoJ, cunil'orL Biifuly Riid auro CuiwiocLions, PAUTIOULAK CAUTION BhoiiM bo Utkiiii by moiiKor in soloctin tlinir route, niitl not bo tlimnivtwl liy I a I so ndvorlisoiiioiiU anil roi'o.sonfationa by intoro.-tcil jmrLios of cotii)otiiif linos in rt'Lcarii to liino, dialancod, rat us, etc. Th id pojjular roulo roiguiros no falno sttLfoinonU, rolyin on iU truo morlu, it nooJd only lo bo known by tlio Iravol-in Iravol-in public to bo api-rociulod. TIMJi: Sftn Francisco Lo Omaha, four dayi and tJuvun hours. Via UhicuKO and North WorU Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twouty. tliroo lnnirs, Otntihalc Now York, sixty hours. Onuilia to Duston, sixty-four hours, Pullman'" flac, Hold, and olp. lug Cars Aro run on all through tmini from Omaha to Chicago, llow lo Socuro Hloopinfr Bortha Lte- Torn Hunching Omaha: l'aasnnnorH dosirouH of aocurinR Sloop-Iiir Sloop-Iiir Itiirlbtt, .SoctioiiB or Htnto Ituomi ia liio Dioopinx jir irom uiniuia ftaat, cmi do bo by UiliitfriLiiliinK from any of tlio Etuf ions on tho Union l'acillc Kailroad, lo W. A. Oarnonlor, Oonoral Afront, 0 &, N. W. Ituilway, Oinuha, alalliiK wlml thoy waul. This ia nil tlioy nood W do until thoy roach the O. & N. W. Ituilway Ituil-way Depot on tlio cast flido of tho Alia-souri Alia-souri Itivor, thou go to tho looping (Jar Conductor, k'VO him thoir iihihus, u nor tuldgriini, and thoy will find thai Lo lias thoir bortha rosorvod for thorn. l'tu'EOiiKors RoitiR Eaat will conanlt thoir own intoniht hy sucuring Through Tickots via OIHA.UO & NORTH WKSTliKN KAIL WAY, which can bo procured at all principal ticket ollicos in California and tho West, and al railroad otiicra lo San FranciBco, ball Lako City, Ogdon, Omulia and Uounci' Ulull's. JNO. U. OAULT, Gc.noriil tiun't Chicago. II. 1. BTAN WOOD, (Jon oral Tickot Agont, Chicago. a GILDER S SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES Timouun Wizifo) ttmitfo - cast laaTlng Salt L,nk City Dally, rM-nlnK rM-nlnK Uontu to Tinlio, Amcricao Fork, Mount Ncbo, bovier, Irft. GcorKO, Utah; and Piooho, Nevada ; Pass lug through Provo, BiriDpviIlc, Spaniwh Fork.Pay-son. Fork.Pay-son. Salt Creek, Chickca Crcok Hound Valley, l'ill more, Com Creek, Beaver, Miners-vLllc, Miners-vLllc, and All the principal townt and mining cimpa in southern If tah and south-tort Nevada. Also UiTi Corlnm, Utah, dslJfi running north to Virginia City, Helcaa, Fort BcntD, Deer Lodc, Cedar Creek mines, and jins-sinc; through all tho principal Lowes and min iog camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PltlNClPAL. VlfVfVIC, Wells, Frgo S Co. Building j'tjd Silt Lake City Ln W!n!. fl.P. KinibsHl SAlT lake, And Tintic Stage and Express UAlCkl C11 V, Tl- LAHK TOWi TC(fk.l.K CITY, STOCKTOS AMU UPllllt TO Tlft'TIC. Tk. rsnl. h, btrn re-!tod wcl"'j'"i M.r:. V;,'i,V'':"a,':"0':,ty-.ec'.'uIl i!ri!d K,rf. Coo, awaxuJrtlim on the read. TTli'.OIjGri BY DArLIGIIT. Cheap Pars and Quick Time. Orjia tt Walls, Fsrfio Co.'ii Walt Lh cuy' WLNli3 k KIMBALL, wl4 rroprltun. |