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Show , Vai.bstises AT HAi.F-l'Riri.-)wyor j.4 tc! I uif , to-Jtiy. al half-pru't tho b'ft ami Uri;.-st n'.nck of Valentines evr ItmucIiL to tliii riiv, to makn rum for h laryo !.tH'k wi" Xi-w fiook:", Kusii Lou. ttnT 1 fc.'l and Mill Hook?, Lolt-r (Vr-s. Curt! .V', Fine lWkft Cutlery ami Fi'in y GwiMw on tho way. f li li f m i:m her that U wyer is cWinjf out I ho b:i;i!ii' of his lino ttock of Vulon-liiu, Vulon-liiu, at half-price, f 1-1 A- CV IJkckwith is appointed (Jenoral S-jju-rintt-ridcnt and Manner of the Suiuiini L'oul C'lupnny, in place of Nu.-oi-, rv,i(fiitd. .Mr. W. Ik-lding, Atfciil in Sn!t l,nk L'itr. UATKMAN i lih'KL. f 14 Tub IJ braid Bindery turns out -i'k (.spdilioUily. All work w&r-raLud. w&r-raLud. f 1j Buy th k Imperial Oil 150 fire test, the parcel and mi!cji oil in the market. nuS Call at WUOLfc .-j Gents' Furnishing Furnish-ing Store, two doora north of Salt Lake lluu-o, and eee tho old suspenders thrown oil' for tho Celebrated Pivot Action Brace and Suspender, tho best made- f 13 LIGHT for the World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons ot FLUID arrived at Kjcjujk & Cos. dl5 Children Cry for McLnm's Candied Ca-t i Oil and Candied Vormifuga Bonbons. Bon-bons. They aro delicious medicines, and warranted harnilo.-s. Price 'Si cis. P.r bale by Z. C. Al. 1. and all other Druggists. dl U-SK NoNK other but GuiRARDSLLl'8 EAGLE CHOCOLATE. 7 PoR th k Staff ok Lific, aUo cakes buns, crackers, and puru home made candy, wholesnlu and retail, go to the GLUBE BAKEUY. jai Last Year's Magazines and Periodicals Period-icals neatly and cpeduiuusly bound at the IIkualu Book Uisd&hx. 113 Voir Can get your Alagaxines and Periodical- bound on short notice- at the JUkkald Bi.vjJiiKr, Terms reasonable. f!3 (Jiiahs Canyon Coal delivered at JlU.oU per ton. I'll Usk Ghirardelli's KAGLE CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is tho best. jl Graph Canyon Coal delivered at $lu.oO per Ion f 11 Ask your grocer for Ghirardelli'e CHOCOLATE and COCOA. do Gknuink Enolish Gin at Morton's; old "City Liquor Store. fl Oil is selling at retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands 154V. per gallon. Crown- elJinilard TUc. per gallon.. Imperial lo0 tiro test 70c. per gallon. no'J For Valbntiskh of every variety and al anv price, from one cent to ten dollars go to F. KAVBOULIVS, north of the Big Lkx.il. 1VJ (Jko. Siiowkll, Scavenger for the Cily. oa For Sale. Top Onion Seed, in large or small quantities- appiy to Anson Call, Bountiful janl'J LIGHT, Liout, Light. Liv no longer in tho dark. 1U,UU0 gallons of BEST OIL just received at KEESK ds C'b. dlo i If the ''epuool" has attacked your horse.-:, loso no timo in calling on Win. S ho well. Pioneer stables, lind South street, and save money. janlil The Herald Bindery has nn excellent excel-lent book-binder, but ho is not a good book Keeper. Your books will bo returned re-turned neatly bound in a few days, f 13 Epizootic. Din woodey's mules havo got it, but his oxen have not ; thorefor o ho stiil delivers furnituro froo of chargo. nlU A Family Treasure. Tho happiest and best member of a family is usually called tho light of tho household, because, be-cause, besides being happy and cheerful himself or herself, lio or sho makes all olso happy or choerfuL The Cnarter Oak is such a treasure 15 A La hoe stock of FUUN1TUUE U-bo U-bo Mld cheap to t.iako room for new slock, at Joklson, U roes beck' 8 building. build-ing. IW KxLl.Kn'H Winks and Brandies, at Morton'.-; old "City Liquor Store,'' Skt.unu ovr CnKAV, LidioV and Children s Shoes al cost. J Pavne, 2nd South StreeL let''.' ItXl Corps of Wo- d, and plontv of GOOD COAL, at Newman Cv Co.' yard, near depot. Delivered bv ox teams. "f IKayiwjld has tho ben VALENTIN VALEN-TIN KS in town; to prove it rco his show window, norlli of Big Hoot. it Te.v Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by H. Dinwoodey. nlO Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at tha yard, oT Commercial Street, and at the Kailroad Depot. liOOPEK, HAWKINS & Co. j7 GnAS3 Cakyon Coal delivered at $10.50 per ton. fll Caution to tlic Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, tho junction of tho Un-ionPacihc Un-ionPacihc and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where & tirst-class hotel can bo found, and where the bustle and noise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable bouso where the danger of fire, which is apt at anytime lo occur at the depots, is averted. The townofOgdon is half a mile from the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Oodkn Housk. It is well known throuphout America and Europe, to bo one of tho coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden House keeps carriages which aro in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, io convey passengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a. two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. The Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and take charge of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City wnl find it to their advantage on returning re-turning to take the evening train and co in o lo Ogden, thus saving the annoy-aneeof annoy-aneeof rising at 4 o'clock in the morning, morn-ing, jai. H. Diswoodkt is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of bim. ulU Emity Barrklls for sale at if or, ton's; old "City Liquor Storo." fl Bateman & Bubl are receiving Coal from tho Colebrated SP1UGGS MINE, which thoy otl'er in lots to suit. Office over Mrs. Uolebrook's, Main street. Lock Box 4Si W. P. Balding, City Agent. j8 A Splendid new stock of Colored Leathors, Clotbs, Papers, and other binding material, just received at the Ukrald Bindery. fit Tourists and tbk i-ravklinq Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully notified that the Utah Hotel, at Ogden Oily, i a lirst-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, eithor by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to Lake the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure- sookors Ogden promise much lo interest in its excellent Shooi-ing Shooi-ing and Trout fishing, whilo tho grandeur grand-eur of its canvons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the United States. The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Hath Kooms, and run? its coach free of expense lo guest.. The proprietor., thank fill for pat favors, will spam no puics l" please guesU, and will provide gun an I ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages tJ tho shooting or ti.liing grounds, by el-ting el-ting timely notice thereof. JfiupEV & Williams, Propr" to 13 For Parlor Sets in endless variety. : Call at JuKI-son's, G rollback's building. build-ing. IV7 ExceistobCoai., from Kock Springs ! Hitler Crwk- Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulpli nr. Leave orders with J. W. SNF.LL, Idaho Store. jftlT lVhol Tlm haalaiiglit It has taken two thousand years to teach the world that to sustain the body . in its conflict with disease, not to help disease by weakening tin body, is ihe true end of medicine. Wo have th lesson bv heart, at last, however. We know, for example; that tearing doses of aloes, salts, jalap, crolon oil, calomel, eoleynth, etc., are the best allies that a debilitating malady can have in its assaults as-saults on tho human frame: and thai a medicine like Hostetter's Sloniach Bit-ior Bit-ior which strengthens all the bodily power and rallies the sinking constitution constitu-tion is the most powerful antagonist ol the morbific principle, whatever it may be thai iies at the rool ol ihe complaint. Ibis knowledge has been a long time in reaching us, but it is invaluable. W e can now control and cure dyspepsia, bilious disturbances, constipation, rheumatism, rheu-matism, nervousness, and many other painful complaints once considered in-curabie, in-curabie, with this admirable corrective. ' 112 I Soconi-s-0'"Cu'C"Lat if tl,- best in j the world. L'se Gu i raki.fi.li s. t Vandyke Coal. I am selling V A N DYKE COAL at flu at the dej-t. and ill deliver!. L-ave ord-.-r? at Kihn Bros., or at rew b .x in p"St oiiice, or ''pot. Bo sure vou --.-t Valid vk-. Wm. W, Puoge. " " fS Pure Article. All the articles nianufnetured by Steele tt I'ric-, L iiica, o and St. Louis, are composed of tho purest mai-i isis-The isis-The Company Like spc-ci.il pride in having hav-ing their L"ods of the best quality. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Pow-der has maintained its reputaiion for purity anl goodr.eii f.-r tLe last seven years, while their Dr. Price's Special flavoring, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., are said to be uncquak-d by any th ing of the kind in the market. f 1- unci of mm sale. V-0TTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT THE x untierict)oJ will sell at public vendue, to ihe huht bidder fVr cash, at the south i'rni door ui tiio Court 11'.' use. Li salt L:ik City, sjalt Lake County. Tcrritorj of I'tah, on the eighteenth day of February, lfTS, at ok1 von o'clock in iho forenoon, the lollowincdescribLl pr-icrfy and real eM-ito. situated in said .alt Lake City and County to wit: Known and do-scribed do-scribed ai J; rods south front by in rods, north; cvminencing on the south line of lot twu, l.i rods c Jit of the tomh-wust corner of ;aid kt, running thonco north 1U rods, thence east -'-j rods, the no south 10 roUs, thence west rods to tho I'lacc of beginning, binjra mm uf lot 'J, in block eichty-tivo is."o, containing S'luaro rods of ground as plotted in lut "A'' of alt lako City Survey, situated in tho 17th Bishop's Bish-op's Ward of said Salt L;ike City. Tho property to bo osi'ered for sale at said timo ana placo is the samo conveyed to tho undersisned on the Ofihth day ol March. A.L. 1&71, by a deed of trust executed by John W. , Jenkins and fcliia J enkins. his wife, &i pai ties ol tho first part to tho undersicrjed aa parties of tho second part, to soeuro the payment m a certain promissory note dated the eichih day of March, A. 1). 171, wherein and whereby said John V. Jenkins, ono year after date for value received, promised to pay to l'billip rugs ley or order, tno sum ol six hundred and fifty-ono dollars and forty-sis cent;, with interest inter-est thereon al thg rata of two per cent iht month from the date thereof until paid, interest inter-est to bo paid monthly ; which f aid note is now overdue and unpaid. Said deed of trust is ro-corded ro-corded in mortii.ifo record book C, pagos 141, H-, and 1 1-1, in tho County liecorder'3 Uilico of said Salt Lako County, t'l'o which record reier-enca reier-enca is hereby mado for greater particularity. ) Terms or Silk: Said property will ho sold to the highest bidder for cah, tho uiney to be paid and deed delivered im mediately after sale- LEWIS S. HILLS. Salt Lako City, U. T-. J an. zid, i&7i "Gardner Fire Extinguisher Tlie Lust, Bear, C'hcnpcst, ami Most Kllcctlvc. Different from, and SUPERIOR TO ALL QTHE KS OVER A TIKU SAXD FIRES PUT Ol r WITH IT. MORE THAN $10,000,000 Worth of Property Saved by its L"?o, Firo Department- in tho Principal Cities of the Union have adopted them. CHIEFS OF FIRE DEPARTMENTS E"-dersie E"-dersie thetn us run li! sr. It has been approved ap-proved by iK. Socretary of the Trc:k-iiry. for use on Si cam Ve.-1. and :idoptcl by thetiov-ernmcnt thetiov-ernmcnt for tho Army and N:iw. It affords abfoluto iTotifiii-n lYom lire, being :ilwnvs ready lor infant nre, perfectly simple in operation oper-ation and prouiil ;ind eulcient in action. The "Gardner Fire Extinguisher" Is a Firo Department in itself. Price (with Uvoc arse;, chemicals) SjO.OO Extra Charges always on hand.ST.OO per dozen SE.NDFOKTIIKIK RE CO II D. Pacine Const Agency.-Head Offico, Salt Xake City, TTtali KlinbRlt Block, Cor, First South St. JAS, SMITH & CO., ffk-i Gene ml A BCiil fiOTIGE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THIS J. certifies, that Dr. J. D. Lamb holds my power of attorney for this Territory, and is fully authorized to transact all bu-ine.-s for mo. CHARLES F. HAY WARD. I. Salt Lako City, Feb. 1, l73. . iobi:t Fresh Mince Pies E V Kit It DAY nt WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANCS Every day at Wallace's. FRESH rOUXD CAKES Evory day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every day, ntj, Wallace's. LICORICE LOZENCES, The Best TUIng for Cooghg and Cold', for Salo only at ! "WALLACE'S FIRST SOUTH STREET. - SALT LAKE CITY 31 Why do the People Buy the ORGAN! AND Wliv aro all our ORGANS SOLD for three shipments aheail ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalments, anil Purchasers know where the' make the best Bargains. Those who w ish to see the "Estey" had Ivtterj call today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. CIIAS. W. STAYA'ER, tiKXEKAI. AGi;T, No. ,i Main tret. Ncm toS.ira;rp'f ("tallery, alt lke City. To whem it may concerr; rbe n-1;r:c-rl. c'v-n aT;i cwb 1 tK::v(-!-n i -.ft:, -ychsi Scj. .w0 i t-- . in ;hc Ta :. m I.::::o I'vtt.-a-. J:t.-.J h.-:d:Le ixf by deod.' !r.-a ;.o ,-.r;,-.:i! locators: r.d have c h- i -j;;h the laws of Ut dj-trict dj-trict in every re pert. Aid we hercSr c.irti-a U ?rr-oni not tc tmdo. b-as .r b.-tr :'or id cii.n, waicat oar scasoat- C-H. Tl.'SSETT.J A I Tt:'X-:r-n of '.tie UVISS, I iuufAattiaj Itiui First National Bank SAL 1" LAKK CXTV DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGKNT 07 THK UNITED STATES. WitniN licsBT, FrMidont. AriTdUK r Qopei, Ctthloi. Aalborllol Capital, - - S900,0tl9 PAIO UP CAt'ITAL., . Slu,000. KA.aNI.NGS, - (130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 por cent. Oldest Iia,iX-i:ii In<iutijn in Utah A onorrl Hanking Duninoii 'JL'nvnHrtctod. AOrCl.'vS IN COLORADO AND WuN i'ASA. C0LLECT;0S PSOVPFlY ATTENOcD to. lNX.iiirc.-T ALLOWRD ON TIMHC DKPOSITS. flfi WM LAN AHAN & SON, DISTHXKliS AND JOBBERS OT RYE WHISKEYS, W irthsai Sfo.HO Light Street BALTtnORK. mvTl AT THE New Auction House, Wet of Kimball i. Lawrence's, all kindl of UKUUlNQind LOI SOEJ Mi lc to order. Carr-et.i Made. Cleanixl and tT.t d..-n. L mic ic. furr-.it-.ire i-.'.;hM. varno-i ar.J re, a.-J. Kurr. ,: ire ari l l':acj iLOvcd, liuj.e l ai'Crinf and CibvOiLCiiis. J a '. .i a. M. rr.fr, J5o. i.. t r5, w-rv if t;5. TRUE, BURNS &. MARTIN, Real Estate. Mining and Loan Brokers, 09 Klmhill' Rlock, ?.M.T LAK K OH V, TTAil TtKRITORY. t- rt- i. rcrf -i. r..i M; s---m GEORGE CHANDLER Boj? to ir.rrrn h friTl nd jatrcinj th at Oae bloi iouUi of Codir P&st VALLEY li GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE AND OF THE HICHEST CRADE. MANSFIELD-& ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Agent ill l lah for Pinet, Castillon & Co.?s COQJSTAC. Charles Htiliok's CHAMPAGNE. URBAN! WINE COMPANY, AXD DEALERS IN CALIFORNIA WINES, ENCLISH & SCOTCH AL.ES A; 1'OKTER. BAR GLASSWARK, rrc. nil'ORTAM OIESTIOXS:! why ? why ? why ? Why are ihe Sales of the Mason & fllaiulin OUUANS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED Sales of all the other Tea Makers offered in the Territory ? Because their Brilliant aod Bewitching Be-witching Tones entrance tho mind of the listener. Because all tho principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS and J UDGES pronounce them THE BEST. Because hey hive stood tho Test of this trying Climate for more than Twcive I'ears. Because thoy are ALWATSre-couiai3oded ALWATSre-couiai3oded by Purchasers. Because they havo never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Reed Organs in THE WORLD. Teitimonltltfrom Local Musicians and Judges, Or all tho varieties of Onrnnwith which wo are ac luaintoil, wo unhesilatini; y recommend recom-mend tho MASON Jc IIAMlLN Organs a tbo BEiT and sor a to givo purchaon jierlvet satisfaction. JOS. U. RIDGED, Dosienor and BuUdcr of tho Salt Lako Great Organ. CEO. CARELESS, Conductor of tho Tabor-naclo Tabor-naclo Choir. ORSON PRATT. Jus., Teacher of Music, and Organist of Catholic Church. MARK CROXALL, Captain of Salt Lako Brass Band. C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatro Orchestra. JOHN CHAM BE U LAIN, Teacher of Music and Urgani't- E. BEESLEV. Captain of Martial Band. C Y. TAGGAKT, Piano Tuner. Toatinonials from morolhnn Firo Hundred Purchiwors, includinit our uioJt I'rouiinent oiliiens, can ba hud on amtlicduon to CALDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND, AN1 Pacific Railroad. the GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE K0W OI'EX DIHECT TO Chicago and tlic East. A. A. HALL, S. S. STEVKXS. Afct- lion' 1 Sup licncr&l A.-cot, BOOKBINDING. TE ar Tcrarcd t" Hind, in n siiljlantiBl and workmanlike manner, in the Bin dory connected trilh our c-uliii--buicnt, li O OKS, PERIODICALS, M AC AZIN ES. Ac. Ac, Ac Ptif'rti"n. hth asjto l'ri-0! Bnd-Julit ot W oik, g-aa,-aated. CHICAGO ! " M : i7in.DREvs ui ISfi. lt'S A K0 Slate Street, OTril Palmer's Grxnd Hotel, O Xi I a A. o o . SCHOOL, CHURCH , ASP OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES. OH A IKS of all ty les-Sen. les-Sen. oo I Outline Map;. Charts, etc Everything in tha way of So ho 1. College or Cburch K:iure? at LoiT&t Cah iS-iot. Send for illu.-tratd Cat.Uo lip and Price Li5Uo A. H. A.MiREWs CO. j. Jig I i p " M. D. WELLS &, CO , Manufactuion of and Wholesale Dfilern in Boots and Slioes 018 Wkhuh An, Ctalcaco. M. D. Welle H. J. Mwrarlanrf a. BeaedioL m S, P. Mclntyra. PAGE, BRO. & Co., Ipj porters and Dealera in LEATHER AXU FINDINGS "OLD CITV U0TEL CORNER." Corner ol" stat.aBd Lako Etroou. w. w. Pjmjo, BoBton. CIII.'AOO, Orrill. Pk-o, I Ph. . . ILL. C. K.Po ) Onion,. 'The Old Salamander.'' KEMOVA1J VA SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID ) Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have removed io their N ew Stores, B'4 hlo 9-1 L.AK.1C S 1'KttT, corner Druborc atroot, ton toe old eito) mo AGO, bore with buildings erected expressly for thf busineea. Steam Elevators, etc. they b iv, opanei up an immense aiooi. uwurpas.d in tno north w oai. Special attention ciTen to T writ oris b in oss. . ai FIELD, LEITER & CO,, LMroKisaa a.nd jobbers op DRY &0DD3 km CARPETS MADIS0NAN8 MVrtKTR:ETS. CHICAGO. LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST P1UOE3 GUARANTEED. Special Attention Givrn to Orders. Idis N.E.PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. lmmonso stock; and loir prices. I4T Ntate Street, Clilcago. F. & E. JAECER, 73 nbBli Avenue, ner Bandoljili, CHICAQO, ILL., 1MB KIT lroUTKR3 UK CrooVory. China, tlla.'wnjo, Lain, Looltine U)a.-oa, Cutlery, ItritaniiiR and Silver pliilod Uoods. Tho lariiust lioutio in the Wost- dl a. CL AT SCOTT, B- UVIMi"05. w. H. ovlsutoh, e. J- uviaoroji. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Iiniwrtors, Whnlalo and Retail 1 JJuulors in CfflESI Sill BLASSL PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED WARE, LAMIAS, CUTLKRV, MliillOltS, &c.( No. 213 West Madison Su, Chicago, J1L a cddlng ind llolldnj- UIHs, Glaia and China Wade to Ordtr. OVIXOTON DHnTHKUS.?f.ClR,:fl & K2 Kull.in Mf.Tl. (Wookljn, .N. 1". Ruo De l'aradis i'Hns. rkviiti Side (.'(fir, with Fninplw T"r Wh'le-saleUnly-)1" Mii-h-.n Mn,".. C.nuT lull) Ai 'niioltooms H. U. bAA'iE. Manaiter. noJl N. MATS ON & CO., Importers and Vtoloalo Dealer in WATCHES, DIAIYIONDS, Jewelry and .Silverware, Con nAPISHU A MOSnoK STB.. CHICAGO, ILLS., Oi rtiiito I'.lm.r. tinnd lloloL dl'l HERRING'S PATtNI CHAMPION ni'.Eand DI RGLVR PIIUUH SAFES! Tie Bsst kfts in the H'orld I IIEUIilXG & CO.. 46 State it rect, and corner Hth Ftreo and Indiana AvcoaP, CHICAGO, dK7. Birii2s! b::in Birp.h LM1DELL ,V I!R0L ll.r..j:it .r.v.irej ..-,:..a:e-t of GENT ' CLOTHING, 1M.Y GO S. ULAXKETS nj NOTIONS, hL-h tbey Lave ;s.tr ;.Mior.5 to ci.ff out REGIBDLEST'CF COST- TLi-j uave ai;o rvi-;v(d a fi lor did lice of STAPLE i FANCY GilOOEB!:S . PROYiSlONS, IVhih they are selling CHEAPER hai tha CHEAPEST. IVn-t :r-et -h- i iao, afewdooks x.'i;:Hft:iiie ivsi orncu novli CHIlCL" rSAUS;." JOHN V. FARWELL 4 Co wholesale; notions, DRY GOODS, AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. bit!! J.W. BUTLER & CO Manufak-turor! and M holn!o PAPER DEALERS, Ol-KICK AN 11 'KT SUK STORK: ii i. 'i Somh JfSfiiou Mreett SOI'TII SII'KSTOKK; 345 .1-1 7 Si Air Vied, CHICAGO. Print. TtV, flat Cap. Ko!io, Mivliunii, H.MnVs Kulcl and vln-.l. Vrititmc tion. Curd I'.oar.iL Mm iv and "orsri'-mt'-'a!'"!' pur P.aii. jani IIAMLIX. 1IAI.K &"co7, WtlOl.ESAl.E DEALERS DRV GOODS, MT10XS, "W"OOT,EISrS, AND HOSIERY, I'utM.I OF MAUISOX A FH4.NKL1X STREETS. i ulCAOO. JTEW TJRK QtlOTAI IONS AtWAYS FOUOWtB, el KEW YllHS. ThAUE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co. ManuUoiorer nt Wholaaala botUtn io BOOTb AND SHOES 134 and 130 Onnil St., Nw ork, Onrner Crtohr, ne hleek aaat of Broadway d!4 L. M. BATES Sl CO., i a ai Urodw7. kCW YORK, UlroaTiu akd JOBBiat tm Fancy Dry Goods, HOS1EUV, WULTK SOOD8, WOOLE1NS, SHAWLS, TAXKKi. rOTIOXS, Sec, J. ,1. Bm.niCH. ai TK0S. M. ARliALL fit Co. Men', Yonth' Roth' nd Chlldran'i G Ti O T KINO, AT WUOLKSA.1.K, 313311 Uruadway, Kw York. B.OOWLK8. (27 JEHIAL READ & Co., Jdannfactnrari and W kolwala DaaUr in V V It AM) WOOL II ATS, Straw Goods, Umhrril-u, $-c, Ho, 40 H, Uroxlwij, N KV YORK. J. Jim Dnn .jr. j divorces! BSOU'TK IHVUHCIN l,KiMl,I.Y OH-."A OH-."A tninod in dilliT.'in -tti- I evury wlicre- dwi'rti.i'i. fc'tni-ml niiwn mil Mr., Hiillicioiit I'dini1 nn iii)ili ill ri'imrnil. no i'liHrt:o until ill i nrco titmiti'd ad i loe free. Call ..n r addn-M JOHN FULTON, nnm-fllor m I.kw, Xo. im KKOAUW A V, XlilV VlUtK CITY d". Fl yoi k Houses "WAini Bran Mash, HVJi Y, A DAY. 40,000 HIS, OF MUX Jil rccclvi'Ll and for sale KWOVLDSH'S. L-ii' lrt a "it'- 'y wheo you can iid all will lie O K- GEO. II. KM)WL1)E.V. Grain Dcal'r, WI'-'T mr. MMN STIIF.KT. FURS VV hHT ED. Higii9st Cas.li Prion P.rd fir Furs. AL-0 jinvan, Cunri V.'UMeialo ,nl Krt.il. Til-'V.AS rAl'.TKIl, At Elwl Erj'f. un loi i.lt Ltk, Ilutua. |