OCR Text |
Show KEHRY WAGE M ER, Slt Uke City, ttah, CALIFORNIA BP.EViEnY, Lit. Kit BU1H, ALE A.D PUKTMI. StXOSD SOUTH STSilST, thrc dcors eat Uluw: 5 lure. octi CHAPPED HABDS & FACE, Sore Lips, Dryness of Sklu, etc., clc Cured at onco by IIEGEMAN'S CAMP1J0U ICE W1TU (JbYUliKl-NE, It kec.s tho hands suit in ull woathor. Soo that yoa not UEli UMAX'S, aold by all Druggists. Only 2,ricoiil9. Jhinuraclured only by IIkgksia.n &. Co., Chomists and Druggists. A'oir 1'ork. d2o SI ?I ILIA SLrllLIBUS CURAXTPR HUMPHREY'S UOMEOIMTIIIC SlC-IJt'ILS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an on tiro auccoas: Sim-plo Sim-plo l'rouiiit Ellioiont and Roliablo. They aro tho only modioinos iiorfocily adapted to popular uso so simple that mistakes can nol bo uiado in using ihom; so harmless as to bo froo from danger, and so olhciunt as to bo always roliablo. Thoy havo raiacd tho highest high-est oommondation liom all, and will always r on dor salLjfaclitQ. Nos. Corns. Caro 1, " 1 overs. Congestion, Inflammation8..25 2, " Woriui, Worm k'avor, Worm Colic. ..2-5 i, " 'i"yis-Colieor toolhing of Infanta. ..25 -1," IMu.rrUicu.of Uhildron or Adults....26 5, " Uyaeutury, Uriping, bilious Oolic.-26 t, " l lioUiu-.llor Dim, Vomiting 2-3 7, " t'uugHj, Colds, Rronchitis l2o ii, " SicurulglM, l'uoihacho, Facoacho. 25 9, " JUuadaclici, Sick; Headache, Vertigo 25 10, " lysiii:itu,ifiilioua Stomach ,2o 11, " Siiircs3ca, or Painful Periods !2j 12, " W in leu, iuo Prof uso Periods 2o ia, " Crui, Couk-h, Dirlicult 13reathing...i H, " Salt Khcum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. lj, " ItlieuinmlBiu, Khoumatic Pains lli, " l ever hui! Ague, Chill i'ovor, Agues 50 17, " 11 lew, blinder bleeding w 1, " OiiUtliluiiij-, andsoro or weals Eyes 50 , 4'ntnrrli, acutoor chronic lnlluonia..jO JO," U liooiiluy-t'ougli, violent coughs 50 ITl, " Atiiuin, o.prossed lirc.nliing .ju JJ, " tar Dbi liui te, impaired bearing 00 Si, " Scriitl. onlarod glands, irell- ings 50 I, " tltiiccil Uob.liij-, phyiioal weak ncss 50 li',, ' Dropsy and meanly ccruiions "'") ' .s-ii-.leltiies, sickness from riding-0U LT, " Kliliiey-IHift:, tiravol .60 Jo, ervoil Ocbiiily, Scmliinl i;iiiuiisioiiB, involuntary Diitrh.iri.-os 10U l ive li ita, with ono SJ vial of owdor, vorv nccoosary in sor- 2!l. ' Sore .Himi li. Canker .i r.i, - i rliiary tK.ltSB, wtlttias betL-VJ ,il, " I'uliifiil 1'trluils, wuh i.juia VJ " Stirtcrliia at chanso uf lifo 100 Si, " i:iilepy, opasuis, ol. Vitud' Dance 100 ji, ' Dlpilicrla, ulcerated aoro thxoat....jij FAM.LY CAStS Of ;i3 to GU I.iirije vlal, toiiluliiiiiij u apetillc for evtiy orillnnry diitnic a. fnnilly Is subjit-l to. iv ml books ot ulroellou8,..Jrvui $10 to $35 Sainllur Family and Trnvel-1"b Trnvel-1"b leases, with JU to 2b vials, from 53 to SS 5ic-iuc for all l'rlvit.e 1U-tr:.cs, 1U-tr:.cs, lj. ;h :.rt''irlii. inl fur l'riniiiivt treatment, in vUls ! and 1'oca.tt cased.- S'i to S3 I ! i-'tnuT Extract, ; urc II urn lirulscs, LmueneKS, i t tirs, bore i liroat, Spralim, Toot li ar lie. rl.ir.if lie, "r tu .il sit, Kticiim.iilsiu. l.umbj;o, lMlcs.IIul 1, ! Mlli;, .Sore 1. lilttfiluc of I tic I I.uui;, Nose, Momndi, or ot Pllcj j Curua, l Iters, Old aorci. I Price, 6 oi 50 cenUj IMnti, 31.00 ; Quarts. Si.Zj. CB-Theie ren:e-iics. es-crt POND'S EX-TK.CT. EX-TK.CT. by ;h t? cj.;'.' vr sin.lo b. .i, aro sent to ar.y ; ir: eif.::itry. by m.id or exiress, 're-; f ch. i7-a. on reueipt of tiio price. Ad-lir.js, Ad-lir.js, HiiiriiJhrcyo' S;ccifs Hcnieopatic Medicine Co. Q'Vno rvr.d Dcrot. Xo. Zc2 EnoiDiTAT, ew ; z;v all dkugglsTS, A J -t - C. M. I- ard Gudbe'i Drug Sti-rfc 1 s.) to s-ii) k:i .;:A;-;.;;;:.- ; ti.-; :r ia.rjii G. sticica Jt Co-, P' rt-I rt-I liiOj JdJJJit jli SPECIAL ADVE11T1SEM ETS WANTED. I A GIKLT'J L KNKKA1. ll-t.-KW- 'P.K. A Aifly tv Mn. JlLh 1. L'auie. J-'lb U .ir L let'J WOMAN W.AMKl) F"i: A SM1-1- ,f r. -. .J..JJ , t.. (. vr3. i:. ..1j;. aid. A i.-rsvn Uiiy i-all U- Hriman'i link. Stv:. t-u dvor, (i-u-h vl I'-jil ULi-. lbi roa S.VLE. the u:f rtu two yeaks of a 1 v-ry J.-Mra,lo .I..-,- u .Vj.i . '"T "VeD IiV. lilts' i'Valuu. !' Urn 'H iilotk. Rbli fOil KENT. FIl'.'T ri.ASS f .I'FlCEj TO KENT OVEK t irsi uuoual pjjiiti. ja'-Al ESTKAY. FH'.'.M TilE 1 1 ENEKAL TI'ITI I NG YARD, i. ne Pay .Mare, IT L-ii.ds bi--ti, and im "tnalHiroy H-.r, with un Im .-'.iM.t. l;.lh liad h:ilu-r.t..n. Any inlriniti-'n nfilicir wheroainiut.1 will ho thanklully rBtieie-l at the Gcueralflitiiing ,-turu. fob lli CAM K TO .MY PLACE, AT WAUM ttl rins. on the 2"tli of January, ti hi'tlur Call", red uridhn,-, ,,-rop and bulo in riKht ear, and hulo in leli c-ar. The owner can havo il by paying lor advertising and trouble. fobll UtO. li. JoXKA LODCilXG CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A low lodgers and buurdors. En.iuiro al this Urtico. j-1 r?-'t DH. GROVES, 1 1 Office, Booitcd outh t-troet. Three doors west -( Great W cstern lioiel, half a block oast ef .Elephant Olore. Wall Lake fity. Ollioo hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p-m. mil Aryoiita Lod't, No. 3, A. F. fe A. fll. STATED Communication of this Lodgo held on tho First and Third Tuesdays of each month, at Masonio Hall, East Toiiiplo strceL Members of fci-tor 1,.Jl;os and to-inurninu to-inurninu brethren in good standing are cordially cor-dially inviLod. A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W.H. nrUD. Poc'y. d'J) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALTLAKE THEATRE. ISEXEFIT OF W. T. HARRIS, Stugo Manager. Friday, Feb, 14th, 1873. Will bo iTesenled tho beautiful and romantic Irish Urania, entitled, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEfi. GRAND CONi'HUT. To eonoludo with tho laugbablo farc, ontillod ICI CN PARLE FRANGAiSE, HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Columbus, OHIO. Cash Affota, Doc. Jilst, 1S72, SS00,730,76. Cash in Bank and Govornmont bond-- t.S7,Ci! 35 ilorlitafjo Loans, Collateral Loans, and Hills Koceivablo liiti,:KH Hi) Docombor Proiniums 7."i,w Ul) Koal Estalo, l'cr-imal l'roi)orty, and A(,'om;y Jialaneofl KS.Jiai 1 1 All other Securities &i,62li IS This Company issuos Policial insuring nBiiinst LOSS or DA M AGE by FIUE or LIGHTNING! on Uwollinu Houses and contents, barns and contents, Churches, School llousos and Public Uuildioiss lor a terms yf yoara at favorable rales. Business Buildings, Mcrchandiio Stocks, EUujt'irftJrtfttat' ratos ivin'l;ii,,'wirTiirniHh indemnity to tho insured and protection to tho cauital employed. Small linos u sitocialily. M. A. iJAUOUEilTY, Trcst.; J. PEJiTKEY, Bccrotary. fob Hi II. It. MANN A-.Co., Agents. We Claim Thai tho PRINCE ORGANS are tho beat ever offered to the Citizens of this Territory. WE CLAIM Tho PRINCE ORGANS aro superior to all others in Power and Quality of Tono, Variety of Efforts, Beauty of Design, Excellence of Workmanship, And Durability. PRINCE ORGANS havo been in use in Utah for Twenty Years, and their tono tc-day is of better quality than when first purchased. They stand the climate perfectly and im prove with ape. To convince tho Public that these Organs are all wc claim for them, WE CHALLENGE All other make of Oreans now offered for sale in this Territory to a trial, satisfied that tho judges selected to determine their merit will return a Verdict in favor of the Prince Organ. This is no braegndocia. Wc mean i what we say, and from and afier tins day wc hold oumelvcs in readiness to test our $125, $150, $170, $,j(tO, and $250 Prince Organs against any and all Organs offdrcd for sale in Utah, at corresponding prices. I J. DAYPJES & SON. d2 2 doors caotof Gudbo'a Drug .-liro. PUBLIC SALE MINING STOCK. "YTrcE: is. hereby riven, ib.it th onder- hishca bidder fur rash, a: the Lar uCico of .1. .lunaiivn, uvj doors beL.w 120 If Lake Houie." cn K.i -t Tern r In y:ret. .-.il' ..akoCirv. L nh T-rni.-ry. 1-nd.iy. tin- -'h day 01 tehruary, 1-7 :, between tlio hours II and iu o'eiuck in tho ii-reco-n. jnhurdred V .'hares. 01 -hu r.omin.Ll v:iluc ol' I 'r.ly-n-re d'-'Har.-ca.-h ot" itj cat.iral Fr o: :he "Deieret silver. Mining a::d Juielipr t'oru- ; under :h laws ofthe sti:e of'.Mi -ijiri . be-ir.5 be-ir.5 certiici;c o. 1 r2, V i, j. and l:'.. 01 '..no hundred shares each. The said -hire? ct" to be o3rsd f-r .ale ad to bo sold at aid time and v a-. ar he .'lite wfci'jh have been 1 !a-ed lj LamDerer ai cullateraj ec-nty tor the 1 mc; i: hi' conain iTonjif-arv c. d::-ed Juno ':h. 1-TJ, ibrthe ii:oi ol' 'it ti-ur.nd dollar?. r-'''ab!e on the tir-t day of Jarnnrx 'ia-:ava l'.-ar-. nana X.hn D. ii' ' u --aLl- a; I1-' ran o: me 1 -rcba- zoy it-.- "-l-r Ja-mir-m L- 0.;V-. 1 Mir.x.- I1:-" trft. Col;:.:v v s,lt J.k. a-d T-rrn-ry 1 ta; wL' -aid -am t -:L-?r wiih !ntei: :zere-n. at lha ra;..- eleven 1 er ci I er i:.x.:Mir.'U::ni:! :ih day Jue, li - ov,-: ;JV tir.; .i d. h-;as.wi.---Tiwi..f I i:.e a,"-'vc -tares .trii. -Li ; iL-j ;aid"r..,ie. h-r--in "ti'o 'aii a::i au-.h.T; 1 v.r. l-rA.-Vd 10 'AT 1 .rjzuar3 r. te - : aid z c i Wi LLLA M S'-HAL'K. A;tgraey. ?al: Lake City, iebruarr j, l;T 1 l TF1II FIRE-CRICK I'O." W. U. CH!II"LM. 1 C. W. HEX MUX 1'rt-id.nu I I'reai. A S-c'y. Wy. T. M.U'ilEH'a, .Sui eriniecdenl. Capital Stoik, SJU.00O. Wo nianufaL't ire at Salt Lake City and Lehi. Make h ire-ilrk-k, Fire-Cenent, Frcct (hand-ireSi.-d 1 Building Uriek, Sto 0 Lrn-k. Crucibls. Kurt, e-, Ac Kaw inalet ill not snriiajM'd in any tnrt .1 liio world- o iue LbUl, Linyhiui and othtr elin-s. . T. Mmhews the Sn pel intendoU has kil l'U.j... ofiv. rki in Alt,LaVeCiti-.nl-ar,l..h!i-m n'. tamidirid Witm. l'ri.-e .N v. M. -Main Slre. a'. . IU.nm.tfst.l!ic.) W u wi'l inrni-h t irw-Urn-k and all fre material ma-terial cheaper than ihvy can be iiui -TloJ. and ol bcf.T M..ali-. H o 1C4 no all fumo m.-n t" call, i'lfu-iirkks madu to i l-n. Urderi Our Mr. MATUEWS is asont Ut S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s I'atcnt Corrucuted Mctalie Shini.-'e, lri-n Iw'.'iins, i'..rrur-atod Iri.n Honrs. h 11: ti-r". etc.. ttc. ilaiiiuacturoil at L'hiL-tti;o, lllini'is. Specimens can bo tvooi at tho office of tho Cuuiiany, where cuimacb oan be mail C. W. UEXSKir. s. S-joo.ooo iustbibutIok Grandest Scheme of the Age. 10.1 CASH lis $501000 ! Capital Cift $100,000 1 $100 000 for oniy $10 l!y authority of a Spucuil Act of the Legislature-ot March 1'ith, lh"l, the THIRD l;BIIB BIFT CONCERT I For thohenofitoflho l'l'BLIG LIBKAKY OF K liXTl'OKV. is horoby announced to couio olT in tho uroat ball ol tho 1'ublw LiUraiy building, at Louisville-, K unlucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concort tho bost musical talont that can bo procured from all parti of tho country will bo ouiployod.and the onoruioua sum ot" $500,000 IN CURRENCY ! Will bo distributed by lot among tho tickot-holdora tickot-holdora in U),uuu Uifti every ono of which will bo cash. LIST OF UH'Ttf. Ono Grand Cash Uift flDO.OCM) Ono Urand Cash (.i ill iiO.tW) Uno Urand CiLih liift 2.rMW Uuo tirand Cosh Uift LU.OK) Ono Crnnd Cash (lift 10,UUO Ono Grand Cash (lift a.ot 24 CiUih (iilts of Sl,iRMleuch 2I.IH") 50 Cash liifla of w oiieh HO CiihIi (iiftaof 400 oneh .LKW UK) Cash (iifu of 1(00 oacb :m Ciush iiiits of aw ouch :),ihn) im Ciush I ills of 100 each fill.UHl 9,000 Cash OilU of lit each uo.ooo Total, 10,000 Oifta, all Cash SOW.UOO Tho objocl of this Third Uift Concort is tho onlarnomont and ondoivmont of tlio I'ublic Library of Kentucky, which by tho Bpoeinl act uuthominK tho concort lor ils bonolit, is to be forever froo to all citizens of every state. To provido moans lor ibis maxBihcont und liniisonortlu1 undertaking, Ono 11 undrod Thousand Thou-sand Tickets, and no moro, will bo sold at lb following prices: l'HICE OF TICKETS. Wholo Tickets 810, llalvos 55, nnrl Ciuartors $.:u. Elovun Wholo Tiokots for SJ1KJ; iM for ill-Vi; oil forS-'iOO; for S1.0U0; US5 lorf.WJ: .".T.'il'or S.',iKK; l.ltiO for Slo.OOO: -;.m for S20.0O0; and i,lKN) for S'i0,0U0. iS'o difcount, on losa than f HKi worth of ticket at 11 timo. This Third Uilt Concort will bo conducted like tho lirst and second heretofore given, und lull particulars of tho luodo of drawing ibo gills mid paying thorn and everything no-cci:-nry to 11 thorough understanding of I ho rchoino, froiri beyinninc to end, aro now published pub-lished in Iho for 01 of a ciroulur, wliich wilt bo furnished, froo of coat, to any ono who wan Ls iL Tho entire monagemont of this undertaking THUS K. UKA.MLI'JTtE, lato tiovornor of Kentucky, to whom all coiuinunicalicns por-taiuing por-taiuing to the Cift Concert aaould bo ad-drociod. ad-drociod. It. T. DURKKTT, I'rosidont P. L. K. JOHN S. CAIN, Secretary F. L. K. For further information enquiro nt Zabris-kto'a Zabris-kto'a Saloon, Ball Lake City, or to K. il. TilUMt'dUiN, j22 Virginia. Nevada. ut jt CHEAP BOOTS UO TO Taylor & Cutler's o xnnl ftnr UL,U51' OUT TIIEIR WDfTJiK STOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OA.K COOKING STOYES C11EA PER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH TJIEY ARE OEFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries AS LOW IX PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2 lb Cans fresh PEARS and PLUMS 35 ceots. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. murlfi Everybody Wants O.XE OF THOSE NICE CHAMPION ipgiar Washing Machines. 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR. Price -$10.00. Lidica Call and see them. Chas. W. Stayner, General Agent, So 3 Malu Street, Salt Lake City Lianll FLUX FOR SHELTERS. The oxJor-irr:, havirr Loin afi-oiatcd . S' le Accclj TurUuh. of the eelebmed Ilem-atice Ilem-atice Irt.n Ure of U': omin,- Territory, ioh-it the 1 at.ro r a of the rarirj.. ru reacts bel-er-12 lib '.j be tiie LJca; lion i lax ever tiilered the ratlic OrJen tiled at b'.rt lc-Uco. Ari ly w CORDON & MURRAY, Half Block Sonth B. B. Depot, Salt Lake City. j2l PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. roil THE SPUING, 1S73. Having couiIctcJ our extensive Alteration in the RETAIL BEY GOODS DEPARTMENT i OK ,.i,1,. -rr.ni.cinotirs fr SS'c Itvx to a-3'.ire our numerous P;ilrous wn t.liall Kxhilitt )'r ilicir Inspection A ('HOICK NELEl ;IM P SEASON A Itl.K DRESS SATINS, TRIMMINGS, Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. Wo have added to our varied Stable Ladies' Underwear, etc. And placed this Department under tho o;iro ol' an accomi linhed Tady Clerk. H. 15 CLAWSON. 8upt. DU6FKB & SONS Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, caps, Lviis, & liUm:' n;t:sT At a small advance o o o t , To make room fbi SPUING lJTJ3lCI-l7VSEh?. Big Inducements OH'ered. GrX-o;xl Hcdixctioii IN TUB I'llICES OF Winter Clothing. CLOTHING OEPmMT, Will dispose of the balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, paints;, vests, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At greatly reduced prices, to male room for (heir spring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT 0 p SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to oIoeo them out. A PINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS, To meet the demand created by the prevalence of tho Epizootic lM'!lsl1 . 1 American Suiliiiffs, tin:rs au lCasHiiMjresi!! great variety and latest .lyles. Men's and !, ,.lts of the latest fashions, fvom lie nrst . es in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OK HOME MADU CASSIMHRKS AND JEANS 1, WniCH WK 'INVITE INSPECTION. JJiAr'B' lv MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLARS AND "iiunJiiOiAB, GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. A I.!. THE jVKWKST stvm;s F hats ANDCAP W1LL MPER & DECORATIOM IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department r t , induced us to make rr FaU aad Winter Tr-de- Tailors Motions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent."' jom;i-ii tDiuj.vsiir, CIVIL .; N (i , iN K ,.. J(i U. S. MI.VKI: .M. AXI; ni:iTIV Sll:-i.l'jlll-ul: fl.,11. SALT LAKE CiTY BOILER WORKS, All kicJi uf Laii'icarr. ,-tit, or Loci,,- tr.e BOILERS, and TANKS, Ma ie or F.i ai.-o-I. RKAPFIl AND voWF.ns AND TiIKt!II.Nt; WA';itI.VK, K: aired ::1 'J". in r.uOTi.i? Or lc-r. Boiler- lad ii.es h- u.cl in'Lan-e Orderj by Tclecrnh or Mail i-rymj-tly f I J0H.S SLuAJi S CO.. ?rorJrioU,r), MiJM.v d ins & IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN Oi'KHATIO.V. -ill kinds of D:.r.c ,e i,r . thor;c! w(jcc J l!u? LMiHrnte.-d. AUKXTii iolt THE CHIT FITII & AV'EDGE VERTICALSTAM ENGINES SAW PRILLS, S3 jj, 3 w Sh'nylc and Heading Machines NOTICE. rE MOST lllPECTl'TL-LY CALL tlio nttuution ol llici'ublio to a lH-rtion of tho t'tb" Urdinanct in rolntion to ymrautin .1 hTi.a' Ci.istor, ( Ottnrnntino W. F.'AmiChsus. ) 1 tiytii'ium. Salt LukoXitj-, Ir'ol). S. Sr.r. S. Tlmt if nny .0rM.n or versntii sliallbo fninnt in nn uiiliL'.ihliy i-ninlii inn fruiu nny fnin it Kuiii.-. tlitti3i, Willi in Ibu ulurttAuiil tiuttr-ii tiuttr-ii nt urn Iiinii", t li "liul I. ii in iliujiitlKxiiiem uf l ho Mi ul ti.-iiril .it tjimtittilino ib.i falcly of t La 1.01.11 Ft' lultvUtl, or llio imltlii', plmll rondor mu-Ii m'liin l-'"':lr , bit tivjiiirfil to roiuot o Lin lint lib. Io Mli'li I'laco, tt it bin html limits i -ii id A miiy ill r ot't; and if nny mu-Ii iirfn bull nui-bvl or rt-luati In comply tlifrownh, it ?bi.U " tho dmy ol' mid llnurd to liuto it il..ii,.m ihu oM'oii.-o ol md lu-ts.-n; ami if in tint JluUliifllt ul Said l.uurd it it hit 11 bo deomt-d in ln iiui ul idiu'ti o! ulii'do lor tuvro ami trail" meat, llio .-Hid lt.mrd .sliull rouiol ttioMrK-t iiiii run tilling of mid iduro ol abudo, by ciiMni U. In- kt'i't tliii'l;it'd fuiii'ii'uinisly iliinnK ttia i.triud -I thinuitr, yollutv ila uj.on m-h l'rMni-o,-, wol 1 ils bv cv-lnbli.slnni; u suitnl Htornoitr thu sumo, by Kit hib nntico in tho must I'liblif uimiiHT j'tiiflii-iililo ihitt .mid j.ro-mitiM j.ro-mitiM nro iniWliul ; imd 1'urtlior by rittuliting und iToliibiUUK itinronj nml osroM to and i rum find iirt'uiiitt'?, unlil nil duiiR'T Irotu inloctmn LlnTi-iii i-lin.ll but 0 I'l'iuod, md tho uiuil thoi-uii,li thoi-uii,li HH'iiMiri'i lor di-iui-fliiif: f-iil iTcmiBM nluill hnvo born tnkon. And if llio olltvtinf nny porMOi bo itnind in a condition liiiblo lo oiijjondiT con Hik urns dsioM, thi'Piuuo slut It Bt lie di.iiTotiun ot llio .iiiiirtiniino ihcici&n. bo rouiut ftl or dustioyotl ul llio oon.o ol tha ownur ilion-ufi uml in tho ot out ot iho rcmotl u! any nurson so inlivii'd, tlio ituiimbi's trom tvlii.-h timt romiito.l.ftmUhohnuntliuldthu.g oMmiod, fthull bo r-tnctly .imirBiitinoil until nil Uuiirr of hi Too I urn xbull hut u inuoud; nml siifh mriisiiroi ltir tlio inniicntiuii u( tll inoiiiisi-N sluill bo tnkon, ili in tliojudKtiiont uf ho ijuiirtiutiuo I'bjuu-iuud tlinll b iivcoj-siiry. iivcoj-siiry. Hie. I. Tlio nuniat of all iiunrnnt!no idiy-sifinnn idiy-sifinnn nhnll bo iiubli.ibod in somo notrsnM)r printod in Still l.iiko City, during tho conlinu-utu'O conlinu-utu'O of tlio cotitacion. All iiliysifiuDi or uthor i-ofMins hut mi; nny KiiohIoiIko uf tha oMsifiifo ot nny nuilin-jnt imiuukious dit-oimi, dit-oimi, or hut iiiK TfUMin tu boliovo nny nuoh disiuisooxitls. nro horoliy reijuiroil lo report llin sutiin furllnviih tu n ijnuntutiiut i'liiciRti und idiy-ifiiins, unn-os or nny othor iorautis, who lint o boon, or nluill bs oxi-uso,! U) auch fontuyiuu dii'iiio, nro horoby lurbiddon lo uiiiiulo tilth, orbo in tlio iirctionco ot'uthor, .-ubjivt to ibo (.'untiiKiun, in auoh cluthina ivi ilipoaso, or oilioriWM) umu:o uuy iiurauo to sue It con tui,' ion. .Sif. fi. Any iior.-on nonlootinu or rofnfinn In cuniidy tt nil ihonboto iciiiitoiiii'iiin, fhiill ho linblo to u lino nut I'M-ofdiiiu ono luiiulrod dullurn, or bo iuiirioiii'.l not to oM-oud tii uioiilha, vr bulb liuo und iuiiirmuutnonU foO EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. TFio i!aoe lor tho publio to buy. Tkasdel & Co. Wiotor Shaw's and Drown Goods, Teasdel, & Co. Flannels, Nubian, and Olovea. Teasdel & Co. Ilomo-uiado UdoU nnd Shoos Beat in tho Toaritory. TEASDEL & CO. SuRara, 'J'uaa and CoiTcoh, Choaw, iiacon and Lard. TEASDEL &, CO. Clothing, Haffl, Shirtaand lurnishiDg Gooda. TEASDEL & CO, Carpets, IluirB, Mats and Curtains. Cur-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Blcos Sewing Machines. Wear loDor and aro less liablo to pet out of order. Tho beat io tho World. No trouble to show Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all tho traios and any part of tho oily free of ohargo. TEASDEL & CO., Kaat Templo Street. Oppwilo Salt L.ako House. ARTISTS, ATTEXTIOX! rrirr: hfAuu uv intKrrnK.s or tub l bc'i-rf.-t Ajiri.'iilinial and Mannlartnriog .--?l'.'ty .,ll.,r;i itliii i inn ; lift v d.,:i;iM V: th Arti-Li i.f I tab T-rritry b.r Ibo b'-t df-ifii fur a iJii.luujiu Tin! l:.,;inl uf Iirwfr.' t" ho the awarding com tn iti.-o. r.-rvimr th." "ht t" withli'dd I In: utiard if in ih-ir joJxm-nt w durn -nllicitritly in'-rit"ri-.u i pr'-ontod f'f Cfiiii-i-titiun. Ii-.i-ii will bo reito'l Ai.rillM. Att;,r,l to bo announc-xlAlTil i'Ak. Jly unlet uf till I!.,.ir,l. j;in -y, KmHT. I- f.'A.MI'HKI.I,, bccrArr. I. FfiOll' VOIR STOCK, THE IMPORTED TIIOKOUGUUHKD DEVON BULL Young "Washington, Is ono of the Gnoil brM Devon iJulls in tho Pedigree full and Complete. Half breed Devon Cows arc splendid milkers Half breed Devon Oxen for work and speed aro unsurpassed. 1 'P..'-- who wil tu inii.ror" their jtH -po tbi--i.li.ndid animal at the MublM "1 r- II. li- CluMfaoD, iiorih-woal comer uf too Ut" Ward. , , w Terms, fl in Bdvaao. Knqnin ot r- , Saim at UtSiablw. M |