OCR Text |
Show DEERE & Co., ,,'.V.,r:' v. - - .-.V Miuiufucturord of tho Rcnulno toxJiisr3: plow. ! Tho-o Tl.'w hnvo f.-r the ivt qusrtnr of n foiiiurv ni:inu.iii''.l Uio roi'uiaiioa oil iho Ijc-l t'buv lit u-r. All ai-miinn Mdino I'lows beat tho brand j flu'Viu in tho abovo cul. ills WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. Hl'ilR t.i in-onn tho rwi.Iorit. of Salt Lsko Of- ami virinifv, fh.it ho rvt only iriiirin!.. t rn'i'iTtv Ri'iviir, Olo.in r.A A.l.-!i-t Wnt.-lioy nr,, rhmnl-i:n'i0P'.b:it ho T1 I ni;i' . th.-'ii ..r i :i part of thorn, to ordor, and warrant lie work. Iii'l r.-c n.'n- uri'Iv of Flcin. Swiw nat.-lios, ar.i & :':no M ok of tintla-s owoln-. Priftw tf a.) any ia tOWB. Two BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO BANKERS KAKT TKnPLE STUEUT, 8nlt Lftk Cltr. Dc&len in GOLD DUST,C0IN AND BULLION. Exchange on all the Principal VitUt of the United State and Europe. Particular attention iriven to CoMoctioni and proceeds remit u-J at Current rate of tichiDKo on day of pajuiont. GEO. E. WUlTSitY, Attoraey- COltltKSPO.MJKSTSi Bank of CalifomU 8n franciscs L k Wnller - . Mew Vvtk O.vk County National Bank - CbicAcu Uwkell Bank gL Un,9 StL Bauk of XcbraeV - . Oniiha . Bjli WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers Id Exchaus DraiUon Earop. i.urope.in CoIIocuods prou:;jtly atlciidu-i to. Kmt Tmpli Strt, ba.lt Lk City. ml2 Ihio. g. Teact, Asont. First National Bank of Utah 'SALT LAKE CIIY. . Special Advertisement on Till r J SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANE Halt Lako City, XJta.ii 1?cr.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 Be 11 J. M. Dullall, frcndcut. Hugh White, Culilor. HlMPSTIAD KlKKfATKIOK. AttomOTfl. :CORRESPONDENT8l NEW YORK National Park BaDk. SAN P.iANCIriCO California Tniat (.'ci L0JSJ0N Jay Cook. AlcCulloch & Co. fria DE8ERET National Bank OP SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capita, - $200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. BIUUHA.M TOUN'tl. PrciJont, 1 U.. KLDRKb-iU.Vicorroit, I wm. 11. liuuriiu, W a. J ES N LNiio, biroctora. JulIN SIIA1U'. J. T. Li ri'LE, L. S. llLULd, Uaauior, DKAL IX GOLD Dl'ST, COIN, KXCHAHUlv, LAM) VAltltVTS, CC'-LKtitalltli', CC'-LKtitalltli', etc. OoLleotioDa mado and pronipily remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST RAID ON Savings jDoposits. LEGAL. D. S. D A N A , ATI OKNE Y-A T-L A W, l'roro, I'lnli. JAMES M. CARTER, ATTOltXE Y - AT- LAW, Officoovcr Ift Nut. B.ink, oct8 EA6X TEMl'LE STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Qffico. over Danford & Sons' Storo, WALN STREET, SALT LAUD CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, 010 CJ Street, ft'asUiugtou, D. C. Especial ilntioD given to oUtaifliog l'atonta to AIldcj. DOV 15 BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNtYS AND COUNStLOKS AT LAW, Anonta for l'urchnae and Sale of Alines Lands, Geo. C. RATra, ) Y Salt Lake City, CH1RLK3 W. 0)tk3Ut.K,J I lull. Waraor fiarll. P. M. tjuuthi EAKLL 6l SM1TU, ATTOliNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAS1 OUT, Firtt South Street. Rooms 11 and 12, No loo. Kimba.ll Block. TILPORD, 8. A. ItAKN- TtLFORD & MANN, ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW No. 30 First NoulU Street. oQ J. B. Rod borough, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Morritt, ATTOIUNEYS-AT L A "V , Mnlt Lake City, titnlt. OfTico. l.'t South Street, Grit buildinc o-ist DoAorel Bunk corner, oct WV. UAT003. C. K. ail.CHRtST 11AYDON & GILUUU15T, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW Ofuco over 1st National Bank of I'tah. 12 C. H. Hempstead. M. Kirkpatrick.. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueya-nt-Law, Main Street, opposite Well), Fatso Jfc Co. mitmkk rtTT. n:0 TRIUNE BAKERY A5D Cracter Mannraniory, So- 117, Hatu Street, Suit Lnke Cliy. Wo havo now rocoived our CRACKER MACHINE With alt the latet imrrnvemciii.'. " V !ro CKACK.LRS. GALLACHER & SONS. w Send for Pric List ait Address I1. 0. Box9U. COIL! COIL!! COAL!!! rrilE 1U BI.IC A K V. UV.UVV-Y NOT1V1EI' A that I a:n tlui SI? Ao-nt :'or the ;ra Canyon Oal in alt l.ako Ci'iinly. Iviyot; can ..huin this h i CmI by :lw t-n or car lo.id by apply ins to mo, at thoo'V.ce of Jos. A. ouns. Salt Lake City-C City-C J. Lu, Salesm.m L'.CR-B.Dor. t. II. 0. l'AHK. P.O.Eos, 363. iai3 KOTARiES PUBLIC. CliAB. .v. CUUI.D. A. s. otrfLu' A. S. GOULD & SON, NO TAllIES PUBLIC, Commissioners of Deeds, Conveyancer Conveyan-cer and Searchers oflteconL,. HAVE RKSPMKD BrSrXESS AND FOR tho present will occupy a.- an office, Room Xo. 4, over First Ntlonnl Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Ah. Mentions f-T ratcnl?, mining deeds. arooHiunL-i and bvrA :'or deed.--, m'jrt--3--t.;. j-jwors oi attornoy. lease--, cntxacu and ot.ier inftrumeni-of writinr drawn with accuracy and :ii-pateh. Mining and other com panics incorporated under the law-: '.f I'tah. At; tracts ul titles !) minlnn and other property prop-erty uia-ae in tho must comi-lute furui. Al! baineA3 entrusted to this firm will bo rciarded as strictly private. febl CHAH. W. STAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. OSco 1st dnor south of Savage's Photopraph OftUory, Salt Lake City. m'"J TM. If. QILLISPIX. W. W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcKSowi-KDOKMKyTa Ukan for tho several OTATK3 AND TaRKITOEtl KS. Office hours, 9 a, ., to 9 p. . Rooti N. 5 ever First National Bank, fait Lake City, L tab Territory. s5 l B ! - 5 5 5 S a g - i S S M 3 5 H g H -a f - ' fl S S S "HI 2 IF i - jj s; MEW CONFECTIONERY. Tlie uadersipned wishes to ioforni his numerous Friends and the Public generally, that ho ha3 everything every-thing in the above line, CONSISTING OF T11E FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES TEX CAKES, At'IES, MACAE0NIES, LADY FINGERS. ETC,, ETC., ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOME JIADE In tbo market, A FULL STOCK OF STAl'I-E AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED O0OIS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as Cheap as any House in Town. DANIEL GRENIC. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Abovo Second Sotb Street, ftuel-l Snlt Lnkc City. More Lisht 20,000 GALLONS Of tbo celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 130 Firo TcsL C E O "W IsT, 110 Standard Firo Test, FOR SALE. BY THE BARREL OR CASE. IN LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM Non-Explosive Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON. LIMPS AND LAMP GOODS FOR THE MILLION! T THS Pioneer LamoStore Nearly opposite the Market. y. 1EESE & CO. HOTELS, ETC. A.ilLRIi'iN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES RECL'CED. Ttrnii-t'i.50 " pr dT! IWeekly Bonril and Uonm: I12,UU to ilj. UU; Tabic Hoard, UU. A fow First Class famiiios can find pleasant quarters. , Salt LanQ Citr, XoremberiM. lC. J. C. LITTLE. ho24 proprietor. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OS TOE EVROPKA5I PLAI. 6ituated in business part of the city, with aooommodation for itJ eaeets. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Familiee and Travelers. Rooms, SOc, 75c, 91.00 and 1.50 per dy. DinirjE Hall and Rotanrant ondcr the raanafieincni of M- JJ. Boardilej-, late of the MorrLson House, Omiha, and Tichnor llouse, Linooln, Nob. Board per wealc, $7) iTIcali, 50c. FR OMNIBUS TO 11UTEL. States leavo daily for tbc minej. Laundry connected with, the hotol. SiOITII A BIGAZK, my!7 " Proirietora. Washington House i'liirtl Houtli street, SALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, pr Wk $'1 00 Hoard and Lodging, per dny, 1 5 Day Board, per week, 0 OO Single French Spring Bed, per week, - a 50 Bdi, par Wight - 50 Ual . - - 25 TOWNSBXDEOUSB, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL Oh- UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Douse is centrally and pleasantly lo oatod, well furnished, and has acoomtaoda. tionflfor 10 cuefts. TUB PROPRIETOR ia now rlroparios c build large additions to his Uotol, whi'h xhen finished, will render it tea Mott Complete Etcibliehmcnt in the UOCKT MorXTAK RF.GION roll TAYLQK'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS U0USE HOOJij iMiAAJjl rurimoiinD, myll WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND bast appointed House in Utah Territory, and had accommodation tor threw hundred and tiny CUO.-1S. Street cars andearriasoa connected connect-ed with tho IV hi to Sulphur Baths. Reudinir Rooms, eonUiuins papers from all points, Baths, Bar. Tclok-raph, Noits and Cia-ar Stand attached w tho ilouso. U. S. GREELEY. & CO., W.T.REYNOLDS A CO., E- B. ZABRISKIE, San Francisco. Salt Lako City. 4 WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. UAVK FOR SALE A FINK L1NB- OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To vhich they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AUENTS F0K STRAIGUT VIIISKIES. THE FINEST BAR IN THE CITY 00NNKCTED WITU TUB nOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET Two ilonri eontti of Wella, Kurgo A' Co'i Hnk. m5 C. H. BASSETT, fiARDWARS STORE All kind of HEAVY HARDWARE, iruij nnrt tiied, Stoves ar.d Tin 'Ware LACHSniTfl TIHJ! S. Afrl.KtIwr.1 Imp:, tit . Astl i;!Ft f ToIt, At Lowc.L Utt.a. f'TTt-'SlTE IU iALI L-Uui llOViE. i Ut ' INSURANCE. i.v1iz;!. i.wiiiMi: co, j. rt. m:NKrr - - irBiiint. Cincinnati, Ohio. A.VSIT1.S, JINE 30, 1673. Cajh rrt hand, i" bank, and in .cuoe vf i.-a:.-u.issi..n Slll.tiS 57 Hnitt'd S'.tts Bouds, market valuo li'i.psj 0? CvUtcraJ L.ar. 1-M7 0" Acn:ed Ict.-rwL -'.-1- if Bill? Boccivitjle . SW7 li State Ut'tidi ;.l:iI .UuccliaaL'uiii .Ss.t17 W Dac fruia Aecu ifc.osT 66 5soO6 TU LIABILITIES, Oulslandins Lossoa 'and other Lia bUiLieo , .. 577,711 01 H.R, luann & Co., Agents, OfRct: Banking House of A. W. While A t o, V. o. Dox, 534. iyS I AGE1TCY OF THE Home Mutual IMlliATE C0MP1M, OF . CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. RKlI,;TO.Y, President., CHARLES IE. STOKY, Secretary. fi-uiajKU 0Jix, 433 California St., SAN FKAKCISCO. H. R. MANN & Co., Agents, OSco: Ban king House, A. W. AThitoi Co. PaosPECTL-s for 1S73. SixthTear. THS ALDINE, Aik Illiist rntcil .lloiitliij- Journal, crsnllj- ntliiiliicd to be tils liainlaonicsL I'viiodical lu I lie Vortd. A Ittiiristiitadvc nml t limn jiiim of Auitrl- i van 1 iislc. Nol for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDLXE, irhilo Wuc;d with all tho regular hi , has n.mo of mo te'iuj-orary or iliiiriy interest charact eristic ut ordiQary fonodieals. U is an ole-aiU uiiioollaiiy of Hire, lii.-ht, and j.-r:ii:uinl literature; and a col-irctlua col-irctlua jji.iucl.uxej. J.iia. cir.inmrtoij cach siicceeitiiin number atitrds a fresh i-leas-uretu ii, iriciuli, tho real value aud beauty of Tilt; ALDl.SL will bo must ai'lTt'Ciated alter il has been bound ti at tho elujo ol Lho year. Whilo uthor pub iie.it iuiij may elaim auiiurntr cheaiiooss, as com pared n ith rivals of a similar claii, lilL ALU1A K is a uuiuo iuid oriKioul conception a lonu and uuupjiroaehed abso-lutoli- without cum punt ion m price or character. charac-ter. Tho iniae--.-ior ot a eempleto volumo tiui-notduplieato tiui-notduplieato tho .luamity of hno apor and ohj-tuv ui u- in any otlior shapo or number ol VuiuiueV- lur mi t hm s lit cost;nii(l tlitu, 111 ere uix tlie eliromoi beiililcs I ART DLl'ARTUEXT. Notwithstanding tho incroaioin tho price of subicrii-tiou la.t tall. utit-n 1HEALD1NE Assaiued iu pre;eni nilIo prviponionf and rop roseiuativo character, lho edition wn more limit tloutitt .i JuruiK ihu piLst ye:ir; rov-ing rov-ing that tho American imhlic appreciate, and willaupport, u sincere oliurt in tho causo of Art. Tho l'ublirhor.i an teas to justify the ready contidenco 'hus deniODptratod, havo and improvo tho work; and tho piuns for the cumiiir.' your, a untolded by tho monthly issues, is-sues, will astonish and uolii;ht oven tho moat sanguine iriendsof XilE A Ltd A li. lho pubh.-iicrs are nuthnrir.ed to ancounco dcfns lroui mauy of tho uiuit otuiaout axuiu; ol America. In adoition, Til E ALDIXfi will roduco ox-amplos ox-amplos of tho be--t loreiKii masters, selected ft im a view to tho hiu'he.-t artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such u-s havo becomu la miliar, through iihotosrarhs or copies oi any kind. 'lho iiuanerly tinted plate?, for ISTo will ro-prudueu ro-prudueu leur ol Johuri. Davies' iuiniitablo child-sketches, appropriate to tho four se-usous. IhosO plates, appearin- in tho iuos for J an-uury, an-uury, April, J uly, iuid Ucloher, would bo alouo worth tbo price of ay ear "d subscription. lho popular lea tuxes of a copiously iUustrat-od iUustrat-od "Chri.-iuius'' number will beeuuimued. To posse---, such a valuable epitome of lho art world, ui a ci'st so tritiiiu-, iull command tlio sub.-eriptions ol thousands in every suction ol the country; but, .u tUu usciulnuss and attractions attrac-tions oi lllli AL1'L.E can bo enuanoed, in proportion to the numerical incroao oi ita supporters, sup-porters, tho pubhstiers proi-o-o to make '"aj-suraueo '"aj-suraueo douolo sure,.' by tho tollowme un-parallulea un-parallulea oUer uf iiiE-ttiuai t uito.nus run mi j. Every subscriber lo THE ALDI.VE, -ho pays lu ad auco lor the year IfC. i, will receive, without additional ebaige, a pair oi beautiiul oil cliromo, auei .I.J. lull, tho eiuiiK-nt Liii,-li.-h painter. lho picture;., entitled "llie llla-o i,ell." and 'tio.-.-iiiK tho .Moor." aro H x -I'J mehe.-. -aro I'nnled iruui J.i diircrent lilates, re.;uirnii; -i uiiiTctMous and tints; to ptr.cvt e.icU pic. are. iUo name ctiromoa aro sold lor i j per pair, in mo ait it.-rcs. As it IMLO ileteruniiaiioii oi iu conduct. ts to keep ill 1. .ALLil. L. out ol lUe re.ieli ol Lvmpcti tlou in o. cry depai tineiit, tno curt-uius will 6o lound crnv-i oi-diulj aliead o uiiy thai can buotleiua by oilier peiioaicals. jvvery oub- uature ol tb. I a uii.-uei.-, (Ujr -in coin i; mat tlie enromos dem croJ .-I1.11I lie e ,uai o ttio saiuplos iuiui-ned tno atjent. or tuu money Hill ou ro-luuded- llio ui-u , out. on oi pictures of this gride, ireo to tlio .-ub-ci ibcrs to a nvo dollar lieriudieal, will ui.n,, an .och in lho lu-tory oi Art; and, cu.-iaei iun tno unprecedented cheapness oi tlie j i i,e;oi lilu A1-.U1.N t, iu-ell, lo lliuso be. t ac iLiainted .win tiiu aeiutive-uieul.- - 1 inv eiitn e enius aud ini i roveil mo- Uie--o cbromos, ecu ivseuihur iw.ua ol lilt dL.Lfl.M-J THE LI I LIt.tlty DLl'AKTHESTS will crT.tiniie-.indfrtlie care cf.M r. RICH AUD itt.M.l siumatih. agisted Cy mo i,c-t writers and i -.s oi med.i. ho will .'.tivo to have me iiter.Uiiro ot i 1 1 K ALL'l.NE al-waj-a m j,vcniitf mui its ariuiic atixactmns. ti;iuis. 3 per ii u u in, lu Advance, lvltli Oil llkroiuoa free. THE AI.1H E will, hereafter, ho obtained only I.y MH-,ni tin 1 h-ro will ho no reduced re-duced or c.u I, f.iie: ,-ash for r!ii.,cripli..n-i mu-t be sent to tno pu..l;-:, rhrr t. ..t h.t:. I-i t-. the 1 al .:. mHIkmii n-iM.i. -I i,i 1 1 1 y to t lit: lil lh. r, prn : in n ii.-re the cert iticato i. e; i n.l.'Mr i.i.".lie fuc-nluiille sixcatureui Jmu dlitu.n j. Cj- At. UN TS WAMLI). Any r-r,r.-"n. i-liinc tn net pprman'.r.ily a. a lo jl a. .!. uul re. en o iull acd pruuipt in-loruialion in-loruialion by aii-l) m-r to JAMES SlIIOXA Co., f'u l,I..lifr, 5t) MAIIJK.N LANK, Ni:V lOKK. W. H. IlArtRlXOTON, Agent, Herald Office. LUMBERYARD. AH Kinds of I-mnbf-r DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULDINGS. e :!;.Gi.i:s, laths, T. II. JQIJES J3---1 LI-ju -Li oL U. C K. bosU DES MOINLS TRADE. dzs raori.Es j Scale Company ! jVy IL WEST, Pre.ndeat- JjTr S. F. SIVI'FORD, Viee-I-t. j OEO. A. JEWETT. SecrV- (J-p IV. RED II UAD, Treasurer. ----SaJ .'li s. s. nrrcflcocK, sup-t. WM.DICKERSON. General A cent. We are manufaeturinp. and ran fill orders on short nouco, the ioUowias: Hay, Coal ani Stcci Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehousp & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR AND Bl'TCHERS' I1KAM3 Cnggage aud WireUouie Trucks. Evary articlo warranted durablo and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Ci-rularf, JIOISES SCALE CO., no26 Los Mom OS, iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESK-, CHURCU, HALL, AND COl'IiT 1101--F. SEATS. DES MOINES, IOWA. . Black well's Liquid Slating and Ulack Doard. Orders joli.i ted. Send for Tlhistrated far a,1 too nnd Price l.i-i- iviisceEaneous. -A.T COST! O Jbt. CHRISTMAS SEW YEAR "pRESEMS THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! GAF.L C.lSMySSEN And wisliM to call special nllonlioD to his bwtiful as-ortmont of lino tadies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLE. IKS'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a groat variety of Lho ho-t select-- GOLD NPCLACES. BR0OCU-S, BR0OCU-S, KAti MAGS AAV FULL SETS A couiiiio'.o as-ortuiont of tho best srados cf AMERICAN WATCH ES tho mo.t suit.iblo for Railrc-nd Traveler.. Farmers and .Minor?. For stroncth and jtood Ci'inc they arc un.uri'ajfed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AND WARRANTED. Tho publie aro cordially invitod to inspect CAUL C. ASMUSSEN, 1EWELER AND WATCHMAKER, orrosnK post office, s. l. city. dial CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! Salt Laie Steam Grata Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MANt'l:AOTrp.IXt. thobe-t ifl'Al,- I rrv mi. i (;i:i:ati;-t .i:ii:rv of CRMK. It, ever produced in the T-rri-try, which I offer to lho I rudo and Public Generally, at the ..wot po-ible prifc. -Men-bant, and friend, are re pit-d tn efill and ciiuiiino my good., aud priced, helore purchasing. It. Y. ANDEP.Su.V, S.ilt Lako t iiy, Jan. 4, P-Tt. I'tah l'erritory. rlCiCO & ALTON llii, The Only Klr(-CIsi Hoc 4 In LOUISIANA, MISSOURI New Short Routt froi Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change 1 Via St. Loui-. Kan.-ai ritv and Norlriprn (Ute North -M i-?"urit and ''h ir-.ro ..nd M.n itnilroad.. coicE the M i-'i. . i ppi at Lf.ii-t.lano. Lf.ii-t.lano. Mo,, an! p.t i nc t h r-.uk-h Jacksoa-Tillo. Jacksoa-Tillo. lJloominston and JoP.cU 1'hn Sliorl(t aud DM Uuiiic to ilir Kal, via Chicago! ELEGANT LAY C A R 8 PHLLMAI PiLACR SLESPISB GABS Run tbrnuch frnm Kun-fn rij nd .8t. ,6 Louis to thiCM. wiibout cbDge I peisai mm mm m AND SMOKING CARS On &1I dailj trains : the onlj Jiae runnim Ihae Ci.- from KuiaCltrnd gt.Louli to Chicago No Line makes as GocdTbie. O- (!-. er eMinytiin-. b. ne'-'.er -"'itnno d;i' r..-. bri : cr i.-arK. tc '.re ci ernt an 7 n-, ckr..CTrn''of Kar.'Wl'irTse ftrni JilIU o-tt-rn n.fcd. e-r.ne-t .; c y w,;h iraini of thii lice, ii tnion DepbL, Ku.ju city. JAS. UARLTON, General Pa.encer and Ticket Acckt. , Cii R. R. J. 1 M:MULLIX, f Port-. C. k A-R. Chicaeo. FRANK HIGH, Wwtern Trav'.in Agent-C. k A. R K KkZUkl cilT. Mo. JiJ MISCELLANEOUS. seI.llng AT COSl- Grrat Snrrl lictt 1: '.i:. i.- t.a. ,1;;,' r..a!.5-.M irt.-n at the I. C R. R- I'-.-:. I Coal delive.-eii in all part? o:":!:e Cu at ' ; T er t.-a. t'rder reveh tvi ai T.a-di-1 A iV. PunfrJ X S.T's.u;i:hS 1-1 and .-he St to. .inlboi icthe P,.t ":r:-e. ' 1 FOR-SALE." I 'P.Se--iiHvrR "l.M'l'I.K .ilANT" -A l.-ii.e and l-'er cvail Ictc, m lull o;k- GORDON & filURHAY, Hilf bkvk south IL 1L 1jp,.i, iali I.v,e Citi". j.i M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engineer and U. S. Kintral Surveyor, WiU prei are the inveary Paper; and Diagram? Dia-gram? lor Patents and ProUvt-s OtT-ee in Duil'ing ikvuj ied by Survevor tiencral. ia;il TO THE TRADE. Mi Mall Mictiiriag Co, kTR.nt: iiiKK.I J. RUSSELL & CO., O-R-EEIST K i V iJHC WOKKS, Works and Warchrtucs, TrRNKit's K.m.is, Mass., Manufacture tho iiniwt and lar,-e-t variety TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Their 0.od" caTi now l found upon the Listj ot'all A 1 Jobbing Uouoi. Otlice mill Sniuplc Konui: (', t'lmiu- 1 bm Strnl.NKW Klltli. Juo. uussell wen Co. janlit Eh , 6 Z2 W s 11 H P "S CO H a -q S B 0 , s o fi s i i I B I Si 3 I 1 ! I i i m - g 1 " A ? w - Tl S CO - fjt 2 A , I H " . : J I H Z L A W S ft 5 S j 0 o OK CD H " si &o m 9 0 S D1 ' rK Hi CORN, OATS, BARLEY, Fl.Ul'li.COIt-.Ml-:. I., ItUCK U'HKAT- FLlU'R AND I'Kl.M K HI T I'KK. For sale ehoaper than any olhor hou.o in tho city, by (URIKISA -tll'ltUAY, Half nlnek south nf It. R. De.ot , Salt Lalso City, loll iuid Si cl IRO.N iU OAL. Bi:n rocksof nation al wfamu, Irun and Oonl. CapituliU! call on ino, I on-n iL I will divido Aililrcss, S. ,11. tlt.Mlt, s!9 1. U. liox ISO, Suit Luke Vlly. -Tr ANTKD, CASH. FOR ON K M i ear. Will divido lho finont miniiiK intoreH in I tnh lor tho u-o oi tho money. Address. S. AL DLAIll, Salt Lako City, V. 0. liox Iftti. NOTICE. 1-HB UNKNOWN OWNFIt-i 11P I'lVF llundre.l aud lilt v i-.-D tet't in t!i im .-u A Car.incr l.-do. and hour 1 1. in Iro-UUM, ,vvX in thoUrplian Pov lo.le. ivilltl,,. nt i,-., t hat -ve ha.od-n.. labor, m t ho ahoi o n;i i.i.m! elm nin to tho am. .nut nl Unu Ihintlrt'd U-I"M 1 K. nt rs oacli. 1'be same hoinu ula on :iinl ,.zi.-oi ctnh 1-71 eenn per fool on tlie linen .V i.mdm-r. and eielit und one-third Uont.- per f"ot oil tli-iUrpban r,... S:iid el.iirn. ated in Little t'olt-mnood l'i-tnet. .-..It l.,.,r' t'..iintv, I t;ihTeiril..r. And ou and .Mfli you are h..r..l,y n..tiiiod lo pay vour iM.m.. , al.ovo sta(..,l. iili,n i,in..v i-.. ,.,,, u d;i!e o! thii noiico, to A. W. W Int.. .v ('.. . ,.i Salt Lako lity. 1ILNK l-.N, S S. LVANS. Salt Lakk City, Doc. 7. IfT'j. READ Tliis Adverli.'enient AND WRITE For our Jlanual of Lecrteena AND SAVE buying and t.lnntinf: your troo, 50 PER GENT. I'riee 10 cents lv-Tth 8 . to any tree-rhinle r i'is.-ii:v a. co., 17 M,tr Hny, Ml.. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO IKE EAST. HSRTH AND SyiilHLAST. flo. 3. STATIONS. p k MAIL. i I i ' "l LearePALT LAKB j OJa.in.! 2:i.r,p.a. " OMAHA I fl.i ji.m. b.Ht.nL ArriTt Bli RL1N 01 ON j b.i).m. l.Vjp.n. " OalefbnrR'CB.AQ.lj 7:"Ja.m. J0..Vt p.m. Mnaoi " a.m. Chl:a!) 3.Up.n.. l-.V. a.m. " Pot. : 'J.-f'h.u.. L-V. l. .-. " Ind'plij'I.B.i W. fi.ii p.m. ;',a.n:, " CiLcii,!iti - -0 p.m. 4: 1'.r.ic. " L'-E-.-'p'Tt I 'i",-ipir i B:2fifc.m. T. P.iW, I I Cilun-.t-ii-.. m '.-5'r m ITThrorrh Carr fr-.ni H.r-r U C'-.i-n-.-.. I:. ' lu. Cir. .-iLr.fc'.l. Ldsn- p rial C'-lciabaf.l C, r;,-::-tir.e 't with lint MBd n.lfl.tl Roill. tha Larlinrton A liiouri R.vcr Ra.ircwL A-K.TOr7.ALlN. C. .PK.'KINf:t 9fi'l Pmi: AxaU fia'lbU ST. LOUIS TRADE. SUSSGuRl STATE LOTTERY. l-palipti by Si.ie Uuhnriiy aud llrawu in Tiililif in m. Ltiui. Grsnd Siyia fJ unibrr Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS CUuO, to hi llinx.n I . 17J. 5,S0 lx.-h$y Am : ?.n-0,lV. Irri!( f. $ -U IM-l. J IMI : or 9 110 l . . : 1 ; . n y . . ,. , : i,ino 1 p: ro ot I i. en V . . .-ot ,HH ( j... ,1 v t: . s.i ;o.o p : A.i"-i' v - . ( m tJ U....... j.; O! UUO i1 i - i i ' , -. ; i:.o p::.- .1 '-.i I-,. ,., 1 r0 40 pT,.,.,.l ijO .O.i. ! 10 Tlikili, -MC llKtf ll.Ut.S. Uu-t-rlcr. li.Su. " Our Imifi sn .-Im t,n-l tn Hip Stutt, r Si Um:i iuti i-. .! ol dr.i;.t u 1 lo ? A r :t :. a -. : :in th ia-1 "t'lw..i . k-t ' '"V -7" OVVIOK ilt'NKY Oiil'i;..- K!-. ..Si h..KL' IKiTKK, i aii, aj. iit PI I ItL A . nn.Lkll A 1 o., FC.-I Offi P.x -JUO. ST. LOl'lS, Mo. E1EI1V IiaiSEKEEl'ER W HO WANTS A H APPV FAMILY, EVERY K3HL KEEPER- Who A I way. Want- n Fall l!.me , EVERY STiiVE CEALER WHO MKANS 1H .-INK.-S, mn iwum u cam Who de.-ires Health by ii. od Li. ing, CELEBRATED fr'-4' V-;. " Cj1..' - 4-tvrv - ,. i-.r A5. YOU T.N.ltrt f OR THEM If he doe- n.d hae .111 iisoi tiuent. si:nd vol it. oupkii to Hramisuruifitii. SAINT LOUIS, Wholejalu PeaL. in all kind of TIN N EP.s' STOCK, LIVE STOVE DtAutiro. novil SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, 'y - if vv;iu.. t.i;iio, i;tc, Tor Kliiioiiiiu' lie Oiinii, Ciki s iiii'M'avlry. "Willi UI.':M raiv. Iiv :i new pn wp cMniM 1 1 . n 1 1 He m ..v (' a', Mir. nml j it , 1 1 n s- -!' "f J'' ;C. 'l 't .sr. . ,1. I ' Url y )..., ,i, .; , ;,' I' y-i'rro. , !,.!. .V,,.'-.. , . f-'( J)ir,l-,,;,h. !!" ' '''j ''.' '(?..'. 7""7"' '".' '' '- " V I "' !!,., ,:, ir;'t -.,. -,- 1t,..4 ,i,!:,1. ,f. !, , I'., v.,-, ,, ,,',- Ni MIIMTPT In Mi-' ril'-.l' v t rr.( t A - I; ,,f IT. I'llr.-'-i . lil J'l.iM.ini:'!. : 1 1 u- LtL'tunil only I.y IC...v, ("ill A'l' lllHI - I'. I.1 Il IS. Mm tf,t.'lr. .y, V '-. ,,.'.. I'l.nm Hu. ;.-..,. Emsootic ! EPIZOOTIC!! 1; r 1 z o 0 t 1 u i 1 FOUND AT LAST! A Spi'.- fr.r th.. l!''l:- I' I I'll'l M IC. Oiro et t---l in fr..ir, On.- u. .r -i..-.- I'ri'.u tl per b. .I'm.. (ml.-.,!.. -J'i y.t iI k.p. IliPPGCn'isTUS! Wl, .l.-.t'.i ai ::-, In . C. F. CULWER &.CO, mi t-. ii f 1. it- it, Snll I.Rkr Cliy. T O , , . -, .. (,. 1, .. ,,r ,, -. - ,r 1, forv.ai.l- I 'til1 r,..7 THIS Vi;i,L KNOWN WS) V :.: ; . Jit. - o l'-4 JAPAN TiUAS -c ff" Zm .?- um Grocery Dtp nrtment. 1' IL t. C1.A1V5'.S.S-Pt |