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Show PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ryllK FIRM OF II. P. .lACOtiS i CO. 1IAV-1 1IAV-1 intf been di- lviil l.r ir u:u:il cn-'-i.t, ..n lie 27l h ol t-il'ruary. lf-7A, !.-.- tin' ivil hdra a I tbiTclroui ct II JiK-ii!-,"tii" b i-iiio - "iU h-iLMir-.T '' ciimied I. Ill- und,.i -ined, under tli1' lirm limn.' Lilly. Lei-enrmK Jl Lo. t W j ,A A VI 1,1 l,l,. St.. - JO UN LialiMtlN'"!, ( - l-bi.-K-N MML Mauoh Chunki Pa., May 1. loTi ui2S SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS BY A Til 0 ROUGHLY COMPETENT EN-irinoor, EN-irinoor, a situation to tuko chargo of a stationary ongino. Can do hit own black-smithing. black-smithing. Keloronco, Cant. Joab Laivronco. AddioasSumuol Muokall,8alt Lake City, P.O. may21 FOlt SALE. AlIOVSE OF THREE ROOMS, AND LOT of thirty-throo rod, west ,ido of i'ino fSu, Jivo blocks north of duutU TuuijiloiSt. Apply on tho uromisui. uH rNE SPAN OF LAIttiE SIZED WOllli OK J curriago horses; aha ono biiKtry nod a doublu sot of hiuno. Inquire at. Dr. J. J. 1'. Van DoollurKh, ollico Etr.-t .South street, Ihrce blocks west 01 Kiuihnll and LmvroiicQ. ui27 Od ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. A yiRST-cfass yiRST-cfass Piano (coat itdJ.00). Prico SJ5U.U0. Enquire at tho rosidonco of llov. T. V. ilas- kina, at St. Murk's School, or of Taetjurt, Ei., Piano Tunor. h Wu. LUliuku apr:M A FINE Soulhooat cornor lot, ton rods fliiuitro, eituatud four blocks East and ono bloak iMorth of JJoacrot Nows Ollico. High ground, with a perfect viow ui Lako and East and West Mountains. Abundant . tm iiily of jiuro wator. On the whole the host and most doairable si to for a roaidonoo now ia market. Auuly to EULLER, SMITH 1IAUKER, Roil Estuto Atfonts, m23 6 dnors North of Post Oilico. roll REKT. ANEW URrciv nOUSB, BEAUTIFULLY Hituntod, throe iilook north ff Post Ollico, contuiuiiiK nino rooniw, two collars iind out-houso. out-houso. nont ) imr month. Apply J. A. 171, Post Ulliuo, or this Ollico. UI-2S pUUNISlIEDKOOiMH, AVXT1I OR W1TJI-1 W1TJI-1 outboard. A .ily ut A'o. 10 Clil't Placo, West i'oniiilo, noar corner South Fourth ut. - i iu7 BOAltDEIlS WASTED. A FEW BOARDERS CAN HE ACCOM modutcd with Hoard and Hn.-ms, in a lino location, two blocks eaat of Xlicutro. lniiiiro at this ollicoj 1 111 11 -7 Offioo, Sooond South blroet, Throo doors woot of Oroni W ratorn Iiotol, half a block oast of Elephant Storo, Suit Lake nity. OQico hours from 0 a. in. to 5 p.m. mil "notjoe. 'VUE ANNUAL MHETTNU OF TsTOClC-JL TsTOClC-JL holders of tho Utah Coalral Railroad, lor tho purpose of oloctinR diroctora, will tuko lilaco on Monday, Juno 2nd proximo, at 11 o'clock, at President I'ouuk's Ulheo, Salt Lako City. OEORliE SWAN, Soo'y. Salt Lake City, May lUtb. lh"l. mi:t BERLIN BAZAAR, I'lrst South SI., ncitr Ihv Tlnatrc. Mrj. l!cckcrt,dcalor in every variety of Ladies and Children's Clothing. Tho public aro respectfully irmtod to ox-auiino ox-auiino tho stock. in ay 20 "NV -a. a o 3sr s , Manufactured by tho Celebrated STAR WAGON CO,, CEDAR KAPIDS, IOWA. THU COMPANY GUARANTEE It to bo tho BEST WAGON In Every Respect. Guaranteed and for ISnlo by N. C. MATT HIES ON, UTAH. Wnciin and l.uiubr Yard. MatthiMnn Klofk, .Main Stroot, ahuvo Walker il-.'nu, Suit Lake City. inl'i NEW flDVERTISEIYIENTS. NOTICE. tlco tl.at labor to tbo uuiouiiU if b liei. duiio for John II. Catupo and 5-.ll.--i Tor John Ul-,'ii on tbo Maria Mne, Minuted at tlio imuitti of Emigration Can on, 111 Salt Lake o.uti " Torritoi v of I'lah. and ihut unless tho -aiuoV-pnid within liim-tv duv.- lioiu 'bo date oi tlii-- tii-tico voili inti'iv-t ill be sold, in ac-ci-nliinoc with tho acl of Ooiisro.-fl to pay for said labor. ;. F. Rl.OMO.riST. Salt Lake City. U.T.. May K'th, Sl t'l. cool'i !;. Wll,.lAM.CO0fi:C. COOPER BRO'S, M Eslate anH Loan Erolers, BI.OUK KUlSIll OK .WAl.KHU 1IUL.SE. SALT LAKE CITY. lloiil Eslnto Bouulit and Sold, ami Jlonoy 12& COOPER.BBO-S. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. nAVINi; II l-'AK l THAT CERTAIN PAH-tie.-i aro oiideavorinn to initko t-alo of u curtain minins 'daim, now called Iho "Woyes." Mtualod in Dry Canyon, Oiihir Mininp Uistnct, Utah Torritory. th" fnnio buinB n junii'inK lo cation ol tbo Oi-lcbratod "Raxlor" Lodo; Ihi, Iborcforo, ia to warn all persons from nefrotiat-ins nefrotiat-ins for, or pureluvsiiiB tbo same, as said lodo is tbo solo property of tho subsorliiors. Salt Lako City, May 28tb, JS73. U. 11. HAXTlill, T110S. 11. HATES, T ' W PARK, riTKPIlKN L. RATES, .ias m. si-m'over, jos. f. aoi'iVnan, A. A. SRI.OV Eli, . . W. L. DVKK.S, HUEUS NATCH, M.W. jNUUxNXAN, C. K. UAItUISOX. niay-iO CHICAGO TRAD L M. D. WELLS & CO., U&nnfatarr8 of nd Wholesale Denlerl in Boots and Shoes, 018 WthMh An, Chicago. M. D. Wella, . B. J. Mao far land, B. Bonediat. aM 8. P. Molntyro. Cogswell, eber &, Co., JOBBEKS OF 'Watolles, Jewelry AUD Jewelers' Supplies. Wo eivo iirompt attontion to Ordora by Mail. I'd co Lists aont on application. 105 and 107 STATE ST11EET, CHIC A O O. in!) HEHEINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIltE aud BnitGLAR PROOF; O-ES ! The Best Safes in tlie World I HERRING & CO., 46 .State Btreet, and corner 14th strce and iDdiana Avenuo, C H I C -A. G O. 07 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. YAM SGIaAGK, STEVENSON & REID Wholos DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Havo removed 10 their Now Stores, 9'4 and 9 LA UK STKKtCT, cornor Dearborn Strict, ton the old nito) CHICAGO, whoro, with buildings erected expressly for the business. Steam Elovators, oto.. thoy have oponod a,p an immonso Stook, aoaarpatssed in tho northwest. Spuoi&l Attention liven to Territorial business, , jyl PAGE, BRO. & Co., la port era and Dealers ia LEATHER AND FINDINGS!, "OLD. OITV MOTEL COIINEB," Cursor offStato and Lako stroots. v. w. Pjirb. noetou.D cnneO) Orvillo Piik-o. I ,.. ll-I-C. RJ'iigo, iu.l'J N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholoaalo Doalera in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry ami Silverware, Con H ADI.NUM . niOHnOiC STS.f . CHICAGO, ILLS., 0pito riUmor'fl Grand Uotol, F. & E. JAEGER, 73 WMjnuli Avenue, ucr Knudolpli, CHICAGO, IX.X.., pl RKCT IUP0UTKK3OH Crockery, China, (Unssn-dro, Lninps, Looking Uliu-soa, Cutlery, Dritannin and Silver pin tod OoniR Tim lnrcet ll.nun in the UW. ijl FKANK FULLKR, JAM M . SMIT. W. 11UEL 11AKKEK. TUI! UNDEKSKiN KO ARE PREPARED toliuyund Soli Real t-ftato on Coiainia-aiun, Coiainia-aiun, and to noKutiato Loans. Eivo doors north of Post Office. FlILLfcll, SMITH fc II A It li K- NOTICE. TM1IC C 1 T I . E X S 0 V THETHXTIl WAKD, Suit L;ne Citv. uro ln-rehy nutilied thut a riiet-tiiKf will bo held in tlio school hou-e.'un .Monday ovi-nins;. J 11110 1-T.i. lor tlio imrp03e orcluutintr threo .Sthoul 'l'iu;teoa lor tholeath School Di-trict. Jull.V J'ROCTOH, ) AHA.M Sl'ElliS. rTiuatew. m-J7 .1 u N A T 1 1 A X LAIM.eJ SUMMONS. In tho Diftrict Cmrt of tho Third Jud.cial District of tho Tirniory of Utah, Salt Lako County. Uruunwell &. AVtifiht, Plaint Hie , vs. Ccorgc I'orboa, Defendnnt-Tho Defendnnt-Tho Piioplo of the Territory of l't ih send areotinK to tioorno Eorhe?, Dctor.dnnt. Yoa aro hcroby ro'tuirod to appoai in an uctiun bro'iKlit iigainst you by tins above named IMniiitilll in tho District Couit of tho Third Judicial Uiitnct ol tho 1'i-rr i t -ry ol I. tah.and lo anaiYer liio com :aint li I ud therein there-in within ten dnys oxcliuivo of thoday ol service after tlio Forvico on job of this miin-uions miin-uions if served within ih'u eounty: or, it served out of this county, hut in thii di.-tnet. within twenty tlayji ;iiln'nvi-nir ithiu lorty dnys or jii'laient hy di.tault iv ill bu mKun uitiiint yoii, ftconliiiR to tho pmyer ot snid comiFlnint. 'J'liu -aid in-ti'in i bnni-Tlit t'i recover tlie sum 1 sm-:i i colli enin) and J aliened to he due l'ruiu lieleudtinl to I'laintill'H !ur Jiurs and coin hold and dflu eieil by 1'luint iti'n to del'und-uttt.iitid del'und-uttt.iitid f-.r iiKini-y i-uid to tbo I . 1. K. 1(. Co. hy I'laintilli for d. 'lend idt' betielit and ti.so. ai fet out in tho cuinidamt un iiJo horeiu, and co.-ts of suit. And vim uro Imroby notifieil, that if you fail t" appear und iinaiier t lio fjid cuiiiplaint ii abu e re.niired, tlie .-aid rhiiiitilli ill luHe iii.U-un'iit urain-t f..r Kiid sum ol ' fji'j, K"ld enin, and tl?1 "'.i 1 und c-'-tt. Uiiiu--. the ll-n. Juuu- D. Mi-Kean. .lU'lijc, :nil tli" fill uf tlio !.'i-lri"l C"Url ol lliultnrd Judicial lij itn't, in and for the Temt-'rv (f I tih. thin JMli dny oi pril, in the ear of our I..,rd i'ne 1 ti.ju.'ana Eiaal liuudred und ftonni)-'l hrep. Jns. p. Xui NXAX, Clerk, Ity Edw'd B. Mclictuj. Duputi' Clerk. luyT-U SMITHSON&WARD gf ,MPORTER8 m Wm KlRS.EKX'S1 . PSESo V If 7 CF 0 HI.BTOKiii5f ENGLISH, IRISH AND SCOTCH MJm'BB & POMERS AND FOREIGN WINES AND1LIQUORS For Sa!o in Bond or Duty Paid, at SMITHSON & WARD'S, SOU Snuinnicnto Street, Sftn Frnnoiiioo, ESTABLISHED HVJ. ESTABLISH KD 18o0. WALKER BRO'S, JOUBERS IN GROUERIKS, CANNED GOODS, JIAMS, JtACON, CHEESE, TOUACCOES, CAN 1)1 KS, etc, f c . Wo keep tbo Largest Stock of tlio abovo Goods in tlio Territory TO THE TRADE. Wc arc propped to fill Orders for all kioda of S T J. FLiBS, At Eaelcrn Price, Freight added. Give us a Call and Examine our Goods and Prices. TO MINERS. Wo keep a full assortment of Miners Tools, Blasting F Etc., ! ! o Z Itkg mm i I sea FOH A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, ao to CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Post-Office. lie will refund tho money if any should prove to tho contrary. Call and soo his fino soloction of .'tho moat BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Consisting or Brooches, mar-rings Flngor-rlags, Simla, Slceve-bnttons, Slceve-bnttons, Chains, Lockets, n Full Sets, etc., etc, A fplondid assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Aiuericau Wattlics a Specialty. A largo and complete stock always on hand- CARL C. ABMUSSEN, Opposite Post Office, Salt Eako City, Notice. All Goods loft over ono yoar will bo sold to do fray oxponeos. dl'i THE IFtlPOTRED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young "Washingtoaf b ono of tholQnect brod Devon Bulls in the country, l'EDIUKKEl Cah-od Aiifrust 11. 1S70; Sirod by Yuung Waabington, ib7, American Ilord liooli; OA K,. i:nrr.i iipfini -)).: i ; u..i 1 Bonk; M by Cayiifta, e02. Enclish llord UotiU; tth " Tocumsoh, jU!', " " " , DAM EFE1E; ' 2d by Don Podro. 200, American llcrd Ttnolt; 2d" EHio, EiiBlish llord Uuok ; by Tccum- sch, Enirlish Herd llwk; 3d " Iinportod Evolino, Eriftlish Herd B'"jk, by Earl of Exeter, S, English iiord Book; 1th" Kuby, IffK, Encli-h Ilord IJook, by Eavorito, !, Knt-li.-h ilord Book-Half Book-Half breed Dcvod Cows arc splrndid milkers. Half breed Dovou Oxen for work and speed arc unsurpassed, ! Thoso who wish to improve thoir stock can 1 too this silondil animal at tbo stablos uf .Mr. ! 11. B- Clawaon, north-wodt corner of tho 12th Ward. Terms, SI in advance. Enquire of Mr. Smith at tho Stablon. apni SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-PrcQf Vault, Ii Basement of tho BANKING UOL'.SE OF A. W. WHITE .1 Cc. VALUABLE PAPEIIS. JEWELRY AND Silver Waro rocoivod un special Deposit. Lock CouraTWCMa for rent Office hour from 7 o.m. to 0 p.m. W. II. CdlSIIOLM Co., Stock laid Afuney (tvokcrn, DIALEKS IN OOLD DI ST, Railroad Tickets, olc. Stocks Bought on apliJ Alnntint, To whom it may coucorn. 7"K. tho undorsignid. claim and own V twelve buti'l-o.l (12'Ki) loot, inolndlis Nob. two (2) and ihrn ( l). In th Tit ti lode. Id Littlo Cottonwool cunyon, and h o hi the samp by dooJi from tho orieiral luoptrf; and bavo ccmpliod with tbo lat ot ibe dir trii-'t io every roiieot. A'ld we brroby civjtlon all perions not f trade, bnv or barter for aaid olaiuiJ, witbeu' our coanonU C.H. BAHSE1T. I Administrator ol th MV1N8, tfrt-f !,' lr,ju)0d. SU Jtf. 'owders, Fuse, Candles, etc. m U SIC SCHO O L. MctilamiitMcCAItrilEH A BIIO V HAVINO opopod a Music School, will give lessons on Piano MrRan. Harp and guitar, l'a'ticular attontion will bo paid io iho cuJtivtiun of tho vuico, and singing In Italian and English. Hoiidonco at tha house of John W. Young, Ka., opposite City Ball. ,j)22 STOVES AT COST! Having bought out a Stove Storo wc are no SELLING Hotel STOVES, A FULL SET OF Tinners' Tools, MEETING HOUSE AND PARLOR STOVES, AT EASTERN t'OST AND FREIGHT. A RplondidlStock of DRY GOODS AND Groceries ON U1ND. OOODS DELIVERED FKEE OF C1IAHU& TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Uotel. T II GRAND DISCOVERY ! A Now Article of Mnuuraclurel P, MARCETTS HAS FOR SALE Ms Patent EiiM for Dlai I )'or tlio .Manufacture of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE, l'aving awl Buthling Stone. r )' Call and soo Samples at bis Alo Vaults, HO Ulm (ut II Block. iuy2 THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. TS THE I'lOXISKU'UOl'TE between OMA-1 OMA-1 11 A and CillUAUU, completed four years avo, hince iTliiib timo tlie Colli i any h,n"o fpared neither painn nor ox panne in peri oct inc iu mad bod and track, and ciuipi'inir it with rollinn l..ek, of tlio m..'t modern ltn-riMvoiiiont-; tbi. t pettier itb tho fact of iu bu'iik Hie Kii'inu-ir i.i olfors lu tho '1 ravcliui: I'ulilin a R'juto unurpaised in this country lor speed, coinlurt, saUty und euro vunni.cliuns. I'AKTlCULAlt CAI'TION should bo taken by pasiennori in buk'' in ihuir route, and nut I be dcuoivud by lalso adv ortisouionts and reproreniaiioiM by inlore-t'd partios of coiuiicliuH line), in rot-urd to timo, distances, nitui, vis. 'Ibis popular route le-iuiros no f;il fOBtatcmcnt-1. relyinic un its truo merit, it nucls only to bu knmrn by the traveling public lo bo appreciated. TIME: S:m Francisco to Omaha, four days on 1,0 Via tlik:ii.-o and Northwestern Railway, Omulia to ulm-aKo, twentylhrco hours. Uiuaha tu Now York, si.My hours. Uuiiiha to Evatua, suly-luur hourd. 1'ILLMAX rAL ACE, HOTEL AND y LELl'INti CAHti are run on all throuh trjiii from Omaha tu Chicago. Uow to Sv.rj.-u?: Slkbimso Hkbths Uki-oiik Ry t iiimi Oiiaiia; l'aMiiKois desirous e peeuriiiK Sk-cpinit Itortli.i, Sections or tt'ie Room -in ibo&UcpiUK Car Innu tiniah o-'L eiin do no by l.'lexrai'hiuK Irom any of stations un the I'ui- n I'aeille Kailruad, to A- t,'iirietitor, lleiioral Asunt, C. A " Kiiil.my. nnu.hu, utatinB what thoy want, ihini, nil thoy netHl to do until tb-y reaeh thoC. AN. W. ll,.ihvay Depot, en the oast -i.l.. of tho .Miouri river. Uin bo to tho iiii.r.uit iiv uLtUlinw Thr.oili T okets via I lilVT;n .1 ImiiU'H" LSl'KltN KAII.-V. KAII.-V. V. hiob ean ho i-u'-ured at all i tnneia tie' ui olln- in t'.lii"i'ii.i und the i-t, ami lit r 1ilr!id olli.-e. iNnri Fram-isL-o. Salt Lake CitltO.-don. Uunihu and LVmiioil Itlullfc JNU. O. (1ALLT, , , tlonoral Sup't, ChlcMo. II l. Sl'ANU'OiiI), Ooneral liekot Asent. Chiciwo. |