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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, j 7uanij Hfi ot el On Market, Now MortBomerj and Becoud UtrtiU, SAN I'llAIVCISOO, OAL. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors i TOBIN, DAVISSON ! &. CO., mroaTsKS or AMHItlCAN, UXULIHII, KKUNCN FANCY GOODS, Xrruitt Wares, Poclcet Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, titntionery, l)ras Trimmings, White Good, Millinery Goodsf Hosiery, iijim IPdkchfsy , Gents Furnishing Goods, Etc lor. Kutttr and Bausome Sts. BAN FRANCISCO. JXO. G. HODGE & CO., IMPOUTK lti Wholesale Stationers, Keai the largest lock of Hint lottery, II I Kit k Unnkn, School llooku, l'liiylnir, Card, Wrapping Wrap-ping I'aperi, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, tfcc, &c, On tlia Parlfl? Cofwt.wlilrh ihnyara prepared toiell Bitlior for (lol.i or Ciimmry at i-n.vn Unit will nffr huliirNiit feir btijori iiiijwljora west nf tlia Kocky Muuutaitu. :7, 3l!9 &3:!I SANSOMK STREET, mil Son Pranr Uro: WEIL & WOODLEAF, 1 llntf cry St., Sun Fraiirltco. Importers of YANKEE NOTIONS, FORK ION AND DOMESTIC, Cutlery, PUvIiik Curds, Stationary, and In particular, ft lino assortment ol Moerahaum and cheaper pipoi, whioh wo import direct from Kumpn. myl LOCKE & MONTAGUE, IllPOBTIilS OF STOVES AND METALS, 1USUF1CTURKRB OP TINWABE iXD DKAI.EH8 IN House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; AQENT3 FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, lit and 114 Uattery Street, Ju7 SAN FRANCISCO. Jtmes Sprwuice, Joliu bpruaiKO, 0. Q. Uhnpuian. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers autl Wboloialo Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS, J4 415 FRONT STREET. BRITTAN, HOLBROOK & CO Importers and Dealorsiu Stoves & Ranges, SHEET IRON &TIM PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wirt, PUMPS, Load and Iron Pipe. TIXftERH' GOODS, Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Kiubraointr Plain, Japanned, Planishod and Stamped Ware, Koi. Ill . 113 California and Noi. IT . 1U Davla Streets. MURPHY.GRANT& CO. Importers of American and European Staple mid Funcy DRY GOODS, JSA.TX FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of llie Tratlo to tlieir largo and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receding direct from European Manufacturers, couit-risini in part-French part-French Merinos, Wool Sail tics, Wool Plaids, French ami German, Irtsh and French Poplins. Empress Cloths, Tnmlse, black and colored. Velveteens, Alpacas, bluet and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLO "V E S 3 Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies'. Mi;?es'. Gouts') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, vmphte iu nil in lraiKli, White Goodi, Handkerchiefs, Slilrilug Llneitg, Uullls, white aud ci.lort.l. Unmasks, bn.wa loom u.i Ufarhed, Towels, UiKk. D;aror, Turkish. Snpkla an 1 1 Doylies, 'I Klc, Klc, Etc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FKANCISCU. D. 0. MILLS. PRESIDENT. W. 0. KAL&ION, CASHIER. Capital Paid l p, . 53,000,1)00. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS ot" Credit on all the principal cities of tho fi World. WILMERDiNQ & KELLOGG, Importers and Jobbers of- Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 FROST STKEET, SAM KKANCIttCO. WOODWORKING. j Thitntfl Latimer, W. n. Folaom. (isorne 11. Taylor, liere Komney LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. CHEAP and GOOD COMIILVED. Wisconsin Pine DOORS, BLINDS, ! ! We have secured the AGENCY FOR THE Largest Sash and Door Factory in the World, Located in the great Pineries of Wisconsin, Wis-consin, where the bost of lumber is ' from one to two cents per foot. First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors DIFFERENT SIZES, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Panel. 1,000 S SASH, from 7x9 to lOzlS. 300 PAIRS Rolling Blinds, At Prices that Defy Competition! OUR FACTORY IS IP WITH THE TIMES In all home work in our line. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, Of .11 kinds Bow Windows, Frames, Doors, Odd slzei, Etc., Etc. A FULL LINE OF MouldingS Planing & Sawing i WITH DISPATCH. L1TDIER, TAILOR & CO. la) On. Block WNtofX.btnKl' Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. K L i "Wholesale ! DKY GOODS DEPTi I i Up Stairt, Emporium Buildiitgt, A full. Sm-cluj atook ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchaser! cun here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PKEMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially 4E- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T, HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRIC! Fine Cassimeres, and Cloth: Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen orderioi their own. Retail Departm'nt EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND 1SS0RTMEAT OF GOODS WE CUT IN ANY LENQTHS AT j SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families DRUG DEP'T, Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATEA'T MEDICINES LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIET1 ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVER1LL PAIN1 WHITE LEAU, OILS, COLOR: GLASS. ETC. Prescription from Physician tci havt special attention. H. B. CLAWiOll, Supt FIRE INSURANCE. - Mm& IS ! Merchants' Exchange Building. iFire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - . 5050,000. JOHN n. REDDLN(!TON. - President. CHARLES it. STOKY. - - - Secretary. GEO. H. HOWARD, . - Vica-PreMdent. N. B. EDDY, - - - Marine Secretary. H.H, BICIELOW, - UenoruIMiinnBcr. ' H. R. MANN, I Aont for Utah Torrltorj-, Unlet, uuiter the Reading Rooms, j ju2t SnltLnkoClty PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, GOLD COIN. ' B. W. E. JENNENS, Agent for Salt Lake City & Ogdcu. Office wllli Teaidel. Co., Main St., ju2 SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western FIME INSURANCE CO'Y, OX1 CHICAGO. TI1EO. F. TRACY, Pre aid cut J C. H. BASSETT. ) HESRY W.LAWRENCE J-Directori CIIAS. L. DAHLER, j i MARSHALL A CARTER. Attorney. ' H.R.MANN, Manager. OFFICE : f Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE P o,000,000 COMPANY Having been organised in our city, we are now ready for business and earn-; earn-; estly solicit public patronage, guaran- 1 teeing that ail fire riska will be carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, " &21 Managr. HARDWARE. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS ij WE HAVE JIST RECEIVED Another Car Load OF THOSE Crescent Stoves, And we invite all to call and examine exam-ine them, as we warrant ALL of them to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, Far surpassing any other pattern ever brought to this Territory. We also have a few of those OVEL LAUNDRY Stoves, SOMETHING NEW, Together with a very large variety of Cooking Stoves, FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE LAKGEST. Call and sco for yourselves ALL KINDS OF Copper, Tin and Iron Work DONE TO ORDER SENSENEY&CO Opposite W. F. tfc Cos OOice, SALT LAKE CITY WAGON AND CARRIAGE. RAILROAD SHOPS. I HOPPER I CO., Second South Street, Half Block ix.rn.ttt Revere Home, SALT LAKE CITY. WAG PI CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAOKS'llTHIfJO In all its Brunches. - COACH IMINTINi; AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH ASI) CAJtRlAUE TttlMMl.NU. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to iuit all. A. BOPPLB. I. B. ZABRISELT. IS SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. J. EYERDIXU & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS S Clay St., Sail Franc lico, DEALK11S l.M OUKQOS PRODUCJC. ArocomUotly In rwvivt of Oregon Hunt, Bcon, Lard, SuiIluou. Jtc. Starch, of our owu aui Kiiicro tmuiufeitur Sroul'c, Sweeney & Co., Piurtis 1 :Fi.o'7-xio3srjei Uitltcr, ClieeBP, Lartl, Ilnmi. Bacon, Ba-con, Pork, Uccf, Crauberrlen, Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel, Etc. No. 40G FRONT ST., ;us PAN ritANHSCO. S. V. IIoKlen. J&a. Moorhead. S. P. HOLDEN & CO., IMI'OMIHS or FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, 10. 28 & 30 SANSOME ST. London : 27 Lamlanhall St.. E.C. o5 A.C. lltnifkoii, W. Y Dnttlmittiiu, Guoryo Siulf, Luuta t'. Uolu. Heineken, Drathmann & Co., WHOLESALE GROCEBS nml COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .t; .M:irkel Si., bet. l.l ami 1 .-tre.L". SA N !' ' M 1 St:i '. OA I.. Wm V. Uryni)ll -V ()., ll.lM.l IL.-3 mid lV.Lll-n ill P1XE WINES AXI) L1QUU11S, A gen t a for It oaeuliniim nikil C. O. 15, Ullli-ra. -L iL r, Bullory Si., Siiu FrJinioLU. ftff-B.cril miciili.m ..iil trtCUairo Omul f.n HEAD QUARTERS BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, W00D& RUST. sr Pearl S(., Boston, Mass., MANUFACTURERS AND 11770 LE SALE DEALERS. ORDKIIS l'KOMPTI.V PILLED. A. .1. tSUIFFITII, Scalar Id gI all kinds of nCH.r.BX fc SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1!13 WnitliliiRiaii Slvcet. All kinds of Drlod, Smoked ami l'lckk-J FiiU CQriaLautlyonlmnJ. Ji COMMISSION MERCHANTS a 04 nnd'JOO California St., San FraucUco, - - California. Particular attention paid to the filling of orders for every description of merchandise n23 Snle of Orn, ictc, CHENERY, SOUTHER &-C0., Iuiiiortors and Jobbors of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WISMES, AND LIQUORS, 11 Clay Street, San FraucUco. Jyig A. C. DIETZ & GO. IMPORTERS OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET. Bat. Sacramento A California, San Fr.nriscn Michael Kase. T. N. Wakd. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, Wand dt Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WLES AXD LIOCORS, PropriulorM of Hunter's California "7Cli.o.t WJiislioy. Also A fronts for.Ioacph S. Finch'a aclcbratcd Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY. Ii07 and 009 Front St., near Jackson, SAN I-'RASCISCO. 3. C. OWUSO"1 StCO., 10-1 nndliHi FRONT STKEET, SAS FRAKCISCO, CAL, Ojj'vr the finest and most complete slocc on the Pacific coast. Itefer lo II. B. CLAWSON, Smt of 53. O. JVE. I. i'.SUR'l'liR.) S;ln Fr,..lK.. SZ J. E3AUIV! & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 3 Sansome St., San Francisco. 45 Jlurrny St., Kew York. ffi CUTTING & CO S CALIFORNIA PACKED PICKLES, F SU ITS, and PREgER "V E Fresh and Choice. For iS'aZe by all leading Grocers. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 53 . 57 Market St., San Fran. J")-13 Paris : 2S Rue Dc L'Echiiuipr. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Import en and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVtflY STYLE AND KIND. IU, tis, anil 117 I'Lie street, SAN FRANCISCO. Our JJ.jtne inwlc UootU arc unaiuahd ly any. Samples al .llr. (iootlhiud's Office, j SALT LAKE CITY. WEIL & CO.. lMruftiLKa dr- Cigars and Tobacco Piopticturs of Lie UAVAA CIUAil aiANUfACIOHY ai, !443 and 'A'45 Front St., Southweat corner From Jfc Sacramento SU., BENEDICT, HULL CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WUOl.KSAl.H DKALKKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. 131 iind 13 RANI STRElil Due tilook K&st of Bromlwfi.Y, I NEW YORK. Z. C. m. I. BOOT AND SHOE DoparimtMit, at tlic ln ol THE "BIO BQOT. Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes JiAlila TO OHDhll, MUsfao-tion MUsfao-tion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A IARIIE AND CHOICE STOCK OP IIOME-MADE imported BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Shoe Findings, Horse' Collars and all kinds of Leather 11. H. CLAWSON, SUPKKINTKNDKNT, NEW YORK TRADE. L. M. BATES & CO., 4G1 A. 4S3 Broad-way, NEW VORIC, lUrORTEaS AND JOBBERS IS Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKltY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, d-c. J. II. DELOElt. Jul FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Doaler in Wrought, Cast and Galvanized f.CMaT TB OS SbC : And every variety of fittings for j the same. nil" 1 DAY & HALSEY, Importers and Wbole.cale Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, RIFLES, ETC., And Mannfacturers of Axes, Edge Tools ami Mining Tools OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Railway, Steamboat and Machinists Machin-ists Supplies. 340 Canal Street, Opposite Enrle'a Hotel, SEW YORK. We n.k the merchants and mining companies compa-nies of Salt I-nlie City and Ticiniiy to examine ourgoods. Prices sont by mail, to the trade only. ju!21 ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers audJobbcrs of .371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Juylfl C. A. Longstreet. John Sedgwick. tONGSTREET & 8ED6WICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Deal era in MEN'S & 30Y3' CLOTHING. 406 468 Broadway, New York. 1J1 HENDERSON, JUSTICE SCO Successors to Griffon, Henderson k Co., IMPORTERS and jobbers ok nm GOODS, MTIOAS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., 408 A. 500 BROADWAY, Oriioaito St. Nicholas Hotel, n Ni York. BATHS, BATHS I Warm 8prlikg' Bui Its ! Prlvata and Plunge. ' Tkeee celebrated baths are open to the public al all e&sonj. Their medicinal properties arc so widely known that It li noedloM to enumerate tbetu. BealdM the Private Bnttu, tbe Inrgr- and hndsome-ly hndsome-ly rnniiahrd Pluufrc Uln f;r L-nlics and Qentlemti) srr ikn ntn. II. All.NOLI). Bl7 CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HANFGRD & CO,, 51 Houth Water St., CHICAGO, Ueadquuters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufaoturon of the oelohrated WILSON OIL. TANK. ill VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WIIOLEHALE DRUGGISTS Dealer In PAINTS, VARNISHES, OltS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware1 Patent Mediolnos, &o., Sco. 00, 03 A 04 Lake St., oor. Dearborn' With a large experience in tho Territorial trado, wo feel sure of si virile saliefaction in quality, prices and packing. juy20 Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWEtt, WHEELER & CO., Manufacturers of Engine, Signal. Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, Whalo Elephant, iSual and tiporin Oil, Agenta for the Mle of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. AgDti of the West Virginia Oil awl Oil Lnd KANOTicttmiM or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOf AND IRON PAINT for Tin and Skiuglo Roott, B rid go Ttnibon, Ac. Factory. CHICAGO. Office, PAGE, BRO. & CO., Import era aud Dealer la LEATHER AND FINDINGS M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers Hoots and Shoes, 114 ft. 1 IG Wabaali Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, II. J. Maefarland, R. Benedict, n2i 1, Mclntyre. 0IEB0LD & KIENZLE, Successors to DiuLold, Bohmuio k Co, CELEBRATED CLN'CLNNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOP SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic Bank OA tZC2 JKk. PKATT& COVEKT, General Agents 86 Washington St, Chicago. II. 11. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. 81. I. Aireut for Utah Territory. IIKIGtiS HOUSE B. n. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and pJJ ffl A Tfl Randolph Street, VillljAUU. This House is cenlrallr located, well for" nished, and contains 26u Hooini. JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J. H. HAGUE, GEOROE HAOUB. 33igr CStUlxi Store ! HAGUE BKOTHEES, LATE J A M hi S HAGUE, Importora aud Doalora irx GUIS, S'iW- AMMUNITION, 4fOHSlE TM Saddles Harness, AND WHIPS OF JiV'IiKY MiSCJUi'MnN. UEPAtllS NEA1LY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. |