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Show TO THEPUBLIC. "V"OTtOE is hereby iven' to nil whom it may concern, that I am the owner of tbe umliTided one-half part of tho Lowlnnd Chief and Bakic mines, consisting ol' 1.U1KJ teet each, situated in Ophir mining district . Tooele county, Utah, and I forbid tbe sale or purchase thereof by .'inyoiie, and further, that neither Churlcj Uosuier nor unyonc else hap any right, imvror or anthorily to sell or in any manner tii-jio.-e uf my interest inter-est in "aid proporly. JAiUKS V. MILLS. Sail Lake City, Aug. . IsH. EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. 'pilK STUCK BOOKS of the Emma Hill X Tnnnolund Mining Coni-miiy ;ire now oiion in Roid'e Building, and ;i limited num-bur num-bur of unassessable shares lor ,-jle. The Emma Hill Tunnel mid Mining Com jiauy wiia located Anril IS70, ineorjo rated August H. 1S71. aud has tho most Uuttoriuu nroapects of any mine in Little Cotton woo il. For liartioulnrs inquire of W. S. WU0D11ULL. Vice Trks.. llcid'8 Building. Ur JA. A. MURPHY. Skcbbvabv. nugM Keid's HiiiKlmc A. LW-a-Y ON HAND A KINli ASSOltTilLEJVT OF Fjtidies' and Children's Hats aud Turbans At MRS, WILKINSON'S, JH M MAIN STREET. CANDIES! I would uull tltc nltentlou of tlir country imd city li-iitle to my larifc stock of Pure Home Made O till dies. , 1 hiii uelllHg very low nt Whole ma I v H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, Kaat TenipleSI., Salt LilUe City Sewing Machines For Family and Mam.iaclitriti Purposes, Embody all that ta new and novel in Hew ids Maohinei. 'Ihcy are the latest improved ani light3truuning shuttle machines in tht world. Beautiful ana compact iu model and unexcelled in material and lini.sh. They sew oven thing from lace to beaver cloth in the moil perfect manner. Every variety ofllt-iumlug, Felling, tiulUlng, Cording, Rufflluj, p lilug, Tublug, Frlugliig, Hem Stitching ., r&sl)y jici-formtd. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels. No Vibrating Springs. Every machine warranted as represented. Snle&rooiu uu Fl -l Suutii atreet, Salt Lake City, oiipoalte ihc 'I' heat re. IRA PFOUTZ, BI5JSEITM MENAGERIE. Opposite the entrance to the- Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Aduiisaou, 50 c(s. ChildreH, io " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native 2'lnerali, Petrlfactlona, Cou-tretlon-. aaj Cryata'lzatloiis. Hmt Products, Xutivm mnd Foreign Cu- Cemrouod tleetro-MagDstic Appi- Pror. J. Li UAAiOOT, Manager. Schooli and Fimilia by vriTatf -rD(mnu admittod at reductd ra;u. LOST. OTKWKH FROM MY RESIDENCE. IN the :Jih Wri. a ;maH Kci Devon Cow. two vear- uld, siving milk. No marki or i Urj-id-. Anr pt-rson returning her will be mi:thly reward-l. W. Sba". FOOD. lUiHT MILE?. WITIiOUT URANOS. Ij found in my enclosure south ol thord W:irJ, "l tlii L-ity. are wantinB an owner to claim (tiem and Py upuD.-c. S. W. RirmRLs. 14th Ward. S. L. City. ON FKIUAV AFTERNOON ON THE meet, neir the 'JMwnsi'nd Hsuse, a Violin in a blitok cae. The uwnor can have it ly aiplyinK at the Hehald uilice aud v.iy vu for ihia advertiiement. ti TO LEASE, ONE iiF THE 'BKT msINESS LOTS in tbi- city lor a term of years. Inquire ;n thi; Oihv-e. aucu FOR REM. Viim: ncw house, containixh tk'vcn roojs, with pLintrioa. closets, eio.. Iini"hi-d in tbe best style; situated nn llie Uetii'h. lour Bouarcs coat ol' Temple Block. Will be rented for private re.-idence dm.V. with r without c.trden. Oood reter-cui'i-s required.1 Ap!'ly at tho lli.it tt.u UlUce. aus22 ' M1K t'l'I'Hlt STORVOK TlIK CALIFORNIA J. "jakon, Cotuineri-inl Street, juyt WATED. A WOMAN TO DO t! EN ERA I. HOLE-work HOLE-work in a family of two. Address Li. M. B-. 11 t-H A L L) Ullice. (Li T ANTED 1 MM KDIATKLY-T WELTI-: YV :-t-tivf. Ma.irt i;irl-. fur wniiineen ta-blo. ta-blo. Uiwhi-t wages 1'nid to einiablo per-non. per-non. .Apl In Knox A I'nineroi, liahLii-lior liahLii-lior ExchaiiKe, two Jours north of Walker llro's.. up i-lair.-i. fC2 A WOMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A J. hou.e. tt'ilh a small family. Wages, per month. Address B, box 'M, P. 0. nug.Jl SMALL FAMILY CAN BE ACCOM-l. ACCOM-l. modalud with a very pleasant suite of fur hud rooiu.i ami board with a private family. Enquire of 0. C. Nichols, at tho Outaifon lloii.-e. ailtfll FOU SALE. i LAllHH 8URSTANTIAL HOL'SK, CON'-il. CON'-il. mining thirteen roouis, cellar, well, etc. House not intito finished; situated on Tth East and bctwoen 1st and 2d South treeli. E'r pariidlara enquire at this ollice. or W. A. MoMsstcr. lllh Ward Co-operutivc Co-operutivc Store. augl6 SMALL l'ltRTABLF ENGTNE; EIGHT j. V horau jower. A uply ai T. 11. Jo.;s Co 'a Lumber Yurd. aug3U AlTUSr-CLASS FAMILY CARRUUE. Aiply at d. 1C. Tr umbo's Auction House, opposite Salt Lake House auK-7 inVO LOTS, IN' THE 2ufu WARD, ON REA-80n:iblo REA-80n:iblo (onus. Apply to A. J. Swonaon at tho "Big Boot." augl6 EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL ! HX, M.-VIiJi-'W SCHOOLS. St. 31 ark!! tiilijim.ii- School for I Uuyn ami Girls. Ut. Rev. D.S. Tuttlo, B.D., Rector. Rev. T. W. Jlnskins, M.A.. Principal. Fifth year begins Tucsilay, Sept. 5tli, at U n.m. Loi-atii.n St. Mark's School Buildine, Third South Street, near East Temple. St. Murk's School for GUIs. Rcv.T. W. Hiiskins. M.A.. Rector. M ii6 H. M. iegin, Principal. Mr. Uaruiol Pratt. Vocal and Instruuicn tn Music. First year begins Tuesday, Sop. o, at 0 a, in. Terms, per i mi i ter of 12 weeks. - "r'J'J.'X Location--bt. Mark's Uhurch, 1st Soutb St, For further particulars in regard to ths schools sco I'ircular for 1S71-72. ns'H Salt LakeSeminary REV. FREDEH1CK S. STEIN, A.M., Principal. MRS. FRANCES E. STEIN, Preceptress, ROOMS. Tho sessions of tho Sominarj will, lot1 tho present, bo held in the rooms formerly occupied by tho St. Mark's 1 school, two block? soulb of P.O. on Main st, Time. The Fall term will commence on Monday, Wept. 4, and continue- four months, closing tho Friday before Christmas. Heulnr DtjmrUiients. Xhcro will be four regular departments of instruction, viz: Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and Acidemia. Spi-ciul E vtul n g Courses. There wili bo. in addition to the regular department! above, should there be a demand for tb same, special course., for evening sessions, designed to benclittlioso who can not utiunu during tho day, vim special Gcrmun. It lenrn ta read and spenk lie same: also Commercial Com-mercial Arithmetic. Heading, Grammar, Arc. De-iai-liiiem of Music There will Ik Instruction u Horded in vocal music ; also, ot orgnn. piano and molodeon. Oiiiuiueiiiul JJepaviuiciii . Instruction Instruc-tion in oil pointing, crayon aud pcnoiliui will be offered those who desire ti . Leciurtiri. li r. Chadhourno, l'ormertj President ol isconsin University, Iia; agreed to give a course of lectures duriuj the coming term, on tho geology and mine ral"gy of L tflli, tor the benelit of the school Term. Primary Department, id poi inonlh. liilennediato I)eiartniont, il pei month, tiraiiimur Department, per monlh Ai-adeiuio licp.irtuiunt, including bighei muthemati.--. i;aiar.il sciences, and aucicn and modern l.mgaa-i-;, ;1 per mouth. Pay-m'-nts monthly iu udvnco. liii'tirmui ton. -I ,,r any needed iulorin atiin. upply in per-n or by letter, iu tin I'rineii'.il, or ilic undori(,rnerl. U. M. 1'EIIU K. Js.ilt 1,. ,i- C-iy, .''j.1. is, 1671, uns-hi MUSICAL TUITION. lroic!)ui' John Tiillltlge, foriueil' one ol thevoiidnci..n of the York Phi. bar IuiDcic Soi'icly'-I'uiicci-ls, and the formnto: ol several similar institutions iu Eucland naving dociiied to utako his faiurc rcsiUenoi in Sail L.ike tity, ii desirous of leai-hmi ihc fulliifl'ii's biMtii-Ue.') of iiuii-ioal uduuj, I'rtviilc Vot nl Iten-llug (.enMOiiR, a 1 In t he UiuiiTn-r - si,-.Ot Orait .. .. . -jiio.oL V nice 'i nihility mid Fiit- Islllng Lea0on, il In tin- Quarter - Sit.OC Unrmouy, CouiKei-polnt , - tthydini and Composition 1 Lessons, :i I In the tiuartcr - SO.OC Ono half to bo paid in advance. Envolopoi. applications, tent to box No. 70, Post Ullice , and at this Ullice. will iceiivo immediate at j teution. aug"Jl Attention Miners! irnnttl imiiietllatcly tlute huii-V huii-V tired tons or gum! AlttiKA'-TiPEllOl'S AlttiKA'-TiPEllOl'S GiVLESA uud COI'PJiK OltES lit SCHEMES SMELTING- aid REFINING- WORKS, At Union Fort, Littlo CottomvooJ. Kates for Smelitiii Urcs from Sl.'itoS per ton. as jier nualily aud uuaniity. A No. 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. VltE receiving by the car-load an eura imahtT ut i-'irc Uri.k'. which will be suhl in small uf lar.e iiu.in'.ilioi. They have been u.-ed in Colorado and eho-where eho-where lor years andarodjual iu every re-sjiecl re-sjiecl t i Ut: btit Kntrliah brick. noosiEir.oi ID E E IP WELL N LVLU k,ets ont of order, and is cheaper tuna -ay oih-.r Lrscl,d p-amp i-f c.iUal cj-suit -. IvJiiible fcr s', riui;;in0' grounds, street j ucu :'i,r ure juri.-jrG. IIOSK from :4 u 1' i itcj. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., mjlS AGENTS MISCELLANEOUS. " VWL SHIRES. IcOMMISSION i j MERCHANT, i GENERAL DEALER i i llah, California and Forei.su FRUITS, i ! PRODUCE, jFANCY GROCERIES, i j CAWDIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, t And all kiuris ol' SEEDS. A Goo supply of ICANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines aad Country Towns solicited, whicli will 1 receive prompt attention. ' i : EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, I SALT LAKE CITY. BL13 3 NSW ARRIVALS I AT :teasdel&co's i : A LARGE LOT OF j NEW AND : FASHIONABLE CLOTHING lull Gents, ' Vrtuths isiid I Cliildren. 1 I ! The Latest Styles IN HATS AND CAPS, j Also the unexcelled 1 BliEES' ; Sewing Machines They reoiuuicud thembelvcs. j CALL A.D EXAM1.VE THEM. TEASDEL & GO. Eagle Mouse, j i Eat Temple Street. 1 jB,ia I N AY 1 O M II M O' lime on IuikI ill.- Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which llu'y offer A. T V E DR. "52" X.O"W F K, I C E S . FIRST HAST STREET, 1IALE-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATltK C ALDER BROTHERS Donlors ir. o i!ry viri.-iy if MTTSIGAL INSTHUMENTS SPECIAL AUENTS for Uliili oriho Arion Piaiiol'oi le Coiiipuiiy, Stcimvay & Sons, Cliirk- ci-ins Sons, Decker .V IJui nes mid Grovestein He Fuller's 3VE-A-SO!Sr Sc HAMLIN'S WOllLD-HENOWNKD CBHSTEIT ORGANS! Read wliat our Professors ol' Music and Leading Citizens of the Territory say about them in our new Circular. Boolts, Stationery AND SCHOOL FUR.MSSHlfJCS. HEATH & MILLICO, MANUl-'ACTURKllS OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. ALL KINDS MiningTools Wrisht's Picks, Shovels, Iron Barrows, Etc., Etc. POWDER AND FUSE, IB.03ST PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, Brass Goods, SCOTT, DUNHAM & lO'S, ninlu Street, West .tile, Next door to White House, LOW FOU CASH. DR. HARRIS, DE1TTIST, OFFICE Over Davis' Grocery Store', MAIN STRliKT. outS EXCELSIOR COAL COMP'Y. n.oolac Springs, WYOMING TERRITORY. Blair, Bro. & Co., - Propr's. juy i HO FOR THE "LADY OF THE LAKE," Until farther notice tho steamer Lady of the Lake Will loiiveajmiMabnut n nuarter of a mil below tbe Jordan Bridge ovory day for PLEASURE TRIPS, ComtacLcinc on Tuesday, August 29th, MAt 10 a.m. anl 2 ii.m.. monitiK down te lettits. rcmiimiDR thoro about one hour. roturDing at nuoul 1 p-m. and j p.m , Fare for the round trip $1.00. ni;mbkr limited. For 'l lcked npplyat J. W. Vouni'i Kcrrcshiuents can be obtained on board and at 1'cttits'. KAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE C1TV. A. P. T1LDKN, J. C. LAWKENCK,"11'''1"' PROPRIETORS. Ju.vlS Laie of New York, GO TO DUdFORD & SONS Mammoth Shoe and Hat House FOR YOUR BOOTS, SHOES & HATS. 4 AiWJTHEi: LA IIO 12 AlllilVAL. GOODS CHEAP! GOODSCHEAP! jMa OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. H. DINWOODEY'S New rurnlture Store ON EAST TEMW-K SfTItEET. IS NOW OPEN- lla. on Uuud a uiy LRrfc-c Axoriintut of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! Fine 1'arlur it ". ' fQ1 Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St |