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Show TRAVEL, GiLMER & SALISBURY'S DA SLY STAGE LIHES , TI1UOUOI1 UUih, South -casl ftevadu & obi- tana, Ltnvluf; Salt l.nlie City Dally, run-ulug run-ulug aoutli to Tiutio, Amcncan Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St, Ueorgo, Utah ; and rioohc, Nevada ; failing through i'rovo, Sprinevillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-son, Fork,Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, liound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, lieavor, Miners-yiilo, Miners-yiilo, and All the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlimc, Utah, dally, running north to ( Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bonton, ' Dcor Lodgo, Cedar Crook minos, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OtVJCU, . Wells, Frgo i Co. Building inn Salt Lake City LenWinoa. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express IIUNMNQ UAIIiV FROM SALT LAKK CITY, via LAK1C TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON , AND OPIIUt TO TINTIC. .. The route has been re-stocked with Bplon- did Concord Coaches, fino Stock, caioful and attontivo Drivers, and every attonlion ia paid 10 the oemfort ani convonionoo of passoa-B passoa-B era. Good accommodations on the rond. TIIBOUG H BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ufflto at Walti, Fargo A Co.'i, gait Lake Ctly. WINKS & KIMBALL, ; Proprietors. ; UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after jMiuary Slat, 73 MIXED TRAINS WILL IR. XT 1ST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.K. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. An extra train will K un on Sundays Leaving Draper at 8.40 a.m., Sandy at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. '4 FAKES : Salt Lak to Bin Cottonwood Station, 50cti Little " " 50ata W " " Sandy " $1.00 j ' " Draper " 1.25 i Twenty-five cents additional will be charted when the fare is collected on the train. 1 D. O. CALDKR, , "j Oen. Freight and Tioket Aee-nt, KKRABOltZ LIT TLB ? BUPSRINTB!T)1NT. W.T 1U:'N01,PS A CO.. E. B.7.AB1USKIE, 1 ;in Frajicijco. Jjtili Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOB S.M.K A VINE LINE Ol WINES AND LSQUOHS, To which ihoy call the attention of ! DEALERS. . ' Orders Solicited and Satisfac-; Satisfac-; - tion Guaranteed. . SULK AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT AVUISKIES. THE FINKST 33 .A. IR, I ' THE CITY - CONNECTED WITH IHB HOUtiE. MAIN STREET, Two doors south of Wells, Fargo Co'a Bank. mji SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, J IMPORTERS OF . PAPER HANGINGS, 1 WINDOW SHADES, ETC., J33 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO, i aiii STK1N, KIMON &; CO., Impurk'rs nail Deal era In 1 TAIIiORB' GOOSS . Cloths. Cimsimorrs Trimming. Trim-ming. I-iulich' Cluukiiis, ;ililliartl C'lotli, Klc, r.T2 .1 C3 I Sacriii.-LU Stw-r, BAN KRANC1S00. 120 Duiue Pu-.-l, Ituoik i'H. L iu r. alO NtW VOKK. 1' All 13. A. B. ELFELT & CO., 11H0BTKR3 AN D JOIiilKKS OK Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOrt&llOttansome JSlrcel, SAS FRANCISCO. Kl.VKf.T, LKV1 A CO. 132 CUut.-li St., X. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., S AN FBACISC0, CAL. Carofnl and prompt attention jmid t I or-li-rs entrusted to our euro. r j HBCHT XJJR.O'S CO. BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER , 104 & 106 Simsomc $f San Francisco, And 0 A 12 Pearl Street, Don ton. , BUCKINGHAM 1IECUT, Mnnnfactururs of tlio "EITRA QUAlin" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES. all JACOB CNDEKIIILL. &, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agents for 8h1 orBon Dro'aACo'a OAST STEEL Files, Mouae Dole AiitIIi, Collins dtCo's C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, &c. IIS C ISOSattery Street, San Francisce. all JAMES A. FOLDER. 0. SCHOEMANN. I J. A. FOLGER&CO'S j PIONEEK STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, No. H'&O Front Street, Botwoon California and Sac ram on to, al3 SAN FRANCISCO. SAMUEL W. ROSENSTOCK. MARION LEVENTRITT. S.W.R0SENST0CK&C0. Mann foe til re ra and Irhporlom of BOOTS AND SHOES, S. K. Corner of gmisome &, Busli Streets, Snn t ranclsco. Solo Agents fr tho Nut lonal Guaranteed HTiblr Boota; fur llonard, French A Co's Coli-bratcd Mln-nora Mln-nora nud FariiLora' Boots; for 5I;kei-1 rcndloton's Hand Sowed Loots. nlJ J. BAUM Bl CO., Importers and Manufacturers of WEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 242 Snusomc Bt., San Francisco. No 18 Warren St., New York. Ml Harness, Saddlery, LeatJier. j. a johWson & co., - 104 6- 106 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Jf..-j. by permission to Mr. II. Ii Clnio-svn, Clnio-svn, HHperiHtuntleHt of tho z. CilT. I. al3 JOHN G. HODGE & Co., Importers, itlanufacliirers 'lesale1tatmer$, S27, 329 and 331, Bansomo Street, KAN Fit AN CISCO, 43 John St., NEW YORK. With tho facilities wo possess we can con-fidontly con-fidontly say that wo can supply ovorything in tho Paper and Stationery lino, of superior supe-rior qualities, at lower prices than can bo obtained olsowhero. BEND rOH. SAMPLES. al2 A. L. BANCROFT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. BOOKS, STATIONEKY, XJCXHOGRAJPIIIIVGr, And eTrrthiag in this connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Letters of Inquiry receive prompt attention. alO THE IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. The most complete Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands un rival! oi by any othor Portable Range, Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locks & Montague, 112 & Hi Battery St.. alO Sak i'aASCiBCO. fliltier, Fuller & Co., Importers and Dealers in PAINTS, OILS A.tD WINDOW IiASS, Solo AscctB fur French & Belgian Plate Glass Go's, Ml and 23 FRONT STREET. &5 , -San Fraud ico. RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of n ALT LIQUORS OILMAN STORES,! 314 Jt 316 Battery St., San Francisco Agents for Crosse j' BlackicelCs English Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuits J, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA. ARDBEQ ISLAY SCOTCH WHISKEY. JOULE'S n TRADE P" "3 IVAILU. y MALT LIQUORS. . JOULE'S STONE ALE. Teanent'B Seoteh Ale, Blood's India Pale Ale, Basi Co'i Bjitioo Ale. E?Ma' Cbamrasno Ale. Blood's XXX Dublin Dub-lin stout. Guinness Bublin Stout, Braw' Lndr.B Porter. Teanent'B Tea-nent'B XXX Stoat. Bridge's Ijondon Porter. Foreign Liquors in Cases. a5 LUM3ER YARDS. . LATIMKB. W. H. FOLSOU. .TAVLUlt- U. KOA1NKV. .ATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. MOTHER EXTENSION. I iVe have added to our other business a, J LUMBERYARD, Whore wo intend keeping a complete itock of TRUCKKK LUMBER, clear and common, A SUGAR PINE, REDWOOD, RUSTIC, c SIDING, " CEILING, 1 FLOORING, rough & dressed, J SHINGLES, LiVTII. FIVE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN , DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. ( MOULDINGS in great variety. . Ripping, Planing and Job Work at LATIIYIER.TAYLOROTS YARD AND FACTORY, One lilock west of Tabernacle. A largo assortment can bo tound at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doors west of Mnln Street, opposite Walker Uro's. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, ' T. K. JOTJES, i7 Half-block south of U. C. Depot, FREIGHTERS TO PIOCIIB, FAMILIESJOTICE, If you want to get CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FLOUR, and FEED of all descriptions, before purchasing you should give (jeo.H.Knowlden a call, who sells in CAR LOAD LOTS, BY THE TON OR RETAIL, the cheapest of any in the City. Families also can have their GRAIN, 1-LOUJa, CORN MEAL, FEED, and GROCERIES delivered anywhere in the City FREE OP CHARGE. CARS OF GRAIN arriving every day and for sale in lots, on tho track or at his store, West Side op Main Street, opposite Wella, Fargo &Co's. Cash jjaifl for all tinfls of grain. GIVE HIM A CAUL. G. II. K. Opposite Well 9, Fargo A Co'S, Moln Street, Salt Lake City. alC THEWS' " SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is now and novel in Bo wine Machines. They are the latest improved anl lightest runnins shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful ana compact in model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sew oTorythinK from lace to boavor oloth in tho most perfect manner. Every variety of Elemnilng, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stllclilng etc., tlllly pei formed. Straight At'caVc. Ab Ceg-whtels. SO VIBRATIKG SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First South Street Sitlt Lake City, opposlts thm Hew 31c at ilnrkct. IRA PFOUTZ, jajlj Agc.t. FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A- DAl'iiHERTY, JACOB PEETRY, Prciidcnt. ncretry- Cali Acts - - $7I,152.S1. By reason of a heivy tnsh cai ital and a laxtre businei!, well dictri bated, we oiler to tho public indemnity that is fecund to a one. Our Chic-ipO record is a guarantee ot prompt aod equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of lutijed. H. R. MANN, Agent. OOlcct Banking Home of A. W, Wblte di Co. PoitOiiioaUoi. Ko. 551 mjlO HARDWARE. 0. H. BASSET! HARDWARE STORK AU kinds of HEAYY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements Auu Mining Tools, At Lowaat Rate a. OPPOSITB SALT LAKaC IIOV81C n!6 HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, Maiiufitoture California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts tnkcu fur tlio erection o: STAMP MILLS AND SMKLT-i SMKLT-i LNG FUBNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Miuing Districts. Wc manufacture the Vnrney & Wheeler Fans. Patent Pressed Sltous Mid Dies, Patent Stem Guides, and the Machinery complete fo ST-A-nVEIr? IVLTXjXiS REDUCTloV WORKS of which wo mnko a peoialty and Ktiarantc satisfaction in all oases, Man ufnet tiro Bolthoff's liall Pulverizer FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work of 15 Stamp!, Price, 8150 Manufacturers' Asonts for theSale of Stnrtevant Si, Root Blowers, E&rle &, Cameron Steam Pumps, Hoisting Portable and Station r EngincB, Wire HolNtlng Rope, (Flat and Round Tunnel Rail iron, 10, 12 and lt lbs. to U yard. Iron Plp for Gas and Water, Dodge & Blake Ore Crnnlmrs, mining Cam and Iron Huckctu, Argllle fire Brick, and Milling Supplies. ESTIMATED and DRAWINGS furnish FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers iRON AND STEEI WEIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers Pipo and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. LubricatingOil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. tst. ZU.UUUlRONArJD STEEL At C. IJ. Bassett's. Opposite Bait Lak Hout. oil 00 c . s, Sfij 5 it SS3 1 "I a?j a- Eg-g C3 Sf I si 'II 2 ! i si s 5 h OJ .- tS u ti I i Uls HI f h-1 o HI I S -2 o SO)" .M 5 r- a S a a Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SGOTT, DUNHAM & CO. 4. HE 10KHT8 FOB TBI GULDEN CIIY FIRE lilllCK, Whih nre ejual if not superior to th best English. Special rates eiven by the car load. ootl3 JAS. A. STROMEEBG, 3Icrchant Tailor, East Side Commercial St., Xext door south, of J. SX. Day A. Co. tlolbi, labsimcrcs, i:c on baud. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Repnlred equal to new at low rates. Patronage RespcctTaU; Solicited. W - H i n . X 0 3 k 1 I 1 M i 1 I S i o. ft 2 S Ul o ij LJ O H - r i g Ci Q & n U u Eh R a h- Eh j 2 rl 0 2 O P Ik Ph (!) "g 5 H !? - o S b & H x & s M MISCELLANEOUS. BAT UV 1872- in ol Fancy Straw Hats 01 and Wreaths, at astonishingly t low prices, J just the thing for PIG-PJiGS AND EXCURSION PARTIES,8 z. a. 3vr. i. Retail Dry Goofts Department . ' II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. t' t -a 1 ft O 5 -5? B "Ob . Is! u S t Q - sl w 1 'l 5 i e SO-g S !S r ell mat X a O j3fl M -S s i B : P4 tfj i 3 S 0 h.i ft : U h : ijMt i tim JO QOBDOS. HENET B. UOBEAT. Gordon & Murray, (Succosiore to ELY, DUNCAN I Co.,) FORWARDING AM Commission Merchants Warehouses, hal f-a-blook south of R. R. Depot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track or Utah Southern Railroad, Utah. Merchandise, Machinery, &c, Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Kates, to all points in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. MARK PACKAGES care U. & 31. Salt Lake City. Sen, Khipiinc Receipt to their Post Office Boi 77a. UMi Lko City, Uuh, with cich Consigninont of Goods. Mr. BARBER, of t lie lata arm, will a t m a-eni at Pilio lor all Lu-iuobi in thai Ttuujtr'and Uirtiu'li whom conirscu can be undo Mid lull Info rain uon oLfUiitit-il. Special Attention given to the Handling Hand-ling and Trans-Shipment of Uullion and Ores. Advance Charges payable on receipt of shipping bills by Consignees. Hiahest Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Graiu, Huy, &c, for Sale. Ilavinc ft Utro and conimoJioui irajo-hju?e, irajo-hju?e, wg aro ijrcnorod to icccjvs and mors aliaiajs ofgoooj. mil BBSBBSBBBSSBBBBaSBlSBBBBBSBSBBBBBBSBBSBBSBSBBBSSBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBSMMSaMBBBBBBMBSSBBBBBSSHBSMM DEPARTMENT, 2. O. IsL. X. Having initde extensive Alterations aud Improve-mints Improve-mints in our iiremlses, we nre now iircimrert to oiler every facility in currying ou our rapidly increasing in-creasing business in tlie stile of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. HATS OF THE KEWLST STYLES ARK1V12JG EVERY FEW DAYS. OUR SPHI3STG RK.I'V".XJS Will compriso tho most oxtonsivo and varied Stock of Suits 'SI."".!" of every size and style, Ran.cinp from "Men's" of 2 years to thoso of the largest proportions; while tho quality cinnot lail to establish still turther the reputation which we have already oarnod. ' The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't WILtL ALSO EE FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer new induccmenta to our numerous customers. M MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow tho care and attention so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen can rely on having tbeir tastes suited in every particular. We aro daily receiving Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising the most fashionable stylos of now goods, in French, English and American SUITINGS, COATINGS and CASS1MERES, To which wo invito spooial attention. Tl A TT ATiCI Will find our stock of Cloths aod m 1 TT ATiO NEWEST STYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS ' Constantly arriving. TRUNKS TO SUIT ALL TASTES, Oi our own manufacture. I m29 Hi B. CLAWSON, Superintendent j IB THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE F O K $4:0.00 THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE FINEST TEXTURES. THE WILSOfl SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE STOUTEST LEATHER. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. FOR SALE 3Y CALDER & SEARS, J? East Tcmplo Street. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rich or poor, desirous of proeuring a Perfect Fit in Boots or Shoes, will find at 99 Main street a large and choice assortment to select from. If wo cannot suit you from our ready-made ready-made stock, we will make to order any style and quality desired, and in-suro in-suro satisfaction. Our facilities for manufacturing aro unsurpassed in this city. RErAIRIXO Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers Wo invite your attention to our complete com-plete stock of Leather and Findings, consisting, in part, of the best brands of French and American Calf Skins, Jloroccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, Upper Leather, Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs, Nails and everything else necessary nec-essary to a full outfit for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. 0ur goods having been carefully selected for the trade, by Mr. Crompton, they can bo relied on, and our prices are as low as any goods of like quality can bo sold here. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Observe the address ad-dress 99 Main street. Saddlers "Will find it to their intorest to examine exam-ine the quality and prices of our stock of Eastern and Western Harness, Tug, Bridle, Dash, Collar, Winker, Fair and Lace Leathers, Saddle Trees and Halters. Wo make a specialty of Horse Collars, in which we cannot tail to give satisfaction. Besides a large variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes Hay ward' s celebrated copper-riveted Horse Collars, isotico 99 Alain street. We have lately received, and are constantly con-stantly receiving, large supplies of all the above classes of goods, and wo endeavor to procure, manufacture and sell only such article as will mainUin our character for reliability. HIDES BOUGHT. I. C, M. I. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, AT THE SIGN Or BIG BOOT, 99 MAIN STREjET, SALT LAKE CITY, mis H. B. CUwfon. Bup'L BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring HhIUs ! F rival a il 4 Planff. ThM evict raU-I Uthi are open lo th peM"e- mkiiji, Ttitlr medicinal pmpertir ar wMciy Hint It nrcllnM Ui enunw"" Bm'Jci thr Prlrnti. llth, tti rKMd tndwie-Ij tndwie-Ij ft.rrl.hrt l-tuti i t,r. i?'',",, dwilfaion an now ovn. U. Ali"'. nil |