OCR Text |
Show Commercial. Salt Lake Crry, May 15. Gold. Buying, 111; selling, 114. New Store at So. 40 Main street! Furniture, Crockery, Ultus and rjilver-wa.ro, rjilver-wa.ro, etc. mjl'i Wasted. A taro dwelling houso, convenient to Main-street, at reasonable rent Enquire of C. K. Barratt, mylG 4J Main-5treet What you want to ksow about Bathing, apply at Palace Hatha, 18 Com mercial -street. mylG Corks. Hemember, this is your last chance to get your Corns, Bunions and Bud XaiU cured without pain. Dr. Lindoman will only remain until Saturday Satur-day evening. May the lhth, so bo Bure and give- him an early call. Charges moderate. Koom iNo. 4-1 Tuwiisend llouso. Office hours from 9 a.m. to ti p.m. mylti Vandyke Coal $11.60 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. C. W. Stayiter, Notary Public flics City Lota at Caldor & Sears. aia Vandyke Coal $11. oO por ton delivered, de-livered, mil Ladies Linen Suits from $1.00 upwards up-wards at the California Storo. myO For the Finest V iews of all points of tho URKAT "WEST, go to 0, K. tJavago'B Art Gallery, ni27 East Tomplo street. Artificial Flowers in great variety vari-ety at tho California Store. my'J Vkicks KeduckuI! Ilinton Coal Itr.-l in tho market, at 'J por ton, at Iho Utah Fuel Company's Coal Sliods, near U. C. K. it. Depot, mayi If You Want drst-clR shooing dnno al$t a span, go to Nay lor Brothers. All .shoeing warranted. myO Mikino Sale. Mr. R. Y. Anderson Ander-son ha negotiated a sale of tho Plymouth Ply-mouth Rock mino, Little Cottonwood, (which property has recently boon in-oorporatod,) in-oorporatod,) to San Franoisoo capitalists. capital-ists. This mine, although not very cxtonsivo, has a good reputation. The now proprietors will oommenco to work it as soon as tho snow disappears sufficiently suffi-ciently to mako operations feasiblo. Hani'some Stock of Clot my u just otH'fHHl at tho California Store. my'J Vrkmivm Frvits and Jellies man- matured by STEAM I'OVVKK at tho establishment ot l L. Cor-is & Co., i and t--i Frost stroot, San Francisco. all) Books! Books! Go to DwyoHs Salt Lake Book Store, Newa Depot and Circulating Library, where you can got tho latest now books and firBt-clasa novels, nov-els, and all tho leading newspapers, magazines, mag-azines, periodicals and flxst-clast stationary, station-ary, legal blanks, &c. m!2 Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits, Jollies, Jams, etc., aro far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For ealo by all iirat-class grocers. my 14 Insurance companies throughoul tho United States havo prohibited the uso of oil Burning Fluids, aa undoi various names, viz: Danfortii, Occidental, Occi-dental, and others. m2 Newest Attractions in Job Printing Print-ing at tho Herald Oilico. ' Geo. Smowkll is prepared to do all , kinds of ni;ht work and can bo found at jShowell's SuMes. my3 Corn, Oats and Barley for salo in lots to suit by Gordon ifc Murray, Half Block South of Railroad Depot, ma3 Take Notice. H. Dinwoodoy has jut recrivi'd one car load of very fine FUKN1TUKE PARLOR and BEDROOM BED-ROOM SETS. 67 East Tomplo street. al2 New Goods. Mrs. Goldman, 101 Kimball Block, hafi just received a Dice invoice of Keal Point Lace Collars, Col-lars, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets, Cor-sets, and Ladies' and Children's Suits, which are oiiered for sale cheap. alio Mininq and other Stock CERTIFICATES CERTIFI-CATES printed on Bond paper in latest stylo at the Herald Job Oliice. Dried Fruit. Wo will pay tho highest price for well dried, clean Peaches, Apricots and Plums, at our Provision Department, First South St., west of the Theatre. ml2 H. B. Clawsok, Supt. To the Travelinq Public Yoi are hereby no ti lied that at Ogdon city the junction of tho U. P. R. It. and C P. 14. It., tlioro is ono cosy, comforlabl hotel, well known by tourists and com mercial mon.whero comfort and clcanli ness and all of tho requisites of tho sea son can bo found. A freo carriage al ways at the depot to convey guests I the OeiIoii llouso. at JOHN V. FARWELL & CO., WHOLESALE JSTOTIOITS, DRY GOODS W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts., CHICAGO. , Partnership Dissolved. The rrtnrfhir heretofore exininc jd" 4er the. Srto nnneof.lohns.--n k Morcenon-Boot Morcenon-Boot tr.d aoemakeri, n this day difeolred bj mutual conest. JAM Es MOFUiENS' 'N. May 13, bj.5 DRESSMAKING. HRS. DAVIS respectfully notices her lady friends and ritrons that the hu removed re-moved from Hrr. Wilkinson's to her own residence. WEST SECOND STREET, Et tide, halt a V.od (oath of Court Hoaie, Hih Wrd. Mrs. Lvlafc5 hai a I'-ff and railed experience in DRESS MAKISG, ia London. Lon-don. atMisj MfLelUo'f, Sew B .r,d Street ai;o in Pnii ie. phia tid "Mh-.actoa. D. C &cd is ful T oar-ib'.e to execute aii or ler tiajled to btr care, Ejii MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank SAL I LAKE CIXY. DESIGNATED DEPOS1TOKY AND FINANCIAL. AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WiMXK HrssiT, C. I. Dahlik, President. Vice Prwt. Axtboit GoDia. Cadhiar. Authorized Capital, - - 13 00, 00 PAID CP CAPITAL., - 1150,000. EARNINGS) ... 9136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A. G-eneral Banking Businesw Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWRT) ON TIME DEPOSITS. f!6 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS S A Hi T Ii A K. EI THEATRE change: OF TIME : Doors open at"M. Commence at 8 o'clock. FOUR NICHTS ONLY! Commencing On MONDAY, MAY 13m, 1S72.1 Grand MubIchI and Artistic Combination Combin-ation of the Urlgl u nJ BERGER FAMILY SWISS BELL RIMERS And tho Ronowned Humorist and Facial ArtisL SOL. SMITH RUSSELL, : Vocalists, Harpists, Violinists, ' L.ady Orchestral i Young Ladies' Silver Cornet Band. t ' ' MISS ANNA BERGER, I Tho only Lady Cornet Soloist in America, MISS ALEXINA BRANDT, Soprano. 1 mr, fredTgTberger, 5 Leader of Band. ; MISS JOSIE-BERGER, AIL Horn and Bell Placer. MR. HENRYBER6ER and MR. It. D. RUSSELL. MISS NELLIE-E. KNAPP, Tho Accomplished Soprano, MR. ERNEST TBIELE, ' Flutist and Violin Yirtmso. s MISS ETTA"" BERGER, i With her staff of thirty-four Silver Bella, ! And'ollicr Vocnl and Instrumental ' Talent will appear in n. PRQ&RAMMEDFRAREEXCELLE5GE Usual Prices of Admission. : THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1 GRAND MATINEE. : MAXIM "GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. 0 rpllB Publionro ccpeiinlly invited to cx-X cx-X nmiou our motlud of producing tiAS tor lighting CITIES, TOWNS AHD VILLAGES, Priv-ato Residences, Public Buildings, Factories, Fac-tories, Churchos, QUARTS MILLSi etc t cto., ot3., in oity or country, THE MAXIM GAS WORKS are different in their construction and opcr-a opcr-a utieo from anything heretofore offered to 3 iho public. 'Ilia Works uro simple, very A compact in form, eta. reliable, automatic and produces A Superior Q,unllty of Illuminating Gas, at a Very Moderalo CosU Tho Works can bo seen at Walker Bros' Mammoth Store, SALT LAKE CITY, or at tho office of the Company, No. 258 Mimmomcry SireeL San Frnncitce. This Company havo already lighted five Towns in California; Santa ho?a,i;tinia Barbara ban RalacL Watsonrilla and Redwood Red-wood Ciiy. ft orks arc also bcinR constructed construct-ed for Carnn t itw Nevada, Eureka, California, Cali-fornia, and llcaldsbarg, California. Wc ean alio refer to the followinp sentle- ' mn who have been otiog our Domestic Works for over one roar: D. 0. Mills, Pros't Bank of Californii; JoHS H. RKDISl'TO.-v, of RtdiDgtoo, Uos-letter Uos-letter A Co., San F rancisco; Gr.o. H. UoaRD. Pres't Home Mutual Insurance In-surance Co., of Call forma; , J. Mora Moss, Vioe Preeident San Fran-K. Fran-K. cieco liat Co.; M. J. 0Co?(iuR, ef Conror A O'Connor, I San Francisco; Javbs tiMRLX, Pup'tWeftorn Unioi Telegraph, Tele-graph, Ban t ranciico; 1 Riv. C. T. Mills, Mills' Seminary. Brook- Ijn Cal.; Jons T. Dotlk. San Francisco; H- A. Bloss, Lnhrop, Cal : Tali Mr a is Hotil, San Rafael, Cal. in" The Company propose lo make an in- effort lo Introduce this baa ed into Salt Lake City at an early dy. Th definae farther infnrnjatic. eiioer from t -iS;D'.-J mr.iiTM or -ih crwire. can ub- 0 tain the 'a.-iO a.i i.-t.-;inB Tut Mi'.n 'or C- ::riv cr Cai."., Montgomery 1 itreeU San Fran two. ke Oj i i laa: Preident. J. 0. Eldr.dco. of Newhill Co.. ler m: Fra;;;c . Vice Pre?ijr-t. W H. L id, ?an Francis: IrcArcr. Chri. Reii. o: Hen ro, san " Frascuc -. 5cretar' . Rbt, Daf ietrii Miu.-K, J-ncs U. Clark. isa, ,d CATTLE FOIL SALE. on- HVNDRED DEAD CF FI"E c': ' VTA II CATTLE, eM i3-!HiicSr( M:l-!:rCT. s-K1t. F'.r MISCELLANEOUS, Taylor & Cutler,! MAiN STREET. HAVB PTILL OS HAND A KW. STOCK , OF GOODS, which must be cloied on; i immodiaiely. GUNPOWDER TEA, A FirM-rate Article, Japan Teas. A First-rale Article, COFFEE, CASNOIEEEEAX. SOAP, G twst in town. RAISINS, LARD, RICE, STARCH, YEAST rOWDEKS, &c, Ac LADIES, call and see their DRESS GOODS and Full S:ock of DRY GOODS, A Dig Lot of COOKING A-VD PAH-LOU PAH-LOU STOVES. Now is the Time for Clienp i Gods'! UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ob a after Monday, July IT, 1871 lailj Trial iih Leave Salt Lake City at5 a.m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 4:16 p. m. Leave Ofden at H a. m. and 5:30 p. in. ArriTe at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above TRAINS Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Lavinr Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m.. and Ogden at 6 a.m. Paaaanaieri will pleaea Purotaaat their Tloketa at the Offlcca. fifty Cents addiilonul will beoharcod wher the fare it ool looted on the train. For all I l form at ion oonoernini froieht ot passage, applyto D. O. CALDKR, General Freight and liokot Aar't JOHN SHARP, srjrsaiNTKNDKNT TRIUMPH FIRE IXSCRAA'CB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000, Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. Wc ask Fair Rates and Promise to Paj Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utal H. R. MAIN IV, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY: Ofllcct Bunking House ot A. W While &, Co. P. U. Hoi AM. ELL If 1 Immense arrival of WALL PA PER at Z. C. M. I. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT The most complete and largest stocl of WALL PAPER and DECORATIONS DECOR-ATIONS ever brought into this market; comprising compris-ing the latest styles of GILT, WiOVZED. SATIN, COMMON WHITE, BUFF and BROWN, in great abundance; also every variety in style of bordering and decorations. WE RESPECTFULLY INVITE INSPECTION. H. B. CLAW SON, Sopt Cr.J.P.P. YA5EEXEEBGH,' frum Pruuia, T II E G R K A T EXTERMINATOR, L..teci anl-raacUc-o,C-L. Wfn'd inform the sick cenerally thit ie:ne nud ,'ur-rry ii; ti'rope and the Cntli-d juu, of -:ca iweatr-one have tern in CuiilVmia. h.i. by c.i'jo ohservaiion atd sret eirenuint. eoaae to the ootf .umod that there are mure acme and cb onic au ea-es b wiirius, hyadadids. animaL-al a' or oiher specie o! cutroicA. The -ublie en-erally. en-erally. ur iho pro:e.'.;lon at larse, are not iwa-e of the number of patiett5 who are treated by euiintu -ciyi ciaos itir this, thai, or tuc i a ciu;iilaint. without any re-ief. II the d.se;L-e h:i been nnJerto.d. a lew do?es of Dk- V's S'VK-kh;s Wo em Kimepy would have iiiiiue .lately curea the cotuptaint, and have saved a great many live. Dr. V. hai collated a la-ce variety of CaMfrtnia rooU anJ tiertr,whK-n. by analysiog. close obserf-ati'.n obserf-ati'.n tin i es'en-ive csi'eriitient-. he can coLScieutiou-ly my ttat he h.is discoverrd mi remedips for tho succceslul cure of the foilowiuj: di-eaccs : w Uy-i eiia, Chronic Affoc'ions of the Liver at.d Kidnt-y. lirit and second Uftes i f Consumption, nite 0ilmc i'a.sy, j'fr-na:orrlno.i j'fr-na:orrlno.i cr K-e.il weakuc.-s.Ncrvous Debi'-iiv, Debi'-iiv, K I'll t'i-i ic t'us. hheinatiMU. Neuralgia, D'larrLvoi. liicomniace if I riue. lirnvel. FlU'ir .-.i"s. Lii-bfte. Dropsy. ai d all those awa.-es wh eh ate known umerihe name of Veni-rjl.--u.-ii a- 5-y i lislis. in a.l it-- form-. Gonoirbea. tile.t. Strictures. False t'a.-.-iK cs, lutiammuu.il o! the ii ladder ud I'ro.-u.itc Clauds txuonaiivtii. lusiu.es, 1'ilos. l'lin-llcs. l'lin-llcs. ClotL-iiei u:.J a-l Cutaneous Erui tions ot tho stio- Carter Tumors eured with or without uctratiou. In UeccM Vencrai Disease-', iho Dr. crt'oets a euro in troui throe to 'ror thi-lEyo-.''E!!r,"'nd Throat. Dr. V. possesses pos-sesses new aud invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would aavi-e iuoe ladies troubled witn Irregularities of the I'teious to try his new remedies aud (tct cured. iir V -u Ui-ui'eisu'.- lu.ailible Worm Syrup for children. Price 1. Vi arra- ted to expel j tho worms, or tue money reiuudeJ. Dr. J. T. P. Van Deuuerh'.-.liair Tonic a .-uro cure to de.-ti oy all auiiuuloulje of the liairFollicUs. prevents railing out and ro-motiiE ro-motiiE ihe growth uf the Hair, l'rice Sl.tW, wurrauled. By consulting and UTidcroiiiR a simple examination, ex-amination, the articled can 1 urn if their diseases dis-eases is cau.-ed t.y Worms or not; a-, all events Dr. V. n Dent'Creh can tell theui from whul diiciifos tbey aro ouiioiiai;. Confultation? and exim-nalions FltEK of charge in all casts. Dr. Van DonbrrK Kuar-aoLces. Kuar-aoLces. in all cujOS, to cxpal tho worms, or no charges. Card from Judge Frier, of Polk Count y. DR. J. P. P. VAX KKNBKI10 : Dkar t-m: I ta- o pleasure in thankinjt you i u'dicly lor the re i oration of mr hoallo afier uiiicl-fu years of great sullennR mentally men-tally nnd bodily. 1 doctored a great deal: was atlli-tod wi:h almost every imaginable pain aud de-ipaircd of seeing a well day again. When i ciweto see you at rialem, you sail you wouid remove tho cause ol nineteen yours' sutlViug in five hours. 1 coul.i h irdiy believe it, but alter takicg the five tasteless powders you gave mo, auout iM worms puffed Iroui me, and now, lour-lecn lour-lecn davs aUenvards, I ft el like ntioltior man, and mu ablo lo iodow my busiuess without pain or inconvenience, 1 remain. Yours respectfully, A. H. RIER, Bethel, Polk oounty, Octooer 10. 1671. Hemarknble. Eight Hum! red Worms Kipelltrt. I think il a public benefit to make the following fol-lowing statement, that I havo been ei HI io tod lor two years wilh constant pains in the Momaeh, and, in fact, pains all over my body; no uppuiile. and lot mo cat what 1 would, it nlwava put mo in distress. No modicico would relievo me. and I grow worse and wurto. until D"W I am a mero skeleton. Nobody could tell me what Wi the matter wilh mo, until I consulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Denberedi. in Saleui, Oregon, and bo told me I was a HI ict od with worms, and thoy were the cnuf o of all uiy misery and pains. I took tho Doctor's medicine, and he expelled SOU worms Irom mo. Ibey are like lenehos, with long tails, and measuro from olo to ono and ono hair inoties in lougth, I only took six liulo powders, and they brought tho worms within four hours time. All tboBo tflliotod wi-hiud to oe me, can find me at Sam Kon-let's Kon-let's stable, balciu, Oregon, V. CRAIG-Subscribed CRAIG-Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo. this I 7th day ol September. 1S71- j J. J. -MURPHY, J. P. Said worms enn bo seen at Dr. J. P.P.I Van Deubcrgh's oflice, Upcra House blooi. Court Street, Suloui. ' A Cnrd. DR. J. P. P. VAN DENBEROH:' Dkah Siit: i doem it my duty to mako the following (tatcincut: For tbo last ibreo ycais I bavo been suffering with oonsumt gnawing pam and a tiuivericg sonsntinn in my etiimacii, alo pain in my chostand ho.rt: my food would U't 'licest.and I was fo nervous nerv-ous that wi.li difficulty 1 could follow uiy occupation, which has been bt-re in Snlem fur tue i-ast ten year? as a practical dentist. In fact, irom tbo constant p.nn and misery 1 had wasted away to a mere skeleton. 1 had been dootoring a great deal without any benefit, and lio.ioving tboro was no help tor me but to linger on until death would ro-liovo ro-liovo all my fullering-. Soma of my friends thought 1 bad worms and had bolter sco Dr- VanDcnbcrgh- llo tola mo at odco that w.irins were tho cauto of all my troubles, so he cave me five Muall and lasieiess puwdorg, and in lour htiuro about 700 wruis Irom ono inch to one aud onc-halT inches loug. oame away Irom mo that d-ty, nnd the lo. lowing night sou v mure oume. and now I am hapry to say 1 fool like another man auain, and am gaining strength from day to day. 11. SMITH, M D. Salotn, Orrgon, September HJd, 1&71. Anotlier Great Slaughter I Wo thir.li it our duly to mako tlio following follow-ing Mutemcni, in h'ires it m ly Jo souio good to sick children : t-'ur child had been sick - i 1 1 r souio 11U.C. Thinkn t; all tho limo our lill e niio wat ttoublcl with woriiif, wo tried without any relief, oiue neighbors lold us wo shoul i go aid try Dr. Van Duuborg. the Worm Doctor, in .ileiu. Wc did so, and ho cai e us one bottle ol bis celebrated Worm syrup, and utter giving the medicine, to our great M.-iiiiiubuiLiit auout b 'i worms pri?s d awa. from our dear child, and now, luru I heaven, tho is well again. I. D. QUIXZLE. !- Salom, Oregon, Oct-.'bcr '-id, ls"l. 1,30U Woriui Kxpclled. After Seven jeira of suffering, pain and debiii'v, nnd doctoring l"l tinny Com plni n It. inn proved tha1. 1 did uot ha ve, and I ak ing different kinds of medicine Irnm many eminent emi-nent pbj ; i 'iiiiiJ, 1 g.i. o up in do; pair. IMiik-ing IMiik-ing it was no o-o t drench my po.Tst'-iu-i.ch any longer, and that 1 mH wshIo awaj until there was noihing left of poor me. But hearing of tho d-tnin-hing ourcs that Dr. J. P. Van Denbergh has perb-rmcd in so short a tune, etlecti':g cure) in a lew hours, and DlT.iri, 1 conrultcd Dr. V an Den berg h.n rid ho told tue tbat my n,i-encs were coped by wi tw, md he widM expel tt.om in abont five ht-ur-. Alter t ikiDe live .-mall powders, about Litem huDind worms parted away from uic, ur,d 1 am happy to say lb t 1 am better tQau 1 have bec-u .or a great while. P. It- tVLS. Pub'rribed an I sworn to before mo, this ISlh day of auptember, lh'1. J. J.MURPUY, J. P. Gratitude ompc' roe to mako the following follow-ing -titment, t n in king it may d' som" g'.d tu my Itliow ful:crer. I have been aliiicted for a long nuniier of yiar with the loilow- inf Vuil D"t r.it anything unless It wmild prnduce Frc.it pun id bj ti'ima- h and bnw-els.aluS bnw-els.aluS pall i::itif.D of the heart, evere ell tog and rtieuioatic pmns in all my join's; aUf neurnli.-i in mj Lead, n" sleep, nlwiiys rollers at night; in 1act, I was re. dueed to a mere heipie skel ton, not able lo walk alono. and guvo up in oepair. 1 must also F t at o I hud been dct'ifinc with tbo mo-l oiinr.eBl phmciann of Uiir Mate, also wilh ib'- bi-t d-.ci-r- of ban IT.ti-iso. ttEd U"d nr.lr kti'.wf. without any rrhtl. tu) I b'nrd tr.c grrl mr-f Dr. P. P. Van Der.be. gh had pirf-'.rrm d in and arouna '-nlem. 1 hi , ' i' l I. Hi f'r hi p, and may r,,,4 bletf b::u It tbe re t'.rat i "n of mj , beaith. J l.a li, ly UK en Lir B,ed .ine two io-.nin. Ll have gain tJ, durit i- that tnn. tw nty live p'.-r ! in wis ;. l. ar,d am able 10 do all my housework at.d :i, re. JA.f; POTTER. ! Linn rourjty. abr.tiL thirty u.iies east of the fo-d o! the i a ' iL.ie-. Baiem, Ores .a, December liL Lang tilandlDR Cough, with Kitts-ivt Kitts-ivt aiprcioratlon, Cured In Four Wet ki. This i" t'. cer-ify that I havebo tr'-tibJH l- ,t(,rti' n. b J gD'r I Lin :.-n O'-nlb-ma. u.'t,-b a!"r in--n'h, ; ti,; n-.i.'.Jy cr.uA -Uei. m tt L'.b--. Y.vtryt.-. ly 'aid I I no; bt u.-fd. 'I:.en I ad..'fd to tee Dr. J. P. V D'jr b'--i :., u:,-i ;:,eD. -.L-.r.k- V, hi 'kill. h mr'! rr ah -.at Jfir i.r-t a;.-J Ffv :. -.?-. ,r m i- ur- if. and I aa. ati.e vo dv aij a, -a ol t.are wora- LKWIS HELD. Salem, Orcg-'D. Derecbor ii-L OFFICE- Si Main Mreet SALT LAK CITY. 1 EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales and stock of carpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open another large room 50 x 60 feet, for the exhibition of newest styles CARPETS, si Brussels, u $ Tapestry, 2 Three Ply, -jT -3 Super, 3 3 J Super, 3-5 Stair, . -Sp 3Iattin-s, vVc, S :Sw Shades, fi-i"5 Cornices, -S S 1 Cords, g Tassels, EG Fringes, 1 3 T o Fixtures, rt o S .5 lirocatclles, 11 Damasks, " Swiss Lace, ei Tambour Lace, Nottingham Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Quilts, Comforters, li c d Feather s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. II. B. GLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR! FLOUR! FAMILIES, BAKERS, MINERS AND ALL OTHERS WANTING GOOD 2EX0"CX3fc SHOULD iiur Wm. J ennings' Flour, To be hud applying at tli tilllrc one tloor west of Iho Flour Warehouse, on First South Su, between East and Went Temple Sin., Salt Lako City. 7 DUNFORDXSOIMS. Mammoth Boot, Shoe t& Hat Store. Wholesale and Retail Departments. GROCERY DEFT, 2. C. IMI. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, 3Iincrs' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a lew Leading Articles at Low Prices, -A-LIL. OUR GOODS ABE CHEAP, DEALERS IS THE SETTLEMENTS ANI MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO TIIEIK INTEREST TO CALL AND ENQUIRE I'l'.ICES BEFORE rURCHASING. mZ U. B CLAWIUI, np.rlnt.Bd.a hi. ' ' I |