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Show HQTAR1ES PUBLIC. CJIAH. W. STAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLW, Duly 'malilied and eomuiuf toned by the Governor. OSce at CalJeT Bro'a, Salt Lake City, Uiri2 JOHN McEWAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will draw or acknowledge all kinds of H'.f umenij in writing. Pro ia.i auentioo p.-iid to bijinet. Office at residence, ProvoCuy, Utah Co, f- mS W. P. APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Notary Public & Conveyancer, COMMISSIONER, F'jR California, Iowa. Mi-hk-an Ni-vada. K msas. W i?c c-in. Nebraska, I'-nn.-ylvania, Nw Jenuj, Mii-.j'jri, Illinois, Montana. Maiiacb.uscttJ'. nn-1 othe-States and Territories. All kinds of lcif.il and business inrtrumenu n vUr-ately vUr-ately drawn, and acknowlc ikljoius t.k'n Mining and other couipauiei iicvrpo-att'd under the iawa of Utah. my 10 Wm. M. Gillespie. Jai. W. Stainbtim STAINBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, COMMISSIONERS 01' DEEDS, Searchers of Record, SD 00 WVBT AWOE 11 S , Ofllce On right of entrance to Stock Board, Reld's Building, 3Jin Si. The legality of tho NoUrial acts of the above-named firm is unquestionable, as they act under appointments ma le by Ihe Legislative Legis-lative Assembly of tho Territory of Utah, dated February Hi, 1ST J, and cominnaions of tho Governor of tho Territory, issued aubse-'luontly. aubse-'luontly. and have complied with both the Territorial laws by Clint; the required bonds. Ai.in the Territorial Auditor's oilice and with the Probate Judio of Salt Lake county. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, - Mining Deeds, AgTeomonts and Bonds for Deods, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with acouraoy and didpatca. Otlnlng Companies In corpora-tad corpora-tad nniltr t)i Lawi of Utah. O. A. GOULD, and COMMISSIONED OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylva-ma.Ohio, Pennsylva-ma.Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other Slates and Territories. Ter-ritories. -East Temple St., near Wdht Fargo & Co., Salt Lake (Jity. mil Wy. Ct. AYTOX , S. J. JOXABHOV, Notary Publio, Notary Publio and Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY strict attention to tho oollcetion ol inonoy in u'l iiri of the world. Thoy also draw or ncknowlodt'0 all kinds of instruments In writing. Si.ednl attention iron to tho drawing of Wllla and Tcatamciuory Docu-mtuti. Docu-mtuti. Loans negotiated. Minos, Houses and Heal Estate of all kinds bought, sold or lewoJ. Incorporation nutl Pn rt lie rani n Fniiera of ovory description drawn in trlct accordance with tho laws of Utah- Wrn. Clayton, Comini.ionor of Deeds for Ihc-Stntoa off.'ew Yort, Pennsylvania. Ohio. Connecticut, Missouri. Iowa Wisconsin and California. tlKb'lCK Fourth door south of Oo.ibt'i Corner. n29 KiCCSLLANSCUS. FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Hcnd Qunvfcra, St. LouIh, Mo. DuitAXT&CuTTING, FORWARDtXIi AND COMMISSION MERCILIMS AGENTS SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. TE are prepared to contract for ship-lY ship-lY mnnls from all parts of tho La.'t. our Lino hnving uin.lo Fpoci.il arrnnnomcnt fr i t!io cafe and speedy transportation of all i Weight from Now York. Buton, Baltimore, t'liicago. St. Louis and all Kaatorn Cities, to tail Lako t-'ity. 1 wt aro offering exfra inducements for tho shipment of Oro and Bullion to all Eastern points, Orrim ANO Wssnursr-First block aouili of Depot, 8n.lt Lako City. ( UlRAST CUTTING- aH X1 Z XV BeesI Bees! Bees! ui Buckwheat and Alsaco clover at CEO. CODDARD'S. 6 Farmers I Farmers I I Red Clover, lied I'op, Timothy, Alulfa, Luoorue, Ac,, at j CEO. CODDARD'S. tlwiicvi nnd Drivers of Tennis 1 .J, Corn. Oats. Barley, Chopped Feed, Ac. at ; CEO. CODDARD'S. UTter of Coivp, ClilcKeits, Hnl-: Hnl-: I'lis mid Vln I Bran, Shorts, Com Meal, WjiMt. ic, at CEO. CODDARD'S. Tt is really worth while for Homrkcp- Prs an.l ottn'r? g,iti; to market, 't to call , V1 "'l examine the untuca-o variety of Or- tul articles thoro is for salo at CEO. CODDARD'S. And if y.iu are thirdly he will fivt tou a gi nriiik of his celebrate! cider, -ind if hungry, Ul ho wUt jell you no me ,'hoico Flcur. Chve.-e, B.won, ,tc. and if tirod he will..fcad llicin homo for you free of charge. Where la CEO. CODDARD'S W Hew Store! tf about half w.ir between K:ro'-.ill A Liwrcucc's cotucr and the Meat Market. STALLION BISMARCK ,H " ILL Stand f-T the -i. . r p ,-n ' of.lo.i.A.Yoiine.at fWKNTY-KIVE D'.'LLARS, in .idvaace. No drawback. lull KiNnnui.ni, A; t!t !J-.cc r!. at fIVE DO L LA lis, ' I MEDICAL. W. F.ANDERSON, M.. H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeoua and Physicians, Office,, for tho rrMeot. t their reepetiTe osrW ces m di Wwdi. 0. C. 0 8 MS Br, M.D. l'HYSICIAN. SURGEON AHD DEUGUI3T, BRICIIAS CITY, UTAH. I kqtelsTetc. TOWKSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. TI1E LEADIXG HOTEL O S UTAH. JAMES TOWNS E N D PROPRIETOR., This nou?o i3 contrally and plcaeanUy located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 enosta. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build larco additions to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will ronisr it tho Most Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSK BLOC It EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terma$3.00 per day. Board with, outrooiai per Tveelc. Baths, free to gucsta. J. C.LITTLK, iun24 Proprietor. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, West Side Main Street, KOOMS with or without BOAKD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE PROXT ROOM Added for tho use of Guests. HOT AIVD COLD UATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, tnyll Proprietors. Washington House 'fliira Sjionth. Sstreot, HALT LAKE CITY Hoard aud Lodging-, per Week ST 00 Day Board 5 00 Frcucb Spring Beds " 3 00 Beds, per Klglit - SO Heals - 35 Jl4 New Commercial Loigiii Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Sprttift Beds, S3, 37' and 50 rts. por JSiffhH 1. 50 to Sy. 00 per Week. SlitRle Koomi, 5 0 and 75c. per Night) S3. 00 toS.50 per Week. Double Rooms, SI. 00 to 81,50 per n't gut. oi5 UTiiH HOTEL, Main Street, OGDiiN. The only first-class House in the City. Omnibus to aud front all trains. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, IT Pn.Drlt.tors. HOWLAND & aSPINWALL, 54 Soutli Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt lake City. W Hindrance liberally Oil consignment consign-ment of Ore ami Bullion. Bullion purchased at highest market mien. a27 MILLINERY! 10 TUE LADIES OF SALT LAKE CITY AND VICINITY I MRS. WILKINSON Respectfully announces to her friondu and t:itrn. that ?ho has greatly enlarged her business for tho Spring and Summer Trade And is now prepared to deal extensively is Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLUSIVELY'. On haii't ftn.l cnManllr arrlvinc a ii'l.ndid uioilmeQl the latct slflcs of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Straw ami (actus Hats, Lare and Rice Kramcs, Neapolitan, (arlus and (hip Braids, i.c. Also, Fancy Millinery of tho most fashionable kind. Kibbons, flowers, Laces, Silks, i.lalines, Crapes, rarasois, G loves, l-'ans, Ktc. WILL ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE A laree isortneat of F n.' ' Dtol Uoorli. Maples, So Mom, (.IvlKll.ni. Hntr UolU I,iilca LIdcii Mills, and a splendid vavlrlv "f I.ndles atld Children's I niter-wear. niter-wear. Call ar.d ttt. :o. S.5, rtfALX STREET. LEGAL CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORNEY" - AT-LAW. Oiace Room No. 6. over First National Bank. Salt Lake City. mj!2 W. P. APPLEBY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW And Register in Bankruptcy, Office: Ko , Main St. ajlO GEO. L. WOODS, ATTOR N EY-AT-LAW, Office in Secretary B lack's Bnildinr. SALT LAKE CITY. alO W. li. KKITHLY, Attoeney and Coltxselor-at-Law, Tnylor k Cutler's Building, Room So. 10, OppoiUs Salt Late Uouse, liait Lake City, Utah. r. 1 WILLIAMS. LK OR1KD TOUKO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block eouth of Theatre, alt Lake City. jl2 GEORGE C. BATES, ATT 0 R N E Y-AT-LA TT. C. MYItON IIAWLEV, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of the Supremo Court and territorial Librarian. J. W. HASKIS. Offico in Kimball's blncfe, near U.S. 5!ar-jU 5!ar-jU shal's office. w. -vr. WO ours, ATTORNEY - A T-LAW, No. 33. MAIN STREET. Salt Lake City, Vtnh Ter. m21 JOHN 13. MILNER, ATI ORNE Y-AT-LAW, Provo City, (,'tali. Collections made in tlielst aud 2nd Judi-oial Judi-oial Districa. Special attention given to Mining csje-. Office at residence. Centre St. Provo City. j5 Warner KarU, F. M. Smith. F.ART.T. Jb. STVTTTfT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAC B 01TY. First 6oatb. Street. Rooms 11 and li, No ltd, Kimball Block. DANIEL. S. DANA, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office west side of East Temple Street. Kspeoial attention given to Mining Hti-gation. Hti-gation. d27 Win. HAYDON, (Late Jodgo ofltli District Oourt, Nevada, 1 AT T O R N E Y-A T-L AW, Room No. 9, East Temple Street, over First National Bank, nl K. M. BARNTJSI, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Offico. Kimball's Block, 8, L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or Litigations in Mining Claims and Real Estate. Collections made or business done in any part of the United States by Association of reliable Attorneys. d!7 3. H. Hempstead. M. K irk pa trio k HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRiCK, Attorn eys-at-Law Main Street, opposite Wells, targo k Co:, Salt Laei Oitt. f22 Zt SNOW. K. D. HOOK, SNOW & HOGE, &ttorny and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East Street. Jut JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offico Ovor First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on ;id Kast stroct, bolwoeti iouth and 1st South streots. s20 TIIOB, PITCH. flKO. 1. WQITNBT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNKYS-AT-L A W, 36 First South Street, f20 SALT LAKE CITY. S . A. MANN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street. f9 Salt Lako City, Utah. D . OOOt'Bli, ATTORNEY AD OOUNSELLOK OHlce Kxchanse and Reading Rooms, u-t airs. ju2S SALT LAgg CITT. AMERICAN BUREAU mm IATORMITION Tor Utah. Orgoniied by mining atd business men of Utah for the purpoao of obtaining and d is-sotninaling is-sotninaling Reliable Information in regard to Mines And Mining property throughout the Territory. WARREN HTJS3EY. President. TI10H.P. AKKKS, Vice President. Til SO. F. TRACY, Treasurer. K. M.BAKNUM. Actuary and Soo'y. Principal Offica In Kimball Block, opposite Townicnil House, Salt Lake City. Registry of Mines and Mint tig Information In-formation established, a gynnffis of which will be published in tbo Bulletins of the Bureau, and distributed at Stock Boardnand Business Ccntrca throuKhout the UNITKD SlAllIS AND IN EUKOPK Einmlmtlons of and Reports nnon Billies placed- upon the market, will bo mane under special charge of the Kxeou-tive Kxeou-tive Committee Thos. P. Akers, Edmund Wilkes, John I. Lvnch. R. P. Lounsbery. J. M. Hafkell. This Bnreau especially solicits Spe.-lmesi of Ure and Mineral Productions from all parts of the Territory, whi'h will l-e labeled and displayed in Cabinets by respective Mining bistmts. Blank Forms for dcrr'ption of nines designed for registry, furnished on application. applica-tion. Miners and Capitalists are invited to make the Room of tne Bureau their headquarters head-quarters for negotiation or business en-tMementi, en-tMementi, A Hotary Public always at the OfBce SEND FOR CIRCULARS. . E. M. BAR.tt n, Actuary and Score tary. P. 0. H" 774. --t - Liquid Bluing Cheapest in market; Quality and fs tin faction guar ad toed or money rc:uad(d. Cash Paid for Grain and country prod net. For Sals 500.000 lbs coarse Sail, Table and Dairy. Shinflss, Lumber and General Merchandise-Wholesale Merchandise-Wholesale Jobber. J. V. B.N KLL, Iaaho Store, one biook scath IhsAtre. n BULLS. Eli-llT HKAD OF PI RHAM RVLL5. i ;..-; inii Tie-i ::ai Caa..i.i. will ; e cTSibi::n:i ;-! tor le : ;he Ct' rci L'.vrry i" . c - r: ' - - -ir. J ccci'i sij.l U. U. SWASi. BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO, B -A. XT ik: e ir, s 3 EAST TE.1IPLE STREET, fait Lake City. Dealers iu GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all the Principal Cities oj the United States ami Europe. Particular attention given to Collections, and proceeds remitted at Current rato of Eiohango on day of pajmont. GEO. E. "WHITNEY, Attorney. t'ORHESPOSDESTS: BAnkofC.Hr..mi - . . 8a Fnin( ;.ro L(pi WaUvr .... K(,,r Vurk C.vik County National B.i-jk - - CUk-i-h lU-koll liAuk 5i i(,.,rH S:uiu liauk o: .Nebraska . Owih-.i rayll SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Lako City, Utah Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Beuj. iff. DuUell, President. Hngk Willie, Casltler. liKHrSTIAD & KlBKI-ATRICK, AttorOOTS. This Bank will transact all kinds of leKitt-mate leKitt-mate Banking business, and HEALS IN HOLD AND Nll.VHt BULLION AND OULS. flold and Currency Kxchaniro drawn and TolcBt-aph .Transfers made on New York, n n r ranciGoo and principal Atlantic and faciQo oitiog, available in any part of the 1. nitod dtatoa and Canada; Depoaitii and Boneral bufitinsa aolicitod from lias tern and Foroieq B.inks and Bunk-err. Bunk-err. Firms and individuals; Cheek Account kept tn Gold or Currenoy. Eichance on principal sitieg of Eurono and tho Canada furnianod in sums to suit at the lowest rales, and Telerapa Iransfori on London. Loans made nn Bullion, Publio Seouritif" Bonds, Looal Block, Merobandiae, or other 5uod Collaterals. Approved buatnoss paper isoounted for depositors. CertiGoates of Deposit issued, parablo in Bold or Currency on aalU or at any specified time, available in any part of the United States and Territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to New York, San i'ranoisoo and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS I NEW YORF - gonnf ' LaSJS'co ' SAN FRANCIbCO-Cai:Vnrnu'JTrQ''t Co. j LONDON Jay Cooke, McCuUoeh f. U.18 WELLS, FARGO &, CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers iu Exchange DrafUon Europe. European Collections promptly attended to. E tat Temple Street, Salt Lake City, mia Tmo. 7. Tract. A?ent. First National Bank of Utah, SALT LAKE CITY. 5e Special Aivrti-nwrU on Third Jfnyt. mS Bank of Deseret, BoccKjr te HOOPER, ELDREDGE &. Co., . Oorner Eat Teuij.t ud Firtt South Street, SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH. PAID VP CAPITAL, - 100,000. IIHTGHAM TVi'-NTi.r-Meat,-) m.s. ix:'5;r:.r,K, Vic. !.. W-t. H. V:,' j'i ;t. i rKS'"' ,.., L. 3. HILW, C-i.o;. J Iwfcl ia COLD UlsT, COIN, EICUASGK, LASD WARHASTN, COL- LECE htUir, Ac. j Ccl.cJt-.'rris m'le and prompily re-rri-c-j. KtllZH EXCHANGE FOR SALE, . i CALIFORNIA TRADE. j. m. rpvr'. r. struma. COHEN & SPERLING, licportfrs and Wholesale Doitlcra in T O O O O , Afi'D MMJF;CTUESS OE CGIRS, 3i0 t 3li Battery St., near cor. Clay, SAX FRANCISCO. all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 &. 2IS Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. IIAHSESS, SADDLES, - A S D - LETHE 1, . Tlicljrst slock .nil loi.-r.t pries on iho Pnclllc Const. Special atteD:ioD given to orders from Utah. USE! D. GHiSARDELLl'S CELEBRATED EAGLE CHOCOLATE IT 13 TUE BEST, and has been awarded the first prizes wherever exhibited. ex-hibited. D. GHiR ARDELLI, 415 and 417 Jackson Street, SAN FUAXCISCO. ai6 VV. P. MICHENER. JJUKLAPS, DUCK, SHEETINGS, LK1LLS. COTTOM AND LIKEN TW1NEB, Qrain, Flour. Wool. Ore and ScamleiS BAGS! Tenia, Hose atd Wnuou Covers constantly on hand. Ucu'o LininK made to order. No. OJ Street, bet. Front ami Second, SACRAMENTO. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers nnd Wholoaalo iJoalors in B00T2 AND SHOES l'Ji and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of Broadwa tL14 L. . BATES &. CO., 41 4&3 Broadway, WE W YOKlt, neroBiini urn joonias t Fancy Dry Goods, Hu-IHKV, WliiTK OOODS, VtKi.a, M1AWLS, r.n'iTt' xorioxs, e. .1. It. K'-.t:K,t. SBiCAIiQ THACS. M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manofaoturer3 of and Wholesale Dealer! in Eoots aud Shoes, 01H W.bn.h A.., Chtc.go. M.D. w, in, O.J. M.-hrld. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED! VAN ECSAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLKWALE druggists! (Late oi M, '.C and '.'I Luke street,' Cor. Dearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On aeer,unt of t'm tntrme heat, 1 the Baptist Church Building B4.T, b9 Jl B3I Wabash An,,; cz: a -m. o cj,.CvCb Wh'-ro wC hav a lhrc FV-rk of Drujrs, (Jfl'-nnta.s l'an,l, Ut'.s, (jl. and Oia'W(vrn, DruFists' ftun- drioi, 1'itUinL Huinb jffs iiuj., iitc. j CALL AND CUfcF-K L'8. GEO. V. M. BOUTELLE, Korincfr and I . S. .Uiiifral Surxejorlor Mali. A;.t'iir6 i'.n f'-r the irr", nf K;nfr.r a I . r. i' ft r.l ar.'j ttie (.re ;ar' n "t tt.e r.'-" sr.. a, -tr r,d r a; 'n, wi receive i-f r- .r.al ar..i ; r tn ft r i-n. .-.r-.t.-. L- ii'vml Dra,r r,d all w- ,-fc r- ; 'j j ;ie pioittiitn. oai;uiJJ a;.'J --rri-lii i'frf r'-'I. IS L.;.-.:c Gc:uii'"i hjlr.-- ii'ttt;; L4te Cit';'. It; - ir.rt r.s : '--n. r r rv;.,v , V .-arv-y.r ' ..nral. U r. -I. M. '.' re, I' .rtrea'itr. La.. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. James GiLLiCHKa. johs cllachu JAMES GALLACHER & SONS, Bee refpeetfnllr to inf.nn their frierds and the panhc tenerally that they have opened. open-ed. THE TKIO'E BAKERY, Slain St.. next door lo Walker Bro'i f Hotel, Bread. Cracker and Bifcuiu of the nnoM juality. WHOLE-ALK AND KKTAIL-Cakes, KKTAIL-Cakes, C 'Id Luneh an,l Ke're.auient, Ice Cream and "Abercetbys " Supper. l'ie-N ic and Kscurnon fa-tip ,up-rlieJ ,up-rlieJ with everything in the line on the short-eft short-eft notice and tho most moderate terms. OKSAXIKXTKD CaKKS. hM , GROCERIES! PROVISIOXS Th I.nrest and Hot Assorted As-sorted Slock iu Tom n. SJ J S are uiiequulled iu quality iu Vtali. We enn and wilt srll clit'ap a:id will not Ijj iintlt'r-8old iintlt'r-8old ly any out'. CALL AND EXAMINE. C. W. DAVIS. fl7 Pare Breafl. ! PttreCaiiflj! T1!! K ESTATE of RICH A RDGOLIOHTLY 1 boR to inform the Public, llm thoy still carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of TliO "GLOBID," EAST TEMPLE STREET, Adjoinlnjr the Co-onorative Qroeory Depart-inenl, Depart-inenl, whore can bo found everything in their lino of busiiie.,and they hopo, b y strict attertion to tho want." of their customers, to oonlinuo their patron ko ana support. Pare IJome-mnde Candles a Specialty, ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. a'6 DANIEL GRENIG Ecu Just Received and for Sale A Choice Lot of GROCERIES, Such as Tor, Coffeo, Suffar, S)icos, Goldon Silver Drips, tiujfnr Loaf Dripa, llama, Bacon and Dried Boof, Best How York .Factory Cbooso, Soups, Yeast Powder, Dried and Canned Fruits. ALIO WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Priuio Live Uopso Feathers, (JaROS nnd Canary Jiirds, etc., etc. TliR Is in full blant, and the Flitt-al Urtnd, etc., is turjod oul freh every day, BEST BKANDS OF W LOUR Alw:iyi on hand, AH kinds of G It I N bough t nnd sold Give mc s aall at in)' New Brick Sturo, EAST SIDE E A ST TEMPLE HT. DANIEL CRENIC. I lull IJ. WALLACE, First South Street. A ohoioo lojof CLAMS, LIMA BKANS, GKKKN CUKN, TOMATOES, SALMON Dcssicaled Cocoaiitit, Cracked Coroas AND Family Chocolate, Hunllcy & I'alroor ENGLISH BISCUITS, ALSO THE CKLEBKATKD ALBERT BISCUITS. The Largest and Most Complete Com-plete Stock of MILLINERY GOODS In the Clly JUST OI'ENKD AT MRS. COLEBROOK'S i'alnce oT Ka.liioii. Ladio. plaaa call andecaraine. mV W.J. HOOPER & CO. IT, COflaiCllClAL IIRCKT, MISCELLANEOUS, Ayer's Cathartic Pills. J? J" F--ribe relief jfr dp ran semen's ir:hrMl.m,-h. r;- liver, and K w- gwCV ' JjN amild a.erient VN-- lf rtt purcm e. hatever. Much serious Hokurss anJ mf. feriris i r reversed b t !,nr ' i:nely u,-; nd every family should have them on hn,1 f-r their lirolei'tvon aud reliel, when ro.iuire.i-Lort ro.iuire.i-Lort cxrrrience h rrvrd them t. !e the f.afe.-U burnt, ar.d brM ol all the I'tii wuh whi." the marfcrt ab.'iir.U By the r e.-ca-siinal ue the bl.Md is puffied. the Mirur-lioai Mirur-lioai of the jte:u expelleJ. obftru.-ti,.in removed, and the whole nia.-hinery oi' hie re l '.red to it. healthy aoiniLv. Iiiternl orcan whi-b b(ono c',..-v.d and s'uetifh are .'tetnred by .iwr'x ISils. nd nuiula-ted nuiula-ted into a.-non ihu in.-i. ier.t di.-e.-e is choused into health, the value l 1i-.-q ,-h:i:u-o. when reckoned on the vi-.t inu'.ti-tudcj inu'.ti-tudcj wko etiiin it. c-tn hnrdti int'inrd Their MiKar ooHtiut; uukif them pU'.tni to thke, and iner i-s their irtue in.iuii' 'ired f.-r any Inujih ol tin e. so that the: nte rvrr fresh. Ht..i perUvily ro'itaM. Alihou.h (ej-rcbint, they are wild, and operate without with-out i i i u : b.. lu-e to the con.-liiuUou, or diet, or ..ovulation. I u, I .iirei'tums are aivi-n on the wiapcer t" e.,,-h box. how ;,. use them a- a V:,mily l'hj-io, and l"r tho folloninK coiniin)ui, whioh the- rapids r, F,.r l)y"t vr Indigent Inn, I,lt-lr.iirt.. I,lt-lr.iirt.. Languor j t.u ot A 'M- 'r, tliey liou d he tnketi m,'.ier:iti io i st'inuljite the.-;ouiuofl,uuii re tore its heailhy l.lvtv omnlUit and if variom vmi - HIM,..t. Ilra.lnetir, M,k llrndnrlir, Jniiixlien m (ircru Slt K-m, K-m, Htlliius lolU mu ItlUnua Ke-vei-n, Hio siuaild K-.udi,-i.ulv tiikeu (or each i' m'. to cornet the di.ied action or rcm-vr-tvo ,.l..iruc;i,.o. h ch c.,n,e it. For t iirr or Dlnrrliwk, but ena ror Hlieumall.iit''Vi.'iiit, Ginvrl, l'ulptliuio.. ,,1 il.,. l-iu , tilt Mill', llrk, Hldl-Otli, they fliould be oojiritiiiiiUy tiikeu, u.- nuuired. tocbmiwo 6ucb ch :i ute tho.'o o"in i liuiit diSMpi.eitr K, r li iip.y :i:ui l' "1 s , Ll.Kii, they ehoiilu ho t iken in lrBe and fronuent dv-e l : ..-lii. e i ho i-licet o: ;idra.-Ue I'uriio. be t.iketi. u produces the d. sired oiluot by sytnp:it!iy. Asa "i""rr nil, take one or two I'M to promote dutc-iion, and relieve lhoti'iu-ach. lhoti'iu-ach. An occasional do?e itiiiiuUtoa the Btom-ach Btom-ach add bxvols. rclore the apprtite. mid invicoraie- the .-y.-loiu. Hoiico ii u ,. ten advantaiti'ouf wLore no Konon di-riiyenieut exist?, tine who '.vuU tider'il.lv well, ol'lfii flndii thnt a dose ol tlic-e nils i1Kilie.- tmu feel decidedly bolter, liotu their clenmim; ami retiovmiPH I'lket on the dincslivo aji-la; aji-la; atuf, ritKl'AHKU 11Y Dr.J.C, AYKH Co., Prnollral t ln-uiUt, J.OB'n.1, JM.t.s.V,, ir. S. A. For tale at Z. C M. J. Drug Dtp, AND ALL PltUllt) 1STS KVKUVWH KRB. To Freighters. raniK soi.Ait salt ("o. win 0tn. 1 -- tract for the Krciiihtintf of from 500 (0 1,000 (oils of SALT, , From their Marah in Sn.iko Vullev, to Pioohe. m lot to niil; mi i nil tem.IP that, may come to the Miirrhwill be fii'uifbed londd to 1'tocho at the rale ol forty Lollari per ton, AddroM, Sour S.i.t Cn. .Sehollbourno. Nevada. Charcoal Agency, TRUCK t, Ai. AVE have, at prrKrnl, mi fliclnnt lubor to provide t'hnri-iin I t Inrjrc uunn 1 1-tloa, 1-tloa, if onion tire receive 1 and arraiiKemcut mado by tho 1,'itb of June next. Onlorp. acciniipnniod with aaiisfaelory gaamrHern, will nccivo itiimcduito titten ion. mjlii Klkaon, V nllncc At Co. TI1K CK1.KHIIATKI) KIgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. ni;w STOCK :of Genuine Jewelry. The Public arc corlinlly invited to call ftnd cjatuinp, 1 Z- G. J. KAT TEMPI, K STREET, Haifa blork north of the F.ult ErnpoMum. z. c. m. i. TE MOV A-j- PRODUCE DEPARTMENT. TJIK f'ITl1- VS Y KALT LAKIC PJTV I and n-.r-ilF '.re r' - If- fully i o t-.r , .-I that Hi if LepartUient ( tl Co-opaiativ luFliiuUou IIAI RElflOVKD TO EA5T TFMPI.E HJHf'.V.T, Vf.1T DOOK hbhia or -jjii, bank or IiLlLULI. Wo are rrfa-l n, ...r m.ff ti tH tin I- .,( IIIAI AAll I'jtOiX VK. t V. t,olNl and lutaj). 11. n. CLAWBON, Hupt, M '''b. 172. mjj CITY LIQUOR STORE, Kmp eonatantty on hani. Wholesale and Rf (nil, Choice Imi'"rtd LIQUOIIS AM) Wivro A ' L'.w-t OHUEKHkl K ' B HI IL lit KO I, flT Vmrl Tm-r I '-'-tj |