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Show Commercial. I Salt Lake City, Feb. 24. Gold. fiuyinz, 107; selling, 1 10. "Eternal vigilance is the prico of liberty.'" Six biti, the price of Wilis (it l'alace Hath rooms, "o. 16 Commercial strcH. J-'ebruary 2-jth, 1672. I '- .K't Arbivkd. A largo stock or Kir.t-Class PIANOS, to bo sold CUKAP for cash, at J. Daynes & IV s muiic 6tore, oust of the post ollice. f "21 The machinery for the mill of the Eureka company, of Tintic, is st III somcwhercs on the line of the blockade. block-ade. The mill building is completed, asd tho machinery can soon be put in place after it arrives. Cash will bo paid for ten or twenty acres of good irrigable land near W city, if price, etc.. suit. Addre.-s, with full particulars, "UroLher," at this ollice. Ed. Harris has ust received a 1 urge stock of the finest cigars and tobacco, and gentlemen's notions. JIo has the largest and best assortment of imported cigars in the Territory. Cull at the 'Little Cigar Store round tho Corner" and seo. f H C rkat sacrifice in tino CLOTHING, to close out wiutor stock : .Suits SlH worth f'-'o. Suits $'JQ worth Suits $20 worth Suits S;IO worth $ 10. Suits worth $-1-3. f 21 Derby's, 42 ilain street. More New Publications. Wo have received a lot more of new publications publi-cations from Mr. Dwycr, including the leading monthlies for March. With the raising of the blockade he has received, re-ceived, as before, through in advance of subscribers, a huge pile of newspapers, newspa-pers, periodicals, magazines, aud so on. If you want anything in that line, give James a call and bo supplied. OiiDKR, Check and ltecoipt BOOKS limited and bound at tho Herald Job Ollice and Bindery. f'21 Overcoats, at cost, at Siogol Bro's. olO Furniture. Just received, nt Henry Dinwoodoy's, 900 CAN B SEATED CHAlliS. To bo sold vory choup tor Chih. J1" Fashionable Hats at Siogol Bro's. olO tlKNTLMOOK TllK CONVENTION: Wo nro pleased with tho groat euro ynu take in llio interest of tho l'KO-P l'KO-P 1,3. At tho same time, wo propose to take euro of your SOLES m well as the seat of intolligonco. BOOTS, HATS, ti LOVES, etc. I'm Duukord & Sons. l.nmost stock of clothing at Siegnl llros. olO TllK "t.RKAT I'M KNOWN" IS rxqllin-tlel rxqllin-tlel v porfunu'd and contains nothing itl-iun.'US. itl-iun.'US. Try it ladies. j:t Cutting & Co' 9 California Canned Fruits and Jellies are tho beet in in market. Ask your grocer for them. s9 A Great Toxic HEGKMAN'S CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CA LIS AY A BARK. A pleasant cordial which strengthens and improves Digestion, an oxctMlunt proventivo of Fevers, Fever and Ague, etc., and a great Renovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persons. per-sons. IIegkman & Co., iSow York, Solo Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. s2ti Dried I'jiacoes. Wo shall give- the highest prico for clean, woll dried fruit, at our Provision Department, at J no. H. Clawson's. west of Theatre. aug4 H. B- Claw sos, Supt. Co to the Crystal Palace, 73 Main street, for Furniiiiro, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Ilia?, Silverware and household house-hold goods generally. dl7 Alt. kin.U of plain and fanrv JOT PKlNTlNt; executed promptly mu! iift.T the latest stylo at tho Herald Jot Ollice. f 21 Large stvk of tino and heavy boots M Siegol Bro's. o'i PiiliKVoi.o.;v. Prof. KowWs Publi C'Uions lor sale at Dwyor's Bookstore It. Til Ett E are messages at the Weston i Union office for colonel J. W. Young IB, C, Stevens and Frank Hurlburt. Fine Furnishing Goods at Sicgel Bro's olO Circulars, Bills of Faro, etc., etc., printed at tho Herald Job Ouico. f 21 See Notice of the administrator, in the estate of Edward Samuels deceased, deceas-ed, which will be found in our advertising adver-tising oolumns. OGDEN DRECT0RY. First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS, Walker Brothers, Zlon'it Co-oji. Mcrcnntlle Institution, Jiimca HorrocU, C. Vuo(luinincc, P. Aucrbach V liro. HOTEL, Ogtlell House, John Hah on, Proprietor. LIVERY .STABLE. D. O. Nelaon, proprietor. nin CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty ccnta ior each and every iHsertion. Each additional ad-ditional lino ten cents. MASTED. WANTED-1,000 dUNSEY SACKS at tho Utah CracKcr Factory. i0Y WASTED. ux llio Wostinfrton House, f 1'4 oi South Stroot. LOST. YESTERDAY EVENING. NEAR. THE post oflico, a Bunch of Key a. Tho finder will confor n. favor by leaving tbctn at ihis o ill oo or atGodbe'a Drug titoro. t'-k FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on tbo Bench, in tbo HUih Ward. 1 ho liouso contains eleven looms nnd commands com-mands a view of tbo whole nit y. Parties who wish a pleasant homo will find this property a bantam for cash. Apply at, tlm Heal EsUto ollke, IJo Ma in -si, next to Pacific House. LA) A. G. TttUH X CO. $500 REWARD VOK 500 Bushels Good Barley IJ.W.SSELIi. Idaho Store, one block south of iheatro. YALE LOCKS. Chet, Cuil)onrd nnd Store ilnor I.ocUn and .MglilLalcliea. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. i t Liquid Blueing Cheapest in market; quality and F.it if faction Buaninteed or money refunded. , Cnilt Plil for Crnln h(1 country produce. iT Sale 300,000 Ib conrie Salt, Tublc and Dairy. Shinfilo?, I umber and General Merchandise. Wholesale Jobber. ,1. V. 8NKI.L. Idaho Store, ono block south Theatre. WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, BEGS to inform the residents of Salt Laie City and vicinity, that he not only Guarantee? to properly ll-plr,Cleaii and Adjust Watchci and Chronomettn, I but he will mfc them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A nsw surTLT of ELGIN and , SWLNS WATCHES just reeeivpd, which ho will ftusrantpo ns relifiMe tinie-koe-perft. Prices to defy competition Rwtmhor the a.l.lre-. Two doora of tht D8rt Quk. ' BATHSBATHS! Warm Sjuius; Baths I Private and riurtge. Thw Ptlirnt! Mihs r opn tp Ihe pnblle t I1 ti. Th-ir BiedKio! pn--rrtiwi rr no widely thm it l n-!l t thrTD-1 thrTD-1 BmiOm Uie PnTt Bth, die lraiJ tinJoni-hj tinJoni-hj rnrcithrf PlunRt Balhi lot iuJ ' DtlemD an now open. U AJillOLD I nil First National Bank OF TTT-A-K, S5-4.I-X LAK I: CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF. THE UNITED STATES. WiBRKS IIUSSKT, C. L. Daslkr. Prosi'icLt. Vice 1'roeL Asthost Godbi, Cashier. Autnorlxcd Capital, - - 5300,000. PAID I'P CAPITAL, - $130,000 EAHS1NGS, - Si 30,000. ; Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in lUak. A. General I5tnltin Uusiuess Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDiD TO. INTERKST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. S. T.-1S60-X. ONWARD T THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the gradual disuse oi' blood-lotting, salivation, drastic purgatives, and poworl'ul opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely and gloriously on. livery day the sick grow wiser. They are no longer willing to open their i mouths, shut their eyes, and take what- : ever the doctors are pleased to prescribe, without inquiry. They want to know the nature of tho medicines they are desired to shallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo olUhc profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid World understands at last that VIGOR is the great antagonist an-tagonist ef disease. The leeblc decline to be utterly prostrated by dcpluting pills and potions, and turning from such inendicaincnts with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and Kcstorativc. It is now about twelve years tinco this grand tJesidcniiuui was iulroduced nadir the name of . PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present its progress hay been ivtihoul a parallel iu the history of proprietary medicines. Willi the spirit oi' the suizar cane the most nutritious of all stimuljnis f'ui its basis, and medicated solely with the juices aud extracts of rare vegetable specifics, such as (Jalisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world produces, pro-duces, and which make"1! it by all odJf. the most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within Lhe reach of the sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation filters is to day the most popular popu-lar Touio on either Hide oi' tho Atlantic. PAGE, JI1CO.& CO., Importers iuid Ilors lp LEATHER AND FINDINOS 33 and 37 South Cnnal atrcel z?pT CHICAGO. ILL JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, j CO.H3IKUCIAL STREET, j KEF.? rinnfr.ni- nn hmH n rhrm vpirt- ment tj FKKX'll, K tiLISIl tad Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., . 1 Of the Snt TTialilie and !a:e-t f lyl"". wiii-h . we make ui to cr.icr in the most faiQionanle ; asd approved manner. 'IPATKONAGS SOLICITED- Z. C. M. !. COLUMN. Z. C. M. I Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buildings A fall, first-fllaes stock ol STAFLE DRY GOODS, ROTIOA'Si, j BOOTS and SHOES AT t.OV FHICKS. Wliolcsalc buyers and Co-operativo Dealers please inepect. GROCERY; HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Pnrohadors can hero find An Immense Stock and ;! e v: ( ) a -usie-y . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON TllK PKSillSES. Miners Supplies a Specially CL0T11LNG DEP'T. HOME-MADS AND I M P () R T K D MAJSUPAOTURKD PROM HOlflK-MADB, riiKxcn, OICILIHAN, K.OiiiSll knU AM ERICA Ml FAD1UCS Fins Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for GontlcmoD ordering their own. - F1UST-CLAS3 F1TTKR8 AND WUllKMEN TO FILLj ALL OKDKU8 PltOMPTJLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND 1SS0RTMT OF liOODS, WE CUT H ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This id lhe Dupartujcr.t for KamilicB DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs, I'ATEXT MEDICINES, '01 lumory, ( LIQUORS IH GREAT VARIETY , j ; j K.tiOLISIl ALK AND PORTER, A VER.IL. Li PAINT WI1ITK LEAD, j OILS, COLOR! GLASS, ETC. i j I , Prescriptions from Physicians icifl have special attention, j II. B. CLAWSO., Supt. WALKER .BRO'S. Carpet si,oo333.s, UP STAIKS. CARPETS ! CARPETS! NOW OPK-Nl-NO -NKW I'.UTKHNS KOU SPRING FURNISHINGS, Which mate the Best Selee-.ion WEST OF CHICAGO. EXGLIS1I COCOA JIATTIXGS 2-4, 1-1, 0-1, S-l. PLOOB OIL CLOTHS, 4-4, 5-4, 6-1, H-4. lti-4. f K I C Ci IT A li .V i- li 1C U. J1S Eun the Block GREAT REDUCTION IX THE PRICE OF LIGHT! Good News for those tlmt like a Brilliant, Clour and Safe Light ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, OXLY 2.50 FOR FIVE GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, wo have nvcived a LavfO Stock, of ill qualities, and at Kcduced Prices. Tho Largest As:rlalent of LAMP GOOBS in tho Territory. no HI. iREIESIE & CO. Sole Aconts for Hie Dmifortti mlc mu Fluid. 89 1st South Street, bait' block West ol'Potft Otlico. Coal Oil and laptha Depot HAY & 89 Fast Temple Street, .Orlll ZDsTT S FOU FOREST CITY VARNiSH AND GSL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas 'Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL lSUUMXG FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Gfiered to the Public. This Fluid is or much HFAVIKK GKAVll'Y than any other homing Fluid ever offered in the market, approxiiuatitiK closely to that of the h't qualities of COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUBLK tho ILLUMINATING powor. It burns CLUAN WITHOUT SMOKE and docs not char the wick, which will not require attention oftcner than oecc a week. This Fluid noeds hut one trial to conviooe any person of its superior advantages. advan-tages. -WHOLES-A-LIE -A-ZLNTID KETAIL Wbo want AGENTS in every settlement of tin1 Territory. jI7 I ii;DI)lN(STOKS S i Two Block south of (lie V. C. ll.lt. Depot, and next to Win. Jcn-ntiK' Jcn-ntiK' Tannery. The rarrl in kcrt roDitRDtly Bui i licd bj sever&l eaw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. B. ioliciU tb jtntroniwre cf bli old friondi, and by runctusHtr and diliveuce in brjflinMi hojiel to merit ft ibaro f public uprorL. FOR BAt.K Tn tbe 1Mb Warl, one t block and n half wrr of lb-; V. C. Ji. V... 1 Finall b'tU'C nu'i hall lot. Ub Cm orchard. For pariiculan CD jmre u( j anr26 WM. EDDINOTON, j J..MKRItnjiA0, COMMISSION MERCHANTS i a)4 nd aOO Ca.lJrorn1 Rt., laa Kranclacoi - - tklirorala. I Pani'-ular attntinn raid U th filHn? of or itn ior rerj dofcnptioD of morel andiss, 33 8a,l of Ors, SLc., -c. IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Moiiufarluron of PORTABLE i STATIONARY Engines, IS LOW u KM, ( ;a siilics And Machinery ftrr Smelting Furnaces ooirayt'i ma'lc lor u'liiamg J'urna-cca J'urna-cca ni' Utah Fire Stone. Induling Macliincrj, Ac, ml up in complete running order. Hrnnrfii-Korrka Mining Com. nr. f"11 '"ke l'lh Hmctt- Ing C..(njn-, Tlntlc. Address J. C. Ji'ch'irds, t'hivjgo. "r4 VA ani '6 FIIOM BTREKT. A.l FKAWCISCO, CALi. Ojfn- ths, fintt and m'ttt comphte stock on the Pacific coast. Hefcr to If. D. CL.AWS0N. Bnp't of O. 3VT. I. |