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Show NOTICE. A LL- rer.'oas are hereby forbidden and xV. warned against rureha. in!; or io any w.iy nc-t:atinK- wi:h ay rersc-n whmo-i whmo-i ever lor certain mi a in 5 rrojeny situate, ; b'inc. and bcinc c-n Chloride fdill. in ur-hir Mile; District. Tootle t'cuctv, Utah Terri- .',reD;lT filci fr m-.ird as the Jim ! ri;s loJe. or tor any ores already e waited ;r that may hereatter be extracted, there- I from: ot lor any property whatioever be- j l"n,::c tc or in anywise ari'ertaining: to ' bx: i i:3C, or lode: 3; the !tme is the rroD- I er:y tre ucjterf.sed. who ars the lawful i owners 0: 5.i id mis: as property, under the tte..;:se H Raurht. John. DavL'. Re tit Davii I acd Murray leii:ser. ad recorded in the1 oiz o; :ne Recorder m lie Mining Diatri't ajuresaid, April 1?T1. j P. W. STASTOX, UEOR'iE H. R AUGHT, I H. A. HOLCOiLB. The Utah Problem. Kcviow ot the course of Jttdgo James B. AU-Keiin, and an appeal for tho surrender sur-render of Polygamy. SPSEOIT OF HON. THOMAS FIICH, IN TDE Constitutional Convention OF UTAH, Fobruary 20th, 1872, la now published in pamphlet form. Fot sale at tho Herald Oflice. Trice Sl'2.50 por hundred; $2.00 per dozen. Single copies 20 cenU. Send it to Your Friends. SALT LAKE THEATRE Engagement of tho favorito Comodiau, MR. P. MARCETTS who will njipiar as JOE BANGLES, Monday EVns, Feb. 26, Will be pnfentol, for tlio first tinioin Ihis city, nn entirely new and original comedy, l.y 8 Gillwrt, Esi., recently proitnctd at Wallnck a Tlieilre, N. Y., with the greatest Mice cm, entitled RANDALL'S TZE3ZTJHVTIO ! Act I. Cardone of Boachington Hotel-Act Hotel-Act II Tho Clump of Hocks. Act III. Gardens of Bcachinglon Ho tot. AGRICULTURE ! (10L. WARREN" has conaontcd to remain J till 1 1'ESUAY noon train, by tho special spe-cial requests of frionda of agriculture who tlosiro to confer with him on matters appertaining apper-taining to the interest of tho ecienco. lio will be found at liolcomb k, Co.'s, from ono to four p.m. on Monday. f23 ArlDiinistrator's Notice. ' TH03K persons who are owins tho estato of Edward Samuels, deceased, aro hereby here-by requested to settlo thoir indebtedness forthwith, and all porsons having claims n gain st tbosaid estate, will present tho same for adjustment and settlement to tho administrator, admin-istrator, daniel McAllister. Mill Creok ward, Utah, JFeb. 2i. Dissolution of Co-PartDersMp. TTAVINO disposed of tho Banking busi-ncsg busi-ncsg heretofore conducted und or tho name and stylo of A. W- White & Co., to the Salt Lake City National Bank, which will assumo all tho liabilities, and is hereby authorized au-thorized to collect all dobts duo the said firm. Tho co-partnership heretofore existing exist-ing under tho namo of White A: Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. W. WHITE. T. R. JONES. Salt Lako City Fob. 19th., 1872. The Salt Lako City Nation al Bank hereby assumes all liabilities as above. B.M.DU RELL, f22. President- Emerald Hill Mining Company. IOCATIOX OF WORKS, Salt Lako county, j Utah Territory. Notice. There are delinquent upon tho following follow-ing deacrilwil stock, on account of as-foaatneat lsv- iea on tlio 11th duy of January, 1&7-; the sercr-ul sercr-ul ninmiQts let opposite- tho nauiofl of Iho respective a re bo hi its, as lollowa : Xo. of No. of Sfame. Ccrtilicate. Slu-es. Amount Alibott, Oibom, - 1 :K (H) Atiliott, 0;lorn, - tl "M SO OO Abbott, O-born, - i HO '2j oo AM-ott, O-borti, - - 5 li3 "25 (R) Al'twitt, OsUorp, - 6 U"l 'JS W Fox, Henry A, - S ll O (1 U.i Foi, Henry A, - tl ,J"0 50 OO Fox, Henry A, 58 Gl 'I'i Uawkics U II, 10 l.'-iT 33'J 25 K.'lly, Jms K, - 17 1Jo7 'i Kelly, James 8,-64 3 To Kfllv, James B, - 60 2 50 00 Kelly, Jui03 K, " - 01 iVj &o 00 Kollv, James It, tiJ 2K) 50 W K'.'Ily, James R, - 2-0 50 nO Kelly, James R, - W -n) 5o 00 Ki-I y, James R . tia 5(1 0 Kelly, Ja-res 11, - 66 157 J.i 25 K. lly, JolinJ , . U Puo 2ii uu M:irka Glreson, In &) .1 00 M.-wen, Jam,,. - 2t ::;,7 cr.i ih O'SulIivan, CD,- 2 o7 sjo -2i Riul iial. M Trustee, 39 100 20 (.ni Skellv, Micliael, - 13..7 25 8inith,lIO, - S ji7 si, 25 Sumhfon.TB, - 57 200 0") 00 Sw.cnev, Sljle- D So 1;;S7 CT.M 20 Taylor, Charles L, u2 :'7 3:'.' 2.5 Tobin, Ricliard, T-j l;'7 3?i 2o Tol-in. Rol rt J. - ?4 l;;:,7 20 Warren, John K - Go 57 32J 25 AnJ in accorJ.ioce with law acd n order of the Board of TniiWes uia-le oa the 11th day of Jann- , ary, 1S72. to many ihires of each parcel of unitf stock a uiy lv necsi.try will be sold t jmbli c no' lion, by John M:lJlet m & Son. at No. Z'M Munt-omcry str.-ct. S.iu Fram-isco, Cidifornia, on tho Hth day ol SI arch, 172, at the hour of 1 o'clt b p.m. of said day. to pay ;aid det'o-jnent as-?efcment as-?efcment there ju, toother with costs of adver-tuitig adver-tuitig and ci. pease ot sale. P. MADGE, Secretary. OfB.-e No. 64. Meri-nstils' Kichaagc, Cwlifornia strvet.San Fnvntsto, Ciioruia, f n K? E 5 . .. f Pi - 3: 111 i : ts - -- : : I IV !!l 2 tJ i (: i 1 J. i : o I I ! ; O - i 3.l 0 J M .: i H v i-io ; hi 3 s o Hi o - ! GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FARMERS ATTENTION. I will liaj CASH fr 1,000 BUSUELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BARLEY, 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, 10,000 LBS. BRAN, If delivered immediately at my Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City CEO. II. K.N'OWLDKX. California and Allen's Extra Family And seven! other brands , CII E AP for cash All klmliof GrnUi forfln.e. ;. II, KiVOWLDEIV. oC , FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody says so) at G. W. DAVIS'. The finest Qualities of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. Ac. at G. W. DAVIS'. caxntd c;ooi. loiistfrs, sal-mox. sal-mox. SAitin.vKs, oysn;its, 'rulii, -Saucer t l'lckUfi, AT G. W. DAVIS'. The Larccst and Best Stook of CHEESE, HAMS ai BACON In Town, at G. W. DAVIS'. Our TEA TRADE we take particular pains to study, and from experience are enabled to suit our patrons with unrivalled facilities. Wo Ruarantoe to sell as cheap as any house in Utah, and will not be undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Two doora north of Kimball & LawreDce's. fl7 Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns his thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers for the liberal patron aro bestowed upon him and trusts that strict attention to business will morit a continuance continu-ance of their favors. 3STE-W STO RE On First South Strceti Noxt door to Mrs. St caboose's Millinery Establish mo nt, Whore I will havo a very choice stock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Ralin, Kuti, Fig", Orange, licmon, Llmci, Anil a general assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soap, Etc, Etc WDo not forget my New Store .Firs South street. We hate JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which we will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Temple Street.' aof26 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand. East side East Temple St,; Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he haa a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sella them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. ' PBODTJCE Of .11 kind.. Bonsht ond Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES j Made to order. I MISCELLANEOUS. B.W. Allen & Co., mil 47 Hroadwfty, Now York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent, for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY I W. S. FOSTER, Aseul. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Ohoioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Kates. QROCSBKCH'8 BUILDIMOS, 17 Kt Timplr Strt. SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE HOUSE, Nob. 65, 67 and GO East Texplo Street, nearly opposite Salt Lako House. Do not fail to remember it as tho Centre of Attraction, tho Centre of tho Block and tho Contro of Business. TEASDKL 4i. CO. have always on hand as choice an assortment of GROCERIES as can be obtained in town, both Wholesale Whole-sale and Rctai', THE NEWEST ATTRACTIONS in Dross Goods, Reps, M oh aim Alpacas, Morinos, Delalnos, Calicos, with tho latest la-test stiles in Shawls, Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Qoods always to bo fonnd at the EAGLE HOTJSR. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT at tho GAGLS HOUSE is carefully and . attentively studied. There you can always al-ways ohooso from a full stock of GENTS and BOYS CLOTHING, Boots and Shees, Hats and Caps and General Famishing Goods io endless variety, THE LADIES' SHOE DEPART. jtiKNT at TEASDEL k CO.'s is now well supplied with all that can bo desired. de-sired. Elegant Style?, Latest Fashions and Lowest Prices. " i DLEES' SEWING MACHINES tho BEST IN THE WORLD for Family use, can be obtained of TEASDEL & CO , the solo agents for the Territory of Utah, Special attontion given to learners, Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desired. They arc quiet, oay running1, durablo and a favorito machine TEASDEL A. CO, are proverbial for low prices and the best qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, B. A complete outfit of Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Machinery, to bo sold at low fifruros, Nearly now. TEASDEL & CO. SELLING OFF ! Now is the Time to get liargains ! Our remaining sloc'f of LADIES' FURS ! Will be sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SC'AEFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a ijleDdid .nswrtment ot LADIKS' WINTER HATS and BONNETS MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at cot to make room for a large stock of Spriott and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Temple HirccL 23 coalTcoau- Hai-lng purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine WEBER COAL Iy car loud or retail. Depot l U. C. H. H. Yard. OOlcei Exchange and Reading Room. BATEMAN & BUEL. Urt W.U.BIKDIUI, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, A. J. iTltTFFITir, D"1" ' "I kind, of SALMON AND HERRINGS, IMS WmlilniftoiiSlrt.i, AH kinds of DrioJ, BtuuJ mU Flckled Fi.h ooeuUui1 oa liuid. a S. L. Stauly, Joliu Spruauee, 0. 0. Ohapui n Spruance, Stanley & Co., Succoasors to ll.Wi-Uter k Co. mil J. & J, Spninc ImporUrs ud WbotMale DoaJert In WINES AND LIQUORS, H 410 FRONT STRKKT, A. C. DIETZ & C0! IUP0RTIR8 OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes anci Lamps, No. 231 FRONT STRKKT, TITF. fl-"R,F, AT BLOOD PURIFIER. SIB THE GREAT CAXIFORNIA VEGPJTABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. Hian IN TUB SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tlio wonderful Stato o California, grows an herb long known to tha Indirtns oa an absolute ouro for RliKUMA-TISM. RliKUMA-TISM. OUUT, NEURALGIA, njid all die-eases die-eases in any way sprinKinK from imiurltiei of tho blood. Science has at length brought to light its virtuos, and of thisjiolont horb haa oompouadod VERBA SANTA, a irep-ratien irep-ratien for the PERMANENT CURE of Scrofula, Salt Rhtum, and all Eruptive Erup-tive and Cutaneous Diseases. Gives immediate and permanent relief in DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS. Ring Worm. Tumors, Roilst Scald Honda, Uloorj aaj Sores; eradicates from tho syBlem all tracoa of morourial disease, IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore pocuHarly suitable for use by females and children as a RLOOD PUKI-FIER PUKI-FIER and RENOVATOR. DIOTHKUS Who wish to find a modioino peculiarly adapted to tho cure of II UMURS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in thoir children! will find a safe and sure euro in YERUa SANTA. For sale everywhere. RKDIKOTOK, HOSTETTKR Ctf Agvuli, 6B and 531 Market St.r San Kranclioo. redingtonT" hostetter & co. Importori and Jobbers of v FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AM CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gums, Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, sc., And all other Staples cosnoctcd with tt Wholosalo and Retail Drag Business. CoDBtantly in receipt, by diroot Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hosteller's Bittcfs. Drake's Plantation Bitters, WolTs Scboidam Schnapps, Uo well's Pulmonary Syrup. And all tho loading Propriefary Modicinos both American and European. , Orders Promptly and Carefully Exoouted. Nos. 559 and 531 Market Street, Between First and Socond, mSan Francisco, California. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE LWRAXCE CO.'S CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We auk Fair Rates aud Promise to 1'ay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. It. MAXy, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY. Office Taylor's Buildine. Room No. 2 op- posite Salt Lako House. P. 0. Box f Private Hospital, 13th Ward, SnltLake City, W.F.ANDERSON. M.D. - Proprietor TsrinB. invariably in advance, for Board, Medicine and Medical aitendrvnce, W IJj to ii e week TIIVtE TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Q T Ht EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHUST. No. I . STATIONS. Ii'-ari. MAIL. Leave OMAHA - - ; Hop-tri. brAitn. Arrive EURLlNliTO.V ;! 5.V.ta.m. Mo p.m. " Mcndola - - U-S a.tn. 3;'o s.m. " ChicajcOkCILAQ-l 3:2p.tu. Tiij-in. " Peoria - - - j fi.-'Oa.nn li.yU-m. " Ind'plisd.B.iW., 6:Jip.m. I'.'ia.m. " Cincinnati - - j) p.m. p.m. LoRan'pnrt 5:V. i( m . fii'i-ni. T. V W. , CVn minis 2 (.r a.m. ; C:5Ppm. ri"Throueh Cr rmm Mi-.-ouri Rirpr to Chicano. Indiriniipolii, Cini'iunti, L'en' port and Colau;bu-.! Connect ion at tbne points with lins 1 ending to the Kaat. North ami S'Mi'h. Thi- i" Iho Utd, Slinrleil, (ulrkrst and Cheapest Home. 1)0 nni be deceived, but obtain Tisfcet via the Burlinston A Missouri River Railroad. A.E. TOUZALIN. C. I. PERKINS. Oen'l Ticket AienL Ucn'l Sun't. JJO |