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Show MEDICAL. J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over CalderBro's Maeio Emporium. e W. F. ANDERSON, M.D. H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the rrwent. at their respective reaidencca in the Ltn andlTta Wards. fo5 DR. GROVES, Dentist, OfTlc 4nd Sonth St., Salt Lki City. Three doors West of Kevere Houeo. half a block Kut of the Elephant Store. offici aucaa peijm a a.m. to 5p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Offers his professional services to the people of bait Lake City. Residence at tt-.livar Roberts' brick house, opposite St. Al.irk Church. il' . 0. C. 0 RMSBY, r.M). PHYSICIAN. SUKGEON AND DRUGGIST, BKIGI1A31 CITY. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. Thlfl Ilouse is contrally and ploaaantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 gueata. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing; to build large additions to his Hotel, which whon fiuiahod, willrenJ-er it the Mutt Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! AMERICAN HOTEL, " A Select and First-Class House. ONE ULOCK. EAST OP THBAT11B, SALT LAKE OITY. TermS3.00 ptrdny. Board without with-out routue fl."0 per week. Uatln free to guests. J. C. LITTLE, juno4 Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Kcid's,) in ain e rr n bet, Two doors aoulh of Wclla, Forgo do Co's. Oiw llnr In r.iruiaticrt wlili all lliat cmi lio found In Liny first-class enloon. Attentive and polite bar-koopom to attend upon all wbo may favur ua with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. f n TAYLOR'S HOTEL, Went Side EAST TEMPLE STREET, ROOMS llY THE SINOLK NUU1T, TVUEKLY OR MONTHLY, TAYLOll & CUTLEU, Proprietors. Wo havo rented our UKSTAUltAXT to Messrs. GLAK GOOUMAM. rCl Washington House Aliird Hontli Street, W A L X L Ali HI CITY Uonrd and Lodging, per Week SO BO Day Uoard ' 0 00 French Spring Beds 00 Ueils, r Klght - - 0 Jtlenls - )li FASHION CHOP HOUSE, iScst door to Whlto House). Main Street, Salt Lnltc Clly. Cmduetcd in first-class French stylo, at moderate price?. NICHOLAS UERNAKDIS. f ( V roprie or. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the European Plan, is now open ami iaurilied with every delicacy of tiic pi:iion. Meals at all hours. UvMcrs in cory flylc. Supper Parties supplied on short notice Ttrmi to suit the times. ULAUK &. OOOL1.11AK, jlri Proprietors. .Sierra Hotel ami Restaurant, Matt side Commercial street. Mo.Us served in ihe boat Mylo. Rooms fur-m.-hod uud uiilurnif heJ. l it Wm. OKK.lt, proprietor. Mew Coiimsrcial Loipi Rooms, Commercial Siren, Oppotito tiornian Bakery, Salt Lake City C. W.TAPPAN. Proprietor. i) ' 'j N A I. I. N lO 11T. JlitiK llr.l-, r.O (t. ).rrM;ll,nml V..10 Hi .J.tll per eck. Mniile lti.mii-, 7.1e. per Mfiht, anil li.30 to 1.5U i.rl'Wetk. ol6 UT-tVlI IIOTIlL, Main Street, 0(;i)i;, The only jirst-cluss Ilouse in the City. Omuitmn to mi J from nil train. EUDEY Jt, WILLUMS, ilT triors, CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. To the Public Thii hoiue is now rcQttct in I .iveo f,ir traveler at reduced rate-. li.-ard and Lodginr, by week, $1.5.00. Meals, 500. Beds, 7 ileal at all hours LEGAL JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. OEce Over First National Bank. Resi-deoco Resi-deoco on d Ea. t street, beiw eeu South and lat South sj-eeis. s2u TII03. riTtH. GEO. I. WH1TXET. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORXKYS-AT-LAW, X First South Street. fj SALT LAKE CITY. H. 31. MORGAN, Commissioner for Utah Territory. 103 CALIFORNIA STREET, PRAXCISCO. fe3 S. A.. HASN, A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W, No. 3'J First South Street, fj Salt Lake City. Utah. 1. OOOPKIt, ATTOKNE1' AND COUNSELLOK, Onice Excliiinrje nl Reading Uuouim, u,i-iiLalrii. iu23 HALT LAKK CITT. CASH FOR MINES I Enquire of ; SET1I M. ULAIR, I Attorney -at-Law and Mining Agent, j oFt'lCE : Over 97 Kiml-all's Uluck, with C. M. nawley. P. 0. Box 1S(. dl6 P. L. WILLIAHS, LS QEANB TOESO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATT01iNEYS-AT-LAV, Office, half-a-block south of Theatre, Malt Lako City. jl2 GKOKGE C. DATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MVKO.'V HAW LEY, Attornoy-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASItlNS. OEoo in IKiuiball's block, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU sbal'd ollice. WM. P. APPLEBY, Attorney-nt-Law. HAVING provided himself with suitable Blanks, is prepared to draw up Dcclnrntory Statements of Appll-cunlii Appll-cunlii lor Deeds to City Lots. Office Euat Templo Street, first door north of Coniinerco Buildinft. dlU JOI-IX J3. MILNKK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections oiado in tho 1st aud 2nd Judicial Judi-cial liiilrieis. . Si'-:cial attention given to Mining cases. Ollico at rc;idcuco, Cotro St. Provo City. jo Warner Earll, F. M. Smith. EA11LL & SMITH, ATTOliNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY, East Tomplo Street, one door south ol a Uodbo'a Storo DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORNEY -A T-LA W, Salt Lnltc City, Utah. Office west side of East Temple StreeU . . E-pecial attention sivon to itlliiinB hti-gatiou. hti-gatiou. Win. HAYDON, Uite Judco Of -till District Court, Korada, ATT O 11 N E Y - A T-L AW, Room No. 0. East Temple Street, ovor First anoaal Bank. nl U:, M. U AK.N UM, A T T O H N E Y - A T - L A AV , Office, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. . Spocial attontion given to Xillca, NeROtia-tious, NeROtia-tious, Sales or Liliuations ia Mining Claims and Koal Estate. , Collections mado or business done in any liart of tbo United Status by Association of i rcli;tbio Attorneys. dU ; 3, II. ilompstoad, M. iiirkpatriok HEMPSTEAD & KiRKPATRICK, Attorueys-at-LaWj Main Street, opposite Welle. Fargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. Z. SNOW. 8- uoa' SNOW & XiOUK, Attorneys, and Counaeiora at Law SIt Lako City, Utah. OfUco at Snow's corner, 1st Kast Street, Jo6 NOTICE. 1'liE law partnership ucrcto'oro cxistinR between Ihomns Fitch and 3. A. Mann is thia day dissolved. FITCU & MANN. Salt Lako City, Fobruary lid, 1872. i3 KOTARIES PUBLIC. aTsTcioulu & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, i- Miniiis Heeds, Afiroomonts and Bonds ' (or Deeds. Murtk'AK". Powers, of Attornoy. Leases Lmlr..eta ,ind other mat ruuients oi wriliuu drav.u with accuracy and dispatoa. 4j ?Hiil Coinpaulci Incorporated Incorpora-ted under tlie Law i of Vtti. C. A. GOULD, dj- o "j1 i a. ruuLio and COMMISSIONER W DEEDS for New York, Mnsaachuselts, rcnnfjylva-nia,Oliio, rcnnfjylva-nia,Oliio, lliinyis, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Ualiibruia, aud other States an'i Tcr-litorii-s, Cast Teny-k St., nrxr WVj, Fargo d- Co,, S-dt Luke City. mil Wm. Clayton. S. J. Joxtssox. Notary Public. Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY strict ntlftiiifn to the collection ol mo my in lt nrt of iho wwld. Thev nTjo draw or acknowledge all kinls of in.-truiitonts in writnik'. Siirilnl nt I cut I on eivrn tn the dn wins of WIIU aul Ic.umciiioiy Uncn-incnii. Uncn-incnii. l..iii-! rrt;.it; ite Mini-.", Hou.t.i and H.'il l"..t.ilc v-'l .ill Ui'i's boutb!. soli or lei'J. Inrnrpnroi ie-n nnd Pn i Hcrli lp j ! hir'i t nctortliim t wiili'ibo laws of Utah-1 Utah-1 i l) !' K1C K -Kotn ill door ion (It of Uwtilx'. I iirntr, n) TLUW. DAV1LS. United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, OtVi-o No.lT.nlor'a Hotel, S.ilt L.Ae TJity l-OMK IIMK, in !h- l.ittor part of Srn-O Srn-O ber cr e.i-lv m Dt'ber U-t, rroSab'y .in Fir't ou'ii ;-'.-rc be; wo a the LpiaC.T1 Church and Piilii Lat street, ' I.adv's Walfli ailarlKd lo a (.nulcman s Heavy Link (.old (Iiain. T.c Clnin i' valued by tho lo'c-r beyond its inirirt-u w.irth. i a liberal reward will i, bo p.iii u tuo iaicr. ArpLy at thu 0 Qce. BANKERS. Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., 53, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lake City. jl3 Bank of Deseret, SuccMaor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Oorner East Temple and First South Streets, SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH, PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. BRIG HAM YOUNG. President.1 H. S. ELL) HEDGE, VicePrea. WM. H. HOOPER, WM. JENNINGS, Directors. JOHN SHARP, FERAMUltZ LITTLE, L. 8. HILLS, Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN. EXCHANGE, LASD WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. , 8lJ WELLS, FARGO & CO., ! Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on JLurope, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eait Temple St., Salt Lake City, THEO. F. TRACY, Agent. mil SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novel in Sowing Machines. They aro tho latest improved ani liifhlostrunmnff shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful ami compact iu model and unoxcoMod in material and finish. They sew everything from lace to beaver cloth in tho most perfeot manner. Every variety of Ilemmlnfr, Felling, dlltlnc, CordlnK, RuHllnfr, Piping, Trailing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily pei formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machino Warranted as Represented. j Salesroom on First Soutli Street Snlt Lake City, opposite tHe New Meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, juyl8 Agent. O. X3. FL. IF5.. February Sib, 1873. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. l.pnvi! going Kiat.l Arrive from Liwt -iix.il in 7 00 am ..Ban Fran.. 8.30ln t-l" 4 3i " 7 35 " ..Oakland .. S.IHJ " I 1 jU " 4 10 '' I 7 60 " -.Maa Jose.. 8.30210 5 35 " j 835 " I Niius 7.05 " ,12 45 " 848 " ill 60 " ..Slookton.. 4.07 " 9 U7 10 45 " I 1 45 pm LsacramonW. SiWpml 7 15am Arrive from We.it lavo going West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND OC DEN. Leave goiiiR Kift jArrlvo from K,ut 6 15 " ...Coltiix...ilO,iiitt 13 46 am ...Rono 3 10 " : 9 10 " Wiancmncca IS pn: '12 00 in UaiUeMonnt I 26 " : ! i 40pm ..Hto....l 3 45sm 1 iiOaiu ..OgJen-.. 6 'Jtiprr . Arrive from Wed ltnve gn'ng West Explanation. For trains running "from" San Francisco, take tho loft hund columns and read downward!, down-ward!, or "Eastward." For trains running "towards" San Fnn-cijco. Fnn-cijco. take tho right hand columns and read upwards or "Vestwrd." Sundays excepted, tiundays only. A. H. TOWNS, T. H 0)TiMAN. Qea. Sopt Administrator's Notice. nAVINU been appointed by the Probate Court of Salt Lake fount y. AdmiDis-trator AdmiDis-trator of tho estato of Bradford Leonard, deceased, notice ishorcby Riven to all persons per-sons indebted lo said estate to conic forward and scJtlo immediitely, and those having clnitii? agninst iho same to present them for adjustment without delay. R. J.G0LDINC1. Administrntnr. Office, Room .No. 1 Court House. Salt Lake City. Feb. 10. 1-Ci IX COLLEGE SCRIP I PKKK.MVTOKS will wve $16 on each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrij. , Arrly to Til K UANK OF DKSKRKT, IS Sni"nr to Tloortir. Kldrode Co m MEDICAL WORK ! "IKE PHILOSOPHY OF IVURKIAGfc." For the Debilitated Ncrvom Syittm. DR. .TOR DAS, of Ihe Anatomical Mnfiira, jIS MiBt$"uicry ftreot inear Cah:.r-ma. Cah:.r-ma. San Francisco. California, has pub-ii-'hed lour of his most important ani in-ftructive in-ftructive Lecture- in a neat volume lor taoe xrh-t cannot attend the Lecture? at the Jui-ifam. Jui-ifam. Every I'amirriei n 1 Married man Fhoa'.d rend and itady these imrfaU I-evturcs for the food of himself and ofi- liiyH a'ddrcsing the Scretar7 of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Mueum, ao Vnincico, and cnc!o-inc cnc!o-inc Twenty-Five Cent? in 1'oMace Mamp I to pay postage, the Book will bo torwardeU I to any part of the States or Tmil oriei. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by loiter. has given me sufficient time to enable mo to say so much. I call for the vote. The question being taken on Mr. Bingham's amendment, there were ayes, eleven, noes not counted. So the amendment was not aerecd to. The bill, as amended, was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and being engrossed, it was accordingly according-ly read the third time and passed. SPRING TIME IS COMING! George Goddard Has for SALE sonio Choice TOP or BUITOX ONIONS, Evergreen BROOM! C011N SEED, very early, and suited to bich altitudes. alti-tudes. Tlie best iu the market. GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, RYE MEAL for Bee Raisers, NORWAY OATS, SURPRISE OATS, Choice SEED PEAS, RKAXS. Km SPRING TIME IS COMING! GEORGE GODDAED Wants to Buy and pay Cash for Fresh, Clean Lucerne Seed, Choice Pea', Lran, Shorts, Oats. Barley and Whoat. (22 SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OP UTAH, SSalL Lake City, TJtuh Ter. Successor to A. W. White i Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bksj. M DvRku, Prc?t. Late l'reit. First Nttt'onn) U:mk of Mu'io. A is KL W. Whitk. Cashier, Late of A. W. Wlntc & Co., inkers, S. L. City HEUFSTHiD 4 Kihki'ateick, Attorneys. VIICECTOUH: T. K. Jones. (MI. Hempstead, Ar. li. Oillalmn, B. M. DuUttll, A. W. Whito, J. SI. Allen. It. V. Donncll, Of Doorwll, Ltmsou A; L'u., Now York. This Bank will tran-act all kinds of lofjiti-mate lofjiti-mate liaakinn business, aui DEALS IX f;OI,l AXIi -SILVER I1ULLIOX AXO OltKN. Gold and Currency Exchange drawn tind Tck'Knijih Tran?lers made on Kciv York, S:m Francisco ar,d irir.ot;il Atlantic uud l'acifiu cities, available in any part of the United Male; and Canada. Deposit! and ceneml bujirmsg solicited Trotu Ka-tern and Foreign U.tnks and bankers. bank-ers. Firms and Individuals ; Obeok Accounts kept in Gold or Curreiti-y. Exchange on principal :uios of Europo anil tliu I'unadhs liirni-Ltd in sums to suit, at tho lowest rate;!, and Tolograp.i Transfers Lcnna uia lo on Ualllon, Public Securities. cood lAdUterab. Approved busiuo.-s rayier discounted for depotdtors. Certificates of LVpojit issued, payable in Gold or Currency o i call, or at any si ecificd time, available in any part Ol the United Stutej ana Territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to Now York, bau i'ranciioo and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : vtlmv VfiHTf National Park Bank. M MV 1 UKK. LlotiiifU. Laivsou Jt Co. SAN FRANOlaCO California Trust Co. LONLUA Jay Cooke, MeCulloch A Co. Treasury Deimrtiueutj Office of Coui'TBOi.LrK of the Curhssct, WASHINGTON. JANUAKY 12,1872. Y'" II ERE AS, by satisfactory evidence pro- V scutud to the utidoraigned, it bus bcon uiado to nppcar tha', "IHE SALT LAKE CITY .NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH," in the CITY OF SALT LAKE. intboCounty of SALT LAKE, TEKKITu-KV TEKKITu-KV OF Ui'AlI, h;ts becu duly ortatmcd under and accur lius to ttio reiiuircu.'cnts of tlio Act of OuiiKro.-s. entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of linked Stato Bunds, and to provide pro-vide for tho .circulation and redemption toerouf." approved Juno 3rd. 1801, and has com plied witti all tho provisions of said Act reuuired to be coundud with before com mencing tho business of Banking undor said Act, Now. therefore. I, UILA.ND R. UUL-BUltU, UUL-BUltU, Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify ihat "THE SALT LAKE 'Ul'i NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH," 1 in tho CITY OF SALT L,KE. iu tho county or SALT LAKE, TERIU10KY OF UTAH. is auLuoriicd to commence tho business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. 1Currency Bureau. IQ tea'.imony whereof cYtilortlio witness my band and CoiunlroUor L seal ol olhco tins 12th oi ibe f UAY OF JANUARY, Currency, lSi2. . (Mh'no ') II i land K. lki.at nD, No. ll21. Conipt ridior of Currency. felt i r ! 2 5 j CARL C. ASMUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, "Watches, AND DIAMONDS. I Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a lar.-f, additional stock of NEW GOODS In creat variety ani .-tylc Thn pnKlif nre respectfully invited to call and mrpect them at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, j ITiOr . tilock nor 111 of the Kte 1 1 Kaaportum dyJ HARDWARE. SCOTT, Mill tUO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kiotls of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Fo ges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. LEGISLATIVE Proceedings ! We arc to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Scncney & Co, arc celling Stoves Cheaper than any other Unu-in the oiiy, for the reason they are Closing Out. So. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In lopirtion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SiiHBtjifEfliCO Opposite W. F. & Co't Offla, SALT LAKE CITY It. A. KEV ES, Agent C. II. BASSETT, NEW HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, iron u;id Met I, Stovas -v(l Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural lui il me i I And Mining Tool, At Lowest Ufctei. orPOSlTB SALT LAKlt IIOLSK Furcacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHANU CO. AH 1CKXT9 rOI THI GOLDEN CITY FIHK BIlfCK, 'Whi'-h are cjnal if nt mperior to the be! Kr.c.i'h. bpociai rate (iren bj the car load. ociLS TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after January li 1 I , lT 'Z MIXED TRAINS WILL IR XJ 3ST DAIL T. Lcaving the Utah Centra! 11.11. IVpot, Salt L;ike City, at 7.J0a.ui.; Jtraper 5.45 p.m., and i?andy Station, (uoaivsl point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.0 p.m. An extra train will Kua on imduvs r.cnvinp Ilranpr at S.dil n m S-m.lv at 9.10 a,m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FVfVli.Es" :" Salt Lake to Bie Cottonwood Sutton, TVt? " " Little " " w-cts Sandy ' 51.00 " " Drat.er " 1.25 Twenty-five cents additional will be oh arced when the fare ia collected on the train. D. O. CAL.DKR, .Gen. Froisht nt.d Ticket Acont. j FEUANOltZ LITTLR SOPKRINTKNPKNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, oiith - cast jevala & Montana. Mon-tana. Leaving Salt Luke City Dally, running run-ning i-outh to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier. St. Gcorire, Utah ; and Pioche, Nevada ; 1'Milng through Provo, Springville, Spanislt Lfrrk,Pay-son. Lfrrk,Pay-son. Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Com Creek, Heaver, Miners-ville, Miners-ville, and All the principal towns and mhuna Cf !?- J itl 1 . , Nevada. Alao leave Corlnnc, I'lah, dally, , runulikg uorLh to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Hen too, Deer Lodgo, Cedar (-n'ck mino, and parsing through all the pnnoipal towns and mio-ing mio-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OKKfCK, , Wells, Mrgo & Co. Building inn Salt Lake City ' UTAH CENTRAL UAlLItOAD. fw. --i-r. ; i; . . r, -1 -k .sf. w "w.-!-:iiv.: PiGNEER LIME CF UTAH. Ok and alter Monday, Jtilyl7,lB71 XIlj TruiuH Leave Salt Lake City nt f am. and 2:45 p.m-Arrive p.m-Arrive at 0doD 7 a. m. and -l:l.r p. m. L.eave Ogdrn at K a. m. and f.::ji) p. m. irjivcat Suit Lake City lu a.iu.and 7:30 p.m In addition to tho above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCLPTED Leaving Salt Lnkc City nt 5.30 p.m., and Odon at 5a.m. Paeaentrera will plaase Parcltui tlielr Ticket! at the Offices. Fifty Cnntu additional will be charged whet the fare ii collected on Hits irain, Por al' frforrratiin eoneornlng freinht or ' pwpij, at'l ly to O. O. CALHtCK, (Jrnera1 Frt-itrht Dd Ticiiot Au't JOHN SHARP, SUPERINTENDKNT Leti Wine. Ii. P. Kimball. SALT LIKE, And Tintic1 Stage and Express Bl'NMSO JtAILV KltU.n fcALT LA KB CITY, via L A KK 'HIWS, TOOK, L K CITV, lTO(lt'IO AKD orilllt TO TITIC. rlii r I C'jB--'. t-e :-tf,-k. -c'-il -i Mt'.-,!tTc Df irrrn na I er -ry t ; nt i"n v : -! in the eo ie for' aril convenience of aet.- ters. Go'j'i uoc-'iVimstJ'iti'jnt on thv T'hiil, THROUGH Bl' DAVLIGI1T. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Weill, Fnrfro Co.'i, Salt Lak City, WIXl ? A K1MHM L, irrietori. CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS &. CO., Manufactcrcrs of and W holesaie Dealers in Hoots a. nd Slioes, 6IS W abn.h Avr, Ctilrxo. I M. P. V, ,!!, U. J. M,.-Nrlv..l. li. 1JCD......-I. m;, K .M. lr.tvr SLICHTLY SCORCHED I YAH SciliCX, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLWALt: DRUGG18T8 (Late of A, iG and ;! L-.ke ,ireet. Cor. liearlHiru, street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of t'.e tnicme heat. To the Baptist Church Building S17, K49 S41 Wabash Ave., 2L: a a j; ei Whore we have a larire siKk vf Driifts, Choinieals, l'air.Ls t.)ils, Glass and GUsvare, Dnifficijls' un- dri-js, 1'aU'tit llumbiigs, tte., tic. CALL AND CIIKKR fS. i'o only pay HX) cents on the Dollar.) iuy-v CKA3S, HAHFGRD & CO., 470 gouth CannlSt., CHICAGO, lleadgnarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, filanafactaren of the celebrated W ILSt) N a 1 TA N K- ft h'EVMGRK TRADE. L. hi. BATES & COT, 431 , 453 Uroixhrii)-, 1 AKW VOHK, iii'Okti:rs ard joaums is Fancy Dry Goods, HOSiEKY, WUU'Ji GOODS, WOOLliAti, MIAH'LS, YAXKEU XOTJOXS, d-c J. 11. UULGK1L. jai ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturer? and Jobbeiu of 871 BROADWAY. NEW VORK. FELIX CIMPHKLI, 79 Jon: A'fW Yuik, Mauulaeturcrof and Dealer in Wrtiugltt, ( an attil tiol vanlacd Ated every vnrtr-ty of fittings for 'the m. m17 C. A. LoncHtreet. John Hrds ick. i.j.v3sracs:T a Daw,c .Manufacturers o! und Wholesale DcHlem in iStiK'S & SOYS' CLCTttiNG. Iftf, a ir.M Drcmliiitv, lw Turk, HEBDERS0B.JUSTICE4CQ SuootEior to OrifTeu. II oiidcrUD A Co., lldfllRTKHe. AMI JUHHIKB Of FANCY UOODS, NOTION, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., 4U M A BOO UltOADWAV, Ot-i uite St. Mohol&a Hotel. 11 3 New York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Mnn ifacLurern mid U hulwalo DcaluiB in BOOTS AND SHOES, 131 ami 130 Oraml fit., New Vork, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadway ilM Ayer's Sarsaparilla fl .. ft I widi'ly known - ) 1 ( r-.r 1-iuiiriK ttin ' 'v i '. sywtt'iii find puri- rf'r hu,u,L iy' y i? ;S 11 nl" Ll"'J t-1'" o--r''t tl'L "' y"lirB'wil1' init rei'Vitatinii, hii'-cl it1" nilririMy virtin., snH nifUinfil L.V it' rcmur 1; a!lo rtin-e. S- itnid its to ) Htf'J ivu L-nu-firitiU.i rjiildrcn. and yi-t m, M'ttrcltin li- to fll'.-.lnrtly pnr(,"i 'Mil tlm r 'lit uor- rtil.tins "f lliu Ll 1. Ml'di a. llio fill i ti s uii'l hvpliiltic cniilr.rtiitinti'it. I. ni.nlili-, or ..-.-.- llit Imvn lurl;.-! in h- .v-t-m l-.r v-:m. .vi"M to II, ;- j.-.w. rf til nnti. .,'. a:,'t "J i -:t '"'lir. 1 il.-.M- ii, w 1-rhil 'n-. miniy of I wnuh ..r- ...i.:,.d.v kit.-wn, ..f Sm.fula, i r,.l nil n-r.dnlM.i- It-.i-s t:tr.r i ;,..,,... .-rMptiv.. l.-r..T. ..ftl.y T.n:rs. Iio.trh. Il-M. I'i.nphH, l;,,ths. Suns. St. A. .11 Fu,Jt..st r ' r ,,. Ins !j,tt-r,S.'t tih'um, Sr.ri,1 li.u'.i; AVw.-.rm lntmvl VUm,. f,..,is of il,.rtruH Shnnurh an-l lv r. It I .,, , ,'ir. V.h-i ( M,,j.l!.ilit-, to whirh it wuM not M-iM eM""''iill.v ndi..l-.I.Niirh I u, in-' ', i)u!-j -'''s. "Hrutni, ll.vrt l.'o'; Fn.,lc Wruhntt., l-lj,i,fv l-lj,i,fv -! Lwarh.Ki, uh.-n lii-y hro ! nwu.'.thtiuur 'A thy mtoJIS i...r-,h. ! It if, HII . JJ L n-t'TLT ol tt.-Hlll. i and -IruiKtli in Ui" S.(in. lly icik-w-i n, tii" ii.i' iii" tiit'l vict of tlio diiri-f-i ti v; "t in-. 1 1 d i : i ) iitt lh dfii t,'s,mn I Hud ii-Ii" lniiL"ioro( lti; ica-Mii. jivfjn mh-io no r,-..p.T iipp-i.rp. ply (.-i ! L-tl-r ui.-l i vii ..nT for i-liii-ii.K Ihe hi 1. Ti. svrt-in ii.ov. with Ti-Ajy-.'-A vi.i aud a ij 'j -v Jvaic ot hi'j. YWY.YM'A.l LV Dr. J. . AYER &. Co, LowelIfMa38., Pracliral nrt'l Analjtlral Cliomifils. oll h- " UrnKlt,kl" everywhere, K.,r .litt Z. C. M. I. LUlJli STOKK. |