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Show If O f I C E le hereby given tlmt I, Daniel 11. Wells, Alayor of SnlL Lake City, Utnli Territory, Terri-tory, did on the 2tU day of November, 1671, enter in tho Land Otilce at Salt Lake- City, Utah TernLory, for tlio several sev-eral use and benefit of tlio owners and inhabitants thereof, the following described de-scribed land to wit: Lota 1 and 2 and south half of section SO, all of esclion 31: Eoutli lifill'dfVniMiiin :M .u.-ncl,:.. i ; j N., li. 1 E-; nt so east hulf of soction 2-0, - j the oast hnlf of tho north-east quarter, j tho south-oflFl quarter and lota 3 and 4 of ! section So, all of section :1G, township 1 : l W.: also 1U 1, 2, 3 find -1 in 5 soction 4, all of sucibn o, alt of section 3 0, north half of section 7, mirth half of north-cast quarter and north-weFt quar-; quar-; tor of section 8, and lot o in section 0, r tov.-n hip 1 S., I!. IE; a'soall of sect ion 1, lots 1 mid 2 and the sonth-enst of the north-ea?t quarter, and cast half of ; soulli-cast quarter of section 2, tho nortli-ea-;t of north-cait of section 11, and north half of section 12, township 1 l Jt. 1 W.; couliiiniug in ftl 5:10 t acre.-:, !irid -l-j-hundrcdth;. s Any person or persons having claims in tho above survey of land, will file the j same with tho clerk of tho County J Court of S.iU Lako County, before tho 21st day of Way. 1ST2, prcwribod by ' Itiw ! DANIEL II. VKLLS, Jlayor. ; Lake Clly, Kov. Iili, rjSalt Lake CityLalwr Eictaie. f OPENNBC NOTICE! j I Oniyjh-cpcr cent charged lo those in Kant of tmploymcnt. ' JIccIj.-iuifF, Minora ftnJ domcitic hoi j will j do woll to call on us -n thty can br providgj ! vrilh o-iijiloymc-nE altr,oL iamcdialely. I 1J- l''-t; an.i debu co;lco-ci, rji'ro.id : t:v-ko-i bausUt aadsoM. Prtrttct in ihocuun-1 ihocuun-1 tryrt.ririn-- hep be i-om;.:'y att-'DdcJ to. 't ji.lJrc.'Mi r thr ir onicr? t' M rrs. Dulto , i- Cnok. Milt L-lI;- (J ty Labor i;ifh.inBc Uijii1 nn Uo-jiiECri.i.Tl Stri'i'l, uinin-iti the I ra'a-je UaiLs. UIHIL& tOOK, ; ! I'ropr ictora, ; Ol'i Hit k CA31P FLOYD. VV;?:S & KifvlSALL Aip niniilp .t J: ity sJano I'rnin OjLi r lo . C.i in p 1.0--.1 .MintRS D-.f-r-..::. Pa-.enzen ' ' c.n hvk through t-j C.inii. 1'1-v.I r- I.-j oilic nt Wcllj, Farco J. Co.. in thi" ou y. - Fare SO.OO. h THEATRE.: W SATURDAY MHT BE' TWO SPLENDID DRAMAS. Will li? itimlt'iiI ,,r ,jlft 6l,.,lu lime, rl,-lauthui'lt; rl,-lauthui'lt; Irish comedy io 1 iu-U, emitled. Born to Good Luck, on run i IRISHMAN'S FORTUNE, Tu L-onclu-le wild tbo inU-u-tini,' ' draiiiu, tiiplk!, THE VILLAGE P1I.I.T0,1I, WllUWrtlr c . JjJ. !:. OkUIIw icelo-Jrsuj. euliilol. A H AHD 0FCARDS.., GROCERIES 1 AMi PEOVISIOMS.1 G. W. DAVIS! Husjuit rcei-ivul u r.-wh elot-k ofolioice uUipowj)j-:r tka, hio coffke, SUGAR, nil kinds, KAISINS, CURRANTS, Vliih mi SPICJ2S, NEW YORK CHEESH, LARD, HAMS, BACON, SOAP, CANDLES, io., Of tho best quality anl ttt lowoU price. CALL V3STX5 SEE. G. W. DAV.S, Two Doors from KimhnU Lawrence t ds : . , "notice. ' SMIK BOOKS and aecoiinii ol' lJltS. TIU- Uil'S ,fc MMMPN.S, nro oi(, with HANDY .fcCHjCllttlsT for pf.lloction. P.tr-tiw P.tr-tiw indobtod will liltnao respond iirouiiitly. ii-lS- SEWING MACHINES For Family anil Manufacturing Purposes, Embody nil thut ii new !-nd novel In Sewing Machines. Tt)cy aro tho lateflt improved an i lightest runninc shuttle machines in tho world. Beautiful ami compact iu model and unexcelled m mitterial and tioish. They bow everything from Iilro to boaror cloth iu tho niOBtporfeot ninnnr. Every vurlely of Hemming, l-'lllng, tluiUiug, Cording-, Ruining, Piping, Tubing, Frliitftug, pm Stllchlne etc., easily jieifo;incl. j Straiglit Keedlo. Ho Cog-wheels, I NO VIIIUATIWO SP111IVOS. j ! Every i!acb:uc Warranted as Represented, j j Snlefirooiu. ou First SoulU Street, Salt Jnkc City, opposite tile Keiv Meat market. BRA PFOUT2, juylrt AgeiK. i'Viirincstlnnably the Vjost nuitatnea work ofthe klnrt In tlio World." Harpers Magazine NOTICES OP TUB FHKH8. There ore few in t el J icon t American fnml-hefl fnml-hefl in which HARi'KK'S WAGAZINIi would not ho an approcUtcd and highly welcome euost. There is no monthly Magazine Maga-zine an intelligent reading family can Icbi nllord to bo without. Many MisraaineB oro nocuinula'ed. JiAHPliK'S is edited, Thorn ih not a Macazino thitt is printod which I shows more intelligent paics ezpeuded on, Us ar tic lea and mechanical cxeoutioti. '1 horo is not a cheaper Mnff uino puhliahcd. There i! not, conliHsedly, u more poi i(hr MnRapiuc in thu world. New iinulnnd JloineBtaad." A repository ol biugnitihy and history, literature, lit-erature, aotonca and urt, une.iu'il led hy uny other American pubrcation. 0 " The volumes vol-umes arena valuablo a moro wcrk of ref-erenronfinny ref-erenronfinny ov!oi;vlia 1T0 can jilaco in onrlihraries. llAHfKR'S MAUAZIWE ifl a record ol travel cverjwhoro Binco tho hour or its ostabh-hincnt. Livimistono and Qor-don Qor-don Cumminein ATritu, Striiiu nmong the Andes nn'i Hobs UroTrnc iu the Knst, bpelto on tie Nile and Maosrcgor on the Jordan indeed, all recent traTel.irs of note havo hood their moat important dircovorios reproduced repro-duced 111 thcBO pagie. Meet of our younger and manyot our older writers find haro thu r literary biography. Our artiaia fee tho bent evidences ot ihtir rentes and tlic most endu-nnc!j):cinens endu-nnc!j):cinens ofthnir work iu tho Magazine.' Maga-zine.' N.Y. .Standard." It isone of the wonders of journalism the editorial management of UAHPEK'ti.-'Thc Aation," N-i . BI'liSCHIPTIOXS. l B7;i. Tarnifii JInrpor'e .llngnzine, one year LXJ An Extra Cnpy of either tho Magazine, V eclcly or Bnisar will ba euppliod KrntiB for ecry Club ol I-ivo bubscribers at S I 00 oah, inonoremittinco; or Bis Copies for&" III1 mtlrout extra copy. SnbEeriptlonB to IIarl)0'flrll7nzine W eck- Knm UZ.",t0?ni? aJ(Ira for one ytrr. 51000: or, two ol llnror'a Periodical!, to one addicas lor ono jear, 5T W. Bnok Numbers can bo supplied at cuy time. A Complete Sat .of HarpurV MaBn.ine. now Couiprbinc-H oliimei, in nC;it, cbitli bind-iqk. bind-iqk. will be sont by express froibt at. es-ponso es-ponso of purchaser, lor 82 2;. pcrvglniua. Clo h pacoa, ior binding f,s ccnlB, by mail, pOEtpilld. Tlio postage on Uarper's .M.-.K.izino is 24 cents n year, wh uiitdL he paid at the subscriber sub-scriber s nost-oliico. Addrc s HAUPHH .t JJRuTII KK3. uo Now 1'ork. Tiie Kins or illlnci al Sriuga is the German ticluer. and Tarrant's EO"crvcceiit Seltzer Apei'lcut I9 "'''Miiate. Letters attesting ito wonderful won-derful iunic Aperient and Anti-Bilious (luahties swarm in from every source- Tbo Hiiestioa haa baen sottted whotbor artificial nierticated vra-.ors may not bo equal to tboo winch burst sparlilins 1mm the earth itnelf. I They can: and the Reiner Aporicnt, whon ! undoubtedly pure and tcnuine. prove the fact. Bo cautious. Accept none olhor. 1 Sold by all ;Di-uggliti. i Juijria ' MISCELLANEOUS. TEASDEL k 00!. No. 65, 67 & 69, East Temple St., SALT LAKiC C1TV. ! Toavciiuun.dateour 1XCKEASKD Ul'S- I IKKaS we arc now moving our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT; Oih door oiit f the Kiile llouc. , Teasdel Co. Uwiuk' to Iho rttpidly iucrtitni,- julu oi tho JelebraU'd tiicob' Link Ii(ion Lock Stile!) SEWING MACHINES, Wo are nv luakiuK ai-i'cinlty for MORK j ooiq, witli all convonioucc for tbo lulo of I tho beit 1 Sewing Machine! In Ihc norlil. j i ( Teasdel & Go. 1 Havo havo now more room for DRIED PEACIIKS nnd aro giving; tho advanced prieo. !i I Teasdel Go. Are yet koopiDg up the STANDARD for low prices on first CU53 croc eric,. Teasdel & Go. ! Are receiving new fruits of tho soason. Teasdel &"Cfp Are now openinK a now ftook ofBoots an,d bhoei, Rubbers Ao, Hides wanted for which a liberal price will bo paid. CALL BHFOIU3 PURCHASING. Goods delivered to ail the railways, fcfages and any part of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO. BuytheBest! THE BEST -A.IRE THE CHEAPEST! S T O VES HARDWARE! TINWA II ;e I Closing out Cheap 1 To make room i'or PALL STOCK! SEIf SENEY& CO Opposite W. F. ti Cat Office, SALT LAKE CITY Tin, Copper aud Sheet Iron Work Done to Order. i I Agents for the patcot i Nickel-Plated Revolving tsUOOTIHIXG DRO V I SOMETHING NEW. MISCELLANEOUS. for j Thanksgiving Dayl AN D T1IK J BALLS OF THE SEASON. Wc present lo our lady friends the : following choiea nrtitles: C G E N I J 1 N li Ah EX A N 1 R A KID GLOVES, , in most approved tint.1', KOMAX AND CAPEERA RASHES, j l.AUU IIANllKEKCHIEFS AND FANS, j CLOAKS FANCY, CLOAKS FSICFUL, i SHAWLS IMPERIALE, CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, BALIUUGGAN HOSE, MISSES' FANCY STRIPE HOSE, A very rare novelty, WHITE 1 MOLESKIN; W 1 1 1T10 ANGOLA FIUN G E . Oar Perfumery is uncxcollod in any Jit3 As usual, uniform prices! z. a. vc. 1. Detail Dry Goods Dei'Autmknt, II. li. CLAWSON, Supt. SCOTT, DUNILIM & CO., Wholesale anil Retail Dealers I IRON AMD STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, ' 1 IRON B.VRROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of FUtings for Furnaces and Mills, II AUD WARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTnER. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G, S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. i2i Attention Miners! WANTED GOOD AllttJSflITI FERGUS GALENA ORES at SCHEUNER'S SMELMfi FURNACE, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. sne3 MORE B AB8ERQUS TREATMENT THREATENED ! If any Gentleman who is bald beaded will deposit Fifty Dollars and come punctually every day to our shop, we will dress hU head with (ho Great Unknown ITaih Restorer; furnish the preparation, and guarantee hioi a reasonablo grow I h of New Hair in three months on Fortett the Deposit. De-posit. IIENNKFER & BUKNS, JJ Alt d Kits, Eult Luke Cily, Novombor 2nd, 3T1. All doubts removed by reading the above proposition. C. W. STAYNER, I Arjenl for Utah. i Ulntc I . CAljDEIt UKO'S RTiiaIc I Slorc Utah Silver Mining Company, fi.miTKi). TO COAL BURNERS ! Vy ANTED IMMEDIATELY. V CO.OOO JEiiN. C'lnucoiil, Clcnn nm well burnt. T. bn itrlirprcd in nuoiititics of nut lli.ui Ux'ij biiibuls at , fciiniij- Station. I Aily to N. 1'. W'ooJs ,t Uutliuff, u-onts. Sandy SLation or lu ! Plill.Il' A. KACiLE. Jlcai. btorelary. Fmclllntr Work?, Eiushnm Cnnynn. bIS, nEUJVELRY! O. L. EL1ASON, ; OEQS to Inform tbo residents or Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not only : ur rantoeii to properly Kcpalr, Clean and iillnil Wntclies ituil Clironometcri, I ul ho will mnke tbom or any jiart of ; -I- a, to order, and warriDt the work. A r.F.w sui-i'T.T of .ELGIN and t WATUHE-S jujt rocoived, 'l loh I10 will z. i;irRtiL':o as roli&blo t iiio-k'jpjiors. l'rieta Lo defy com petition Remember tho adi!re?t Tito ilonri et j of tiie Uesoret Umk. Ladies Buy your Furs at We have tlio lnrgest und boat .-tock of LADIES' FURS Km fffm-d fur sale in Ihlx al;. .'c liavo Mink, Seal, l'itoli, Siiuirrcl, Alaska Mink, Atueiicau Sablo Canada Sable, French nnd Ulaek Coney, Musk, Kto., Kto. ' 23L,Ij vktid look: .A-T them 1 Al.liO Cents' Beaver Collars and Gloves ! In great variety. l)UM.'OKO Ac JS(WS. Wti invito attontion to our HvroosriDPicEisrT stock op DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Which we arj Selling at Prices that will compete with any City in the Union. OOLEI AND COTTON DOMESTICS At u Slight Advance on Cost. 1 WALKER BRO'S. BENEDICT, HALL &0., MANUFACTUEERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS LN Boots and Shoes, Wos. 131 and 130 GEAMI) STREET, Ono illcSkriSMtCJf BroadwHj, ( NEW YORK. The Mutual Life - INSURANCE COMPANY, ASSETS, January 1, 1871, - $14,609,156 CASH. Nov, Oct. 1st, over Fifty Millions. P. 5. 1VINSTON, Fre.l.teiK. UICHAllD A. WtCUHDV, Vice I'refc. Tota! Cash Dividends Paid to Policy Holders, $15461,086 Cnsh Dividends pniil i!i ISO!), eleven months, to cc. 31, j - 3,;9S,830.00 Tke Largest Company in the World. J'J POLICIES in furce number ton thousand six hundred and furty-two MUJkL- tlian Ihoso of anv other company. Tho A&10UJST lXsUHED is sixly million povon hundred and Afty-tw thousand nine hundred and ninety-two dollars AIUKE than any other company. ItB '10TAL A.SSKTS aro thirteen million eix hundred and nincty-thro thousand ono hundred and nincty-nino dollars LAKUElt than those of any otlicr company. ItsPItKMIUM INCOilEis four million thrco hundred nnd twenty-flvo tliousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars GUIS ATE It tlian that of any other company. Its INCOME PKOM INTEREST is i.ix hundred and oighty-ei-'ht tliousand one hundred and threo dollnrs AlOliE than that of any other company. .ni7l?m.'A,L i'COME is 0vo million sixteen thousand and twenty dollars GlvKAlEK than that of any other company. Its CASH DIVIDENDS in 1S70 wore ono hundred and forty-ono thousand sue hundred and four dollars MOKE than thoso of any other company. Its TOTAL DIVIDENDS from its commencement have hoen eight million ninety-fivo thousand nino hundred and fourteen dollars JIOKE than thoso of any other company. Its EXPENSES in the year 1S70 wero only 0.2,'. per cent, being LOWER than those of any comnnny. Its TOTAL EXl'ENSES and losses wero i2 ier cent. LO WE 1.1 than those of any other company. Tho KESULT of its policies havo KEVEH BKKN EQUALLED hy any other company. j j There aro other good life insuranco companies, but none can adduco such wonderfu Ogures as Tub Mutual Life in prorjf of its uniu-snioimble claim to bo tho Loaf ting Life Insurance Company of the Continent, and l!io model ono of tho world." RICHARD GOODHIND, SOLE AGENT FOR UTAH TERRITORY. Oim.lte Well., F.rg.i A. Co., Sail I,kc Clly. MR. GOODIIIXD has mganal Mr. JAMK1 L.l.YI) KliS, oi Sn FrancUco, a ScnUcmanweUversrd t the sciair.e of Life and Fire aturaaer, wr,o ioi lie glad io viwart any information to parties desirous of insurinj. RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO., WHOI.KSAI.H AND EETAUj DKALHKS IN GEOGERIES, WINES, 8iijuoj-s, Tobacco, Segavs, AND STAPLE DRY UOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS ! Parties desiring to purchaso will do well to inspect our stock, which is complete in every department, BiJ ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. I A YLOE Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock iu the City WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer -A- T VERY LOW PRICES, K.'RST lUST STRKKT, HALK-A-BLOCK SOUTH OV TniCATRK u3S |