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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. GUAM) HOTEL On Market. Now Montgomery and Mecond Hlrs.u, ait rnAirciaoo, cal. JOn.N'SON 4 Co., PaoraiBTOiu. TOBIM, DAVISSON & CO., IUI-OWTER3 Of A MICHIGAN, KMC! Lift if, FRENCH A NO OttUZlAH FANCY GOODS, Small Warn, J'ocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stntionery, Dress Trimmings, While. Goods, .Millinery Goods, Hosier., Linen Wdltchfs, Genti Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. Sultt-r and Saiisoine Sis,, )l BAN FRANOISCO. JNO. G. HODGE & CO., iiroit'riL:its Wholesale Stationers, Kp 11,0 Uu-i .tock of Hlatlnncry, lllnnk Uoobi, School Hook, llf Cur.U, Wrnn. Ttvinni, Pocket Cutlery, dc. , tc. , in UJ lu-iiir Ui.wt.whlrh ihyro pmpir-xl toiall il it-r f.irUoM or Currruf; at ,rlc, tht will ..Oar il' r"".',"' r t,ll3",f uyliro wait r Lie 3U7, 3:9 & 3.U SANSOMJi STREET, "'" Hon VnncUco WEIL & WOODLEAF, 113 flattery St., San Franrlaco. Importer-, of YANKEE MOTIONS, FOKEIGN AND DOMESTIC, Cutlery, Pluvini L'udi, Stationary, and In particular, a line aunrtment of Mcemliatiin nil cheaper pipes, which w import direct Irom hurono. IDV;;1 LOCKE & MOMAGXE, STOVES i METALS, UAXurACTumRB or TINWARE ASD D51LSB3 l.V House Furnishing Hardware AX'B Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOB Agricultural Steam Boilers, 119 nnil 11 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. JaaM ttpraonce, Jolm Bprmwoo, 0. C. Olutpiuan. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wholaaalo Dealers Id WINES AND LIQUORS, ! 5 FROfiT STREET. BHUTAN, HOLBROOK & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves fc Ranges, SHEET IRGS.& TIN PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Ltn.l, Wire, PUMP, Xjoawd And Iron Xijo. tixneus' doom. Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHING H A ROW An E, Embracing PI din. Japanned, Planishod and Stumped Ware, Ko. HI , 113 California and Worn. IT 4 ID Uavle Streets. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of Amortcan ami European Staple mul Fumy DRY GOODS, FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tb attention of the Trade to ttieir large and complete stook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from buropean Manutacturer?, cotui-rising in part-French part-French Merinos, Wool Satlnca, Wool Plaltla, Prtucti and Oerman, Irlah ami French Popllni, Empress Cloths, Tamlae, blaekand colored. Velveteens, Alpacae, black and color!, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck. Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Gents') Gents Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, ce:art in all l! brAnrL hit Goodii llnuilkrrehtetV, Shirting talnciie, Uullt., ir!,J.ea.3d colored. Unmasks, brown loom aad LJeacted, Towels, Uock, D.arr, nirkuh. apkina and Uoj-lies, i Ktc., Kit., Etc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAS FRA.VCISCO. P.O.. MILLS. - PRFSTDFYT C.plt.1 p.,,, , ,,, . ij.ooo.uoo. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS u-J,ton ail tho nrjnapal Okie, of Ih. . WILMERDir.3 & KELL0G8, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 5M A :iO FRONT STKEKT, SAS PR.WC1SCO. ' WOOD WORKING. Thomas Latimer. w. u. Fslsom. I (isorno il. Taylor. Ueorgs Komnsj LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. CHEAP and GOOD i tOMIIIXED. Wisconsin Pine I ! DOORS, BLINDS, I We have secured the j i AGENCY FOR THE Largest Sash and Door Faotory in the World, Located in tho groat Pineries of Wis-j consin, where tho best of lumber is from one to two cents per foot. I j First Consignment open to-day. j 1,000 Doors DIFFERENT SIZES, I ' 2, 3, 4 mirt 6 Panel. ' 1,000 , SASH,! from 7s9 to lOilS. j j 300 PAIKS C Rolling Blinds, - , At Prices that Defy Competition! OUR FACTORY IS UP WITH THE TIMES In all homo work in our line. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, or.uk.ud, I Bow Windows, i Frames, Doors, Odd sizes, Etc., Etc. jj A FULL LINE OF j MouldingS! Planing & Sawing WITH DISPATCH. ic i .ATDIER, TAILOR & CO.T oBlofkwutofIab,niMl,!' Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. Ml Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buildings, A full. Grit -el an steak ot jSTAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PHICJKS. Wliolesaie buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. j iGROCERYiHARDWARE j ! DEPARTMENT, J OONSTITUnON BUILDINGS, Purchaaarl can hera find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCK AGREAT VARIETY. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND! MACHINERY ' ALL ON THE PREMISES. I Miners Supplies a Specialty F1K8T-CLASS FITTERS AND WOKKMKJi TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. I. HOME-MADE j AND I jNX 3? O II T JO I WANUTACTTJRED 'H03r j ;IOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and j AMER1CAN1 FABRICS j :ine Cassimeres, and Cloths j Trimmings )n hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. j (Retail Departm'nt. j - EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, I THE FINEST DISPLAY; AND ! ASSORTJIEAT OF GOODS. I WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT j SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE, This ia the Department for Families. DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs, pateInt medicines, .IQU0R8 IN GREAT VARIETY j ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, f AVERILL PAINT YIIITE LEAD, DILS, COLORS i LASS. t-TC. ' wariptioiu from Physician tsitl J have ipeeial attention. i : FIRE INSURANCE ii JLfi jw Jl j Morohiinls' Exchange EuiUline. Fire and Marine Insurance. I CAPITAL, . . SniJO.OOO. H. n, nlOI,L01V, . Uannral Manoier. ! H. R. MANN, Agent (br Dlftli Territory, Ofllcc, uiutar 111. Heading Koonia, Salt Uio City j PEOPLE'S I.SlR.t.(E COMPANY OP OALiIFORIMIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, golo coinr. B.W. E.JENNENS, Ageut for Salt Lake Cily iOgdeu. Omoe with TeasdclA. Co., Main St., fu2 SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western CO Y, j OF CHICAGO. ITUKO. f. THACy, Pra.m.ut C. H. BASETT. 1 'lS ?"-R W.LAWnKXCK iDlr.clor. ;CHA!s. L. DAULtH, j ' ' MARSHALL . CAHTKK, Attorney.. j H. K.MANN, Ma,,,,,,, j Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A liraueh o' this SOU.N' D anj RELJ-ABLK RELJ-ABLK 5,000,000 COMPASY Having been organized in our oity, we are now ready ibr business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all 6re risks will he carried at a f.ir rati.-. H. R. MANN, builTtTcTTot FOR SALE, Well fenced, planted with choice "fruit, cod talria, on. auadredroda, and withlrt short . dunce, of the Vuinui j ajj of , j,, tilr, A Applj ttie"llarald''caa. .j Jb HARDWARE. ATTENTION IHOUSEKEEPERS! Ml HAVE JUST RECEIVED Another Car Load OP THOSE Crescent Stoves. j J And we invite all te call and examine exam-ine them, as we warrant ALL of them to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, Far surpassing any other pattern ever brought to this Territory. I We also have a few of those LAUNDRY Stoves, SOMETHING NEW, Together with a very large variety oi' Cooking Stoves, FROM THE TO TnE LARGEST. Call and sco for yourselves . ALL KINDS OF Copper, Till and Iron Work DONE TO ORDER SENSEHEY& CO Opposite W. F. rfi Co's Office, SALT LAKE CITY WAGON AND CARRIAGE. , RAILROAD SHOPS. I HOPPER I CO., Second South Street, Half Block Ifiau itevere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAQPj AiTD CABBIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSMITNING 111 all its llriinclies. I'OU'II PILTI.G . A.D CARRIAGE PAINTING -I X FECI ALT y. COACH AXD CABEUUE Tltl.M.MIMi. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to euit ail. L. HOPPtli. j !. B. ZABEtlSKIE. IK j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, J. F.VEDIX & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H Clay St.. SanTrsnclico, DKALKRS IN OKGOH PRODUCE. Are coQJtAQtl; In reJpt of Oregon Huub, Bug, LarJ, fcalimin, Slur oil, of our n and (K.h torn tn&iialctare Sroui'o, Sweeney iV i'o., DU.LEHS 1 r n z -r isiorea Butter, Clieeir, Lai-d, Ilami, Itn-cou, Itn-cou, Pork. Beef, Cranberries, Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel, Etc. No. 406 FRONT ST., SIN Fit WPTPCO. 8. P. IlolJon. JM. MoorlioaJ. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.. ixi-OKTLiu or FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o. 28 & SO SANSOMK ST. London : 27 Lenilenhn.il St.. K.C. vS A.C. lh-ui.k,.ti, iv. V. lliAtlmiaun, Oooitf Siob. Uuk K. Uolu. Heineken, Orathniann & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 5:17 Market Si.. Icl. In mul 2,1 Mtrcot. SA N I-K N ' ' IS( ' i. I, 1 , Win i'. Ucynoltls x i ., linu.r(-m iui.1 DmlorH In FIXE WXES AXD LIQUORS. Ai;rii(Hfiir Hint-nlitiuii. uml ".(). 1 UIIU I'.. H Jt Ij; U,aiuf til., Siu Krf.ii. tsr.t. - Scix-isil nltoutluu i.nld tt.Chuiru (1.h,.Ii f..i .M...I" .ll .111-1 l 1) II-,.. Hill HEAD QUARTERS BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD i RUST. 87 rearl St., Boston, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED. A. .5. ii ESI Fl' I TH, Df.lar In fcggfc all kluJ.ol SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1S3 Wii.lilngioii titrcet. All klutli of Drioil. Siuukir.! ftu-l Hot, lad 'ib constantly on litn.l. j.t CQMMISS!QN MERCHANTS 304 antiaoo CnllforulM St., Sail KrKiiclsvo, . - California, Particular attention paid to tboCIIintrof orders for every description of morchandieo, na Sale of Ores. Ac., Ac. CHElVESY, SOUTHER Sl CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Jja Ctay s"'"' s,n Franclaco. A. C, OJETZ & GO. IMPOETERS OP POINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STREET, Bet. Sacramento California, San Knnirl.rn ni7 MioiUELKiKE. T. N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, Waml A Co.) Importors and Wholesale Dealers in IIES AXD MOTORS. Proprietors of Hunter'ii Califum l.i Wheat Also Agents for Joseph S. Finch's celebrated Pennsylvania. RYE WHISKEY. 0U7 ami 001) l.'ro.u Sl near Jackson, SAN FRANCISCO. . C. OWHSOScCO., llHnnJlM FROT STREET. SAN KUANC1SCO, CAL. Offer Ihejinisl and most cmplele stock on the Ficfjic const. Refer to II. D. 0LAW30N. Bui.'i of iS5. O- 31. X. i.SUuiliu,JSan Francisco, at. SDRIER J. BAUM & 66." Importers and Manufacturers of HEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING aa3 Sajiaom. St., Sa Francl.oo. JiJ"""y ; New York. ro CUTTING & CO S CALIFORNIA PACKED PI e K L E s , FRUITS, and Fresh auj Cboice. For Sale ly all leading Grocirt. inn 3 LAZARD FREREfi. I,.ort.rSmad of Foroi.n d D'.. DRY GOODS. Depot i,J Gogh Manufacturedal the """ '"' Mills, Consolidated. 533 &. 5'4T Market St., San Fran. J")'" Paris : N Ri,e De L'Echi.mier. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO, Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KINO. Mil, IIS, .,, u, ,.,. strccli KAN FKA.NX'lSCO. Our JUne-mmk Uuo.h are ,,ne,pwhd iy any. Samples at Jlr. Goodliiud's Office,! 01 SALT LAKE CITV. i VEIL & CO.. Cigars and Tobacco' uava;;a cwak iAsuF4ciur ' . a3 1W5 Front St., aonthwaiu-orner From A Sacraaie.io SU.. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTUEKliS A.'D WllOl.KSAI.K UKALKKS in Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. 131 unl 136 UAN1 STRi;i;i on hTA, J NEW YORK. Z. C. i. I. BOOT AND SHOE x"x:e BIG- BOOT;, Every stylo and quality of Boots and Shoes 6IAlia TO OKDKK, eatinfio. tion guurnntocti. ALWAYS ON HAND A I-RGE AND cnOICK STOCK OP HOME-MADE imtorted BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ot Leather 11. B. CLAWSON, SurxmxTiiKDHT. NEW YORK TRADE. L. M. BATES & CO., 451 A 4S3 Broadway, NEW YOIIK, mroHTcns in josuebs is Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIBKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ic. J. H. BULGER. jula FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cnat and Galvanized Ami every variety of fittings for the same. ml 7 DAY & HALSEY, Import and Wholornlo Doalors Id HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, RIFLES, ETC., , And Manufacturers of Axes, Edge Tools and Mining Tools OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Railway, Steamboat and Machinists Machin-ists Supplies. 940 Cnnal Street, Opposite- Earlo'a Hotol, NEW VOIUC. We a."k the morchnnts and minim: companies compa-nies oi Salt I.ako City and Ticinitv to examine ourgoods. Prices sent by mat, to the trado only. julil ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers and Jobltors of fftf , i en broad wa rt ne w tork. C. A. Longatreet. John Sedgwiok. 10NGSTREET & SEDSWiCK Manufaclurem of and Whole?ale iJoiilcra in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 4G0 A 408 Broadway. Kew York. HENDERSON.JUSTICE&Co Sococsiori to Qriffou, llooderson k Co.. IlI!'ORTSR3 AXD JOB1IKK8 OK FlCy GOODS, A'OTIOA'S. H O S I DEI HY, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC, 408 fc OOO BROADWAY, Opi'oaitoEt. Nicholas Hotel, Now York. 1 BATHSBATHS! Wuiin Spring Uutlis ! Frlvata and Plunge. These celebrated baths ore open to Uie uuMic ni nil seaaons. Their aicdieiiial proortiM are w wlJcly knowu that it la neodleaa io onotuorUe Uit.ui, Bosidea tbePrtmte Uatlis. the lursound ban-lwrne- W fumULKl PlanK. Uatli. for ftwJ I HecUcnieii r nn (-., (. AK.(H.U. CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HANFCRD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Mannfaotnrori of the celebrated WILSON OIL. TAN1J. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DlttJGGISTS Dealer! In PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, . DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware1 Patent Medioinea, &o &o. UO, Dll O l,k. s,., cor. rbr. W'lto a lario ojporienco in tho Territorial traJo wo feel in of sirlnj laiiafaotion ia iiuumy, pneoi and paoking. juy'Jl Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WMfELER & CO., Manufacturers of Engine, Slcnal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in HoudliKht Curbon, Whala i-lojiharil, ti(;:.l and bporiu OiJs, Aganta fur Ihn talo of WATT'S ASl'HAL OIL. ' Agenti or lh West VLrgiuU Oil aud Oil Land KATLTlCIUEJaa or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AMD IRON PAINT X ot Tin aud ahlugle llooh. Bridge Tlinberi, ic. Factorr, CHIOAGO. Offlsa. 3iS i 3yy rillnolB Sl. W 3. Water Street, 111 PAGE, 1IRO. Sc CO Ini,orter and Deal en lo LEATHER AND FINDINGS 60 Lake Street, M D. WELLS & CO,, -MaDnfiioturere of and TTaole.ale Doal.n Roots and Shoes, 11 Alio Waba.h Ave, Chicago. if i? W?"'' II. J. Macfarlana. B. llrJ,ct. ii.2l s, p. Melntrra. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Successors lo DicU.IJ, Balimann a Co, CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRR AND BURGLAR PROOP 'SAFES, And Barifcnt's Magnetic and Automatic ilank Bl QJ5 H aL Sim PRATT A COVEKT. General Agents 8G WashirjjfLon SL, Chicago. 11. U. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. M. I. Agent for Utah Territory. ISKIGGS HOUSE B. II. Skinner, Proprietor. Itaudolpli (street, CHICAGO. This IIooso is central It located, well far n is bed. and contain Rooms. d- JAMES IIAGUil. Jun. j. U, nA(JLI-. GKOItOE IIAOUJL I iOigr GrTj.ii Store! HAGUE BROTHEES, I. ATK JAMKS HAGUE, Importora niacl IJoalors in GUNS. PIS1S, Saddles, Harness, A.D Willi's OF EVEKY DESCHIl'TIO.V. Hll'AlKS XEA'ILY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. |