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Show LEGAL. U . COOPER, ATTOKNET AND COUNSELLOR, Omce-Eteliange and Readlnr Hoouia, up-. mint. JU Bit.T I.KM C!TY. 3. H.Uewpnead, M. fcirkpauick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneyg-at-Lnw, Main Street, opim Welle. Fargo 4 Co HALT LiKB.ClIY. C. 11. Ilempatead, U.B.Att'y for Utah. ra - t D. HOOK. &SOW & HOOK, Lttornoya a.nd Counselor at Law Sail L&ks Cuy, L'tafi. Offlctauow- comer, l.t Km Street. Jul S. P. MoCurdy. 0. H. Morran McCLKDY & MORGAN, Attorney s-at-Laio, OKKiCB-Four doors eaat of Herald 05ce, SALT LAKE CITY. I T O H & MANN, Attorneys-at-Law, Office, first South St.. Fourth door east of Hooper, UldroJge Js Cu's Bin. Suit Lar.o City. a3i Warner ilarli, F. M. Smith. kaulu & s.urni, A X T 0 It N K Y S AT LAW, ALT LaKI CITY, h.iat Totnjde iitrout, ono Hour south of NOTARIES PUBLIC, A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, Mining Doods, Aitreorucnts and Bonds for JJccde. Morigarci, l'owora of Attorney Levies, Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. AJ- Mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under I ho Lua of Utah. A. S. GOULD, MOTArtY 3?T7i3IiIC and COMMISSIONER 'JF UliJ-IDS for New Y'ork, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Oaltfbrnia, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple tit., near Wells, Fargo tfc Co., tin It Lake City. RANk'fEiS. . FIRST lATIlLBlli HP ITiH. Successors to Ilussey, Dahlcr Co.) WiBBKif IIcesET, C. L. Daulkk, President. Viao Prest. Anthony Godbb, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and Helena, Montana. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on Now York, Chicago, St- Louis, Omaha, Denver, ban .Francisco, and all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Draflt on Europe, and all (be principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Etit Temple St., Salt Lake City. n n THEO. P. TRACT, Agent Thos. K. Jones, A. W. White BANKING HOUSE or A. W. WHITE A. CO., HART TKMPLE STKEKT, n-Hl Malt Lake City. MEDICAL. F. II. SIMMONS, H.I)., I'nsia'an, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Offico Main Street, .1 Throe 1inr. north of Wnlker Dro. DK. A. FOWLER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON, Ollioo over tlio Co-opcrtilivo Drus Store, I ult fllnin Street. 8. L. City J. 31. & F. 1). HEMiDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Oflico Over Caldor Itro'd Musia Emporium. ft W.F.ANDEHSON.M.D, H J, RICHARCS, M.D, Surgeous ami i'liysicinus, Ollioos, for tho present, at their rcpoolivo roe id ono oa in tho Ulh audlTtn Wards. J"'' Kg DR. GROVES, Onico !4 nil Soutli St., Sail Lake City. Threo doors Ww! of Kovoro IIoueo, halt" .a block Ktisl of the Klonhunt otoro. j ofkic mirRrt vnou t a.w. toSp.m. mil DR. HIQQINS DAVIS, j S U K O K O N AMD PHYSICIAN, Oflico First drtnr wrt of tho joy IS Kovoro Houao. TAIT xf SDCITH, l'UYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS, Omcc at God lie's Drug Store, jtiy Pilt LuVe Cilr. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.f Late of Carson City, Nevmla, Oll'en" his profejjionnl jrrTii-on to the people of Salt LnkoCity, Konidpm-e at Capt, Tyler's, Ty-ler's, h.tlf block south ef Walker Bros, store, K.t-t T.-inpIeStrfct. Ju 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. 1'HYSIUIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST, 11 B1UUIIAM CITY, UTAH. MOORE & POTTER, CAnPKNTKRS AND BU1LDEBS, Commercial Street, (Kearof Salt Lake UMel.) , N. P. LAKE & CO., ' Oflice with Dunford .t Martin. j Old Cuu.ntniloii Uulldlnff. I its-') I'pStairj. I sClliL C. iSOSSEl fitkia PraclicanVatchmaker Auci J" 3D T7t7" 13 H 13 , Yorkuianthlp Guaranteed. Hi the tine? stok of Watches and DU-in. DU-in. r.d Jeiry ta the we;t. at very moderv.o priow. Watch sIajjn dttod ati"cte.; keys lOtol.oU.; har.dt, ctj, R,nitjr. C C, AuBnutn, Mia urttt. r.-i ! HOTELS, ETC. i TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. TIIE LEADISG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This Home Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well famished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 130 mesu. TUB PROPRIETOR ii now erepartni to build large additions to his Hotel, whish when finished, wUlren'ter lithe Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OFTHEATRK, SALT LAKE CITY, TermsSa.OO prr day. Board without with-out rooms Si. 00 per wctk. llaths rrea to gueats. J.C.L1TTLK, iun24 froprleior. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Mnin and LoenttfitreU TOOELE CITY, UTAU. Qood Accommodation for Families. al-l E.S.FOOTK, Proprietor. GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST OPENED. Thii otablishmen'-is elegantly fnrnishod, keeps eu. plied with tho delicacies of tbo sodsun and tan best tao market ntlrds, and employs nono but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked to order in tho ti:.u srylo and at (ho lowest rate. Frcoh saluiou, cod am rocktlsh rucoived daily. Uhocolato. ieo-cTcim, cakfB, .tf., in the ovuniu, tur ladiet, in private ruoujj. IMI mtw it f -IMF-' COSMOPOLITAN EEST'MT asd COFFEE SALOON, NoitDoor to Wells. Farco i Go's. Main St., Salt Lake City. tt-S-Tho b'st tho Markot affords cooked in Drat-cla-'s stylo. IMICA-LS, GO CguIh. Dishes eorved a la cavto nt modorato prices. H. II. Horst, Proprietor. aucll CALIFORNIA CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNAKDIS f STEVENS, Prop'n, EAST TEMPLE STREET. Threa doora boIowSecond South St., BAIT LAKE CITY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. PHILIP MARGETTS, Second South Stre.t, SKlt Lakt City, WII0LE3ALH AXD RETAIL DEALBR IS English and Scotch Ales, PORTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, 0k'Ut5B, McEIVAN'S EDINBURGH ALE, A SPECIALTY, on dninnlit, in any quantity; also a splendid a?Bortmetit of the best tobacoo and cicars. Country doolors supplied; terms roasonable, BREWER, BEWIIS & CO,, tiiicngoniMl Oinalia LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, Families suppliod by tho r,utirt, or in quantities quan-tities to suit. fh"i,-o Cigars olwjy? on hind; also, LlmbuiRcr and Svlss CLecwo for Lunch, and at ituole3aLE, Oodd.nd'a Uiiildirc'inaoiiient. Mjid streot, ono door south ol r "irat National Bank. juyl IIKKWEHA LAPIIA.M. LAGER BEES SALOON I WAU EN Kit's CELEBRATED Hiager Beer, Ale AND POKThlt, luilvr AVoodmnnsee's Building, First door north of Wolt?. Farpo's. nKlO II. TRUNDT A. CO. CALIFORNIA BREWERY SALOON, Commcrolal htroot. Letter Beer and Ale, wholesale and ret ai W. HENRY WAQENER. CITY LiQUGR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesule nntl Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. OHOESBKCK'g BUILDINGS, nlT East Ttmplt Street. E. MARTIN &. CO. Wholesale Lip Dealers, tOS Front Street, San Fmnclaco. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD BOl'RBOS And ?oIe scent? for J, F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOUHBON WHISKIES Conftantly on hand, a full assortment of all the Standard Brands of Whiskies, Fine Brandies, Foreign and Domestic Wines U-5 Bitters, Cordials, Ac. Mrs. C. 51. STOWE, HEALING MEDIUM. Room .o. 1 1, Salt Lake lloutc, Will derate a rortion of her itnie to iho elalrvnyant eiauiiuition tf rock, to a.'uor-taln a.'uor-taln t sxt location ol' mintnl ldi. LUMBER YARDS. LUMBERYARD. I DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS ASD ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. E. JOXES & CO., Half-a-block sontfa of U. C. DtpoL my3 EDDINGTOA'S Two Blocks south of tlie U.C.n.R. Depoi, aad next to Wm. Jen. n In' Tannery. The Jkrd is kopt constantly supplied by several aaw-milla with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronago of his old frienda, and by r-unotuality and diligence in business hopes to merit a sharo of public support. FOR SAL E In tho 15th Ward, one block and a hlf west of tho U. C. R. R.. a ciULill hoiiso and half lot, with lino orchard. Fur particulars onituiro of aoeo WM. EDDINQTON. CTMAXD CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July IT, lSfl. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL. KINDS MOULDINGS, CHICO SUGAR PINK, CEILING, SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA EEL WO 01), RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC, ETC. Orders lor Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., flvc doora south oC Walker's All buainojs dono throuRh tho President of tho Company. OQloes Lumbor Yard, ono block south of Railroad Depot. - IC. II. BARRON, Prr?;tont. D. XV. PARISHUKST, CHARLES D ABLER, juy21 Trcinurcr. $75,000 CUKEENCY. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will bo given at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKE CITY, U.T., OCTOBER 3, IS 71. BT CHURCH & CO. Dnrlnetlic Concert 1,317 Gifts will be distributed among tlrltet holders amounting to 875,000 In Currency as follows i 1 Gift of Currency SI.MVO 00 1 io.iho on l ; 5,0X1 oo l . 2,rooo 3 Jl.Mi each 3.f00 (0 6 ,V3 " 2. 'AI 00 5 SO " l.Kfl 00 0 100 " 5,.11 00 10J M " 5.0 00 ax) yo . 9.cxi oo iso ai ' n.wo oo 1,317 Priies avnountine t 175.000 00 The !",000 will bn deposited in the First National Bank of Utah previous to tho day of drawing, Toe drawing will take pUee and the rifli b awariie'l In amnnner precisely similar to tlut of ihe Concert pTfn in Pad Krjinciico, in sid of the Mercanlilo ULrary, nd nnlor the Supervision of a Committee of well koowa cituens of Salt Lake Cliy. 60,000 Tickets will be sold at I4.A0 each. The ticket will adult the bearer to the Concert. Tick In for ule at all the principal buaiaeai houMi of the Territory. All orders for tickets and drafts for money to be addretied to CHI" RC II . CO., P. 0. Bux ii; Salt Lake City. U.?. .TvTI 0 AT S FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS, R. JONES & CO, Half-. block SonikofU.C. Depot. fuj4 CANDIES! 1 wonld call the attention of the country and city trade to my large stock of Pure Home Llade Candies. I am selling very low at Wholesale H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, MISCELLANEOUS, A. XjXVA.'Z' s o iff b: AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OP Ladies' and Children's Hats and Turbans At MRS. WILKINSON'S, J n MH PTHY1FT. WITCHES &JEl ELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, TJEGS to inform the resident! of Salt Late -- City and Tieinity. that he not only raaranteea to nronarlv Hertiir. Clean and Adjuat Watches andCtuonomettri, bnt he will ma lie them, or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A kkw supply of ELGIN and SWI&S WATCHES just received, which ha will guarantee as reliable time-keepers. Prices to defy competition Remember the address. Two doors cast or Hooper, E. dredge 4, Co'i Bank. TESTIMONIAL. Sis Francisco. Jnly.lSTO. We. the undersigned, take treat pleasure in recommending Dr. A. W. CALutiK, to ill those who may need the services of a Den in, a a thoroughly competent and skillful operator, and one in whom we hire implicit confidence, both as a Dentist and & sentleman. De. II. AcsTrs. Dentist. Das. Rob Kurd I-'eeelaSd. Dentists, R, U. ilcUo.sxLD & Co., DrugRi.'U. OFFICE In Seventies' Hall Betiding, First East Street, SALT LAKE CITY". Jn:i Of a fr Higher Class than any other proprietary medicine of the day 6tands. TARRAKT'B 3RLTZSR arBBlEXT, And for this reason : it is an oxnet counterpart counter-part of ono of tho rnoet valuable natural medicines in tho world. Wo refer 10 tho grand ticlttor Spring of Germany, to which thousands of tho dyf peptic, tho billions, the rhenmatio, and victims of venal d:?ea-oa resort re-sort annually, and return to tbir homes convaloeoent or cured. Tho Aperient is one of the first, ani br far tho m 'St successful of all the efforts made to reproduce, in a portable por-table form, the popular mineral waters of Europe. See tliat Ton purchase only the genuine article. juyl2 SOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS. COAL! COALT Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepnrcd to supply this justly celebrated WEBER COAL by car load or retail. Depot at V. C. II. It. Yard. nlTlcci Exchange and Reading Itooma. BATEMAN & BUEL. ausS XV. H. BIHD, Agent. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 ctB. Children., 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Minerals, Petrifactions, Concretions Con-cretions and Cry stallzat Ions. Heme Product, Xttttee and Foreton Cti- Oom pound Kloctro-Magnotic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &c. l'rof. J.L. 8ARFOOT, Manager, jf Schools and Famillei by private arrangements ar-rangements admitted at reduced rn'es. Dried Fruit! We uie desirous of iui--chnsiii; all of the Drird Fruit Crop of this Territory. Terri-tory. We WILL PAY IN GASH The Highest Price Paid in the Market for K ml MM APRICOTS, PEACHES, Wo are desirous of employing AGENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, To whom a liberal commission will be allowed, PJ&GS, LECITEIBER&&CO. .Uin Siren, , I. (Hi. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. GRAINand FLOUR, FIT SURPRISE OATS, CORN IN SEAMLESS BAGS, Valley Flour, CHOICE BRANDS. BARLEY, CORN MEAL, BRAN, &c, c, Wholesale and Retail, at K"0'LI)KN'S. I will pay CASH for 3,000 feushcl of BARLEY and 1,000 bushels of good clean WHEAT. G. U.K.. au;J GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, first door north of Co-operative Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, F.le. Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale nnd Retail. Groceries, Fiotsr, u,i3 Feed, &e. DAVIS' NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a lurye arrival of choice T B jS. S Direct from the Importers Alo a full stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERI ES. We have REDUCED our best gunpowder gun-powder to $ per pound. It cannot be equalled. TRY IT ! THY IT I G. W. DAVIS. Two Doors from Kimball & Lawrence s DAY & CULMER, IMPORTERS AND DKALKH3 IK CENER1LMEM1DISE, coksibtixg or dry noons, CIKOCKRIKX, IUHUW&KE, BOOTH, SHOES, IIT", CROC K K U V, L A .11 I(i, GI,AxS W Allli. A.C. COKUACJK. TWINEa, W OODK X W A It K. CAnPKTS, CUACKKRS & DISCDITS, TOBACUO, .U., AC, AC. Whioh they offer at prices that fuarantee satistactlon and defy competition. The choicest T JSl. f3 constantly on hand of tho following kinds Gunpowder - - SI. 75 to 91.25 Youhk Hyson - l.uo to l.oO Tycoon - 1.35 IO 1.05 Koo plug - 1.15 to 1.36 I'rkoo - i.6 to 1.40 Souchong - 00 to 1.00 DUmond l.oo N antral Leaf 00 to 1.00 And the famous English Mixed Tea ... 1,75 Dealers in Teas will find it to their ad yantneo to civo us a cull, bofnro jurchi?-ins jurchi?-ins their Tea-, asour facilities in ibis branch at our bus m ms 04QL01 be oxcollad in tbo oily. BAKERY AND- GROCERY STORE, WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Near Second Sonth Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION Where h. wilt be pl.aJed to wait uion hi, fri.Ddj ud pBtroat vith Everything ia the alwve Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE HIM A CALL IX Hs u KEW RETREAT. TRAVEL. Lea Wine. fl. P. Kicai!. SALT LAKE, dPIIIIE And Tintic - Stage and Express LINE, RtXXLVO DA1LV KROM SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWS, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPH1R TO TINTIC. The route ha been re-stocked with ir-len-Jid Concord C.i&chc-, finetek, e.iieiul s; d attentive DriTens and every attention is i:d to the ootufur r i convenienoe ot iasec-ears. iasec-ears. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time.; OfBce at Wells, Pargo Co.'s, ! Salt Lake City. WtXKS & KIMBALL, I aJ4 Proprietsri. 1 t x-a LIVERPOOL & QUEEfiiTOW? IN MAN L INE: Of Royal Mail Steamers, Sailing j froui cv lork Every Saturday j AND AllcrBiate TekvhI;i,t, Cntlii Pnurnge, to Lirerwi. c,lil) t75.HO Steerage ' " " (cur.) JO. 0(1 Passage from Liverpool to Sew York Catttl, ... (Oolrl) 91 5. IMI Steerage, - (On-miry) 3 1. OH Round Trip Ticket issued at very low rate JUIIK O. IHI.K, April, l"i Uroadwar. Now York, Or WILLIAM CALUIH, A sent. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE GF UTAH, On and after Monday-, July IT, 1 HI 1 , Jidly TraliiH Leave Salt Lake City at S a-m. and 2:46 p.ir. Arrive at Ocden 7 a. m. and p. m. Loave Ugdcn nt S a. m. and i:30 p. m. Arrive at bait Lake Oily 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the abo e Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lnko City at 8 a.m. and 5.J0 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m, and 6 p.m. Pare from Salt Lake City to PnM'ger Mlir-d Wood Cross - - 1M ((i M, Centreville - - - 0 WJ u : 1'nruiinglon - - 1 2.r 0 U'i Kayavlilo - - Hi 0 W, Unden - - a&u 1 fro Fare from Ogden to KaysviMo - - $1 30 JO r, KKrmitiginn - - 1 u v n' Centievillo - - '2 (k'i 1 (i Woods Crots - - 3 26 1 1.', , oak Lake City - 2 ito 1 Ut Passengers will please Ptirchasa their Tickets at the Offices. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the lare ig collected on Uts train. For all information 0011 corning freight 01 pannage, apply tu I. O. CAI.DKIt, (Joe oral Freight and liokot Ag'L JOHN SHAEP, fiUl'KKI NTF.NI1ENT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LlilES TIIIt(H(.II 1 UtaEft, Soiiaii Leaving Knit l, Ur f I ( j- Oafl y, run-ilng run-ilng outh to Tintir, American Fork, Mrmnt NcIk), 8cvier. St. (jtorir, I 'tali ; and Pioclic, Neva'la ; Passing throngli Provo, Sprincvillc, Spani-,1) F'rl;,Pay-Bon, F'rl;,Pay-Bon, SJt Cr':'-k, f 'nick';D Crtek, Ilou'id Vallfy. I ilhnrr, Coro (Jreek, fi-aver, Miwra-ville, Miwra-ville, and AU Ou prinnjsd towns and mininp enmps insoutfarn Vtoh nnd $outti-rtut Ncvwia, Also leave forlnnf, I'tnh, dally, running north to Virginia Cily, IT'-lina, Fort B"ntnn, Deer Lode!, Cedar Creek mineH, and pafi'iinp throuKh all the pnnnpal towns and mining min-ing campfi in Montana. Mon-tana. I'RI.VCIPAL OPFICK, Wells, Fargo i Co. Building. JsU ftalt Lake City. ! HARDWARE. !c. H. BASSETT, 1 NEW HARDWARE STORE j Allktndjof HEAVY HARDWARE, I iron ami Wifel, IStovas and Tin Ware j BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Vgrlrultural Implements And .nintng Tools, At Lowest Rales. OPPOS1TK SALT LAKK HOtSE nU ; ALL SIZES I- Iron, Cast Steel, Toe Steel, Spring Steel, UELLOWS, AXYILS, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXLES, Sl'KIXUS, C.rrlng. and M.chliie Bolt., BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenter's Tools, 4c, SCOTT, DQli.NI & fO'S 01 a in Street, West side, Next door to White House. LOW FOii CAXH. Taylor & Cutler, Are fold out vf insuj kinns of STOVES and faavc (lily a few left. Tiny h ivi u largo ttuuntily of HORSE & JilLE SHOES, HOaSL SHOE NAILS. A number ot Fairbanks' Scales, And the remaining stock of HARDWARE Tinware, Etc., Which lliey are felling positively at COST. Slore Opposite Salt Lake House. No orders or duo bills lakon or time Riven in Iho Hardware slore. !tl( IIAiillV IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., ManiiUrtiirom of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, IS LOW Hits, ci:umii:ils And Much in try for Smelting Furnaces CoiitrnclH made fur ljuiMinK Furna- 3CS Of Utah Fire Stone, IncludiiiK Macldnery, Ac., hot up in XJWpletc running order. Krr.r.nrr.-Kur.k. Mintnff .n,, k.k ,..k. , ,,,, U-h ,,,. Ii.r Comii.ny, 'I'lutlc. Al,lr,A,J. C. ItuhmU, Chlaign. U i , t, fit a w ( O M si O ) I f 23 b |