OCR Text |
Show TRAVEL UTAH SOUTHERN' HAILItOAl). On and frcr Jaiiunry -if.), 1 1 i MIXED TUA1NM W'M.I, HUJr D AIL l-avint? the Utah Central U.K. lVjiot, Salt J,;.U City, at 7. Id a.m.; Diaper .'j.-t.'t p. in., iiful Handy SlatioD, (in.'aict li.jiiit to Utile (Jut tori wou-i ('anon,) at tl..!u p.m. Au exlra truiu will K ii ii on NiauuSay LcaviiiK Draper at, S.-iO a.m., Handy at y. In a.m., Salt Lako tJiiy at 4.10 p.m. IA. H. M.K : Halt Lake to Di CuUunwoud Station, .'-HcW Utile " -" " Sandy " 81.10 " " lirai-or " l.i't Twenty fivo nentfl niH t i on. t will lio rhuriteJ whoa tho Uro i collected on tbo train. 1). O. C A!, DICK, den. Froliftil ar.d Ticket Aitant. KlCltAaiOUZ L1TTLU SUPKUINTKNDKNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAII.Y STAGE LINES TIlltOUtMl Utah, i?iojit.h -ast rVcvada & Montana, Mon-tana, Lvlug Stilt Luke City Dally, r nulling nu-lling bo u tli to Tinttu, American Work, Mount Ncbo, iSiivicr, St. Georqe, Utah ; anJ Pioulie, Nevada ; 1'attluK through I'rovo, Sprinqville, Spanish fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Orot'k, (Miiekt'n Crock, Hound Valloy, l,'illiiiori;,Coni Crook, lioaver, IM inetx-vilic, inetx-vilic, and All the. principal fawns and mining camps tn southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alio ltve t'oilni.t, tint.. Unity, running ninth to Virginia City, Helena, Vort Hcnton, Deer Lodc, Cedar Creek mines, and passing throtyh all the principal towns and min-iu min-iu camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PUlNClPAl. OKKH'B, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building lunl Salt l.aka City UTAH CENTRAL UVISJiOA!?. PIONEER LINE CF UTAH, U anU tnr Moiulmy, July 17, 1871 MiUly Ti n Ins Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a m. and 2:45 p.m-Arrive p.m-Arrive at Osdea 7 a. in, and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ogdsn at 6 a. tu. and ,x-JO i. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 ,m. and 7: p,m In addition to the above mixed thaikts Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTS Leavtnt Salt Lake City at 5,3) p.m.. and; Ocdon at 5 a.m. PinuRtn will ptitu FurchtM i thelrTUkitt at tht umcti. Filly Coals additional will be charred whec the tare ii collected on the train. j Tor all irformticn ccm-crninc fraisM or ia.saiE, apply to P. l. CAtUKK, General Pre is lit and Ticket An', JOHN SHARP, SUTKR1NTNDKNT Lon Wines. U. 1. Kimball, j SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express Kl'S.MVi PAIL I KKO?l S A I. T LAIvK CITY, l LAItK TOWS, TOUKI.K Cil'Y, srOCKIOS AM) OPI11K. TO T1NTIC. Th r?'itf b. rc-st-vsed. wi:i ii-lea-dii Ca- -rj C ti-e it;r!t. cj:s:al asd V.ev.ive Driver, an i every i. tea. ion i' r to tie com tor n 1 convenience of pasiej.- G?Oii accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. j Cheap Fare and Quick Time. i Ufflc at Walla, Frito Co.',. Salt L.k. City. WINKS & KIMBALL, j opriatort. I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. JXO. G. I10DUK & CO., IMroHTKKS 41 4 Wholesale Stationers. j B.!. IS.-, Urt ,!-. k ..t StaHonrry, Ulink Unnki, is .Into I Hooka, I'lnylng turili, W rp-l'"'K rp-l'"'K l'l'"i : Tioinr, I 'n-k t (!utlr.ry, dix. , ti c. , On llio r.irill'- C.:U.it,w!ili Ii tlicynrn pri&rMt toi-I! siCi.t f..rii ,M ..r U ii n. .. i! , . II- .1 will ..flcr li.!u .;iii 'i:! r..r b-r) -rJ ir jli. ro wPl -f tin ' liA:ky Mnuulsiiii. ;.iii7, .-ii!j SANSOMli STUKKT. mil Yrtucuco: lUOSi ASH STKKL ivtrxnza hope, J KLAT A H KOt'A L), F ir Imi.-iiiiK frmu uiiniuj: shufts imJ inclines, F'irry mi't.', li'.iy Iwr trjaiiiiiitin i-.wcr, olc M".uuj'ui:ltt,;,l ,j aay Lemjih or Size. W'lri" Hope In mucl. clitnprr, 11 gli t er I iiinl min e durable limn any oilier k.lnil of llojic. Hallidie'sKndicss 11 ire Rope H ay, (Wiro Tramway), P;r (lie ray Kl nd cconomi'al trimsjiortalion inn uml diili. iill ruiiuii. iriteuruJ U. ,S-I'tuiit). ,S-I'tuiit). al.u, I'll t (Ml t iii lallliC', For transmiitini: power and 17 wliioii the roio id umiijurod and cannot slip. SEND FOR ClltCl LAItS. AKency of t!.e PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kinds and "lies of Wire, constantly on band and manuliictiirud to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. njy Culifom'a. Michail KiXE. T. N. Wasd. WAND, KANE & CO., :(Stcceaaori to Ilunler, W and a Co.) Imiiortom and Wholesale Dealers in VINES AAD LIQUORS. Proiirioto.-aoflluntor'a California Wlioftt TTtriil.altoy. Also Apent3 for Josoph R. Finch's celubratod 1'ouudrlrania RYE WHISKEY (107 am! DUO Front St., near Jat-kiou, SAN FKAKCISCO. mv.11 C0MSI1SSI0N KERCHAaTS 4U Clay St., Siu Franclico, DKALEUS IN UKICCON FKOUUCJC. Ara couatuntly lu rcccfutof Oregon llitius, Bacon, Lunl, Sulmon, Ac. Blareli, of our own aud K.ulorn manaraclnre Uwayi ou band. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO. Importors and Jobber 3 of j FOHKlUSi AND DOMESTIC I BRANDIES, WINES, ! AND LldUOKS, 311 Vltiy Street, San Fraiiclico. J IS WaSHDS? & KCU383, luiportors and Jobber of Wines and LiquorSj 2M 21C KKOKT STKEKT, SABf FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importora and Jobbers of Foroign and Do-niostic Do-niostic Fancy and ataplo DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 05 dt 5U7 Market St., San Fra. nyl3 Paris : 28 Ruo Do L'Echiqu J. DAIIM, l0c M.SHRTER. J. BAUM & CO., Intporlers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING B44 Snniome St., San Frnnclico ii Blutray St., New York. 1rphy,grant&co. loiportors of Anioricau and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CAL.1FOU.N1A, Call the attention of the Trade to their large and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from urojiean Manufacturers, couii-risins; in part French ftlcrlnoa. Wool Satlnei, Wool Flaldf, Erouch and German, lrleU and French Popllna, Ivmprcu Clottaf, Tarn lie, black and colored, Vtlvttcem, Alpacas, black aad colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Duck. Berlin (Ladies'. Misses', OenU') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Ilotrry,fi:i!i':,:e i;, rranl-.-a White Good. llKttdkercblefa. Ulrtlng LI it em, Unlit. luu-asJ cclcrc), Umiki, It.-tjI.vd mr.l t I.icbed, Towel. li-:,-!t. t. T-:rk-.,li. Nnkina ami Uoyllea. . MARTII CO. Linmir Bcalsrs, IDS Front Street, San Franctaro j Prorriei" of MIL LkK'S KXTHA OLD BOIKBOS ; And sole accn'.s fr I. F. CUTTY'S EXTRA OLD SJuCN WKlSK'tS ' Cca:tas:ly fa hanJ. a :'uU a,-ior:2ient of ail taa Standard Brand oC Whlikles, . Fine Brandlea ! Foreign and Domestic Wines, mi Bluer. Cordials. c. . GUAM) HOTClJ On Market, New Montgomery asd &coad StreeLf. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. 6 MISCELLANEOUS. f mil! Art in m:ci't "1" the now cditiwi! ..1'lli.i 1 Standard Authors ! Kai.-u cnniili U: in one nyal uclavu v.-I.. Ijiyiind in the most iiiruved stylo, Hiul at Llio Ua recGieutetl la Price or CIolU extra - i.00 IJI)inry sheep - .75 Wo li&vc, to scloct from, the tiiifit ami largest stuck of SCHOOL ilEWAROS Kver brought into tho country, oni-brftcing oni-brftcing tho publiontions of Jj. Prung & Co., T. poison Jc Suns, Amorienn Trucl Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS Is comiilcto, and consifts, in part, of O G-.A- 1ST S Of tho beat makers ; From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, - Harnionicans, Kccoivod and expected dnily, a largo and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S OKLEBRATUD ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which we ofl'cr at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. IF O L $125. Firo Octave, Uoublo Kecd, ivo Stop?, Viola, Diapason, Aloloda, FUUo, Tremulant,) with two seta vibrators throughout, one of four foot pitch and ono of eight feot ; from proparcd metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knea Swell ; self-adjusting rood valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut caso throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes, WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. ItaF We respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For t he Holidays. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, ANDi PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Trice, ; Imported or Home-made, ' i IS AT LATIMER, TAVLCR&,CD!S FLAM'G MILL. Snh ami Door Factory, One blixk west ol'TabernacIe. nn nnn pouNrs ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. Bassett's. Oppoalta Salt Ltki Hotua. ala MUSEUM AND 1EMGEEIE. ;Opposito tho entrance to the T&bornaole. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 cts. CliiMieu, 10 " Open from 9 ti.?n. to 6 p.m. Native Mineral!, Petrifaction!, Cou-crctlouu Cou-crctlouu and Cryslallzatloii!. Hotne Prodwcr. Xattve and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, (to. Compound Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. L. BAR FOOT, Klituigtr. 9W Schools and Families by private ar-r ar-r hue omenta admitted at reduced rates. s . X 0 cc I I 1 i i 9 s cq bdD 6 1 - I i . "3 cc - I I o , . -i -I H i M -r- ?-H CD S pq i LUMBERYARD All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WLVDOWS, BLINDS, JIOULDLSGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, A.VO CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, i HilX.block soma of U. C DepoL PTOiMACHBlTTH- ; 'Am in-lorded niitl rrejcribed by inure load- i iiu- l'liy;i-iii.i itiun :iny otliur tuim: ur siiiu-ui.iiitm.w siiiu-ui.iiitm.w in ii -c. Tltevaroa SI UK l'KIi liN'L'I ' V. fa 1'ev-jr n-i A aw. Intcrmit-luw.s, Intcrmit-luw.s, IliliiiiioiO: iiud nil disorders urtMUKl 1'iiTiu mij -untie c.iu;c-i. Tln-y aro hit; lily I roi-ouitinJiidoJ a. an nuii-dy.-i-fi'tii.', mid in enics of iinliji tiuii arc iuv.ihi:iblc us mi ar- I- t'liier and rcciu'erant, an-J in cn.-es of tl oii-url oii-url licbility they have never in .i siiiRle iti.-stanou failed ill i.rodin'iiiL' llio mojt ban')- ' rt-,altH. i Ucy aro .arln.'illarly i:i:s KUC i M. ! 1 Til l l.il U.Ki, slr.'unlliol.illj: Llio Imjy, iliVLg-' iliVLg-' r Lin I In- u.indaiid tiivniL. Lulu- and i lai II- it v i i t u wholo ?y it-m. Tho in ) M i-; ' 111 I'TKKS ;iro ."oin i.oim Jol with llio rcat- t -i ciii', uiiil no Titnio yiiuiitlanl bus over been .iterid to lLo ,i n hi 10 si i i-i.i:as.nt 'lu Tin: task:, an. I at Lbe sumo toue i-nmbiLiini; 'soui'iny remedial iiKtnt, indorsed liy 'bt iimli.-al IV.ti.Tniiy a- ihu be I known to the l'li:.io.i.'o-..-i.i. It eo,t lili'e lo ..r.ve llieln a tail lri.it, nn-l Kvciy I'Hi.illy bin), i id tin ii- ii tin 1 1 le U'o every "lie to read tin: f-dliMvint: iiiiiii'-ile: In-in uiiiai ol Hit most iininout ilo i.'ian.s in ihu e-aiinry: ti-r. Lor is, J uly JSTu. J .01 i:s A. .1 acksos i l.'u. : Ueiitleineti As you have cominiiniea-. cominiiniea-. led to the tnedieal ir.ilei.-ion tbu rceciiio o! tlio"Honiu lii t turM " it cannot, therefore, be , considered as a seeret or ialout uiedieino, no 1 patent havitit; been taken lor it. We have liSHiiiined llio formula lor makiiin lho"lltimo i Kilters," ami unhe;itatiiu ly say llie eoiubi-; eoiubi-; nation is one of rare e.ecllenee, all the arti-I arti-I eltM uJi'd in it-s eoiuiio.sition nro tlio best ot the class to wliivh thoy belong, beniK highly Tonie, .Stimulant, .Stomach ie, Canuinative and hlisily Laxative. Tho uiodo of proiuir-iiiK proiuir-iiiK ilieui is striotly in noordaneo wilh the rules of pharmacy. Unvinj; used th cm in our i.rivute practice, wo tako ideasuro in rcoom-uieniiioj,' rcoom-uieniiioj,' llieiu lo all persons de.-irous ol ta-kini; ta-kini; Bitters, as bointf tho best 'i'ouio and Stiniulaiil now ullerod Lo llio publio. L.Cll.llOlfUMCKE, M.ll. ll. F. IVRTEEl, M.D alvued IEkacock, M.U. C. U ernes, SI, I). Dn.iti: McUowlll, -M.U, U. A. WAHE, .M.D. J.C. WumuiLi., M.D. , Da. 0. V. . l.uDWiu, A. C'l.ihk, .M.I). 6. ii. Muses, M.U. W. A. Wilcl'3, M.D. lltinuEKTrKiMji, U. S. Marine Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 157U, Jas. A. .I.u'Ksu.n, a (Jo. : 1 have examined exam-ined tho formula fur making tho "Home atomach U liters, "and used thcui in the Hospital Hos-pital for tho lnit lour months. I consider them tho most valuable tonio and stimulant stimu-lant now in use. 1,. Mri.ciiF.R, Pt. July G, 1570 J-is. A. Jacksos, a Co, llavinK e.saminod llio formula from wliieh your eulcbraU'd"sjtouiachiliLlors,"nrc ircpa-red, ircpa-red, havini; witnessed too method of euiu-biniiiK euiu-biniiiK the d liferent ingredients, we can safely rceommeud theai as tho boat tonic will, wliieh we aro aenuaintcd. From Lho Brcrtt care wilh which thoy aro compounded, and troui the choice materials which enter into them, we have no doubt that H107 will prove as tliey deserve lo be, the most popular tonic and stimulant in use. Hespoctluliy yours, T. -I . VajIIm:. .M.U. '1'. 1.1. U0MSI0CK, M.D. Wo cheerluily concur wilh ovcry word contained con-tained in the abm le limonial. John l'u.vj.lmin. .M.i'. John 11 htman,M,D ClIAS. AST1.m:, M.:. .lOILST.TEMl'Lt, M.D U..S. W.11.KLU, M.D. H.C. KAXKLr., M.D (jistiNNAii, Oct. Ili, 1"j7ii. Messrs, W. H. Kts-xldv Kts-xldv i Co,: Ajfciits "lloino ilillers"; tlonts Agreeable to j our rciiuest, t have examined the lorinula of llio "Homo Stomach Ui iters,1 and iiud the remedies it contains such us arc in (jciieni! use by tho Medical Profession. Tbi-y are soicntilically and pleasantly combined, com-bined, 1111 it .u siimulati.iK tunics will bo found especially adapted as corroborants to tho treatment of low or debilitated sUkos ot the system, whet her amine from impaired digestion di-gestion or from malarious diseases. Da. J. I'. Vittikrs, L, A. James-, M. P., II. S. Wayne, Clieinil, C. T. Sisii'dos, M. D., W. T. TALiAi euuo, M. D., S. 1. Ho.nner, il. D., J. J. Huinn, SI. D., C. S. Jluaeuorr, SI. D., .1. II. JtuuKLV, W.D., O. W. DioUEit, M. D., W. 11. Woouward, M. D., O. A. DuuxiiTV.M.D. CiiK'ioo, Wuit. -M, 1S70. J. L. S-Miru, Es.; Wo have examined lho formula of lho"Cele-brated lho"Cele-brated SJtomaah liittcrs," and hud it to bo composed ol" articles that are coosido red tho best Ionics used by tho Medical Profession, and ono of tho best bitters we know ol inuso. Very repectfully, II. S. II mx, SI. V., B. MeVicAB, SI. D., J. 11. Walkkb, M- D., O. A. Mariner, INOiUIAX S. ilAKNES, M. D. For Sale by all Druggliln Sl Grocers Jus. A. JACKSON & Co Prop'rs, Laboratory 10-3 & 107 K. 2d at., julU St. LOUIS, MO. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE NOW JS YOUR CHAJiCE roil S T O "V" IE S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from. Including tn OM Kavorltea, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire .Superior, Etc., The&c an well ulljcr varieties will be I SOLD CHEATED AT THE, i Hardware Dep'nt j i THAN LX ANY OTHKIi HOUSE LN THIS TEERIT0R1. n. n. clawsox, 117 fiaptfiBModent. C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN ciTyTotsI Iltiriy up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At Catder iiro'a every day next week-. I Im g . ,yK i Figures Don't Lie! 1 PAft Ladies andticntlctuon would not testify that this INGENIOUS PREPARATION PREPARA-TION had preserved the Hair from Falling Off ! HAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDRUFF FROM. TEE HEAD ! Baldhcadcd persons WOULD NOT DUCLAKE that the DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from one to three inches ol" Hair ou a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! Jf it were not the C-7.--c. 5-Ladies, 03 you valuo your HoautiTul Hnir. cciiso lo use OILS and DYKS which destroy the hair and injuro tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN I AND Take no Other! For snlc At Cnlder Bro's, Z. C. M. I. Drug Store, . And most all Druggists. Price for Toilet, - - Sl.OO. Best for Ladies' use. Double strength, - - $2.00. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE O UNTIE BOTTLE OF TTTK AM unite in saying this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR THE CHILD OR HIE PARENT. It cares Catarrh, Dyspepsia,' PUKIFIES THE BLOOD i and Builds Up the Whole System, For .al. t Calder Bro'., and at Opilen Co-op. Inst'n. Price, - or'c and tl ger bottle. C. W. STAYNER, General Actnl, I 0 1 4 9 O O Singer Scwisiir iHsu-liim's wt re Sold within the past year. .ScicnU;;c .-Ivirva-im, June lOih, li71. T H E "il M G E R ' 3Ianutaetui'iti Company, A.T THE WOELD'S FJXIR, Constituted by tLo hoiucs of ihe:eo,dc Receive! tho Crroat Award of tho Highest Sales - ;And liavo left all rivals far behind their, ; K-'K TUi:V Sold m 1870127833 Machines I Sewing Machine iales for 1870. "The miiirmtudo to whiek tbo m.r.iuf tetiiro oi ri owing mueliices has attained i shown b tho "ini" returns tto which a-iy ,.no e.m !i.o !u'-:,-.0 ..1 tho tiKiiuiliu-turiTa !..r tbo year JSVi) to ttio owners ol tho le.idins; iaienis. on witi 'h thoy I'-iy a royalty Ac cor.iiiiK to llieso rciunw the nuuibor oi inaouines sold by oaoli manut.vo.ui'or in ii'u it as follows: The Singe - " ia7,t-:33 Floronco - - 17 rJ1 Wheeler X WiU-ju - tlold.U-dJ - llowo - - - . m -1 (Iviii t,,, il rover X Hal; it - - :. l'.-t, imo - Wood - Hiiklo A l.yi.-i . .j".yt Wileox X tJiW.s r.iri.am :i AmeriiraiilJuLlonbide A. Uveiieattimg M.in-I iisou .... And Kovcral other companies who s,-!d a low machines, It will bo neen by this Uiblo that tho iuuLuily oftbo S 1 11 tor iiinclititea fAr m. eecili. thui of nil others, their alo bein- nuc-hall' t-rrntcr tUHn 0tod lhal o( tho fivmous "W licolor .t Wilson" machine. 'J lii.s is w ink to the fact thut tho MiRr Company havo lately emiiuieiieed ni.il.ini;. bc.-ides their nl,i wcll-0-lai-ii..hid uinnut'acturiiiB maebino, nhit in known as il.t-ir "Acw t-nmllj- itl n lit nr." wltlih is selling nt ( Ur rule !' ulnc I o one bet t r t- ' linn 1 ht-lr old ki yl. Their to tal sale.-' for !S,'.;' were S...7H1 ..taehines ,.s-aiiil liio ol IsTn, aliowhif; nu lcrcna of one-liuinn the liidi-i- yt-iir." "New York f;nn." Onc-IIalf of our (iautic Sales, XDW .VKAKI.V THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION .a. ieu x jw n " mz. --bv. & -b. hj s k Wtrt made within the pnt ihrre jfnr. But tho rratet I iv rente of our Sales over nil Other Miu-hliiru, Ucli-K UUIilii the P,t Ve..r. Tbls Is lncoulcstlblc I'roof that Uur .M .leliinus A i c tho Set in the World. rilK JS:Vv ('AM i L V SLXGKH .skwijxg machine With attachments for all kinds of work, Is last v, inning bunromo Tavor in tbo liousohold, as thown by tho ravidlp increuina sale;, over all other uinchiaes. Ibis w Fnmllj- Alnulilne is now cupahl-) of a ruiiK'u and variely cf w..rk such u was only reecnUr tbouuht misiblo lo i-ertorm by luarUinery. Wo alium and can show that it is the eheai-Cjl. most beautiful, dclkauly arraui;ud. nicely mijurited cjuilj oioratod.8ieedy,and smoothly runniiic ot all ibe l-'aiuily riewius Maeliiuoi. It ia roin.rk ablo not only for tho runo and variety ot it.i sowiiij,', but also for the tiirioty and different dif-ferent binds of toilnre whioli it will -sow with e.jual facility and icrfeeii.)n uinit silk twist, linon or cotton thread, lino or cotiso, making tho 1 tt-rloukcil-ein,t lc- tltch, aliko on both sides ol tbo fabric pewn; tho only stitch which is universally approved, or is at all adapted lur ilrji-class wink, ihus, boavcr cloth, or leather may bo sown with greul utruiij-lU and uniformity of milch, and, in a moment this willinB and novcr-wearyinK in"trunioul may ho adjusted for line work on gauio or gossamer gossa-mer tissue, or tho tucking oi tarla.an, or rullliim. or almost any oihor work evon by a child which doliaato linnorn bavo been known to pcrtorm. Uvea the careleas ojid thouglitlesB lime IllLle or 110 trouble outlilt machine. Send for Descriptive and Dn'ce Gircufars. Wo manufacture our own noodles, silk and twist; famish linon and ootton thread and ' oil all of superior iiuahtr-but which can bo rolled 0,1 oniy when obiainedi inroasli our Principal or Branch Otlicos, or Agencies. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAiilEO ON REASONABLE TERMS, We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITJT. TERMS TO SUIT ALU. Wo ci tend a cordial invitation lo all to romo and seo tho Murhincs whether the) wish to buy or not, See all otiiera, but do not buy without you exam In the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendants. Iiiatructloii free All Machine yerfectl ntljudtcd before delivery at t SINGER SETOfi MACHIE DEP'T, Z, CM, I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of EaKlc Emporium, Wn.lt I,nlce Citj-, TJtQli. II . B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. MAY LOE HIIII5 Have on hand tbo Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City - OP WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Wliieh they oiler "V E Xj O W 3? R. I a E S , FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TIIEATEB JAMES HAODE, Jun. J.n.IlAQUE. UEORUU HAOUJ Big- Grixn Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LAT 10 JAM K S H AGU , j Importorisj mnd Eon.lor ixi " PISTOLS, AND WHIPS OF KVEJIY DESCRIPriON. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. ftl. I. BOOT ATlD SHOE Doimrtmnnl, lit 1 1,.- ..i-n ol THE"BIG BOOT." ETcry style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, tati-fao two guaranteed. 4J.WAT3 ON SAND A LAP.'JE AND CBOICI STOCK 01 II0ME-3IADE imported BOOTS A ND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather 1EX II3X)-9 Wa, ig" THDi |