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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Ff.ij. 22. Gold. Cuyinir, 107 1 ; selling, iIO. , ,Km Arrived. A largo '.ock First-Claps PIANOS, to be slJ CHEAT for cash, at J. Dayne & I'o i music store, east of the post oilice. f 1 CAsn will be paid for ten or twenty . acrei of good irrigable land near tbU city, if price, etc., suit. Address, with full particulars, "Brother,'' post oilice, , 8. L. city. flil Great ;acriiice in tine CLuTFl 1 N(i, to cli'.-c out winter tock : Suits $1 worth 6'-i". Suits JL worth $-js. Suits l' worth i-'-'J. Suit i-Xt worth $ It). Suits &'' worth ; !'). f2l Derby's, 42 Hum slreot. t Ed. Harris hns tist received a huge stock of tho finest cigars and tobacco, and gentlemen's notions. He has the, largest and best assortment of imported j cigars in the Territory. Call at the I i'Littlc Cigar Store round the Corner'1 ! and see. f 11 ; Fuhnituke. Just receivcd.nt Henry! Dinwoodcy's, 000 CANE SEATED CUAIUS. To bo sold very cheap fur cash. j 1 7 ! Fashionable Uata at Siegol liro's. olO An Inveterate punster yesterday, with his punning faculties slightly out of order, remarked that although it I was Washington's birth-day governor! Woods had declined to give us a Haw- j ley-diy, aa a result of McKean's dc- ' parturo oust; but was stricken with a j de-ire to make it a Strickland-da; ! ' ' Fjugh! Gkntlmesov the Convkxtion : Wo nrc pleased with tho great rare ymi tiiko in tho interest of tlx o PEO-PLi PEO-PLi B. At tho same time wo propose to j take caro of your SOLES as well as tho seat of intelligence. BOUTS, 11 ATS, i GLOVES, otc. I f 21 Dun ford Si Sons. Tiik "Uhkat Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j-1 Ordkk, Check and llecclpl BuoKS printed and bound at tho Hkkald .1 ob Ollko and Bindery. f lil Fine Furnishing Goods at Siogol liro's oil) A (itu-.vT 'Ins if. I lEti E.MAN'S COKIUAL KLlXltt OFCAL1SAVA H.VKk. A ploasant cordial which strengthens and improves DigeHii'it, an oxcellent proventivo of Fever?, Fever and Aguo.olc.and a groat Konovnlor and Tonic for invalids and debiiitated por-j.. por-j.. ns. Hkgkman fc Co., Now York. Slrt Manutnelurcrj. Sold by all Druggists. i'M The Constititional Convention. The sessions of this body are attended attend-ed by a crowded lobby, and the interest inter-est in the proceedings is shared in by all classes, even by those who affect to treat tho convention as an illegal, irresponsible, irre-sponsible, and impotent assemblage. Tho convention is above tlie average iu ability and respect ability of similar bodies in front ior Territories, and hence it commands tho unwilling respect re-spect of those who pretend to despise its deliberations. Its proceedings arc marked by a decorum of conduct between be-tween mombers entertainiug widely-divergent widely-divergent sentiments, and by a digni fied conservatism that augurs well for the re uU of its actions, and that will secure for the constitution they may adopt the respectful consideration, and, we hope, tho approval of coagrcsj, Ucttinq & Co' a California Canned Fruit; and Jellies are tho best in th raa-kct. Ask your grocer for them. A i I n in runnintr order, the PALACE PAL-ACE BATH 110U.MS. No. 18 Commercial Commer-cial street, corner of Olive. f 18 Business, Visiting and Show C All DS printed in excellent style at the Hkr-ald Hkr-ald Job Oilice. f 21 Overcoats, at cost, at Siegol Bro's. OlO ' (iu to the Crystal Palace, 78 Alain i street, for Euniimre, Budding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glas?, Silverware and house- held goods generally. dl7 A i,i. I;inh of plain and fancy JOB Pli INT1 N ti executed promptly and aft"r Hie latc-t stvle at the H khald Job U!Hee. f '21 PiirkniU.ouy. Prof. Fowler's Publications Publi-cations for sale at Dwyer's Bookstore 11. Large stock of hue and heavy boots at Siegol 'iro's, oil j CiB.XLAR.-i, Bills of Fare, etc., etc., printed :,l the HtliALD Job Oilice. i f -1 IViu.Flls printed cheaply aud ia?te-. ia?te-. fuliy at the IUrald Job uilice. ill Lsrge.-l stock of Cio'-hinj at Sie,i'l Bi-ov olO OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS. Wnlkcr Brother!, Z lull's Co-op. Mercantile Inst It ution, James Horrocks, C. Woodmanice, P. A.uerbacli dt lira. HOTEL. Ogdcti House, John Mulioo, ProiJrioWr. LIVERY STABLE. D. G. Xclion, Proprietor. pin CHEAP ADVBKTISISG. Advertisement? under this heading ' not exceeding five lines, fifty cents ior each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. FOR SALE. AKOVSE AND LOT, DKSIKABLY Located Lo-cated on the Bench, in tho Uih Ward. Tho house, contains eleven rooms and commands com-mands a view of iho whole city. Parties who wish a pleasant home will find this property a bargain for cash. Apply at tho Koal Kitute oflifo, Main-lit, noxt to Picilic lloiiso. .ii A. C. TRUti A- CO. salTlTke theatre j l'irsi appcaranco at thij I beat re i,f the t;iltDlei an.l accomplished VOCALIST, 3Iks. Mattiiiessex From the principil Concerts of Copenhagen. Copen-hagen. Friday Evening, Feb. 23, The per form ii ncc will commonco with Buuricaull'o renowned sens.t lineal drama, in Jacts, entitled JESSIE BROWN The Relief of Lucknow. To conclude the pcrfjrmanco ' NI rs. matthiesson Will sing the beautiful bnlladof 1IOMK, SWEET HOME! In active pre Miration, W. S. Gilbert's bow comedy, untitled 1 "it AND ALL'S TliyitJ U !" Dissolntion of Co-FartiersMp. TIAVINU Ui;).03ed of the li.inkinc busi-ncsa busi-ncsa heretofore conducted undor tho name and style of A. W. White Sc. Co., to tho Salt Lake City National Bant, whioh will ajsiimo all tho liabilities, and is horoby au-thoriiad au-thoriiad to collect all debu duo (he euid firm. Tho co-pnrtnrahip heretofore existing exist-ing unler tho name of Whito it Co., is this day diifolvo 1 by in ulna I consent. A. W. WHITE. T. R. JONES. Salt Lake City Fob. l'Jlh.. U7'2. Tho Salt Luke City tuition al Bank hereby assumes all liabilities as ab'ive. 11. M. DL" HELL, iL-i I'rtsidont. COAL 1C0AL! Having pin iliased 111 Spriggs Coal Mine We ire prepareil lo supply this Justly celebrated WEBER COAL by car load or retail. Depot it U. C. U. It. Yard. Ortlcet Excliauge and Heading ltooms. BATE MAN & BUEL. tt88 W. II. BIRD, Agent. SELLING OFF I Now is tlie Time to get Biu-gaiiis ! Oar remaining stojl; ci-' LADIES' FURS! Will be sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, ilOODS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a tplontltd asiorlment of L.-VIJIIES WINTER HATS ani BOHNETS MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at cost to make room for a largo stock of Spring and Slimmer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. S5 East Tcmplo Street t-iz NOTICE. 4 LL persons arc hereby forbidden n.i A. varuod saiuEt Furcha?inK or in any wav necoli.itiru with any person whriaK-evo'r whriaK-evo'r for certain niinuiK proper ty situate. Ivine audbcinBon Chloride 1UU. in Upbir Miaicc District. Tooele County. L'uh Icrn-inrv Icrn-inrv recently filcvl for rc.-nrd as tno Jim iVklode, or lor any ores already extracted, or that may bereaiter be extracted, therefrom: there-from: or fur any properly whatsoever be-loncinc be-loncinc to, or in amise appertaining to, I said mine. W lode: a. the is the Prop- : crty .it" ibo ur.dorficncd. wh.i are the .aw:ul , I owners of aid minine property, under the name of the Chlorid- Queen, .h jvin: been 1-viteJ Mrch 1.-. lvl" P- bunt.m. . tieorK H Hau.-ht. .lohn Davi.-. ReejeDavif ard Murray Mestineor. and recorded in the ' oS-8 of the KeC'.rierof the Mining iJulriet .frI!id. Arril 2-M-:i.w STAN-I1N. UEORUK M. RAUU1IT. H. A. MOLCOMB. H7 First National Bank OIF XJT-A-KC, SALT LAKE C1T.V, DESIGNATED DEPOSITOR V AND PIN AN 01 A Li AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wasbkn FIcs9Kir, C. L. Dahlrk, President. Vice PrcaL Anthony Godbe, Cuhior. Autliorlzed Capital, - - SjOO.OOII. PAID UP CAPITAL, - SloO.OOO KAKNlMiS, ... $130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Olifrst Banking Institution in Utah. A. Gemoriil Uiinltlu IJt uln utsn Tr tuxna etc cl . AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY &TTLNDI b TO. JNTtlttiST ALI.OWFD ON TIME DEruSITS. PACK, I5IIO. &; C., tiuportorl and Dealer In LEATHER AND FiNDIK&S 35 RTid 37 Soutli Cunal street, T- -WSM. ILL LOCKE Sl M0XT1GIE, 1MPORTIEB Of I STOVES METALS, i U A N E F i CTL" R K HS OT ;Houso Furnishing Hardware I Tinner's Tools and Machines; : AG LKT3 FR ; Agricultural Steam Boilers Ilia ud UB.litr, strc.t, ;1 SAN FKANCISOO MISCELLANEOUS. S. T.-1S60-X. j OH WARD I.i THE rucdical revo'ution which corj- j menced years ago with the gradual : disuse of blood-letting, salivation, ! drastic purgatives, and powerful opi- J ate?, goes bravely and gloriously on. 1 i Every dny the sick grow wiser. They ' : are do longer willing to open their mouths, t-hut their eyes, and Lake what- j I ever the doctors are pieasc-d to prescribe, i I without inquiry. They want to ktk'Wj j the nature of the medicines they arc I desired to STal'ow, and demand to ! have the mysterious Latin linso of the profession translated iuto plain Eng-jlUh. Eng-jlUh. I The Invalid World understands at last th;it VIGOR is the great an- tnponist ef disease. The teeble decline , to be utterly prostrated by depleting! j pills and potions, aud turning I'rom tsuch lucndicaments wiih loathmjr , .judiciously place their trust in a rcme-. dy which cuiubines with the propcrlies! : of an Alterative ihc-e of a pure audi whole.-onie Tonic and Restorative. Ill is now about twelve years since thu-; i grand desideratum was introduced , under the name of PLANTATION B-ITTERS, ;and from that timo to tho present its I progress has-been "ivithout a parallel iu 'the history of proprietary medicines. I ilh the spirit of tho susar cane the inost nuuieious of all stimulauis for its basis, aud medicated solely with the j juices aud extracts of rare vegetable I specifies, such as Calisaya Bark, the j best known Tonic that the world pro- duces, and which makes it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigoraut, corrective and general alterative that , has ever been placed by science within : I tlie reach of the sick, the suffering,! and tho despondent- Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation filters is to d;iy thu mo.t popular popu-lar Tonio on either side of the Atlantic. mm mm mm FOR MAX AXD JiEAST. Probably few articles hare over hud 30 extensive a sale, while none have been mora universally beneficial lian tho celebrated Mkxican ALustaxq List-mknt. List-mknt. Children, AdulLs, Hories and Domestic Animals, are always linblo to accident, and it is safe to sny, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a mutter ot importance- then to secure tho best. The merits of tlie .Mexican Mustang : LIXIMEXT are well known throughout tho habitablo world, prom tho million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever rt-aciied us. It is recommended re-commended for Uuls, Jiruics, Sprains, KheuniaUsui, Swellings, lines, Chilblains Chil-blains iio,, upon man, and for Spavins-j Spavins-j Pounders, King-b, Poll Evil Scratches, "Wind-Uahs, lioofale, j upon horse?, . ; im mta;.'! TJ CV.".SS i- HOoSLS, i "This is U certify. Thut tho .Mxio;in Mus-i Mus-i tarie L niuieoiuao own txeDsivtly used in I our suh.es ihrnuhout im; cuuntry le have a,50U horiinj with Uiu ,fru licit beticlitia Jill' ' cuiw ol'KJllii. La'ki, iprajui. laiouini-a, still'- . j nud. etc -tiaav o. jr u,oa iiavuh.id uccar- 1 ion to uso i in diu.r l;i uilio?. au i -ill spcit ufi: iu V.ic his .o.j; toriiii. Una uf Dur iiicn got kicko 1 a,.d badly cut aud brjiia; ub-uiil, ub-uiil, tho liuLuK Liuiuiual it is rc-oin:d to; th luuu'no.'i wus rcuovci, nnd ho whs al-tuofl al-tuofl woll in tour diiyb. io can olocriully r ecu a; mend it d j. valuable preparation lor tuau or boust. Yours respeoliully, J. iiuNlKG, Fori'tunn of Adams Jt Co'j, Exp a. tiuibles, N. V. "We tako gr .at pleasure in recoxuiondinn tho Mexican .Uat;uiB Lin iuiuut :w an india-pensablii india-pensablii and valuaolo itriifle, and tho boat we li'ivo ever used for ipr.iins, S'tre or Uulls o.i ho 7a us. oumo ot uur inuu havo also mad it fursevro burns undsoro.-, a well ns rheuuiutic pina, and all s;l- it acts l.Ro QiUtiio. J. 11. HEWITT. Foreman. For Aiiioricin Express Co.. 10 Wall direct; Unrdcn'a Exprcia' Co , 74 llroaJsv.iy; Pulloa, Viruil Jr Co., ExuroJa Co.. 1-1 Wall iitrojti Wejls, FurKO Jc Co., 1-1 Wall Street. Over three hundrod livery stables in tho city of New York alone are using tho Mkxican Musvakg Limuent, in all of which it gives unusual satisi'tic-tion. satisi'tic-tion. CAvriox. Soma h iiiriiicirl"d partic? havo undertaken under-taken to counterfeit Inis Lioimciit. 'f tin KOiiiiino ia wrapitsd in a iino "Stcol Plate" enuraviriE, ivuh "U. W. Wcstbroob, Chcni-' Chcni-' ut," and "Trade -Mark, .MEXICAN MUS-TAXU MUS-TAXU LINIMENT," engraved aeroaa tho face of cuuh wraiiper. Tho wholo boars tho proprietors' private United States ltevenuo Mamp, and not a comiuoa ttaiuii, as usod by drusKia's- Lyon AIasi-kacturikg Co., J27 hi r-r:. l..c N.Y. SALT LAKE BRANCH OF TEE Great Western INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. TUKO. F. TRACY, President C. II. DVSKTT, 1 MKKItY W.LAWRENCE I Director! CUAS. L.. L)AI1L,KU, j MAUHSALL . CARTER, Attorney!. II. R. MANN, f?l anngcr, A Branch of thw SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 C03IPA5Y i Having been orgauincd in our city, wc are now ready for busiuess and earnestly earn-estly solicit publio patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will be carried nt a fair rate. j H. R. MANN, CHAPvlBERS'S ENCYCLO PEDiA, A DICTIONARY OF. j UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE I For tlie People. '. Revised Edition. Kc-i5ue of 1 77I, I with Maps, Plates and Engravings. j To be completed in l Part .mak.iiiB y Voli. , of pacfii each. Illoitrntcd tvi'h all';:! V'mz Tt"Cnd En-griTiciti En-griTiciti and Ftrty Map;. PRIlK it I'nrl, Inclndhifc Mapt I nd lllnBtralloii! 60 Ccnti. t 1'lllCE PER VOLUME: ' Kstr Cloth, beveled V.arl? 1,'brsry Scccp. marbled else- 6 1 Half luikcy Moroero 50 I j . .M :--. IT. TT. KFT? k CO. nrp 'hn AcentJ fir ' toam heri'i Kt cyr lnpnd la far the I PniiSo Cue.!, an 1 ar pobnsaers nr.d im- porter? oi ---her Arerirmn and iiLsiiBli CUB' daid uii iiltitiktcd worti. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Wholesale i DRY GOODS DEFT L'p Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A fall, first-class stock, ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, i JSfOTIOXSi, j I BOOTS a-d SHCESi j AT L.'-V PHICKS. H'boiesalc bujers aad Co-operalive Dealers please inspect. 8R00ER Y I HARDWARE DKPAKTMEJfT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purohnaers can hero find An Immense Stock AND .:m W.4 v.H wma t . m?m.iM$, tools and ALL ON TUB PKBM13ES. WiiitTs Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEIT AND I M !' O RT ED MANUFACTURED PROM UOWE-filADK, FKKKCH, etraniAN, AfMKItlCAS- FABRICS Fine Cassime.rGs, and Cloths Trimmings On haud, for Gcntloiaea ordering their own. ia FltlgT-CL.ASS FITTERS AND WORttMfcS TO FILL ALL OIUJKRS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ISSORTUEiYF OF d'OODS. WE CUT l?i ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON . WHOLESALE. TbiB is the Department lir Families. DRU& DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATKIST MEUICIAES,! Forfumory, LIQUORS Iri GREAT VARIETY I 1C.ULIM1-ALI AND PORTER, AVEHILL PAINT WHITE. LEAD, OILS, COLORS CLASS, ETC. I Prescription from I'hyfiaans oiU have ryscial attention n. K. CLAVSO, tsupU WALKI1 BRO'S. TJF STAIES. CARPETS ! CARPETS! NOW Ol'E-MKli XKW l'ATTKR.NS FOK SPRirjG- PUaHISIIIKGS, Whicb make tbe Bet Se'ec:i. n WEST OF CHICAGO. EXGLIS1I COCOA 31 ATTIXGS i-i, 4-4, r.-i, s-i. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 5-1, 1(1-1. P K I C Bi S i XJ v i: -Y n- X 10 lu 1J. jls Bun 'the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF LIGHT ! Good News for those that likn a lii'illiant, Clear ami iSul'e Lislit ! ! Largs arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at Tlie Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOX FIVE GALLONS. iFor those tbat like COAL OIL, we liave reVeive.1 n Luxe SlocV. of all qualities, and at Keduced Pi ii. 'Ibo l.art: l A s rtmout of ! LAMP GOODS in tho IVniu.ry. ' jio JH. REESE &c OO. ' tiilo Ascnts for The Daiiforiti IVlMlrnm KlnUl. j 89 1st South Slrcct, half block West of Po.-t Utiico. I ,Coal Oil and laptha Depot PAY & HJ1LMEM, j S'J J'ast Tcnililo Street, ! JO-EISTTS FOR .FOREST Ulir VAhNlSH ANU C!L COMPAKIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, j Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. I This Fluid is or much HI'IAVIFR Git AVITY than nuy other binnbip Fluid ! ever ofTered io the market, approximating close'y to that ut' liie lft. qualiiieH of COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUULU ;h ILLUM 1 N A'I'l.Nll power. It burns CLUAN WITHOUT SMOICE and does not ehar tho wick, which will not require attention olieticr than once a week. I This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any person ol'its tup'-rior tdvan-I tdvan-I tages. WHOLESALE -A.KTID BETAIL ! A.T Who want A(JK NTS in cveiy sott'emfiil of the TVrrifnry j!7 I Tvro Ulovk anutli of 1 he U. V. R. 11. j Depot, na Pit to Wm. Jeii- nlngi' Tntrf. Tho ynrd in keit conflnllT aw-liod bJ i iTer&l BftW-milU wilb ' K Full Assortment of j Native Lumber. W. E. aolielts tfe fintivwia of bi old friendB, by I unctuaM'.r wi dilience ii basin om hopei to merit ibui ! public mj'port- FOU BALK In tba IMh V. Bi l, utit bl'-ck hlf w-t oi tlie V.C-K h.. b buH h'u-s and hall ict, with firs t-rcbar.J. For p&rucuJan enquire ol c62.5 WM. EDDi::OT0N, ; J.i .JIKHItlLL A 0, ( COMMISSION MZRCKANT8 90f nd 900 GBlIfornt Rt., n rm.Uio, - . California. ; Pr1itiUr ttentino raH to tV. fi'M-.e n' i orden for Terj (icicni-iitri ci; 1 S2 SaU ofUriB, .:., Ac. IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., ' Mnuufacluror ol PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, And Mncinrry f)T Smelting Furnaces (JimlraftN ruadt f'.'f building I'uroa- CCB of Utah iFire Stone, Induing iMacliin'jry, &c, BCt up in oompl'.'lc rutming order. Jt(ftrenn-Kur(k Jtlliilng Com-fHtty, Com-fHtty, Halt Cube -'l Clalt Nrnell-li8 Nrnell-li8 Cotnpon)-, Ttnttr. A-Ulrtt J, C. Jiit?i'irdM, Chwxtgo. nit SAIf KRA BCISCO, OAL. Off'.r tlif fiinst and moul cmplttc ttuck on Oyc i'acific coast. I.'rfrr to II. B.CLAWSON. Boj.'t of ISi. O. jSjT. T. a: |