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Show TOOELE POST OFFICE. Tooele Cut, Feb. 21, 1872. Editors lit raid: Would you please insert the following follow-ing in your paper, it being a matter of considerable importance to this community com-munity : The post office of Tooele city was moved, on tho 20 th inst., from its former locality to Mr. Mathias Nelson's hotel and saloon, a quarter of a mile frour its former locality and' entirely away from the centre of business of Tooele city. The comfort and convenience conve-nience of the inhabitants were not in the least therein considered, it being merely moved to benefit Mi. Nelson at the expense and discomfiture of the balance of the citizens. We would respectfully re-spectfully solicit the special mail agent's attention to the matter. C. A. Herman. g SPECIALTIES FOR OENTLEMEN. Fisk. Clark A Ffajfs's celebrated Specialties ' are for sale tij all lir.-L cla.-s dealers iu this city. True Fit Shirts, Patent Faiilalouu Drawers, Uwsvjan II races, Laporte's Kul Gloves, lew Styles of eck Dress. ' NJi Five Xoveltieijujt out. Dover cloth Slum ;md thirLicci, Samson Uraccs, Patent Pantaloon Drawer; (red stamp. Laj.orte's C.iblc Kid Gloves, and tae Kegeut oireei So art". FISK. CL.M'.K FLAHiJ. -'-' . t-'J Broadway, jiew lork. ' Liquid Blueing I Clieai'C.-t in market: nualiiy and satisfaction suaratleuj or money reloaded. ' I Cnih Pahl for Grain and country j proUuuc. i l"cr Sale 1 500, OOU lb coarse Sail, Table and I Dairy. ; ShinBl-.". tuiubcrand General Merchandise. i Wholesale Jo Ijber, ! J. V. gAELL, I LUho Mure, one i.ock south Theatre. 'lMfC unJsi . ijjtjed weu'.d re- eoLiuIly in- I :'orm Lhe citiieni vi Like and vicic;ty tiu! th'jje who desire ;o secure col- , lefti-a- of either the abvve-named articles 1 the under; U. aci. uo-' cca i to Sa'lCskV i ii rTfi:i-lr furLiiitL: saiae to orderoi , lie ch'-'i:es; kini; The adfrii;ne.t w-HJ-. fi-jr-1 on Frid'iy I and iraa;. a: ih" om;i o: Me;r-. Hol-, Hol-, comb x Co . oppose the lownnd II.;u'f , There he will t-e hapj.y to confer wkh all -vho arc in:eres;e in :se cic.-e cf Apricul-i Apricul-i tare. Jiirti'jUiluro and t lorn: alt art, from 1 . i'j i o'c'u.'k li. m. t2:h d.iy. COL. WAR RE X, Editor California "Farmer," Sin Frinc'sc-i, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FARMERS ATTENTION, l will ray CASU l'.r j 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BARLEY, 1,000 BUSnKLS OATS, 10,000 LUS. BRAN, If delivered immodi.telj at luy Grain Store, Main St., S. L. City GEO. II. KNOWLDKX, California and Allen s Extra Family And several other brands, CHEAP for cwh. All kind of Cii-nlu for Bale. :. II. KiVOWLDEN. FIRST-f LASS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITV, (Kvcryboily 's so) al G: W. DAVIS'. Tho Un eat Qualities of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. ic, al U. W. DAVIS'. i"Vi i Jikikitw v.ikitsiTi-itu mi .1IO.V, KAItlUNKS. SI KltS, 1'riiils, Sluices A I'ii-Klvs, G. W. DAVIS'. Tbo Largest and licit Slock of CHEESE, HAMS ana BACON In Town, nt U. W. DAVIS'. Our TEA TitADE wo take particular ruins to study, nnd from oxperioneo aro enabled to suit our pnirODS with unrivalled facilities. Wo RUnrnntoo to roll as ohoap as any house in Utah, iind will not bo undersold, C. VV. DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball & Lnwroneo's. ri7 Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns his thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers for tho liberal patronage bestowed upon hiui and trusts that striot attention to business will merit a continuance continu-ance of their favori. STE"W STORE On First South Street, Next door to Airs. S ton house's Millinery Establishment, Where I will havo avory ehoioo stock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Raisins, Kuts, FlgB, Oranges, liClllOl), And a sou o in I assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soaji, Etc., Etc. WDo not forget my New Store ,Flr8 South Street. Wohao JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which wo will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Temple Strccl. auk26 danieTgrenig! At his old stand, East side East Temple St.,! Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he hoc a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Tj'sually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN, PBODTJCE Of .11 kindi. nought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mule to order. I MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES! EAQLK HOl'SK, Nos. l' b7 and Eust Te:nje Street, nearly opposite Suit Lake llouse. Do not fail to reinombor it as tho Controof Attraction, tho Conlro of iho Ulock nml tbo Contro of lluisincss. TKASUK1. a: CO. have ahviiyi on hand il? choice nn o?iortment of QU0CERIE3 a can be obtained in town, IxUh Wlmlo-jale Wlmlo-jale and 1'etai'. TUB MiW'KST ATTUACTIO.VS in Press (loods. Heps, Mnhuirst Alpnoaf. Merinos, Dolainos, Calicos, with Iho latest la-test stiles in Shawls. Foreign and Do-mklio Do-mklio Dry Ooods always to be Miml at the EAdLE IIOtHK. TI1K CLOTHING UKl'AllTMliNT ut the EAOLiK I10USK is carefully nnd attentively studied- There you can always al-ways choose from n full stock of DENTS and BOYS Cl.OTIIIXH. Boots and Shoe". Hats and Cat'? and Uoncr.il Kurnishitir Goods in endless variety, TI1K LADIES' HIIOI5 UEI'AUT-fllEST UEI'AUT-fllEST at TEASDEL Jc 00. 's ta now well supplied with all that can bo desired. de-sired. Elegant Stylo;, L3tait Easliiors and Lowest Prices. UL&ES' SEWING M ACII1N1SS the BEST IS THE WORLD for Family use, can be obtained of TEASDEL & CO, tho solo Dgonts for tho Territory of Utah, Special attention given to learnor?. Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by inaial- j moots, if so desired. They arequiot, easy running, durable and a favorito machine TEASDEL fc CO. ore provoibial for low prices and tho best qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, N. R A pi-inmlntit Ail Kit nT UnnF Bn.IKhnn Manufacturing Machinery, to bo sold at low figuros. Nearly now. TEASDEL. & CO. FALLI3IPflRTATI0N,1871 ROSENBAUM & PRIEDMANN,: 22 and 24 Battery Street, j Sctlxx Francisco BEG LEAVE TO CALL TIIE AT. tention of thoTHADK to their splendid splen-did STOCK, comprising in part COMPLETE LIKES of fi roc he Shawls, VelveteeiiSj Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtaiu Netp, Linen IldlifSj Vhite goods, Tarlatans, Bareges, Guipure and Linen Laces, Cotton LaceB, Eace goods, made up, Hamburg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribbons, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladies and children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' and Children's Heady Made Suits : Which, together with their "USUAL i ILL Stock of Foreign and Domestic SMALLWAKES and .fancy Goods, they ollor at Reduced Prices Purchasing all our goods at thoir various va-rious places of production all over the world wo are enabled to sell the same al (inita iu wmpuri) lavoraOIV With UiOe of tha leading houses in jNew York 01 London. b,3q JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEPconjUnMjon W! .1 hnWsort-mentof hnWsort-mentof FHK.kcii, K.(;LISII and AMERICAS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinys, Etc, Of thafine-l-pjatilies and lat -rrle', wbi,-b we make up U, order in tho djobi fjibionable and approved manner. patronage kolicited-ss ansl BAIKS BATHS! Warm Sprins; Uatlis ! PrWi( nd Plungi. rhiwcelel nitnl bath un ovv to the pat lie I til ea.us- Their w.i:c'.t,al j)ru--n:e it fcj wlJely , Known tl to u; en n mer I llirra. I BUdia th' Pr.Tits BjiiIj, tte Is: ba-.clsonift- . ly fnmlitied P1op(i B.lli Ti,r L.Ile MJ 9QUmeD n Du oen. IL AUHULD, ciJ j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. J. HIFS-ITH, SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1J Wuhlngton Klrtt. AU kluJi ol Drk-d, SmokpJ PickleJ f,,, oouitAuUy ou 1juJ. S. L. Slfciiloy, Juhu Sinuauce, 0.0. CLiin,ia Spruance, Stanley & Co., cnu'm lo lUVrKlH' & Co. am! J. J. ItuiK'rlrra uJ Wholesale I0kipti Id WiES AND LIQUORS, J4 410 J-'llONT 8TRKKT, A. C, DIETZ sTcaT IVI'ORTCKB OT PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 24 KKONT S'MltKT THE QKEAT BLGOO FURIFIER. PIS in GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGliTABLE BLOOD FUEIFIER. nlrtH IN THE SIKHKA NKVADA AlountainB, in tho wonderful dtito o Cilifornia, grows nn herb long known tn lbs Indians us nn ubsoluto cure lor KU KU Al A TI6M, UUUT, K iiU KALUIA, und all du-oases du-oases iu any way Bpriusiug from irniiuritie) of (ho llood. Science liaa nt length brouk'bl to light ils virtues, mid of this potent horb hns compounded YKK13A SAN fA, a prein-rolion prein-rolion ivt tho l'EKiiANEIST CUltli of Scrofula, Salt Illteum, autl all lCrupa tlvc ft ml Culnncoiu lUtntca( Gives imoicdinto and pormnnenl reliof in itYSl'El'SIA. i'RYSlPKIjAS, KiriK Worm, Tuuior, lioilsi Scald Heads. Ulcers Bni norcK; erauieutoH irou iqo fiysiom an trtoej of mercurial diaeaac. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is thoroforo pooulinrly suitnblo for uso by fcmnloH am! children ils a DLOOD PUKI-i' PUKI-i' 1 Kit and UEXuVA'i'OU. P1UTIIEUS Who wish to find a medicine peculiarly adapted to t!io eurs of IILilUllS and ERUP-TluNS ERUP-TluNS in Llisir chiMroiii wll find a tuft and euro euro in l'KKB.i SAKIA, I'or bbU everywhe-ro. RBD1NGTOS, HOSTETTBIl A. CO Agenti, SO ntt S3I Mnrket St., Sa CrHnolloo. REDINGTON- HOSTETTER & CO. Ituportcrd and Jobbers of I pyUKUJN AAD UOSIESTIC mm AXfl CHEMICALS Flue EueiitlfU Olln, Gum, Hoot, Seeds, I'lowcn, Sjmiigc, iik-in, rainadit, Ac, ind nil other Stajilea connooted with til Wholesale and Retail Drug liusiou-i. Constantly in receipt, by diroot Imi-orlntion, ofKuropoan and Aefr.ilo produoU. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hostottor's Bitters, Drako'a Plantation Uitter, Wolfs Scheidnm Schnapps, Huwell'a Pulmonary Sjrup, And all tho loading Proprietary SleJieinei both American and European. Ordora Promptly and Carefully Excoutod. Nos. 5'JO anil 531 Mr.rktt Street, Between First end Second, Sw Francisco, California. Afldes, Amazon, FIRE lA'SlMACE CO.'S CISCISKAII. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Reliable LnderwrUiiig. Pera-ct Inacmiill).. e a.sk Fair Kates and Prouii.! to IV Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. Ii. MASS", Agent, SALT LAKE CIIV. Offico-Taylor's liuil.lintt. Room Xo. 2. Pr- p. o. Box KtsUL"1"' Private Hospital, I3lli Wnrd, SnULakcClty, . W. P. AXDKUSON. M.D. - Proprietor Terms, invariiihly in advanrc. for IJ.-ard. ..odicmo nnd .Medical a-.too dunce, '',J il) u S-j per week TIME TAELE, BURLINGTON ROUTE. '0 TH: LW, NCRT4 AND SOUTHtAiT. .o. 1. STATIONS. " ' : ' M A 1 Lcivc OMAHA - p.:u. .Vn. I Artivo lil'i;LKU luN :i." .ro. ( " Mtr.dta - Ma.m. J " Cbi-jJC'C.I'.Ay.) Z.) v.w. T.'r I " Iud'pll.' I.U.iW, f. Jl. ,..LI. I".'-'3.0i, I Ciofiunnii - Uiy.m. t:-np-"n- " irt r..i I. P" i V. '-''tlllil.ll) j')HTD. 0: 0p m. '"'lhr.-!:.-b C.;r' fr - iu M: ;nri Kiver to Chicnto. In ii ii'Hp-u, i iQ -'.uuiti. Losns-port Losns-port and Coluuit-u..' C-.nnectioDa a; thL.-e p in'! wi'a Wnti 1 eadli.tf lo (ho l-.a.-t, .North . ti -1 S Thi-i'i19 Ur.4t. ShorieU, ulckc.l nil Clirnprtt Ilonte. D" nit hcdeooiTc.1. but obtain Ticket tis the iiurlinsioo A Musoun Kivcr KaJlroad. A. E. Tor 7. WAS. C. K. PER K I Ucn'l Tick st Agent, Uen'l S :p t. JSJ |