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Show TRAVEL UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. -. - ; b W V fci- W- . M Ifj Ou biiiI after January 4 11, l7"i MIXED TRAINS iXJOSr DAILY.' b:uviiii the Utah Central II. U. Ucput, S ilt J,:iku City, at 7. 1" a.m.; lJi j -i:r hA- . in. , aii'l Siimiy Sutiuii, (iHiuTL'nt 1 point to Littli; Cuttoiiwuuil Canon, at 1 rj.t) p. m. ( An eilr.i Iruin mil I ii ii m NufiMJ;jys Leaving Orapor at n.-Id n.ui., Saruly j at 'J. 10 a.m., Suit Lak.s City at 4.HH p. tu. I"A.11X : Mall Like to Uix Cottonwood Sut ion, WcU Lit'lo " " ft'cu .S-Midy ' Jl.lit " " Lv.ii.or t " l:2i Twon'y-flvo cont- n.Mitioria will bo charged wbou tho lure is eolluoied ou the train. li. O. CAIiUKU, .Hen. Freight r.d Tiakol Aut. KHHAJtlOH'Z LITTLB SUI'KBINTKNPKNT. GILMER X SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES Tiiiiuuaii I (ah, .Soaif H -tsast icvalii & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Snlt Lake City Dully, r nulling nu-lling South to Tin tic, Auionean Fork, Mount Ncbo, iHovior, St. Uoonre, Utah ; ami Pioohu, Nevada ; L'ftiting tliroitgli l'rovo, Sprinvilio, Spanish l,,ork,Vay-Hon, l,,ork,Vay-Hon, Salt ''nifk, Cliickou (Jivck, Round Valley, FillmorCorn Crock, Boavcr, Minors-villo, Minors-villo, ami All the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nnidx. AltO lenve I'oilmie, Cfirll, ilnlly, running no it li to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bon Lou, Deer Lodioi, Codar Creek mine.-!, and pacing through all the principal towiid and mining min-ing oauips iu Montana. Mon-tana. IMllM'lI'AI. Ot-'FMIK, Wells, rgo & Co. Building iuo4 Salt Lko City UTAH CENTRAL IIA1LIHAI. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, Om and after Alondfcf, July 17, 1S71 Dally Trnlus Leave Salt Lnko City at 5 a-m. and 15 (l.m Arrivo at Oitdon 7 a, m, and 4:46 p. m. Lonro Ondon at 8 a. m. and 5.oU p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a. in. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Learint Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m.. and Oiden at 5a.m. PantuRtri will plcma PtircliKt tbalr Tlckta t th OOIcca. Fifty On la additional will bo charged whet the fare is collected on the imm, For all irformation concerning freicht o: p&ds&fe, apply to U. O. t'ALDKHi Ue-nutl Freiihl and Ticket As', j JOHU SHAKF, SLTKTUNTKrn:.M Lea Win. U. P. Kimball. ! SALT LAKE piasiia ; And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, IU.l,U PAH.V KKOTl JALI LYltK CITY, LAKK TOW.t, TtHJiLK CITY, STOCKTON ASD OPIIIK TO TINTIC TV? rvat? - bis bn re-:rvkl w :h : v tr stive Drir-r-j ftnjpvf77i::eati"air.'. i 10 the eoaif.ir - I o cveies.'e of piei-ttrs. piei-ttrs. Giwd acco m n wi'i iti ns o?t the r 1 J. ' THROUGH BY PAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OIIi at Vlli, KarfO Co.'l, Salt Lak City. WLXE3 & KIMBALL, j Proprietors. I SAM FRANCISCO TRA3Z. JNO. G. liODGli & CO., IMl'ftTKKW Wholesale Stationers. K.l- tliu Ur,t;.t .1 of Slilnirry, Itlnnk Book), Vi hool li.joki, J'luyliiK Cur. I., IV'ih). l.iutf '';;,,.., I',,.:ht Cut.'rn;, dc., dc, O'l th" T.u-i:'. C.-Ml.-i. h lli,.yrn .rete,1 lo,,. .itl-r f.,riyi.J,r C.r.-. u- y i ,.j .. . , ,:,.. w,n Ltfu, (-'7, k S W.SOMK STUKKT, I'.IOS AMI STLEL Kl.A I' A.t KOI XI), t'tn ft liay rui-:.', 1'nr irjuiuiitlims M-tnnf,t,-lui-ctl ,.,; 7 I,,-,.y(h or Silt. Win- Itnpc In ninr h rlu aju r, 11'lilrr i ml min t- il ii a l! c I li a 11 ;i ny ul lit c Uli.il ul It..,., . llalliilieNKmllt s Y, ircItopeHay, J (Wiro TraiiiWiiJ, 1 F--r tlio rt'l and o.'unomii'sl tr;i.i5i"rtation , ofUrt:-, ivii'l ntliur iii.ilurUlj ovt-r ui;uu l.iiu-.ouiand l.iiu-.ouiand du:i.-jlt roadj. tSeourcl ly U. S. l'ttleni iii lnl!o.vt Kir tranMnitlinsr powor and bv which tho copo ii umujurcd and camiui slip. si:m i-'oit cntcri-Aits. Ak'snoy of the 1 A 0 1 F I (J Wiro & W. R. Manuracturing Co. (OF CALIFORNIA.) All kinds and ?r.os of Wire, cnnatuntly en hand and m.inulaciurcd to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. Sl'J Front St., San Francifco, ul-' Uiiliutrnia. Micuail Ka.. T. N. Wand. VAND, KANE & CO., ;(Siiuceon to II miter, nml Jt Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in IIES AND LIQUORS, Proprietors of Iluntor'a California Wlioat "77" Jjl i ltoy. Also Accnt.i for Joseph S. Finch's eclebratod i'i,nui'Uania RYE WHISKEY OOT ami Guy KroiilSf., uenr Jnckton, SA. FKAMISCO, my. 11 COHaJJSSICN MERCHANTS 4S Clay St., Sun Frauclicn, DEALERS IN UUF.RON PUOOCCIC. Are coustiintty lu receipt of Orofiou Iliiraa, Bacon, Lard, tfjjt'ion. Ac. Stat-clt, of our own ami Eili-ra manufacture (.Iwnys ou Lund. LOIKi: & MOJiTlGUE, I 111 FORT KU3 OK STOVES AND METALS J U A NUKACTl'HE r.3 OP AS D DKALEE3 IS House Furnisliing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 114 ana 111 Battery Street, Ju7 SAN FRANCISCO. CHENERY, SOUTHER a CO. Importers and Jobbers of FOlikUGN ANU.DOMUSTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. Jjltt WILMERBIK3 & KELL089, Importori and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FKOT STKEET, SAM FRAXCISCO, LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foroisn and Do-mejtic Do-mejtic Fancy and Staplo DRY GOODS. Depot of Goals Manufactured at the Mission and FacijU Mills, Co iisolitlated. 85 A 33T Market St., San Fra njis Paris : 23 Ruo Do L'lichiqu J. QAUM & CO., Importer.; and ilaaafaeturcrs of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTriiNG Hi Smnome St., San Frnnclico 15 aiunay St., Aew Yurk, lmportors of American and European Staple antl Fancy DHY GOODS, CAL1KOKS1A, Call tho atleation of tho TY.iJo to tieir lars and complete s;o:!: of FALL m WINTER CRESS GOODS, Wliu-h ;hcv are r.o-r rccivinj: direct from Lr.ii i.'A3 M.i" -:.i,".urcri. cjsji risini t'ltiuli .Icrliioi, Wool Srtltnes, Wool Ptal.tt, F.vii.'u iL-rr-iAC. lrWh tail French Pojilln, KmjivtJj Cloth, Tamtkc, t::i rA Velveteens, AIaras, t!;k td i. Icrod. SILKS, VELVETS, RiSSOMS. AL5l GLOVES, lit I, i-j.-k. Eirlin lL '.it;-'. M;-- e LieaU') Gents' L'r.dBrwsar AnI a!', kindi ul bents' furnishing Goods. Uottry.c. h. si: i: I-.-- lilte tiucli, HnutlkercUUr, Sliirting Ltium, Uimmkl, I r.'s ; jj-J t'-i-'sJ Towels, ll--.-fc, H i; 7,T:ih. Napklna anil iloytlci, i Ktc, Ktc, Etc. J Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. I.Tm7l Wholesale DEY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Building i, A full, fim-claw stock ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, A'OTIOA'S, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW I-llIliKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dfialern pleaso inspocL GROCERY; HARDWARE DKPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can bore Gad An Immense Stock AND IN UCH li SA-ICH A GHtAT VAHJt 'Y . IMPLEfEMTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THK PKEM1SES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEPT. HOME-MAD'E AND I M PORTED MANUFACTURED FROM IIOMK-MADK, FRENCH, OBItaAN, j KNGLisH and AMERICA SI FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. - FUIST-CLASS FITTJCRS AND WORKMEH TO FILL ALL ORDBR8 PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND 1SS0RTJIEAT OF GOODS, WE CUT 1 ?J A?iY lengths at a SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This ia the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Dmss, I'AIK.M' JlLDlC'l.ts, LIQUORS IS GREAT VARIETY! t.MlLlSH ALK ASD PORTEK, j A VKRILL PAI.M 1 VttllK Lt AD, OILS, COLORS GLASS, KTC. I I Hrt scrip lions from Phmcifna tcul . have tjH-dal attention. j . ! H. 15. CLAWJiOX, $npl.. MUSEUM AND IEMGEEIE. ;Opposito tho oulranco to the Tnbernaclo. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. AdiuirjsiGU, SO cts. Children, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mineral!, Petrifactions, Concretion Con-cretion and Crystallzatlona, Home Products, Native and Foreign Cw-riosities, Cw-riosities, Jtc. Compound Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. L. BARKOOT, Manager. 49- Schools and Families by private ar-raneomonis ar-raneomonis admittM at ruducod ratos. rjr :: : To tlie Farmers ami Traders of I L'tnh and. Nevada. I HAVE oponod in Piocho a General Produce Pro-duce ami Commission llouso. Will buy or cll, on commission, all kinds of Produce. Flour, Grain, olc. Will ondcivor to give satisfaction to tboo who may fnvor me with their patronnec. J. W. NIXON. Corner of Main and Dry alley streets, Pioehe, Nevada. jSO a: -i i CD CC S I I i I 'f AS 1 I CD . t - o i' - S3 ; SA?J FRANCISCO TRACE. , V. J. niFFITII, DItr lu flf-Tt kinlicf SALf,;".N AH3 HERRINGS, I 4J liliiiou Sn el. All kiuJs O'' Ur,r, FLKi.rxt a:.il Vw I U.l I Spruance, Stanley &. Co., Sn. . r--.-..- 10 tl.W. ;..i. r iCo. dii, J. i J. SiTiM-RV mm ARO LiQUCRS, ;4 1U KKOST STRKKT, C. C. DIET2 . CO. 1 ' A I Nr.'. 'oils, Varnishes and Lamps, Wholesale Lipr Dealers, lux K i t) ill Sti eet, Son Ki itnc.Ui u MlLI'Klt'S K-VTiiA OLO Hi 1 1 ' 1 1 ItO .-V And iolc neon La' fur I.F.rUI n H'S tXTRA Ot 0 WW V.'HUK'bS L'nii t .li. 1 1 mi Icin.P, a lull a- nirtLiioni of all Ll!C SCiinlaiil li amU or vVhUUIes, Fln Urandlca Foreign nml Domestic Wines, m. lit Uera, Cord lain, ifct:. MO and 'J OO O.llfoi nln St., San Kmitlito, - - lallforula. Particular attention i-aid to the fillinfr ot orJerii lor every deaoni'tion ut mcrobaudiso, L'iZ Sale or Ores, Ac, Ac. ; On Market, Noiv MontKomory and ; Kecoud ytresU, .JOHNSON A Co., rnorRiETORs, THE SUEAT : BLOOD PURIFIER. .. ?v ' sit 111 GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE ;blood purifish. HUiU IN TUE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful titato o : Ualifornui, grows un hcrh luny known to the . In,li:ia3as an aboluto euro for R11EUMA-,IItiM, R11EUMA-,IItiM, UOUT, HJSUKALUIA, and all dis-oases dis-oases in any way sprint-inR from impurities j of Iho blood. Kcicnco has at leneth brounht , to litfht its virtues, and of this iotont herb I has compounded YE KB A SANTA, a rroi-a-j ration for tho PERMANENT CUKE of I Scrofula, Salt Rheum, aud all Erup. tlve aud Cutaneous Dlaeaiea. Gives immediate and pormanont roliof in .DYSPEPSIA. ERYril PEIjAS, Ring Worm Tumors, Boils, Scald Ilcad3, Ulcers and" Sore3; cradicatca from tho systom all traces . of mercurial diicoso. j IT IS PURELY VELib TABLE, It is thercforo peculiarly suitablo for use by I females and children u3 a RLUOD PUtI-I PUtI-I F1EH and RENOVATOR. MOTHEltS I Who wish to find a mcdicino peculiarly i adapted to tho euro of HUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children, will find a safe and auro curoin YEKBa SANTA, For sale every w hero. REDlSGTOS, IIOS TETTER A. CV Agenti, 5:4V and 531 Market St., j Saii Frnnclivo. REDINGTON, ! HCSTETTER & CO. ( Imiiortcrj and Jobbers of ! FOltElCN ASD D031KST1C BMu'S IXfl fllBMICiLS ! Fine Essential Oils, Gumi, Rood, Sceilu, Flowers, Sponges, hk.ii! I, Pommlci, dtc, ' A.nd all other Staples connected with tt) Wholesale and Rctr.U Drue BuEincss. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, j of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoatetter's Bittors, Drake's Plantation Etttor-, Wolf'.; Scbci.l.un tf.-hmpps, I Ncwt'll'a Pulmonary mtup, . And all tho lcaJinc P-oprietnry 3reJicine , both -Anicrkiio ajid Europo:in. , Orders Prom ptly ani Carefully Executed. 1 Sob. 50 and 531 AlarUtt Street, ! Between First and Second, ,Jan Francisco, California. TIME TABLE. BURLING TON ROUTE.! ro mi n;r . f j r r and sooih:.; 1. S7ATI-.N. MAIL. ! Lone 'J MA I: A - 4 .;... r.: .)., ,. ArrivcBi::;L.::r..- " .U u - - 11 -. ...v.. " C-U:. ,:. C.t.ii.. m. 7::;.,.,,. " l-"--ii - - . t:: .... I - I.t.AV.' , :.!,..,. l,....u.m. - Ci-Hir.a,.li - - :i.-.."..m. 1...,.. " L.jsar!; rr -iv.p.j, ... Vj r . I. 1-JtW. CbiciC Ii,.i-....I:;, Cin.mi i.ft,; I Co-2ec-.:jc e r. ,;n.. Tb..i'1-io Be. i. Slnrie.t, Uultkc.it ind Cluupcit Route. I" H'H bedce:T.-J. b-t .-.Iviic Ti-Vcts via Lhe Burlington i ili,;ouri Biver RiiiroaJ. I.E. TOIV.ALLW C. E. PERKINS- II flea 'I Ticltst Ajent. Gen '1 aAit. ! MISCELLANEOUS. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLO PEDIA, A UlCl'lONAUY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For tlie Peoxle. ; Uevi'J Kuitioii. Ke-is.--ucof IS70-71, with Maps, l'htos and Kiigravinjra, : Tu be completed in So Part?. making 10 Vols, j ol 3-D pak'es each. I Illustrated with aliiiut Four Thousand En-pravinKS En-pravinKS and Vuny Maps. iMUCK per livl, I nc I ml i n ST fllajiB r ml llliiiiriitlon, 00 Cciiln, I Kstr.i Cli.th. bovt-K-J bnnr.'s 50 t l,il.i-:iry Soccp, ui.irbtf.l odes 0 (K) . Hall Tuikcy MiTucco ii M ! M-sr?. H. II. KKYS Jt CO. aro tho Acents ; for Cliainlien,' Km: ycloiicdlit fur tho ; 1'ii-itifl Cuast, and aro publislicra and im-ii.irters im-ii.irters ul uiher American anil Enirlisii ftan-j ftan-j -l.ird ai.J illustratcj Works. I CASSKL'S M h:V I'OPtIL Alt K OVC A TO 11, New Edition, Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Bi-ok'rupliy Bi-ok'rupliy and Mythology, by J. Thomas. A-M.. A-M.. L. D. Natitia.il Pttrtr.iit (lallcry nf Eminont Anieric uis.W purls at.t eeiits each- I!. II. KKV Jt CO., 513 Clay St., San Francisco. Mr. K, May is now in Utah ana will visit the difl'uront places to solicit tor tho firm. Parlies subscribinc for any of their works may rely upon bcins faithfully served every month. Godbe Ocinfron Ilonae, b7 salt lake city. HKCUAUDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Mnuufaitiironf ol PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furna cca of Utah Fire Slone? Including Machinery, &c, set up ii complete running order. lteferouces-Eureka Mining Com-pany. Com-pany. Salt Lake Cltyj Utah S molting molt-ing Company, Tlntlc. Address J. C. Hiclutrds, Chicago. aR' 3. C. lOWHSO 8c CO., KM and IOC FRONT STREET, SAM FRANCISCO, CAL, Ojj'er the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Rofor to H.B. CLAWSON, Sup'tof s. o. ivr. x. ai: A Hoposiloryor Faslilon, Pleasure, and Inst ruction.-' Harper's Bazar. Xvtiecs of itc J's. It is really tho only illustrated chronicler of fashion in the country. Its supplements alone arc worth tho subscription price of the paper. While fully maintaining its position po-sition as a mirror of f.ishinn, it also con-taias con-taias stories, poem-, brilliant essays, besides general and personal nossip. "Boston Saturday Sat-urday Evening liazette." There never was any paper published that so delighted the heart of woman. Never mind if it does cost you a new bonnet; it will save you teu Limei tho price in the household cejnomy it teaches. 'Providence Journal." The jouug hijy who buys a single- number num-ber o I' LI a Ei- v.r'a IIazau is made a subscriber for life. "New York Evening Post." Tho Bazae is excellent. Like all the periodicals peri-odicals which the Harper's, publish, it is almost al-most ideally well edited, and the class of readers fur whom it is intendod the mothers mo-thers and daughters in average families can not but prolk by iu goud scase and good taite, which, we have no doubt, aro to-day making very many homes happier than ! they may have been before the women began be-gan taking Icdoos in personal and hua?e-hold hua?e-hold and ,-ocial management from this good-naturea good-naturea mtntor. "The Nation, X. X," S I' IIS it it 1 l'TIOXS. I M' I t rniM HARPER'S BAZA It, one year SI An Extra Copy of either the MAGAZINE WEEli.LV. or BAZA ft will be supplied -ran- ut every Club of FIVE STB6CKIB-hUs STB6CKIB-hUs at ?t 00 each, in one remittance; or, Six Copied for ; U LJ, without extra copy. Plil.-rriptions to HARPER'S MAtiAZIXE, V Eh.K LY. and BAZA K, to one addrc-s t',.r one yeir, Sl'J"': '.r. two ol Uirper .- Periodicals, Period-icals, lo one addrc.-i I-jt one year, ;7 UO. l!a Nubbin cm bo supplied at any titiii.-. . J'bc l'"sr volua.e- v II VUi'Elfa BAZA K. Ut l ie m:, 1-5. .'. 'I .. ', I . elc0-ntb un I tu troen ui-rf.c!o olut . will bo f);ul by e.ipr:-.-j, iicigti . ! t i'ai-i, t. s;w each. Ib-.-P-.-ticcOTi ll.MLE'EKa BAZAR f cc::i . a t .ir. i ., i u u;u s: ue i id at the sub-r sub-r - j "ri oui.e. A'liln- K PER BK'JlUKi.Xcw ork. CIEBOLD L KIENZLeJ S'.- -)n lu Inobv id, Batiniian A Co i KI.KBKATBP CINCINNATI FIRB AND UC K'JLAR PROOF Ana crsen'.'j .M'enstio mi Automatio ! 43 a E a. i t'KATT & COVEKT, Gnoril AgnU J 6 Washington St., C'tiicao. I il. B. CLAW SON, Snpt. Z. C. 31. I. Agent Tor Lean Territory. J a 50 a o 5 o o o Singer Sen ing- Machines wsve Solu Avitliin the p:ist e:sr. .s'l-iiii.'.yii- .-li-i.-n'.-iiii, .lum- H'th. THE "S I m G E R Mamifactiuii!"' Company, A.T THE -WORLD'S FAII Constituted by t!.c hosucs of tl.-; people Received the Great Award of the Highest Saks Aid have left all rivals far behind them, r,)R Til KV Sold in 1870J;27:833 Machines! Sewing Machine Kales for 1870. "Tin- mugiiitude to which tho mamiftcturc ol : uwin:: uia.-i'ic- has attain,-1 i ; t' ,1W. i tho "win u" ri'turus no wlii'h any one om lnno :i.-.t?.0 of th0 m.inu- tl. sjrtr :", r the year l.STil to lliu owners of tlio le.idinx i.alents, on niii-li limy pay a r iky A cording to these relurus iho number of niaoliines bo)d by cuh in ii '"i c u m r n u-, '' as follows: ' TlieSliigrcr - - li7,h:U rioreurc Wheeler A Wilsau - N'VJ'is ii,.jd .M c.lal - . ''"') iiowo - - - I--; .;-;.nt Drover Baker - - : 7 . -I ' -i Ivn iuro - Weed - - ii'.iK'i! inklo Lyon - . ,V Wilcox (libbs - .s-.HJ I'arl.aiu - V! American Kut ton hide tlvetoaining H.W.l S ilson - 1 ;' And several other companies who jold a fi-v iiiacbinei. It will bo seen by this taltlo that tho popularity of tho Singer inuclitiict rm ei, ceert tlmt of all o liters, their sale boin' tme-li n 1 1" gvc nirr thr.n even thut o" the famous "Whcelor.t Wilson" machine. This is owiiiR to the fact that the SiiiKri." Company have lately commoncud making, besides their o!d and well-o-tali i-1, manufacturiug machine, what is known as their "A't-w Kninl ly iHariiinr," Mhirli Is selling at tlie rat e of nine to one lie llrr than their old t j lc. -j'lcj tal sales for 1Sm9 wcro Sfi.VSl aiacbincs against ll;o l'7,.-i.-l of IfCi', sliowlng an litvrea of onc-lialfln the latter ytui .' "New Voi k u i." " One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, MiW NKaKI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION lMa,cliiiies S.'olci? A. JL. JL im.r JIB, -TJk. : 'BL ; a, J W K Were made within the pnt ihree years. But the Ureafci i,T.. our SalcH over all Other Maihiu, Utlng WHhJn the PRt Vr.r Thi Is Incontestlule Proof that Our Machines Arc U10 licit in tho World. " THK NEW FAMILY MAGEU NKVii(i MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work, Is ladt winning yupreme favor in tho household, as shown by the rarud'v inir-..!-sales, over all other machines. J 11 -a This ftew Family illachliie is now capablo oT a ranc and vartetv r rW,k was only recently thought impossible to perlorm by machinery. Wo rlHi, ' i 1 show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged u-.'-'r ,,jju Ie i V1 OPorated, speedy, and smoothly running of all the l-'amily Sowing Macliitu-s' li ir' i'i""L-able i'i""L-able not only for tho range and varictr of its sewing, but n'-o 1'ur iho r-irieiv i' I "i;f foront kinds of texluro which it will t-w with e-mal facility and prn Jrj ,,, ,,, I1' silk twist, linon or cotton thread, titio or co.uso. making the lul iluckril.Fio.i i7, -tlteh, alike on both sides of the fabric sew.,; ihe only ,titeh wLieh is uaiv.r ll approved, or is at all adapted l..r r.t-rlB rk. Thus, beaver eloth, or lc nhZ may bo sown with groat strength find uuil.irmily nf HlUeh. and in i r' willing and novor-wcarying instrumout may be iiiiju.Ui d for fino work i n gauze or e'i mer tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or milling, or alums' ai'y other ro-k e , n i v a child which delicate lingers liavo been known to pcrJonu. Kvt-n 1 1 e caicll.; and Ihouglillemi have lllllc or no Imublc on Dili tnathliic. Setd for Descriptive and Price Circulars, Womanufacturcour own nsedlcs, silk and twist; furnish linen and cutttn thn-iJan! oil all of Buporior qualitr-but which can ba relied oa only wiicn obtaiaod mruuitli oar Principal or Branch Offices, or Agonoics. OTHER SEWING MACHINcS REPA1SE0 OH RtASOJUSiE TERMS. We Cuarantee every Machine we suil to give entire satisfaction, . MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THK CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to nil to omo and soe tho MiKhhc wbethe hj wish to buy or not. See all other, but do not buy without yon exainlita the Singer. . lo . ,alwtl'3 Ponio'y attended ty competent attend. ts. Intr utllon free AH Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery at t - SINGER SEWING MACHINE DIPT, I C. 1. 1. GENERA L AGENTS, Two doors south of EaSlc Emporium, Walt Italic City, TJtuli. ' li . B. CLAWSON. SuiicriLlrnJi.nl. Have od hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock hi the City OF WAGON TXMBEB AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Winch tbey offer A.T "V IB 33, "y LOW IPRICES. rTIHST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRK JAMES QAGTJB, Jnn. J.U.BAUUE, OKOKU li llAOUf Sig OrXixx Store! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE J A M K 8 HAGUE, Importers and Uonlora ixr GUNS-. PISTOLS, Etc. W W 0 V KU-. SctclciloK, Harness and whips of :-;vk;:v jiesgrilttox. REPAIRS KE.il LY EXECUTED. .2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. P. !. BOOT m SHOE Uepnrl.iifi.t, at the Kiu ol THE "BIG- BOOT." Every Ptylc aud qualitj of BoctB and Shoes MAlJii TO OKUhlt, satitfac tio puarantccd. AXWAVa ON HANI) A IHUE ANU CHOI' r. -t.v K LY H0MR-MADEuIpoed00TSANDS1!0KS A FULL ASSOHTMKNT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather |