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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Cm', Yr.i. 17, (jui.D. Buyirjfr, 1071; selling, 1 10. A'. a IV in running order, the P ALACK AL-ACK BATH I'.OUMS, No. IS Couuner-i Couuner-i nl .-trtet, corner of Olive. f IS Prof. Stein, of the Salt Lake seminary, sem-inary, will preach at the Methodist church at 11 a.m., to-day, and Dr. Jameson, the pastor of the church, at 7 n m. (Jot Through. Oyster?, PRESU OYdTEKS, .il'st through tiie ih.sck-arb; ih.sck-arb; received by Brewer and Lajjliain, .Vlnin street. f 18 OrKRsand parlor desks, what- I xoTrt and t a n I. vst for 3ale very cheap at J. Daynoa & Go's music store, east of i tbo post otiiee. f 18 i Phrenology. Prof. Powler's Publications Publi-cations for sale at Uwycr'a Bookstore. H. I OvercoaU, at coat, at iSiogel Bro's. olO For Santa Cruz harness and sulci leather go to W. L. Pickard's 3d south, I unci corner od West strceU. Harness I We, Pule o'Je. Go to tho Cryst.il Palace, 78 Main : street, for Furniture, Bedding; Crock-; cry, China, Glass, Silverware and houso-. hold goods generally. dl7 j i'nphiun.iblo Hats at Biegel Bro's. olO j . j Cuttino & Co's California Cannod Fruits and Jellies are tho best in the market. Ask your grocer for thorn. j Furniture. Just received, at Henry ; Hi n woo,! oy ' s, ;h CANE S E AT Ji L) j CHALKS. To bo sold very cheap for cash. jl7 Kit. J.I arris has just received a largd -tin k v( ti:t linc-l cigars and tobacco, and fcitloiiK'n's notions. Ho has tho 1-uxit and Wit assortment of imported ,-ir-i in tho Territory. Call at the l,w;le Cigar Stiro round the Comer'' I j hi k. d I'kai'iiks. Wo eltnU Rii-aLho hi'-he.-t pii'-0 for clean, we'll dried at our i'roviiiou Department, a .ino. 11. Claws-ft', west of Ihoatro. MiRl Jl. li. Ci-Awsoy, bupU Tub "Great Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j3 Fine Furnishing Goods at Siegel Bro's olU I CoNStltTtoN', fVROKUI.A, F.TV. HKGEMAK'S UKiN UlNli CO 1) 1.1V-!EUU1L. 1.1V-!EUU1L. O .r Cod Liver Oil is war-iratitod war-iratitod I'liKlO NEWFOUNDLAND (OIL. It has stood tho test of over ; twenty yoara experience, and can bo relied on in every particular, ilanu-i ilanu-i i'm-lured hy Ukokuan' & Co., chemists land druggists, Now York, and sold by ' all drugguts. s27 Two Hi soiti'.D T K A M S wanted. ! Apply to lll'RAXY &. CCTTlNfJ. ; "Tiiir.i'NE Almanac. "-We have re-received re-received ffu Uc publishers a copy of the New York Tribune Almanac for tho current year. This almauae has ancptab-. ancptab-. jished reputation a the moi-t valuable 1 statistical and political publication of the 'kind issued in tho country. Mr. Dwyor has them on saK ) Largest stock of clothing at Sieg?' Bro'w. . . Large stock of lino and heavy boots at Sicgel Bro's. o24 J OGDEfj DIRECTORY. 'l fit sf-cciw Business Homes. J MhKCUANl'o. Wnlker Brothers, ' .lou'n Co-op. Mercantile Institution, . Jnmcs Hitrrotk-, ' C. Vtioiliin"T. K. Aiierbncli Bro. ' HOTEL. 1 Ogden House, Joho ibUioa, Fmprietor, ; LIVKRY .STABLE, ' i D. Q. Seiioni Proprietor. I 1J First National Bank OF UTAH, !?ALT I. A 1 C !: CITY. DESIGNATED DKPOS1T011Y AN D . FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WABBRN npJflKT, 0. L. DlBLRB, President. Vice PrwL Anthoxy Qodbi. Cashier. PAID UP CAPITAL, - S1fO,O0O. EAllNlNUSt ' - ? 3130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A. GeiiL'nd Jlimkins Business " r mis a c t e d . AGENCIES IN CO LOB ADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, IN TFKKST ALLOWED ON TIMB DRPOSITS. GL0KI0US XEAVS For the Ladies ! MES. C0LEBE00K Jnuvr SELLING OFF At her At W jSVyrc, a choice assortment of HATS BOXXETS To make room for Spring khlc0. MISCELLANEOUS, NOTICE. ALL jrrons are hereby fortiJJcn and way Deg-'tiaiiEc witb any person whomsoever whomso-ever for Pertain uiintns rroieny i;uaie, lyirjr, and fceiLs on Chloride liill. in Ubir I Mining- District. Tooele Conn;?, V;ih Ttrri-! Ttrri-! trry. recently filed for record ai tbe Jim j Fiik loie. or for any ores already eiiTLic'.ed. or liiat tuny herealier be extracted, there-I there-I from: or lur any property whatsoever b-: b-: lon-inc to, or in aniwie apperlainir p- to, J saiJ mice, or lode; as the same is the prop-I prop-I crty of ihe under.-isiied, who aro ibe lawful , owr.eri of sid tc;n;rjff rroperiv. under ihe ! name of :be Chloridn Queen, hiving been i Wa'.ed March 15. 1S71. l.v D. W. stanjo. tieorKc H Kaueht.Juan Davis. Reese Un i, , and .Murray .Mes; iccer, and recorioi in the office o! - he Recor-emf ihe Mining District I aforesaid, Ai ril - 1.-71. D. W. STAN-OX. UEOHtiK II. P. U'GIIT. 11. A. ilOLCOilb. 117 S. T.-1S60-X. lOMWAHB I i THE oicJical revolution which com-. j menced years ago with the .eraJual I disuse of blood-lciting, salivauoo, : drastic purgatives, aud powerful opi-' opi-' ates, goes bravely and gloriously on. ; Every day the sick grow wiser. They j are no longer willing lo open their j mouths, shut their eyes, and take what-! what-! ever the doctors arc pleased to prescribe, ! without inquiry. They want lo know ' the nature of ihe medicines they are ' desired to s.vallow, and demand to , have the mysterious Latin lini:o of the '. profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid World understands at last that VtlJIOR is the great an-j an-j togonist af disease. The feeble decline ; to be utterly prostrated by depleting i pills and potions, and turning from i &ueh luendieauicnts with loathing, 'judiciously place their trust in a rerue-I rerue-I dy which combines with the properties ' of an Alterative those of a pure end I wholesome Tonic and Keslorative. . It is now abou'; tivcJcr years mucc this I grand desideramm was introduced I inula- the name of ! PLANTATION BITTERS, j and from that timo to the present its ; progress lias been without a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. 1 With the spirit of the sugar cane the ; most nutricious of all stimulants for J its basis, and medicated solely wilh the j juices and extracts of raro vegetable j ! specifics, such as Oalisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world pro-1 1 duces, and which makes it by all odds i the most unobjectionable invi.sorant, j corrective and genera! alterative that has ever been placed by science within tho reach of the sick, ihe suffering, i and the despondent. Hence it ha.s j overleaped all competition, and Plau-; Plau-; tation Bitters is to day the most popu-; popu-; lar Tonic on cither side of the Atlantic. mm loiseit i on .i.i.v Axt :. i a'. Probably few urticles have ever had so extensive a sale, wliilu none have been more universally benoticiiil '.bun the celebrated M kxican M ustaxo Lli-i Lli-i MtNi', Children, AtlulLs, iiorsus and i i)onie?tic Aniiimli, are always liable to accident, and it ia sale to say, tliat no family can p:i-sa a siuele season without some kind of an emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter ot" importance import-ance then to secure the best. Tho merits ot" the ALkxicax Mustang 1 Linimbnt are well known throughout tho habitable world, i-'rom the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. Il is recommended re-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, liheumiitism, Swol lings, Bites, (Jhil-' (Jhil-' blains, iJlC., upon man, mid for Spavins; I Founders, iting-bono, Foil Evil' j Scratches, Wind-trails, tlool'ale, ojc, upon horsoe. IMUiTANr TJ UV.NEHS Or HORStS, "Hi is is to certify, That Iho Mexican Mustang Mus-tang L niiuuni lin." b 3cn extensively ued in our st;ibles thruub'liout tho country (n o h avo J.fiOiJ horausj with Uio sresiloit beuelilin ull L-a--es ol gulls, kicks, sprains, lam-jnoa, stillness, still-ness, cto. -Muny ol our men have hud occii-io:i occii-io:i to uso it in ihoir fumilius, anj nil tpoiik of i' in Ihe hisiesi torais. Oao of our men Bol kicliel aud badly out and bruised; aa us-u:il, us-u:il, llio .Mustang Linimont was resorted to; ! tho lamcnejs was reuiovod. and ho was al- most woll in four d:iys. Ve can eheerlully ' recommend it as a valuable iTOjiaration lor ! man or beast. j Youxb respectfully. J. DUiNNING, Foreinan of Adams & Cu's. Kxp's. tables, "Wo lake pr at ideasure in recommending the Mcxieau Must:int; Liniment as an indispensable indis-pensable and valuable article, r.iid iho host wo have ever used lor Sprains, Sorci or tJalls on hories. Sumo of our men buvo also used it for severe burns and sore, aa well as rheumatic pains, and ull say it acts like mauic. J. II. HEWITT. Foreman. For American Express Co., lU Wall Street: Hnrdtn's h'.tpress Co , 71 Uroadway; 1'ullon, Virgil Co., Ka press Co., 11 Wall Street; Wells, .cargo Ai Co.. H Wall Slroot. Over three hundred livery stables in the city ot- Now York alono aro using the Mexican Mustang Linimkxt, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. C.LUTIOX. Sonio unprincipled rjar;io9 have undertaken under-taken lo couutorloit this Liniment. The cenuino is wrapped in a lino "Steel Plato" cnsravinK, with "U. W. Wcslbroob, Chemist," Chem-ist," and "Trade -Mark, MEXICAN MUSTANG MUS-TANG LINIMENT," engraved ac rosa tho J:(ce of each wrapper. Tho whole bears tho proprietors' private United Stales Revenue Stamp, and not a common eljuip, as Uded by druggists. Lvux Masukactl'kixq Co., d27 W I'. n Piac. N. Y. LUIvIBERYARD. AU Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, AND GRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, j7 H.ilf-Moek south ofU. C. Depot. SALT LAKE BRANCH OF TUB Great Western FIRS INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. TI1KO. F. TRACY, President C. II. BASKTT. "I IIF.MtV W.I.AWHKNCE iDhcclon CIIAS. L.. DA II L, Kit, j JIAHHSALL CAllTKIl, Allorncyi. tl. II. 51AHN, Manager. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 C03IPAXY Having beon oianiied iu our city, we arc now ready for business and eara-cslJy eara-cslJy solicit public patroDftire, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will be carried t a fair rate, H. R. MANN, I MISCELLANEOUS. GALlRliS Arc in roceiiit of tho new euitk-ns of the Standard Authors E;ich complete in one my si octavo vol. hound in the inoit approved style, ant at ihe Unpcelentei to Price OF Cloili extra - -.(H! Librarj' iSsiucp - i.7o ! We have, to select from, the finest anc lirgust stock of G U ; i o w L. it L U rt II w O Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publiontion? of L. Prang A Co., T. i'olson & Sons, Anieric.lil Trucl Society, &c. Cnon-K Missouri APPLES at wholesale. liiquiriofC li. Barratt. i Main street. jlli OurStoek of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in part, of PIAKTOS Ol tho latest Improved styles ; Of he best makers; From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes Accordeous, Concertinas, Harmonicans, . Koceivod and expected dnily, a largo anc si'loiidid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which we offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. IF1 O IRj S 1 2 5. Fito Octave, Double lieed, Fiv Stops, (Viola, Diapason, iUloda. Flute. Tremulant,) with two sets vibrator; throughout, one of four feet pitch anc one of eight feet ; from prepared meta and riveted -with iron, and not morelj stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knoo Swell ; slf-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnui Cft;o throughout, paneled front anc sides, wilh carved mouldings and orna monts, carved anteB. WARRANTED IN EVERY li BSPECT FOR FIVE I YEARS, and Only $125. I We respectfully solicit the pub- i lie to call and exa-mine our goods Tor lie Holidays. The Place to Buy YOU 11 GLAZED SASII, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, lniported or Hoiue-nudc, IS AT LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO'S PLANING MILL, Sash ituil boor Factory, Occ bk :k wct of Tabernacle. d!7 PAGE, IJitO.& CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, I 35 and 37 Sont'i Cftnr.I itrcct, wsS EHICAEO. ILL miscellaneous. i;diixgtos's a- Two Block! loulhof tilt V. C. B.n, Depot, K.Atl next to Wm. Jn-ntiig.' Jn-ntiig.' Tannery. The yard Is kept constantly Burvlied by ' Sfevcral saw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits th patTOBajtc of his old friends, and by runctcality and diliuonco in basinoss hopes to merit ft share uf public support. FOR SALE in the 15th Ward, one block and ti half west of tho U. C. K. tl a small house and half lot, with fine orchard. For particulars enquire of ang25 WM. SDDTNQTOX. FILL DIPORTATIOX, 1S7.1 ROSENBAUM 8c PRIEDMANK, 22 and 21 BatU-ry Street, SJ,xx Francisco EG LEAVE TO CALL Til K AT-tention AT-tention of thoTRADU to their Fplcn-I Fplcn-I did STUUR.oomprising in part CUill'Jjr.TIi Bioche Shawls, Velveteens, Alexander's Kirt Gloves, , Cm taiii Xets, Linen Hdkfe, Wliite goods, Tarlataup, BaregeSj Guipure and Iincti Laces, Cotton Iaces, Lace goods, made up, Manibtivg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Kibbons, bl'k and col'd, I Corsets, sewed uti. woven, I Hosiery and Gloves, siik, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for Mief I and children, Fringes, Gimps uud Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' and Children's lieady Made Suits : Which, tOROlher wilh their USUAL FULL Stock of Foreign nn d Domestic SMALL W AUKS and Fancy UooJe, Ihoy oflor at Koducod Prices. Purcl-.asing all our jrmids at their various va-rious plncos of prodiu-iion nil over the world wo aro omiblcd to sell the sumo nl prices to compare favorably with those of the leading houses in New York or London. e:".0 HEATH & MILLIC1X, MANOl'ACTUnERS OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 103 Randolph street, cmcAtJo. Ha4 SELLING- Off iVow is tlic I tutu to get Ilurgaiii'i ! Our rcuiainiuK LncL ol' LADIES' FURS! j Will be sold regardless oi cuhi.j ALIO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEl'S, KLAXNKLS, JEANS WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Tc.-.ili.r with . j.!tr,l Hortuj- ol of WINTER EATS and BOfflETS ah a MILLINERY GOODS, Oi'all kiDds, which will be sold at c.t to make room for a lare stock of Spring 'aud Summer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. M East Tcmj.le Slrcct, CAV. STAYNER'S COLUMN CITY LOTS! Hurry up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At Calder Ilro's evcrj" day not week. ... ."V.- j - x , '' " ..." ' ' M ... .-'S' ? :l Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 i Ladies ainKlemloinou would not testify that this INGENIOUS riiKl'AKA-TLON riiKl'AKA-TLON had preserved the I Hair from Falling Off! 1 HAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! ( II, rcmuvcil ftll ' D AX. OR V Ft' FROM THE II FAD! HiilJIioaJcd persons WOULD NOT DEI'LAUIO tliat iho DO U li LK S T K E N U Tl L had produced from one to three inches of iHair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! I Jf it were not the c-i sc. j o- l.u.i:c, 118 von vu'uo vnr ll.-initiful iltnir, coaso trt ufo OILS uud IjVKS hirh 'drftroy the h.iir and injure Iho health, but i aik for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Take no Oilier! For snlr nt Cnhlri- Hi ', C. M. I. l)i iik Mnrr, Ami moat nil Druggist. j I'riee for Toilet, - - s .)). j Uosl for Ltidios' usp. Double shene'li, . . jjtti.tJO. I For Ualiintes. lf You Don't Feel Well TAKE ONE BOTTLE (IK THE IFr--VTl i " -1 - .. '-; I II I I m t I I Jt AM uuito in f;l, ins this It AN EXCi;i,LIONT ANIl VALIJA-ULK VALIJA-ULK iMELHClN-E FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR Til K CHILD OK TIIK FA It EN '1'. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Pl'llII'IES THE BLOOJ) Builds Up the Whole System, For tnle n( j t mldrr Uro'n, j CkUii Co-fi. Innl'a. t'ricc, - ,v:c nod il ) er bottle, .C. W. STAYNER, General Agent. 1 2 |