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Show Sierra ilolcl auil Rfslauraiit,1; tJt aide Commercial street. Meali ser"e-i in the be;: s;ylp. Rooms fur- ' ouhed ana unianuihexi. , f 13 Wm, GKER, Proprietor. I SALT LAKE THEATRE T r i u m p li a n t Success 0 Ilie Gnat Purdy, Scott & Fostellc's MINSTRELS! (Late Emerson's, of San Fran.) Greatest Enthusiasm and Applause Greet tlilaTnlciitcil Troupe, With thoir Beautiful Music and Singinp, chaste and amusing Jokes, Witticisms, Witti-cisms, Acts and Sensations Sen-sations ! MOMAY Ell, FEB, 19. COMPLETE CHANCE OF PEOGEAMME. jVeio First Part Jokes and Witticisms. Tho GODDESS of LIBERTY. Tho DRUM MAJOR. J)ai)3 Solos. Songs and Dances. Tlie Arrival of Neillson ! cnutlful Quartet is. Tbe Bewitching Bee Dance ! With iailtatiom of tho ccUbrateJ Mor-lucutii. Mor-lucutii. PATHETIC BALLADS, Etc., Etc. Splendid Oirrturci. Coacludirc with a New and Original AFTEEPIEGE! Look out for TUESDAY NIGHT, Tremendous Attraction ! Benefit of Pnrfly, Scott & Fostelle. ANNUAL BALL 01' THE Mot Benevolent Society Will be friven at lho HUERAL IXST1TUTK, SALT LAKE CITY, Thursday Ev'g, Feb. 22, 72. Committee of An-ttcmcii( S.Kahn J. prnstein. L. Arnsteiu, Chos. Adlcr, J. Waters, Invitation Committee Sol. Levy. Sam. Aucrbaob, Louis Cohen. Reception Committee. J. Bchrman, Th. Hollander. M.Armcr. Jb'loar Manager J. Sultan, II. Arn.cr, Sol.Seiecl. I'lcJiets, - including Coriiugcst - $5. fel3 DISSOLUTION OF COPAKTNERS II I 1. HjiHE CO-PA RTNERSH IP heretofore es-X es-X is ting between Levi Garrett and Win Wood, under tho firm name of Garrett A Wood. Butchers, in tho City Market, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All iier-sons iier-sons knowmg themselves to bo indebted to the hrm aro requested to immediately come forward and settle the aamo, and those having hav-ing claims should present them for liquidation liquida-tion at tho old stand. LEVI GARRETT. , . Wm. WUOD. Si.UI.uke City. Fob. lii, 1672. LOST COME TIME in the latter part of Novem- 0 ber or early in December laat, probably on Fim boutli rtttyu between the Emscopal Church and Fifth host street, A Lady's Watch attached to a Gentleman s Heavy Link Gold tliaiu, . The Chnin is valued br lho loser bevonj Us lnirinMC worth, and a liberal rewar.l" will behind to the tinder. Arriy at this Ulfice. NOTICE. 'I'lJt: h:w 1'irtnerihir. hereto'ore eiirtin 1 between Thomas filch .ado. A. -Mann is this day dissolved. Salt LaU City. Febm Private Hospital, 13tl Ward, SnltLnkcCli-, W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. - r.-,.rietor rerjt. invariibly in .vlvjm-- '..r Board Ms-ii;ice aai Medical attea.-liccp. ' Ji- SJ to i)Cr week BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Ballis : PriTt and Plaig. ni!-cIetrt(i tia svre opca to tie pet tic at ill Their an&:-azl prcprtM w w:delr Mown tfc: it ii atli to so-merm-j. ihem. 9n the Pr.Tx: Biltos, tbe LA.-gt.ac; hindarjin-Ij hindarjin-Ij fnmabed Pinny Btha for Luile, utleaa m now open. U- ARIOLD ni: I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OK I'TAIl, Mull Luke Oily. L'luh lr. fiuecesior to A. V . White Ji Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bkjj. M Di'Ksll. PreL Uto I'u-l. Fint Xaliuiial lUnk of Uaioi A i;L W. Whitk. Cashier. 1.Ub vi A. W. White 1 Co., U.mk.'M, S. L. City IIeiipstiid Jt KiBEi'ATCirc, Attorney?. ;j;.';c;(i-.s; T. li. .lone.-. V H. H.M.ipstui, M. It. CiilUituiH, li. .M. DuKl-11, A. V. WliiU', J. M. Allfii. II. W. D.miicll, 1'his H wilt Ir.m'tK't all kiuda i.fleKUi-mato i.fleKUi-mato ltnkimt liusine.-.-'. and in. H.s i ;ttl.i ,VM si 1.1 i n ut i.i.iox ami oiti:s. (inlJ :itid Currjiicy KxclianBO drawn and I'l'leKf.M'h '1'raii-lors m:i.lo un New Vurb. Sun Frinii'iJco and tiriDi'iiul Atlantic and Pari I'n- t-iiif. iiviiil:ibk' in any j.irt of tiie I nited Suton and Cjimda. Dep'iiti and concral b-.i -i oejj solifitod from Eastern and Furoiga il.mlti and Banker. Bank-er. Finn.- and individuals ; Cueok Acoouuts kofl in UuLd or Lurrency. Bxi'hauBO o" rinei:il ;ili3 of Europe and the CuinJus luriii"licd in 8ums to suit, at tlio Ioitcsi ratw, and lelesrapii l'r.in3t'cra un Lunduii. Lit:iiH iu;'li3 on Halll",). Public Sc-uritics, ll.iud.s l-o-.ai Stiu-k. AkT.-h:!!! iHr, urothur (rood LVll.Urrals. Apjtruvel buuii'-s paper disruun'.cd tor dcpuiiiors. CLTtili'-atcs of Uepo.-it inuoi. luiyablo in Gold or Curroney ia cull, or ai any aia-rificd time, available in any part ot the Unitod StatoJ and I or ri tor ion. Advance? made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to Now Vork, l'ranciieo and liurojjo. CO R REp PONDENTS : mpw viidi.' (National Park BaiiW. Nr.W 1 UKK'j DjtlIlcUt Lawon .V Co. SAN FRANOlsUO-Ciiliforniii Tru-t Cu. LUNDUN Jay Cuoke, iMuOullotli i Co. Xreii-iiuy Depart ment, Ol'l'ICa 01 COUI'TKOI.LCK OF Till! Cull I1BSCY, WASlilNiiTON, JANUAKV 12, 1S72. 11 EllEAS, hy satisfactory evidocco iro-V iro-V soulod to tlio undersiifned, it tin been mudo to nppcar thai "TIIK SALT LAKE C 1 1 V IS A 1' 1 0 N A L BANK OF Ui'AU," in the CITY" OF SALT LAKK. in lho County of SALT LAKK, TKRKITO-11 TKRKITO-11 V OF ULAlJ, hua been duly orgnnited under and aeeordiaii to Ino requironicnts ol lho Act of UoiiBroas, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United Statos Bonds, and lo iro-vidu iro-vidu fur tho .circuliition and redemption tncrojf," aproved Juno 3rd, lSiii, and has complied witQ all tho provisions ol said Aut rciiuircd to bo comiditd with hcfoic coni-uicnoiub' coni-uicnoiub' the buinu:S of Banking undersold Act. N'ow. thtrforc I. 1 1 T T. A NI) R II t? T BUKL, Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that " THE SALT LAKK CliY NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH." in tho CI T V UF SALT LAKK. in the county of HALT LAKK. TKKlUXOKY UF UTAH, U authorized to commence lho business oi Banking under the Act atorcinid. i Currency lliirp.ui.") To .tes'.imony whereof Ernl of tlio 1 wincss my hand and Comptroller ' fL' u ol olli,:o tins 12lh "j o! ilie ;' 1A UF JAN U All lr, I Tre:MiryUo;m'l. ) ... .J (blunoJ) li 1LAKB K, lU-LBT-'HD, No. 1021. ComiHroUor of Curronoy. felS SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE HOUSE, K0s. 05. 67 and Otl East Torn pi o Street, nearly opposite Suit Lake House Do not fail to remouiber it as the Centre of Attraation, the Centre of the Block and tho Contro of Business. TEAS DIC li &, CO. have always on hand as choice an assortment of GROCERIES as can be obtained in town, both Wholesale Whole-sale and Retail. TUB SKWKST ATTRACTIONS in Dress Good?. Reps, Mohairs, Alpacas. Merinos. Delaines, Calicos, with (ho latest la-test styles in Shawls, Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Goods always to bo found at the EAGLE IIOUE. TUB CLOTU1NU DEPARTMENT at the EAGLE HOUSE is carofully and attentively studied. Thcro you can always al-ways choose from a full stock of GENTS and ROYS CL0THINO. Boots and Shoes, BTats and Cups and General Furnishing Goods in endless variety, TIIK LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT DEPART-MENT at TEASDEL & CO.'s is now well supplied with all that can bo de sired. Elegant Style?, Latest Fashions . and Lowest Prices. BLEBS SEWING MACHINES lho BEST IS TLIE WORLD for Family uio. can bo obtained of TEASDEL Jc CO . thosolo agents for the Territory of Utah, Special attention givon to learners, Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desired. They arc quiet, easy running, durable and a favorito machine TEASDEL &, CO. are proverbial for low prices and tho best ijualitics of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, X. B. A complete outfit of Bjot and Shoe Manufacturing Machinery, to bo gold at low figures. Nearly new. TEASDEL Ai. CO. CHEAP ADVERTJS1.NO. AdTcrU:emcnLi under this hcadiog not exceeding lire lines, fifty cent3 jor J each and every insertion. K3Ch id- j diuonaJ line tencctits. 1 lost. VETEltD.U-. EYA LADY. A LETTER. I idajiud Mrs. Jlarj Aca Work, lii prjd.r ..aid carrier a uror oa the owaer by Ita-ias u this oia:e, fi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, FARMERS ATTENTION. I will iaj CASH f.r 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BAH LEV, 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, 10,000 LBS. BRAN, If delivered iinmedi&iclj at my Grain Store, Main St., S. L. City. t;i!(). II. KXOWLUKS, California and Aliens JL.ctra Famih - 1.J M K. And several othor brands, CHEAP for cash. All klititi of Ginln for sale. V. II. KiOWLDEN. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody says so) at G. W. PAVIS. The linost (Janlitics of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. Ac, nt (J. V. DAVIS'. am.i (iftops, i,oitsrrits. s.ii,- MOX. SA1EIIKS. lM'i:it.s. I i-llll.H. Siiiit't't A lU-kl's. AT U. W. DAVIS'. The Largost and Best Stock of CHEESE, HAMS anil BACOU In Town, at li. W. DAA'IS'. Our TEA Tit ADE wo take particulnr pains tO sluJy, and from oiijericneo arc enabled to tuit our patron? with unrivalled facilities. no (uaninteo to toll as ohcap as any houso in Utah, and will not bo undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Two doora north of Kimball & Lawrence's. 07 Special Notice t" II. WALLACE Respectfully roturn9 his thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers for tho liberal iintronnge bestowed upon him and trusts that strict attention to business will merit a continn-anco continn-anco of their favors. On First South Street, Next door to Rfrs. Stonhouso'a Millinery Eslablis hmoat. Where I will have a very choice etook of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Ratslns. Kuta, Pigs, Cinngcs, Limes, A.uU a general itsaortmcut of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soaji, JCtc, Etc. f""o ot forget my New Store, Firs Soutli Street. DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that ho has a Full Assortment of 1EE0HANDESE Usually kept his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PBODUGE Orall kind?, Houjht and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mado to order. Wc bat o JUST RECEIVED A lot of T E A S Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Ten, English Breakidst Toa, Which wo will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EaM Temjtln Street. . or26 ZU,UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. FJ.'tssclt's. WALKER BEO'S, UF STAIBS. CARPETS! CARPETS! NOW OPENING NEW PATTERNS POH SPRING PURHISHIM6S, i M'lvo'i iniko tho Bost Selection WEST OF CHICAGO. 1J X GL1SH COC O A M A TTJ X (! S i-i, r.-i, FLOOB OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 5-1, (1-1, s-i, k;-i. 1 1' 11 1 C E S G U A U -V N r JO 1 I) . Bun the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF LIGHT! Good News for those tlmt like a Brilliant, deuruiid !Sufe Light ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, rwT.v o mi i;ni? i.,t'.1 c i mv For those that like COAL OIL, wc have received a Larpc Stoek, of all qualilios, aud at Reduced l'riccs. The Largest A.-s;rtmcnt ol" LAMP GOODS in the Territory. iw IB. REESE ac CO. Solo Atronts for The Dan forth Petroleum Fluid. 89 1st South Street, hall' block West of Post Office. Coal Oil and Napttia Depot HAY & CUMIE18, 89 East Temple Street, AG-E1TTS Ott FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Eluidis of much HEAVIER GRAVITY than any other burning Fiuid ever offered in the market, approximating close'y to that of the best quuliiies of COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUBLE tho ILLUMINATING power. It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and does not char the wick, wlikli will not require nttention oftener than once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any person ol' its superior advantages. advan-tages. "WHOLESALE EETAIL .A. 1" Who want AGENTS in every settlement of tho Territory., j7 JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL. STREKT, KEEP constantly on hand a choioo a?.sort-mont a?.sort-mont of FRKNCH, KNGLISIl nd AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of tho finest qualities and latest style.", which wo make up to order in Lho most fashionable and approved manner. PATKONAGB solicited- ub23 COAL! COAL! Having pnrchaacd tlie Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepnretl to supply till Justly celebrated WEBER COAL hy car load or retail. Depot at V. C. R. R. Yard. Offlcci UxcliatiK and Heading Roome. B BATEMAN & BUEL. aS W. II. BIRD, Ani. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE IASLRA.ME CO.'S CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Ktllable Lnafmrlllng. r.lTtct ludtuiully. W c a.-k Fair Kates and Promise to Pay Just L-j.-.-os. Risks taken throughout Utah II. It. MAJ'.V, Agt-iil, SALT LAKE CUV. Office T.jlor'i Buildinr. Room No. 2. oo-B oo-B n u f"ii Sl Lake Home. r. 0. Boi i54. q i HALL'S Ma mn,Bit s!c,iw" l il AIR - Every year increases the popularity oi' this valuable Hair l'rcparation ; which is due to merit alone. Wo assure our oM patrous that it is k ejit fully up to its high standard nu it is the only reliable and perflated preparation prep-aration for rcstoririK Grav or Kuikd Hair to iLs youthful color, makimr it soft, lustrous, ai,d silkeu. The .scaiji. by its use, becomes white ar;l ckan. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties prevcat- the hair from falling out, as it stimulates stimu-lates and nouri-hes the hair-j.;!and. iiy its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the eapiilary glands Ui iheir normal vigor, aud will create a ucw growth, except in extreme old age. It is the mu.-i. economical IJ.uit 1)kussi.'(i ever used, ad it reijuircs fewer arpiieaiiot an.l gives the hair a splendid, g ".--:" ;!" pearancc. A. A. Hayes, 31. IK, irMc Assayer of 3Iu.-aehu.ctl.s l'I'll'J coii.stituents arc pure, ami cirefullv selected lor execllont quality; and 1 consider it the Hest Pit ti-.v ratios for its intended purposes. " Hold hy all Leu-j,,isls and tltaltrt in HUtlicilKz. TfilCE ONE DOLLAR. Buckingham's Dye for Tin: wmsKKits. Aa uur llein.wer in iuar,v i.i.-rs r-.-'juiits too Ions d time, and "ton i-mcn arc, to rcMuic guv or Jaded Whi-k-ers we have prepnicd this dve in ' rnpnmrion; which will M-.:ickiy and fUeetually awoiupli-h thi, result. Jc ts easily ar plied, and produces a co!.ir wiiieh wnl ucdthi-r rub d-t wa.-li if. fculd'l.y u!l Ui-ukisus Price K)"y tcut. "imriiilnr.,1 hy K. P. rinll &. Cu., Atthun, A". II. FOR SALE AT Z. C. M. I. DRUG DEPARTMENT. 026 |