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Show FfiEDiGAL. W. F.ANDERSON, M.D. H.J. RICHARDS, M.D. lSur;eom anil Physicians, ijGff. for the r-.'.nt. t th.ir resroctiie rcideoced in the 110 ana l,tn w ards. ITk DR. GROVES, OfrMl Dentist, U.T.e.e liiid South St., Salt Lkt City. Three dooTa We-uof Kevore House, half a Mock Last of the Elephant Store. or via not an rsun a a.m. to 5f.ii. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OiTcrs his professional acrviees to the people of .S-ih L:ikc City, Residence at Iiohrar Unburn' brick house, opposite St. Mark's Church. iYL Q. C. QRMSBY, M.D. PHYSICIAN, SUKGBON AND DKUGOIST, BRIUI1.V31 CITY, UTAH. J. 11. it F. V. BENEDICT, "SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro'9 Musio Emporium. -I HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This liou?o is contrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, an 1 has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 EUOSU. Til PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build largo additions to his llotel, whi.h when finished, 'till render it the Sfost Complete Establishment in the ROCKY JIOIXTUN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSK BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terma 83.00 per day. Bonrd with mil iDUiiu $14.1)0 per week. Batli free lu gneiti. J. C. LITTLE, iunii Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, ( Formerly RoiiTa,) IVT a. I TNT fa T XT. HUT, Two doors south of Wells, Fargo fe Co1. (Jur lUr is fiiniMieil with nil thai m Le d lu any lirst-clas saloon. Attentive anil polite bar-keepers to attoiiil upun ull wbo may favor us with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. f ii TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side EAST TEMPLE STREET, - ROOMS BY THE SINGLE NIGHT, WEEKLY OK MONTHLY, TAYLOK & CUTLKK, Proprietors. YVo have rented our RE ST A U It A. Si T to Messrs. CJL.ADE . GOODMAN. JliJ Washington House --Iiii-l WoiitU Mtrcct, s .-v l x l akk; city Honnl anil Lodging, per Week SO BO Pny Donnl " 0 00 Krt'iiclt Spring Bed " 2 00 ItriU, per Night - f0 jtirni - - - as iH FASHION CHOP HOUSE, tXcxt door to While House), Hit In 5lrcrt, Suit Lnkc City. I'un.lii'lc.l in firsl-olnss French stylo, at iti'vlcr.ae prince. NK'llOL.VS BKlvWHDIS. 1 1 J Proprlel or. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON t h Kuropoan PI:in, ia now oj.on and is .sin i lied with every delicacy of the hi. Mc.iU at all hours. UyMcrs in t'HT.v rtylc. tiui'i'cr Piirlici fupplied on short notice. Tfiui. to uli (he times. tl l'roprittors. Ki!W Commercial Loipi Rooms, Coiiiniciclnl Street, I 'ntitr liorinan Bakery, Lake City C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. nl'K.N AIM. NUIIIT. I uk lleiU, .Ml i ll. pr Xlght, nd to SJ.00 per Week. Mnulr Kokiik. irr Miht, "' J..t to S 1. 50 prr U'etk. do UTII HOTEL: Main Street, OUK.. J'-'.c 07.i y jirii-cltiss House in the City. Omnium to uJ from all liaim. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, jC 1'ivjmeiori. CENTRAL HOUSE, little cottonwoop, T. P. Fuller, Proprietor. T. the PaMic Thi? houjo is nowrefittec and n'r;n for travelers at reduced rate . 1! 'urd and Lodsiiw, by week. 31 1.00. X...U, iioi!,75c. Aloiila at all houn LEGAL H. .At. MORGAN, Commissioner for I'lali Territory. rt CALIFORNIA STREET. bas yaixcrsco. fe3 !ri . -V . MAXX, ATTOEXEV-AI-LAW, So. I'ir-t South Street, fi 5:i!t Lnko City. I'tab. TIIOS. b'lTOH. ATTOll.NEl'-AI-hAir, Office First South street, Fourth door cast of ib.oD.inlc of Deserel. L). OOOPEK; ATTUKNKY AND COUNSELLOK, Ofllce Exchange and Reading Kuouik, iip-Biiilrn. ju23 SALT LACS CITY. CASH FOR MINES! Eminirc of SliTlI JSL. 15H,-V11C( Attorney-at-Law and Mining Agent, OFF ICE : Over 07 Kimball's Win k, Willi C. M. Ilawlcv. P. 0. Box ISti. dlo FU. Y. LUVF.1,1.; !f A. REED. LOVELL HEED, A TTORXE VS- A T- LA W, Salt Lake City. Ulnli, Will iiructice lq nil tho courts in the Territory. Ter-ritory. Oflioe, front room, Taylor's hotel. il7 P. L. WILLIAMS, I.KCKASD Y01TX0 WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORN K YS-AT-IjAW, OCicc, hulf a-block south of Theatre, Salt Lnlie Oily. j!2 GEORGE C. BATES, ATT ORN EY-AT-L A W. C. HYltON HAW LEY, Attorney -at-Law, Cler'.t of the Su prcmo Court and lerritori.at Librarian. J. W. I1A9ICINS. Office in. Kimball's blocfc, near U.S. M ar-jU ar-jU b Lai's ottico. WM. P. APPLEBY, Attornuy-nt-Law, HAVINQ provided himself with suitable illatiks, is lircjiarcd to draw uii Declnrntorj' Statements of Applicants Appli-cants for Dccdu to City Lota. OQico Ea3i Tcmi'lc Street, Erjt door north of Uuiiiiuerco UiiildioK. dlil JOHN ii. M1LNKH, ATTORN KY - AT-LAW, provo tltj', L'tnli. Collecliona made in tholst and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. . Roial attention Riven to Mining caso-Otlico caso-Otlico at re;ii:encu, Centre Hi. Provo City. j6 Warnor Earll. F. M. Smith. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. East Tetuido Street, ono door south ot a2U Godbu's Kt'.ro D'ANIKL S. DANA, A T T OUN J3 Y - A T - L A W, Sail Lake City, Utan. Offiee west ?idc of East Temple Strctt. Jijiecinl auontiuu uivoa to milling hti- gatiou. Wm. 1IAYDON, (Uito Judyo of 4tli District Court, tiovada, ATTORNKY-A T- h A W , Room No.'.'. Enst Tumjdo Street, over First National Uank. nl It), im. HAKNUM, A T T O B N K Y - A T - h A W , Offico, Kimball's Blook, S. L. City. Siicoial attention (riven to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or LUiKaLions in Mining Claiu.6 and Koal Estate. Collodions ma-Jo or business done in any part of to,e United Stales by Assujiation oi reliable AJAorncyi. aL 3. 11. llouipstoad, M. Kirkoalrick HEMPSTEAD k KIRKPATRICK, Attoiueys-at-Law, Main Street, opposito Wolls, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKH CITY, fj Z. SNOW. D. UOQS. SNOW 61. IIOUE, &.ttoruoyi and Co u-aaoiora at Law gait Luko City, Utah. Olllco al Snow's corner, 1st East Streol. JuO JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O K 2i J5 Y - A T - L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over First National Bank. Residence-on Sd East Street, betwoouuuth and 1st South streets. M NOTCHES FU8LIC. A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, - Mining lee,ls, AKreemenU and llonds for Deeds, Marinates. Powers of Attorney, Leases, Contruel.i and otlior iuBtruuicntaol writing drawn with accuracy and diiitateb. mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under tuc Laws of Utan. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER ')V DKKDS for New York., M.iiioImsuLts, lciiti.sylva-uia,OLiio, lciiti.sylva-uia,OLiio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoiuinir, Montana, Nevada, CaJilornia, and other States and Ter-ntori.s. Ter-ntori.s. Fast Tani'k Ht., nwr H, Fargo .t- M L.i.W. City. mil " W. Cl.ATTOX. S. J. J"N lf.50V. Nolary Public, Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY strict att-ution to the colle.-tion ol ui.'ncy in H part ot ino world. They a'fo draw or M-knowlo l&-o all kinda of inftruim'uis in wriuuK. Spfolnl minidoii civen to the driir.; ' of Will Tr.iBmculuiy Ool u- I,..i.iis notMtel. Mines. nurt and ! lU-.il Estate ot all kiuos bouthl. old ol Ion.- e J . Inror porn I I'm and Par I iitruli I) Pnpcri of e-.-i'rv de-Tiptioii dr,in n: tvtct at tordaitce with the Kiwi ot Utah ' OFKIC'K Koimli door toulli oi Qoillr' Cornci'. nt United States Mineral Surveyoi and Civil Engineer, C;Vi.-eNo.IST.iylor's Uotcl. Salt L.ke Citj t UOKAC1-; JL'OTTKR. REAL ESTATE AGENT 1 CV-'tircTi.-ps cr,'rully drAwii up f. r the .d. m.i l..iiiitf of Hou'.M and UU, Ston, OUi.-e and l..iii.K Loam m- -oti.iicJ. Ot'HOB-Xo. '-T T.vlor'i BuiMing, Of-pflt. gait Lais Uvuse, Salt Lake City. d BANKERS. Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE &. Co., Corner EjuI Temple and First South Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, PAID UP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. ItUIGHAM TOT'NO. President, 1 H. S. ELUKl'-IKii;, VicoPres. WM. H. lluOPI.lt, WM. JENNINGS, Directors. ,Ii iHN SJIAftP, FE11AMOUZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, J lkal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARHAST8, COL-LECE COL-LECE SCRIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. ij WELLS, FARGO & GO,, Kxpress Forwarders, Rankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on ,uropet and all the prin tipa? cities of the United States. KI1R0P K A N COLLJSCTLONS Promptly attended to. Kast Tempi St., Salt Lake City. TL1E0. F. TRACY. Agent, mil Thos. R. Junes, A. W. Whito BANKING HOUSK ov J A. W. W1IITK &. CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 ' Salt Lake City. Robert Anderson. Thos. P. Akcra ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., HAXKEHS, 5S, E A ri T TEMPLE ST K E K T, Salt Laki City. jl3 $25 EEWAED JOR the detection of the per; on or persons who Defaced Piirdy, Scott & Fastelle's M liistrcla' mils in the Murket plnoo. The above rewaid will also be given for thedetectton of persons known hereafter to tear down or deface th? Salt Lake Theatre Bills. Pl'KDY, SCOTT .v FOSTELLE. 115 II. B. CLAWSON. TiilwiL SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novol in Sewing Machines. They aro the latest improved ani lightestrunning shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful anu compact iu model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sow ovorythinB from laco to boavor cloth in the most perfect manner. Kvery variety ofllenunlng, Felling, dulltlng, Cording, Ruffltng, Piping, Tnblug, Fringing, He in StttcHIng etc., easily pel formed. Straight AmVe. ATo Caf whech. SO VIURATISQ SPRINGS, Every Machine Warranted as RcpresonLod. Salesroom on First Soutn Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New nient itlarket. IRA PFOUTZ, juylS AKut. O. JEm JFL. H.. February Sill, SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. Lij'nooiti KvVtT AriTvvTriim' Kn-T limiiui 7 iina .Sua Fran.., S.Wpm 1--'M,nl 4 .ii " 7 Jo " . .. ! S.i VI " lj " 4 in " 7 Mi " -low. I i. JO 'J 2 h) 2 6.05 ' n"i W. i iq i 5 4S " II .-nl " .Suction .' 4.U7 " !l I" " In 4.s 1 i"i ,in Sacramento., '4 x ' pin 7 l.'am Arrive fft'm W.-l l.mvl- KL.in; tVesi SACRAMlNTO. COLFAX, RENO AND 01 DEN. Iave going B:i-t Arrive from K.ut 5 IS " ...Cvllaj ... Hi . La 1 J 4.S fill . . . Rmo '2 ID " 9 10 - W;iiDcniuco t I pm 13 ii m Ra:i,nIo:w,t 1 25 " i -io pru ... i iko..,. S 45am 8 '.o uin ..OKlon,. 4Jo)lr Arrit-f trom W. -i r..v.. L-,,in- w.t Kjlnnat loll. Vor train running "from" .in Franoisj o, 1 taketho Irii Jiaud coluiun.-.tnd read down-Fur down-Fur tr.iin runniiiit "'towards" i?:in Ft'in-ci.'O. Ft'in-ci.'O. t ikp l he richt hand columns and read upwards or "Westward." 'Sunday. excepted. tSundars only. A. 9. TOW X K, r. Q. 0K)rUif. (deo. Bupt ru'r anil Tlek.i Art. Emerald Hill Mining Company. I I OCATTOS of W-rii, Salt Lake County, ; .1 i Utah Territory. 1 Nti"e if hereby given lii at at a meeting of the Board I T;u,U-.- el" C-ta; try, hcid on the eJevcnih d.iy of JaTianry. t an a.--e.-mcut ot 'twentv uvpi enH per sh.'irf wa.a levied u-in tligL'ai'iltl Stock of said . t.-. in any. raj .ile imroc ii.i'.el;-. in jfld acd . ilver coin, to t a Secrctarf at tbo Vm.-f of the Gnnpiay. Kvom No. H. MerchasU Ex-. Ex-. ch'nce. California strtct, San Franc Uco, Cahlorni.i. Any Sto.'k up-in whi--h x a.ef:mer.t fliall remain unpaid on MONDAY the Ninc-teon:h Ninc-teon:h day oi Fcbruarv. 17. shall bedcemej C dclic ,ucat, acd m'lbedjlr aiver'.u-el J .-r i tale at public buc-kh, and ual.-s payasent - h;ill be made bnore. will be s.-i i on Till" RDA V. the FurUenih day of March. 1ST J. to piy the dclinnuent wcwmeiit. te-rethcr te-rethcr with ec-u of adrerluing and cx-, cx-, p n-os of the sal e- liy order of the Board of Trustors- J F. MADGE, Secretary. Office No. t'4.. Merehitit; Eirhacce, Califor-B Califor-B cia itreeL, San Fracciico California. EW AIEDJCAL iVORK d "THE IH1L0S0PHY OF M 1RR1 -GE," For (he Debilitated Nervous Sytlcm, nR- JORPAN.of tho Anatomical .Museum, :ilS Montgomery slrcot linear California Califor-nia Sai Friincisoo, California, baa pub-li pub-li lit.1 four of iiis moat important -a in-it' in-it' active L-e'tnro- in a Deat volume tor tb ore who cannot attend the Lecture at the Mu scum. Every Unoitrricd and Mariied u an should read and study thws important Lectures for tho good of himself and oU-spriag oU-spriag Hy ad'iress'nir the Secretary of tho Ana-tomica1 Ana-tomica1 Museum. Sun Fruncircn. n 1 cnclos-ioK cnclos-ioK TwoLty-r ivc Cents in Fortune Stamps to pay postage, tho Bjok will bo forwarded to any part of le States or rrrii orici. Dr. Jordan itin be onsult?i- by lettor. dS NOWISYOUaCIUNCE FOR STOVES ! SOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOH S T O Y E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, Including IU. Ult P.TOrlte. Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Those at well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt or z. c. im:. i. I THAN IN AT OIIIEK HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. n. B. CLAWSOX, ,17 Superintendent. HARDWARE. 0. OASiETf; HARD WARS STORE AH kinJs of HEAVY HARDWARE, Svoii sail 2eel, Stov3s and Tin Ware It I. , C I S -H I T 1 1 TOOLS, Agricultural Implement And mining Toola, At Lnweil Rat, OPPOl I K SALT LAKK HOt'SK Fiunacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUMMY!; & CO. ARB i.GF.XTS FOR THB GOLDKS CITY F1K.K 1I1UCK, Which aro e(ual if not superior to tho best Enclih. Special rates civen by the car load. oot!2. LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WHEREAS Wc are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Sensency & Co. are soiling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in the city, for tho reason they are Closing Out. Xo. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 ." 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove l'ipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Eargains. SEHSEHEY&CO Oiyoske W. F. tic Co'i Office, SALT LAKE CITY R. A. KKYES, Agent SCOTT, DUMUM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF .MININU TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fillips for li'urnancs and Mills. HA 11 1) WA It E, UKLLOtt'S, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RliBBtR PACKING. AUKKTS rOK Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Fo-ges, ALL LOW FOU CASH. til WINES AMD LIQIOS. B.W. Allen & Co.. ; t - r? a 4 7 Uroodwny, INow ""orlt. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Ageuts Tor tlte Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY ! IV. S.FO.vrat, Asffiil. N.&E. BOUKOFSKY, Wholesale Dealers .IN TTTT"RT17lf1 I LIQUORS, ' CIGABS j AND TOBACCO, j Second South Street, 1 .AI.T LAIili: CITY, j Three doors west of Walkor Bro's. d5 J CITY LIQUOR STOBE, , Eeep constantly on hand, J Wliolesnle nm Uetuil, Choioe Imported . LIQUORS AND WISES, " At Lowast Rates. GBOESBCCK'9 BlILDtXOg, WATCHMAKERS. f CAKL C. AS3IUSSEX, 1SIPORTSR AND DEALER IN Jewelry, "Watches, AND DIAMONDS, Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just reeoii-od a largo, additional clock of NEW GOODS In (treat variaty and stylo. Tho nubiie aro rcsjiootfully invited to call and iu.siicct fliom ut CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Templo Street, Ilnlf it lilock north of (lie KorIc K hi ori (nil. d.kJ 1WeT&JE1 ELRl ! O. L. ELIASON, i:OS to in form tho rcnidenU of Salt Lake City and Ticinity, that he nut only Buarantocn to nrni.orly ItrpHlr,Clcn tnd A UJnat Wat clici ami tlironomtlcrl, but bo will make them or any I'art of thsm. to order, and warrant in work. A hkw (urrr.T of ELGIN and SWISS WATCH KS ju.-l roivcl, which ho will friiHrrit"u n roltitlile tim-keepers, l'ricee to defy competition Ttemetjil'r'r th" tliro-s, Two rtnon eail of Hie librcl Dink, I r- E v i c s - sM i $ ?? 2- P : M " i?2 cj ; 5 as I V : - Uis si t II r in ! i i o s J : u : t-.s u: - a ; - 03 f- ; "S ' COLLECE SCRIP 1 pREKMlTORS will kavc tlG on X each quarter section by buying Agricultural Collcee Scrip. Ari.17 to THE BANK OF DKSKRKT, 1L flaoosuor v Hooper. El-redM A Co 1 CHICAGO TRADE. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I van scilicK, STEVENSON' & RE ID, v in u h.vi,i: DKUGU1STS (Late of A ;i2 aod 1 L-ike street. Cor. I' ear bora street,) HAVE REMOVED O-i account of the intense heat. To the Baptist Church Building SI 7, 8HiWbuhAr., WIuto wo iiavo larpo stook of Drun, Ch.Miucil.s I'air.ts Oils, tilas- and t.lH-swnro, Dniuvists' Sun-drioi, Sun-drioi, I'aUMit liumbuKs, Kk'., Klc. CALL AN 1) CIll-Kli IS. tWo only )!iy liw conta on the Dollar.) CHASE, HAKFURD &"co 4T0 Bomh Canal St., CHICAGO, Uadguartrs for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufactnrera of iho seU-brteJ WILSON Oil, 1 -v N i i-.'r L. M. BATES & CO., 451 . 4 A 3 HroatUray. XKW VUHK, ihi-ORTias isd josaaas i Fancy Dry Goods, UOS1KKY, W1UTK (JOODS, U(;oLt:As, shawls, l'.lA'A'A'A1 XUTIO.XS, (-c. J. II. Ut'LtiKll. Jol M. D. WELlS &TcoT, Mauulaolurors of and U'hok-Si.le Dealers in I.oots and Shoes, 018 Wnlin.h Ave, ClilrnKo. M. D. WetlB. U. j. fluwrUad. K. Beuo.iiet, tnU s. f. .M duty re. NEW YGHK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers aud Jobbers of a A -a- , 371 BROADWA1'. KKW 10KH JJu W FELIX UAlimLU 79 John Yi ik, Manuia-Murerof anil Denier in V rough,, u: n.nt Guivaiiixci Atfi ever? vrtrtrt ,f fittings for mil C. A. Lonitreeu Jur n edv-ick. l-OitoTRi-'ET i. S.aov.' CX Manufacturer ,n,i WhoUale Doakr m t?;'3 &90Y6,CLOTH'NG, r0 A IBS lIron,lwB, tv Vnrk. HENDERSON.JUSTICEiCo SucoBssors to Griffon. Ilondorpon k Co., IMFUKTKRrt ANU JtlBBIRB Or nm cooks, mtioas, FURNISHING COODS, LTC, US A. Sou ItKOAUWAV, 0-oBito St. Nieholn Hotel, New York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co." Manufacturer 11 nl Wholcsalo Uenluitt iu BOOTS AND SHOES, 13-1 and 138 Grain! SI., ev York, . ',nTr rujby' "" ,,'"'k r:;t nf Urondwny Ay er's Cherry Pectoral, For I)itn-N of Die Throat anil LmiK. "tirli n t'oiii;li, CoIiIh, W lnniiliiK-t (uili, Lti onrhll la, Antluna nnit C oiibiini pi Ion. A10011 tho Brcft t'l n " i''""". f-w ar I ly 1 10 ""'"'i'' than I lit T dy p.r nl dlpeaee of 9 " 9 'he Throat end "-Jj L'ini. Avaltri 1 IiU'UkIkiuI this and other ccunlrit-r, has diown that it doc u:dy atxl rllcttually ci-ntrol thfio. The testimony I our bel l oIImciii', nl n'l clawcr, c-t-.tilin1 c the lucl, th.it Chkuhy I'm toual will and doi'x relievo mid cure Hie nO ioIidw di'ijrd'r ol tho "J'liroHt nod Lunt; beyond I ii 'y r iFM'ii, i t 1-. The ni'-j-t dnnKi-r-.u 1.11.-- n-.i,' !,. J-iilin-itmrv '.r,.-.. , ,. M to : Hi i-w.r. nr.. I fit ... f ( aii.i.i,l,,ilnU, . .-'-n l l.y Hi f f ; , 1 1 ji r i. m 'h n , ru r.,t,iirly 1 t.:l.,-.i-nt r. in-.rli;,'.).; u li.n'rl' h- bn-, bn-, hi-io.l. I!,.y i,-.t i-r..vrn !.. -ml dm- ! .H-. A r-lMfv it i- ; kvci-i-. -r. "Iil'l. I r- .ni.lir- i;,v ,0- ..r full i.r..tm,-,ri, liv i J T.fc,- rotiKhh, :, t-'ii ruijnrin -I iti..re -rn .iM ,(,..., -.. ,i UT.numr.rr,..! ,yn, ur, I m, .-r.UL.t mlfnuu -l U, U- r,n. I.iil-d. U rMilk-Nnoi. irn.l. nil 0-11 v m.-.-ii Co im-! n-,t,r-f,l. Ki-rry Khulij k. i- it "ii bi-r. l n l-ru.Ttir,N Bc-df.-t !l,f, c.rl, Mtil ut, j-.-Tf. much -1 fniin-unty A 7... vrt,,- Ii ;.: ri.ily met at f,r.. but wiir-h 1,. ' ui- iD-uriilU-. ari'l t'-n oltcn futul, ! i! !-!. 'Ict.-lrr luiif li-r.l tlnr .IcIotM-r; I Mtnl 11 uniH' to t.o witbNui it. A k ra(i- KHiird t , ( Li:urni, mu I 1 t bo li t r - nm ij 16-cc 16-cc wl.i'b br.rl ,.; 'Ilir-mt i.tnl (,'hMt I r',,-11 "I. .M..:l:v I'l ' 1 -l: l. invaluable; f.:r, by if - liNL-ly .-e. . l n 1 1- ur- i- rU, J ' t'"nrfi"i".l-'n 'u.'n1." 'it0 m' , n.r.i.y ti'i furrly ..rir-t or ,1 mi ry eMds, ' .it will ...ff. r tr-..ii,ie..,.e Infln.-na I niA n 1 1. J u I "nm. Ill II., iitu taj. dnyw I b' W c :ly Ih' y rnii Ii" cured, j 'MKiit.iUjy !ie i r r.ii u"t oi kmr, Iub'iriour. I ' t it f.ar " in ion Y. 1 rig ov try bottle in :i.i' utiiiun 1 il,e i,-rio-n-i. It u-y bo C'.nti'lt'ully reli'-l tn...i, ;i" j. iuc iill tbo virttn" it h,if ever e 1, ibit-l. unJ cu hie of ir,"'iu"iiii: f-ure iu cui'ra Id e a.- tbo Krcateit it h.f- tv er tCvCitd. J'rU'arod by Dr. J.C.AYERS. Co., Lowell, Mass. Pi at I leal 6i- A nalyl leal C herniate, S'-dlbyall Dltl'tiUljTj L" V LK V WIILRB M at Zion's Co-opsratiTB. |