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Show RAILROAD WATCH. Travelers by Railroad frequently find their watches completely demoralized by the continuous con-tinuous jar of tho train. To OToroonio this difficulty hoi Ions been a problem with! watchmakers, and it is now successfully accomplished ac-complished in the new grado made by the AMERICAS WAT011 CO. OF WALT1IAM. : ThiB Watch is made in tho moat substantial substan-tial lnacnor. on the most approved principles, princi-ples, and combines all tho recoat improve menU. It has a now inicroinolriaal regulator, regu-lator, by which tho slightest variation can bo easily oorrooted. It is carefully adj us tod, and may bo entirely relied on to run accurately, accu-rately, wear well, and ENDURE THE HARDEST USAGE, without any derango-mont derango-mont whatover. Wo confidently rceouimend this watch to tho trade and tho public as tho BET WATCH FOR THE TRICE IN THIS MARKET. Tho full trsdo-uiark ensmved on the plato of cath watch is "AMERICAN WATCnCO-, CRESOEST-ST., WALTI1 AM, MASS.," and it is distinctively known as th( CRE3CENT-SE. Watch. For sale by all lcadiDg Jcwo'ors. KOBlUJiS & APPLKTON GENERAL AGENTS. Diyrft 1 BOND-ST. , N. Y. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS WASTED. AFIRST-CLAS ALE AND PORTER brewfr; none but an experienced hand who can give cood rcfcrcnco need apply. R. ii. MARUETIS, Uuh Brewery. myl6 Salt Lake City. LOST, SPAN BROWN HORSES. ONE BRAND-od BRAND-od S on left shoulder, other with a larpo whito star in forehead. Any ono who will leave tho horses at R. T. BuBios'a, 15th ward, will bo suitably rewarded, my2l ON MONDAY MORNING. BETWEEN tho Townsond House and tho Warm Spring, on the upper roai, a lady's fur collar. The frndcr will ba rewarded by leaving it at this oBice. my21 STRAYED, FROM HERD GROUND NEAR U. C. Depot, a dark red yearling steer, no brands or earmarks; white spot in forehead. Any information wilt be thankfully received re-ceived by W. B. Uougall. 17th ward. my 21 1jROM ANDERSON'S COW HERD, A woek ago, a light rod seven-year old Cow, branded A. Musser on left hora. Tho finder shall be suitably rewarded by mylD A. M. Mrsstm. FOR REST. AN OFFICE. ON THE FIRST FLOOR, in the main business part of fliaia at. Also a new. eleeant Dwelling Hnusn. in retired but pleasant locality. I CLAYTON & JONASSON, ' Third door south of Godbe's corner. i mylt) 'PWO FINE BASEMENTS, WELL X. lighted and dry. Apply to tho office nf tho Great Western Hotel. mylt A TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with nine rooms and cellar, and one ana a qnarler acres planted with tho choicest fruit; looatod on Eighth East street, near First South, in tha 11th Ward, inquire at A. Levonthal's Auction Home. mj9 AFIRST-OLASS FURNISHED BED-room, BED-room, suitable for one or two gentle-men, gentle-men, ono and a half blocks west of the Townsond House. Euiuire of Mrs. Fctru-oon Fctru-oon on the jiromjjea. msS FOR SALE. A F ERST CLiSS BUGGY AND SINGLE Harness fT pale cheap. For particulars particu-lars inquire of J. F. Frost, at Teasdel A Co., SaltLake City. my21 FOR SALE CHEAP, THE HESX FAMILY Horse in the city, largo size, an trot a mile inside of three minutes. Perfectly safe for women or children to drive. Apply to William Burroughs, California Stablos, my 17 CHEAP FOR CASH. THE BOX ELDER place ono block cast frm Depo:. Land, 5 by 20 rods. Orchard of choicest fruit agod trce. Apply to LoliranJ Young, on the premises, or at tho oliico of Jos. A. Young, I i ft o r7guoves, Office. Second South Street, Threo doors west of Rovoro House, half a block east of Elophant Siore, Salt Lako City. OlBoe Bourj from 3 a-m. to 5 p.m. oil 1 A Argemta Lodge, No, 3, A. F. V '1 Stated communications YoU of this Lodco held on tho first and eu third Tuesday of each month, at G'rl't"'" Masonic Hall. East Templo Street. Members of s.stsr lodges and sojourning : brethren in gooi standing are cordially in- vited. E. B. ZABRISKIE, W. M. I C. A- GOULD. Secretary pro tern. my9 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS WWL LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLERS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, War ell oiis No. 30 Light Street, BALTIMORE. my 21 CAUTION ! ALL persons are cautioned against negotiating nego-tiating for the Quartz Lodo. now known as the "Rio Del Norto," sit uatcd in the Tin-tio Tin-tio Mining District, aa it is the Austin Lode Uiseovery and has been unlawfully relocated. re-located. o r JOHN EDDINS & CO. Salt Lake City, May 20, 'T2 mj 21 DR. CH AS. NEILSON, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, Officer, tcmooradly at residence, 1st South street, opposite Episcopal Chureh, my 21 KOTK'E. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD COMP'Y,. General Freight and Ticket Office, j Bait Lake City, May 20, 1372. CONSIGNEES rcioiying freight by the! car load per Utah Central or Utah South-1 Railroads aro required to unload tho cars within twenty-four hours from arma!, or demurrage will bo charged at tho rate of So.uO per day per car. M. H. DAVIS, Freight Agt. mj2I GEO. D. HALL, Sligo Iron Store. Ko, 1007 Nor. 2d St., ST. LOUIS. American B Iron. Sligo. Charcoal. Hammered Ham-mered Iron. Boiler and ahcet Iron. Miaint, tecl, Chain. Anvil?, Viscj, Bolls, Springs, Hubs, Spokes and Felloes. wy21 EDDY, IIARV EY & CARTER 272 Mudisou St, CHICAGO, pur ss, At W holeialc. WE MAKE THE LOWEST PRICES. mj2l Jas.W. Btainburn, Vm. M. Gillespie, Chis. A. Gould. Staiiibiim. Gillespie & Gould, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, OOWVBYANOBRB, AND COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOR New York. Massachusetts, PenmylvanU, j Ohio, Illinois, low.i. Nebraska. Wyom ing, Montana, JNovnun. Laiucirnia, Orognn. Texas, Colorado. District ' ot Columbia and other States and Territories. e Applicitions for Patents, Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds lor Deeds, Mortgage, Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instruments oi writing Jrn with fK"urfifv and dispatch. Mining mud oilier CompanUi la-OorporkUU la-OorporkUU wiidir th Liwi of Utali. Abstract) of Titles to Mining and other prpeny made in the moat complete form. I Bllnliiff property ciumlucdnud ri-j ri-j nor Hit on. OmfB at REID'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE ST.. SALT LAKK CITY. U. T. A Notary Pcbuc always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. mj21 HEW YORK TRADE-BENEDICT, TRADE-BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesolo .Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block cast of Broad w dH " " ' THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's .CLOTHIUXTQ-, AT "VVnOLKSALK, 313 318 Broadway, New York. J. K. CUWLK3. f2T L. M. BATES & CO., 451 43 3 Broadway, ttEW i UK 11, IN FOB 1MB AMD J0OM&9 OI Fancy Dry Goods, BOSIEKY, WHITE 600DS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dec. J. n. BULGER. jol ikk VEGETABLE SICILIAN Smv HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected preparation prep-aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, beoomes white and oleau. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio properties, prevents the hair from failing out, as it stimulates stimu-lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will oreate a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dkessinq ever used, as it requires fewer applications and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. ap-pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and oarefully selected for exoellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicines. PBIOE OtfE DOLLAR, Buckingham's Dye FOR TIIE WHISKERS. As our Kcncwer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too muoh care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, Whisk-ers, we have prepared this dye in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Drusgiats. Price FiAy Cents. Manufactured tiy R. P. Hall fc Co., Kasliua, N. H. FOR SALE AT Z. C, M. I. DRUG DEPARTMENT. B.W. Allen & Co., 47 Broadway, Now York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agents for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY W. S. FOSTER, Asent. FLOUR, FEED AS D GRAIN DEPOT, b?!'.';.. Salt Lake City, JIOWLDEJ kospi ill kinds of on. ipt , FLOUR AND FEED, ON SALE in Large or Small Quantities, also GRAHAM, R?E AND BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, BOLTED COliN MEAL, CRACKED CORN, CRACKED WHEAT F:r Drspcjuic?, And all oilier kind of Chopped Otaluto suit cuilomcra, CARS OF CRAIPJ Arriving every day, and For Sale Cheaper limn the Cheapest. g- FreichtcrB an l FamUie pive hitn a cill beloro furchaia. ftj lit: niUbLLL. All goods purchased at his store will be lieliveked yhle to any part oi the city within reasonable distance. H. KiOU LI3EX, Wel sltle or Main Street, opposite Wells, Fnrgo Co'i and Dcicrgt Telegraph OUlce. tdi SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ' i a ei GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER, HIGH IN TUB SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Stuto California, grows nil herb lonjj : known to the Indian as an absoluto euro for RHEUMATISM, RHEUMA-TISM, QOUT. NEU RALlil A, and all diseases dis-eases in any way sprinting from iinpuntio: of tho blood. Soionco has at length brought to lieht its virtuoa, ami of this potent horb has oomponnded YEKBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for tho PERM. AN EST CURE of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all Krup-tlv Krup-tlv and Cutaneous Dlitaiti, Gives immodinto and permanent relief in DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS. Rinn Worm, Tumors, Boilst Scald lioads, Ulcere and Soros: eradicates from the system all traoof of mercurial disease. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for ubb by females and children as a BLOOD PURIFIER PURI-FIER and RENOVATOR. MOT HE US Who wish to find a modiolae poonliarly adaptod to tho cure of HUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children) will find a safe and sure ouro in YERBA SANTA, For sale ! everywhere. REDINGTOM, UOSTETTKll CO As"ti, and S31 Market St Ban Franolioot RED1NGT0N- HOSTETTER & CO. Importors and Jobbora of FOR.K1GN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AXB CHEMICALS Fin EientlalOHi, Gums, Roots, Seeds, Flowiri) Sponges, Sic tin, Fomtdii, c, And all ether Staples connected with tk4 Wholes file and Retail Drue BuiLneea. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, I of European and Astatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Qostetter's Bitters, Drako's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs Schoidam Schnapps, Newoll's Pulmonary Syrap, And all the leadinn Proprietary Medicine both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Noa. 839 and S31 Market Street Betwoon First and Second, San Francisco, California. mi dl R0SENBAU1YI & FRIEDMAN 33 & a Battery St., Snn Fran, Importers and WholcsaloDcalors in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, .Hosiery, Corsets, liibboris, And full lino of mallwares. m6 GRAND HOTEL, On Market. Now Montgomery and Second Stroots, BAff FHAWCIBCO, CAI JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. MiOBABL Kane. T. N. Wasd. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successor to Hunter, W and . Co.) Importers and Wholosale Dealers in VLES AAD LIQUORS. Proprietors, of Hunter's California Wlioat WTiialioy, Also Agents for Joseph S. Finch's colobratod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY 507 and 000 Front St., near Jackson, SAN FRANCISCO. A. P. HO TAILING & CO. SOLE AOKNT3 FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OF v PINK WIN KB AND LKIUOKS, 431 Jackson t,t., Snn Frauclsco a!9 J. H. CUTTER OLD UOUUBON WHISKY. 0. V. MOORMAN & CO., liOuiscille, KentucJcy, VistillerSi Tho Trade and Consumers aro notified that tho abovo is the only genuine brand of Cutter whisky, and that the undersigned are tho aolo Agonls for the same. All othor brands claiming tn be "Cutter" whisky aro only poor imitations. In order to pro-vont pro-vont inud. tho names of tho Agents are burned in cncli barrel, and blown in encli bottle, with a fnc-slmile signature signa-ture ortho firm covering the corks. None otber genuine A. P. HOTAL.INO A. CO., Sole Aitente for the PaoiSo Coast, 4 11 Jackson tilreot. Sac Frnnoifco, California. cl.siXGTO. dfc CO., Agents for Salt Lako and Utah. a-1 MICIIELS, FR1EDLAKDKR & CO., luroting or Furnishing and Fancy Goods, No. 7 $ 0 Battery St., Oriental Block) San Francisco, California. Sole Manufacturers of the IMPBOVED YOKE AMERICAN SHIRT. at4 J. S WOOSTia. D. D. 8HAIICCE. wqoster a shattuck; COMMISSION MERCHANTS AnJ Wholesale Dealers lu Provisions, Jiuttcr, Ch'icsc, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317 4310 Front m. , cor. Commercial, SAM KllANCISCO. ivl E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbrri of Brandies, Wines aM Liprs, 316 Front St.. cor. Commercial, D. B. N ir. tAN FKANCIPCO. t. CU1XL9TICU. WILIER UK1E. 11 D. HUM. luip'rtri ncj wbcji"!tle iWlnr lu riJIK W1SK8 &. LlQ,UORS, JESSE. MOOSE & CO'S FINE OlD BDUflEQN AND RYE WHISKIES. t I 1 I C T raOX LOUt'sTtLLI, II, 001 Front Su, BAN FRANCISCO. ai'l SAN FRAHC1SC0 TRADE. MAXIM GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. rpHL3 PuMioare ofiieoiiilly invited to cx-JL cx-JL amino our method ot producing UAJ3 for lih'hung CITIES, TOWNS AMD VILLAGE?, Private Residtnccs. Pulilio Buildings. Fac-toiii'i, Fac-toiii'i, Churcho;, Q U A 11 'J' Z MILLS. eto i etc., el,'., in city or country. THE MAXIM GAS fORKS aro different in tlioir construction and operation oper-ation from anytaii'5 heretofore offered to tho public 'llio W orks uro simple, very compact in form, s ifo, reliable, automatic and produces A Superior i"iy or Illuniinatins: Gas, at a Very Slodcrato Cost. Tho Works can bo soon nt Walker Bros' Mammoth Store, SALT LAKE CITY, or nt tho office of the Company, No. 23S iMi'iiU'i'inery Street. ;in h nstici;eo. This Company havo already lighted five Towns in CaUrcrnin; viz.: Sunta hofii, Santn Barbara t-iui llniuc). Wnt.-onvillo and Kcd-wooti Kcd-wooti City. Works uro also boin conetruel-i'd conetruel-i'd fur Citron Cily, Nuv.ida, Eureka, California, Cali-fornia, and Ueald6uf(,', California. We enn also refer to tho following centlc-men centlc-men who have been using our iJomctio Worlio tor over 011c year: J). 0. Mitif, Proj't Dank of California: Jons H. Hkdishton, of Redinston, Hob-tetter Hob-tetter & Co., bn Francisco; lii-o. H. llowMtn, Pres't Uomo Mu'u.il Insurance In-surance Co., of Culi'oniia; J, Mora Moss, Vice President S-iu Francisco Fran-cisco Ujs Co.; M. J. O'Cxsoa, of Conroy & O'Councr, San Francisoo; Jauks J AUiu.K, Pup'l WcFten Union Telegraph, Tele-graph, can Frnaci-eo; Rkv. C.T. Mills, Mills' Scmrnary, Brooklyn Brook-lyn Cal.; Jons T. Doylk, San Francisco; H. A. Blo99. Lathrop, Cal ; Talamimis Hotel, San Rafael, Cal. The Company propose (o make an effort to Introduce Mils Ciiis Into fcn It l.uke tlty at an early day. Those dcairinff further information, either from business motives or otherwise, can obtain ob-tain the same by addressing Tuk Maxiu Gas CuMi'AN'y ot" Callkohnia, 2Ji Montgomery Street, San Francisco- Ofkickbs: President. J. 0. Eldridgo, of Ncivhall &. Co., San Franc'ijco; Vioo President, W, H.Ladd San Francisco: Treasurer, Chris. Reia, of Reis Rro's, San Francisco: Sccrotary, Robt, Day: General Manager. James II. Clark. myl5 Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DBY GOODS, SAN JFJRiVIVOISCO, CAIilFOHKIA, Call the attention of the Trade to their large and comploto etocit of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, .Which they aro now rocomnn direct from European Manufacturers, comprising in part French Olcrlnoi, Wool Satlnci, Wool Plnlii, French and German, lrlah and Frtuoli Popllrn, Empress ClotUi, T a. nils, block ted colored. Velveteen!, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Gents') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complete In all ita branches White Goods. Handkerchiefs, Slilrtlng Linens, Q,uil!B, urbite and ct'lond, I)nmniki, brown loom and blenched Towels, liucfc. Uiim'it, Turkish. N nil kins and Uoj-llea, lute, kite, KtS. MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Co-Operative, 335 First Street, Sau FrnneUco, Angell, Palmer & Co., a27 MANAGERS- BOOTS AMD SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR -WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, 113 Front Street, SanPrancUoo, California. A. C. DIETZ & GO, iiiroBTE&a or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. m FROST STREET, flet. iMnntDU A California S.nFi.ucliM m A. J. GHIFFITll, Iealar Id gS all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS. 133 Washington Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked atid Pickled Fisl OODitAntlTouhanJ. )4 LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic r'anoy and Staplo DRY GOODS. Depot of Ooc-ds Manufactured at the Mission a:id Facijic Mills, Consolidated. 048 st- 047 Market St., San Fra ny!8 Paris : 2S Rne Do L'Kohinn Wholesale Lipr Dealers, tO 8 Front Street, San Francisco Proprietors of 31 ILL ELI'S EXTRA OLD BOUIIUOB And sole agents for . r. lUntfi'S EXT PA OLD BDUHBON WHISKIES Constantly on hnM, a full 1:3 ort meat of ail the aril Brands of Whiskies, Fl Ursndls Foreign a uil Dumcillc Wines, UH(r. t'nntlnli, L. A. gand' r-'ti, T. 1.. lloru. SANDERSON I HORN, Iini'orlerj .ni l J jbbora of 1'Iu.lRS Aa!) TOUAlt'O, (lVr:.ul J... Y. ; aL :.iC I-cl. r;.. j Suit mcn.:f-;c'.!(rcr.' v; trie f '-!r.'d 'CHAS. DICKENS' CICAr! -1 13 J'Vont Hti.-i-f, lletween Whinj;(nn ami Clay, SA FKA.VUISCO, HI( SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING Lefral Titles to Milling Claims and Wsltr llt;hti. Ity Urvsory Yale. ST Procntti of Oolif ami Silver fcx-Iricdvu, fcx-Iricdvu, forGeueral Use. JJy Quldo Ku.'tel. 8."W. Sul i li u rets, V hat tliey are, Ilov 1 Amnycil. and How Worked! 11 7 Win. Itarslow. Jl W- Tike 1I I uliipr and Metallurgy of tiold aud Silver. By J.Aribur Phil-lind Phil-lind $KiMI. The Rlatalliiriry of Lead, tneliidliiK Dcall verlistlou, aud t upolla t Ion. By John Percy. Slft). A. Mn mi il of Practical Assniu. By Jnhn Mitchell. K, C. 6. $12 Ul. Crookc'tt and KulirlK's Treatlie oil Mr inllitry. In tlirrc voli. Vol. 1. Silver and Lend. Vol. 11. t'onjicr aitd Irou. Vol. 111. Slrel and Fuel. F. ch vol. ftnld toiiarately at Sl( i pr f )1. Tile Metallurgy anil Mining of Copper, Cop-per, llv A. S. PiiTKot. M D. Jl SO. A Treatise 011 Oro Lcposlts By Bern-hard Bern-hard Von Otta. $1 fO. byilem of QllnoroJogy, By James D. Dana, M. A. SID 00. Any ul" the above works sent by mail on receipt re-ceipt of price in ouio, or iu equivalent in ourronoy. Wo also have in addition to tho above, a lance assortment ot Scientific, Standard and Miscellaneous Books. Blunk Books and stationery. Catalogues furnishod on application. appli-cation. Aiidre.'S A. ItO.MAN &, CO., Publishers, Uoo kur Hess, Importers aud Nintlouvra. No. 11 Mon'Romcry St.. Lick House Block, ban i'raociEco, California. aii E3TADLIB11 1!D 1 S SO. Importers of Teas, East India goods and gen eral groceries, '213 and 215 Front Street, San Francisco. aivI CRAY, JONES &CO. DEPOT OF TUK SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MAWAriPEMF (KK SOU LEATHER, No, -418 Ualtory- Street, S N FKANCISCO. Enarsn Jon:, I a, ... Samil 0. o,,r, J. seiu Uoaios S,,nl!' UruI- bun Frmi.oo. Miti EsublUhoJiniaal. C. VENARD, Manufactnror of tho Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, G25 and 657 Front Street, between Jackton and Pacific. SAN FHA.NCISCO. a5 CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUPACTURKR3 OF ALL KINDS Of Fancy Cracta.Caies&Bisciits, i 803 Battery St. near Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. afi PARKER, WATTSON & CO, (Successors to Weil A Co.,) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., cor. Sacramento, &5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TEASDEL & CO., Eagle House, 65, 67 & 69. STANDARD GOODS, STAPLES ! STAPLES ! ! DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, GROCERY DEPARTMENT, LADIES' BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT, MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, MEN'S BOOT, SHOE & HAT DEPARTMENT, BLEES' SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT, LADIES FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. CHOICEST STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, MER-CHANDISE, UNEQUAL-. UNEQUAL-. LED WITHOUT EXCEPTIOX Dejjartments lave ton fieiei New Goods Arriving Every Day. All Orders Filled With Care. EVERY CLASS OF MERCHANDISE MERCHAN-DISE FOR FAMILY USE ALL COMBINED IN ONE HOUSE. GREATEST CARE AND ATTENTION ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO LOW PRICES. SATISFACTION" GUAIiANTEEI1. Goods and parcels delivered to any part of the City and Railways -a -c:. TEASDEL&CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. (i5. TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. 67. TEASDEL i CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No, 09. To Whom it may Concern. WE. tho undriKned. Ueoriro N. Pavw and W . H- li.i-ft-T, claim and own l" hundred and iwcnty-tive iii"- foot in the Kid rao Irdso in Dry canyon, lsucrly knwn ihclrij and Mill later known m tho Kr-ia-BC said cliui having beta located Jucs lsrit. liyW. II. Kah-or, et ul.. and July." curded and (bo law cuinidiod with iu olttj rcMcctf. And we hereby caution fsr.iw not tu ir le or barter for id claim witactui ttursuct.unorctnftni. T gAVA(TS, W. H. HA'itK-611 HA'itK-611 Lako City, AiTtl-iQ. lQ- JgJ Vit) KEWAHD. I OST. between Frit. A-MrbT Xft ij i.llcry und tho Ureal Wfil" U0LCl A kcl.llook, coni.lnf'- i '03 ,3 nml Ca Loltcry 'i'lf"' Ti.. finler w I' rvefT. Rwird bT leaving it ; IIiqIIiulu OJict. mjU J5AAC SABfigS, |