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Show H0TAR1ES PUBLIC. CHAH. W. STAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified ani commuwioued by the Governor. OQce it Calder Bro's, Salt LalteCity. m22 JOHN Mrl':WAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will driw or acknowledge all kinds of D'trumenu in writing-. Prf.tniit attention paid to hu-inct. OCice t re-ijence, Provo City. Utah Co. U- T. re V. P. APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Xolary Public & Conveyancer, COMMISSIONER Full California, Iowa. M ihirran, Nevada, Km3, W i,c Asiu. Nebraska, l'cnn-ylvania. New Jersey, Alb-ouri, liiiuuis, .Montana, I C 'liana, i;a;Acau.-c:t?. and mho" States nnd Territories All kinds oi Itc.il aud husinefs in-truweiiLs uct-tir-a:ly drawn, and 1; n n v.-! e .wentj tik-n Minim; and other com panics ic jrpo- ;u -d under tho laws of Uuh. myl'j Yfu. Ci.avtov, g. J. Josaepojt, -IoUrj i'uolic, Notary t'LiL-.n iiud 'Juivtyi-.ijcur CLAYTON 5 JGMASS9N 1AY strict attention to the collc'ion 0 monoj in all parte of tho wurld, Thoy also draw or acknowledge all kinii Of instruments in writing. Sprrlnl attention -iven to the driwing of Wllla and Tea tuiuent ory XJucn- Loam nouH-ato. Mine?. Houses and Real Eatata of all kinds bought, sold oi leaded. Incorporation and Partntnhlp Papers of every description dr.iwn in strict nccordnucc with tuo laws of Utah- Wm. Clayton. Commissioner of Deods for tho Slates of Now York.l'oonsyl vania, Ohio, Connecticut, Missouri, Iowu. Wi-aoiisin ana California. OFFICE Fourth door south of Oodbe'a Corner. n29 MISCELLANEOUS. FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Head (luarters, St. Louis, Mo. DURANT &CUTTIXG, FORWARDirsT(i COMMISSIofMERCfliXTS AGENTS' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WE nro prepared to contract for ship-ments ship-ments from all jartB of tho Knst. our Line hnvInK made opooiaL arrnnffntuonta for tho a a fa and Bjioody transportation of all freight from Now York. Boston. Baltimore. Chioiitro, St. Loula and all Santera Cities, to Salt Lake City. Wo are olforinR extra inducements for tho shipment of Ore aud Bullion to all Eastern points. OfPtCl -.SB WaRkiiovsk: First block, aoittH of Depot, Suit Lake City. DUHAST b CUTTING- alH P O II Bees! Bees! Bees! Buckwheat and Alaaco clover at CEO. CODDARD'S. Farmer 1 Farmers ! ! Rrd Clover, Rod Tup, Timothy, ALiiU'n. Lucoruo, io,. ut CEO. CODDARD'S. OtvMcru and Drivers of Tenuis ! Corn, UiU, Barley, Ciioppud Feud, Jto-, ut GEO. CODDARD'S. Owhith of Coivs, Clilrtienfl, l(nl-lilt l(nl-lilt nuil I Iks ! Bran, Miorif . Corn Mu:il. Wheat, Ao at CEO. CODDARD'S. It is re.illy worth while fur IloifIie-i-er and otlioru coirc to market, just to c.ill in and examine tho unmouso rariiiy uf uau-fnl uau-fnl artioles llicro is lor sale nt CEO. CODDARD'S. And if mti nrc thirty ho will rivo ron a drink oi b ia oolobratcd cider, and it hiinitry, ho will gdli you soiue otui'co Flour. Cacesc, ll.Lcun, Ac. ami It tired ho will tend tlit.ni home lor you froo ot charge. Where la GEO. CODDARD'S Kew Store! It' about half way between Kimball A Lairrcnoo's oornor and tho Meat Ma: kl. STALLION BISMARCK WILL Stand for tho Season, at the Burn of Jug. A. You ok. at tWKSTV-FlVE DOLLARS, in advance No drawback. BULL RING WILLIAM, At tho aame pIhco, at FIVS DOLLARS, n advu.io. ApiLv to. ai; u.fl.rAsrc. NOTICE. 'IMIK annual Mroti-c f tho S!.vk:.ler 1 of tho L:tah Central K.ntro.id Co. tor ;hv Kkttlon of UHtrei-a Will he hel i on Satnrd jy.Jnne I.-!, at i am., at tha oiiive ol I'reti.ii'iit Vouas. liKOUtiK SWAN. SrrrrUTv. S.lt Lake City. 1 . 1'.. May i ':h, ' j CATTLE rOU SALE. ' ui .ndhsd iii:ad cf 1"ISK I I'T.VU (WTTI.:;, iio.;i-c K-IOITC. F.r MEDICAL W. F. ANDERSON, M,0. H.J. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons and Pliyeicians, OfBe for the rrwent, at their respective .resideneee in the Lith andlith Warda; 0. C OR MS BY, M.D. PHYSICIAN. SUKGEON AND DKUGGIST, BRIGI1AM CITT. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEKD HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. . THE LEADI5G HOTEL OF UTAH. , JAME3 TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. i TMa House is centrally and pleasaaitly lo-1 lo-1 catod, well furnished, and has ancommoda-tionafor ancommoda-tionafor 160 euesu. TIIE PROPRIETOR is now preparini to build larifo additions to his Hotol, waih when finished, will renJ-er it the tf-yti C'omijlete Establishment in tho ROCKS' JIOCNT.UN REGION I mil ; MLRim HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCit EAST OF THEATRE, ! SALT LAKE O I T Y . TrmS3.00 per day. Board with- . . out rooms tHi. 00 per week. BaLhi free to BueatH. J. C. LITTLE, inn2-l Proprietor. TATLOE'S HOTEL, Weal Side Main fttreet, 1100 MS with or without BOARD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE FRONT ROOM Added for tho use of GaosU. HOT AND COID J3ATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. Washington House -'Iiircl Sontli Street, HALT LAKE CITY Doard and Lodging, per Week 97 00 Day Board 5 OO French Spring Bcda 3 00 Deda, per Nlglit - SO Meals - ... 5 J!i New Commercial Mm Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. O PKN ALL NIGHT. Sprlnir Beits, '23, 37ri nnd BO eta. per Algtit) Sl.50loSJ.00 per Week. 51 li el e Rooms, SO and 75c. per Night) $J.UUtuSt,aO per Week. Doulile Rooms, 1.00 to SI. 50 per Sigai, ol5 UTJLH. HOTEL, "Iain Sireci, OGDEX. The only first-class House in the City. QiuDilos to qq J from all trains. EUDEY a WILLIAMS, j 17 Propriotort. GREAT WESTERN MEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Situated in bufine." part of iho oily, with act:oiuuiodalion fur LlKlgucsta. 1?1 RST-CL ASS nccommodatioa for Families and Traveler?, Uoomj, jUo., 7.'ic , SI. 00 and SX.00 per tiny. Dininjf Hall nnd Rcitaurnnt under tho m:iii:i :L-uuii vl M. II. Hoards Ur. lali of tho Mor.-i.-'in liou.-o. Umiku, and Tichnor lloufo, Line..!u. Neb. Hoard per wtk, $7j ftlenls, 50c Ptsicc" leave daily for tho mine?-Laundry mine?-Laundry conncctod with tho hotel. S .11 IT II &, DJGAZK, tnvlT Proprietors. MILLINERY! TO THE LADIES OF SALT LAKE CITY AND VICINITY 1 MRS. WILKINSON Respect Hilly annoiv.ieos to her friondi and natrons that sho liaa sreaLly enlarged her business for the Spring uiid Summer Trade And is now prepared to deal extensively is Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLUSIVELY. On b.iiJ and constantly arriving a gp'endid osiortiuenl lac Intost stiles of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Straw ami ('.ictus Hats, Lace and Rice Frames, Neapolitan, (actus and tliip Braids, &c, Also. K.n:cy Jlillioery of tlio most lalitonablo kinds. HibboDf, Flowers, Laces, Slik5, Malices, L iapej, 1'ar.u-ols, G loves, Tans, Kio. WILL ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE A lame assortment of Km'" y Tlrrnn li"oU, St nlei. Knllnni, ; Cliluitoo. llnlr Roll t.n.lle' L,liiFit Sulta, nnd k irnlld variety of l.mllei' and j C Ul 1 J r-n' l ittler. C all and fee. Xo. .1, ?.IA1 STREET. " JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Main Street, Sail Lake City, j j 1 1 Reid liuildins.) 1 " VP. S II -n. M. b-urhr. -!d -.- . r 1. L - iajti-Kcd lor S'A.-',"-- V. I rcij. aacie icra!. BiyLi LEGAL CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. OffieeHooa No. 6. over Tint National Bank. Bait LaJce City. mr!2 ' W. P. APPLEBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW And Rtgistfr in Bankruptcy, Offlcei So , BX.lnSt. aylfl GEO. WOODS, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Offico in Secretary Black 'b BnilduiK, salt la KM crrr. alO w. r. kkithlv, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law, Taylor & Cntler'a Bnilding, Room No. 10, Opposite Salt Lako Uprise, Salt Lake City, Utah. ma ' J' t. L. WILUili3. LS GEASD TOtfKO WILLIAMS & YOUNG. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block aonth of Theatre, tealt Luke City. j!2 GKOK.GE C. BATES, ATTORNEY -AT-LA W. C. MYRON HAWLEY, Attornoy-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASItlNS. OlSca in Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-)U Mar-)U ehal's office. w. y. woods ATT0 11NEY-AT-LAW, No. 33. MAIN STREET. Salt Lake City, Utnli Trr. ni21 JOHN J3. MILNER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections mado ia thoist and 2nd Judi-nia! Judi-nia! Districts. Special attention given to Minine case'. Office at residonco, Ceiiire Su Provo City. j5 Warner Karll, F. M. Smith, EAHLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 8 ALT LA1C1 CITT, First South Street. Room U and 12, No l'.o. Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lalce City, Utah. Office west side of East Templo Strest. Especial attention givoa to Mining I i tl gation. d27 Wm. HAYDON, (Late Jndgo of 4th District Court, KsTada, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Room No. 9, Eaat Temple Street, over First National Bank, irt K. M. BARNUM, ATTOKNUY-AT-LAW, Office. Kimball's Block. S. L. City. Bpeoial attention given to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or Litigations in Mining Claims and Real Estate. Collections made or business done in any part of the United States by Association of reliable Attorneys. d!7 0. H. Hempstead. M. Klrkpatriok HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneya-at-Law, Main Street, oppeaite Wells. Ifaxgo & Co;, Bi.LT LAX! OITT, 122 Z, SNOW. E. D. HOGB, SNOW & nOGEx SLttontoy and Goojiseior at Law Salt Lako City, Utah. OtDceat Snow'a comer, lat Kaat Street. Jnfi JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Ovor First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East streot, but wo on Jouth and 1st douth strcotd. b2U TH05, FITCH. OEO. M. 17HITKEY. . FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORN 1HYS-AT-L A W, 3C First South Street, taa SALT LAKE CITY. fc . A. . 1X jX. IJ jJ , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, f9 Suit Lake City, Utah. D . COOP I-. K . ATTOUNEY AND COUNSELLOli. Olllce Kithnnpe anrl Head in r lluouti, ui-talra. ju28 HALT I.ACI TIT7. AMERICAN BUREAU MLMAG LF0RM1TI0 For Utah. N trgnniied by mining nnd ltt?fno$s nion of Utah for tho purpuso of obtaining and dis-Bominatini Reliable Information in regard to Mines And kiinlng property throughout the Territory. WARREN nUSEY. Tresidcnt. TIIOS. P. KEKS. Vioe President, TliKO- F. TRACY, Treasurer. E. M. BARNUM. Actuary and Soo'y. . Principal OfTtce In Kimball Block, I oupoalte Towniend Ilouae, I Salt Lake City. RfRlttry of fllnn and SlInliilT In. formation eat at)l lahed, a synovia of which will be publiihed in tho Bulletins of the Bureau, and distributed at Stock Boardu antl BusinoM Centra) throughout ! the UMIJiD STATlfS AND IN EURUPE EinmlnRtlonl of and Report! upon Mines placed upon tho market, will be made under special charge ol the Executive Execu-tive Committee Thoa. P. Akerir, Edmund Wilkes, John T. Lynch. R P. Lounebory. J. M. Haakell. This Bureau eapccially gelieita Spocimest of Oro and Mineral Productions from all parts nf the Trmtory. which will Pe labeled ! and displayed in Cabinets by respective Mining bistritU. Blank Forma for d;seription of mine designed for registry, furnUhod on application. applica-tion. T Miner? and Capitalist are invited to make (he Rooms of trie liurevu thnr head-auartcra head-auartcra for negotiations or boainera en-gacements. en-gacements. A. Rotary Public nltvaya al the Office SEND FOR CIRCULARS. E. M. BAltSl-fl, Actuary and Secretary. P. 0. Box 77. w:S Liquid Bluing Cheapest in market: qaality and sat inaction guaraatcil or mooey reluudrd. Cash Paid for (.rain and country For Sale 500,000 lbs coarae Salt, Table and Dairy. Shingle. Lumber and General Mer;hardi,e-V Mer;hardi,e-V holonale Jobber. J. V. S.NELL. Idaho Store, ne block fouih Theaua. fl'v. BULLS. EltiiiT HEAD 01' 1-1 P.HAM Rl'LL?. fr in;; ortrd :r.-m Caa i.i. 1 e -.L rxhitv.:: n s - t 1 r -,i,e a- :e !'' rr i Liv-rv !,'-;, e-r. JV T.' .-.r;- ar.d S-a-. f;- g..e us 4C. . li. H. SWA5Y. SLLOUS TRADE. BRILLIANT CODKINGSTOVE. If you want the best, buy Back's Brilliant. It is the most Perfect Baker. It is tho most Durable. It burns the least Wood. It always gives Satisfaction. 1 Moro of Buck's Stoves have been sold and 1 lire in use than any stove over made. Every Stove is warraiM. BUCK'S Guarantee, i Por Coal and Wood, has only boon in use two years. It il now tho Uadina Coal Cook Steve. Why, it if a Perfect Bnk-ir. It is a Fuel Saver; it is made who our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will last longer than Fivo Seta of cimmon Lin- ' Ings. It will draw in any good lluo, and ie tbe only Coal Ookirg Store that gives entire Satisfaction. BUCK a WEIGHT, 730 and 7'i3 V. ITI n III Street, Saint ' Louis, Manufacturers of all varictios of COOKING and UKATINU STOVES. Sample Sam-ple Cards nnd Price Llsta furnished on application. mylS $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTEEY. Legalized by Si (o Anlhorily and Drawn iu Public in St, Louis. Grand Single Number Schemo. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class K, to 1; Dinuu PI ny 31, 1 S7:i, ij.SSO IVh.:, Amounting to $3tjO,Ot)0. I l-rio otSiO.OOO, 500uii--Bof S 100 1 ,-n,- of i.-l.-l.-M), 0.nM, 1,(1(11) 1 pr 7.0 of lll.iKII)' 1'iiriKiMof film 1 i-N,'- of 9 j,riz sof 300 1 pn'7- .j,000i ) ir;t-i of 'Z'iO I i-riii-s of 14.5 01)' 30 pni-sof 200 iUn.-.iot JL.IHJU :0 j.r ,-..sol 1 .711 MO i-ri -.i-i i-f .7110 1 SO ,rio if J 00 IO jirircs of j 10.3,000 jiri.osof 10 Tickets, S10. Half Tlrkcts, S3. ItuarLerH, Srj.fio. li"". Our loltoi ipR nrc chart itM by ihe PlMp, nro nhuiys lium n nl tlio Mm- mini.., j,nl ;,; drawing uri' iic.liT Hi- niii-orvW .n nl sworn rniiinsiouLT9 "- '1 lie olti inl dr.iwintr will l-c pnl-li-lu in Ik-Si Ik-Si iJifffn, ni.il n copy ent o pin liaTi-rs uf lii'kiU. J.'ij-Wo will i!niw n similar srlienio Iho last ilny nf csvi-ry motilli !iinon llm year i-TJ. li-. Hcmil nl our In- I'OST OFFICII MUSKY OllDKitS, JIKH 1ST KltKO LKTTKH, l-llAt r,or KXrUES. F,.l ft,r ;, , lrcll,ir. Ad-ii Ad-ii r-1 MlitHAY, DllLI.EIl o., P.aiOm-:cUoxai40. BT- LOUIS, Ho. m jl KELLER 8c BYRNES, Successors to Adolphus Mcior Sl Co., HARDWARE JOBBERS, IOO and ltia Kortlt Main afreet, myly ST. LUlilS. 'haydenjilsonshllen, M&nnfMtorerE and De&ler, iD Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., Ko. BIS KorlhH.in atr.el, ST. LOUI?. MO. DRESSMAKING. BUS. DWI8 rcMtct fully notifies bcr lady friends and patrons that ehe baa removed re-moved from Mrs. Wilkinson's 10 her own residence. WEST SECONO STREET, Eut ride, half a blck tenth of Court II "use, Hth Ward. Mra. Uarl ha hid a I'-nr and railed experience in DUUSSJl AK1.10, ja Ln don. at M;?! McLllan"!, New Eoad S:rect. alfo in Pni'a Idi-iiia and W. h ins-ion. L. C. and ia ful.y cjj-abie to execute ail or-lfr n:ru'!fd to hrr care. n-.Tl-l GEO. V. M. BOUTELLE, ("nil Kn-'iiicfr and I'.S. Minfral Mirvf)or for llah. Arrti-ariT)- for the ?nrrr. nf Yin-. ff.T a V- r. I1, -en! ar, i the rrc; ira1: .3 "r,-3er' "r,-3er' --;. ;;.:;,-.' jlJ i-i ,-ecc.w ' V Ww'-fi:-' "V'- V'ri)ra:r.rii ar, i all '( t in :r.p i.-iij.-.e cccari'-i It :h' io;;i;J tict, ialt Lite C;"- C C rir-rr.K. i" S.H-T.r'ltvn! U.n. -f. M. re. P ,f: n-ter, L.k ;r ' .J. 1 a . Pr i--t r f f - r - ill R, :Uxweil. h'-i.i'.'.i L".' 3- l- Ladies and Gentlemen, Kich or poor, desirous of procurinfr a Perfect "it in Boots or Shoes, will find at Oi M:ia street a largo and choice assort men t to select from. If we cannot suit you from our ready-made ready-made stock, wo will make to ordor any style and quality desired, and insure in-sure satisfaction. Our facilities for manufacturing aro unsurpassed in this city. R K r A I K 1 N G Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers "Wo invito your attention to our coni-plete coni-plete stock of Leather and Findings, consisting, in part, of the best brands of French and American Calf Skins, Moroccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, Upper Leather, lioot Trees, Lasts, Togs, Xails and everything clso necessary nec-essary to a full outtil for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. Our goodi having boon carefully selected for thu trade, by Air. Crompton, they can ho relied on, and our prices are as low as any goods of like quality can be sold hero. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Observe tho address ad-dress i'J Alain stroeL Saddlers Will find it to thoil interest to examine exam-ine the quality and prices of our stock of Eastern and Western Harness, Tug, Bridle, Dash, Collar, W inker, Fair and Lhco Leathers, Saddle Trees and Halters. "Wo make a specialty of ilorso Collars, in winch wo Cannot sail to give satisfaction. Besides a largo variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes Jiay ward's celebrated copper-riveted Horse Collars. .Notice. (J"J Aluin streot. Yo havo lately received, and are constantly con-stantly receiving, largo supplies of all the above classes of goods, and wo endeavor to procuro, manufacture and sell only such articles as will maintain our character for reliability. HIDES BOUGHT. I. C. M. I. BOOT AVD SHOE DEPARTMENT, AT THE 5IGN Or BIG BOOT, 9 9 MAIN STRE;ET, SALT LAKE CITT. m!5 H. B. Clawfon. Sup'f. CHICAGO TRADE. JOHN V. FARWELL & CO., WHOLESALE NOTION'S, BSIY GOODS AND W OOLEJSTS. Largest Stock Wast of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts., CHICAGO. iSmes, Sherman & Co., jonnKBS op Hats, Cap3 and Slraw Goods, l.llllltKLLAS AND PAll;VS01.S, ' No?. bl nnd ,r3 Wf.hanh Avcnuo, Ciiicaoo lil'M. r. AM !:. (1 M. C. Sll 1. 11 M N. Y. T. S'lLM N. u-yl5 mm pina1 ghampici FiltM and l!lill(il.!t I'ROOK I?" E3 f& ! Tht Drat Salt a In the World. HERRING & CO., 10 Siate street, and corner Hth street and Indiana Avenue, o 11 1 c a. a o . TCJU M. D. VELLS &, CO., Manufjctareri of and Wholeaale Deal en in Roots and Shoes, 618 Wabaah At, ChlraRo. M. D. !!, H. J. Miffarland. K. Iloaadict. mM b. . Melnljra. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I YA1T SCEAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLBSALK DRUGGISTS (Lata of -J2 axd M Lake aireet," Cui. L barters street.) HAVE REMOVED On account of the tnirme htai, tha Baptist Ciiurch Building mi, 19 . bM Wihaib Ave.,; Wr.--.-c ire ha-, f- a .ire" '.-k of Drugt, Cr.'r-.i'..s i'a.-.v, ..-, G. a:,d j.--vT'i. Dr .,-, !' .,n-dr.'-, Pkv.7.: lf-jT,,r.-,ir r.:i., V.u:. CALL A fl UKT!t T-i. ("Wn f.r,jj raj l'J cecu on ibeD'.Har.) GROCERIES & PROVISIONS JAUKS OiLln-KKa. JO)i G TILLIiil CaT.l.CRKK. JAMES GALLACHER & SOUS, Bee reur-eetfnllr tc icf.-rm tV.fir fricoj and the public scner&lb' that the; haveoi'u THE TRIUXE BAKERY Main St.. next door to Walker Uro'a .-v llottl. BraaJ. Cramer an,1 Bifuits ef ihe 6net iinalitv. WUOLK-ALK AN1 KKTAIL. Cake. C'U Lunch an.1 Re,e-t!:lloat.',. loo Ora-iui a. d "A hertii'thj . " Surrer. IV-Xir ar.d Kx,-u--:,-ti ra-lieup I rliej w 11 h everj :hi:ii! in I lie iiac 011 the .-hi-ri eI niitice ntiJ the tot m.-dcrnie uruis. 0KNAJ4KSIKD CAKKS. t2 GROCERIES PROVISIO.XS Tin'. I.;ii(;t.'Si tititl Ui.-t As. sorl! Slock hi Tovn. L "StJ BS. T E A S are uiitqualkd In qmility in VI11I1. We can umlwU! e!I i-IiCiip nail Avill nut bj iimicr-sold iimicr-sold by any oils'. CALL ANO EXAMINE. C. Y. DAVIS. fI7 Pure Breail ! PircCaniy! Txn E ESTATE of RICH A RDllOlJilllTLY bec to inform tho Publu. thjt ihoj still oarry on tho business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of TL10 "GrL023S," EAST TEM1M.K STHKKT, AdjoimnR Ihe Co-oporativc Grocery Di'part-mor.t, Di'part-mor.t, ivhoro onn bo found i-verythiiiR in thoir lino nf husiuesf. ami rlny hoic, h y .Uriel attoMi-'U to tho wants of their oustoiuore, 10 oontinuo their jiaLroungo iiud euinurt. Pure Ilome-mnde Caudlcg a Specialty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. a"6 DANIEL GRENIG Ecu Just Kccewcd and for Sole A Choice Lot of ta Tvn si j a Suoh aa Tea, Coffeo, Sugar, Sicos, Oblon Silver Drips, Sug.-ir I, ;if Dnp-t, Hums, liticonnnd Drieil Ueel', Best New York i-'iutory Chooso, SoHps, Yciiel 1'nwder, Dried nnd Can noil Fruits. WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Prime Live Uce.o Fi::ilhero, Cages and Ciimiry JJirde, etc., etc. Tb in full l.In-t. nnd l li Fl m at II ren I, elc., is turjed uut (rush tt cry iav. J3KST BR DS OF FLOUR Alwuys on hni.d. All klnila oT C.'K '. 1 bo 11;; hi and anlil Uiva uie a o.ill at m New Brick Murn EAST S1PK KANT TKMPI.K ST. DANIEL CRENiG. mil II. WALLACE, First South Sireut. A choice loUof CLAMS, LIMA JIKANS, CUKES CUR.V, TOM ATI) KS, SALMON Dcssicafcil Cocoaimt, Crai'ked Cocoas AND Family t'liocolale, Ilunllty &. I'ahijc EXGLISH IJISfLTTS, ALSO TUK CKLKIillATKII ALBERT BISCUITS. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring iiallis ! Prlrail nod PlnK- Tt. .'- t-" "I-r. tl .-i' 11- i I1 IWll" tl.' Pr..v Pi. int. I!. (, -l-.infc j t-irr-i-.-) l'lflK Uall.a f .- - M,d Jnliui,.!, v im tl. ARKOl.ll. W.J. HOOPER & CO. IT, fOJI 1 UK 1 AL tTIIi:KT.. I3 ' s BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO, A- TST ZK E R S , K AST TKMPI.K STKKKT, lt Lake tliy. llelcr in GOLD BUST. COIN AND BULLION. Pank-ular auemifn r.ren t,- Olleot ionn 11, ,Yt,... v.:. .u ,"utr.r.t ralo t 01 liiuhance on day of (.t; iiirt.l ' GKO.r.AVHir.NKY, Aitornoy. 0 It It E 10 .UKMSi lUi,k..r.hfonii. - - - Sai, tw.- " A " - N. ..:. lvk iVunij XatUD llaak . - ttu.-t.o U..-k, :: l:..uk v, 1 ,m, IU-.X N-l ra-l. . ' . . ' 0:i..l BANK. DESERET, Salt Laks City, Utah. Tin; Bur.h ha. orc-iiiiii-d a SAVISGS DEPARTMENT, and will roocivo Jepneiuot one dollar ml -i-":-rd-. n ivhi,- i:iicr.t -ill he allowed at the rtc rf n.ht t-er eent. er autium, Ooiupouud.'dsetui-.iunuaM ., f- I.. 8. II 1 1-1.8, Ca-hter. Al.f LAKE CITY ITATlOiUL BANK Suit Luliu .'iiy, I lull 'Jl'ci-. Authorized Capital - $500,000. UeiiJ, DiiK.M, i'i-t ldt i(. Hoah While, foalil.r. llKUrsTir l.iiiKi'ATHUTK, Attorney. This Rink will tr.-m -n.-l ;.ll kinds nf Icgltl-miuo Icgltl-miuo banking liaini .'. and 1) t:KS IX J01.I AND Nll.tnt ih li,i;ji A Ik mill-. Hold and Currjn,-y Krh-iniro Jawn nnd T..-vr.i.li .luin-lors m...0 on N,v Vork. .ti tr..n.-1-oo tu.J .rir.-u. l1 Alh.Mio Ki d r.i.Mlu; o.'.n-s, avail tbio m uny .rt of the I uuod Mated nnd C..n:i.i;i. 1 Uei'Ofin and ce-nral uuM-in dlioitod fr..ui h...Mcru :i:.d K.-rc!.., 11. )ind IJu.A-o. IJu.A-o. I inns :iiul individunls j Cbrrk Ao.-junta i kei't in ilold or i ut rt-iu-y. Kxeliiin.o on iriiu'i:.l .'itiw of Kurone ntiii t ho I'niiiidi tm ni.-h.id iu puiii.i to iuit, 1 ai the lim uat raioa, aud l'eioraHi Xrau.leri on London. Loans : made on Hullion, PnhHo Soourltioa, Bond. Ltu-ul stunk, .McrolinudiM-, or other 1 ood Lollaterrtla. AvpmUJ bu. uioaa iaior ! diacounted lor ilei;,iMton. I CcrliQ.'.itos ,-fDi i.rit iiiuol. .nyl,P in OoldorL-1rr,-j-o.-;Lll,,1rat ain air.'iitej time. avuiUl.lo ui ai.y ii.irt ol thu bulled btniei ana lernton.-i-. Advanren uiB.le on rbipinenia ol Bullion ' or Urea to ,Nm loik. . itu Frauoiaou ud 1 Luroi'o. CORRESPONDENTS I NKW V0KK-ljit;,;,Rl u.'V'o i SAN K!t,N'?l M,u-CHi:'r,.ni"i,,li'iMi "co. I LUNUuN Jny C nko, Mi-v'l,l,1 A 0 IntN 1 WELLS, FARGO &, CO. A' A 'li KS.S FU UH AHJ) K HXt UaukersaiKl Dualcrsiu .xclia.igo Drafla un Kur-ife. i nro; o in Ciillc-iinoa l oiuplly hill i.l -,l K ial Triiijilc Mrn-l, 1 1 I..., t tty. ml2 I'iiko. . Jiurv. A out . First NatiQinl Ba.ik of Utah, j .Si i- .S'ji. ("id I..- ti,r;,l ,llt Third ' 1 J '''. ,,,5 , Bank of Deseret,' ! HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Ci., Ucrnor it-ui.ie i.d Kirai Houilj BtrM-ta, WALT 1.AI:K i'M'V. HTML PA I l III l .l 1'ITA I., - IIMI.OIMI. m:if!H '. M V- TMI, P i.. i.lf.1,1 1 n. Ll.'-i;'" i;i., .t .p, WM II pr. -l-i l( "'-!-;M N,'N';'S' -I'lreotora. fi u'aM'H . i.'ri'Ti.K L. ti. H il.L.i. ,.fin..(( OU 111 IMS ', f (H , ..J ('II ANUIt, I, 'i n 'I a. I f, v,ttL I, K.i t : -'K 1 1', Ac. Cf-!ir.?lip'' iin nicl i-ruTiiplly re-tlil'tcd. re-tlil'tcd. wj.iiJi :..r:;,vE ron sale. CALiFa?.;ilft TRADE. ; J.. tnr. r. Rfrnnnn. COHEN & SPERLIWC, Inij-nrUni ami M lo.Jitli. Ij.-hI.t. Id T T T"J v O C , M,D M','v;;; (L'li ii rj; CG'HS. :l'10-.a4l nl I fry -I nr for. titty, 1 it A M IH . ftH MAIN & Wilij CHESTER, 214 &. 2IG Batlory Stroot, , j-SAN j-SAN FRANCISCO. II A RS ESS, SADDLES, :; -AND- 1 L L A T I I J ! . 1 li;i.il iimli nml ltirl jirltra , on l he . 11. tit. B.rri Kiiviiiinn .iron to urd'-ra fi'.m Utsli. (' |