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Show .TRAVEL, SlivoTIalisbury's DAILY STAGE LIMES TI1IIOUGI1 Utah, South-east , Nevada & Blon-. Blon-. tana, l..,.g.UL.I..CIlyD..l run- nlng South to Tinlto, American Fork, Mount Nobo, ' Sevier, St. Georpo, Utah ; and Hoohc, Nevada ; Patting through Provo, Springvillo, Spanish Fork.Pay-Bon'Salt Fork.Pay-Bon'Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, I Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn ,r4 Crock, Beavor, Minere- viilo, and 1 All the principal towns mid mbimg j camps in southern Utah and south-east ! Nevada. running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, l)eor Lodgo, Cedar Creek mines, .i and pasaing through all the prinoipal towns and min ing oampa in Mon-. Mon-. ; tana. PKINCIPAl- OFFJCB, Wells, Fvgo i Co. Building , jnn4 Salt Lake City UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. r PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Um and after Monday, July 17, 1871 I Dally Trains ' Leave Salt Lake City at 5 am-and 2:45 p.m- Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m, and 4:45 P. m. ' Leave Oirdon at 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m Arrive at Salt Lake Gity 10 a.m. and 7:30 p,m ' In addition to the abo e V MIXBD TRAINS - ', Will ran ' i -: DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED ..V Leavinp Bait Lake City at 5.30 p.m.. and '. , Ogden at 5a.m. Passenger will pleaee Purehin j ;.y their Ticket at the OIHcii. , , Fifty Cents additional will bo oharscd whet : , -j the fare is collected on tae train. I, ' ' Por all Information concernlntr freight oi ! ;" . passage, apvls to I V D. O. C ALDER., . General Freight and Ticket Ae't 1 . . JOHN SHASF, SUTERINTENDBNTT ' Lea Vices. H. P. Kimball. k SALT LAKE, OPIDlt ft, AM Tintic '. ";" . - r, i r v oiage ana nxpiess BUNNINQ DAU-lf FROM SAJ.1 v LAKB CITY, TL LMUi TOWBi TOOJCLK CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPH1R TO TlKTtC. f. The route has been re-itooked with splen-') splen-') did Concord Coaches. One Stoek. caieful and S DrWcrs. and every attoauonis. paid ,o tho oomdort ani ooayenienoe of passengers. passen-gers. Good accommodation! on the road. 1 ':. ',, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. j Cheap Fare and Quick Time. ( Offla t Well"! Fargo Co.'e, alt LUi City., ' ; WINE 3 & KIMBALL, i; 1 ' Proprietors. v; uWsouth RAILROAD. On and after January ielst, "i v MIXED TRAINS WILL .B,XJ3ST DAILY. ' lxmvi the Utah Central U.K. lciwt, : ' Salt, tike City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5 45 p.m., and tandy blalion, (nearest ':' ,oiut to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at I 6.;o p. io. ' An ejtra train will ' lliu on Sundays , i Leaving Draper at S.-io a m., Sandy , at 'J.lu a.ni., Salt Laie City at 4.10 ' p.m. FAKKS: , x sUL.ko to Bie Cottonwood Station. Well ' ' i; V. ' " " Dnper : '. . T.entT-nve cents eddit.eaal will be ehariK when lie tare U eoUeclei on the Irtoa.. I). O. CALDEIt, ; aen-JreUlt aid Ticket Aient. ' i FUftAaiOBZ LITTLJfl SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, I IMPORTERS 0E PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC., J33;ri0 Street, SAN FRANCISCO. BTKliN, BIJION He CO., Importers cud Denlers In TAIIsOBB1 OOOSS Clotl'w, C'n!nlerj,1Trim" 11'li1trniui'a cjioluh, iiitc, fC t fecoMW Sir-"'. BAN ASCISOO. i im '"'. u",,,u i'icl,",,i';',r;. 1U KLW 1'OlLIi. 1AHI3. A. B. ELFELT & CO., IJll'ORTBltB AMD JOU11KBB OK Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108 HO Sansomo Street, SAM FRANCISCO. Em.I.T LKVI fc CO. lClmia, Si., N. Y. ul 1 - LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Cwvlul and prompt oltontion paiil t I o' '1;;1'3 untnistuil toour cure. u " HBCHT XTEtO'S CO. j BOOTS, SIIOKS & LEATHER 104 & 100 Sanaome St., San Francisco, Andfl A 12 Pearl fltreef, Boston. BUCKINGHAM A JJECIIT, "lITRA QDAUTt" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES. JACOB USDERUILL & CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agents for Sanderson Bro'd & Co'a O-A-ST STEEIj Files, MonaeHolc AnvlU, Collins &Co'a C. S. Bledges, Picks, Axes, &c. 218 & VM Buttery Street, San Vtrfo- JAMES A, FOLQER. O.SCHOIMAHH I J. A. FOLCER&CO'S PIONEER STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE M I L, L. S. No. aao Front Street, Botwoon California and Sacramon to, ol3 SAN FRANCISCO 1 SAMUELW. KDSEHSTOCK. MARION tEVENTRIT S.W.ROSENSTOCK&CO. Manufactiirore and Importers of BOOTS AND SHOES, j sTe. Comer of sansomc iL Busli 5 Streets, Srtii Frnuclsco. Sole Agontsfertta National anlted ltbb 1 nonr,- for Uowanl. French & Co s Colebratyd Mm- I iUid .rrf W.i torMoekorirondlototf. llttUd Sevfwl Buota. ai,t j. BAU. ) San Francisco. M" 8nMVwRyork. H. BUB1EB. i , J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufactnrerfl of WEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, SHI Snnsomc St., Snn Fritnclsco. No IS W arron St., New York. 19 Harness, Saddlery, I Leather. J. C. JOHNSON it- CO., I 10 i & 106 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. JOHN G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Mauufaclurers . AND WHOLESALE STATIONERS, S27.329adra.Sn,0M.trc;t.cisca 43 John St.. MilW YOKX. With the faoilities we possess wo can m-fidonto m-fidonto say that wo can BUtI I? OT.rjtBini Id "So Paper and SUtionery lino, of BUP rior qnafities. at lower prices than con 0' obtained elsewhere. BESB EOrl SAJS1P1ES. al2 A. L. BANCROFT & CO., SAN FBANCISCO. BOOKS, STATIONERY, LUMBER YARDS. LAT.1N1ER, TAYLOR & C8. AX0TIIER EXTENSION. Wc have added to our othor business a LUMBERYARD, Where wo intend keeping a complete stock of TRUCKEE LUMBER, PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING, " And oTerything in tola connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Letters ot inquiry receive prompt attention. 010 THAI IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. The mostcompleto Cookins Apparatus In use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable , Range. Guaranteed, to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. llocke & Montague, 112 & 114 Battery 8L, j!) Sas i'aisciflco. I TOttier.'Mer & Co" Importers and Dealers in PAlfiTS, OILS , WISBOW GL.ASS, 3 Solo Agents fr French & Belgian Plate Glass Go's, ,21 and 23 STREET. San Francisco. . RiCHARDsTHARRlSOiT Importers of )t, MALT LKilOKS ft OILMAN STORES,: Jii. 316 Battery St., Sa Francisco Ao-ents for Cmae-i Bluck.cMi EnglM Groceries. J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley 4 Palmer's Reading Biscuits J, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCQ'.ATE & COCOA. 10 AKDBEG ISLAY C0ICH WHISKEY JOULE'S TRAUJC J MAKIt. MALT LIQUORS. ltd JOULE'S STONE ALE. lennenfs Scotch Ale. Blood's India Pal Ale. Bus i Co', Barton Ale. bjasi Champuo. Ale. Blood's XXX Dub-linfctout, Dub-linfctout, Gninne.s Bnblin b-.ont, iL Byass' London Porter. Ten- neat's XXX Stout, Bndre d London Porter. Foreign LJiuor. ia Cae. T a.1 clear ana oommuu, SU0AK PINE, REDWOOD, RUSTIC, SIDING, CEILING, FLOORING, rough & dressed, SHINGLES, . LATIJ. FIVE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. MOULDINGS in great variety. . Ripping, Planing and Job Work al LATIMER, TAYLOR &X0'S YARD AND FACTORY, One lilocK weit of Tabernacle. A large assortment can bo found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doom went of Main Street, opposite Walker Bro's. IOTBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber ' DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, r. r. II. JONES, 3 r Hair-blook aonta of U. O- Depot. j " " - I FREIGHTERS TO PIOCHE, ; -AND- FAMILIES, JNOTICE. If you want to get CORN, OATS, CARLE V, FLOUR, and FEED of all descriptions, before mirfihasinir vou should give Geo.H.Knowlden a call, who sells in CAR LOAD LOTS, BY THE TON OR RETAIL, the cheapest of any in the City. Families also can have their GRAIN, , FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, and GROCERIES delivered anywhere in tho City I FREE OP CHARGE. CARS OF GRAIN arriving even - day and for sale in lots, on the trael or at his store, West Side op Mae Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's "CastipaiufirTMiiuSOf&raii GIVE HIM A CALL G, II. K Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's, Dial G,rat. suit Lake City- a!6 HARDWARE, DijiiiT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of ! HEAYY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, AKrlcnltural Implement. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Puruoses, Embodj aU that i. no and no?el if Sewin. Machines. They are tho latest improyoa ani lightest running shuttle moohinc! I in the orld? Beautiful ana compact m model and unexcelled in material and finish. They .ow ovorythins from lace to beaver olotb. in the most perfect manner. IC-r.rj- variety- of Hemming, Felling, anlltlng, Corning, Ruffling, piping, Tnblng, Fringing, Hem Stltcnlng etc., easily per formed. Straight b udle. -to Ceg-wheeh. NO VXD RAT ISC SPIUXGS. Kvory Machino Warranted aa Bopresentod Salesroom on First Soutn Street Suit Lake City, opposite the e Meat Market. IRA PrOUTZ, juris g"t- "triumph- FIRE lm'RLNCE CO.'S CISCISNATL Capital - - $3,000,001 Uellable tnderwrltlng. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Proniibe to Pt Just LosiCS. Bisks taken throughout Uta H. R. MAK, Agent, SALT LAKE cnY ooicc: Banking House of A. Willie (fc Co. I P. 0. Box tti. AUtl lllilAiiifj mwimt At Lowast Rat. OPPOSITE SAX-T LAKE HOUSB pit HENDRIE BRO'S 03 MAIN STBKET, , SALT LAKE CITY, Mauuihcture". California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contacts taken for the erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM-PLETB COM-PLETB in any of tho Mining Districts. iv c nianuinciuxe ,u Vamey oi Wheeler Pans. Patent Pressed SHoes and Dies, Patent Stem Guides, and llic MacKlnery complete for STAMP 3VCIX.XjS REDUCTION0 WORKS. 1 of which wo make a reoialty and guarantee i satisfaction in all oases, Manufacture Bolthoff's Ball Pulverizer, , FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work of 15 Stamps. Price. 91500. Manufacturers' Agents for tho Sale of Sturtcvant St, Root Blower Earlc fc Cameron Steam Pumps, UofstlnK Portable and Stationary Engines, D, , runnel Rail Iron, 10, 12 and 16 lbs. to the TtraPlpc for Gas and Water, 3odKe iSi. Blalte Ore Crushers, Mining Cars and Iron Buckets, Irgllle Fire Brick, and itXlnlng Supplies. KSTmATEandDRAWraafurnUy trVDiStfU Wholesale and Retail Dealers ! IS IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND A I ill ri-UNDB MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, AiJYLLS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, I IRON PIPE, i PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS D00DS, RUBBER PACK1N0 1, AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales " Fireoroof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. s2a 20,00DlROMAMD STEEL At C. II. Bassett'8. Oppo.lt. Salt Lk. Horn... nlS " .C i ' h - CO . to t fed 2 K i " ZD 5 2 S r- SS 1 , S 2 a, pj 2 'J. ai i Si? a 5 is O r- ' I SB ,s., CS e-S S t SsS i -'.! ;J 85 S ! ! i 5 B iSS i . . Q. ( h Sal , Ul c j I ? tsa : -J Id , i la a ' s s O 51 J s 43 s j i ' MISCELLANEOUS, ! Ladies and Gentlemen, Hick or poor, desirous of procuring a Perfect Fit in Boots or Shoes, -will find at 99 ilain street a large and , ...tmnr,, tn RoltXlt frOtO. If' CDOICO U3u ,vo cannot suit you from our ready-made ready-made Block, we -will make to order any stylo and quality desired, and insure, in-sure, satisfaction. Our facilities for manufacturing aro unsurpassed in this city. RErAIRINO Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers -Wo invito your altontion to our complete com-plete stock of Leather and Findings, consisting, in part, of tho best brands of French and American Calf Skins, Moroccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, Uplier Leather, Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs, Nails and everything else noc-c,ary noc-c,ary to a full outfit for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. 0ur goods having been carefully selected for the trade, by Mr. Crompton, thoy can bo relied on, and our prices are as Fumacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. IRK 10B5TB POR THI GULDICN CITY FIRE BRICK, j Wnich are eual if not superior to the special rates sivon by the car load. ootlS ) 7a5. A. STR0MBEE&, Merchant Tailor, ,y East Side Commercial St., Sext door south of J. M. Day &. Co. n Clolhs, lassiiueres, tic., on baud, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Clothe. Cleaned and Repaired en.ua! to new at low rate.. ,V- rVronaie' Respectful!? Solicited low as any goods of liko quality can bo sold hero. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Observe tho address ad-dress 99 Main street. Saddlers -Will find it to their interest to examine exam-ine tho quality and prices of our stock of Eastern and Western Harness, Tug, Bridle, Dash, Collar, Winker, Fair and Lace Leathers, Saddle Trees and Halters. We make a specialty of Horso Collars, in which we cannot fail to give satisfaction. Besides a largo variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes Hay ward's celebrated copper-riveted I Horso Collars. Notice 99 Main street. . . . . anr nr. Ofm- q havo lately recoiv, stantly receiving, largo Bupplies of all tho above classes of goods, and we endeavor to procure, manufacture and soil only Buch articles as will maintain our character for reliability. . HIDES BOUGHT. , c, M. I. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, AT THE SIGN Or BIG BOOT, 39 MAIN STRE.ET, SALT LAKE OUT. b16 H. B. Olawion. Sap't. 5 " m - s! U ui 3 b Q ; g H J m 5 o 6 b I -i I h g g- rt'fS 0 H u I j g w Ul m H r S o Ul O 1 Q g U Ul i H n Ul U s EH R o 0. H h uj w D S2 ' C5 ro Z !Z! P ui p. u .gg So H Si-fi O c- L o ud, sa h H w h - a R MISCELLANEOUS. 1872. me ' oft" Fancy Straw Hats cl and Wreaths, at astonishingly -r low prices, just the thing for PIC-NICS i AND - SI ; EXCURSION PARTIES. ; Retail Dry Ms Department. . n H.B. CLAWSON, Supt. d- S W & r o ui 1 s o . u 5 g of - o c sr not K A J S J g des . Z a J S i cd 1 J i 3 o is - ui -g a 5 n -a - 1 S i 3 ! x p- s J 1 1 g cis C-H fc J( id 10 b sasis" OEiOTiSIKrGr DEPARTMENT, Z. O. 3. I- ' Hnvin- itle extensive Alterutions nud Improvements Improve-ments in our premises we are now prepared to offer every facility in carrying on our rapidly increasing in-creasing business in the sitle of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-madeClothing. HATS OF THE NEWEST STYLES AHRIV1NG EVERY FEW DAYS. ) OUE SPBINQ AEBIVALS Will compriso the most oxtonsivo and varied Stock of Suits rH.-S.VitT of every size and style, I KanginR from "Men's" of 2 years to those of the largest proportions I while the quality cannot fail to establish still further the reputation which wo havo already earned. II The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't W1I.I. ALSO I)E 1 -..FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer new inducements to our numerous customers, p ' 1 OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT P es 5 branch, so that Gentlemen oan rely or, having 1 5 their tastes suited in every particular. to . q We are daily receiving n,,r Snrinr Purchases of Piece Goods JO OOBDOK. BESET B- BOEEiY. Gordon &. Murray, ItSnocessors to ELY, DUNCAN 1 Co.,) FORWARDING AND CommissionMerchants Warohousea, half-a-block south of R, E. . Depot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track or Utali Southern Railroad, UtaU. Merchandise, Machinery, &o. , Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Rates, to aU pointa in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. MARK PACKAGES care G. & M. gait Lake City. Send Shirring Receipts to their Post Office Box 773, tialt Lake City, Utah, with each CoaBignmoatof Goods; Mr. BARBER, of tho late firm, will act as afeiit at Piocho lor all lusinow In that vicinity and through wliuni contracts can be niaae and lull Information obtained. Special Attention given to the Handling Hand-ling and Trans-Shipment of Bullion and Ores. Advance CUargei payable on receipt of snipping blUa by Conilgni. Higbeit Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Grain, Hay, &c, for Sale. TJ.ivinr a larse and commodious warehouse, ware-house, we iue iTopirod to rocuv oad i-on ail JLndi gfgooda. s Ai VUX - . - . i Comprising the most fashionable styles of now goods, in I French, English and American COATfHeSand . To which wo invito speoial attention. m I TT ATtn Will find our stock of Cloths and T 1 TT AT) C l AlLUKo T"mmings u uqt:h.ed hitherioin lAlLUiirj NEWESTISTYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS i Constantly arriring. TRUNKS TO SUIT AEL TASTES, Of out own manufacture.! m29 H, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. 10,0 o o Singer Sewing Machines were SoM within the jea THE SINGER Manufacturing Company, A.T THE WOXjID'S DT-A-IIKj -Constituted by tho homes olthepooide- Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have lctt all riyalslar Behind them, FOIt HEY Sold in 187012833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The maenitnde to whieh the mannfactur. of. owing J;'1 & !eH SfiS'SlSi., - - 1HT,833 Florence "Sg .lrilson - . Tm? g Oro Baker . g.JJj k Lyon - SroolIiesS-ld a " Mr th.famons "Wheeler 4 WiUon" machine. This Is owing to th. fact that the u 8 K company hav. later, commenoed making, beside, their old and 21 manuLtnring maohine. what is known a. their "Sew Family MaoW 1. .eULng t tire rate of nine to one better tlian tlrelr old .tyle. Their Ul nales for 1S9 were 86.7S1 machines against tho 127,833 of 1S70, slowing an lner.a" of one-lraif In tUe latter year." "Mew York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, J HOW HSJ.HI.T ' THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION 3VEcl2.irs.o Sold, M m A 'JL- c A . m . O were mad. within .lie pa.t U.re. year. But th. j "e'. "iM ... ir,." THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHlit' ' With attachments Jor all kinds of work, I. f..t winning snrrem. fayor in the hottsehold, u iboga by the rapidly lncreaim UV.Fi'm.iyte.n. I, now capable of a ranee and jariety of wor k ... l was only r.e.aUy thought iaipossiblo to nerform .""V.d e.ly "'' tu'" - .K.rrtdblPireTSolyanH may b wn with great ttrcngth and unilorm.ty of .tltcb.. and. in , :l. E'Sr's'srtS M. hTtuoltfJr E Send for Descriptive and I'rice Circulars. sent ourPrincirorjranch Uiiicc!. or Afc-ocoiea. "5 OTHER SEWING MAOHIMES REPM3EQ OH REAS0,U21S Md. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DEUVERED ITtEE THEOUGUGUT THE CiXI. TERMS TO SUIT AUL. T W. ertend a cordi. My" theSiiiger. ,r ,,T , ,., lu,ttu All Maul.lnei ..erfecll alju-i 8" SfflGSR SEW1SG SACHDiE DEP'T, U.M.I. e. QENEilAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Earle Emuortum, mil |