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Show CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty oenta for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ton cents. WASTED. FURNISHED BEDROOM (LARGE) wanted br BQDtlenmn and lady, with or without board. Addrea M. SuJ box, Pott OiUcc. myll i GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE jV work. Apply to Mrs. Clark. Ijth Ward LOST. AMEERSCnAUM PIPS, BETWEEN (ho Orent Western Hotel and the Lib-oral Lib-oral Institute- A reward of So will bo paid for its delivery at tho bar of tho (Ireat Westers Hotel. my 14 TO LET. A ROOM SUITABLE FOR OFFICE PUR-poses. PUR-poses. on (round lloor, Woodraanseo's JluildiQR. Knciuiro of Wn. B. Doucull, Desorel Tolcaraiih Office. myll FOR RENT. A TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, XL witli nino rooms and collar, and ono and a quarter aores jilantod with tho ohoicost fruit: locatod on Eighth East street, near First South, in tho Hlh Ward. Enquiro nt A. Lcvonthai'a Auction Home. mj'J A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BED-roooi, BED-roooi, euitablo for ono or two gentlemen, gentle-men, ono and a half blooks west of tho Townsond House. Enquire of Mra. Ferguson Fergu-son on the promises. mr5 OFFICE ROOMS TO LET IN REESE'S Block. al" FOlt sale! pUEAP FOR CASH. THE BOX ELDER wplaco ono block oast freai Dopot. Land. 5 by 20 rods. Orchard of ohoioost fruit aftod trees- Apply to LeGrand Young, on tbe pretnisoi. or at tho ofBoo of Jos. A. Young, a 30 gs DR. GROVES, 1 Office, Second South Street, Three doors west of Revere Hoqbo, half a block east of Elophant Store, Salt Lake City. OKoe Uijuri from 9 t-m. to & p.m. mil A Argcata Lodge, No. 3, A. F. ',( & A. M. Stated communications YCp of this Lodce hold on the first and SiL third Tuesday of each month, at Masonic Hall, East Temple Street-Mom Street-Mom bora of sister lodges and sojourning biclhren in gool standing aro cordially invited. in-vited. E- B- ZABRISKIE. W-M. C- A- GOULD, ScoroUry pro torn, my9 ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A. W. WHITE &ICO, BANKERS, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lnkc City. Dealers in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all thr. Principal Cities of the United States and Europe. Particular attention given to Collections, and proceeds remitted at Current rate of Exchange on day of payment. GEO. E. WHITNEY, Attorney. CORRESPONDENTS: Bank of California - . Ban Francisco Lcu 4 Waller .... Hev York Cook County National Bank - - Chlrago HiMkcIl Dank gt. Louia 8 Into Hank of Nebraska ... Omaha myU ANOTHER EXCURSION ON THE i BRINY DEEP. The Steamer ''CITY OF CORINNE'' Will mko AN EXCURSION TRIP OK Great Salt Lake, On SATURDAY NEXT, May 18th, From Lnkc Side, on the V. C. R. R. Train connecting with the steamer -will leave tho U. C. R. K. Depot at 8 o'clock, a.m., and roturning will arrive at 7:30 p.m. Fare for tho round trip, including transfer by wagon from the can to steamboat landing aud return, Si. 00. Dinner served on board in a stjle unsurpassed unsur-passed on tho Pacific Coast at an extra charge of 31-00, All the luxuries of the icason to be had an board at Sal', Lake prices, Evory oare will bo taken to have tho company so-loct. so-loct. and to make the trip thoroughly enjoyable. en-joyable. Tickets for sale nt tho offioo of D . S. JACOBS JA-COBS & CO.. Kimball's Block. Procure them early aa only a limited number will be sold. N. B. Aimrty of Ono Hundred or moro, wishing at any time to make an oxoursion on the steamer, can be accommodated by notify no-tify ing us, in timo to lu&ko necessary preparations. pre-parations. my 14 H S. JACOBS CO. Administrator's Notice. The undcrsignod, having been appoint cd by tho Probate Court of tho County of Salt Lako, Territory of Utah, Administrator of the estate of Lewis Lauor, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having any claims against aaid estate to present tho same within thirty days from tho dato of thia notice. All persons per-sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate aro requested to oomo forward and make settlement immediately. tajU U. H, Sand bbs, Adm'r. To Edmund Cameron Brand. In tho High Court of Chancery, in England, in tho matter of the trusW of tho will of liregor Cameron, so far as they relate to tho bequest in favor of Jane Cameron and her issue, and in the matter of tho act for bettor scouring trust funds and for tho relief of trustees. Take NoTici,that in pursuance of tho provisions pro-visions of tho above mentioned act, an affl-davit affl-davit of Ellen Fiold, of Brighton, in the emntyof Sussex in England, sninster, and Thomas Weitell Cuthbort, of Tooting, in the county of Surrey in England, gentleman, filed in tho aid High Court f Cnanccry on tho twentieth day ot t'obruary, ono thousand eigbt hundred and seventy-two, and tbo directions di-rections of the Accountant-lioneral of the said High Court of Chancery, tbo said Ellen Fiold and Thomas Westell Uuthbert, did, on or about the twonty-oighth day of February, ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, seventy-two, transfer into tho nanio of the Aooouot-aat-Gencral of the raid liirb Court of Chancery, Chan-cery, ono thousand pounds Bank throo pounds per cent, annuities and three hundred hun-dred and fifteen pounds new three-pounds per cent, annuities, to the credit of '"In the matter ottheTrusta of tho will of Grcgor Cameron Cam-eron no faros they relate to tho bequest in favor fa-vor of Jano Cameron and her issue." And further fur-ther take notice that the iaid Ellen Field and Thomas Westell Cuthbert may bo served with any petition, or any notice ol any proceedings pro-ceedings or order, of the said High Court of Chancery, or ol tho Judge in Chambers touching or relating to the said sums of stock or either of them, at tho odices of Messieurs K em peon, Troliope and Winckworth, No. 31, Abingdon street. " estminster, in the county of Middlesex in England, acting as thosolici-tors thosolici-tors for and on behalf of the said Ellen Field and Thomas Westell Cuthbert. Dated this fifth day of March, ono thousand eight hundred hun-dred ami seventy-two. To Edmund Cameron Brand and all others whom it doth or may concern. myll COLLEGE SCRIP! pREEMPTORS will save $16 od J- each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Apply to TUB BANK OP UKSERKT, Suoeeuor to Hooper. Eldrodge A Co. CASH TOR WOOL. SCHOFI ELD Pays the highest market price in ca-h lor WOOL at KIM U AM 4b LAWUE.NCfSSiore, MISCELLANEOUS - A. P. HOTAIING 8c CoT SOLE AGENTS FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER J OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORT KRfl OP PINK WINER AND LIQUORS, 431 Jackion tit.. Sfttt PmnclBC. nl9 . J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville, Kentuclcy, Distillers, The Trade and Consumers aro notified that the above is tho only genuine brand of Cotter whisky, and that the undersigned are the solo Agents for the aaino. All other brands claiming to bo "Cut lor" whisky are only poor Imlmtlonn. In order to nre-vont nre-vont traud, the nui( a of the Agents aro burned in each barrel, Rnd blown m en t) bottle, with & r&c-almlle ulgua-ture ulgua-ture of tho Grm covering th oorks. None Other genuine. A. P. IIOTALING , CO.. Solo AgontB for the Pacific Coast, 4S1 J aokson Stroet, an Francisco. California. CL NMNUTON A CO., Aionta for Salt Lako and Utah. alU. XO TilE TRADE. For Sale In Store and WarehouiM; 2.500 barrels J. II. Cuttor whisky, 600 barrols Daniel lioono whisky, 4-ii barrels Eldorade whisky. ST.i barrols C. A M. Caiokon Cook whisky. 250 barrels Old, Bourbon whisky. 375 barrels Marshall whisky, 1,300 barrels other popular brands Ivy. " 5,000 cases J. U. Cutler whisky. Also In Store and Bonds ST V ensks ossortod brands French brandy 200 octaves " " " " 50 pipes Holland Qtn, 150 U 225 4 casks Port Wine, assorted brands 175 octavos " " 2C0 M casks Shorry Wino ' " H5u octaves " Orders Solicited. A. P. UOTALINQ CO., 431 JackflOD Street. San Francipco, California. Messrs. liUNNlNGTON &, CO., our Agents for Salt Lake and Utah. all ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In the Supreme Court for the District Dis-trict of UtRll, In tho matter of " Rices, Lechtenbcrg JtCo., In Bankruptcy. Ban&rupt, J UNDER and by virtue of nn order of court in the above matter, I shall, on Wednesday, May 15th, 1S72( at 10 o'clock a.m.. oiler at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash, at tho store on East Temple street formerly occupied by Riggs, Lcchton-borg Lcchton-borg k Co., tho following personal property, to wit: Tho stook of goods now in the store, consisting con-sisting of General Merchandise, and shall continuo said lalo from day to day until disposed of. mylO JO GORDON, Assignee. FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M.A.DAUQIIERTiy . JACOB PEETRY, President- ' ' Secretary. Cash Assets - $871,152.81, By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, well distributed, wo offer to tho public indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago record is a marantee of prompt and eauitablo adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Offlcci Banking House of A. W, -Whits & Co. Post Office Box, No. 554. mylO To Whom it may Concern. WE, tho undersigned, George N. Savage and W . H- Racer, claim and own two hundred and twenty-five (225) feet in tho Red Pino ledge in Dry canyon, latterly known as tho Iris and still later known as the Kear-sarge, Kear-sarge, said claim having boon located Juno 1870. byW. II. Ragor, ot al., and duly recorded re-corded and tbo law complied with in other respects. And wo hereby caution parties not to trade or barter for said claim without our sanction er consent, Q. N. SAVAGE. W. H. RAU ER. Salt Lake City, April 30, 1S70. myl REMOVAL Geo. Clnrlc has removed his harboring establishment from 2nd South Street to the third door south of tho City Xiquor Storo, (np-stairs) where ho would bo pleased to soo his friends and patrons. mylO NOTICE. THE annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of tho Utah Central Railroad Co. for the Election of Officers Will be held on Saturday .June 1st, atlOam., at tho ofhco of Prosidoht Young. GEORGE SWAN. Secretary. Salt Lake City, U- T May 10th, 1872. my 10 W.T.REYNOLDS Jt CO., E. It. ZABRISKIE, ?on Francisco- bait Luko City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOR SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS FOB "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB Jl. IR IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TI1E HOUSE. MAIN STREET, Two doori south of We 11 a, Fnrgo ACo'i Bank. my5 B.W. Alle r& Co., 47 Broadway. New York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent, for Die Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY I W. S. FOSTEB, Ageut. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MINERS' FOUNDRY VND MACHINE WORKS, j Co-OporntiTO, 133 First Street, Situ FrnncUco, I Angell, Palmer & Co., 1 a2T Itl AN AG KHS. BOOTS AND SHOES, , California Manufacture, FOR. WHOLESALE THADK, Weaver &. Taylor, US Front Strcot, San Francisco. California. ' A. C. DIETZYCOT" IMF0BTKE3 Ot PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, Ho. 22 FRONT STREET. Bet SacramontoA C.lilorn! EtnFr.DcliH m A. J. GRIFFITH, Dwalw In UadM ot SALMON AKD HERRINGS.. 13 Washington Street. All kinds of Drityl, Binokod ftiid Ficttlod Tis) oooitanUy on hand. Jl ROSENBAUIVI & FRIEDMAN Si &, at Battery St., Snn Fran, ImporlorB and WhoIcsnloDcalors French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, .Hosiery, Cornels, liibbons. And full lino of fiuullwnras. nHi THE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIGH IN THE SIERRA NEVADA Moan tains, in tho wonderful Stato ol California, grows an herb lone known to the Indiana aa an absolute cure for RHEUMATISM, RHEUMA-TISM, .GOUT, NEURALGIA, and all diseases dis-eases in any way springing from impuritiet of tho blood. Science has at length brouRh! to light its virtuos, and of this potent herb has compounded YEHBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for the PERMANENT CUKE of Scrofula., Salt IUium, and all Krnp-tlv Krnp-tlv and Cutaneous Disease. Giros immediate and permanent relief ir DYSPEPSIA. BUYS I PEL AS, Ring Worm, Tumors, Boils, Scald Heads, Ulcors aua Sores; eradicates from tho sjstom all traces of morourial disoase. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore poonliarly suitablo for nso by females and children as a JiLOOD PUHj-PIER PUHj-PIER and RENOVATOR. MOTHERS Who wish to find a medicine peculiarlj adapted to tho cure of liUMOKS and ERUP HONS in their children, will find a aaft and sure euro in YERIiA SANIA. Forsalt everywhere. REDINGTOS, HOSTETTJC1I. Jt CO Agents, 939 and 931 Market Stf Sn Francisco. RED!NGT0N HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of POKE1G9T AND DOMKSTIO DRUGS 1XD CHEMICALS Fin Essential Oils, Gums, Hooti, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, A.C., And all other Staples connected with ths Wholesale and Retail Drug Buiiness. Constantly in receipt, by diroot Importation, of European and Asiatic produoU. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hostetter's Bitters, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs Scheidam Sohnapps. Nowoll's Pulmonary Syrupa And all the leading Proprietary Medicine both. American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Noi. 539 and 831 market Street Between First and Second. San Francisco, California.- my 31 ' GRAND HOTS!. On Market, New Montgomery and Hecond id tree La. WAJDT FHANCI CO, OAXj. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. Michael Kaki. T. N. Ward. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, V and . Co.) 1 Importors and Wholesale Doalers in fflA'ES AAD LIQUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's California Wheat Wlilslioy. Also Aitenta for Josoph S. Finoh'a eel e bra tod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY SOT and 009 Fro nt St., near Jacksoa, SA.f FRANCISCO. my 31 LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreicn and Do-meetie Do-meetie fancy and tsUi-lo DRY OOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission ami Pacific MtlU, Coiuwlidattd 949 . 8J7 Maiket St., Snn Fra njia P.wia: 2S Run Do L'Ecbi.iu E. MARTJM&GQ. WMcsalc Lipr Dealers, 08 Front Street, San Francisco Proprietors of HlLLER'g EI I RA OLD BOl'rlUOH And sole agents for , C. CUTUR'S EXTRA OLD B3UH3QN WHISML5 Constantly on h-ind, a full aaor'.uiont of all tho ard Brands of Wliliklcs, Flue Urmulie Foreign and Domestic Wines, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING jreal Titles to Mining CI films and Watrr UlKtit. Hy llr. Korv Yulo. $7 f). 'rorrmii of GoW! nitu Silver kli. traction, forUcueral Use. liy Guido Kutol. ?S m, iiililmrtts, 1Vliat thry are, llov Anycil, and How Worked! By Win. linratow. $1 w. flic Mining and Mrtnllnrfry of Gold and silver. By J. Arthur Phillips. Phil-lips. !i:ifi. riie Metallurgy of Lend. Including Dcnllvorlz,uiloii, and CuptlliUioi. By John Percy. f l' hj. 1 ltlniinnl of Practical Attsaiitr. By John Milohell. K. C. S. SUUI. Drooktr'a mid Kolirt;H Trentttc on MeliiLlurfiy, In lline vola. Vol. I. Silver ml Lend. Vol. It. Copper aud Iron. Vol.111. Slirrl and Kuel. 1-Inch vol. aold poparntoly nt (10 ix pit Tol. riie Metallurgy uitd Mining of Copper. Cop-per. By A. S. PiRRut. M I. 1 A. Tret lne on Oru LH-poNlts. By Horn-hard Horn-hard Von Coua. $1 A stein of Mineralogy. By Jitmcs D. Dana. M. A. 810 l'J. Any of tbo above works sent by mail on re- ;ciil of price in ooin, or iu equivalent in jurrouoy. Wo also have in addition to tho tibovr. a larco assortment ol' Scientific, Standard itnd Mi.'collanouus Books, Blank Books and stationery. Catalogues furniuliod on application. appli-cation. Address A. ROMAN Si, CO., Publl niters, UooktlleB, Importer and Stationers. No. 11 Hon'Roincry St., Lick House Block, bun Prauoieoo, California. at ESTABLISHED 1 8 6U. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 ami 215 Front Street, San Francisco. aP4 CRAY, JONES &CO. U K I' O T Of T 11 K SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, 'MANUFAC'UKERSOF 0K SOU LEATHER, Sa, 118 Bntlery Street, S.I l'KASCISCO. KuMUNn JorrH, I u, S.v.usi C. On.tr, Jtssi u uosios ) SanUl Bn Fmnobco. ai,ti Blblishodinmil.l G. VEN ARD, Manufacturer of tbo Original Cliartrcs Cofl'ee, And all hinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and fi27 Front Street, between Jackion and PaoiQo, SAN A.N CISCO. a5 L. A. SuudofMon, T. h. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importors and Jobbers of CIGARS 1D TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Kxpauola Oigitr Factory,) Sole manufacturers of i)c celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Stxee. Between Washington and Cl.y, SAN FRANCISCO. api CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUfACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OF Fancy CrackBrs, Cales &Biscaits, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, SAN 'FRANCISCO. afi 1 E. A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of ' Brandies, fines ani Lipr; 310 Front St., cor. Commercial, O. b. sys. K3 SAN FIIANCISCO. j LOniELOTiaU. WALTER BOOB, II. D. OUKT. U. CHrBIiOVIOH eft) CO., importers and wholesale doalora In FINE WINKS b LIQUORS, eoLj aoekts roa IESSE, MOORE & GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. j 601 Front St.. BAN FRANCISCO. ai4 taiCHELiS, FRIEDLANDBU Oi. CO., IKFOBTIBBOr Furnishing and Fancy Goods, No. 7 Q Battery St., (Oriental Block) San Francisco, California. Solo Manufacturers of tbe IMPBOVKD YOKE A M ERIC AS 3 IITHT. ap4 j. b. woosria. r. t. aifArrucs. WOOSTER & SHATTUCK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Wlioloaalo Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317310 Front at., cor. Commercial, SAN FRANCISCO. ti PARKER, WATTSON & CO, (Successors to Weil k Co.,) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CICARS, 221, 223 aad 225 Front sL, cor. Sacramento, a5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MURPHY,GRANT& CO. Importers of American and European , Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trado to thotr and complete stook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they aro bow receiving direct froml. Eoropoan Manufacturers, com I-mini In part French merino. Wool Satlnea, Wool Elaldat French nd German, Irlali and Frencli Fopllui, Bmprei Cloth, Tamlae, black tad colored, Veivtcn, Alpaca, black and colored. SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO QLO "V E S , Kid. Back. BorllD (Ladiu'. Miuw', e.fiU') Gents' Underwear And .11 kind, of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Mo I cry, c.mir-lr-t In all lU branch White Good. Ilnndkcrcliler, bhli tlitg L.1HCH. Q.U11I, lute aud coloifd, , llainaaka, truwa l.m ao-1 (!' oe. Towel, Unck, Dirvr, Ti.rkJa. Napkin an. I l)olU. k.Lc fcite.. " coal: coal:.' GRASS CANYON COAL ! ! ! I am prorarcd Ic ft.roi.-h c"' Coal, io ,IU .mantltioi. JoliMr.d lo .art. Of tl.o Citj. OrJ.n ! B"'M , Soo. Ct Icmid. Si-. i" "i,e v .1. Lee. Alt.'- |