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Show DAILY HERALD. A Live Paper FOR Live People. Til K MALT LAKK DAILY HERALD TIIK Sl'X'L'LAK AND COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OK SALT LAKK CITY. The People's Papers FREE AND INDEPENDENT. The Cheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The Kocky Mountains ! TO MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho rocont diacovory and rapid il e vehement vehe-ment of the mines of Utah havo si von, and will continue to itive, an impotus to trade of every kind, which Hhould command llio attention at-tention of all business men who desire to sbaro in its profits. Heavy shipiuonts ol'oroa lor months past havo boon bringing woalth Into tho Territory; a lurgo immigration has commenced; agricultural agri-cultural and other products aro finding roady sales ; and merchants It off in to fool thee toady tlow of monoy through tho vnrlod channels of commerce. To business men at a distunoo who seek to . participate in tho lively trade whiohl'must j attend suuli iv rapid growth of intorests, as I wull no to tho local public, a live, energetic newspaper is a necessity, by whioh to be ', made fully acquainted with tho true eondi- j tion ormiitlers as they exist, and i.ta rough ! which to prosont their business and faoitities ' for furnishing so promising a market. j THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully moots this necessity in Utah. Not being tlie organ of nay person, aect or party, nor tlcvoted alone to any alngl Interest, it has grown upon publio favor and attained anunprocedontod circulation circula-tion in tho time whioh has elapsed since it was established, by being; in the strictest senBO a Free, Tnttcpentlent , Llv and THorougtily Progressive NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with the greatest oare and from the most reliable sources, makes it valuable to all interested in tho mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL i TERRITORIAL ' INTELLIGENCE j i Can be equally relied on; and its enterprise j has placed it in the FR0XT RANK OF THE ROCKY itlOBMAlX JOURNALS. THE SALT LAKE HERALD I Circulates largely aud is widoly road in i every Mining Camp, and throughout the ! Cities, Towns and Settlements of tho Terri- ; tory; is found in tho oflico of every enterpris- 1 ing business man in Utah; circulates on tho Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Cen- ! tral Railroads; has a largo mail subscription j list east, wost, north and south: and is The Best Advertising Medium In the Kocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise! Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the People's Paper! T 1 I K i SILT LAKE HERALD j I I i i BO YOU WANT EMPLOYMENT, HIRED HELP, MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO RE.S'T, HOUSES TO RE.VT, OFFICES TO RENT, STOKES TO RENT, MAKE YOCR WAXTS KXOWX IN THE Salt Lake Herald. Z.C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. GRAND j clothing! ! AND FURNISHING ! DEPARTMENT, I '! ; i ':25. O. TxX. I. i WE AHK ' JUST OPENING A FULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS .SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER USE, Which wo shah soli in suit or other lengths on a very 'small inarKio. (.eiilleineii wishing to be dressed in the most iiish-io iiish-io n able and substantial manner, can have their selection manufactured on short notice by our onn workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good fit guaranteed. In addition to the above we have Ol'EXED an IMMENSE STOCK Of suitable and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING In every variety of fabric and style. The Latest fashions m HATS AND CAPS Negligee, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, ! NECK-TIES AND BOWS,! i HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths, MATS AND RUGS. WALL PAPER DECORATIONS, With competent workman to attend to purchasers. pur-chasers. US' The Largest, Must Dtetrable a,ul Complete Stock in L'tah. H. B. CLAWSON, lu SUPI. I SEWING MACHINES. READ THIS! SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties 11 BE SEEN BI EVERYBODY Contemplating the purchase of h Machine for family or other use. Atoui- uewiy-fltted up Salesroom, Second Door South of tlie Engl Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Department ofZ. C. 31. 1., will be found a Full Anortmcnt of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Kverybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, the following r: . rm? sw how : In 1850 those now celebrated MachincB wore first oH'crod to tho public and in Iho four yoar3succoodiDE 4,01)0 wore sold. To-diiy To-diiy over that number are weekly turned out from tho factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply is not criunl to tho demand. At tho end of tho yoarlUGT, upward of 200,001 Machines were Bold, and m tho following years, from 'OS to '70, tho number had boon incrcasod to uDward of ! 500,000 MACHINES SOLI), One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve month. From tho foroRoing itwill be Been that dur-iue dur-iue tho lost throoyeors, the sales havo boon , upward of fifty per cent more than during tho wholo of the seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of yeai-i thorough trial la that the SEWING MACHINE fa adapted to all kinds of work, sowing as readily the thickest and moat stubborn material ma-terial as tho finest and most delioate fabrics-WIj fabrics-WIj j ''itch, that for eveness, perfection and durability is unequalled. . Accompanying each Maohine are printed instructions, so plain and easy of oomprohen-sion oomprohen-sion that, although wo recommend customers custom-ers to takp at least ono lesson from tho Op. erator. it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a, glance tho simplicity of tho Machine of the0'' " 01 ot?ns true tion. Borne ADVANTAGES j OP THE SINGER MACHINES ARE ii.ShW'S"r ?f MMtrnotion therefore Ieis liability to Ket out of repair. hhtrt' ";''' ncodle-loss liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. ' The shuttle is carried; friotion. wear and Lvoldod'''' It" race are thus . Readiness with which tho most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjuat the tension of the thread. n . "m AnT 'wenty years constant service thoso machines have never been known to wear out. They aro noiseless, rapid and caay in all their movements. All our machines aro adjusted and put in frS5 h ninu ordor.by oompotenthandi. 5l ? i1'"i,r!- "ors therefore have onoS." C" ,ucc"f"? will THE KEW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE 8 Satlh.0.rSrZnn,.1 J "iU Mtf" " The Improved MAKUFACTURItaa MACHINES for benvy work, are too well known to nood e minent. Wo also keep in stock tbo New Medium Noiselest MASUFACTUR1NSMACHINES Me J pearled Machine with , oibinS folia aid folding oovor in mottled black waliJTof. F M bi.0Kr f iBh1' Polished. U ' , i-veryJIachineislurnishodwith tho same ! eomnletolurniture. includinij the new hem? merlaewinu.ll wi.Itha) and foil." and b?ai- W tuu.au, ourM.ol.Uie. to do Uemmlag, .11 wldtu., r.lllngi Ileia-tltoUlaB Ileia-tltoUlaB Br.mii,B, M.filo KaOllagi Embpolderlag (uo cnoJn .titer.)) Gathering .ad Sewing oa eitaaa.. tlme.wlta or wltUout e. bond, on tlio edge or latne center CordlagiTuck-Ingi CordlagiTuck-Ingi UulHlng, Trlmailug, Bladlag U wldtlia .ad kladi, etc.. ttc, tc. Two, doore aoull. of tu Eagl. JCm- WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charye TO AU, PARTS OK THIS CITY All kinds ol' Sowing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Temip. ol H B, CLAWSON, Supi MISCELLANEOUS. ; 1016"! I COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL UEALE1! 1 lali, ( iililui iiia ami Fortigu FRUITS, PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES. CA.3srr)iEs, VEGETABLES, POULTRY. And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LA ICE CITY. k;o RAILROAD SHOPS. i HOPPER no., Second South Street, H.lf Block K.at Revere Home, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGOR! AtiO CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSMITHING In all its EraiKhes. COACH PAIM1G AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to suit all. A. HOPPEK. I. B. ZABRISKIE, g FIRE INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, B. W. E. JENNENS, Agenl for Salt Lake Ciiy k Ogdeu. Ollice wltli TtRidel , Co., Main St., f"2 SALT LAKK CITY Merchants' Exchango UuiMinK. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, . . sr.50,000. ii.ii.mtiEi.ow. ?J"BriS&S,S; H. R. MANN, Agont fur Uluh Torritory, Offlue, under llic iteudlnK Koo.iis, juai Suit Lako City SALT LAKE BRANCH Ol-' TIIIC Great Western FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. MAKSHA1.I. a CAB.TE11. Attorney.. II. H. MANN, ... OFFICE : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of Uiis SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we are now ready for business and earn-I earn-I solicit publio patronage, guaran-teemg guaran-teemg that aU ar0 risks will bo carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, manager SAN FRaNCISCOTHADE. Miouaki.Kank. T.N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., (SuccenKOin to II mile r, Wand Co.) Iuiliortcra and Wholcsalo Dealers in WINES AND LIOUORS, Proprietors ofllunter's California Also Aconls for Joseph 8. Finch's eel ob rat oil PennrjyU-anm RYE WHISKEY. 007 and 009 Front .St. i near Jnckuon, SAN FRANCISCO. myT LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Dome Do-me tic Fuiioy and Stitplo ! DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 035 dt 537 Market Sl.t San Fran. JuylS PiiriR : 2-f Ro Do TRohuniicr. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Importers und Manufaoturera of BOOTS A1H) SHOES Of EVtHY STYLE AND KIND, 113, IIS, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FKANCISCO. Our Jlnme viude Goods are uncqualed ly any, Samples al Mr. Uooilliiuil's Ollice, oi S.ALT LAKE CITY. E. MARTINA CO. Wholesale Lipor Dealers, 40 8 ti'ionl. Sfi-cef, San FraiiclMvo. Proprietors of Mir.LfclR'S EXTRA ULU UOUllUOtV And solo fronts for I. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOUHBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full ussortmont of ! all tbo Standard Bi niuU of WhitiltleiJ, Fine BraiHlles, Foreign and Domestic Winea, m 5 Illtlera, Cordials, Ac. WEIL & CO., IUt'OUTEK9 lr Cigars and Tobacco Propriulora ofllio HAVANA CICiAR MANUFACTORY 'AX1, 343 and 335 Front St., Southwost corner Front & Saoramonto Stfl., J. fliVKKfiSa'G & CO., C0tS3i0N MERCHANTS 4H Clay St., Sail Francisco, DEALERS IN OREGON PRODUCE. Aro constantly in rocoljit of Oregon Hams, Bacon, Lurd, tlutiuon, kc. Starch, of our own and Li'.orn man n facta re Mwaya on hand. S. 1. Uolden. jas. Moorhead. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.. IWP0HTIR3 or FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o. 28 & 30 8ANSOME ST. London r 27 Leaden-hall St.. K.C- o5 HEAD QUARTERS j BOOTS & SHOES,! HOBART, WOOD. & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. S7 Pearl St., Boston, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. iuipl A. J. GRIFFITH,' D"'r &3Fb all klcdaof SALMON AND HERRINGS', 133 AVaalttiigton Street. All kiiidfl of Drlwl, Sniokod and Pickled Fiah ' couataiitlyou Laud. J. . MEimiL.JL, & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 0 attdUOO Cnliroriili. SI., Ski. Fruicl.eo, . . clirornl. Particular attontlon paid to tho llllins of orders tor ovory description of merchandise, 023 Sl. of Or,., 4lc, c. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Jll Cly strer ( , s.a Prancl.oo. A. C. DIETzTFoT" IMPOItTEltS OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET. Bo..Wie,.to California, Sni. Franolnc. UTAH CENTRAL PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ol. amlitrter Ilou.lay, jy 11,187, Wai!y Trains P-P I- Loavo CnJen at 8 a. m. and 5 3U ,, l ' Arrive at Salt Lake Uity "S Jm.and7:30 p.m In addition to tho above Will run : DALLY, SUNDAYS KXCEW1SD I L.aviB Slt LahOityuo ..., ,ld Far from Salt Lake Clt ! Woods Cross . . 1ar Mixed Conlrevillo - . . S !' S 35 riinuincton - . , " '" Kaysvillo - . J fr.' " Ur i Ogdcn I - II 85 ' .1 51) i fiy Fare from (Kden to Knysvillo - . c, 1 Contrevillu - ' " Wooda Cros - 7, 1? 1 "at Suit Lake City r, rJ 1 ; " - oU 1 50 tl.elrTlck.l. ,t 11,. Ollice.. for all information concerning froiiht , PaHsafio. apply i0 '"'i'11 el m . U- ' ALUhiii, Ucnornl Fr.ubt and Ticket At't JOHN SHAfiP, tJPERIHTENDLNT. J MCSEUj&I AND MENAGERIE. Oppo,He th,,trance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, . Proi Ch.l.l,,... ' 60 Ct8. fm from SI a.m. t0 c I Native Mineral, n,,.,, '- -a'crr'.'t!,,V,,'0,;;.c-' Home J'ro,l,,c, x.m ,.,, r- , Ccpouna Allpa4 RA11itqq,( Manager. 6chools and Paminn. . . r.n.emenu iMiT'US ' 1. C M. I. COLUIVIN. onn Wholesale DEY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Empoi-ium Buildings, A full. first-olas atook ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, JVOTIOJSS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect GROCERY. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchaser! can here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PKEMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty jT first-class fitters and workmen to fill all ordkr8 promptly. CLOTHIIG DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM I HOME-MADE, FRENCH,. GERMAN, j ENGLISH and j AMERICAN! j FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths! Trimmings j On hand, for Gentlemen ordering : their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is tho Department for Families DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE AND POHTK1,, AVKKILL PAINT WHITE LEAU, OILS, CULOUS f LASS, ETC. Pracrvtio. from nave fecial attention. K. 1 1.A SO, Sunt. BENEDICT, HILL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS JN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO io. l.M suul I3 GIt.llM) STREE1 Comer Crusbv, 1 One Block Ktwt ol U0Jwy, , Y()J( Z. C. ffl. I. BOOT AND SHOE Depiiriiiicnt, nl Hi,, nijj.,, u( THE "BIO BOpy Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADJ5 TO ORDER satiilac. tion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE AND OHOIOE STOCK OP HOME-MADE imported BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather I H. K. OLAWSON. SrjPRRINTKNDRWT NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., ManufaotarerB and Jobbers of 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Juyl9 C. A. Longstreet. John Sedgwick. LOSGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale i Dealers ia ! MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 460 408 Broadway, New York. HENDERSON.JUSTICE&Co ! Suooasson to QriLTen, Ileaderaon k Co.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBKRB OF 1.1.MV GOODS, KOTIOXS, Sri O S I J HT, I FURNISHING GOODS. 1 ETC.. 498 . 500 BROADWAY, Opposite St. .Nicholas Hotol, 1 rffl New York. L. M. BATES & CO., 431 it Uromlivay, NEW YORK, Mr0HTi,llb AK1 J011BEE3 IS Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dc J. II. BULGKlt. jult FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Galvanized' Aiid every variety of fittings for the sa)ie. ml" The Gi-cnt Equivalent Tbc world may bo safely challenged to produce so perfect per-fect a simulation of anything in nature if Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient Is of its originnl, the Seltzer Spring of Germany. Ger-many. The Ai'orioat, based cn a correct analysis of tho Seltzer Water, is even superior supe-rior to tho manufacture of Mature herself, because it contains all tho active medicinal properties of tho spring, unalloyed by imy of the, inert and useless particles found in nil tumoral fountains. The genuine nrlk-lo being secured, you have thoSeltzcr Water of Europe, purified and perfected, and probably prob-ably the best, the most penial oathartic and , and ullious preparation on the fuoc of tho I earth. Sold by nil Urnggl-Ki. 1 CHICAGO TRADE. PAGE,RO.& CO Importei-B sad Doalerl In LEATHER AND FINDINGS 80 Lake Street, prw CHICAGO, ILL M, D. WELLS &, CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers Boots and Shoes, 111 A 110 W.li.u, Ave, Chicago. R. Benedict. m34 s. P. Mclntyre. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Succeners to Dlebold, Babmami a Co, CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BORQLAR PROOF SAFES,. And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic bank a ec3 m , PRATT & COVERT, General Agenla 86 "Washington St., Chicago, n. D. CLAWSON, Snpt. Z. C. HI. I. Agent for Utah Territory. BRIGGS HOUSE B- H, Skinner, Proprleior. lSumtl! CHICAGO , This IIottae is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains 250 Rooms. , d29 CHASE, KANFORO & CO., 51 gouth Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of thecelehr.ited WILSON OIL, lY.NJw VAN SCHA1CS, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealer! In PAINTS, VAgaiSHE, flllS, DYE STUFfS, GSUSHIS, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine, &o.. &o. 00, 04 A. 9i Lake St., cor. Dearborn iSL H A 6i J With a large experience in the Territorial trade, we feel sure of uiving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. ja?) Lake Sliore Oil Works. MAXWELL, VhTeUS 4 CO., Manufacturers of Engine, Slpti Talloir, Lard and Wool oils. JJoalors in Headlight (Jurbon, Whale Elopbunt, Seal and Sperm Oils, Agonls for the Halo of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. A(iiita of tho Wcat Virginia Oil ouJ Oil LantJ UA.MjrAcruaiaa or XCLSIQR CAR, ROOF AN3 IRCfJ PAINT For Tip nd Sliiugle Itoofi, BriJgc Timber, c Factory, CHICAGO. Ofiee. m & 3M Illinois St.. WS S. Water Stmt X. C. M. I. Grain Department! Has (diipoi-iu'ily KKiMOVKU to .John it. ('tinvsoiiN, ltl ol" lloruld Ollice, 'b0fO OUl' :l(lOHS I'llll lid Ml'llit',I ivilli Com Mea'l, Wheat, Barley, Oats, ! Flour, Bran, Slioi'ls, j States Corn, Etc., Etc. ; All kinds of Grain bought and sold. I el;J H. U. CLAH.--O.N, uperintcuaeol. N AYLOR IS A&O'S Have ou hum. (ho Largest aud Most Complete Stock in the City WAGON TIMBEE AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Whioh Ih.'y ollor j VEBY LOW PRICES. U'lmsT EAST STHUKT, HAl.K-A-III.OCK SOUTH l)K THEATBK |