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Show G KSTfi Attkstios. Kd. Harris, nt tho Littlk Uujar Stork "rouiul tlio corner," koop tho bust iiunorttiil Hnv-miiiBnd Hnv-miiiBnd Domestic Cigar, Tobacco and Notions. Coino and judpo for you r-telvcs. r-telvcs. Thrco doors east ol 1 ost Owee. A Grkat Tonic. - HKGEM AN'S COK1HAL. KLIX1K OF CALlSA YA UAHK. A pleasant cordial which strunvthons and improves Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fovera, Fovcr ivnd (VKLn,',c'tc.,fti)d n grent Renovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated person;. per-son;. 11 kg km as & Co,, Now York. Solo Manufacturers. Sold by ( all Druggiti. Ra.uk Business Cuance. For sale, the California Store, Alain street, with lot twenty-livo front, a hundred und sixty-live feet deep. Apply to E. B. Shoebridgo, on the premises, or at tho Hkrald otlico. CuTTixa & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies are tho best in the market. Ask your grocer for them. s'J Pkrsoxs tviio are Bald, or who are troubled with thin iiair, should see mo at Caldor Bro'3 Book Store. si 2 C. W. Stayner, Agent. Diamond Sprino Waoons, suitable for family carriages, good timber, well ironed and ilrst-class workmunBhip. FOR SALE CHEAP, at tho Council House yard. adv The Choflpost and Bost House to buy Furniture ia at Brunton'a furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring -lattras303 a specialty. aug2 Furnitu'rb, Crockery, Glass and Silverware, etc, Tho largest stock west of Chicago at tho Crystal l'alaco. ' ' ailglo ItARRATT & Co. Liqut Si'Rinq "Wagons, suitablo for frrocors and provision dealers; just tho thing for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. adv Express "Wagons fur sale at the Council House yard. Warranted a first-class article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed, adv Prospectors should oxam ino llio STUDEBAKEK SPUING WAGONS, at tho Council House Yard, bal'oro purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they nro just what they want- adv i Dried Peacues. Wo respectful- ! ; iy call attention to tho advantages of ' drying tho surplus stock of PEACHES. I Wo shall give tho highest piico for clean, well diiod fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Empo-rium Buildings. augl H. B. CLAW'soy.S'.ipt. II a vK you seen tin; S thai' volt u collar Derby lias them, Main-'-t., nar cor. of : 1st Soulli-st. -2! Studeuaker SPRING WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted. For sale cheap at tho Council House yard. " adv Oi'STER-s. California transplanted and shell oysters received fresh daily at tho Grand liostaunmt. Booth's fresh oysters in every stylo. Open day and night. Peacueb. Wo are prepared to purchase pur-chase any quality of well dried PEACHES, for which we will pay in cash tho highest price paid in this market. To those who have frem 500 to 1,000 lbs., wo can ollbr special inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and Nebraska Ne-braska connections. Kroos, Leciitemhero & Co., sl3 ikluin Street. Proclamation to the Public. I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to the traveling pub! ie : Parties visiting Salt .Lake City and going cast on tho U.P.lt.B., will lind it to tneir advantage- to loavo Salt Lako City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogden at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so bo fresh for travel at S o'clock a.irj., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At the Ogi-lon llouao wo oll'ur as good accommodations ac-commodations as r.ny houio west of Omaha. Free busses tit every train to and from tho dopol. adv John AIauon, Proprietor. i Tiieue ahe messages at the Deseret "telegraph office for C. H. Paynes and ; T. II. Enney. GREEN PEACHES I None but tho best and larRC.'t, for ship-it ship-it out.- .T. W. SSKLL, fJ7 Idaho Store. 2ud South Street. im TAYLOR & BRO., 'Merchant Tailors, CO.II.HMItOIAl. STREET, KEEP cnnpl.itilly on Innd n choice nr.no rt-luout rt-luout ot fr'H K.CII, KVULISIl and j A.1IEK1C A. ; Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinns, Etc., i Of tlioiiaost.iualitiosand latest styles, which ; ko ru.iko vip to order in tho most fashionable and approved uiannor. jfl-PATKOJHAGK SOLICIT!) D-s-y, ! HO FOR THE LADY OF THE LAKE! Uutil further notk-c the Sliuuier "JLady ot'tlieliiike" Will make PLBME TRIPS, Sundays excepted,) At 10 a. in. and 2 p. m.. running down to Points, remninim; there about ono hour, and return ;it 1 p, m. and j p, m, Fare for the Round Trin,$2.Cu Including Carriage Fare. Llliernl Discount to Families. Carrie will 11 dni'y M tho princinal Stoamor I'aei'Kcrs to and from tho m'V1" eoaieiuHnii!,n nn oxcumIod should make arnninoruonls iho day ircvi , procure i.ckou at ih, u.e of J. W. Yaun . Rcflresuinenu can be olitnlncd on oar " aug S CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advcrliscmcnls iin lcr (hi heading not exceeding live linos, lit'iy ccnls for each and every insertion. Kich additional ad-ditional line ten cents. FOR SALE. ON REASONABLE TERMS. FTVK Bcros of land, with an excellent flour-inff flour-inff mill and sullicionl water power to erect sampling or ollicrimlis on ihc premises, situated sit-uated within the city limits. Apply t i S. J. Jimmson. Conveyancer, nearly opposite the Bank of Deseret. s27 FOR REST. FURNISHED ROOMS. HALF BLOCK south of the Theatre, opposite the Seventies Seven-ties llall. (27 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFFICES AND sleeping Rooms in Taylor's Buildiosa, opposite Halt Luke ilouso. b2u ITU" VETO TEN ROOMS. WITH MODERN improvement, iacludinft clonals, water-pipo, water-pipo, itc; uIko oollnre and ico-houae, in a now. well-finished houto.eituHtod in a ploas-ant ploas-ant location. Anplytuto. J. Jonaasoo, con-Tcyancer, con-Tcyancer, East Toii:plo itreot, nearly opposite oppo-site the Bunk of Deseret. a2u FOOD. 'I-UE KEY OF A SAFE. THE OWNER 1 cau have it by applying at too Hkkld Office. fit TO LEASE. ONE OF THE BEST BUSINESS LOTS in this city for a term of years. Inquire at this Office. augilS WASTED. FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS. APPLY to E. SLBol, Eighth Ward. t27 rpO BENT, A HOUSE CONTAINING JL from fnur to nix routne, nut mru Iban six blocks fi oui Main Street. Apply at tho UKBaLDOffice. s2Q A GIRL TO DO GENERAL TIOUSE-work, TIOUSE-work, or to tako care of children. In-ijuiro In-ijuiro at the rcsidenco of G. F. Smith, opposite oppo-site tho Towusund House. i SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IS IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING- TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings For Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AOENT8 I'OR Hooker Pumps, Fairb inks' Scales, Fireproof Safes G. S. Lubricating Oil, A No. I Fire Brick, ALL LOW FOR CASH. TotheLadies Ladies whose hair is falling off will find a sure and speedy remedy in the "GREAT UNKNOWN HAIK'RK- , STOKER." It has, in some cases, prevented the hair lulling oft' in one application. It is a purely vogetable preparation, $nd wijl pot color the scalp, nor injure the health. It will , eradicate all dandrufl", causing no unpleasant un-pleasant sensation to t lie head. It will strengthen the hair causing it to grow ' rapidly and producing in a short time that glossy appearance which phnv&o- terizes a healthy uondttlpnbr the hair bulbs. r It will also restore hair in all oases . of baldness whero the bnlbs have not , been entirely destroyed by disease. ', Try it and let it speak for itself. Ladies aro calling to see me every I day at Calder Bro's Repository of Mueio. Charles W. Stayner, Sole.Aqnt for Utah. WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, TEGS to inform tho rcsidonta of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not only guarantocH to properly Repair, Clean uid Adjust Walclieu ami Chronometer!, but ho wUl make thorn or any part of thorn, to order, and warrant the work. A new 8UTPLY of ELGIN and SWISS WATCHES juat received, which ho will guarantee as reliable timo-keopers. Pricos to defy competition Remember tho a J dross, Two doora eait of the UeBeret Bunk. SKATING RM, RICHARDS' HALL, Second South street, Salt Lake City. OPEN THIS EVENING, At lialf-pnst Seven o'clock. Admission, .... 25rts, Use of Skates, - - I5;t. GALIFOBKTIA CHC? HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNAXDIS 4 STEVENS, Pru.1--EAST TEMPLE riirce doors bolow Bocond South SL. SALT L4KE CITY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SB tfiSCELLAMEOUS. j LADIES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY. A large ami choice 'assortment of FALL GOODS, Consisting ol HATS, ISOAMiTS, FEATHERS, VELVET FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, LTNKN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS. I Perfumery, Notions, &c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Underclothing, &c, in great variety. Millinery ai Dressuialii In all. its branches. IMlttS. S-TENIIOUSK Hiu removed hor oiUl.li'liment to tho l.uildiug formerly occnpiuil by iho "DiiiJy Tok'Rniirti." Mrs. tf. rut urns (Imtik for former pMroongo ami respectfully Bolicita a i-outluiiHuce ol tliu Bitino. 7-30 GOLD LOAN oy TUB NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. Rapid Progress of the Work. Tho buildintt of tho Northern Pacific- Itailj road (boon July last), is boing pushed lor-ward lor-ward with jircut enemy from botb oxtromc-tioa oxtromc-tioa of the line. Several thousand men re employed in Minnesota and on tho Pacific ooaat. Tho gnuo ia nearly completed HOO miles westward from Lako Superior; trains aro running over ISO miles of finished road, and track-laying is rapidly progrciainB towards to-wards tho oastorn border ol Dakota- Including Includ-ing iU purchase of tho St. l'.tul & Pacific Road, the Northorn Pacific Company now has 413 miles of cotnploted road, and by Septomhor next this will bo increased to at least r.OO. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Juy Cooko A Co. are now soiling, and unhesitatingly reuom-mond, reuom-mond, as a Profitable and perfectly Sale investment, in-vestment, tho First Mortgago Land Grant Oold Bonds of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. They have. 'if years to run, bear i Seven and Thrcc-Tcntho per cont. gold inte- j C3L (more than f pur cent, currcuoy) and are secured by lirst and oniy m'jrigjgo on tbe KJITIHR KOAD AND ITS KljU I P H KNT3, and also, as fa?t as tho rn;id is completed, on 23,000 ACHES Or" LANU to every mile of track, or COO Acres ior oacii $L,ULW Doud. They aro exempt from U. S. Tux; Principal and Interest aro i'ayablo in Oold: Uunomi-nutions: Uunomi-nutions: Coupons, 100 to 81,000; iittf is lured, 8100 toipiO.lXSJ. XANDS FOR BONDS. N orthcrn Paaifio 7-30's are at all times receivable at ikn pi; ft ce.nt. above par, rn oichauso for the Company'" Lauds, at their liwest cash price. Tuis renders ren-ders lb em practically interest jieaiii.no land WARRANTS. SINKING FUND. The proceeds of all sales of Lands are required to bo duvoiod to the re-purchase and cancellation of the First I Mortgage Bonds of the Company. The Land i Grant of tho Koad exceeds tifty Million Acres. This immense Sin king Fund will undoubtedly un-doubtedly cancol iho principal of the Company's Com-pany's bunded debt before it lalk due, With their ample security and high rale of interest, inter-est, there is no invcstuiout, accessible to the noople, which is moro huofitahlk on safe. EXCHANGE U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES. Thcsuc-cess Thcsuc-cess of the New Government -t jioroeut. Loan will compel the oaily surrender of United Slates ti per coats. Many holdors of h'lva-Twenties h'lva-Twenties are nnw exchanging them for Northern Pacific Soven-Tbirlioi, thus realizing realiz-ing a handsome profit, add greatly increasing increas-ing their yearly income. OTHER SECURITIES. All marketable Btooks and Bonds will bo received at their highest current prico in excuauuo for Northern North-ern Pacilia Suvon-Thirtios. Eximik&s charges char-ges on Money or Bonds received, and on Savon-Thirties sent in return, will be paid by tho Financial Agents. Full information, mips, pamphlou-, etc.. can ho obtained on application at any agoucy, or from the undersigned, un-dersigned, bv jay C00KE & CO. PuiLi DELPiii a. New York, Washington, Financial Ageils Northern Pacific R. R. Co j By BANKS aiid BANKERS gener- 1 ally throughout the country. H. B. HAW&iNS, Agent for (Han Territory. Office at Mr. Hammer's, First East St. near corner of 1st South Si., Salt Lako City. mySi ' : 3 a M i i 5 M R t 2 1 A CHOICE LOT OF STATES FLOUR FOR SALE BY IS. WALLACE. ESS p H m e$ I o o r cd O M s HARDWARE. Buy the Best! THE BEST THE CHEAPEST! ST O "V IE S HARDWARE ! TINWARE! Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SENSENEY&CO Opposite W. F. t Co's Office, SALT LAKE CITY Tin, Conner and Sheet Iron Work Done to Order. Agents for tte patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTHIAti IBOf SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT FOK THE Grand Opening 01' TUB Lamp stord ' ON MONDAY, OCT. 2nd. i NEW STOKE! NEW GOODS! j Half-a-block West of the j Eagle Emporium, j "W o take this opportunity to return thanks to our many patrons lor their libornl patronage- in tho past, trusting by strict attention find economy in business to warrant n continuation of tho SfttTlG. We havo nt it Rront expense- orocted a building adapted for the businoss, and havo been appointed by tho fWliriufnctu-rors fWliriufnctu-rors SOLE AGENTS l'or this Territory for tho I Non-Explosive Fluid, ; Best Quality of Gasoline, i - And all the most improved p&tcuti in Light Oil nml Cunl Oil Qooili, Our completo arrangements with tho refiners re-finers of Coal Oil, dealing with tho manufacturers manufac-turers in every instance, shipping in bulk at tho lowest rates and makinc a specialty of this busincf.", warrant us in being sani'iiino that wo can supply tho nooplo f this Territory Terri-tory with BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than over oflertd iu this market beforo Wo have a largo and complete slock or all styles of Chandeliers, Friidauu, HhII LlgHu, iir&ckctu, Stana Lniuns, Hand Lamps, I Street Lbuijid, Reflector, Lanterns, Kaltroad hanlerui, Gaa Generating Burners, Pro sure Uuraem, Coptlun Burner, Light OH Iliii ncru, ; CqrI OU Burners, . , Argund Burners. All styles of Ci'iiiineySj Porcelain Shades, I Glass Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectory " ;VuR GAS STOVES, ALL STYLES. i Call and examine mir stock and prices. WH31ESALE AND RETAIL BiT fl-iorlx delivered tn nil p;ir! of ihf oily free of eharire. Fti'tnlie-" cupplied will, fluid or nt their houses, regularly, by leaving their addrj. E.REESE&CO., 1 air-it-block tvrat of Eagle Kin-' Kin-' porlum. Bit ', SAM FRANCISCO TRACi. 3. C. lOWNSOTSi 5c CO., 1CH ncI106 FRONT STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OJftr the finest and most complete stock on the 1'aclic coast. Refer to H. B. CLAWSOX. Sup't of Si. O. X. u4 i'.!ffi'ER.s-Fr.Ueo."i J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S &, BOY'S CL0THIN8 aaa Sanmme St., San Fran rimer.. 43 Murray M., New York. tD BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRON &TI8 PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wlr, PUMPS, Lead And Iron IriTpo. Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHINC HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Jn panned. Planished and Stamped Wure, . Sob. Ill 113 California and Not, 17 19 Davli Streets. MU8PHY,GRANT&C0; Importers of American and European Staple and Fnncy DBY GOODS, MAW FKANCISOO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention if the Trade to their large and complete slock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they aro now receiving direct from liuropoan Manufacturers, comj.risiDK in p.irt French Jlertlios, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plalits, Frsndi ami Qprmnn, Irish ana French Popltna, Einprcm Cloths, Tnmtse, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpaca, Hack nud colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Oonl.s') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complno in all its hrancbo. White Gfloils, linn IkcrchlclH, SIiLrtlng Lliicim, tiullts, wliito ami t-olorMl, Dnmaika, brownloom und blear hod, Towels, lluck, Dihjkt, Tnrkisb. Nngikliia and Doylies, j4 Kic, Klc, Ftc, THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FliANOlSCO. D. O. MILLS, - PRESIDENT. W. 0. RALSTON. - OASHIBR. Capital Paid Up, . OOO.OOO, DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on &1I tho orinoipul oitios o-(ho t World. W!lrfii)ifj3 & KELLOGG, IWijorters and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FRONT STltKET, i SAN FRANCISCO. GRAND HOTEL On Market, New MontKomery and Booond Streets, SAW FBJJJVOISCQ, CAU JOHNSQN St i'o., Proprietors. to sirs, & CO., IMPORTERS 07 AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FltENCH AND GKRiMAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Holwmx Stationery, Dren$ Trhnmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen B'dkchfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ftc Cor SiiUt-r ami San so me Sts., jioG. HODGE & CO., IMPOUTE1W Wholesale Stationers, Keep tbo largost slock of Stallnneiy, Blank Oookn, School UookH, Playing CariW, Wrapping Wrap-ping Papcm, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, dec, c. On tbo Pacific Cant.witk-li tlieyare preparod to cell oitber tor Gold or Currency M price tilut will offer inducements for buyers auvwboro west r ilm 327, 329 & 331 SANSOMK STREET, mll Snn Frnriro. LOIRE & MOATIGTE, IMl'OBTKnB or STOVES METALS, UANUFAOTUnEKS or AND DBALKR8 IN House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTB FOR Agricultural Stoam BoOers, 113 and II Battery Street, SAN FRANOIHOO. James Spruance, John Bprnmc, 0. 0. Cliapinsn.- J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wboloisls Dealers In WINES AND LIQUORS. ! sArs rRAijciSGO trade. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. r:- E I -n ': vi r I. S'-o'.-;'"' pi i THE GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HICII IS Till: SI UK HA N KV ADA MouninitiM, in V:c winulirfnl llc C.ilifornia. craw." an herb lone known i ihe Iruliuns s an nhil- cur.' f.ir Kil Kl'M A-TIS.M. A-TIS.M. GOUT. Ntl lUWlA. aini nil .hf-enms .hf-enms in any way siTinmnn tri.m iiiii'iirit'e.t of the blooJ. Sii( iifi hu a! leiik'lli brnui; hi to liKht its virtue, ami f ihs! potent herb ha." cumiKMiiidi-1 V K K 11 S X I A. a prvps-raiion prvps-raiion lor ih e l'KKM AX LT CtKE uf Scrofnla, Salt ithenin, and all Krujw tlvc and CuiBUtoiu Dlacaars. liivw iratno.liite nml permiuf iMrt relief in DVPLKSIA. ftllV-SlTK:, AS, KinB Worm, Tumors. Hoils, s-eil-l llciiils. Uieersami Sorof; era li-iitc trom thfjrlcm a I ; races of mercurial disease. IT IS PURELY VUBlh. It is tliereftire i'eeul;arly suimWo for o'p hy feo;nlos ami il-lren a ULUJlJ l'UKl. FIKK and HB.NoVArOK. Who wish to finT a nr.) c-'nn peciili ir'y ai:.p'ed to tbecuren" Hl'MOKS nml ltl;i'-TIOiNS ltl;i'-TIOiNS in their cliildren, wll Jm.l a mho and Mire euro in V Kit IS a SAXi'A, Fur silo ovtrj where. REUlSiGTO.V, HOSTETTEIl A CO. AffentB, 520 and 53 1 .tlarkei St., San Frniclnco. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Imuorlerj ani Jobbers of FOUE1GX ASD DOMKSTIO DRUGS IAD CHEMICALS, Fine Ksseullivl (lili, (Jtnn, lloojs, Seeds, FlowtTH, Spnnefj, Skim, PoinmlcM, Aic, And all other Staples conneotod wile the Wholesale and Retail Drug Dunntts. Constantly In rtoeipt. byiroet Impfirtation. of KarojieiB niH Aiaric products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Ooste'ter's Bitter. Drake's Pinniaii Itit'. Wolf- -.-'H-idiin S Newel., I(l. And all the lend'mc Pmi-rii ; V i, botb Atnoric-BK ,m l I. u'-i Orders Promptly nnJ C-o'V . I- i. Nob. r0 ond .llm-u., i,n,-t, TIatwcen Tir?. .tud Scojh I, San Francisco, California.. my :U ' Established ik 1:J. ARMES & ALL AM, Iuiportors, Jobbers and MANUPACTURKIIS tIF WoodSWillowWare BPCaJMS PAILS. TCHS. I'ltUHNJ.nitl-SH Eti, UASKIS'IS. TU'lM H. I. UKDAGK MATCH LS, STATION J-JtV l'Al'i U ' HAGS, CLOTH US vi-:fN(; i-uri IT.ATil Kit Ul'SThjlS KISH-INO KISH-INO TACK Is K, TUN PINS AND IIAM. K'lt: AWU OKXUAJ. Jtousc Furnishing Goods. DIRKCC TMPOUTKIliof lUPKIVI'S VROM LEADING (i 1- It MAN AND FlOiNCH MANUFACTUJti;KS AO kKTS POtt TUB 8AI.ll OF 3. P. PcruuBsioj Mat.-h Otiiapany'!' Mntchcf. Amerionti Net ami L'-vmo -iujnlii) V Twines. UuMon Max Mills T n-im, J. C. Conroy .' Co.N t i.-lini( T.ii'klo, Ho tl ing.-worth i WJiitnuj '.i l'iipt-r It-icw Shorui hi ;t liiipr-ivml Ulmh'is V ri-icvf. C. K. Griswold k iio.'f Keaihor Diu-ters- t, iMcLauKlilin'a It rush us, Our stock is th: hrso-t un thi Pariflc Com t, and Oiir luoililk's fur iiianiil'seturinc and i ki jMrt.i dm en.ililo uu to nII at l')we.-t market ;rice. a-bEND FOR CATALOG UK. Nob. 'Zir, Si. t hucrtiiiieilio Sfretl, SAN KIIS NCISf'l). CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, AD1CT10NAKV OF UNIVERSf.L KNOWLEDGE For (lie "coiilc. KcvistHi Kdiiion. lle-issno of IS70-7I, Willi Maps, i'lutcsiiml Kiintvii). To bo oompleted in HI 1'n rip, making Id Voln. ul' SJ) iJiiKi'rt oath. HlU3traled ivith ahciit Kunr TIihi.hikI Kn-BravinBH Kn-BravinBH and Forty M-tps. PRICE ner Port, 1 iidml I n fx nIiti an U llliitrtilliin, (iu I'ciiIh. P1UCK PKll VOLUME; Ejtlra Cloth, beveled boards TO Library Scoop, marbled odtti'f "ii tr Hull Turkey Murocicy H jj Mwri. II. II. KKY.S A HI. nro 'he Aer-niK for Ulinmherii'K Kin-yiloiiu-iiiH t,.r tho 1'icifio C'tUfl, and hi- piilli-:iern mid im-IHirlori' im-IHirlori' of other Aincri''nti in d Ktmliiih standard stan-dard aiid tllut-tralud workx. CASSKL'S NEW POPUliAll l:Ol!CATUH, New Ediliun, Universal Pronimtir-ini; Hetiotniry r.f !i-0(rratbv !i-0(rratbv und Mjlhglnk'y. b.v .1. Tliuniii!, A M.. L. D. National I'orfrnit liiillery of Kminent Ainerioans.MJ parls nt .'U ucnH ouch . II. II. KKV CO., ol.I Clay St.. M,n FruneiMu. Mr. R, May is dow in Uiab d will visit the diOcrcnl phic;.- to utiliyit fur tho firm. Parties sub.crihini; fur iniy ol thuir ivrirkn may rely upon bciuu fait lit j Hy sor ed even month. 2Ft. ioUic UctNoa Ho it hc, f7 SALT LAKK CITV. States Corn 2 Gts. per lb. OATS, liARLEY, FLOIR, KTCy 1$ PROPORTION, At GKO. H. ksowlij 75 Sncks Onlhntin XXX, Grand Ilaud and olli' r Stulm liiaiula of PliO TLT3E5L Fur EaK CHEAP P&.RS. I havo an ovTHtru'lt ! liac CALIFORNIA PEARS, Which I Will Fell e'.r-.p liv til" lifix. J. V. (.KI,I-, ' b'JT Revere iiouKO ounior, 2nd South Ht |