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Show THEATRE. Last Night but Two or TIIL UUtliiSuUhta Tragic Ailistc, isj.w.mro 'MlNS JLAlf D A VEX PORT J ! THIS EVENING Win be iTCscuteJ. fur tho la-t time, Mrs. uTV; Aan, kcmblo'a tranaUiiuu ol ibiller s ilay ol -Mury Stmirt in 5 t acts, entitled j MARY STUARl! QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, j Friday Evening, grp. U, BrnclU of ! Mrs. F. XV. L.iuUr, ' On wti'.uh occasion will be produced, for tho ; nr;t time. 1 MARIE ANTOINETTE ll j Satiinlny Myht, taut appearance of In acti'.e irci;tration. th ff:oai .-ons.ul'jDal 1 dr.ima, entitled TIDE A jV U TIME., DWVER'S COLUMN. irfps JUST RECEIVED, A fine stock of New Books, FANCY PORTEMONIES, CHAIN PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS. j i I ! WOLSTENHOLM'S j ; Ladies' and Gents' Pocket Knives, Tooth Brushes, India Rubber Combs, Etc. i CHARLES DICKENS', SCOTT'S, READ'S THACKERAY'S NOVELS In setts or singly. i ! A fine assortment of j DIARIES for 1872 Gents' Russia Leather Pocket and Billfold Books, Fine Turkey Morocco Wallets and Pooket Books. i Initial French Stationery, I ALL KINDS. CONGRESS, LETTER, LEGAL and BILL OAF IP -A. IP IE IRj S I A mugnitioeot stock of ALBUMS All l'rices. Mitchell's Manual of Assay-: Assay-: ing, and all kinds of Mining Works. BLANK BOOKS Of every description, from two to sixteen quires each. LEGAL BLANKS 01' every description, for sale at DWYER'S BOOK STORE, Next door to Kimball & Lawrence's. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR ALL TDE. LEADING NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES MAG-AZINES PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Dwyer makes it a prominent part of his business to fill Orders for Books of all kinds Tor Public or Private Pri-vate Libraries, or individuals. All who desire to procure tbe best Books aed best Edition in tbe most economical economi-cal manner, will receive prompt attention. WOODWORKING. LATIMER, TAYLOR GO. CHEAP and GOOD j (OlIllIM'-ll. Wisconsin Pine DOORS, BLINDS, We have secured the AGENCY j FOR THE Largest Sash and Door Factory in the World, Located in the great Pineries of Wisconsin, Wis-consin, where the best of lumber is from one to two centa per foot. First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors DIFFERENT BIZES, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Panel. , 1,000 S SASH, ! from 7x9 to 10x18. 300 1MIRS Rolling Blinds, i i At Prices that Defy Competition ! OUB FACTORY 18 UP WITH THE TIMES In all homo work in our lino. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, ,. How Windows, Frames, Doors, o,..!,,,.,, i-i., i:t-. A FULL LINE OP (MouldingS Planing & Sawing AVITH DISPATCH. LATIMER, TAILOR & CO. I On.Block t ofT.b.nil. MISCELLANEOUS. Attention Miners ! WBiit.d Immediately V'T ' TIFRItUUS UtVlENA COPPKIl OilKS at SCHEMER'S SMELTING aiii BEFDHN& WORKS, . At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. Katea for Siuollinjc Ores from $15 to 828 por ton, aa por quality and nuantitj. aucS General Philip Kolillieyer HAS OPENED Stalls 14 & 15 Meat Market, And will soli the choicest moiit tit prices TO DEFY COMPETITION. Don't foricet to call on BUTCH I'll IL at his Washington bTAi.i.. b20 ajJL mi I ASMfSSII fifcl) Practical Watchmaker Workmanship Guaranteed. Has the finest stock of Wutohos and Diamond Dia-mond Jewelry in tho west, at very moderate prices. Watob (classes fitted .at 25 o.: keys I0tol5cts.; hn.nds.2TcW. Koioouibor, Carl O. AsmuBsen, Main street. JH To the Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Temple Street, Wiahosto inform hor friends and patrons that she will openl ON SATURDAY, llie 23ril In., A Bplendid stock of MILLINERY AMD DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Tmbiui, Pentlicru, Flowertt, RlbboitK, SntliiB, Velvets, Empress and Sedan Cloths, . pla;d mohairs, Japanese Silks and Parisieimes, MERINOS, ALPACAS, j ! ETC. , EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY Till S MARKET. m ANOTHER ADVANCE! In the Trice of DRIED PEACHES ! Bring them along TO 'TEASDEL&CO'S 13 loo' SEWING THE BEST IN Illli WORLD, AT TEASDEL & CO. ! Eagle House, I jliyl2 Templo Struct. Warm Spring iludis ; Prlvat una Plunge. BUILDING LOT FOll SALIC, Woll ftccod nlnnlod with oliolco fruit, con ?IS;.0,r,khu,."'"'J "J ""!"" Am.?., .i.0 '.'.".I"10 l'orl ' tha oily. EtIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO., WHOLKSALK AND iKI'AU, DUAl.KKS IX GROCERIES, WINES, Lienors, Tobacco, Weyjtj's, AND STAPLE DRY COODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! Parties dcsiriuR to purchaso will do well to inspect our stock, whieli U complete in every department. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. Large Arrival of New Goods. Our Fall ami 'Winter Stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS 1 Are now opened and on sale. We have the largest and best stock of tho above ever oftercd to the poople ol' Utuh. Goods Fresh and Fashionable I All the Litest Styles of Hats-Si k, fcoft aid St.ffl Hoots rmd Shoes in Endless Qaiadties and ftyle- I "GOODS G ZEE E AP ! Wholesale Buyers will consult their intcrcsU to give us a call before nur-chasing nur-chasing elsewhere, as our 1 WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE ! JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J. 11. liAUUE, GEOtOE UAQVB HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAMKS HAGUE, Importers and Doalera Ixx GUNS. "PISIOLS, AlffllHITION, MfflSBB IMH Etc. W W 0 tc. adclles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED, a East Temple Street. Salt Lake City, MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! Jennings & Paul, Stall No. 7, MEAT MARKET, Keep the choicest supply of BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, And everything in lit eir line which tin market affords. Order and delivery rogom will deliver meats free In any part of Hit city. Orders given it any time during marke: hours will bo iirompUy filled when desired. sir, WSLSOfy & CO., IMPORTERS wholesale" dealers IX Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Bran-j Bran-j dies, Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Tolincco, Boots and Shoes, i Hardware, Ar., Ac, K A S T TEMPLE STREET. Third Store north of Hooper, Eldrodge k ' Co'i Bank. EMM HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANr. '"pHE STOCK BOOKS or the Emma Hill -L Tnnneand Mining Company are now i open in Rcid'i Building, and a limited number num-ber of unassemble shares for sae. : The Emma Hill Tannol and Mining Company Com-pany was located April IS70, incorporated . August 14, 1ST, and has tho mo flattering prospects of any mine in Little Cottonwood. For particulars inquire of W. S. WOODilULL. VickPrw.. Reid'j Buildiaff, t (WAS. A. MURPHY, Sec beta r v, augJl Kcid's Jiuilding. S i. JC- '"-BC ' Ba J9k IS ' 40-JSm 9 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SAXT LAKE CITY. - A. F. TILDKIY, ) J. O. Uwi'S"' PROPRIETORS. Juyl5 Lalo Oi" Sew Tort, ) H. DINWOODEFS New Furnituro Store ON EAST TUMl'LK STREET, IS KTOW OPB P". Hub ou Hniid a-vevy Large Assortment of ALL KINDS' OF,,. FURNITURE I Fine Parlor sots from lo0 to $450. Bedroom sets t- Cmm .o to -. Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St n at - L C ALDER BROTHERS UohUm-s it. t'Vi'ry vwri.-ty of MTJSIGAL INSTRUMENTS Bl'lit.'lAL AtiEKT.S for I'tnli ol'llio Ai-ioii Pianoforte Compiiuy, steitin iiy & Son?, Cliiok (ring Sons, Di'fUci' & liuriics ami t.'rovestciu & Fuller's -13 I s) "r "L: ' CD r K jf'K " ' I- W O H I. U-U K i O V N K O CABI 3ST HH T OE-GA1TS Koud wluil our rrotb.nr.-) ol' Miimo untl Loiuling I'ituon of iho Territory .my iiltoiit ihcm in our new LMivuhi. Boolis, Stationery ASH 2, SCHOOL FURNISH. |