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Show san francisco trade. ;iam) mots:l On Market, Niw Montgomery and rtcj'ooJ Htroet, ft A. EH 'HAWCIllCO, C AX. JOHNSON & Co., 1'iioi'ttirroaa. JNO. U. HODGE & CO., I Ml'Olt'fKKH Wholesale Stationers, Kexp ilia lftrat U k of Hlaf Iniir 17, Itlanlc Unnki, Srliool Uimki, IM-yiii f'anU, Wrapping Wrap-ping Picia, loinri, I'odtst Cutfry, rfc. , c. , On Mm Purlflr (".(. wlilrh tlir" iropBi'cl toll ltlr fi.rdi.M .,r Curr.mry at .i 1. m ll.st will olt.r liiilin fiii'-iil fur LtyoH itny wlinrt) moat "f ttir R kx il..iiitn,.. 327, 329 A ;t:il 8ANS0MK STKKET, lltttS AND HTk'fa'.L, winn nopE, FLAT AUli UOlPiU, Ynt hniitlnK from mining ah:i ft. and in-line. Horrr n.on, Guy PH"-', 1'4 r irnniLuilUn puwor. etc Manujuc.tnred J tiny J.fwjth or Size. Wire Itnpe In muHi cheaper, lighter ami more durable lhau any oilier kluil or Rope. Halliclie's Kmlles M ire Hope H ay, (Wire Tramway), For the rniiid nI economical tmaiiortalion oft) rca an doilmr material over unmntiiin-ous unmntiiin-ous and dithViill ruada. (Secured by U. S. Patent). ldO, I'ntont Srii l'ullo.v. For tran.imitliwr jiower and bv which the rie id uuicjiirod ami cannot slip. SKMI) Ktlt CIHCt'LAHS. Agency of tho PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kinds and mes of Wire, constantly an hand and manufactured lo order. A. S. HALLIDIE. MH Front St., Kan Frnneiaco, dIH California. MicuiKL K. T. N. Wind. WAND, KANE & CO., ;(Succnori to Hunter, "tt and Co.) Importers and Waolejalo Dealers in WIXES AND LIQUORS. Proprietor of Hun Ler'a California Wlioat Wlilttlcey. Also Airenls for .Tonoiih S. Pinoh's oulebratod tontiHlvaaia RYE WHISKEY 607 and SOU Front St., near .lackion, BAN FRANCISCO. ms.'ll N .". UVKatDIXfi & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS H Clay St., Sau Vrtuclico, DttALKltS IN ORUUOX I'UOUUCIG. Ate constantly in recoltt of Oregon Unuis, Uucod, Lunl, BiiiuioQ. Ac. Htaruli, of our own and Kutoru uiaunfactur Uwtkya on haml. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO. 1 Importer and Jobbers of FOUttlUM AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AM) LIQUORS, 3tl Clay Street, Sau KrclicOi W!LMHDiN3 Sl KEILOGO, uinortera and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 A 215 FBOHT 8THKBT, BAM FUANC1SCU. LAZARD FRERES, Importers ami Jobbers of Foreign and Do-mwtic Do-mwtic fancy and Staple DllY GOOD8. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 5 J 5 A 3147 Market St., Sau Fra ojls Paris: 23 Hue Do L'Echiqa J.BAUM. )s.r,.n,;. M. SHRIEK. U. till HI J Sim F"ncis,:o. M ow y;k J, BAUM & CO., i Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 949 Smiiomt St., San Francisco AS Murray St., New York. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trade to their large and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, W hioh they are now rweivins direct from European Manufacturers, oomi risins; iu part Frtucb aicrluoa, Wool Satlnvi, Wool Plalda, Frau.li aiid liiTiniu, Irish and Krem-n. Foilliia, Km proa Clothe, Tatnlae, blitofc aud cvlorvd. Xtl veiecus, Aljaca, blfc-k. and tlortd. SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO j GLO "V E S , Kid, Bui-'t.. Berlin '.Ladies'. MifSM. flenU') Gents Underwear Aaj all kindi of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Iltlri'-.vv't'.i; )r:fl tit 11 t'-ui.li4 WliUc tiomls. , j llnu,lk.cltULf f, Milrllup Llucll. lUmatai, l.vwal-'omtd MwbrJ, . -tlklns l Doylict, v- Ku.. Ktc, ltc. E.MARTiN&CO. Wtolesals Lipor Mm, 4DS Frout Street, San Francisco Froprieton of aiLLKU'S EIIR-4 OLUBUlHUOa Aad sole asecU for I. F. CUfTtR S EXTRA OLD 3JUH5DN WHISKIES Con-iaatlJ oa hind, a full assortment of all the Siantiartl BranUi of Wnlsklea, Fine Brand lea Foreign and Domeatle Wlnea, m5 Blum. Coraimia. c. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. M. I. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buildingty A ful), flnt-fllaai itook ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, AOTIOSS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PRICKS. Wholosalo buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purohuers on here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH B4ANCH GREAT VARIE TY . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTIMG DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED MANUTAOTUrlKD FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering j their own. - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Depajtm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PAT EST MEDICINES,' FerfumoT7, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETf ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER., ATKRILiVPAISTj WHITE LEAD, j OILS, COLORS GLASS. ETC. Prttcriptiom from Fhticiant vsUl ! have special attention. iH. B. CUWSOA, Snplci MISCELLANEOUS. ! WmWi. Are in rceipt of tho nrw ctlil'n.nis of tlio Standard Authors Kach comijli'te in on roynX octavo vol., bound in tho most approved style, and at tho UupceWei Low Price Cloth extra - S.OO Library Shuep - -7.5 Wo havo, to selort from, the tinoit and larROst stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into the country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of Prang & Co., T. ' olson & Son?, American Tract Society, &c. " OurStock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complcto, and consists, in part, of Of tho latest improved sljlos : OBGA1TS Of the beat maker, ; -mr m m m m n jm a From Italy, Franco and Gormany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received ;and expected dnily, a lar'ee and splonilid Block of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Emhracing Ten Different Styles, which we off'er at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city, IF" O $125. Fito Octavo, Double lioed, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Aleloda, Fluto, , Tremulant,) with two sots vibrators throughout, one of four foot pitch and ono ot eight foot ; from prepared metal and rivotod with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knoe Swell ; salf-adjusting roed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut caso throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carvod antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. IoT" We respeoti'ully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays- 1 The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, PANEL DOORS, j . j For Quality and l'rice, .Imported or Home-made, ! ! iS AT j LATIMER. TAYLOR & CD'S i PLAXIXG MILL, Sash mill Door Factory, One block west of Tabernacle. on nnni,o"t ZU.UUUlRONAND STEEL At C. II. Bassetfs. Oppottta Salt Lakl Boai. MISCELLANEOUS. I AND LI Eli ACER IE. .Opt'feiie the eutranoe to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. VOlTNLi, - Prop.j ( liililreu, H " Ojw fru,n y a. m. I- 6 !. Native Mineral!, PelrlTaclloit!, Con. cmlloni aul Crj taJliatloi. UottM Products, X.ttive and Forrlyn Cu rioaitira, Ac. j (Compound Klcctro-Magnetic Appa- ratua, Jfeo. , Prof. J. L. UAKFOOT. Manager. I i 3- Schools and Familtea bj private arrangements ar-rangements admitted at re.lune-1 raies. C -r 1 a- pi ! I 1 P SI i - i - i-rt IS ' ' r h m I 1 I -o CC ! O tv. 2 C M g. h i LUMBERYARD. All Kinils of Lmiibei' DOOKS, WINDOWS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, AND GRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, yi Half-block south ofU. C. Depot. FALL IMPORTATIONS ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMANN, 22 aud 24 Battery Street, San Fi'anoisoo Beg leave: to call the at-tontion at-tontion of tho TRADE to thoir splendid splen-did STOCK, comprising in part COM.PLJSTE LINES of Broche Sliawla, Velveteensj Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtain Nets, Linen Ildkfs, Wliite goods, Tarlatans, Baregea, Guipure aud Linen Laces, Cottou Laces, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribbons, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Meriuo Underwear for ladiee and children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' and Children's Ready Made Suits : Which, together vith their USUAL FULL Stock of Foreign and Domestic SAIALL WAKES and Fancy Goods, they orler at .Reduced Frices Purchasing all our goods at their various va-rious places of produutioa all over the world we are enabled to sell the same at price? to compare favorably with those of the leading houses in New York or London. ulo JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP coiwta-rlT on bu-i a eiee iort-ment iort-ment of i'RESC II, EXCLlsii and AMKICA. i Cloths, Cassimeres, j Vestings,Etc, I Of lie finest anilities and latest style, which we tE.il e up to order ia the most iiihionable asi approved mar.ner. L-PATRONAGS SOLICITED- MISCELLANEOUS. OMACHSITTE ; (Aro iml.-.r-e.l and prcscrilied ly moro Icad-iiiB Icad-iiiB 1'hyak-juiw ihuu any other nj.o.V' l"' Vl'NTlVi: I'.irl'eVL-r and Aue. lutcrmit-I lutcrmit-I tciil. HilioiHiies.n mid all disorders nri.iiiiK j (rum mi ii -Tii tic Cnusci. They aro hiKujy reconiiuotidfd an ntit L-dyi iui-i it?, aud iu Vase of indik't.niun aru Liiv;ilu:tLiio aa an ap-i ap-i ,.ctir and rwu.rant. aud in caos ofUoii-leral ofUoii-leral Mobility llioy have novcr in a single I in-i:iQCB lailtd in .nidu.-itiz the moat hap j.y rciulis. Tliey arc particularly nKSBru:Ul. rii n.r.-. siruiih'tlioniUK tho hody, inviK-i irutii!.' ihi- mind and iiivin' lono and el us-' fii l, i,"U,.l. lr,m. '", IIOMK UlTTI'ltt aro i'(iin'"iiudod wilh the trroat-ieHcurc trroat-ieHcurc iind no Toiiio Siiuinlant has over Ween . liercd to Hie inil.lic a i-i.kasaxt.to rut- T isi K, and at the liuo tune oouibiiuiijs Uti iu iiny remedial m.-uul. indorsed hy the ! medical iYatcrnily a.- the lc?l known to tlie I l'lijn'miii'oi''i:i. I( c.sls lilt lu lo civc Lnum a Inir trial, and ; l. verv Kniully alioulil have nllotllc We ask every one to read tho following ccrtifioates tr.nn many uf ihu most eiuiiieui nliy.fici.ia3 in the country: Sr liKL'H, July laTO. J a uks A. Jacksos A Co '"Oentieuien A;! you have communicated communica-ted to tho medical prot'e.ion llio reccipo or tho "Home liillors" it cannot, ihcreloro, be considered as a accrct or patent uiodu'ino, no patent having licen taken lor it. W e have examined tho formula (or uialtin tho Home Hitters," anil uiihc.jitatinvly any tho combination combi-nation i. ono of rare excellence, all the articles arti-cles used in iti composition arc tho best of the clitsa to whih they belong hcin hiylily Tonic, Stimulant, tiloimieliie. Carminative and sliKtly Luxalivo. Tho modo of prcpar-iiiK prcpar-iiiK tlieui i-J strictly in accordunco with ino rules ofidiarinncy. Jlaving used them mour i.rivato praoticu. wo lako pleasuro m reoom-mondinK reoom-mondinK them to ail persona dosiroii3 of taking ta-king liiitors. as boing the best ionic mid , Stimulant now offered to tho public. L Cu Hoisi.isiCRE, M.I). I'l. F. l'OBTEit, M.D I ALmi'.n Ukacock, M.l. C. Otaii K.M.D. Diukk MoUowlll, M L- C. A. Ware, M.D. I J C. WlllTtlllLL, M.U. 0. V. I.UUWIO, I E. A. CuitK, M.D. H. H. Moses, M.U. I ' A Wilcox, M.D. lkituERT 1'Hina, I U. S. Marino Hospital, St. Louis. Mo., Oct. ! ij J.vs. A. .1 u'b."N', v Co. : 1 bavo exam-t exam-t inud tho formula for making llio "Home i Stomach lit tiers." and used thorn in tho 11 us-r us-r ldtal lor the last lour months. 1 consider tli em tho muni valuable, tonic and stinm-; i 111111 uow in USC- L. Meiciieb. I St. Lovih, July G, ISTO. .Ias. A. Jackson, .t Co, , llavinu examined tho formula from which r your eolel)rated"Slomach Dittors."are prepared, prepa-red, having witnessed tho method ot cum-' cum-' binini: tho different inKrcdieiits.wc can salely recommend tbeai us tho best tonio with nhinhnY uro ncn uaintod. From llio great ! care with which they arc compounded, and ' Iroui the choico materials which enter into : thetn.wo have no doubt that they will prove I us thoy deserve to be, the most popular tonio 1 and stimulant in u.-e. Hc.-TOCll'ully yours, 'T.J. Vasun'i:, M.D. T. li. UoMarut'K, M.D. I Wo cheerfully concur with every word oon-' oon-' taincd in the ubov. lc-1 imonial. JoiiN COSZELJHN, M.I'. .lUUS IIRTSAS,M,D i Cms V-TiNt, M.l. John T.Temi-le, M.D U S. Walki:r, M.D. i:.C. KRASRLrN, M.D OiscisxATi, Uct. I'., l.sTit. Messrs, W. D. lies. I sebv .t Co,: Agents "1101110 liitters"; tlents I Agreeable to your request, I have oxninincd the formula ol' the "liome Stomach l!i Iters,' and lind the remedies it contains audi as are ; in general uso by tho Medical Profession. They arosciontilically and pleasantly com-I com-I bined. and as stimulating tonics will he found especially adapted a$ corroborants to 1 tho treatment of low or debiliUted slaves of ! tho system, whether arising from impaired 'U-' 'U-' gestion or from malarious discuses. J Do. J. L. YiTTiEHS, 1.. A. .lAUES, M. D., 1 R. S. Wayne, Clu-iui-t, C. T. Stiti'3os, M. D., I W. T. Tauaverro, M. D., S. 1. ltosstR, M. D., !J J yuixs, M. D., U. S. Mi'SCROft, M. D., i J. II. 1ILCKLY, M.D-, 11. W. 1)10 LER, M. 1)., ' W It. Woohwaiu), M. D., U.A. DoutKTV.M.D. I Ciiica.io, Hoit. ;W, 1S70. .1- 1 Ssiitu, Ki.i.; I Wo have examined tho formula of tho"Ucle- brated Stomach Uitlcrs," and find it to be composed ol' articles that arc oonsido red the ' best Ionics usod by tho Medical Profession, ' and unooflhobest bitters wo know ol in use. ' Very respectfully, 1 II S Hujn, M. D., B. Mc Vicar, M. D., 1 J. ll. Walker, M. D., 0. A. Mahixer, A'ORilAN S. IfAKSES, M. D. For Sale by nil Drtigglats , tiroterM Jas. A. JACKSON & Co., Prop'rs, Laboratory 105 & 107 N. 2d St., julH St. LOUIS, mo. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE fOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ;0ver One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, Inclndlug tu Old F&rorltea, i Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties wiU be SOLD CIlEAmt ATTH8 Hardware Dep'nt 0? Z. C. JVC. I. THAN IN ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. n. D. CLAWSOX, j ,17 iupwinuDdeot. A. Live Paper FOR Live People. THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD TUK SECULAR AND COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKE CITY. Tug People's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The Rocky Mountains ! 10 MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho recent discovery and rapid development develop-ment of tho mines of Utah have given, and will oontinuo to giro, an impetus to trade of every kind, which should command the attention at-tention of all business men who desire to share in its proGts. Heavy shipments of ores for months past have been bringing wealth into tho Territory; a large immigration has commenced ; agricultural agri-cultural and other produots are Gnding ready sales; and merchants begin to feel the steady Uow of money through tho varied ehnnnels of commerce. To business men at a distance who seek to participate in the lively trade which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, as well aa to tho local public, a live, enorgetio nowspapor is a necessity, by which lo be made fully acquainted with tho true condition condi-tion of matters as they exist, and '.hrough which to present their businoss nnt facilities for lurnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully meets this necessity in Utah. Not being tlie organ of any person, lect or party, nor devoted alone to any slugle Interest, it has grown upon public favor and attained an unprecedented circulation circula-tion in the time which has elapsed since it was established, by being in the strictest sense a Free, Independent, lilve and Thoroughly Progressive NKWSPAPKR ITS MINING NEWS Collated with the greatest care and from the most reliable sources, mokes it valuable to all interested in the mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can be equally relied on; and itsextxhfbibb placed it in the . Front Hank of tHc Rocky Mountain Journal. . THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read. in every Mining Camp, and throughout the Cities, Towns and Settlements of the Territory; Terri-tory; is found in the office of every enterprising enterpris-ing business man in Utah; circulates on the Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Railroads; has a large mail subscription list east, west, north and south: and is The Best Advertisiug Medium In. the Rocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise I Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read I i In the Peopl j's Paper! T H K S ALT LIKE HERALD i MAKE TOUR WANTS KNOWN IS THE Salt Lake Herald. 3L O 9 I3 C3 O Singer Sewing Machines were Sold within the, past year. Scientific American, Juno 10th, THE S 1 NCER;' Maiiufactiirins Company, A.T THE WOBLD'S iEAII?, v Constituted by the homos of thopeople Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have li ft all rivals far behind them, toil Til K Y Sold m 18727833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tho m m: n kudo to which the uiiinulaotiiro o( sewing machines has attained is shown t,i tho "worn" returns (to winch any ono can have nccoys) ol the manufacturer fur the year 1S7D to the ownors of tho leading mitouLi, on which thoy p.iy a ruynlij o cordiug to thodo returns tho number of machines sold by onoh manulaoturor iu 187) u as foitowu: The Singer - - 17, HH3 Florenco - . 17 M Wheoler Wilson - W.'i'S UoldMedal - - 8-!j luwo - i.'',1i t'.nia - f,'-- Urovor Jc Biker - - ' Ivupire - Wood - ;i.ii- tinkle & Lyon - oii Wilcox A Oibbs I'arhaiu ----- iZ AmoriottiiLtuttiinhnleA Uvorseauiing U,-1S ilsmi .... Aud several olhor companies who sold a few machines, It will be seon by this tab lo that tho popularity of the 81ng-cr machine far ex. ceeda that of all others, their sale beint' one-half greiiit-r than evon that of tho famous "WhoolerJe Wilson" machiue. This is owing to the fact that the SUiRer Company huvo lately comuioncod making, besides their old and woll-csUbliihed manufacturing machine, what is known as their "New Family Machine," which la selling at the rale of nine to one belter Hum their old etyle. Their total to-tal salos for l&W wore So,781 machines against tho lliT.tlU of 187il, Itowlng mi lncrea of one-linlfln tlic latter yea r." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, KUW MABI.V THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Machines Sold, SMi Were mail e within the pnat three yt-ars. But the CJrealeat In'reaie of our Sales over all Other Alav III lien, lleing Wlllilii the Pniit Vcur, Tula Is Iuconteatlble Proof that Our .Machines Are the Ueat in the World. THE NKW FAMILY SIAGEU SKWIiG MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work. Is lad t (sinning (.upreme favor in tho household, as shown by the rapidly inorooiini salos, over all other machines. This Mew Family Machine is now capable of a range nnd varioty of work such ai was only recently thought impossible to perform by machinery. We olaim and can show that it is tho ohoaptst, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, euily operated, spoody. and smoothly running of all the Family Mowing Machines, it Urotnarfc-ablo Urotnarfc-ablo not only for tho rnngo and variety of its sowing, but also for the variety and dif. feront kinds of toxture which it will sow with onual facility and perfection, ujinr silk twist, linen or cotton Ihroad, lino or coar.-e, making the Imerloekcd-clatilc-atltch, alike on both sides of the fabric new 11; tho only stitch which is universally approved, or ia at all adapted for itrst-clntin work. Thus, beavor cloth, or leather may be sewn with groat strength and uniformity uf stitch, and, in a moment, ihij willing and never-wearying instrument may bo adjusted lor lino work on gauto or gossamer gossa-mer tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or milling, or almost uuy other work even by a child which doMoato lingers havo boon known to perlorm. Kven (he carclcti and tltoughtlcaa have Utile or no (rouble on II1I1 machine. Send for Descriptive and lyrics Circufars, We manufacture our own needles, silk and twist: furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior qualiiy-but which can bo relied 011 only wflen obtained through our Principal or Branch Ofiioos, or Agonoios. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY, TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to como and see tho Machines, whether tbej Iwishto buy or not. See all o l hern, hut do not buy without yon examine the Singer. Visitors always politoly attended by competent attendants. Instruction frea All Machines perfectly adjuaicd before delivery at 1 " SIEER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. H, I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eaglo Emporium, Halt IiUne City, XJtnli. 11 . B. CLAWSON. Suiierinloiulont. AYIilM BRO'S Have on hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBER &ND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer -A- T VEKY XJ07 PRICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRE JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J. H. HAGUE. GEO HUB HAGUE 33igr GrULXi Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAMES HAGUK, Importers rtiici TJoalora it- GUNS, PISTOLS; AMMUNITION, rfj pHSSIIB TACKLE. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED, .2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. M. I. BOOT AMD SHOE I-)oini-tiiien, at ilio Kitrn oi THE "EIGr BOOT.'' Every style and qualify of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, eatisfao don guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A LAitQB AJD CHOICE STOCK Or HOME-MADEi,ortedBOOTSANI)SH'OES A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ol Leather |