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Show Commercial. I Salt Lake City, tu. 27. Gold. Buyinz, 103; selling iK'J. Wanted. TEAM 8 forPRlCUlK. DCRANT & CUTTING, Salt Lake City and Sandy Station, f 23 J'ineFurnishine Goods at Sifgol liru's oil) Just Receiyed, at H. JJinwoodey'-i. a car load of Comho.t iiKDriTEADS. To bo sold cheap at wholesale or retail. f 28 Piirenolooy. Prof- Kowlor's PuMi-cutioiia PuMi-cutioiia fur sftle at Dwrcr's ilouk sturo fl. W, Willis' new MOKMOX SONG BOOK, IUO songs, written to popular airg, besides recitations for Sunday schools. Wilt bo ready soon. Priee 5U cenU. Large stock of lino and heavy Louts at Siegel Bro'a. i2-l A large andextensiveFURNlTUHE SALK on Saturday next, at AUCTION, "opposite Walker Bros. f 23 J. K. Thumbo, Auctioneer. Order, Check and Iteceipt BOOKS printed and bound at tho tl erald .1 ob ' Otliee and Bindery. f 21 Concert This Evening. A concert con-cert for the bencflt of the Methodist church will be given this evening, com-1 menciug at 7:30 p.m., at the chureb. Among the artists, amateurs and pro-fessioDals, pro-fessioDals, announced to appear, are prol'cssor Daynes, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Matthiesen, Mr. l'ratt, Mrs. Kcnyon, Miss May and others. Besides the concert, several beautiful tableaux will he presented. Admittance 25 cents. I Sax Francisco Outdone. Tu cluse out consignments, PIE and TAULE FltUlTS ASSORTED will bo sold at 10 ccnU per pound, opposite- Walker Bros., at the Auction ilouso of Jso. K. Trumjio, 2d door from -Main street. f 2a Overcoats, at cost, ntSiogel Bru's. olO A complimentary Henetil U ALL to Mrs. II. Williams will bo given at Sheldon's Academy, on Thursday evening, Fob. 2'J, 1672. 1' 27 "Eternal vigilance is tho price of liberty." Six bits, the price of baths at Palace Hath rooms, No. l.s Commercial street. February 2uLh, 1S72. f 2-j Just Arrived. A largo slock of Fi hst-1'i.ass PIANOS, to bo sold CHEAP for cash, at J. Daynes & CVs music store, oast of tho post ollieo. f 21 having deeds to acknowledge may employ em-ploy whom they please, the act of a notary no-tary duly elected, qualilicd and commissioned com-missioned would be beyond question held valid by the courts. Ed. Harris has ust received a large stock of tho tinest cigars and tobacco, and gentlemen's notions, lie has the largest and best assortment oC-imporled cigars in the Territory. Call at the ,'Lialo Cigar Store round tho Corner" and see. f 11 GKNYLMKS Ob' THE COS VEN'TJoN : We are pleased with the great care you tuko in tho interest of the PEO-t'LK. PEO-t'LK. At tho same timo we proposo to lake euro of ymir SULKS in well as the seat of intelligence. BOOTS, HATS, GLOYKS, etc. i'2l Ll'.nkohd & Sons. A Ukkat Top', UEGEMAN'S tJOlITMAL Kl.lMI OFCALISAVA Li A li u. A plciisanL cordial vhieh stremjihi'iis and improves Digestion, an oxcnllont preventive of Fevers, Fever ml Ague, etc.,. in d a groat Kcnovator &nd Tunic for invalids and debilitated p?r-sons. p?r-sons. f 1 ku km a & Co., J ow York. Solo Manufacturers. Sold by all UruRgL-. s2u I CiiiiMi Cos CMii: onr.a Canned ! Fruits ai:J iK-i:ies aro tlie L".-t in th ; nj'irkot. A-k your grocer for them. The "Great UnkSows" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j:J Go to tho Crystal Palaco, 78 Main street, for Furniture, Uedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glas., Silverware and household house-hold goods generally. d!7 OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS, Walker Brollici-B, Zlou's Co-op. Mercantile Imllt Utioii, J nines Ilorroekn, C. WoodmaiiKtc, F. Aucrbaclt 4t Bro. HOTEL, Ogdeii House, Jobn MjOjoo, Proprietor. LIVERY iSTABLE, D. G. Nelson) Proprietor. nio CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding fivo lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. TAKEN Ur. A WHITE- SPOTTED ROAN COW, crumpled horns, six years old;no brunds or marks. Was uken op on tho Jth inst. Tho owner, on pay i ok charnof of feed and advertising, cm hvo her by anplyinc to Mrs. Strune, lu.h Wurd. fJS I . LOST. i:K(iM MY RESIDENCE. ON THE A 22nd inst., a roan milch Cow, branded V with a J across the top. No ear marks. Too lindor will bo lo warded. US H. J. Faust. FOB SALE. HERRING'S FIRE PROOF SAFE AND oflioe dealt. Apply to (2i HoLiokD A- Co. A HOUSE AND LOT, DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on tho Bench, in the ieth Ward. Tho house contains olovon rooms and commands com-mands a view of tho wholc ity. Parties who wish a ploasnnt homo wilt find this property a luirgiiiii for c:ish. Apply at tho Real Estate oltii'i;. l.'Ji Main-st, noxt to Pacific House. CM A. C. TRUE J: CO. WAXTED. WANTED-1.000 dUNNKY SACKS at tho Utah Craoxev Factory. ftj TOY WANTED. i at tho Washington House, C2i .Id South Street. ESTRAYS. OTRAVED from tho l'-l"l,.cunnij!r O tho City. Inst JtnrdD.!-. a 13AY HOIlst. with Rroi.o round hia neck. an(t a KUAN MAKB.bmoJoJ . R on loft hou dor. Any information of their whereabout left at this office will srootly obliso tho gwier. Irf E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers and Jobber of Brandies, Wines ail Liprs, 310 Front St., oor. Commercial, D. . syk. T-3 SAN FRANCISCO, EDDINGTON'S 1 Two Ulocki louth of th U. C. R.B. j Depot, and next to Wm. Jen- nlnga' Tannery. j The yard is ttapt constantly applied bj several saw-mills with 'A Full Assortment of Native Lumber, I W. . aolloiu tha patron&xe of hia old friends, and by punctuality and diliienco in basin M hopes to merit a (hare f public j support, I . I i I FOR SALE In the l"nh Ward, one! ! block and a half we-t of tho U. C. R. R., a I . tais.ll house and half lot, with line orchard, For particulars enquire of I ftu2Q WM, EDDI2QIQ 1 First National Bank OP TTT-A.IEX, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF TEE UNITED STATES. Wi Badness sr. 0. L. Dahlkr. President. Vice PresL Asthoxt Godbx, CoMor. Authorized Cnpitnl, - - $300,000. PAID CP CAPITAL, - 8130,000 EAllSIXUS, - SI 30,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Ohlist Hanking Institution hi C'tah. --V, Gre'noi-nl Uuiiltinrr ltusuie Transacted. AGKSCniS IN COLORADO AND MUNTAXA. CtUECTluAS rflCMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEUF.ST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. S. T.-1S60-X. OH WARD I T11H medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the gradual di?-usc ol' blood-letting, salivation, drastic purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely and gloriously on. Every day the sick grow wiser. They aro no longer willing to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors are pleased to prescribe, without inquiry. They want to kuow the uature ol' the medicines they are desired to shallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid World understands at last that ViGOll is the great antagonist an-tagonist ef disease. The feeble decline to be utterly prostrated by depleting pills and potions, and turning i'rom Mich mendicamcnts with loathmi:, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Toaic and Kestorative. It ia now about twelve yr.nrs sinco this grand desideratum was introduced undir the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present its progress has been ivithout a parallel in I he history of proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the suar cane the most nutrieious of all stiomlams for its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and extracts of rare vegetable specifics, such as Calisaya Bark, tho best kuowa Tonic that tho world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within tho reuch of the sick, ihc suffering, and the despondent, llcuce it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Hiiters is to day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of the Atlantic. HUMI MAIS LII1XUT I'OH MAX AXU JIJUAST. Probably few articles have ever had soesleiiMvc a sale, whilo none have boon more universally beneficial than tho celebrated AIkxicas AIustaso Liki-m Liki-m v nt. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic Animals, are always liaMo to accident, and it is safe to say, fi.at no family can pas a single season without some kind of an emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It bee a m os a matter of importance import-ance then Lo secure the best. Tho merits of the Mexican Mustano Likimknt aro well known throughout the habitable world. Erom the million upon mil lion of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has over reached ua. It is rq-cummondod rq-cummondod for puts, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swellings, Bites, Chilblains Chil-blains upon man, and tor Spavins; Pounders, King-hone, Poll Evil' Scratches, Wind-Gaits, Hool'ale, &c upon horses. IM.'OKTANT 10 OWNERS OF HORSES, "This ia to certify. That tho Mexican Maa-tang Maa-tang Lnimcnt hi us bocn extensively used in ourstibles throughout tho country (vro have I'.otnj hordes) with tho gre;;;ut luiiolii in all cu.ts ol 11.11;, kiokii, sprains, lamonoaj, stilT-noss. stilT-noss. otc. Many of our n un have had occasion occas-ion to Uio it in their families, aud all speak of u in the higncat torins. Ono of our men sot kicked aud badly cut and bruised; as us-mil. us-mil. tho Muctang Litiimont wau rosorod to i ttio lameness was removed, and lie w;is al-iaot al-iaot well in four di;yB, Wo c.in choorlully recommend it u u valuablo preparation for man or boaat. Youra respectfully, J. DUNNING, Fureman of Adams i Co's. Kxp's. Stables, , N. V. "Wo tako gi'f at ileusuro In reoumuiending the Mo-iican MustatiB Lmimont as an india-leunable india-leunable and valuable article, and thu best wo have ever used for Sprains, Sorcj or tiulld on horecs. b'liuo of our men have also u.ed it for severe burns and aore.j, as well as rheumatic faius, and all say it acts like matt io. J. II. HRV.'ITT. Foreman. For American Eprois 0i.. 10 Wall Street: Uardcii's txprcsfi Co , 7-1 Uroadway; 1'ullon, VirKil A Co., Kxpress Co., It Wall Street! Well?. FutkO A Co.. U Wall Street, Over three hundred livery stables in tho city of New York alone are using tho Mexican UhTASo Liniment, in all of which it give unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. cautiox. Porno unprincipled parties have undertaken under-taken to cuunterlcit this Liniment. The Genuine is wrapped io a tine "Sijjl Pljtt," 1 cncravinit, with "G. W. V.'ciit brook. Cbcm-: Cbcm-: if t." and "Trado Mark, MEXICAN" MUS-I MUS-I TANG LINIMENT," -engraved across the ! face of each wrapper. Tho whole hours tho proprietors' private United States Kevcoue i.itamp, and not a common sLamp, u usod : by drugs is Li. Lvos M.vrrACTi-Ri!o Co., ! tTi i,s 1' ,:k l'.ao-i. S. Y. A-NTI-DYSPKPTIC, COMPGUriD BDNESET PILLS. j Home-made and purelyTecctable. , Tbcy relieve Jaundice, Djvroj.fi a, IoUiires-tion. IoUiires-tion. Liver dmplaint, IJcadarho, Lss of Ai petite and Foul iMomn-h, will hrc k op Clds, Fever.', CouKhs.and Purify tl-s Llod. They will Cleans the S'.ouauh, Kcoov.ne the Syptcm. ar.d dpcl Di.-e.-.e. Are Ki,-.d in all caes wnore Phyeie is needed. T.-y a box. You will like them, and never want any otnor sort. They are Tonic, Cathartic and Eipec-lorasL Eipec-lorasL Twenty-fiveeents re: ,ox Wenty-fireTilli. Vi irraa;e4 to Kive aLufaction. Ol'THALMIC BALSAM, Ur F.ye Balm. Valuable in most Di!ca.es of the Eves. H-movr- I nflnmmntion. sircneibeni; the Sic ht, and Weak o: Dronrin;; Lius. and iSK-meraliy healmt and 'trctiribejuns to the but causes no pain. It is ais sood for Iot;er, Ringworm aid baiSor'". Tho, aa-i other home-made family medicines medi-cines are prtaxed by J. E. JOHXSON, 8t. George, Uta-h Aad i-ti at Xion's Co-orerative ?tTes aci by fc'.hrr acer.rs thro-cLout ;he Terrif-ryr Rlo Fold a", wbol'ala r.r farni'!;"! fn cfiin mirsicn io responsible Men t. Ifthe-emri-iciM are not kept at your itorw, tek jour i tteioiLaiit W ordar Uitm at ono. ! MISCELLANEOUS. jSALT LAKE BRANCH I OP TT1K Great Western FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y.j OF CHICAGO. TI1KO. P. TRACY, Praldent C. II. B.5ETT. "J IIKXKY V. L. A WHENCE VDIroctora I CI1AS, li. DA 111. Kit, J BAKHSALL A CAKTKR, Attorntri, II. K. .HANS, Manager. A Branch of this SOUND and RE LI- j I ABLK "83,000,000 COMPLY Having bcn oruanized in our city, wo are now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patrooape, euaran-tceiii): euaran-tceiii): that aJJ fire risks will be carried at a fair rat H. R. MANN, iliCilAKDS' IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., Man of ac to re rs o t PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, CRUSHERS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Fuma- j 0C3 of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, &oM set up in complete running order. Ilefercuces Eureka Bllnlag Com-pAny, Com-pAny, Salt Lake City Utab Smelt-! Smelt-! Ing Company, Tlntlo. I j ' A'filress J. G. Richard, Chicago. aupi LOCKE & JI0AT1GIIE, impost ibs or STOVES METALS, tlAlfUPAOTDRORS 07 TlDSTWARE AND DR1LKR8 IK House Furnishing Hardware ASD Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 113 and 114 Battery Street, iu7 SAN FRANCISCO. I CHAMBERS'S encyclopedia, j A PIUTIONA1U' OF; . ' i UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE, t Far the People. j Hcviscd Kdition. Re-isuc of 1S70-7 , with Maps, tlates aud Engravings. To be completed in W) Partn. making 10 Vola, of j or os ouch. Illustrotoil with nliout Your Thousand En-gravinKe En-gravinKe and Forty Maps. : PRIOR p-r Pftt-t, Inr litdlitp Mapi and lllmlraltona, 00 Ccnti. j PRICK PER VOLUME: j Extra Cloth, hoveled brtaMs .$r W I L'hrnry Scocp. mnrbScd efteon ti flO H&lfTuikoy Morocoo - 6 50! Mcrs. n. II. KFTR ,t CO. ure lha Agant I for Chmlen'i Knc clo)i-tl la for the Paifio Caet, and ar publisher and im-portore im-portore of o'hor Amerienn and English BtftD-1 dard sod illustrated works. CASSBL'S j SEW POPULAR KDVCATUR, : New Edition, Univer.'l Pronounrins Dictionnry of Bi-oj;rjih Bi-oj;rjih and Hiytholoffy, by J. Thomas, A National Portrait Hallery of Km in en t American. $0 iaru it 50 couli each- 1 II. II. KICV A CO., J 513 Clay St-. San Franciico. J i "iituXW. I 101 aod 106 FRONT STREET. SAS FRANCISCO, CAb. I Offer 0c finest ad mott complete ttock on the Faciic coast, ' Refer to H. B. CLAWSON, Sup'tof !S. O. I. i 4- BATHS, BATHS! ! Varm feprLns IJntliw ! Private and Plunfte, I fr,M"W'nl bthJ n oyn tn th pnt-llo st It jvm;S. 1 i.ir id--'. - j.7;-;-rti rf ci wltelj Bm1'1' th- 1t1t Bitbs, thu Ivgt and riaiirlaome. ! t feral ihJ Plunjt Bathi t.r lwJ Er.Uemc a. ui opa. II. ARMOLDi iThe Utah Pro clem! A Review of tlie course of Judjie James I. MoKcid, and an Appeal for tlie Surrender of Polygamy 1 S IE3 IE IE c zee HON. THOMAS FITCII, IS" TIIK Constitutional Convention of Utah, FKIUU'ARV -2ki'X 1ST2. Is now puMUhod in jmiujitilt form. For iu'k' at tho UkR.VLU Ollioc Trioo $lii.:0 per Tbundrctl; fiiV) per ilozen. Single copies A cent?. SEM) IT TO VOUIt FItlUMl$. i ; iWJLXjKHR BRO'S. XJF STAIBS. CARPETS ! CARPETS! NOW OPENING NKW l'ATTKRNS FOK spitiK g ruRr-Jis mrJGs, Which make tlio Bc.-t Selection WEST OF CHICAGO. ENGLISH COCOA 31 A TTI XO iS, S -4, 4-4, 0-4, 8-4-. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 5-1, 0-4, 8-1, 10-4. PRICKS GU AUAiN TKED. J18 Eun the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION L THE PRICE OF LIGHT ! Goml News for those Hint liUc a Itrillinnt, Clear mid Sul'e Lis lit I Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOR FIVE GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, wc hive received a Laro Stock, of all qualities, and at Reduced Prices. The Largest A STlment cl' LAMP GOODS in the Territory. ! IB. IREIBSIB & CO. i Solo AkoMd for Tho O'l.rortH Petroleum Fluid. 89 1st South Street, half Mock Went of IVt OtHei!. SPRING TIME IS COMING! ! AM) George Goddakd Hub for SALE poiuo Choico TOP orBUITON ONIONS, EverRroon BROOM CORN SKKD, very early, and suited to hih altitudes. alti-tudes. Tho best a the market. GARDEN SEKDS, GRASS SEEDS, RYE MEAL for Bee Ibisers, NORWAV OATS, . SURPRISE OATS, ' Choice SEED PEAS, BEANS, Ere. SPRING TIME IS COMING I GEORGE GODDAKE I Want to Buy and pay Cmh for Frci-li, Clean Lucerne t-cod. Choice I'm , Bran. yhnrt. Oats, Burlfy i and WhekL 111 Special Notice! II. WALLACE Ritpcirul'v rom-ns Mr t Ji unit l liin nu-mor.iLU nu-mor.iLU citfioiu rn 1 ribeliM-ml iniiniii.i. IxjrJii-wi-il u.iin him nnl truntn itinl Uriel uitenttoti to liiiftini'ss will merit a uuntinii-iiucc uuntinii-iiucc ol their lav at. KTEW STORE On FirU Svuth Sfrett, i Noil tiuor to Vm S"ii'nhi)ii(n)'a Millinory Ji? Lti b itliuionl, Whoro T will bavo a vcrv ohoico Btonk oT Pure Gaudies 01' my own manufiicluic UaliliiH. null, i F'B"i ' Ami t. r-l.ril u-.n.K.txotl ur j FANCY GROCERIES, Extract, J'mimitx, JJitir Oil, Fancy .SVi, Fie , Ftc tIU not fnrftn nty Nm Rlnr , Klra Si.iilli Ktrrrl. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot hay & cmmmi, H'i East Tiuido Street, GIBItTTS FOR FOREST CITY VARNISH AN5 OIL COMPANIES j Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, ; - Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BUHMMS FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Lirjht Ever Offered to the Public. Thij 1'h.idi of much IIEAV1LU GltAVITV th'io any other buroio Fluid ever offered in the market, approxiiuatiDK clojly t'j that of tho best qualities of COALOIL, hut yet oc3.-,iiif? DOUULK the ILLUMINATING power. 1 It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and docs not char tho wick, which will not rofjuiro attention olteiicr than once a week. i Thi Fluid needs but one trial lo convince any j erfn ofits superior advantages. advan-tages. WHOLESALE A3STI5 BETAIL I Who want AGENT3 in every settlement of the T'rritory. J17 |