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Show SALT LAKE THEATRE Eujjjsetiieut of tlio favorite Cutuvdiau, MR. P. MARCETTS j Wetluesrfuy Ev'ngFeb. Will bo prciontod for tho first timo in many year?, tho plurious 3 act comodr, entitled, PAUL PRY. Friday Evening, March Isl, Bene lit of tho favorite Actor, Mr. A .Tltorne 1 Will shortly be iroluecil, a new loe&l rlrnma writton oxpre.-ply for this theatre by the UOiN.TUUAlAS IMTCIt. oatitled, OLD TITLES- I SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH, Salt Lake Oily, TJtah Ter. Successor lo A. W. White &. Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Besj. .M. DlKkll, Prost. Lit to l'rest. First Nal'onnl lluuk of Uiibo. AcEL W. WllTTE, Cashier, L;ite of A. W. While A Oo., lUukora, S. L. City IlRMpSTtiD & KiBKiMTiiicK, Attorneys. IH It KCTOlt S: X. It. Jones. C-H. Hempstead, AI. Ji. Cullalmii, II. M. DuKeli. A. V. White, J. M. Allen, Ji. W. Donnell, Or Donnill, L:iwson & Co., Sew York. This B;tnk will transact all kinds uf legitimate legiti-mate Banking business, and IK.T,S IN" CJOI.I AXD NILTKR lU'M.IOX AM) OKE.S. Gold and Currency Eschango drawn and Telegraph Tran.-i'era mude on Now York. San Francisco and principal Atlantic and FaciJic ciiies, available in any part of tho United States and Canada: Deposits and (tenenil business solicited from fiiiatorn and Foreign .Banks and Bankers, Bank-ers, Firms and individuals ; Check Account- kopl in Gold or Currency. Exchange on principal lilies or Europe and the Canadaa lurnished in sums to suit, at tho lowest rates, and Telegraph Transfers on London. Lo.ina made on Bullion, Public Securities, Bonds, Local Stock. Merchandise, or othor 3ood Collaterals. Approved business paper iscounted lor dopositors. Certificates of Deposit ifsued, payable in Gold or Currency oo call, or at any specified time, available in any part of the United Suites and Territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to New York, San Francisco and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : TJ RW YORK ! National Park Bank. XUM I Donnell. Lawson & Co. -SAN FRANCTaCC California TruFt Co. I LONDON Jay Cooke, McCulIoch & Co. Treasury Dcpurtment, Ofkick or Comptroller ok the Cubhexcy, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 12.1872. "XIEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pre- sonted to tbo uadersigned, it bas been made to appear that "THE SALT lake cm' national bank uf UTAU," in the CITY OF SALT LAKE, in the County of SALT LAKH, TEKRITu-KV TEKRITu-KV OF L lAil, has been duly organized under and according to tho rcnuireicents of tho Aot of Consross, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United StalOi Bond?, and to provide pro-vide for the .circulation and redemption thereof," approved Juno 3rd, 1861, and has complied with all ihe provisions ot said Act required to bo complied with before commencing com-mencing the b miners of Banking undcraaid Act, Now. therefore, I, DILAND K. UUL-BUKD, UUL-BUKD, Comptroller of the Currency, do I hereby certify that "THE SALT LAKE I citv national bank uf utah." in the CITY OF SALT LAKE, in the couniy of SALT LAKE, TERRITORY OF UTAH, is authorized to commence tho business of Banking under the Act al'oreiatd. i" Ciirrencv Burnm." -1 .ts'.imony whereof tt.U iti tlio witness my hand and Comptroller L -cal of office this 12th "! oltlio ' 1AY OF JANUARY. Currency, iS'-i. I Truuury Dt-Liu't. I 5 I -i (Signed ) Hilaxb K. Hl-lbi-rd, No. 1'.-1. Comi'trclier of Currenay. lei I j Wm. AI. Gillespie. Jja. W. Stainbum jSTAINBURN & GILLESPIE, I Notaries Public, ' COMMISSION fcRrf OF DEEDS I seavchiTs ot" EucorU, Oflice On riglit of entrance to Stock Board, Rrld's Bnlldliig? 1 n Si. The le;.ility uf tho Notarial acj of the! above-cimed fiysi L- nmne;tionable, a.- tht.-y a..: un-icr appoiatmeati made by le Lei-I 1Ja'-lv.eA;e::lblJ yl the Te.-ritcry ot Utah.1 ,J'" ' earu.y 1 . I:- J. ii ccm3i:on- of me Li 3 v ernur of the Territory . i;; Jd sub-a- j jueEuy. and have cutaied with both the ierritj.-ial Jawj by ihQo- :hu re. mired buaJi. ! aiL'.iati TerriEriil Auditor's oce end wit.: we Frooaie Juae oi sait Lake county. ; YALI LOCKS. Clieit, Drawer, Cupboard and Store-door Locks and SlglitLatches. SCOTT, DUNHAM Sl CO. MISCELLANEOUS. .THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's AT WHOLESALE, JIJ m. HIS BroaiUviy, New York. j. n. onvLK-i. f.7 $500 REWAKD I'lIK 500 Bushels Good Barley j. w.sni:ll. Idaho toro. ono block south of Theatre, f-l NOTICE. VLL iierona are hereby forbidden and warned nfcaiust purchasing or in any w:iy nch'flliatinii: with any person whomio-ever whomio-ever for certain mining property situate. Ivinjr. and being on Chloride ilill. in 0hir Minion District. Tooele County. Utah Territory, Terri-tory, recently 6 led for record oa tho Jim Fisk lodo. or for any ores already extracted, or that may hcrealter be extracted, there-(rum; there-(rum; or lur any property whatsoever bo-Ifiiniiitf bo-Ifiiniiitf to, or in anywise appertaining to, said mint', or lode; a.-t the samo is the property prop-erty of tbo undcr.-ignod. who aro the lawful ownerd of said mining property, under the name of the Cbloridn Queen, hiving been Innated March lf. 1ST1. by D. W. btanton. Heorrfc 11 ituii-ht. John Dayi.. Reese Dnvi? and .Hurray MursingiT, and recorded in the ollii-o of 'he Hecori'erof tli e M inint' District aft.reonid. April Ji.lsTI. D. W. STANTON. IIKOKUK 11. RA I'UHT, 11. A. HOLCUMU. J.1-7 Administrator's Notice. ' I 'UlHI! perrons who are owioc the estate of Edward t-";i'jiuolf. deceased, are hereby here-by requested to settle their indebtedness forthwith, and all persons having claims against the said estate, will present the same for adjustment and settlement to the admin istratnr, daniel McAllister. Mill Creek ward. Utah, Keb. 2i. Dissolution f Co-Partucrslii. 1 1 AVINti disposed of tho Batik idk busi-ness busi-ness heretofore oonduotod under the name and stylo of A. W. White 4 Co., to tho Salt Lake City National Bank, which will assume nil tho liabilities, and i.u hereby authorised au-thorised to oollcot all dobta due the said firm. Tho co-partnership heretofore existing exist-ing under the name of White & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual conflent. A- W. WHITE. T. R, JONES. Salt Lake City I'ob. lUlh., 1872. The Salt Lake City Nation al Hank hereby assumes all liabilities as above. Jl. M. DU RELL, Prcsidont. ;-"--v,X CARL C. ASMUSSEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, "Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Ellgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a largo, additional stock of HEW GOODS In great variety and style. Tho public are respectfully invited to call and inspect them at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Ilnir ft block nortH of the Eagle Emporium. dJO Emerald Hill Mining Company. IOCATIOX OF WORKS, Salt Lake county, j Utoh Tonitory. Notice Tbufe aro dclimiucDt upon the following follow-ing ilodcribeil stock, on account oTaMtiasriiflat lov-it?a lov-it?a on ilie 11th day of January, 1S7'J; tbo several sever-al omit unts ret 0KjttD tbo names of the respective -liaruhultlere, as lollow : "u. or No. of Names Ci'i-tiricatc. Slia-ca. Amount. Abbott, O'lKirn, - ;mh fizj oo AIiLott, O-lioru, - ;i 2inl jO UO Abbot l, 0-born, . -1 nu Z' UO Abbott, 0-''oru, - - j Vi 5 (i Abbott. Osborn, - G Ml 2o IX t'vx, Henry A, - o- D tu i.i Fox, Henry A, ' - .'.- joo ' 50 00 Fox, Henrv A, - 5S !', H -Jl Hawkins-, II U, - 10 17 25 Kellv, .lna K, - IT i;w7 2j Kelly, Jatno B, - f 4 ; 7j Kelly, James B, - &i QoO 60 fHh Kelly, J nines II, - Gl aj 5"i OO Kellv, Joined K, - ' CC L""JJ 50 (Ml li. lly, Jui.im R, - C; 60 00 Kolly, James B, . 64 is) 50 00 Kcl v, Jiunea H . c-". H-i Jo oi Kellv, Junes It, . 60 Li: :in '23 K.Ily, Julio J . - 63 n.i 2ii on M:irta i tileeson. In -JnO 50 Oo M' iwmi, jiituvi. . v.: :vvj 2i O'Snllivan, C P, - 1:;;,: 21 KuJiUiilff. M Tru-tee. 30 lt"i 25 mi Pkullv, M.ehael, - ' 31 13:.; 3-W 25 Bmitb. MC. . s j;t a'.i 2i SmithEOU.TD, 2VD ."m 00 S-lL.oey..Mjle-.D :v. i.;i: r.:i 25 Taylor, CliarlM L, ;: S, Tobin, Richard, :i7 3'-" i". Tobio, Rol-n J. - CI .;:,: j;') Warren, John K - 35 1307 3Jti Hi And in accordant with law acd an order or the Boord of TruJteei mode on the 1 1 tli day uC Junn-arv, Junn-arv, 157J, to many iliires ot each parcel of 'aid rtook a? way be nev--;rj- will be sold at public auction, by John Mi-ldleton Sou. at No. 310 Jfoul.-onieryatn.-et. Sau 'nmcisco, California, ou , the Hth day 01 M;uvh, 12, nt the hour ut 1 o'clock p.m. of said day. to pay tiid dernijOdUt as-sesauii-nt there ju, tother with cuati ot ader-lisiu ader-lisiu oud eApenie ol ;ule. F. MADGE, -Secretary. Office No. 64, !trcbauli" Eichango, California street, can FmiKUoo, California. f 21 Cp) . c3 . - oa - ' g r . . S o c ; ss j : .S-n ? 3S 5 a r t - i ! -J 0 b: i s 1 is ! " Z 2 j : 1 1 i si I 3 5 h i :?s : i w 1 1 111 i H j O ; i5 I S : : ''A I V r- I "I'll GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FARMERS ATTENTION. I wiU iay CASH f.r 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BARLEY, 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, 10,000 LBS. BRAN, If ,leliverd immedi.tely at my Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City CEO. II. K.VOWLDEX. California and Allen's Extra Family And aoveral othor brands, C1I EAP for cah All klurli of Grain Tor sale. ;. 11. KNOWLDEI. FIRST-CUSS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody snye so) at Q. W. DAVIS'. The finest Qaalitios of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. &c, at - G. W. DAVIS'. ' (AWFD (.OODS, LOBSTERS, SAL-MOM, SAL-MOM, SAltlUNKS, OVSTKKS, FrititH, Nnures A l'U'klet, AG. W. DAVIS'. Tho Largest and Bost Stook of CHEESE HAMS ani BACON In Town, at G. W. DAVIS'. Our TKA TRADE wo takopartioular palna to study, and from eiperionco aro enabled to suit our patrons with unrivalled facilities. Wo guarantee to cell as cheap as any houso in Utah, and will not be undersold, C.W.DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball & Lawrence's. fl7 We hat e JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS : Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Blaok Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Whioh wo will soli WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Temple Street. ug26 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he had a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells Lhcm AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kindi. Bought and old. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES j Made to order- WATCHES &JEWELRY! O. L. ELIASON, TJt'GS to inform toe reaidenti of Salt Lake City and Ticinky. that he not onlj fcarantew to properly Hcpalr,Cleaji and I Adjust Waichei and Chronometers, but he will malte them or any part of, them, to order, and warrant the work. I A new bupplt of ELGIN and' SWISS "WATCHES jut receired which he will jra&ruilee &a reliftble1 lim-keepers. Prices to defy competition 1 Rata am bar the addretc. Two doore tmt of the DeacrcL Bank. MISCELLANEOUS. D.W. Allex Sc Co., 47 llroadwrvy, Now Yovli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agents for the CelebrMeil COLD SEAL WHISKY I IV. S.FOSTER, Agent. j CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep oonstantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choloe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Loweat Rates. QROEIBEOK'I BUILDIWG8, oil Kmt Temiile Btr.t. ! SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE HOUSE, Nos. 05, 67 and 00 East Tom pi 0 Street, nearly opposita Suit Lake House. So not fail to romstubor it as tho Centro of Attrnotion, tho Oontro of the Blook and tho Contro of Buaino3g. TEASOKL &. CO. have always 011 hdnd as choice an assortmont of GROCERIES as can bo obtained in town, both Wholo-aale Wholo-aale and Retail. TI1K NEWEST ATTRACTIONS in Dross Goods, Rope, Mohairs? Alpacas, Morinos, Delaines, Calicos, with tho latest la-test atrles in Shawls, Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Qooda always to bo found at the EAGLE HOUSE. THE CLOTHING UEPAKTJIENT at the EAGLE HOUSE is carofully and attentively studied- There you can always al-ways choose from a full stock of GENTS and BOYS CLOTHING, Boots and Shees, Hats and Caps and Gonoral Famishing Goods in endless varioty, THE LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT DEPART-MENT at TEA8DEL & CO.'s is now well supplied with all that can bo desired. de-sired. Elegant Stylos, Lntost Fashions and Lowest Prices. BL EES' SEWING 91 ACIIINES tbo BEST IN THE WORLD for Family use. can be obtainod of TEA8DEL & CO , the sole agents for thoTorritory of Utah, Special attention given to learners. Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if 80 desired. They arcquiot, easy running, durable and a favorite machine TEASDEL A. CO. aro proverbial for low prices and the bost qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, N. B. A complete outfit of Boot and Shoo Manufacturing Machinery, to be sold at low figures. Nearly now. TE4.SDEL, & CO. SELLING- OFF 1 Now is the Time to get Bargains ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, WOOLEN GOODS, JEANS' UOODS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with splendid lawrttm-nt of LADIKS' TOTER HATS ana BONNETS AMD MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at co-t ! to make room for a large stock of j Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Temple SlroeL ! a COALIJOAL! Ilavlug purchased tlic Spriggs Coal Mine;! We are prepared to supply ttilf , Justly celebrated ,( WEBER COAL by car load or rtall. Dejot l V. C. : i R. R. Yard. OOliei ibitilinK nd Reading Rooms. t BATEMAN & BUEL. ' HII ZW. U. BlKO,Alaaul SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, a. j. Giupprnf SALMON AND -HERRINGS 11 U'a.Ulnirioi. Scr. ' .l-Ti""1 8"""1 ncU4 S. L. Stanley, Jehu Srosuco, 0. 0, ChiJP" Spruaiice, Stanley & Co.f ImporUirs ud WUolosaJe bvtltn to WISES AND LIQUORS, J4 10 KHONT STRKKT, A. C. DIETZ & CO. PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps ' No. 224 FRONT SI KEKT ' "e"r""'ul1' -l""'1-- s "..,. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. S . . 1&4 T; : is :-. . ;::;?:: g TBS GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGPJTABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. Hum IN TUE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Sun 0 C'llifornia, frows an herb lung known to th Inilinnfl aa an abdolmo euro for RHEUMATISM, RHEUMA-TISM, UOUT. X EUR ALU I A. and all du. eaaes in any wny aprincinft from impurlliei of tho blood. Science lias ui longtb broaghl to light ita virtues, and of thin jmtoni bcrb has compounded YERBA SANTA, a iirei. raLien for tho PERMANENT CUKE of Scrofula, Salt Klieuin, and all Eruptive Erup-tive aud Cutaneous Diseases Qivos im mod into and pormaaont rollof in DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS, KinK Worm Tumors. Hoilst Scald Heads. ULceri anj Sores: eradicates from tho ajsiem all traci of m orou rial disease IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for uio hj fomales and childron as a BLOOD PUKI-FIERand PUKI-FIERand KEXOVATOU. MOTHERS Who wish to find a mcdicino peculiul; adapted to tbo cure of HUMORS and EKUP-TlUXS EKUP-TlUXS in their childron, will Cnd a iaf and euro cure in YU-R.Ua BAXTA, Foriili overy where. RRDINOTON, UOSTKTTER CU Aguts, 549 and 531 market Sl San FranolitOi REDINGTON- HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of FORK IO. V AND DOMESTIC DRUGS m CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gumi, Roots, Seeda, Flowers, Sponges, Skliii, Pomadas, .c, And all olhor Staples connected with ti4 Wholesale and Retail Drag Buiineai. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatio products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, H os tetter's Bittors, Drako's Plantation Bitters, Woll's Scbeidam Schnappj, Kewcll's Pulmonary ejraii. And all the leading Proprietary Medicine, both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 5 a and 531 market Street, Between First and Second, Jan Francisco, California. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE LVSLRAAXE CO.'S CINCINNATI. Capita! - nearly $3,000,00. Reliable Underwriting, Parfcct Indemnity. We uk 1'air Hates aud Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. R. MAKX, Agent, SALT LAKE CITV; Office Taylor's Buildine-. Room No. 2, Cp pusite Salt Lake Lioune. P.O. Box 5M. n Private Hospital, I3lli Ward, SaltLakc City, W. F.ANDERSON, M.D. Proprietor ,Vn- invariably in advance, for Board, Medicine and Medical attendance, Jiy SJU to fcii per week TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON KODTE. '0 IHt tAir, NORTH AKO SOUTHEAST. No. 1. STATION'S. ;irRt'C -MAlll Leaie OMAUA - l:jif.tn. Arrive BURL.NUT'i.V a m. P:l'l-.- Mend'jia - - 1 1 0 a.m. :"-'' " Cbicagc'C.B.Ay.) C:"p.m. 7:1' I'eorU - '.,.;.") ,t, iu, 1:Jij " Ind'plisiI.B.iM". 0:.jp.m. If. - " Cincinnati - - lljjp.ia. i.P-H- Logani'Oti ii"p.3i i,.2i.'a.a-T. i,.2i.'a.a-T. V A W. C-.:utnl,m 2.IS-tn. i-':Xp3- tn-Jhxmah C..r frcm Mi.-ourf River to hi.-iso. Iciianai-Ii. Ciuiniti. Ldo' ort and Clmuljui.l Corjiicctioca at thoe poind with Woti lad:nKlo the L'ajt North aai Siuib. rhi.-i'rhe licit, Shortest, Ulc'l ind Cheapest Home. Do not be deceived, but obtain Ti!'.;c'. via iie Burl in cio n A Miwouri hiver Railrcad-K. Railrcad-K. E. TOrZAI.IN. 0. K. PFRKfNS., aen'i Ticket Aient. Oen'lSct- |